The Swarthmorean, 1943-06 | TriCollege Libraries Digital Collections (2024)

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,,. THE-SWARTHMOREAN High School Graduates 87 as REGISTER, SOON Blood Donors File S~adilj' Scholarship Atvards TOkJI$13DO:':R~~~ In 2-Day 'fri-Borough Event F ·f G ._..:1 __ 6__ lread'" in Service· 11 More'Sworn Schedule Opens June 21, 22; our 0 r~ n..." Registration Next Week in for College Training Program; 12 Receit7e Degrees After _ Some College Work J' olunteers Prot7e El/iciency as 281 Pints of Blood lor Armed Forces Are Collected Here as Units Pool Plans for' the most comprehensive " ElJor" to Facilitate Visit 0/ MobUe Unit- ' program yet undertaken by the Swarth­more Recreation Association art rap- Eighty-seven members of the Class of '43 of the Swarthmore H~gh idly nearing completion under the One hundred sixty-two Swarthmoreans were numbered among the School were awarded diplomas at the annual commencement exer~lses chairmanship of Mrs. J. Burriss West, 281 blood donors who gave blood Monday and Tuesday for men in held in Clothier Memorial on Thursday night, June 3, 1943· The and the direction of Mrs. J. J. Crooks- the armed forces of this country. A total of ~~8 blood donors from diplOmas -were presented by RoyW. Delaplaine, President of the tO~egistration days will be Monday, Ridley Park, Morton and Rutledge, and this borough were registered. Board of School Directors. Tuesday and Wednesday' June 7,8 and . Seventeen were rejected for various Four of those awarded diplomas are AWARDS OIPWMAS 9, from 2 to 4 p. m., in the faculty ARSENIC AT 8-20- reason9.281 were bled. ' already in the service of their country. rOOm -of the cafeteria at the College -NTY' A triumph of organization and co- They are: John Bair with the Marines; avenue School and in the assembly CHILLS APIE operation between the various volun-' John Beddoe with the Army; Albert room at Rutgers. Anyone who' cannot teer Red Cross Units of the partici4 Bullard with the ~farines; and Leslie register in person should do so by let- • pating boroughs, the Blood Donor Days Green with the Coast Guard. ter which will reach the registrar, Mrs. Players ClUb Murder-Comedy brought constant 2-day activity to the Twelve of the members of th~ class, George, M. Allen, 415 Riverview road, Offers Fun, Chills, and Woman's Clubhouse which had been having excellent, records, were admit- during the registration perio~. ~ailed Ro~ce generously loaned for the event. Mrs. ted to colleges on an accelerated pro- registrations sho'Uld contain 'the name, Ge-brge Strong assistant director of gram and have alt:eady completed a address, age, grade completed, and date. Dr. Andrew Francis Jackson and blood donors for the southeastern dis. half year or in some cases a whole of birth of the applicant. Checks must Edward M. Passmore achieved a major trict of the American Red Cross visited year of college work. They are: Dun- accompany all registrations by mail. Players Club triumph in their direction the local center Monday and congratu-can Chiquoine at Penn State; R.ichard Receipts for all registrations must be of Joseph Kesselring's sophisticated lated Mrs. Phelps Soule blood donor Cordray at Swarthmore; ~tephen Hay presented for entrance at the 6rst class murder comedy "Arsenic and Old Lace". chairman for Swarthmore and her c~ ,at Deep Springs; Douglas Heath at or sport period It is Dr. Jackson's second inurder pIa}' workers upon their efficient arrange- Swarthmore; Peter Myers at George Activities will open for children from of the season' (he effectively directed ments. Mrs. Soule was assisted by Washington University; Nancy Peel at 2~ years through'those who have fin- "Ladies in Retirement" in October), Mrs. Ralph Ashworth blood donor Wooster; Howard Pennell at Swarth- ished first grade on Monday June 21. and one suspects that plots dealing chairman for Ridley Park and Mrs., more· Jane Sorber at Swarthmore; Juniors, intermediates, and the summer wit~ !he criminaI1Y'1~s!lI!~J13:V~ an ir- Paul Fetzer wlto heads that borough's Duan~ Taylor at University of Illinois; club will start programS Tuesday June· reSIstible lure for hIm. "Certainly the Red Cross organization. David Thayer at Penn State; Morris . '22. The daily schedule will he from 9 enthusiastic comments ai,Jhe~ose of Working under their leadership were Trimmer, Allyn Walker at Swarthmore. to 12. The entire summer program will Tuesday night's performance indicated Mrs. A. Ludlow Clayden former chair- "Scholarships and awards which were close Friday July 30 . .-- that he made "Arsenic and Old Lace" man of blood donors here, Mrs. Everett presented to members or' the gl-adua- Fees this year will be all-inclusive, exceedingly appealing. to his audience. L. Hunt co-chairman of the blood ting class were as follows: Home and and there will be no extras for mater- For this reviewer any cast which in- donor committee, Mrs. A. M. Lackey School Scholarships of $300 each to ials. The only extra fee will be for cludes Mary Ryan O'Brien and Eliza- and Mrs: McNeal. Mrs. Frank L. Mar- I .ill " - ; . . , Kathie Dowitingand Trudy Enders; Ro!, W. Delaplaine who as president horseback riding, which will be $12 for beth May Roberts· is bo'Und to provide tin of Rutledge, Mrs. S. B. Locke, and Sprmg Concer~ Scholarships o~ $250 twelve lessons of one hour each. good theater, and they almost outdo Mrs. L. G. Livingston of Morton rep-each to Betsy Hornaday and Richard of the School Board presided over Groups in this sport will be graded as themselves as "Arsenic" experts. Mrs. res-ented their communities on this . \ Cordray; Class of 1943 Scholarshfip. of the hard-earned seroUs at last Dight's -nearly as possible according to riding O'Brien as Abby Brewster is delectably overall committee. : ~ $100 to Alice .Putnam; Blac~ rlars ability. Riding is' open only to those sweet and Miss RobertS as Martha An inn'ovation was the children's ,.: Schouarshl'p of d!'75 to Jean 'DlScher. CommeDcemeDt. DBA) b k • h h' h M R H 1 'I" ~ (Contln,,«1 011 cat/IJ Ig' Brewst~r such a story 00 aunt In t e playroom w IC rs.. oy ar ow con- ..::; Ala,ls~Hrneadtehs.:~~~~~~~-----------------------------~~~~U~isHI3?)~~~~~~~~~~~ ~! tims in the cellar defy credibility. The Mrs~ Charles Grier on _t he lawn of the .._ • Awards for excellence in scholastic picture they present in their mourning Methodist Chl1rch. during donor hours ... _.; I ~t~dies were 'anp.0dunceds ~s ~~!~ ,-,. ~ , APPUCATlQN". F.OD weeds arouses ,every: protectiveinatinet;· ;11t'''ord~'- to enable mothei'(;.ofYoung,,:: -'-~=;!ii ~F{"eilch;Evelyi1'Ho ge; - clenI;C,AUcu- ,. ,-"'V_'_ George P.Warren as Ted?y tu!ns in children to aid in the event. On Tue;'- - j,,! ard Cordrav ; Mathematics, Richard • his "bulliest" peri9rmance tn tblS re- day afternoon they cared for 10 chil- :1 ('f'.,:",h;.y; G:rman, Ann Myers; Social viewer's knowledge. His is the role dren. ,.; :,'-"u.",'·",7)"t.glas Heath; Secretar~l,_, ___________, G roUpl____________ which is the most-obviously "potty" and Nurses of the Community Health - :1 -Stufiii., ):t,!i,:e Wherry; Etlglish, Bar- which breaks the suspense so suddenly Society in attendance were Mrs. Flor- ! .,:-:':, (;:if!~t:l;Journalism,){athieDown- DateM'--__________ ~Grade COmpleted"--______ as to make him a complete foil to ence Reed, Mrs. May Pusey, and Mrs. ~ug; Latin, Barbara Griffith; Drama- tension. It's no wonder that his sisters' Elizabeth Groff. Registered nurses who tics, Jean Fischer. Date of Birt;oloi--____,_ " '''_''',_,,, _A s;ee_____________ lives would be dull without him. Teddy's contributed th~ir services were Mrs. Immediately afte,r graduation a num- portrayer has to be blessed with a George W. Sweet and Mrs. Neal of ber of the boys who have already beei Addres""s _ , _________ TeL No., _______ .____ strong constitution to say nothin~ of SWarthmore and Mrs. Kenneth K~ir, sworn into the service will join the serv- SWARTHMORE RECREATION ASSOCIATION other diverse arts. Mrs. Donald Dryden, Mrs. A. H. Rtd-ices on the College Training Program, SWARTHMORE, PENNSYLVANIA Edward M. Passmore as Jonathan dell, Mrs: Earl Creamer~ and Mrs. In the Navy V-12 program will be the _SUMMER PROGRAM Brewster does too creepy a job for the Charles .Brown from Ridley Park. following: Richard Bell, Duncan Chi- peace of mind of his audience. Not Nurses Aides Mrs. Warren T?,son, Mrs. q'Uoine, James Cleaves, Richard Hoot, Age Group Adioi,;' Pre/erred only in makeup but in voice he casts J. Paul Brown, Mrs. EdWin Crosby. Edwin Rutherford, William Sickel, Nunery (2*-3* yrs.) .............. 0 Baseball ....... , ..... 0 a sinister shadow over the. Brewster and Mrs. H. S. Toole of Swarthmore, David Weiland, David Thayer; and in Pre-Kindergarten (3*-5) : ......... ,0 -Canoeing ............ 0 pedigree. Much of the suspense is ~e Mrs. F. C. Gerson an,d Mrs. w. .. R. the Army A-12 program will be the Pre-First (Kindergarten eompleted) .... 0 Cookiq ......... · ... 0 to the contrast between his threaten- ~etton 't ~ut1edge, and Mrs: L~1n following :bDaniel. Kirk, W~lter Pat- Primary (lst eomplelecl) ......... : ... ,0 Dramatics ........... 0 ing performance and his aunt's gentle t ag,!er? Rtldle b Y I Par~ w t orked 10 Sits terson, Ro ert Stem. ' 0 mien. As Dr. Einstein, Dr. Jackson 0 glVe lnva ua e assls ance. , h I h· JUDior (2nd or 3rd eompleted) ........ 0 Home Repair. . . . . . . . . . . d Al . I bl h In - addition to the sc 0 ars IpS an- 0 does some excellent pantomme an ways Inva ua e t e motor corps nounced above the colleges have an IDtermediale (4th or 5th eompleted) ... 0 Metal Wo~k .. . . . . . . • . peaks' some of the play's funnl·est Captal'n Eltz' abeth B-a"sett was tn· 'dIS· , - S " - nounced th~following: Open Scholar- Snmmer Clnbs (6th, 7th, 8th eompleted) 0 Modelling ,and Painw.. 0 lines. pens able since donors were under the ships to Swart4more College, Jeanne' tRiding ............•. 0 Lloyd C. Mathers in his second con- heaviest gasoline restrictions yet neces- Theis and Richard Adrian; tuition Temds .............. 0 secutive appearance with the club plays sary. Working tirelessly from early scholarship to University ofPennsyl- Woodwork ........... 0 the juveniJe lead role of dramatic critic morning to late evening on both daYs, vania, Theodore: Moore; tuition schol- .SwimmiDg certificate reqoired. Mortimer Brewster with such smooth- Mrs. Sewell W. Hodge, Mrs. John R. f arship to Oberlin College, T.udy End- tOpeD to Summer Clnhs only. ness that every player's club director Bates, Mrs. A. F. Jackson, Mrs. Clarke ers; half tuition to Swarthmore _ Col- Fee of '12 for 12 lessons. will undobutedly yearn for his serv-iJ Davis, Mrs. Walter A. Schmidt" Mrs. lege, Frederick Merey; half tuition to ices. In this performance feminine S. H. Ayers, Mrs. James B. Bullitt, Jr., Swarthmore College, Douglas Heath. (Conrfmu4 011 Paq, BIgAl) (COIItintUd 011 Paq, BIgAl) EARLY MEMORIAL DAY BLOOD DONORS Above left the WomaD'8 Clnh interior has a businesslike aspeCt with eiahl eolS oeeupied by blood doDOl'S with DIlI'8e8 of the Mobile Unit in eonstaDt atlelldanee. I .. the n.r Blood Donor M~ Fred N. BeD is 10 he assisted by N1U"IIe8' Aide Mrs. Wayu.e.lLmdaD to the Caa­Ieea room foa"",ater and a hot Le.erace before "e--waIb home. 'I'Iaoee dnopy thfnp ..... dae eo .. an preciolaa pints of Bf~ blood labelled and saCked for ~ ~ c:::e..ter ahoft is ..... LlOyd Eo Ka ........ the R1II'8e m.e.18 needle bl 1M haidaJ _., lite doaatIoIl. lin. Ita ......... two ..,.. In IIae Ilel'riee.IUPt u.we ... JiM.wp • Photos by Ernest B.. La.wa in the eaJlteen room of donors who present hale and healthy faces as they wait the re-qalred timelollowiq their patriotic: service hefore"atartIq home. Siandlq in the rear are Mrs. Phelps Soule who headed the e~eDt and Mrs. Paul Fetzer of Ridley PaI'k who . assisted her. Seated left to riPtt ue Mrs. Wm. Earl KUder whoee eoD .. fa the Na.,-, ..... _ RieJa.ud winia whoee haaband is in the Navy, Seoat:mader A. B. ~ .. AIea wJao .. .... -' .-, .. ;.~.,~&.ea.w-.... SWarthmoJre 00,.. ..0 .. In aerriee,1IenB. .. BlooInwlaoee -.... .....h a-Ia. ... .. lite senIee, and c.,. A. lIIeCodde ............. aIaoiD. ..., ....nee. , , 11 .'.I . - " .. :1.1 ::'~,;~.~ - . ' '''~.: ~ .~~.- v', ',,-. ,.: ,L.-; :_ _ ,_, _, . ~::-: -, ~ . , .0, . ~·"~~i:.~~~~·~J~S',;; ~7l: ..~ f··~ ~~:. -~~~.~. -:",:.. :.,:,:~:-" ~~~ ..- '. :, ~- .~ ~ . ',.' . ,. ~. ... ' J ~:,., , :-. - .', ,2.. . :,:; -- ":~: . \,:.~.-~, . :~:~:~~.~;:"',,:':. '.~:~ .. ~,~:'~'.:..:' . . .. ',~ .. .... .-=:,.>~.~.;,,:,. ..: .. ... :~,. -"."-"la·;~).\- _ ~ . .,...'~~,';_': ," - " .' __ ~_ I ~ . ,r:: ,:)~~'·::_:~X .. ~o::ti;i:~; ":-~', -:,. ';~;',' "_.',' _.,. ~ '. =:"',.- ''::"~~~ ~,~~ ,'". " --:~ <.:: /,', > -.~~;;.

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.'i";.t.: .• .- •• < rlMMi!:-· ... · C U L L F.: G E JUN ? 1943 8WAIlTHJ(() •• OOLLICGK LIBRARY • . " t 1:1 A • .. THE SWARTHMOREAN SWARTHMORE, PA., JUNE 4, 1943 High School Graduates 87 as REGISTER SOON Blood Donors File Steadily • FOR SUMMER FUN IV • . ScholarshIp Awards Total $1300 Varied Summer Reereau~n In 2-Day .. rr-Borough Event Four of Graduates Already in Service; 11 More Sworn in lor College Training Program; 12 Receive Degrees A.lter Some College Work Schedule Opens June 21, 22; Registration Next Week Volunteers Prove Efficiency as 281 Pints of Blood lor Armed Forces Are Collected Here as Units Pool EDorts to Facilitate Visit of !lobile Unit . Plans for' the most comprehensive program yet undertaken by the Swarth­more Recreation Association are rap- Eighty-seven membcrs of the Class of '43 of the Swarthmore H.igh idly nearing completion under the One hundred sixty-two Swarthmoreans were numbered among the School wcre awarded diplomas at the annual commencement exerCIses chairmanship of Mrs. J. Burriss West, 281 blood dOllors whu gave blood Monday and Tuesday for mcn in 1 held in C ot IlI· er M emon.a I on TI mrs da y m. gI t] 1943 TI and the direction of Mrs. J. J. Crooks- 1, une 3, . Ie the armed forces of this country. A total of 298 blood donors from diplomas were prcsent(:d by Roy W. Delaplaine, President of the tO~egistration days will be Monday, Ridley Park, Morton and Rutledge, and this borough were registered. Board of School Directors. Tuesday and Wednesday June 7,8 and . Seventeen were rejected for various Four of those awarded diplomas are AWARDS DIPLOMAS 9, from 2 to 4 p. m., in the faculty ARSENIC AT 8:20- reasons, 281 were bled. . already in the service of their country. rOOm of the cafeteria at the College , A triumph of organization and co- They are: John Bair with the Marines; avenue School and in the assembly CHILLS API£NTY operation between the various volun- John Beddoe with the Army; Albert room at Rutgers. Anyone who cannot teer Red Cross Units of the particl- Bullard with the Marines; and Leslie register in person should do so by let- • pating boroughs. the Blood Donor Days Green with the Coast Guard. . ter which will reach the registrar, Mrs. Players Club Murder. Comedy brought constant 2-day activity to the Twelve of the members of the class, George M. Allen, 415 Riverview road, Offers Fun, ChllIs, and \Voman's Clubhouse which had been having excellent records, were admit- during the registration period. Mailed Romance generously loaned for the event. Mrs. ted to colleges 011 an accelerated pro- registration!; should contain the name, George Strong assistant director of gram and have already completed a address, age, grade completed, and date Dr. Andrew Francis Jackson and blood donors for the southeastern dis-half year or in some cases a whole of birth of the applicant. Checks must Edward M. Passmore achieved a major' trict of the American Red Cross visited year of college work. They are: Dun- accompany all registrations by mail. Players Club triumph in their direction the local center Monday and congratu-can Chi(IUoine at Penn State; Richard l~eceipts for all registrations must be of joseph Kesselring's sophisticated lated Mrs. Phelps Soule blood donor Cordray ;,t Swarthmore; Stephen Hay presented for entrance at the first class murder comedy "Arsenic and Old Lace". chairman for Swa:thmor~ and her co-at Deep Springs; Douglas Heath at or sport period. It is Dr. Jackson's second murder play workers upon their effiCient ~rrange- Swarthmore; Peter Myers at George Activities will open for children from of the season (he effectively directed ments. Mrs. Soule was aSSisted by Washington University; Nancy Peel at 20 year~ through those who have fin- "Ladies in Retirement" in October),' ~frs. Ralph Ashworth blood donor Wooster; Howard Pennell at Swarth- ished first grade on Monday June 21. and one suspects that plots dealing chairman for Ridley Park and Mrs. more; jane Sorber at Swarthmore; jUl~iors, intermediates, and the summer I witli the criminally insane have an ir- Paul Fetzer who. hc~ds that borough's Duane Taylor at University of Illinois; club will start programs Tuesday June resistible lure for him. Certainly the Red Cross orgalllzatlOn. David Thayer at Penn State; Morris 22. The daily schedule will be from 9 enthusiastic comments at the close of 'Vorking under their leadership were Trimmer, Allyn Walker at Swarthmore. to 12. The entire summer program will Tuesday night's performance indicated Mrs. A. Ludlow Clayden former chair- "Scholarships and awards which were close Friday July 30. that he made "Arsenic and Old Lace" man of blood donors here, Mrs. Everett presented to members of the gradua- Fees this year will be all-inclusive, exceedingly appealing to his audience. L. Hunt co.-chairman of the blood ting class were as follows: Home and and there will be no extras for mater- For this reviewer any cast which in- donor committee, Mrs. A. M. Lackey School Scholarships of $300 each to ials. The only extra fee will be for c1udes Mary Ryan O'Brien and Eliza- a.nd Mrs. McNeal. Mrs. Frank L. Mar- Kathie Downing and Trudy Enders; Ror W. Dclul,)uinc who as president horseback riding, which will be $12 for beth May Roberts is bound to provide till of Rutled~c! Mrs. S. B. I.ocke, and Spring Concert Scholarships of $250 twelve lessons of one hour each. good theater, and they almost outdo Mrs. L. G. L!vmgston o~ ~{orton re~­each to Betsy Hornaday and Richard of the School Board presided over Groups in this sport will be graded as themselves as "Arsenic" experts. Mrs. resented the!r COmmU11lties on thlS Cordray; Class of 1943 Scholarship of the hard-earned scrolls al Inst night's nearly as possible according to riding O'Brien as Abby Brewster is delectably overall comllllttee. $S1c0h0o uators hl'Apl icoef $P7u5 tntaom ;J eaBnl aFckisfcrhiaerrs. Commencement. ability. Riding is open only to those sweet and Miss Roberts as M. arthh a An inllova.t ion' I was thHe cIh ildren's M~rna~s:EfuabeiliPo~~dDoo~ ~--------------_____(_(Jo_nti_nue_4 o_n _Pag_e _Eig_ht)_ __~ Bflre~whistleir~ siulcihe ka 1s2t or(yobcoo~k~ a1u3n?t )m vt ~e p~lcay~rodoams wsh~ic~hd .L~V rLS .~. R~orye Pa~r kow~ sc~ond-las Heath. tims in the cellar defy credibility. The Mrs. Charles Grier on the lawn of the Awards for excellence in scholastic picture they present in their mourning Methodist Church during donor hours studies were announced as follows: APPLICATION FORM weeds arouses every protective instinct. in order to enable mothers of young French, Evelyn Hodge; Science;-'Rich- George P. 'Warren as Teddy turns in children to aid in the event. "'On Tues-ard Cordr;l"; Mathematics, Richard • his "bulliest" performance in this re- day afternoon they cared for 10 chil- ('~- • "man, Ann Myers; Social viewer's knowledge. His is the role dren . . glas Heath; SecretariaI Name-.-.. --.... ... _ ... .. ._._ .... ._ ..... ___ . _ Group ..... _._ .. _ ........ _ ._ .. __ .. __ which is the most obviously "potty" and Nurses of the Community Health e Wherry; English, Bar- which breaks the suspense so suddenly Society in attendance were Mrs. Flor- :, Journalism, Kathie Down- Date.-... ... _ ... __ ._ .. _ ... _ .. _ . _ ._ .. .... . __ .. Grade Completed _ ...... _ ........ _ .__ as to make him a complete foil to ence Reed, Mrs. May Pusey, and Mrs. d.g; Latin, Barbara Griffith; Drama- tension. It's no wonder that his sisters' Elizabeth Groff. Registered nurses who tics, Jean Fischer. Date of Birth ................. .......... _ ............. _._Age. _ ._ ..... _ ... - .. --.--................ ----.. --- lives would be dull without him. Teddy's contributed their services were Mrs. Immediately after graduation a num- portrayer has to be blessed with a George 'vV. Sweet and Mrs. Neal of ber of the boys who have already been Address. ...... ._ .... _ .... _ ......... _ .. __ ..... _ ......... ____ .Tel. No ....... __ .... ._ ... __ .................... _ .. _ strong constitution to say nothing of Swarthmore and Mrs. Kenneth Keir, sworn into the servicc will join the serv: SWARTHMORE RECREATION ASSOCIATION other diverse arts. Mrs. Donald Dryden, Mrs. A. H. Rid-ices on the College Training Program. SWARTHMORE, PENNSYLVANIA Edward M. Passmore as jonathan dell, :Mrs: Earl Creamer, and Mrs. In the Navy V-12 program will be the SUMMER PROGRAM Brewster does too creepy a job for the Charles Brown from Ridley Park. following: Richard Bell, Duncan Chi- peace of mind of his audience. Not Nurses Aides Mrs. \Varren Tyson, Mrs. qUoinc, James Cleaves, Richard Hoot, Age Group Acti"ities Pre/eJ'red only in makeup but in voice he casts J. Paul Brown, Mrs. Edwin Crosby Edwin Rutherford, William Sickel, Nursery (2~-3~ yrs.) ... , , . , , ...... 0 Baseball ..... , ...... , 0 a sinister shadow over the Brewster and Mrs. H. S. Toole of Swarthmore, David \Yeiland, David Thayer; and in Pre.Kindergarten (3Ut-S) ."., ..... ,0 *Canoeing , ........... 0 pedigree. Much of the suspense is due Mrs. F. C. Gerson and Mrs. W. R. the Army A-12 program will be the P reo FI' rst (KI' nd crgarI e n compI e t c d) "" 0 Cookiu g ............ 0 to the contrast between his threaten- \Yeuon of Rutledge, and Mrs. Lill.i an following: b DanSiel · Kirk, Walter Pat- Primary (1st eompI e te d) .. , . , , ... , . . . 0 Drama'tt cs. , ...... , . . 0 ing performance and his aunt's gentle Gt agn. er o. f.. RIi dlebyl Park. wt orked in shifts terIs on, R.o . ert tcmh . 1 I I . Junior (2nd or 3rd compleled) ........ 0 Home Repair , . . . . . . . . 0 mien. As Dr. E1instein1, Dr.' Ja cksond 0 AgIi ve IIlv.a uaI eb l~ SSISI ance. n addd lt!bo n to ht e sIcI 10 arsh u ps an- does some exce ent pantomme an ways IIlva ua e t le motor corps nounce a ove, t e co eges ave an- Intermediate (4th or 5th completed) ... 0 Metal Work · ......... 0 speaks some 0 f t he pi ay' s f unll.l est Ca p ta'm E• II' za b e th B asse tt was I.D d I'S - nounced the following: Open Scholar- Summer Clubs (6Ih, 7th, 8th completed) 0 Modelling and Painting 0 lines. pens able since donors were under the ships to Swarthmore College, Jeanne tRiding ··., ..... , .... 0 Lloyd C. Mathers in his second C011- heaviest gasoline restrictions yet neces- Theis and Richard Adrian; tuition Tennis .............. 0 secutive appearance with the club plays sary. Working tirelessly from early scholarship to University of Pennsyl- Woodwork ........... 0 the juvenile lead role of dramatic critic morning to late evening on both days vania, Theodore Moore; tuition schol- *Swimming certificate reqnired. Mortimer Brewster with such smooth- Mrs. Sewell W. Hodge, Mrs. John R. arship to Oberlin College, Trudy End- tOpen to Summer Clubs only. ness that every player's club director Bates, :Mrs. A. F. Jackson, Mrs. Clarke ers; half tuition to Swarthmore Col- Fee of $12 for 12 lessons. will undobutedly yearn for his serv- Davis, Mrs. Walter A. Schmidt, Mrs. lege, Frederick Morey; half tuition to ices. In this performance feminine S. H. Ayers, Mrs. James B. Bullitt, Jr., Swarthmore College, Douglas Heath. (Continue4 on Pagd EigAl) ((Jontinue4 on Pagd Eight) EARLY MEMORIAL DAY BLOOD DONORS Above left the Woman's Club inlerior has a businesslike aspeet with eight cots occupied by blood donors with nurses of the Mobile Unit in constant attendance. In the rear Blood DonoI' Mrs. Fred N. Bell is to be assisted by Nurses' Aide Mrs. Wayne RandaD to the Can­toon room for water and a ~Ol beverage before she walks home. Those droopy things under the cots nre precious pints of life-preserving hlood labeBed and sacked for trans­porting. Center above is Mrs. Uoyd E. KanfFman as the nurse inserts needle in the Initial ~e of the donation. Mr.. Kauffman has two 8008 in the service. Right above Is a line-up Photos by Ernest R. LaWS in the canteen room of donors who present hale and healthy faces as they wait the re-quired time following their patriotic service before starling home. Standing in the rear are Mrs. Phelps Soule who headed the event and Mrs. Panl Fetzer of Ridley Park who assisted hel'. Seated left to right are Mrs. Wm. Earl Kistler whose son is in the Navy, Mrs. Riehard Willis whose husband is in the Navy, Seoulmaster A. B. Y~n Alen who has be­friended most Swarthmore boys now in servi~ Herman Bloom whose brother-in-law Is in the service, and Guy A. McCorkle whose IOD Is also in the serrice. -' .i ~ I ·1

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PERSONALS ''Ii''''''' Renny Powell, Coxswain Third ment to a Cavalry Replacement Train­of tbe Coast Guard and son of ing Center. and Mrs. Robert Powell.will enter Mrs. William D. Wermouth of Wash-b~~ d.:~r~Training School, Coast Guard ington, D. C., a. former resident of ~ New London, Conn., on June Swarthmore, spent the last week of has been doing sub-chaser work Mayas the guest of Mrs. Wermouth'. May since November. brother-in-law and sister, Dr. alid Mrs. ~'~~~~ Scott D. Thayer, U.S.N.R., George L. Armitage of South Chester rl his commission as Ensign road. Mr. Wermouth joined them for the U. S. Naval Reserve Midsbip- the weekend. "Moo'';'. Scbool located at Notre. Dame Mrs. C. e. West of Walnut lane en- Notre Dame, Ind., .May 27. tertained at a luncheon for Mrs. Wer­enjoyed a four-day leave with his moutb on Tuesday, May 26. fp;orentS Mr. and Mrs. Hugb O. Thayer Charlotte Griffin is visiting her North Chester road before reporting brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. for further study in Aerological Engi- Richard Griffin in Ramsay, N. J. They , neering at the Post Graduate School at will accompany her on her return to Annapolis, Md. Swarthmore Thursday' night for a few William W. Rutherford, days vacation at the home of Mr. and f~~::!i~iio~who recently received his Mrs. Harold Griffin on Rutgers avenue. r is stationed with the Sup- Mrs. Harry L. Miller of Thayer road · ply Corps at the Philadelphia Navy arrived home Tuesday night from Wal­... Yard. lingford, Vt: where she had been since Mrs. Ralph E. Rhoades, Jr. of Key May 26. West; Fla., is visiting her parents Mr. Alan Harris left yesterday after a · and Mrs. Arthur S. Robinson of Ogden two-day visit with his mother at Strath avenue for two weeks. Her husband Haven Inn. He has .been in attendance Lt. (j.g.) Ralph E. Rhoades, Jr., is on at the Hot Springs Conference as a active duty with the U. S. Naval Re- reporter for the Baltimore Sun and has serve. attended many Presidential confer­...,. John David Weiland of Rutgers ave- eoces during recent months. He grad­nue was among the group of boys who uated from Swarthmore High School passed the tests under the V-12 pro- in '35. gram and has now enlisted in the Naval President and Mrs. John W. Nason · Reserves. He will enter Gettysburg of the College have been entertaining College, Pa., on June 8 and will study President Nason's mother Mrs. Albert ,,:' there until called either Jqly I or No- N,,"o,n of Brookings, S. Dak., a .. their vember 1. house guest for three months. Mrs. it. Comdr. Mark Macintosh recently Nason left for her home today. received his promotion from Lt. and is A group of 26 girls from the sopho­now in charge of the welfare and rec- more, junior and senior classes will at .. "re,atiion office for the U. S. Naval forces tend a houseparty given hy Flo and , in western 'Australia and manager of Tish Lee and Judy Koch at the Lee's the U. S. Officer's Club for that area. cottage in Avalon, N. J. They will He was formerly athletic director at the leave on Friday and plan to return on College for several years. Sunday or Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Lee Corporal Stuart Jones is expected will chaperon the group. home on a ten day furlough from .Mr. and Mrs. Clark W. Davis of · Sioux Falls Air Base, S. D. He is hop- Strath Havenue avenue who spent the ing to attend the commencement of week~end as the guests of Mr. and · his sister Rosamond at Colby Junior Mrs. Kennard Bailey of Westover Hills, . College on June 14 with his family. I Vllimoin.gton, Del., will attend the com­Lt. Robert B. Little who is stationed mencement exercises Monday, June 7, at Camp Kilmer, N. J. spent the week- at the Lawrenceville School, Lawrence­, end with his parents. viUe, N. J~, where their SOD Dick is a Corporal Paul C. Murray, son of Mr. member of the graduating class •. THB late Mr: Walter 5mecIJey of "Penn Creat", Media. The. wedding will take place Satu.r­day, June 5 at 4:30 o'clock in the Church of 5t. John the Evangeliot, Lansdowne. Dr. Charles E. Tuke, rec:­tor of the chnrch will perform the cere­mony. Mr. Bartram Owen, organist at SI. John'. will give an organ recital as a prelude to tbe ceremony. Miss Felix is a graduate of Baldwin Scbool, Bryn Mawr and will rec~ve ber degree from Swarthmore College next October. Mr. SmeclJey is a cbemical engineer graduate of Haverford College and of PriRceton University, class of '42. He is a member of the faculty at Princeton wbere the couple will reside. • Lobr-White The marriage of Miss Lucinda Hills White daughter of Mr. andM ... John Josiah'White, Jr. of Atlantic City, N. J., and Ensigu Freeman Wilbun Lohr, U.S.N.R., son of Mr. and Mrs. Free­man Lohr of "Ely Place", East Orange, N. J., took place in the Swarthmore Presbyterian Chnrch, Tuesday, June 1. The ceremony was performed by the Rev. John D. Lindsay, pastor of the First Presbyterian Church of Chester in the absence of the' Rev. David Braun. White peonies and mock­oranges used in profusion in the rear of tbe chancei and_pale pink peonies placed nearby formed a lovely setting for the marriage ceremony, The bride was given in marriage by her grandfather Mr. Allen K. White Atlantic City .. N. J., since ber fatber been recently called into active service. Her gown was of white or­gandy with tiered skirt and her held in place by a coronet of lace ruching. She carried gardenias and sweetpeas. Miss' Betsy White of At­lantic City attended her sister as bridesmaid gowned in blue chilloD. A small reception followed at Strath Haven Inn. The bridegroom graduated from Swarthmore College in February and as a member of the U. S. Naval Re­serve is on active 4uty near Wi11iams_ burg, Va. The bride wUl receive her degree from the college in October. She is the niece of Miss Frances M. White of Walnut lane. • Eliot - Seers and Mrs. Fred J. Murray of Princeton Mrs. Charles E. Hussey of Presque avenue is now in North Africa with the Isle, Me., arrived Saturday by plane to Signal Corps. He was a graduate of a few weeks visiting ber son-in­Swarthmore coilege in the class of 1941. law and daughter Dr. and Mrs. L. Lt. Comdr. H. R. Jessup stationed Balasso of Oberlin avenue. Miss Frances G. Seers daughter of with the Brown Ship Building Com- John Paul t!te Balasso's five-year-old Col. and Mrs. DeMas Lindley Seers Houston, Texas, while enroute son will reach home the latter part of of Toledo, Ohio and Mr. Johan W. York and Washington, D. C. the week from the Coron .. do Ranch Eliot son of Dr. Thomas D. Eliot of busirless, visited his parents }.{r. School, Tucson, Ariz., to spend the Winnetka, III., were married under the and Mrs. J. Harlan Jessup of Haver- summer with his parents. care of the Swarthmore Monthly, .. ' ford· avenue over the week-end. Mr. and Mrs. George M. Allen and Monday, May 31 at 4 o'clock in the Mr. and Mrs. Jessup entertained a children Jane and George, Jr. spent Friends Meeting House on the ~mpus. group of friends in honor of their son, the Memorial Day week~eDd in Wash.. The Overseers were Yr. J. Bernard Saturday evening. The Jessups were D. C., and Fort BelvQir, Va., Walton, Mrs. Dorothy L. Simons, Mrs. hosts at a family dinner Sunday. A they visited Major Henry B. M. H. Roberts of the Swarth-cousin, Lt. Kenneth Hunt of St. Paul, Garden and his family. l'm"'o"r'Ye Meeting. and Miss Barbara E. .Minn., who is stationed at Westville, Major Garden whose home was on Allee of the ij'hicago Meeting. N." J., joined the family group. Dhogwoo~ Lane. hedreh. until he. entfered The bride's gown of white \r.ts trim- Pfc. Boyd W. Stauffer who was sta~ t e service receive 15 promotion rom with family Rose point.and: Duch .. tioned at Ft. Meade, Md., received an Captain recent1y. • ess lace. She wore, a bonnet of the honorary discharge from the U. S. • same lace adorned with a spray of Army Wednesday, June 2 and will be Engagement Vandateres orchids. Her bridal bou- .. on a short furlough while awaiting his quet was of white roses and lilies of commission as Ensigu in the Navy. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Hilles of the valley. Pvt. John e. Bair, U.S.M.e. will leave Cedar Grove, Pennsylvania, have an- Mr. Eliot was a member of the · Friday morning for Parris Island, S. C. nounced the engagement of their graduating class of Swarthmore Col- • after a short furlough. He took part daughter Miss Amanda Chase Hilles lege in February. The bride received in the borough's. Memorial Day services to Aviation Cadet Herbert Ward Fra~ her degree from the college Monday and the. baccalaureate and graduation ser, U.S.N.R., soli of Mr.· and Yrs. morning a few hours before the wed­ceremonies of the senior class while Herbert F. Fraser of Wallingford Hills. ding. The young couple will live in home. . _ Miss Hilles is a graduate of German- Cambridge, Mass. Mr. and Mrs. R. Chester Spencer will town Friends School and is a memlier ---0--- leave this morning for the two-day of the senior class at Smith Coilege. Birth commencement exercise at New York Av/c Fraser graduated from George M;ilitary Academy, Cornwail-on-the- School and from Swarthmore College Hudson, where their son Stephen is a ('t.,.;F," uary. He is. taking advanced member of the gradua.ting class. in Naval Aviation at 81. ~Qther son, Bill left on May 18 for Mary's, Cal. . training in . the Army Air Corps at No definite plans have been made Miami, Fla. for the marriage ceremony. The Spencers recently received their first letter since early March from an- To Weel Saturday other son, J.,t. Robert Chester Spencer, Jr., who is now stationed at Malta. Mr. and Mrs. Samuel P. Felix of Edward Alston son of Mr. and Mrs. Lansdowne, former residents of Swarth- George L. Alston of North Chester have issued invitations to· the · roa~, a junior'at Pennsylvania Military I nlarria,., of their daughter ::Miss Jane College has received a war diploma Felix to Mr. Walter Smedley, Jr., son which enrries a B.S. in Business Ad- of Mrs. C. Camby Balderston .and the .: -ministration. Edward as a member of the Army Enlisted ~eserve reports for ·duty at Fort Meade, Md., June 11. Fletcher P. Williams, Jr. of Park avenue received his degree of Bachelor of Science in Biology at Pennsy1vania !.j:ilitary College, May 28. He was · awarded the John G. Bergfels medal for proficiency. in cavalry drill. FJe.tcher has received orders from the War Department to report to Fort G. Meade, June 11 for assign .. ROBIN HOOD DELL COUPON BOOKS FOR SALE • 'I'BE MUSIC BOX 409 Dartmouth Ave. SwIatIuaOre 1460 The Players Club OF SWARTHMORE • ARSENIC AND OLD LACE Dlo-ecIor. Dr. A. 1'. J. __ JUNE 4. AND 5 8.20 P. M- • lanlor P,b"eIlDR OLIVER TWIST DIreeIor: T. Deua • SATURDAY, JUNE 12 ~'. Ma~ :a,so E ....... ,.... All A&a B,:IO Mr. and Mrs. Ray Perkins Hunt of We~tgate Hills, Upper Darby, announce the birth of a daughter Janet Perkins on June 2 in the University Hospital, Philadelphia; The bahy is the grand­daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ellwood B. Chapman of HarVard avenue. MEDIA LAJlT Z DAYS FBlDAT AND S&'r1lBDAY "ARABIAN NIGHTS" > IIi TM""'coJor - With ION HALL-MARIA MONTEZ and SABU SUNDAY-MONDAY TUESDAY BOB HOPE DOROTHY UMOUR JD. ~'I'D EY GOT ME COVERED" WllDNBBDAT ONLY U ..... n ..... - Fall I...,.da. "GONE WITH 'I'D E WIND" M ... _ ....... Congratulations/ CLASS OF 1943 RUSSELL'S SERVICE DARTMOUTH AND LAFAYEI'I'E AVES. Phone 0440 • Make Your Car Late ehe Duration­Regular Serlliee wilt Do It I TOWN MEETING TOWN MEETING 'THE BLACK MARKET IS HERE-Is it here to Blay? We're not tellin' you"';' we will be ukin' you -:: at II core-fuUy planned and highly important meeling· . . AT THE CO-OP THURSDAY - JUNE 10th At 8 P. M. AU Are" Invited SWARTHMORE COOPERATIVE ASSOCIATION TOWN MEETING TOWN MEETING . AT STRATB HAVEN INN On TIiuRSlM..Y, JUNE 17th j At 8:15 P. M. The Phlladelphia Yonng FrIends Asaoclation Choral Group Under the Leadet'llhip .. f J. Ralph SaHerlhwaite Will Present the Operetta "THE PIRATES OF PENZANCE" • All Friends Interested Are Cordially Invited a8 the guests of the Inn FRANK M. SCHEmt.EY I \ • Having sold my Hard­ware Business I . wish to thank all our customers • for the pleasant associa­tions we have had fof the past 21 years. I wish to this opportunity to introduce Howard D. Sipler the new owner whom you will find worthy of your patronage. N. WALTER'SUPLEE • • I FRIDAY, JUNE 4, 1943 THE SWARTHMOREAN 3 SWARTHMORE HIGH SCHOOL GRADUATING CLASS OF 1943 Hail Graduates! You're Bound To Build ABetter World! Rimarel Unme Adrian lohn Hershey Beddoe Marian Elizabeth Bernard Alexander Duncan Chiqnoine Ann Afton ArIlTI. Ma,rKaret Louise Trover Bell Albert Arthur Bullard James Hill Cleaves Geora:e Lawrence Annitaa:e Rlebard Neil Bell Thomas Hubert Burnett Riebard Ellsworth Cordray • John CrUey Bair Apt ... Luella Beneke Thoma. Graham Chew George Fox. Cone, Jr. MARTEL'S Better Food for the Table SUPER SERVICE MARKET Chester Road at Rutgers 1 .... "" Gihoon I!aqherty Xatloarine Marpret Downinll Abbie Gertrude End ... Mary 1own"" Garrell Muy Fran ... DbiuaIu Bra"" Few Darnall Jean Susanne Fisch ... Rath Fran .... G.y

---------- Page 4 ----------

INTENTIONAL SECOND EXPOSURE I • PERSONALS James Renny Powell, Coxswain Third Class of the Coast Guard and son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Powell will enter Officers Training School, Coast Guard Academy, New London, Conn., on June 8. He has been doing sub-chaser work off Cape May since November. Ensign Scott D. Thayer, U.S.N.R., received his commission as Ensign from the U. S. Naval Reserve Midship­men's School located at Notre Dame University, Notre Dame, Ind., May 27. He enjoyed a four-day leave with his parents Mr. and Mrs. Hugh O. Thayer of North Chester road before reporting for further study in Aerological Engi­neering at the Post Graduate School at Annapolis, Md. Ensign William W. Rutherford, U.S.N.R., who recently received his commission is stationed with the Sup­ply Corps at the Philadelphia Navy Yard. Mrs. Ralph E. Rhoades, Jr. of Key West, Fla., is visiting her parents Mr. and Mrs. Arthur S. Robinson of Ogden avenue for two weeks. Her husband Lt. (j.g.) Ralph E. Rhoades. Jr., is on active duty with the U. S. Naval Re­serve. . John David Weiland of Rutgers ave­nue was among the group of boys who passed the tests under the V-12 pro­gram and has now enlisted in the Naval Reserves. He will enter Gettysburg College, Pa., on June 8 and will study there until called either July I or No­vember 1. it. Comdr. ~Iark 1..facIntosh recently received his promotion from Lt. and is now in charge of the welfare and rec­reation office for the U. S. Naval forces in western Australia ami manager of the U. S. Officer's Club for that area. He was formerly athletic director at the College for several years. Corporal Stuart J oncs is expccted home on a ten day furlough from Sioux Fans Air Base, S. D. He is hop­ing to attend the commencement of his sister Rosamond at Colby Junior College on June 14 with his family. Lt. Robert B. Little who is stationed at Camp Kilmer, N. J. spent the week­end with his parents. Corporal Paul C. Murray, son of hlr. and .Mrs. Fred J. Murray of Princeton avenue js now in North Africa with the Signal Corps. He was a graduate of Swarthmore college in the class of 1941. Lt. Comdr. H. R. Jessup stationed with the Brown Ship Building Com­pany, Houston, Texas, while enroute to New York and \Vashington, D. C. on business, visited his parents Mr. and Mrs. ). Harlan Jessup of Haver­ford avenue over the week-end. Mr. and Mrs. Jesst:p entertained a group of friends in honor of their son, Saturday evening. The }essups l.\'cre hosts at a family dinner Sunday. A cousin, Lt. Kenneth Hunt of St. Paul, Minn., who is stationed at Westville, N. J., joined the family group. Pfc. Boyd \V. Stauffer who was sta­tioned at Ft. Meade, Md., received an honorary discharge from the U. S. Army Wednesday, June 2 and will be on a short furlough while awaiting his commission as Ensign in the Navy. Pvt. John C. Bair, U.S.M.C. Friday morning for Parris Island, S. C. after a short furlough. He took part in the borough's Memorial Day services and the baccalaureate and graduation ceremonies of the senior class while home. Afr. and :Mrs. R. Chester Spencer will leave this morning for the two-day commencement ~xercise at New York M iii tary Academy, Cornwall-on-the­Hudson, where their son Stephen is a member of the graduating class. Another son, Bill left on 1lay 18 for training in the Army Air Corps at Miami, Fla. The Spencers recently receh'ed their first letter since early March from an­other son, Lt. Robert Chester Spencer, Jr., who is now stationed at Malta. Edward Alston son of Mr. and Mrs. George L. Alston of North Chester road, a junior at Pennsylvania Military College has received a war diploma which carries a B.S. in Business Ad­ment to a Cavalry Replacement Train­ing Center. Mrs. William D. Wermouth of Wash­ington, D. C., a former resident of Swarthmore, spent the last week of Mayas the guest of Mrs. Wermouth's brother-in-law and sister, Dr. and Mrs. George L. Armitage of South Chester road. Mr. Wermouth joined them for the ,,,,·cekend. Mrs. C. C. West of Walnut lane en­tertained at a luncheon for Mrs. Wer­mouth on Tuesday, May 26. Charlotte Griffin is visiting her brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Griffin in Ramsay, N. J. They ''Io'ill accompany her on her return to Swarthmore Thursday night for a few days vacation at the home of Mr. and ~[rs. Harold Griffin on Rutgers avenue. Mrs. Harry L. Miller of Thayer road arrived home Tuesday night from Wal­lingford, vt. where she had been since May 26. Alan Harris left yesterday after a two-day visit with his rnothcF at Strath I-Ia ven Inn. He has been in attendance at the Hot Springs Conference as a reporter for the Baltimore Sun and has attended many Presidential confer­ences during recent months. He grad­uated from Swarthmore High School in '35. President and ~hs. John W. Nason of the College have been entertaining President Nason's mother Mrs. Albert Nason of Brookings, S. Dak., as their house guest for three months. Mrs. Nason left for her home today. A group of 26 girls from the sopho­more, junior and senior classes will at­tend a houseparty given by Flo and Tish Lee and Judy Koch at the Lee's cottage in Avalon, N. J. They will leave on Friday and plan to return on Sunday or Monday. hir. and Mrs. Lee will chaperon the group. Mr. and Mrs. Clark W. Davis of Strath Havenuc avenue who spent the week-cnd as the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Kennard Bailey of Westover Hills, \VilmingtoIl, Del., will attend the com­mencement exercises Monday, June 7, at the Lawrenceville School, Lawrence­ville, N. J" where their son Dick is a member of the graduating class •. Mrs. Charles E. Hussey of Presque Isle, :Me., arrived Saturday by plane to spend a few weeks visiting her son~in­law and daughter Dr. and Mrs. L. Balasso of Oberlin avenue. John Paul the Balasso's five-year-old son will reach home the latter part of the week from the Coronado Ranch School, Tucson, Ariz., to spend the summer with his parents. 1\Jr. and Mrs. George M. Allen and children Jane and George, Jr. spent the Memorial Day week-end in Wash­ington, D. C., and Fort Belvoir, Va., where they visited :Major Henry B. Garden and his family. Major Garden whose home was on Dogwood Lane here until he entered the service received his promotion from Captain recently. ~ • Engagement Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Hilles of Cedar Grove, Pennsylvania, have an­nounced the engagement of their daughter Miss Amanda Chase Hilles to Aviation Cadet Herbert Ward Fra­ser, U.S.N.R., son of Mr. and Mrs. Herbert F. Fraser of Wallingford Hills. Miss HHies is a graduate of German­town Friends School and is a member of the senior class at Smith College. Av/c Fraser graduated from George School and from Swarthmore College in February. He is taking advanced ·training in Naval Aviation at St. Mary's, Cal. . No definite plans have been made for the marriage ceremony. • To Wed Saturday Mr. and lvlrs. Samuel P. Felix of Lansdowne, former residents of Swarth­more, have issued invitations to the marriage of their daughter Miss Jane Felix to Mr. Walter Smedley, Jr., son of Mrs. C. Camby Balderston and the ministration. Edward as a member of 1~5iE~~5E~E~5~~~~~~ the Army Enlisted Reserve reports for duty at Fort Meade, Md., June 11. Fletcher P. \Villiarns, Jr. of Park avenue received his degree of Bachelor of Science in Biology at Pennsylvania !,ilitary College, May 28. He was awarded the John G. l3ergfcls medal for proficiency in cavalry drill. Fletcher has received orders from the \Var Department to report to Fort George G. Meade, June 11 for assign. ROBIN HOOD DELL COUPON BOOKS FOR SALE • THE MUSIC BOX 409 Dartmonth Ave. SWII1'lIunore 1460 The Players Club OF SWARTHMORE • ARSENIC AND OLD LACE Dh'ectar: Dr. A. F. 1ackson JUNE 4 AND 5 8:20 P. M. • Junior Production OLIVER TWIST Director: Charles T. DeaCOD SATURDAY, JUNE 12 Children'. Matinee 2.30 Evening for All All ... 8:20 THE SWARTHMOREAN late Mo. Walter Smedley of "Penn Crest", Media. The wedding will take place Satu!­day, June 5 at 4:30 o'clock in the Church of St. John the Evangelist, Lansdowne. Dr. Charles E. Tuke, rec­tor of the church will perform the cere­mony. Mr. Bartram Owen, organist at St. John's will give an organ recital as a prelude to the ceremony. Miss Felix is a graduate of Baldwin School, Bryn Mawr and will receive her degree from Swarthmore College October. Mr. Smedley is a chemical engineer graduate of Haverford College and of Prillceton Un"iversity, class of '42. He is a member of the faculty at Princeton where the couple will reside. Lohr-White The marriage of Miss Lucinda Hills White daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Josiah White, Jr. of Atlantic City, N. and Ensign Freeman Wilbun Lohr, • FRIDAY, JUNE 4, 1943 Congratulations! CLASS OF 1943 RUSSELL'S SERVICE DARTMOUTH AND LAFAYETfE AVES. Phone 0440 • Make Your Car Last the Duration­Regular Service Will Do It! son of Mr. and Mrs. Free­man lohr of "Ely Place't, East Orange, N. J., took place in the Swarthmore Presbyterian Church, Tuesday, June 1. The ceremony was performed by the ~==============================~=~ Rev. John D. Lindsay, pastor of the r First Presbyterian Church of Chester in the absence of the Rev. David Braun. White peonies and mock­oranges used in profusion in the rear of the chancel and pale pink peonies placed nearby formed a lovely setting for the marriage ceremony. TOWN MEETING TOWN MEETING THE BLACK MARKET IS HERE - Is it here to stay? We're not tellin' you - we will be askin' you - at a care-fuUy planned and highly important meeting . AT THE CO-OP THURSDAY-JUNE 10th At 8 P. M. A.ll Are I nvUed SW ARTBMORE COOPERATIVE ASSOCIATION TOWN MEETING TOWN MEETING The bride was given in marriage by her grandfather Mr. Allen K. White of Atlantic City, N. J., since her father had been recently called into active service. Her gown was of white or­gandy with tiered skirt and her veil was held in place by a coronet of lace sruwceheitnpge.a s.S hMe iscs arBrieetdsy gWarhdietnei aosf aAntd- I'I ~=================================i lantic City attended her sister as bridesmaid gowned in blue chiffon. A small reception followed at Strath Haven Inn. The bridegroom graduated from Swarthmore College in February and as a member of the U. S. Naval Re­serve is on active duty near Williams­burg, Va. The bride will receive her degree from the college in October. She is the niece of Miss Frances M. White of Walnut lane. • Eliot - Seers Miss Frances G. Seers daughter of Col. and Mrs. DeMas Lindley Seers of Toledo, Ohio .nd Mr. Johan W. Eliot son of Dr. Thomas D. Eliot of Winnetka, Ill., were married under the AT STRATH HAVEN INN On THURSDAY, JUNE 17th ~ At 8:15 P. M. The Philadelphia Young Friends Association Choral Group Under the Leadership of J. Ralph Satterthwaite Will Present the Operetta "THE PIRATES OF PENZANCE" • All Friends Interested Are Cordially Invited as the guests of the Inn FRANK. M. SCHEmLEY cMaoren daoyf, Mthaey 3S1w aart th4m oo'rcel ocMk oinnt htlhye, II~==::;=========================~===~ Friends Meeting House on the campus. The Overseers were Mr. J. Bernard Walton, Mrs. Dorothy L. Simons, Mrs. Abby M. H. Roberts of the Swarth-more Meeting and Miss Barbara E. Allee of the Chicago Meeting. The bride's gown of white lv,as trim­med with family Rose point and Duch­ess lace. She wore a bonnet of the same lace adorned with a spray of Vandateres orchids. Her bridal bou­quet was of white roses and lilies of the valley. Mr. Eliot was a member of the graduating class of Swarthmore Col­lege in February. The bride received her degree from the college Monday morning a few hours before the wed­ding. The young couple will live in Cambridge, M.ass. Birth Mr. and Mrs. Ray Perkins Hunt of Westgate HiI1s~ Upper Darby, announce the birth of a daughter Janet Perkins on } une 2 in the University Hospital, Philadelphia. The baby is the grand­daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ellwood B. Chapman of Harvard avenue. MEDIA LAST 2 DAYS FRIDAY AND SATURDAY "ARABIAN NIGHTS" In 'reclmlcoJor - With JON BALL - MARIA MONTEZ and SABU SUNDAY - MONDAY - TUESDAY BOB HOPE DOROTHY LAMOUR In "THEY GOT ME COVERED" WEDNESDAY ONLY Unchanged - Fnll LeJqth "GONE WITH THE WIND" At I •• and .:11 P. M. OIIIF .. Having sold my Hard­ware Business thank all our I wish to customers • for the pleasant assoCta-tions we have had for the past 21 years. I wish to take this opportunity to introduce Howard D. Sipler the new owner whom you will find worthy of your patronage. N. WALTER SUPLEE • FRIDAY, JUNE 4, 1943 THE SW ARTHMOREAN 3 SWARTHMORE HIGH SCHOOL GRADUATING CLASS OF 1943 Hail Graduates! . - .. -. ,/y~~ • You're Bound To Build A Better World! Richard Hume Adrian John Hershey Beddoe Marian Elizabeth Bernard Alexand~r Duncan Chiquoinc Ann Afton Argyle Margaret Louise Truver Bell Albert Arthur Bullard James Hill Cleaves George Lawrence Armilage Rh:hard Neil Bell Thomas Hubert Burnett Richard Ellsworth Cordray • John Criley Bail' Agnes Luella Beneke Thomas Graham Chew George Fox Corse, Jr. MARTEL'S Better Food for the Table SUPER SERVICE MARKET Chester Road at Rutgers James Gibson I!au.herty Xatharine Marl'aret Downin&: Abbie Gertrude Enders Mary Lowncs Garrett Mary Frances DiDlDlitt Bruce Few Dumall Jean Susanne FiMber Rulh Frances Gay

---------- Page 5 ----------

THE SWARTHMORE AN FRIDAY, JUNE 4, 1943 ,SWARTHMORE HIGH SCHOOL GRADUATING CLASS OF 1943 Willi. Patrl.k Clenn Jeanne Eleanor Hankin! Evelyn Marjorl. Hod •• Leoll. Donald Creen Douglas Hamilton Heath Rlehard Shaw Hoot Barbara Aahenfelter Crlf6th 'Rohert Ka,. Helmuth Laura Lee Hopkin. A1frod Leslie Bal&'. Jr. Carol Anne Detael Elizabeth Tuder Hornada,. .".;' ' '-c'- Elizabeth Marshall Lee Shirle,. Uvinlroton MaeMUlan laabeUe Glenne Mayo EIIuheth Anne Hulme David R ..... Hutehlaon Mar)' Elizabeth J.ffonla BaaI.1 KIrk Eleanore Lewis McGee !ItMB r.o..,IorkIp KG) weather Our Heartiest .. Congrat-ulations to the Class of 1943 • Michael's College Pharulacy "On the Comer" FRIDAY, JUNE 4, 1943 THE SWARTHMOREAN 5 SWARTHMORE HIG.H SCHOOL GRADUATING CLASS OF 1943 Theodore Nixon Moore. Jane Myen Frederld Rlehard More,. Bonn" Jean Mone Walter Pattenon Ioahel Ann M" ... Nan.,. Peel Howard Yarnall PenneD, 2nd Anne Jaebon· Perkiu Elizabeth Tunell Pope Joanne Searlet Pranp • Chari.. Philip Sh ... 1de Rohut Ayres Sheppud, Jr. BeJen Powell Pratt Allee Harriet Putnam Janet Sheldon Randall Andrew Fuller Rohlnaon, Jr. ~ .. WOllam Slekel Jane 800bew Your Country is proud of you- CLASS OF '43! SUPLEE'S llardvvare Store to the Class of '43 from The Bouquet BEAUTY SALON

---------- Page 6 ----------

INTENTIONAL SECOND EXPOSURE 4 THE SWARTHMOREAN FRIDAY, JUNE 4, 1943 SWARTHMORE HIGH SCHOOL GRADUATING CLASS OF 1943 Our Heartiest Congrat-u1ations to the Class of Willis l~atrick Glenn JL'lmnc Eleanor Hunkins Evelyn Marjorie Hodge EIi~abelh Anne Hulme Leslie Donald Green Douglas lIamilton Healh Richard Shaw 11001 David Rose Hutchison 1943 Barbara Ashcnfeher Griffith Robert Kay Helmuth Laura Le£ Hopkins Mary Eliz.abeth Jeffords AlCred Leslie lIaig, Jr. Carol Anne Hetzel Elizabeth Tucker Hornaday Daniel Kirk • Michael's ~'i • ~!); " '1":- f~(·; " -. , College Pharmacy "On the Comer" Lois Evelyn Landon Elb:abeth Marshall Lee Shirley Living!llon MacMillan Eleanore Lewis MeGee Vir«inia Lawrence Charlolle Louise Maas Il'abelle Glenne Mayo Steen Lou,bridae Meryweather FRIDAY, JUNE 4, 1943 THE SWARTHMOREAN 5 SWARTHMORE HIG.H SCHOOL GRADUATING CLASS OF 1943 ""~.~ . ~I' ':.: ~ ""'~I }l' A .~! "'I :\ Theodore Nixon Moore Frederick Richard Morey Bonny Jean Morse Isabel Ann Myers Edwin Keatley RUlherford Marise Theresa. Saillo Jane Myers Howard Yarnall Pennell, 2nd Peter Briggs. l\olyers Anne Jackson Perkins Waller Morgan Patterson Elizabelh Tunell Pope NaDCY Peel Joanne Scarlet Prange John Wallon Schrader CharI.. Philip Shenkl. Dorothy Ruth Shaw Robert Ayreo Sheppard, Jr. Your Country is proud of you- CLASS OF '43! SUPLEE'S lIardvvare Store Helen Powell Pratl Alice Harriet PUlnam J noct Sheldon Randall Andrew Fuller Robinson, Jr. to the Class of '43 from The Bouquet BEAUTY SALON George William Sickel Jane Sorber

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6 THE SWARTHMOREAN FRIDAY, JUNE 4, 1943 SWARTHMORE HIGH SCHOOL GRADUATING CLASS OF 1943 Bertram Speare Jeanne Alice Theis Robert ADen Stein John Moms TriDlDler Duane Frands Taylor Marian Louise Troxel David L,..,n ThaT" Frederic AUTn Walker SUCCESS TO THE CLASS OF 1943 With the sincere wish that all your ambitions will be fnIGlled • B. J. HOY 5 AND lOe STORE 2 Park Avenne Swarthmore John David Weiland Newell Burriss West Janice Marie Wberry Helen Marie Whiteear ff Best Wishes to the Class of 1943 Joseph's Barber Shop OUR BEST WISHES TO THE CLASS OF'43 BUCHNER'S Park Avenue ChIU'I... Henri Zenoen Robert Elmer Zenaen Here's to Firmer Footing for your Future- GRADUATES OF '431 CELIA SHOE SHOP 102 PARK AVENUE BEST WISHES FOR A HAPPY AND SUCCESSFUL FUTURE TO THE CLASS OF 1943 • EDWARD L. NOYES 23 S. Chester Road SWARTHMORE Phon~ 0114 ALL LUCK TO THE CLASS OF '43 Ii fl VICTOR D. SHIRER 13 South Chester Road Swarthmore Is • Proud of You • HANNUM & WAITE CHRYSLER PLYMOUTH YALE AND CHESTER RD. Swarthmore 1250 'I REPORT POPPY SALE SUPLEE SEILS STORE THE SW AIlTHIIOaON Gath.. Flow .... For N. Walter Suplee announce. else- Members of the American LegiOn FIowede.. where in this issue the sale of his POBLls.aD a"aaY .. aIDAY AT l1uaTBMoa .. P .. TBS '''D~BJlOaux. nrc., maws .. here reported that despite South Chester road hardware store unpropltiou Decoration Day the • which he has operated for the past 21 RO"S .,,~ •• OU !IOO I pog1PY campaign c met with its nlaal Flowers for the lIowerle •• may years. -··PST .. E. ToLD, EdlIo, UA'JoaD Tout, ",,,r .... ..,., success. Poppy banks contained $34.03 be left during the. month of June The new owner is Howard D. Sipler, . . . Lo ..... IIcCu., .. at the conclnsion of the sale, a sum . -at the home' of Mrs •. Henry L. a resident of this borough for three which will go ... 1Uaal to aid disabled Ward, 315 Cedar laue Wednesday year. and a graduate 01 the coU""e . E ? ".SI1 .'a..v ,. •• '-"1... ..... ~ veterans. evenings from 5 to 7 p. m. in tbe class 01 '33. He was a prominent· A sil.,er pin ,award was given Mrs. Ward heads the assemb- athlete in his student years. r-tr. Sip- .epinm_ ...... ~y If()OW Richard "' •. ",;;.. for having had the ling of bonquets for distribution' ler has had experience in the busin ... I ~=~lir[;~~~.~~ poppy day, with Nancy to the ill and Sowerless for the with his lather who owns a simlIar FRIDAY, JUNE 4, 19013 I! as runner-up. Other. as,sist- Swarthmore Meeting during store in Darby. the campaign were Doria June. Mr. Suplee's retirement surprises his ~Ia,ck, Mary Condray, Claire Rincliffe, many .friends . here \Vbere he has .. - he_ .U-, Appeaf Barbara Ann Crossen, Frances Jenkin., 1'-------------- tablished a reputation as a business_ .~ Dinny Bonnet, Marion Karns, Gretel Mr.·A.. C. Bosshardt of Park avenue man of high calibre. His immediate Mrs. Percy Armitage of Harvard Reinhold, 'and Doris Dickinson. _The has been confined to the Taylor Hos- p?ans are indefinite. His son Nathan The guest preacher this Sunday f clo Auxiliary is grateful to the Mariners, pital for the past week. W. Sup?ee is stationed with the Army morning at 11 o'c1ock witl be the Rev. avenue issues an appeal or used th- Scouts and aU others who he?ped. Air Corps at Amari77o, Tex. E.- Fay Camp~11, Director 01 the De- iog for the British War Relief Society Kiner U.S.O. represeutative has --;;;iP;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~iiiiiiii,- partment of Colleges and Theological with Headquarters in Philadelphia I ~;l~:e that flat boxes 01 matches and SeminarIes, Presbyterian Board of which Is conducting '" drive thia II and pinochle packs be donated Christian Education. Mr. Braun is nm week. for boys in special consignments preaching the Baccalaureate sermon at The need for clothing for men on ou. shores. In isolated groupS of Hollins College, Virginia. for children under six years of age is three or four they can make use 01 Children's Day WiU be. observed at particularly nrgent, but shoes and gar- these articles as weU as GeOgraphies, 11 _o'clock on Sunday, June 13. The ments of aU deacription for aU 'ages Atlanties, New Yorkers, Fortunes, and Holy Communion. for June has been be most acceptable. These will be Reader', Digests Which should be no PoStponed until Juile 20. direct to England to be distrib- Id tha 1940 -:The' Fellowship of Silence wiU meet to peoples of different nation- 0 er n __. _.• -. '-__. Tuesday morning from 9 to 9:20 o'clock I alities who have been made homeless Navy League Summer HolU'8 at the home of Mrs. Harold Griffin, the war. Th N L S· ffi in 214 Rutgers avenue. . Armitage may be reached eld BaVYk Beaguildin~ erv.ce 0 ceth . call1na Swarthmore 1316. 0 an u g announces at ,The .Surgical Dressings' group will --0.. will only be open from 10 to I Mon-not meet next Tuesday morning. Meet- Wine State Euay Prize through Saturday during the sum-ings will be resumed Tuesday, June IS, months, beginning Saturday, June at JO o'clock. . Sidney Smith, a member of the juni!?r ; The Committee on· Social Education clas. of Swarthmore High School, has Memb.,-. -of the Swarthmore branch and Action WiU meet Tuesday June 8 ju.t .been awarded the Second Penn~ the Navy League Service were sad-at 10:30 o'clock at the' home of Mrs. sy?vauia Prize for her paper submitted I de:ned this past week to learn of the stuart F. -Smith, Copples Lane, Wal- to the HIgh School Examination Con- death of Mrs. Catl C. Austin, their lingford. test conducted by the League of Na- chairman. Mrs. Austin's en- The Trustees will meet Tuesday, tions Association. This prize was re- and interest were very help- June 8, at 8 p. m. in the Church study. cenUy awarded her by the Philadelphia during the time the local branch The Committee on the Men's Forum office of the Pennsylvania branch 01 organized as an Outgrowth of the Will meet Wednesday, Juoe 9,at 8 this association. Her classmates and Square branch. p. m. in the Church study. teachers are proud of thia achievement • .' The Junior-Intermcdiate'department which results from her exceUent work Richard PoweU son of Mr. and Mrs. PREPAREDNESS Today, thoughtful men and women make provision for' their funeral arrangements· in advance, just as. they consiciedt a duty to make wills, take out life insurance and pur~hase cemetery I"ts. We will be pleased to provide complete informa­tion- without obligation. OLIVER H. BAIR CO. . DIRECTORS OP FUNERALS 1820 CHESTNUT STREEI 0.£ the Sunday. school will hold its an- done in the class study of the problems Robert PoweU will arrive home Thurs­RITtenhouse 1581 M. A. Batr, Pruldaat nual blltdoor bieaklast and .worship of the war and. Post-war living. She from Deerfield Academy, Deer-seersrv iwceil ?t hmise Setu nadta. yt.h eP uCphilusr cahn da tt·~ 7c:h3-0 sish atlh? eC'd. aSumghitthe,r ooff RMosr.e aVnadU eMy.r s. Mar- ~~~M~a~SS;.~f;Or~th~e~~.u~m~m;~.r~.===~=~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~_ a; m., and breakfast will be supplied • except for strips of bacon whiuh each person i.asked to supply for himself, Jeanne Thefa Open $eholar due--to rationing. --+-- Methodist Chureh Notee Jeanne Tli'ciis has been awarded OIie of the three Op.en Scholarships for to Swarthmore CoUege. The were founded by Mr. and The First Quarterly Conference will' Mrs. White of Atlantic City and be held on Friday evening. Jime 4, at carry a stipend of $500 for four years. 7;30 in the chapel. Reports will be Jeanne is the second member of the given by all the so<;ieties and organiza- Class of '43 at Swarthmore High School tions ;of -the chl1rch. to win an Open Scholarship thia ve.or:1 .: irhe . Official Board will be held at Richard Adrian was awarded a siIDUar .the close of the Quarterly Conference. scholarship. . The Church School meets on Sun- Both reside with the family of Dr. day morning at 9 :45. and Mrs. Robert K. Enders of Elm At the morning worship at 11, the avenue. Of French parentage, Jeanne "'>nisier will preach. The sermon attended &ole NouveUe in Cevencle, wit? be: "Keep Up Your Courage". . France_ until three years ago when she anual collection. for the Home for came to America. Her father runs a Aged will be lakeu at the morning progressive school in !"'rance at··the service. present and she is the only member of The Woman's Society of Christian her family in thia t;011I!try. Service will hold jts June meeting on 1,.....;.,--------.....,,...-­Wednesday at 12:30 at the home of Mrs. Alfred H, Williams, Providence road, Wa7lingford. The Seventy 'Eighth Anniversary of the Home for the Aged wiU be cele­brated oil Thursday Juue 10. Din"er will be served between the hours of 12':30 and 6:30. . - • Christian Sclenee Chureh . To Gather JeIlyGiaeaea -. Girl Scouts under the direction of their troop leaders are making arran"gements for collecting jars and jelly glasses to aid in the canning pr.ogram sponsored by Mrs. J. V. S. Bishop. They ex-­peet to make the coUections on June 14 and 15. "God the Only Cause. and Creator" is the subject of the Lesson-Sermon Help YOUDg Refugees in. all Churches of Christ, Scientist, on Young ·Chubby Andes and Paul WiI-Sunday, June 6. The Golden Text is: Iiams with the other members of their "Whatsoever. God doeth, it shaU be for company presented their marioD~tte ever: nothing can be put to it, Dor Is~:p .. ~"AIaddin and the Wonderinl anything taken froin it." Ecclesiastes I J at the Woman's Club House 3-:14. Saturday _veoing to an audience 01 CHURCH SERVICES over 100. A tota? t>f $13.30 in tep cent admissions was- turned over to the Swiss War Relief Fund for Relugee Children. . During intermissions the audience was entertained with piano solos by Alice DeCaindry and Marilyn Mac­Elwee, aud with several Spanish dances by Nena Wh_._ ita _ke_r. ... __ Named Conetahle Elmer F: Zebley has been appointed =---- by the Delaware County Conrts to ? llen'e an unexpired term as Constable :'iii_ion. - , for the Borough of Swarthmore. Zebley is a member of the local lice Department and a former Law and Ser- Enforcement Officer 01 the Pennsyl- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~iI vwainthia tGhaem Be aCldowmimn isLsioocno.m Hoet iavles oW seorvrkeds TUB Police. A recent graduate of the Police 9:~.A. U. . Scbool at Ridley Park, Pa., Zebley is III _ married and has. three children. His 11:00 home is on Dartmouth avenue here. I ! In D. A. it. M_orIal Representing Swarthmore in a Me­morial Day ceremony of the Delaware County Chapter of the DAR. in Ches­ter were Mrs. Henry J. Weiland, Mn. Joseph H. Perkins, lin. H ..... rd W. • ..!'!!!': Newnam, Jr., and Mrs. Lovett Fretcoln. cii.';ii;b Tn'bute was paill to the memory of = r Up ... .. _... 7Dr_-.• _. ~ ?,_c _ ?Jl.m u M...-, signer of the Declaration Independenl:e . .owl Try 0.0 01 ,.. mo.' pop.lar Seal, •• , Ila"ors TaIS is the ~ealtest Ice Cream that made such a hit last summer. .Firm juicy black rasp. berries are crushed and frozen with cream and other fine ingredients into an ice cream­that will delight your family again this year. Each spoonful invites another. As you'd expect, the quality of this tasty black raspberry ice cream is sup.erior • • • we've maintained the high Supplee stand. ards of fine ice cream making. Look for the ~ store in your neighborhood that displays the familiar red Sealtest sign. "For_ lood "ealth and load morale, Arnerit:a'. favorite da/Iy lootl- lee cream - be"'"" • ill YOIII' _ lime me_." * _-... ? I ...... ' PI * BLACK RASPBERRY ICE CREAM n. S •• lfe.' Flavor-of.' ••• .,o.'. for J.". Tay SIW.TllST OIW'IGZ CREAM SHERBET ... So .moorh- ... ~ 1 ... 1 Made .1.1& .Iae • ..u- /lob 0/ treaIa· 0 .......... SUPPLEE A DhWoa .. Mutt' I DeIly ""&4" Cat ... I ... , SD'PLI!E I I JIll _ Ibe s: efI ~ saow _rrw.TIo 4 i-at''',.", TllREIIII

---------- Page 8 ----------

INTENTIONAL SECOND EXPOSURE 6 THE S W A RT::H~M=--=--=-OR~E~A.::.:N~ ______________F_ R_ID_A_Y_,:......:...JU__NE_ 4 ,~1_9~43 SWARTHMORE HIGH SCHOOL GRADUATING CLASS OF 1943 Bertram Speare Jeanne Alice Theis Robert Allen Stein John Morris Trimmer Duane Francis Taylor Marian l.ouisc Troxel David Lynn Thayer }~rederic Allyn Walker SUCCESS TO THE CLASS OF 1943 With the sincere wish that all your ambitious will he fulfilled • B. J. HOY 5 AND lOe STORE 2 Park Avenue Swarthmore John David Weiland Newell Ilurriss W cst Janice Marie Wherry Helen Marie While~Hr ~ Best Wishes to the Class of 1943 Joseph's Barher Shop OUR BEST WISHES TO THE CLASS OF '43 BUCHNER'S Park Avenue Charles Henri Zensen Robert Elmer Zen8en Here s to Firmer Footing for your Future- GRADUATES OF '431 CELIA SHOE SHOP 102 PARK AVENUE BEST WISHES FOR A HAPPY AND SUCCESSFUL FUTURE TO THE CLASS OF 1943 • EDWARD L. NOYES 23 S. Chester Road SWARTHMORE Phonll 0114 ALL LUCK TO THE CLASS OF '43 ~ ~ VICTOR D. SHIRER 13 South Chester Road Swarthmore Is Proud of You • HANNUM & WAITE CHRYSLER PLYMOUTH YALE AND CHESTER RD. Swarthmore 1250 FBmAY, JUNE 4, .1 943 . THE SlV ARTBMOREAN PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY AT SWARTHIIORE, PA.. TDB 8. AIlTDMOaIU.If. life., PUIILUHU PROlfB S.AIlTDMOn 900 PUBa E. TOLD. Editor M'I.JOaIB ToLD. iI.IOCi"" Editor LOUK. McCAuD BaterecI .. S •• ODd au. ....... J~ 2t, 1929. lit tile PM 08ice at ~ p ... IIIIdor the Ace of IWcIa a, 1819. FRIDAY. JUNE 4, 1943 'Presbyterian Church Notes The guest preacher this Sunday morning at 11 o'clock will be the Rev. E. Fay Campbell, Director of the De­partment of Colleges and Theological Seminaries, Presbyterian Board of Christian Education. Mr. Braun is preaching the Baccalaureate sermon at Hollins College, Virginia. Children's Day will be observed at 11 o'clock on Sunday, June 13. The Holy Communion for June has been postponed until June 20. The Fellowship of Silence will meet "uesday morning from 9 to 9 :20 o'clock at the home of llrs. Harold Griffin, 214 Rutgers avenue. The .surgical Dressings group will not meet next Tuesday morning. Meet­ings will be resumed Tuesday, June IS, at 10 o'clock. The Committee on Social Education and Action will meet Tuesday June 8 at 10 :30 o'clock at the home of Mrs. Stuart F. Smith, Copples Lane, Wal­lingford. The Trustees will meet Tuesday, June 8, at 8 p. m. in the Church study. The Committee on the Men's Forum will meet Wednesday, June 9, at 8 p. m. in the Church study. The Junior-Intermediate department of the Sunday school will hold its an­nual outdoor breakfast and worship service this Sunday. Pupils and teach­ers will meet at the Church at· 7:30 a. m., and breakfast will be supplied except for strips of bacon which each person is asked to supply for himself, due to rationing. ---4,--- Methodist Church Notes The First Quarterly Conference will be held on Friday evening, June 4, at 7.:30 in the chapel. Reports will be given by all the societies and organiza­tions of the church. The Official Board will be held at the close of the Quarterly Conference . The Church School meets on Sun­day morning at 9 :45. At the morning worship at 11, the Dlinistcr will preach. The sermon topic will be: uKeep Up Your Courage". The anual collection for the Home for the Aged will be taken at the morning service. The Woman's Society of Christian luues Urgent Appear Mrs. Percy Armitage of Harvard avenue issues an appeal for used cloth­ing for the British War Relief Society with Headquarters in Philadelphia which is conducting a. drive this and next week. The need for clothing for men and for children under six years of age is particularly urgent, but shoes and gar­ments of aU description for all ages will be most acceptable. These will be sent direct to England to be distrib­uted to peoples of different nation­alities who have been made homeless by the war. Mrs. Armitage may be reached by calling Swarthmore 1376. • Wins Stale Essay Prize Sidney Smith, a member of the junior class of Swarthmore High School, has just been awarded the Second Penn­sylvania Prize for her paper submitted to the High School Examination Con­test conducted by the League of Na­tions Association. This prize was re­cently awarded her by the Philadelphia office of the Pennsylvania branch of this association. Her classmates and teachers are proud of this achievement which results from her excellent work done in the class study of the problems of the war and· post-war living. She is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Mar­shall C. Smith, of Ros~ Valley. I Jeanne Theis Open Scholar Jeanne Theis has been awarded one of the three Open Scholarships for women to Swarthmore College. The scholarships were founded by Mr. and Mrs. Daniel White of Atlantic City and carry a stipend of $500 for four years. Jeanne is the second member of the Class of '43 at Swarthmore Higb School to win an Open Scholarship tbis year: Richard Adrian was awarded a similar scholarship. Both reside with the family of Dr, and Mrs. Robert K. Enders of Elm avenue. Of French parentage, Jeanne attended Bcole Nouvelle in Cevcncle, France until three years ago when she came to America. Her father runs a progressive school in France at the present and she is the only member of her family in this country. Service will hold its June meeting on 11"-----------.."..--'-11 Wednesday at 12 :30 at the home of }Irs. Alfred H. Williams, Providence road, Wallingfo"rd. The Seventy Eighth Anniversary of the Home for the Aged will be cele­brated on Thursday June 10. Dinner will be served between the hours of 12 :30 and 6 :30. . Christian Science Church "God the Only Cause and Creator" is the subject of the Lesson-Sermon in all Churches of Christ. Scientist, on Sunday, June 6. The Golden Text is: "Whatsoever God doeth. it shall be for ever: nothing can be pu t to it, nor anything taken from it." Ecclesiastes 3 :14. CHURCH SERVICES SWABTBMOBB PBBSBYTB1UAN CBllBOII Rev. David. Braun. Mtntater SUNDAY 9:45 A. M.-Church School. 11:00 A.M.-Morning Worship. The Rev. E. Fay Oampbell. Ouest Preacher .• METHODIST 0lIUB0Il Roy N. Keiser. D. D .• Mtnlater SUNDAY 9:45 A.M..:-Church School. 11:00 A. M. - Mrontng worship. 8 e r m 0 n TopiC: "Keep Up Your Cour­age". Annual Collection for Home for the Aged.. T1UN1TY 0lIUB0Il Rev. George ChrIstian AnderaOD. Rector SUNDAY 8:00 A. M. - HOi, communion. 9:45 A. M. - Church SChool. 11:00 A. M. - Holy Communion and 8er- ~~'~~~rt;f,~~In~o~n~'~~~~~June 3) 11:00 A. M. To Gather Jelly GIaIlBe8 • Girl Scouts under the direction of their troop leaders are making arrangements for collecting jars and jetty glasses to aid in the canning program sponsored by Mrs. J. V. S. Bishop. They ex­pect to make the collections on June 14 and IS. Help Young Refugees Young Chubby Andes and Paul Wil­liams with the other members of their company presented their marionette show uAladdin and the Wonderful Lamp" at the Woman's Club House Saturday evening to an audience of over 100. A total of $13.30 in ten cent admissions was turned over to the Swiss War Relief Fund for Refugee Children. During intermissions the audience was entertained with piano solos by Alice DeCaindry and Marilyn Mac­Elwee, and with several Spanish dances by N ena W. ~h:.._it_a k. :.er_. ___ - . Named Conslable Elmer F. Zebley has been appointed by the Delaware County Courts to serve an unexpired term as Constable for the Borough of Swarthmore. Zebley is a member of the local Po­lice Department and a former Law Enforcement Officer of the Pennsyl­vania Game Commission. He also served with the Baldwin Locomotive Works Police. A recent graduate of the Police School at Ridley Park) Pa., Zebley is married and has three children. His home is on Dartmouth avenue here. I In D. A. ·R. Memorial Representing Swarthmore in a Me­morial Day ceremony of the Delaware Coun ty Chapter of the D.A.R. in Ches­ter were Mrs. Henry J. Weiland, Mrs. Joseph H. Perkins. Mrs. Howard W. Newnam, Jr., and Mrs. Lovett Frescoln, Tribute was pai!l to the memory of John Morton, signer of the Declaration of Independence THE SWAR1'BIIIORRAN REPORT POPPY SALE Members of the American Legion Auxiliary here reported that despite an unpropitious Decoration Day the poppy campaign met with its usual success. Poppy banks contained $34.03 at the conclusion of the sale, a sum which will go as usual to aid disabled veterans. A silver flag pin .award was given Richard Taylor for having had the most profitable poppy day, with Nancy Rincliffe as runner-up. Others as,sist­ing with the campaign were Doris Black, Mary Condray, Claire Rincliffe, Barbara Ann Crossen, Frances Jenkins, Dinny Bonnet, Marion Karns, Gretel Reinhold, and Doris Dickinson. The Auxiliary is grateful to the Mariners, Boy Scouts and all others who helped. Jack Kiner U.S.O. representative has asked that Rat boxes of matches and bridge and pinochle packs be donated for the boys in special consignments on our shores. In isolated groups of three or four they can make use of these articles as well as Geographies, Atlantics, New Yorkers, Fortunes, and Reader's Digests which should be no older than 1940. ---<.>---- Navy League Summer Hours The Navy League Service office in the old Bank Building announces that it win only be open from 10 to 1 Mon­day through Saturday during the sum­mer months, beginning Saturday, June S. Members of the Swarthmore branch of the Navy League Service were sad­dened this past week to lcarn of the death of Mrs. Carl C. Austin, their honorary chairman. Mrs. Austin's en­thusiasm and interest were very help­ful during the time the local branch was organized as an outgrowth of the Newtown Square branch. • Richard Powell son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Powell will arrive home Thurs­day from Deerfield Academy, Deer­field, Mass. for the summer. Gathers Flowers For Flo1\'erless • Flowers for the flowerless may be left dUring the month of June at the home of Mrs. Henry L. Ward. 315 Cedar lane Wednesday evenings from 5 to 7 p. m. Mrs. Ward heads the assemb­ling of bouquets for distribution to the ill and Rowerless for the Swarthmore Meeting during June. f SUPLEE SEUS STORE N. Walter Suplee announces else· where ill this issue the sale of his South Chester road hardware store which he has operated for the past 21 years. The new owner is Howard D. Sipler, a residcnt of this borough for three years and a graduate of the college in the class of '33. He was a prominent· athlete ill his student years. Mr. Sip .. ler has had expericnce in the business with his father who owns a similar store in Darby. Mr. Suplee's retirement surpriscs his L-_______________' ! tmabalniysh efdri ena dsr ehpeurteat iwonh eraes hae bhuassi neesss· Mr. A. C. Bosshardt of Park ayenuc has been confined to the Taylor Hos­pital for the past week. man of high calibre. His immediate plaus are indefinite. His son Nathan \V. Suplee is stationed with thc Army Air Corps at Amari1lo, Tex. PREPAREDNESS Today, thoughtful men and women make provision for their funeral arrangements in advance, just as they consider it a duty to make wills, take out life insurance and purchase cemetery lots. We will be pleased to provide complete informa­tion- without obligation. .An J 'itJoItOI charge for the opening of,he gra .. on all furMn6. OLIVER H. BAIR CO. DIRECTORS OF FUNERALS 1820 CHESTNUT STREET RITtenhouse 1581 M. A; Balr, Prelident Nowl Try ono of th. mosl popular 5eall •• ' flavor. 'Black Raspberry Ice Cream THIS is the Sealtest Ice Cream that made such a hit last summer. Firm juicy block rasp­berries are crushed and frozen with cream aud otber fine ingredients into an ice cream that will delight your family again this year. Eacb spoonful invites another. As you'd expect, the quality of this tasty black raspherry ice cream is sup.erior ... we've maintained the high Snpplee stand­ards of fine ice ereltm making. Look for the store in yonr neighborhood that displays the familiar red SeaItest sign. ~'For good health and good morale, America's favorite dairy lood - ice cream - belongs in yoar _time menm," * .." W_ ....... ..." Stam". * IUPPLII·WILLI •• ON.. MILl( COMPANY YOUR SUPPLEIi DEALER HAS BLACK RASPBERRY ICE CREAM rhe Sealfest Flavor-of.fhe-Montlt for June TRy SEAL TEST ORANGE CREAftl SHERBET. So .moorh - 30 ref,.eah­inll lJlade wirh "ae golden juice 0/ fred. ora RIle.. SUPPLEE A DMslon. of National Dairy Products Corporatlo. SUPPLEE hrin911 you lb. A· • ..:", SHOW over EYW. ThUDd"", crt 8130 P. M. TUHE IN!

---------- Page 9 ----------

at 8:20; Cmu. A.plenty (e __ • /,.". 1'.,. 0.) in the audience suffer with him Brewsterish dilemma and cling him even as does his loyal love Harper who is played by Mar­'. '· with finesse. Together ·Latimer and. Mr. Mathers pre­one of the most attractive roman­combinations whil!h the Players has yet offered. 'ii~~.~~;~dl W. Parker turns in his usual ~ performance as the Rev. Dr. ialrp.:r itt which he appears genuinely and full of good will. Thomas H. ;i,leders as Mr. Gibbs turns out to be wisest roomer the Brewster sisters a chance to beguile and all in Lueders's effective fashion. ; Officers of the law William Jackson Alexander Dryden, Horace Fry, ·and Robert F. Mac­Farland give good account of them­. selves. in roles which are in conform- · .. anee With . the average dramatist's con­ ·ception :of policemen. They insist on " assisting: the audience in its willing dis­, belief of the true purpose of Teddy's PanaAla Canal. Frederick W. Luehring in his· first appearance with the club as Mr.· Witherspoon arcives in the nick ,.of t~e to spur the Brewster $isters , into evening the count. It is an in-triguing.. scene as the curtain falls. The production is marked not only excellent performance by every member of the cast, but by effective , . staging as well. It is highly recom- ~,mended as it continues tonight and tomorrow night at the Fairview Road Club House, as a chaser for all this world's worries. ****** ****** * MMJ 6J !/Jilll * * * * IN AIR-CONDITIONED * * * * COMFORT * * ATTHI * * * SUBURBAN CAFE .*. * 4111 CoCk/1li1 L6111/I' * * * * . LUNCH from 60c * * , DINNER from 85. * * •• .. * * -..... .".ii_-m .. '*'- * COCKTAIl. HOURS 3 10 6 P.M. * * * TBESWA.RTBMOaEAN LEGION POST BOWS. CEREMONIES IN THE BAlN ,. :Photo by Ernest R. Laws Billy Froebelsalotes in his turn •• Boy Soouts plaeed Hags on :markers for deceased veterans of the laal war. Although tlle rain which had threatened aU morning feU with increulns heaviness 8S the exercl.Bes before the Dor­o ... h tablet proceeded and eaa.oed the eaneellatlon of the parade, Dr. R. C. Disque paid hi, eloquent tribute unsheltered from the IIOrD! and tml­formed boroullh units huddled in orderlr faohion to aeeompanT memhera 01 the Harold Ainsworth Po.t to the eemelery. In _the rear ean be eeeu. retiriq Lecion Comma.Dder F. S. ·Brown. Oote1de the eamera"s eye wau the HiIIh Sehool Band whieh .ave ita eustomarr ""eellent performanee in spile of rain whieh dripped down inolrDments and naiformo. Lined alo ... the • treeta nuder every available shelter was the larlleat erowd whieh haa at­tended Memorial nay es:ere.Ues in yean. The reaped aud honor WIl8 there and no weather eould dispel It. Register Soon For Summer Fun (Cl)Iftilnul/. /,,., P.z- 0..) who h~ve finished sixth, seventh or eighth grades, and are registered in the regular suntmer club program, which includes baseball, tennis, grOUP games, canoeing, wood and metal work, drama­tics and cooking. credited camp or swimming pool asso­ciation. Teachers will plan the programs for children through the primary groups (those who have finished first grade). but above that age, each program will be based as far as possible on the pref­erences of the group. Parents are ·urged to sec that regis­trations are in on the appointed days, so that reservations may 6e held for their children, as· class quotas are limited. Blood Donors File :Ste,1U In Two.Day Tri·BoroEvent The fee for children from two· and half years through those who have completed the first irrade wiD be $7.50 for the term. Junior· (those who have finished second and third grades), in­termediate (those who have finished fourth and fifth grades). and summer club (thpse who have finished sixth, (CDJII;."u I,,,,,, P.,. 0_) seventh and eighth grades}, fees will, ,MRhr9,,,·leFs.rancis Spencer, Mrs. William be $10. There will be no part time r' and Edith Shaffer arranged registrations. operated all transportation to and . neighbor. ,communities.. . Tho~e -registering for canoeing will Gray Ladies Mrs. E.-L. Mercer, Mrs. be required to plesent a satisfactory Schumacher, Mrs. H. C. Barnes, swimming certificate from the Red Mrs. R. Morrow, Mrs. Arthur Cross, the Scouts, the Y or some ac- Robinson, Mrs. George MacIntyre. ij!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~~~~~;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~;;'; MAsrhs.t oTn,h oMmrass. WW.a lSteimr pSe.r sJ. aMmress., LM. rCs.. Wayne Randall. and Mrs. E. R. Bear of Rutledge were on duty. * * ******** ** .AFTER GRADUATION COMMENCE WITH CO-OPS Commencement Time in 1943. is tinged with a ne~ note. Graduating students are aware of a deeper realism ~ there is a seriousness in the air that waSD '. so obvious in mure normal times. The· Swarthmore Cooperative Association congratulates the High School graduating class - and with our hearty good wishes we extend an invitation. Won't you explore Consumers' Cooperatives. They are a plan for the new and peaceful world of tomorrow -" plan that works today in Swarthmore. . Fire H"drants are Silent Sentries Fire Hydrants are standing guard over your home and safety at all times. This protection not only greatly reduces hazards but in8urance rates as well. PJ,iIBJ.~bi. Suburban . 70.. tA. 'Cfn"PA'"I The 2-day event necessitated the serving by hard working can teeners of not only the before and after liquids to donors but two luncheons and a sup­per to the staff of the mobile unit. Mrs. Donald Storrs chaired the s~rving of juices and hot beverages with Mrs. Kendall Sadler, Mrs. J. V. S. Bishop. and Mrs. D. C. Armstrong assisting. Mrs. M. L. Singer, Mrs. R. B. Runyan, and Mrs. M. A. Vogel ran the Monday luncheon. and Mrs. Elliott Richardson chaired the Tuesday luncheon with Mrs. Agnes Haig Sheldon. Mrs. L. P. Wray, Mrs. William H. Brown, Mrs. Robert Powell. Mrs. Carl de Moll. and Mrs. A. E. Bassett as her assistants. Mrs. W. F. G. Swann and Mrs. E. S. Sproat were in charge of the Staff sup­per Monday night. Other Ridley Park women who as­sisted were Mrs. Charles Daley, Mrs. George Hurtt .. Mrs. James Eddie, Mrs. Ralph Wood. Mrs. Allen Lease. Mrs. .Ralph Fleming. Mrs. Andrew Wieland M • • rs. R. M. Smith, and Mrs. Edward Worrell. . The School in Ro!IC offers use of large rooms kitchen. June 18 to Sept. 7 in ex­change for upkeep of school grounds. - TelUUlt 1B0e fPeare:yD lo:ews n_ VtI_HtJ Charges Telephone Media 1088 .. r " Media 1541 After 3 P. M. .I.sIt for MIss Robel IDGH SCHOOL UNDERGRADUATES You can take a complete course in shorthand and typing in two summers at Keystone where it is cool, quiet, and hom·elike. Register now for a 10 Weeka' SUMMER SCHOOL BEGINNING JUNE 21 Later, you will need this training for use in cotlege or in securi..,g a position. Reduced tuition rates for the summer. Call Swarthmore 1747. . . KEYSTONE BmOOL 0...;.;."';""_ 8oi~c 1'10._-__ Mrs. S. Milton Bryant of South Paul J. Furnas. Jr., who been in Chester road will be hostess at a picnic the Media }{oopital for five weeka witb. lunch Friday. June 11 to the 12 mem- a fractured pelvic bone su.tained when bero of a bridge· club· to·'whicll her thrown by a horse will ·.bortly return mother belonged. to his IIome Spring Hollow Farm; Far-. Miss Esther Hibberd a student at num ,road. Media. . the University of Michigan. Ann ,lUber. ,.' Avery Blake. coach 0\ the Swartb­Mich:, ar.rived ·Tuesday .for ·a visit of more varsity lacrosse team and resi­two weeks with her'parents .Mr. and dent of Amherst avenue and Cresson Mrs. Carlisle Hibberd of Swarthmore lane has been ·selected as head toaeh avenue. of the All-South lacrosse squad. which Mrs. Harold· Hutcheson and her will meet an AU-North team at Balti­daughter Hildegarde of Swarthmore more. Saturday. avenue are spending this weekend with . Brownie Paclai 19 and 95 are plan­Mrs. Girard Ruddick of Upper Mont- nfng a picnic at the Girl Scout Howe clair. N. J. .. . from 12 to 3 p. m. on· Satunhiy June 5. * DefenSe Council Builetina *. omee. Boro ..... Ball-Telephone 0851 ()pftl Weekdara .1.3 0 - 3.30 DaIIr ' Senp Totals The last scrap metal drive netted 10.680 pounds of light metal. To date 100,000 pounds of metal have been collected in the Borough and 30.000 pound. were col­lected by the college. . Last week the grade school students gathered and assembled in pile. on street corners 10.405 pounds of tin cans. These were collected br the Borough Highwar force and delivered at the railroad siding at Marcus Hook. 21.000 pounds of tin cans have been prepared by the householders. collected and delivered react" for shipment to the detinning plants. . Conaamer Seniee . Final details· on how the consUD):er will obtain sugar for home canniDg. under a simplified plan have been announced bT OP}" Stamps No. 15 and No. 16 in War Ration Book One will 'automatically be gOlld for five pounds of sugar each, ei£ective now until October 31. 1943. No application need be made to local ra­tioning boards in order to use these coupons unless more than 10 Ibs. per perMm is required 'for canning. in which case application must be made to the local rationing. board . Stamp No. 13 for regular sugar allowance became valid June 1st. FRIENDS' CENTRAL SCHOOL Summer DOT Camp lor BOT' muI Glrla, .41188 IJ to 14 MONDAY, JUNE 2 TO FRIDAY, SEPIEMBER 11 SklDed COnnaelo.... Ideal Reereatloual Fae1Utl .... .Charaeter BuDdin. Experien_ Addreao Inquiries 10 Eclilar D. Free, Dlreetor . THE NINETY-NINTH SCHOOL YEAR will common .. W ... n ..... '. eep_ 22. Nuroery SChool, KIn4orsarton. Elementary. OOIlege PlePara\0r7. OOImtlJ' Day Plan on a beautuul campus"tlf treM. Ia1ml, and plaJ1nc 1lelda. OcmveDlellt transportation to aU suburban and city areaa. AppllcatlDn IIhould be made promptly. BARCLAY L .JONES, Ha04_ OVERBROOK PHILADELPHIA ·aptitude testing WB&& Special summer opportunltJ' tor student. and. a4uJta to obtaln voeattoDal COUDeel'ng aDd. ~Utnde teeUas ,In Bwarthmo<e tile _11: of Jllll&.l.... sbapel'O!!r . plans for now or after the war. Ask tor fOlder L 'l'om"ulIOJl_stratbmore Co1Ullelon 2IlIl B. Ohestor Bd HAVE YOU A SON OR DAUGHTER? There's nothing you wouldn't do to give ·them the unequaled advantages life in a free America pro­vides. Yet _ • • will you be able to give them these advantages when 'the time comes? You will-if you start saving for it tIIJU). You won't-if you let the money you're making D.OW slip through your fingers. So start saving or inaua y01ll'samgs. Imest every cent you can in U. S. War Savings Bonds. Regularlyl War Bonds are the best all·around investment the world has ever seen. Th"f can't go down in price. Ten years from now, you get back '4 for ftery '3 youin_now. . SWARTHMORE BANK· AND TRUST COMPANY , 9 SCHOOL NEWS 28. In additiofi 10 a one-act plar in Spanish, the program closed with a Mexican Dance· given by Nena and il~~~~~~~!;~~~;~:li~A~tjt~he "Letter Banquet" held the Vicente ConcorWa; ii1iO iror ... ;o-,~ Ilh~gh school Wednesday .. evening. Mr. and Mrs. Roy ·G. Rinclilfe of een,.,. eAJ•D OP II&AL .rAft eprp!PP8 0ftI'IC3 OOUBT IIOIJA. M1!DJA. _A. lPBIDAY • .ron 11. 1M3 CbooW _ 'UO foot to 1iIIe. __ - ''''''eel pomt _pIaoeof .... nnm. lID_III _ of 0De"""_ buJI4JnC. 2703''''0 fee'; "'" ""'" .­tmtld'" r. 30zM feet.. .--~==- the following school letters Haven avenue have issued in- 8:30 A. IL. IIIutem War TIme Sold .. the _pert)- of W. _nI a..- far achievements in athletics ·for a tea at their home··sun"'I:~i~~~i~~~~ nU, real OWDer. . . . other extra-curriculara.ffairs: day afternoon. June 6 at which Elea- Hand MoDsr. t5Q0.CIO. fred Haig. Richard Hoot. Dan piano recital. . -. ! already earned letters went to AI- their· daughter ·Nancy in an informal I Lo.varl ....,... No. 1S'IIiF==_===~B.~S~~:~~~~ ;~~~~~;~~~!~~;;~i2 track, stars awarded to those wh.ol,nor Schofield Fawcett will present aBBBB o!o JOBNBON. AttomeJa. Ted Moore. Seniors; and to ;~~f~~~iJ;:;=~~i;J~ - TenD. ·11M3 Nowell and Gil. Widdowson. lot arar~,-~;~~~=;~~ ~~~~~~I;~:ib'i~!l.tters 10 Waiton Schrader ~ Congratulations i~~i~~~~~d.~~~;~! 1,,_• • _ W·ftrj,. Juniors. and Don RUnler~1 CLASS OF '43 Seniors. Paul Rutan li~~~B~~~~~~ ford and oseph Cook. -Sophomllres; Junior Varsity Let~er. to· Robert to Zensen and Jay Daugherty, Seniors, ~~~~;'~~~~~~[l~~'Eidor s,B ealnfide ldJ iman dP rJiaccek, BBolabc kRmeaend., Jaunnd- I ",_ _ ~u_ Bill Ward,'. Sophomores .. Boys' non- Armitage, Jim Cleaves, Fred Ned Rutherford. and Walton • The Music Box Dartmouth Avenue ... rooms. 06Il'1. athletic' awards were received bYI:~~~5~§~~~~~~~i~ Seniors receiving 2 awards; Seniors receiving awards were li:~~i~~~~~_~~~~~~~~~f~~~~~~~~=~~====~ Heath. Richard Adrian. Jerry I· Dan Kirk. Steen Meryw.ather, Sickel; Juniors - Jim Champ­Bill McDowell, Dave Seymour, Thayer. Dave Wtbb •. and Leo ~.~;,"'E.::y tWoen,.r. In girls' Lacrosse competition stars "-.ere awarded to Ann Argyle" Agnes ~~: II ~;:?.'ke. Kathie Downing. Shirley Mac­Millan, and Alice Putnam, Seniors; ~nd :. ~::~I~>U~~ Servais, Junior; Varsity Letters == Marion Bernard, Mary·· Garrett, Lee Hopkins. and Sally Sp'"!,,,er. O!. 10 the atto~ 1I0RlUS II. I, 12_ So.uPtha A.v enue. 5-?~ PEBSONAIr-6BATTLB-Drlvlng to Seattle. waahlngton a.bOUt ..June 20. lloom for one or more. Share expenses. TelephOne Bwarth ... more 2GB. . Barbara Thatcher. u~~~~; I Anne Tllrner J J Letters to Crurol:ynl~~~l~~~tf~t:; Henry, Betty Morse, Mary Morse, ~: ;,~~;~~~~~!~!~;~~ SBcehtotyll . Lainttdle fLieoludi.s eR Wutoho dP,i kJeu.n iDoorsro; tahneda iii-s"Viii: I Betty Anlie Beagle. Sandra Crosset. Mary Gary. Phebe Lukens. Constance i~~~i~~lm~~~~~~~~ISPiUNeorn- aatnhdle Jtiacn aew Vaardchs ew. eSnotp htoom thoere sfo. l- I.p;it'ii~"t] 11~:~:;t_girls: Kathie I, Laura Lee HoDprkiinws.n Bientt~yg }~..M ~ary~II;;~i~~~~~~;';~~~~ Tish Lee. Anne Myers. Betsy receiving 2 awards ~~~~~fnJTtr.~s.;~::= each; Jeanne Theis, Senior, ~ three' awards j Seniors who received one award-Ann Argyle, Louise BeU, 1 a.~o(BO;.nj::-r,:lthe~S.h",;r' ;~~~~~i~~~ii~~~~ GMaayr,i onB aBrbearrnaa rdG. riJffeiathn, FCiarsocl h"H.etRzeult, Ih ~ l~~~~~~~L'~_i~ -".-:-.-.--,;- Virginia. Lawrence, Bonny Morse, Anne young Perkins, Elizabeth Pope, Helen Pratt, clIa~ lmme- Putnam, Juniors FOR RENT Furniahed Ap_ent Plve lOoms, _ 1I00r. light and cboertuL I ~:orse, I Ground. sp&Ce tor dowers cw vegetab1ea. Ruth O15.C¥I,_:~·JSU•.D ·Bl~;.;. ... .... Sally· Spencer. .. ".. ... .. ...,. Wilson. and Ora Wood; NO~ P1lIIJL,~~=1Ieal _III Bobby A. Schobinger. Tryou. lor Choru. Tryouts for next year's Senior -MRS, A. J. QUINBY & SON under the direction of Alice ..... lIDBCQ Q1JDiBi, 10£. 1 Bloilgett were held on Wednesday, p.. 'lJN~RAL. DIRECTORS 2. in the High School music room. DlcId....,1l Named 206 S. Oranp 51. Media Haines Dickinson was elected presi-in the election on ~r:iday May 21. Other S-21-3t SHERIPP BALES OP REAL ESTATE I~HJ!1UP1I"B OPPICB COURT HOUSE. MBDIA. PENNA. FRIDAY. JUNK 25. 1943 9:30 A.M. Eastern War T1me Conditions: t250.00 cash or om:tLtled. check at time ot sale (unlees otherw1se stated In advertisement) bal.ance in ten days. other concUt1ona on day of sale. Pieri Facias No. 1251 September Term. 1932 iF~i:~'P~It~ 923 Lawrence Ave., Darby. Pa. .... ~~~~.~~~~~ dent of the Senior student association loillicers elected are: Greg Heath vice- . B •. KEI.IEY_Jr. president. Barbara Thatcher secretary., ?'Ii~ir; and Jim Champion treasurer. I' m Borougb. of slde of Lawrence ,~O,_ '"U,," Northwesterly alde ·}'our I_e'er The final examinations for the sopho- x 53.25 teet x 22:.40 25 . ·Ead .7~ SL Ch""" mores arid juniors are scheduled for (OppaoUa Ne. 8_ Theatre> June 9-11.· The seniors complefed their 'Phone Chester 3764 tests in the last week of May. E"pea Big. Summer Sdwol . The Summer School program being PIAN. i.·.·0 TUNIN.G ' offered by Swarthmore, High Scbool from June 21 to july 30 is of even AND BEBlJIJ,DINC· ; greater significance this year than ever. II. Y ..... Praedcal !'ydoptee to the fact that no one can afford .. A. L PA-aRuKIU:ER_ to be retarded a year. and that mOlDV I __ Thoae Medfa 459-M pupils will take a preview course to ~"":~=~::~~~~~ ___ Iease Up· next. year's schedule, a. large enrollment is expected.' ., Registration. will take place at the Improvements consist of two story. brlck and frame house. porch 1rODt. 15 x 38 teet. Sold 88 the pro~~ of Raymond Heath and Ethel Olara. lb. his wite . MARCUS BERMAN. Attorney. Fieri Facias No. 306 March Term, 1943 ROGER RUSSELL Maker oj Fine Photographs fol6 HAVERFORD PLACE CALL SWABTIDIORE 1290 high school on June· 21 from 8 :30 to 1 ~Ori!~'-~ ~f~~~~~~:~~~~ 11 :30 a. m. !ie~: ~~u~~~ See Emil ill ."., Mimes Greedu • . SIMMONDS 714 Weloh S_ Cheater ARDMOIUI WINDOW CLEANING 00. SW ARTBIilORE BRANCH ALL IIBAIfCIIZ8 or HOUR CLBAN­lNG. KNOWN IN TBB TBBBI­TO. yroBZO~ Free PhoDe can. -I'or castomen (Formerly 8 •• 19) Ardmore 23ZO KEEP WARMER-LONGER witIa COAL AND COKE - FUEL OIL • VAN ALEN BROS. l"Ilone Swa. ICN12 WE CAN SHOW YOU HOW In the opinion of the students, the German classes Thursday and Friday, May 20. 21. were probably the best of the'year. The movie version of "Emil und die Detektive", the book which '"the first year students are studying, was pre­sented in the auditorium. The plot con­cerned a country boy who traveled. to Berlin, bad hi.s money stolen fro~m him, and of the band of boy detectives who helped him recover it. E"IOT Sopla Hop The Soph hop. one of the big school events of the year was held in the High School gym. Friday. May 21. from to 12 p. m. Music for the dance, which was a great success was furnished by lacona and the "Diplomats". Chaperons were Mr. and Mrs. Wil­liam Ward 3rd, Mr. and Mrs. Foster Nowell, Betty Barton, Mary Armstrong. l}oral·garet Hamel. G. Baker Thompson and and· Mrs. F, rank R. Morey. Dr. Samuel C. Palmer who has been residing in Media for the last two years is now making his home with his nephew Mr. Newlin Palmer of 26th and Che'tnut Sts .• Chester. . Nena Whitaker of Elm avenue pre­sented a Spanish solo dance at a pro­gram given by the Pan-American As­sociation. Philadelphia. Friday evening; Premises 138 Burmont Road, Drexel HUl.L Po. Improvements cons1at of two and one half story bl' and frame house. 18%39 feet: one story brick addition stone tront, 18x39 feet. . . SOld 88 tho property of Harry S. Collins. RALPH L. LINDENMUTH. Attomey. R. B. MUNSON. Sherltr. FOR RENT IN SWARTHMORE Second floor apartment com­pletely furnished with living room, dining room, kitchen with back porch, two bedrooms and bath; heat and water included; sunshine and air on four sides; a lovely apamnent. Available June first. Will show by appoint. ment. Sweeney & Clyde 29 E. Fifth .St,r eet ':HEST~ PA. Phone 6141 ... es,eciall, on part, 'ines THE lILt TELl' HONE COMPANY OF PENNSYLVANIA FREE LESSONS CLOSE to HOME COME and see how ea5Y it is to can 5easonal fruits and vegetables. The first of a series -0· . f. can. . n'"g classes will be he'd at CHESTER OffICE PHILADELPtilA ELECTRIC COMPANY 12-18 E. Fifth 5treet FRIDAY, JUNE 11 • ..•.•..•. '" •... 2 .j.V..V. pm • • • • • • • • • • e. • * • Ot•b er Connln,. .. D emonstrotlons Next Wee .. 4635 ,.;. TUESDAY, JUNI • .1 W nlrfonf Avenue, Philadelphia I • Chellen Avenue, Philadelphia ··•••••• •••.. 2:00 p.m. 23 N. Wayne Avenue, Wayne .......••••••••••.. 7:30 p.m. ·········_ •••. 2,00 pm 212 110/(,,", 5_ WlDNESDAY, JUNE 9 • • , No. . hlo... . . • . . . . . • ... 2 . . • .......... :00 P ... lUOt No I lNURSDAY, JUNI 10 .. 1': -.I Shwet. I'IoUaoIeIp/oia. ... -- - s.. ....... Ay ..... ....w ............ 2.-00 _. ...... ·.- .... I,OQ p_ Mil ale II-D Ce "'DAY, IUN! 11 .-~ -a· .. wIII.e. ........ . •••••••••.••••. 2:00 ..... PHILADELPHIA l.lICr.,C . COMPANY •

---------- Page 10 ----------

INTENTIONAL SECOND EXPOSURE ". ..-.-. ' _8 _____________ ~ _ ~--------------------~T~H=E~=S~W~A~R=T~H~M~O~R=E~A~N~ _____________________ ~F~RlDA~~~ 1~ Arsenic at 8:20; LEGION POST HOLDS CEREMONIES IN THE RAIN Chills Aplenty (Collti."e4 I~o. Pdr_ 0111) hearts in the audience suffer with him in his Brcwsterish dilemma and ding to him cven as docs his loyal love Elaine Harper who is played by Mar­garet Latimer with iillcssc. Together Miss Latimer and Mr. Mathers pre­sent one of the most attracth'c roman· tic combinations which the Players Club has yet offered. Stafford \V. Parker turns in his usual effortless performann: as the Rev. Dr. Harper in which he appears gelluinely pious and full of good will. Thomas H. Lueders as Mr. Gibbs turns Ollt to be the wisest roomer the Brewster sisters have a chance to beguile and all in Mr. Lueders's effective fashion. Officers of the law \Villiam Jackson Blackman, Alexander Drydell, Horace Stevenson Fry, and Rouert F. :Mac-I Farland give good account of thelll­sc1ves in roles which are in conform~ ance with the average dramatist's con­ception of policemen. They insist on assisting the audience in its willing dis­belief of the true purpose of Teddy's PanaAla Canal. Fredcrick \V. Luehring in his first appearance with the club as 1\Ir. Witherspoon arri,·cs in the nick of time to spur the Brewster sisters into evening the count. It is an in­triguing. scene as the cnrtain faBs. The production is marked not ouly by excellent performance by every member of the cast, but by effective staging as well. It is highly recom­mended as it continues tonight and tomorrow night at the Fairview Hoad Club House as a chaser for all this world's worries. Photo by Ernest R. Laws Bill," Froebc1 salutes in his lurn as Boy Scouls placed flogs on markers for deceased veterans of the last war. Although the rain which had threatened ull lIIorning Cell with increasing heaviness 8S the exercises before the Bor­ough lab let proceeded and caused Ihe cancellation of the parade, Dr. R. C. Disque Judd his eloquent tribute unshcllered from Ihe storm and uni­formed borough unils huddled in orderly fosbion to accompany members of the Harold Ainsworth Post 10 the cemetery. In the rear can be seen retiring Legion Commander F. S. ·Brown. Outside Ibe camera's eye WDS the High School Band which gave irs customary excellent performance in spite of rain which dripped do,,-n instnuncnls and uniforms. Lined along the streets under every available shelter was the largest crowd which bas at~ tcnded l\lcmorial Day cxerci8es in yean. The respect and honor was there and no weather could dispel it. Register Soon For Summer Fun ************ * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * LfllIPA "A YJilll IN AIR-CONDITIONED COMFORT AT THE SUBURBAN CAFE 11111 C"pi/llil L"fllI,' LUNCH from 60c DINNER from 85. • IWIf CGllttlUE • P. t ... SlIIII1II sranol COCKTAil HOURS 3 TO 6 P. II&. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * (Co"ti"u,d Ira". Pdr. OlU> who hn vc finished sixth, seventh or eighth grades, and arc registered in the rcgular sunlmcr club program, which includes haschall. tennis, group games, calloeing, wood and metal work, drama­tics and cooking. The fcc for children from two and half years through those who have completed the first gra,le will be $7.50 for the term. Junior (those who have finished second and third grades), in­termediate (those who have finished fourth and fifth grades), and summer club (those \"'ho have finished sixth, seventh and eighth grades), fees will he $10. Th ere will be no part time registrations. * * * * * * * * * * * * Those registering for canoeing will be required to present a satisfactory swimming certificate from the Red Cross, the Scouts, the Y or some ac~ AFTER GRADUATION COMMENCE WITH CO-OPS Commencement Time in 1943, is tinged with a new note, Graduating students are aware of a deeper realilUll - there is a seriousness in the air Ihat wasn't 80 obvious in more normal times. The Swarthmore Cooperative Association eongratnlates the High School graduating class - and with our hearty good wishes we exlend an inviiaHon: Won't you explore Consumers' Cooperatives, They are a plan for the new amI peaceful world of tomorrow - a plan that works today in Swarthmore, Fire Hytlrllnts are Silent Sentries Fire Hydrants are standing guard over your home and safely at all times, This protection not only greatly reduces hazards hUI insurance rates 8S well. P/'ilaJe~hia Suhurhan ~~ credited camp or swimming pool asso­ciation. Teachers will plan the programs for children through the primary groups (those who have finished first grade). but ahove that age. each program will be based as far as possible on the pref­erences of the group. Parcnts are urged to see that regis­trations are in on the appointed days, so that reservations may be held for their children, as class quotas arc limited. Blood Donors File Steadily In Two.Day Tri-BoroEvent (C01fliIUILt/. I,."". P"16 0,,_> AIrs. Francis Spencer, Mrs. \Villiam Rhodes, and Edith Shaffer arranged and operated all transportation to and from neighbor communities. Gray Ladies ~'[rs. E. L. l\fercer~ Mrs. Harvey Schumacher, 1I.frs. H. C. Barnes, Mrs. Glenn R. Morrow, Mrs. Arthur Hobinsoll, Mrs. Gcorge MacIntyre, hi rs. Thomas W. Simpers, Mrs. L. C. Ashton, Mrs. Walter S. James, :Mrs. \\layne Randall, and Mrs. E. R. Bear of Rutledge were on duty. The 2-day event necessitated the serving 1.y hard working can teeners of not only the before and after liquids to donors hut two luncheons and a sup~ per to the staff of the mobile unit. Mrs. Donald Storrs chaired the serving of juices and hot beverages with Mrs. Kendall Sadler, Mrs. J. V. S. Bishop, and 1I..frs. D. C. Armstrong assisting. Mrs. M. L. Singer, l\hs. R. B. Runyan, and Mrs. M. A. Vogel ran the Monday luncheon, and Mrs. Elliott Richardson chaired the Tucsday luncheon with ~I rs. Agnes Haig: Sheldon. l\hs. L. P. \Vray, Mrs. \ViIliam H. Brown, Mrs. Hobert Powell, Mrs. Carl de Moll, and ~r rs. A. E. Bassett as her assistants. 1 :M rs. \V. F. G. Swann and l\.Jrs. E. S. Sproat were in charge of the Staff sup­per l\fonday night. Other Ridley Park women who as­sisted were Mrs. Charll!s Daley, Mrs. George Hurtt, l\.frs. James Eddie, Mrs. Ralph \Vood, Mrs. Allen Lease, Mrs. Ralph Fleming, ),1 rs. Andrew Wieland, ~r rs. R. :AI. Smith. and !1rs. Edward \Vorrell. The School in Rose Valley offers use of large rooms and kitchen. June 18 to Sept. 7 in cx­change for upkeep of school grounds. Tenant to Pay Own Utlllty Charges References Required Telephone Media 1088 or ftl.din 1541 After 3 p, M, Ask for Miss Rotzel HIGH SCHOOL UNDERGRADUATES Y lUI can take a complete course in shorthand and typing in two summers at Keystone where it is cooJ, quiet. and homelike. Register now for a 10 Week8' SUMMER SCHOOL BEGINNING JUNE 21 Later, you will need this training for use in college or in securing a position. Reduced tuition rates for the summer. Call Swarthmore 1747, Mrs, S, Milton Bryant of South Chester road will be hostess at a picnic lunch Friday, June 11 to the 12 mem­bers of a bridge club to which her mother belonged. Miss Esther Hibberd a student at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Mich., arrived 'rues day for a visit of two weeks with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Carlisle Hibberd of Swarthmore avenue. Paul J. Furna., Jr., who has been in the Media Hospital for five weeks with a fractured pelvic bone sustained when thrown by a horse will shortly rehlrn to his home Spring Hollow Farm, Far­num road, Media. 11.1 rs. Harold Hutcheson and her daughter Hildegarde of Swarthmore avenue arc spending this weekend with Mrs, Girard Ruddick of Upper Mont­e1air, N. J. Avery Blake, coach of the Swarth­more varsity lacrosse team and resi~ dent of Amherst avenue and Cresson lane has been selected as head coach of the All-South lacrosse squad, which will meet an All-North team at Balti­more, Saturday. Brownie Packs 19 and 9S are plan­ning a picnic at the Girl Scout House from 12 to 3 p, m. on Saturday June 5. * DefenSe Council Bulletins * om ... , BoroUlh Hall- Telephone 0351 Open WeekdaT8 1:30 - 3:30 DaUy • Scrap Totals The last scrap metal drive netted 10,680 pounds of light metal. To date 100,000 pounds of metal have been collected in the Borough and 30~()()() pounds were col .. lected by the college. Last week the grade school students gathered and assembled in piles aD street corners 10,405 pounds of tin cans. These were coUected by the Borough Highway force and delivered at the railroad siding at Marcus Hook. 21,000 pounds of tin cans have been prepared by the householders~ collected and delivered ready for shipment to the detinning plants. Con8nmer Serviee Final details on how the consu":1er will obtain sugar for home canning under a simplified plan have been announced by OPA. Stamps No. 15 and No. 16 in War Ration Book One will automatically be good for five pounds of sugar each, effective now until October 31. 1943. No application need be made to local ra­tioning boards in order to use these coupons unless more than 10 Ibs. per person is re(luired -for canning, in which case application must be made to the local rationing board. Stamp No. 13 for regular sugar allowance became valid June lst. FRIENDS' CENTRAL SCHOOL Summer Day Camp lor Boy. and Girr., Age$ 3 10 14 MONDAY, JUNE 2 TO FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 3 Skilled Counselors, Ideal Recreational Faeilities, Character Buildina Experiences Addres8 Inquiries to Edgar D. Free, Director THE NINETY~NINTH SCHOOL YEAR wID commence Wednesday. September 22. Nursery School, KIndergarten. Elementary. College Preparatory. Country Day PIan on a beautiful campus'of trees. laWDB, and playing flelds. Conven1ent transportation to all suburban and city areas. AppUcatlon should be made promptly. BARCLAY LJONES, Headma.'er OVERBROOK pmLADELPHIA aptitude testing NEXT WEEK special summer opportunity for .etudents and adults to obtain vocational counseling and apUtude testing in Swarthmore the week of June 14. Relp shape yoUr plans for now or after the war. Ask for free folder B. Tomllnson~Strathmore Counselors 200 B. Chester Bel Bwa. 2022: HAVE YOU A SON OR DAUGHTER? There's nothing you wouldn't do to give them the unequaled advanlages life in a free America pro­vides, Yel,.. will you be able to give Ihem these advantages when the time comes? You will-if you slart saving for il now, You won'l-if you leI' the money you're making now slip through your lingers_ So start saving or increase your savings, Invesl every cent you can in U. S, War Savings Bonds, Regulady! War Bonds are the best all-around investment the world has ever seen. They can't go down in price. Ten years from now, you get back $4 for every $3 you invest now. SWARTHMORE NATIONAL BANK AND TRUST Member of Federal Depoait lnaurmace Corporlldo" .~, KEYSTONE SCHOOL I 1' _______ Swa~o~ Pa, ,~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ FRIDAY, JUNE 01, 1943 SCHOOL NEWS THE S\V May 28. In addition to a one-act play in Spanish, the program closed with a Mexican Dance· given by Nena and At the "Letter Banquet" held at the Vicente Concordia. school Wednesday evening, June Mr. and A.lrs. Roy G. Rincliffe of the following school letters were Strath Haven avenue have issued in· for achievements in athletics I viitatiom for a tea at their home Sun­other extra~curricular affairs: in day afternoon, June 6 at which Elea­BIIBRIPP BAL1!8 OP BBAL I!8'1'A'l'B Bm:Rl'PP'8 OFPlCB COURT HOUSE, MEDIA, PENNA, FRIDAY, JUNE 11, 1943 9 :30 A. M .• Eastern War TIllIe track, stars awarded to those who nor Schofield" Fawcett will prescnt already earned letters went to AI~ their' daughter . Nancy in an informallr.,varl FacIas No. 137 fred Haig, Richard Hoot, Dan Kirk, pi<!l1o recital. '':~~;:'~I',"d Ted Moore, Seniors; and to Jerry Nowcll and Gil Widdowson, Juniors; P. EASTLAKE, De-liw1~~~b~l~tba~t~b~:~~~~~lo~t~o~r~ Varsity letters to' Walton Schrader and Borough of Swartb~ Bob Stein, Seniors. Paul Rutan and ~he above Estate §~:f1;,['~~~'~~ Dave Work, Juniors, and DOll Ruther~ tbe undersigned, as to said Estate are ford and Joseph Cook, -Sophomores; payment. and those and Junior Varsity Letters to RQbert present the same without March Term. 1843 of EZedn sBeenl fiaelndd anJady JaDcaku gBhlearctkym, aSne, nJiuorns-, L.C <LJIuNnDtyE NBMUiUldTinHg., EMxeedciuat,o rP. R. I!:~~~~.~~~~~~~~~~~~ iors, and Jim Price, Bob Reed, and GE~~~ '::~~. Esquire, Bill Ward, Sophomores. Boys' non_l~c~o~u~n~t~Y~B~I~dg::::,,_M=ed=,~a~,~PR=. ____ _ athletic awards were received by More Ned R th f d d W It the Borough of Swarthmore. Delaware ;;;-"'--"---'::=-- -.. ::_"--~. , 9 Chester Road. 81.016 feet to the Drat men­tIoned poInt and place of begiDD.1.Dg. Improvementa conalst of ODe story stucco bulldJDg. 27X36x40 feet: two atory stucco building, 30.:14 teet. Sold 88 the property of W. Pereival Gar­rett, real owner. Hand Money. $500.00. OREER & JOHNSON. Attorneys. R. 8. MUNSON, Bherlt!. Congratulations CLASS OF '43 • The Music Box Dartmouth Avenue ~~~~~~~~~~I~G~e~o~r~g~e,,}Armitage, Jim Cleaves, Fred ESTATE OP WALTER O. CBOUCH. late of :~;J~~:~!.e~~~j;: y, u er or ,an a on County. Po. Letters Testamentary on the SeniSoernsi orresc erievcienigv inagw a2r dasw awrdesre j aubnodvcers leKsntaedte, ahlal vpinefg80 1b1e8e nh agvrIaDngt edcl.a 1tmo st hoer' S~I,u~t,1l~ ~~~::~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~=~~=~======~ demancf8 agalnet ea.ld eGtate are requested Heath, Richard Adrian, Jerry to make known the same and all persons FOR SALE Dan Kirk, Steen Meryweather, Indebted to the decedent to make pa7JDent FOR SALE - Attentton, Boat OWnersi 2 "Neve1'8lnk" Vesta at $2.00 each, 2 Jacket -$2.50 each. Detlefsen. Swarthmore without delay to Sickel; Juniors-Jim Champ- MARY D. CROUCH" Bill McDowell, Dave Seymour~ 152 ~:"l:::Ue. Paul Thayer, Dave Webb, and Leo swarthmore, Po. Woerner. OrM tOo RtRheIS a ttorney: H. PUSSELL, Esq" In girls' Lacrosse competition stars 12 South Avenue, :~~~~j~~~~~~:pjiDe:siiWi;W",dii1- I "vel'e awarded to Ann Argyle" Agnes 5.7~Gt MedIa. Pa. Beneke, Kathie Downing, Shirle)" Mac- --'-'--------------- Millan, and Alice Putnam, Seniors; and No. 13~-?:WN~u~~ Road. ,'==="',;"I~~u~~ Servais, Juniorj Varsity Letters Swarthmoro College having applied for ;;;: Marion Bernard, Mary Garrett, apartment house zone clBsslflcatlon of the above premises. on the Easterly stde of Laura Lee Hopkins, and Sally Spencer, Chester Road 113.72 feet North of Harvard PERBONAL-SEATTLE--Drlvlng to BeattIe. S' B b Th t h Ed'th Avenue, contalnlng a frontage of 159.89 feet W88hlngton about June 20. Room for one cmors; ar ara a c er, I on Chester Roacl and an average depth of or more. expenses. Telephone Swarth~ I f:~i~;,e~, and Anne Turner, Juniors j 201.90 feet, a pUblic hearing In connection more 2498. I. Varsity Letters to Carolyn with a proposed change of the Zoning or~ dinance has been scheduled for Wednell· WANTED Henry, Betty Morse, Mary Morse, day, June 16, 1943, at 7:45 P. M. In the WANTED _ H1gh school girl or elderly Betty Littlefield, Ruth Pike, Dorothea Council Room, Borough Hall, Swarthmore, woman to assist with two children. 3 and Scholl, and Louise Wood, Juniors; and ~:·h~rd~hich a~y person Interested may 7. In small country home. Telephone Cbes~ ter Hetghts. 185 or rePly' to Th.e Bwarth~ Betty Anne Beagle, Sandra Crosset, It 18 proposed to raze the old dormitory m1~0~r~e~an'iiI'' -::=-:!iiim.;sfOr':4CiLiiAi:-jiu.;e;;;..--.! Mary Gary, Phebe Lukens, Constance cboUnilsdtiintug ten oaw n oonn~ ctohnef oprrme1mnigs euss. ec alasi ma emdU tlo- Spiller and Jane Vache, Sophomores. tlple dwelling, with the right to erect an Non~athletic awards went to the fol- au.npda.errtm tehnet theromusse ofb Uthiled inZgo niInng tOherd ifnuatnucree. girls: Kathie Downing, Mary ELLIOTI' RICH.ARDSON,· Garrett, Laura Lee Hopkins, Betty A. 5·21·3t Borough Secretary. Hulme, Tish Lee, Anne Myers, Betsy ADVERTIBEMENT Telephone each: Jeanne Theis~ Senior, received ~;ti~~ at Hornaday -Seniors receiving 2 awards The S_:C~h~OORl ~D~IB:tr~'ic;t~o~tjS:Wi~art.~IlmEr0re will three awards; Seniors who received one award - Ann Argyle, Louise Bell, Marion Bernard. Jean Fischer~ Ruth Gay, Barbara Griffith, Carol Hetzel, Virginia Lawrence~ Bonny Morse~ Anne Perkins, Elizabeth Pope, Helen Pratt, Alice Putnam~ Janice Wherry; Juniors - Susan Thatcher Mardy J. Crosby (2 FOR RENT Furnished Apartment Plve rooms. 1lr8t floor. light and. cheerful • Ground space for ftowers or vegetables. $15.00 per month. June 1. WM, S. BITn.E Swarthmore In .. , Notary PubUc...;..Insurance-Beal Estate A. J, QUINBY & SON A. MERCER QVINBY, ,~. FUNERAL DIRECTORS awards), Pauline Elaine Kite, Betty Laws, Betty Betty Morse, Mary Morse, Marilyn Ruth Pike, Sue Reynolds, Sidney Snlitl" Sally Spencer, Edith Thatcher, Wilson, and Ora Woodj Sophomore­Bobby A. Schobinger. Tryout lor Chorus Tryouts for next year's Senior Chorus under the direction of Alice Blodgctt were held on Wednesday, June 2, in the High School music room. Dickinson Named 206 S. Orange St. Media Haines Dickinson was clected prcsi· 'Phone Medla .. dent of the Senior student association ~rt ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ in the election on Friday :May 21. Other loilic'ers elected are: Greg Heath vice- EDWIN B. KEf.JrEY .. Jr. president, Barbara Thatcher secretary, and Jim Champion treasurer. Your Jeweler The final examinations for the sopho~ 25 Ea.t 7th St, Cheater mores and juniors are scheduled for (Opposlte New state Theatre) June 9-11. The seniors compietcd their 'Phone Cheater 3764 tests in the last week of May. ~===~§§:§§§§:~~~==:!I Expect Big Summer School : The Summer School program being PIANO TUNING MID REBUlWING 12 Yeoon Pnetieal Experlenee A. L PARKER 'Phone Medl- 459-M ROGER RUSSELL Maker oj Fine Photographs 416 HAVERFORD PLACE CALL SWARTHMORE 1290 Pict_Dre Framing - Stationery Books - Kodak Supplies Greeting Ca~-Hobb,. Craft . SIMMONDS 714 WeI.h Street Chesler 'Phone Chester 2~5181 .--.--.--.--- ARDMORE WINDOW CLJ!ANlNG CO. SWARTHMORE BRANCH ALL BRANCHES OF HOUSE CLEAN­ING. KNOWN IN THE TERRI­TORY FOR ZO YEARS Free Phone Calls - For cnstomers (Formerly Sw. 19) Ardmore 2320 KEEP WARMER-LONGER with COAL AND COKE FUEL OIL • VAN ALEN BROS. Phone Swa. 10412 WE CAN SHOW YOU HOW offered by Swarthmore High School from June 21 to July 30 is of even greater significance this year than ever. Due to the fact that no one can afford to be retarded a year, and that many pupils will take a preview course to case up next year's schedule. a large enrollment is expected. . Registration will take place at the high school on June 21 from 8 :30 to Jl :30 a, m. See Enail in ,he Mo"ies In thc opinion of the students, the German classes Thursday and Friday, ).{ay 20, 21, were probably the best of the year. The movie version of HEmii und die Detektive", the book which ~the first year students are studying, was prc~ sented in the auditorium. The plot con­cerned a country boy who traveled to Berlin, had his money stolen from him, and of the band of boy detectives who helped him recover it. Enjoy Soph Hop The Soph hop, one of the big school events of the year was held in the High School gym, Friday, May 21, from 8 to 12 p. rn. 'Music for the dance, which was a grcat success was furnished by Jacona and the "Diplomats". Chaperons were Mr. and Airs. \Vil* liam 'Nard 3rd, ~-lr. and Mrs. Foster Nowell, Betty Barton, llary Annstrong, Margaret Hamel, G. Baker Thompson and Mr. and Mrs. Frank R. Morey. Dr. Samuel C. Palmer who has been residing in Media for the last two years is now ma'k;ing his home with his nephew Mr. Newlin Palmcr of 26th and Chestnut Sts .• Chester. . Nena Whitaker of Elm avenue pre­sented a Spanish solo dance at a pro­gram given by the Pan~American As~ mLD'A LANG DENWORTH, 5-21-3t Secretary. SHERIFF SALES OP B.EAL ESTATE SHERIFF'"S OFFICE COURT HOUSE, MEDIA. PENNA. FRIDAY. JUNE 25. 1943 9 :30 A.M. Eastern War Time Conditions: $25D.00 cash or cert1O.ed check at time of sale (unless otherwise stated in advertisement) balance In ten days. Other conditIons on day of sale. FierI Facias No. 1251 September Term, 1932 923 Lawrence Ave .• Darby, PB. Hoase and lot sItuate in Borough of Darby, on Northeasterly side of Lawrence Avenue, 203.44 feet from Northwesterly side of Mlll Street. 16.25 feet x 53.25 feet x 22.40 feet x 68.67 feet. Improvements conslBt of two story brick and trame house. porch front, 15 x 36 feet. Sold as the property of Raymond Heath and Ethel Clara Heath, his wife. MARCUS BERMAN, Attorney. FierI Facias No. 306 March Tenn. 1943 All that certain lot of ground with the buildings thereon erected on the W. side of Burmont Rd., In Upper Darby. Del. Co •• Fa., beginning In the middle of the road leading from Garrettford to Kellyvllle a comer of land now or late of James E. Dougherty; thence by said land S. 64'> 42' W. 170.21'; thence by land now or late of Martin Nugent, N. 259 18' W. SO'; thence by other ground of said Thomas McGowan N. 64" 42' E. 153.92' to the middle of said rond and thence by the same S. 29" 37' E. 47.4' to an angle therein and still by same S. 460 30' E. 37.74' to beginnIng. Premist'S 138 Burmont Road, Drexel Hill, PR, - Improvements consist of two and one ha.lf story brick and frame house, 18x39 feet; one story brick addition stone front. 18x39 feet. Sold as the property of Harry S. CoUlns. RALPH L. LINDENMUTH. Attorney. R. S. MUNSON, Sherifi'. FOR RENT IN SWARTHMORE Second floor apartment com­plelely furnished with living room, dining room, kitchen with back porch, two bedrooms and balh; heat and water included; sunshine and air on four sides; a lovely apartment. Available June first, Will show by appoint­ment. Sweeney & Clyde 29 E. Fifth, Street CHESTER, p.A. Phone 6141 sociatioD, Philadelphia, Friday evening,II! ....................................... == espec""i ally on party lines THE BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY OF PENNSYLVANIA • FREE LESSONS CLOSE TO HOME COME and see how easy to can seasonal fruits vegetables. it is and The first of a series ning classes will be of can­held at CHESTER OffiCE PHILADELPHIA ELECTRIC COMPANY 12. I 8 E. Fifth Street FRIDAY, JUNE 11 . . . . . . .. .. . . . . .. 2 :00 p.m. • *• • • • • • • • • Of•h er Canning De monSfra,lons Ne", Week • • 4635 Fra "0 TUESDAY, JUNE 8 41 W n ref Avenue, Philadelphia , . Cheltan Avenue, Philadelphia ···•·•••• ••.. 2:00 p.m. 23 N. Wayne Avenue, Wayne.. . ....••••••... 7:30 p.m. ·········••••• •.. 2:00 pm 212 Dekalb Street. :::~~s:n~~· JUNE 9 . . ·········•• ... ~ ••. 2:00pm 2309 N B THURSDAY, JUNE 10 • • Yo • rood Sr,.er. PhiJad.'ph· ork load and SUmmit Avenue ~a. ~ .............. 2:00 P m , .n."nrown .•••••. 2:00 p'm' FRIDAY •• Masonl. Hall, eoaleslrill • JUNE 11 e ............ .. ........... 2:00 Pin PHILADELPHIA ELECUIC .. COMPANY

---------- Page 11 ----------

the Axia which we are seeking to ex- 'I'WIST" CIWlLES DIECK Co_II~~'ea~t~ Spes ..... terminate. "Long-range reconstruction measures HE. BE JUNE 12 Funeral .ervices were held Tuesday Dr. W. F. G. Swann prominent resl_ URGES . WOHI,n ECONOMY should be conducted on a sDund com- afternoon at West Laurel Hills. ,~~. '"<." of Swarthmore will speak on "'rhe mercial basis which will permit re-IWIUliiallll RDle of Music in Our ~ivilization" in College Grad_te& Hear Direetor of Foreip lleIief BUd RehabWtation establishment of international Irade Prlee W:!l FII8ID In Dieck whose death occurred the Philadelphia. Musical Academy's and can be so conducted if the relief Players aub uellou I ~~~~~~!r. Thursday night in his New commencement exercises to be held in and rehabilitation measures are prop- for Juniors apartment. Thirty-one years the Academy of Music Foyer Saturday erly developed. On Ihe afternoon and evening of old, he was the son of Charles Israel evening June 12. Dr. Swann u director Herbert H. Lehman, Director of the Office of Foreign Relief and Rehabili­tation delivered the contmencement ad­dress to 52 graduates of Swarthmore College Monday morning in Clothlet Memorial. Introduced by President John W. Nason as one who ··not only will influence the .lives and bappiness of millions during and after the con­flict but holds a key position for the hope of the development of a durable peace, Lehman discussed post .. war re­lief. "The force of aroused·and determined Saturday June 12 the Players Club will sports editor of the Evening Bulletin. the Bartol Research Foundation of free men is now running at the flood present "Oliver Twist" the 36th pro- Mr. Dieck graduated from Swarth- the Franklin Institute and Swarthmore toward victory. We must see to it that doction for Junior member.. more High School where he was .edi~ College. • it leads on to more than that - that it In the first of the four acts Fagin u tor-in-chief of the year book, took a Art Collins of North Chester road leads to a new and better world in seen in his den in London greedily part in dramatic produc~ will be inducted into the Army on June which men once more can live in free- devouring his ill-gotten riches while and was manager Df the football 14 and will be stationed at Fort Meade. dom, in security, and in dignity." poor Oliver wonders into what kind team in his Senior year. At the Whar- Stating that a complete physical de~ feat of our enemies must be achieved, Lehman warned that this victory would be insufficient; that Americans seek to make certain ua peace that will endure and a stable world economy where men may live in freedom and security for themselves, their families and for the generations who will succeed them. A shift from last fall's largest en- company he has fallen. rollment in the history of the college Act II is set in Mr. Brownlow's house School of the University of Penn­to the smallest. enrollment in ten years where Oliver has his first taste of clean sylvania from which he graduated in following the February commencement and respectable living. The c:onniv:iD.g p1933 he was .business manager of '''I he back to an anticipated maximum num- that occurs in Act III and the action ennsylvanian". Be for e assOciating ber of. students for the semester to which develops in Act IV makes excit- with the advertising firm McKee and beg·m carI y 'IR J U I Y was recor d e d b y ,'ng theater. . AIl brigd ht, Inc. in 1936 he had heen em- President Nason in his review of the SIrange characters are presented as p oye by the Philadelphia Electric academic year. According t() his state- the plot unfolds; Fagin, The Dodger, Company and the Bell Telephone ColI>­ment 300 men entering the Navy pro- Bill Sykes, the burglar, Nancy, Mr. pany. ' gram will be housed ill Wharton. In a Buinble, the Beadle of the workhouse On May 10.he joined the New Y()rk $75,000 enlarging and modernizing pro- and his wife the Matron, as well as office of Arthur Kudner Inc. but gram Beardsley Hall will be prepared Monks the sinister gentleman. In con- not yet moved his family from his for use by Navy and civilian engineers trast to Fagin's friends are such kindly home on Matlock Road, Ithan to New in such a manner that at the end of I p"ople as Mr. Br()wnlow and Mr. Grim. City. • the emergen'cy it will be suited for a and the wealthy :M:rs. Maylie with Survivors include his wife the former program already' outlinEd for engineer- her son and daughter Harry and Rose. CY!}thia Ivy· of Lansdowne, a two-year­ing research at the college. The Club 'has been extremely fortu- pld daughter Susan, a sister Mrs. Al- Reversing a familiar maxim to read nate in the acceptance by William bert T. Erickson who came on from "In time of war prepare for peace" of the part of Fagin. Children. her'home in Chicago for the services, , . FEuCITATlO~S TO THE GRADUATES alice barb~r, Gifts . oLD BANK BtJILDDm Telephone Sw. 1381 0I00ed Wedneoday aftemOOD/l _ "Before we can talk of peace and a permanent mechanism to secure it, we must tirst make certain that the na­tions, and the men, wome~ and chil­dren who make up the nations are not drjven by starvation and desperation to embrace ideas as horrible as those of Dr. Nason reported that a faculty remember Mr. Price's faculty for story and his father whose home is at Prince­committee to explore the proper con- telling and audiences can expect to see ton and College avenues here. tent of liberal education alrea~y in some effective character acting. . Ir:;;::;;:;;:~;;;:;;;:;;:;;:;;::;::;;;:;;:~;;;:;;;::;;::;;:;;:~~;;;:;;:;;:;;::;;:;;:~;;;:;;;:;;:;;:;;::;;:;;:;;;;;;;:;;;:;;:;;:; existence for 2 years will continue its Oliver Twist' is brought to life by work il' order that the college may Royal Whittaker and his "doubtful" "meet the needs and problems of edu- companion the Dodger is played by cation in the year~ after the war':. Larry Franck. Royal has played in Juno _ untU Septem_ STEAKS-CHOPS SBAFOOD 0.... S~ Completely AiroCondidoned Twenty-five older men from the many Junior parts; notably Zar in the civilian public service camps will enter j'Reluctant Dragon" amI Michael in the college in July to take'a program "Peter Pan", but HOUver" gives him in preparation fo-r civilian foreign serv- greatest opportunity. Larry Franck ice in the post-war period, "a work has also been seen previously. peculiarly appropriate to a college with As Nancy, Sally McFadden will again Quaker traditions". Dr. Nason prefaced prove her versatility by changing from his review with a statement that when the lovesick maiden of upatience" in a future history of education in Amer'- the last Senior play to a consort of the OpeD. AD ica is written, 1943 wiU probably go villainous Bill Sykes, whD will be char~ ~~;;;;;;~~~~~;;j~~~~~~d~o~w~n~a~s~th~e~y~ea~r~O~f~g~r~e~at~u~n~c~e~rta~in~ty~. acTtewrioz emd ebmyb Wersa sohfi nthgeto cna sWt easrte. playing for the first time; Diclr Wallace as Harry Maylie and David Young as Mr. IMPORTANT. NOTIC·E • STORE CLOSED EVERY MONDAY STARTING MONDAY, JUNE 14th • Owing to the continued seareily of meal BUd other food item8 - especially on Mondays­ ·we wish to avoid dis8appointment to our CW!­tomers as well as to save their precious gaso­line - by opening the week on Tuesday­thereby assoring you al least -some of the foods you need when you came in. We hope to serve you in a much better fashion under this new arrangement - to the satisfaction of all. • STORE HOURS Every Day • • Saturday - - 9 A. M. to 6 P. M. 9 A. M. to 6 P.M. Store Closed Every Day 1 to 2 P. M. For Lunch • FRESH FISH ONI..Y ON THURSDAY, FRIDAY AND SATURDAY 's CQM'LlTI fOOD MAil_ ell £ i .... a' hteen &ftDue - ao.te DO -I1raa1lIaare, Pa. Phone - Swarthmore 2103 Grimwig. Mrs. Maylie is played by Aileen Warrington and her daughter Rose by her real daughter Rosemary. both of whom were in the chorus of "A Waltz Dream" and "Patience". The Beadle, Mr. Bumble is played by L. C. Hastings. Other players are ex­perienced members of the club: Martha Keighton, Susan Wolters, Stephen Mucha and E. O. Lange. Charles T. Deacon is making his debut as director in the production of this play. ' . Adults and older children may attend the evening performance at 8 :20. The at 2 :30 is for tbe younger memb.ers and their guests as well as any other children below high school age who want to enjoy this exciting play. • MRS. KOV ALENKO DEAD Mrs. Jessie Kovalenko wife of Dr. M lehael Kovalenko of Old Lyne, Conn., a former resident of Wallingford Hills, died Monday in St. Luke's Hospital, New 'York City after ~n illness of three months following a stroke. Born in Pa., the daughter of the late Stevenson, she . from Cliff Manor, and from Smith College in 1912. In 1927 she married Dr. Kovalenko, research professor in the Department of Mathematics and Astronomy at Swarthmore College from 1926 until his resignation in 1939. Mrs. Kovalenko made many warm friends in this section before leaving her home in Wallingford Hills in 1940 to become a re'sident of Conn. Here she' pursued her paiqting and studies with DuMond of New York ~ity, 'whose summer home in Connecticut adjoined the Kova­lenko's. Services and burial took place in Pittsburgh, Thursday. Surviving be:,id.e. her husband are a sister, Mrs. Mary Willock of Pasadena, Cal. and two brothers, John Stevenson of Sharon, Pa. and Daniel Stevenson of Pasadena, Cal. Awar.ted Degtee Mrs. Otis Walter,· Elementary Art instructor in the Public Schools of Swarthmore, was .awarded the Miktet of Science degree in Fine Arts and Education at the University of Penn­sylvania Wednesday. j;tubu to ~Utn llJuBtl! appruntb unto Gub. u morkman flrlll lU'tMIIp not to ht ulpamtb riDltt-- 19 btutbtng tlpt tnoril uf trutIf •. 'It TIMOTHY 2:115 P A.ULSON & CO. • • Just as the memory of graduation day is treasured for years, so is a gift of jewelry_ As well as being beautiful, gifts bought at WILT~HIRE BROS. are useful and enduring. They are sure to be appreciated. . • • WILTSHIRE BROS. 100 EAST STATE STREET MED~ STORE} HOURS Monda,. Thru Thursda,. .... J ••••• 9 ~ iii. to 5.S0 P. M. FRIDAY ................ , •....... 9 A. M.. to 6 P. M. Saturda,. ................•..... 9 A, M. to 9.S0 P. M. (ora., wHERE CHESTER SHOPS ,WITH CONFIDENCE Your Summer UNIFORM for the Duration 349 398 ,498 to 998 The Black ensemble suit has reached the proportions of a national costume for the Amer­ican man. We have the great­est selection now that we've ever had. Choose from such fabrics as poplins, spun rayon, gabardines, "RivercooIs" and many others. Choose from the following styles; short sleeve shirts and long sleeve shirts; matchi;'g shirts and s1ackB or contrasting shirts and slacks:. Plaid shirts and plain sIaoks.. Waist sizes 29 to 42. THE SWARTHMOREA ,. VOL JUNE NEW DATES FOR BLOOD DONORS Co.H bks Help 01 CitUeru "OIJVER TWIST" to E_'?".litJh NeedBd AT PLAYERS CLUB BUSINESS ASS'N HEAD CAN REGISTER TUESDAY A. M. MR. Soule LieI8 Septanber Datea BUd M Donon Who Served Three 'l1mes or More Blood· Donor Days for this borough are already set for September 22, 23, 24, and 25 according to announcement by Mrs. Phelps Soule Red Cross chair­man for blood donors in this cOllUDun­ity. Ridley Township's High School inst on the .edge of Swarthmore has been ·selected as the site for the dona~ tions as the most central to the par­ticipa. ing communities Ridley Park, Ridley Township, Morton, Rutledge, and our own village. " . The first four-day event in which this horough has participated will prob­ably list the largest quota for it to meet to date. The success of Swarth­ ·more's Memorial Blood Donor Days which resulted in a total of 281 pints of blood could not have been achieved without the excellent cooperation' of these boroughs, and Mrs. Soule urges all Swarthmoreans to make a notation of these fall· dates in order that this borough may registel" its. share of donors. By ea·reful experimentation ·Mrs. TrfJIRlng Range -- Members of the Swarthmore Military l'raining Corps (Company H) will shortly canvass the borough for contri­butions toward e"stablishing and main­taining a rifle range which is a very necessary part of the training program available to those eligible for induction into the Armed Forces .. The Tra.ining Corps has been meeting each Thursday, in the High School Gymnasillm . since I uly 1940. In that time 250 men have received Military Training, of whom 'more than 50 are in the various branches . of the service and· all .give credit for thei.r present success to the preliminary training re­ceived Twenty-eight members of the Corps are Auxiliary Policemen and are sworn in as Special Officers of the Borough. They have assisted the regular force in Traffic Control. 'On the basis of its record, the Corps feels justified in asking for the support of the citizens. The amount· asked will be very small and will not be a burden to any one. ~ • Soule has ascertained that the new site will add only 10 minutes to the time required for donation!i at-the Woman's Club. The Red Cross Motor CDrps will provide transportation for all donors . GIRL SCOUTS AID CANNING GROUP Collection of Jars for Fruits BUd Jellies Set for Monday, Tuesday from this borough to and from the Empty containers for fruits, vege­Ridley Township school. Students of tables, jeUies and juices will be col­the college will hold their own Blood. lected by Girl Scouts. of Swarthmore Donor Day on September 30. on Monday and Tuesday June 14 and Twenty-six persons received silver 15. Every householder is urged to place buttons marking them as third time on the curb empty jelly gl""ses, Mason blood donors at the Memorial Day jars, and Q.ther suitable canning recep­event: tades of standard pint and quart sizes. Mrs. A. F. Jackson, Mr. ·and Mrs. It is essential. that they have _,1Ida, Fred R Wilson Mrs. Norman Borden or COyeft that ~t. No use can be made Mrs~ Paul M. 'Paulson, Guy A. M.c~ of o~d sized. containers without fitted Corkle, Mrs. Harold G. Griffin, Avery caps.· They ~lmply present a problem of Blak~, A. H. Van Al',"" Anthony Vent~ extr;' handling and ;..1uai;<age ~azaid. ner, Oliver Pearson, Naney Hoot, Wal- Gtr~ Scouts a!.e cooperatmg Wlth the ter C Giles Frank G Keenen Maurice Canmng CommIttee of ~he Swarthmore Mandelbau:", Mrs. jDhn Stokes, Mrs. Defense Council in this project. With L. J. Koch, Mn. Philip C .. Snow, Frank the canning ·seasD~ just around the Masselli, Dr. Helen Cramp; Mrs. Mar- cor~er the S~outs. aIm to have th~ ~o~­garet FreC!dley, Harry Wood, Mrs. !ectton OFgamzed m an o.rder!y fashion, Harry R. Johnson, Mrs. Elizabeth to adval!ce of t~e com!luttee s needs. Groff, Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Faulkner. ContalDers WIll !>e collected Monday Fourth time donors were Mrs Wal- south of the railroad and Tuesday ter Scott, Mrs. Charles M. Fai~banks, north of the railro·ad. The b'!rough wiU and Mrs. Glenn R. Morrow. Fifth time be .cover~d by. grDUPS of G.rI Scouts, donors were David Young, J. H. Swim- aSSIgned 10 pairs to each s~reet block. mer and Robert E. Bair. Sixth time .The e;<tent of t~e undertakm,g and .the donors were Mrs. WaIter A; Schmidt steps Involved !lilI not make It pOSSible and Mrs. Edwin W. Crosby. for Scouts tD nag doo~bells or come to front steps. Anned With express wag­ons, clothes baske~s and large shopping bags, they will carry the jars to·centraJ collection points, where Burges.s Pit­man has arranged to have them col­lected. , IS~ NAMESAKE Dr. Samuel C. Palmer emeritus pro­fessor of Botany at the college has iust received a chart of Frobisher Bay, ·Baffin's Land, Canada. from Cmdr. Donald B. MacMillan, U.S.N.R., which shows Palmer Island near the entrance. A letter from Cmdr. MacMillan states that the island is named for Dr. Palmer. Tbe map may be seen in the Swarth­morean office by anyone interested. In 1929 Dr. Palmer went as explorer MacMillan's guest aboard the "Bow_ doin" on the lJaffin Land. exploration trip to Cumberland Gulf. Owing to bad ice conditions the party was unable to make the entrance to the Gulf and en­tered Frobisher Bay to tbe south. One of Dr. Palmer's pictures now on ex­hibit in The Swarthmorean window !hows:.the· "Bowdoiu'~ In the narrow in­let where. it was caught in rocks and ice off -Lok Land and held for three days «i ihat expedition. Way. back in 1900 MacMillan suc-ceeded Palmer as coach in the athletic . department of the Swarthmore Prep . SChool imd continued to work for three '. under. Athletic Director Palmer untO he left to attend Worcester Acad­emy. From there he joined the Perry expedition on which Perry discovered the North Pole. For the past two years he has been on active duty with the Navy. , Impri.eoned in Italy Second Lieutenant Cortis S. J olles son of Mr. and Mrs. Fred P. Jones of Yale avenue is a prisoner of war in Italy actording to information released by War Department Monday. Lt. Iones wat in .• group of 57 In~ . fantrymen Who·_ taken prisonera at the beginning of the· Tunisian in­vasion. lie has been with the armed forces since February 1942. He Is a graduate of Dake UnlVenity, class of '39 • Thus Girl Scouts will assist the Can­ning ~ Committee in its worthy enter­prise of canning excess produce (or the free lunch program for undernourished children of the Philadelphia Public Schools. The Philadelphia Board of Education provides sugar for the proj­ect. Canned goods sold last year repaid the Woman's Club for use of its equip­ment and ether income was used for community philanthropy. MT3. Charles Israel is chairman of the coliection 2nd will be .assisted by Mrs. James Evans in organizing Troop 16 Girl Scouts for ·the work. Mrs. Mel­vin F. WODd and Mrs. Philip Alden are in charge of Troop 83, and Mrs. Theo­dore W. Crossen wilt direct routes for the crew of Senior Girl Scouts Mari~ ners of Troop 78. Gets Archi"':--::-:-·teeture"'--·MedaI At the Commencement exercises of the University of Pennsylvania on June 2 Pvt. Louis de Moll was awarded. a medal in "Elements of Architecture" in the School of Fine Arts. He had completed hi. freshman year in architecture ·when he volunteered to serve in the armed forces and since February 3 has been stationed at Camp Swift, Texas, with the Engineers. • Continaes Seholanhip Reeord Jeanne Theis has jU8t b~en notified that she has been awarded the State Competitive Scholarship for Delaware County at tho value of $lot) per year for four years. Examinations for -the Senatorial competitive scholanhip are held in all caunty seats· each year. She had previously been awarded '"" Dpen scholarship to Swarthmore Col­lege and also the Claude and Mary Roberts Smith Scholarabip at Swarth­mote HIgh SChoOl with the value of $200. Production for Jnnior Memben Is Drawing Adnlta to Evening Performance Satnrday The Players Club season for its Jun~ ior membership comes to a close to­morrow with the production of "Oliver Twist". Two performances are to be given. The matinee at 2:30 is for children below Junior high school age. The· eve­ning performance at 8:20 is for older children and adults. This dramatization is one entirely suitable for adults as well a. for children, and it is believed a great many grown-ups will avail themselves' of the opportunity to fam­iliarize themselves again with this Dickens classic. . The cast is almost efirelY adult, in­cluding such experienced players as WilUam Price, Sally McFadden, Wash­ington West, Martha Keighton and others. The direcio'; is· Charles T. Deacon. A serious effort has been made in the selection of this cast and in the staging of the five· scenes to offer a production which would provide suit­able entertainment for all ages during the extended spring or "summer" sea­son of the1'layers Club. Bereaved . , Mr. and Mrs. Frank R. Morey witb their sons Frederick and David· left Sunday for York, Pa. where they at~ tended funeral services Monday morn­ing June 7 for Mr. Morey's father Frederick A. Morey whose death had occurred at 8:30 p. m. on June 3. M •. Morey had been notified two weeks earlier of his father's serious illness and had spent several days with him before his death. Surviving besides the superintendent of·the "*'t1"schbolS.:are two 'other son. H.~ A. Morey; Frederick Morey, and a daughter Mrs. WaOace W. Berchtold, aU of·York. Interment was in the fam­ily plot in Greenrno,u nt Cemetery, York. Given Key Posts Miss MariDn Kirk daughter of Mrs. Howard Kirk of South Chester ftlad, a junior at Bryn Mawr College, was re­cently elected captain of the varsity basketball team for next year. Marion was alSo eleeted art editor of the year book. - . Robert D. HODeyford Swuthmore Busiaese AssociadoD preIIldenl .. &0 enters the Arm,. on Jane 17. Mr. Honeyford'a bllllineaa The 80u.­Beauly Salon on South Cheater road will be ma ..... _d dllrlq.hIII abttmt ... b,. lin. Honeyford who h.. been aelive in its ___ In the foar and one-half yean it baa exbted here. REUNE IN NORTH AFRICA Second Lt. Charles F. Seymour had satisfying proof a shol"t lime ago that the world's smallness is more than hearsay. Wheu; soon after landing in North Africa, he went into the nearest town he recognized tbe shoulder insignia of his cousin's butfit. When approached the wearer said "sure" he knew Lt. Geoffrey Dolman and would take a messl\8~ to him. Quickly Lt. Seymour sent hi. card wilh a note asking his cousm. ·to meet him as soon as pos­sible. : In baste wbich hetokened his. own delight· ·Lt .. Dolman sped down·· -snd !fJJumped" into ·Lt. Seymour outside the Red Cross headquarters. The I cousin ~ieutenants spent the afternoon and evening together. Seymour is the son of Mrs. Melalue DDlman Seymour and Dolman of John Dolman, Jr., of Vassar avenue. Corporal J ~mes L. J acks()n has been transferred from Houlton, Me., and left June 5 for Denver, Colorado, after spending a six day leave at the home of his parents, Dr. and Mrs .. A. F. Jackson, on Park avenue. * Defense Council Bulletins * 016 ... : Bo ........ Hall-Telepbone 0851 Open W8ekdaya 1:80. S.30 Dally • No Local Audlbl .. "AI1-C1ear" RuIiq Yet The Delaware County Council of Defense has no official knowledge at this time of a proposed "all clear" audible signal. As soon as the infonnation is re­ceived by the local council it will be published in this cDlumn. There have been requests by individual members of the Defense Units for interpretation of new rules. Any questions should be submitted in writing.. to the Defense Council and a ruling will be published. Vietory Gardens Many Victory gardeners have been eating radishes and lettuce from their gardens and other produce is coming along in good shape. Frank Mastom. the genial barber takes the honors for the first ripe tomato on Memorial Day. Last Friday Postmaster A. P. Smalley had a number of fine large ripe strawberries 0:1 display in the bank lobby. )fost of the gardens show the result~ of patient and hard work. To COllect CaDDiDI' ~8J'8 . The Girl Scouts are to collect glass jars and jelly glasses in preparation for the summer canning program. The south side of the railroad will be canvassed on Monday June 14 and the north side on Tuesday June 15. The jars and glasses are fo be deposited at designated corners and the borough truck will pick up the material the same night. In case of rain on either day the sehedu1e will be postponed 24 hours. ' Conaumer Information The new ceiling prices in dollars and cents are in effect on rayon hose. Redue­tions .-.pge from 5 to 40 cents a pair, so stockings that formerly sold for $1.15 to $1.35 can now be bought for from 930 to $1.05. These new prices apply to all Grade A and B hosiery now in retailers' stocks. After July 15 all hosiery must be marked by Grade A or B in accordance with standards set by OPA. All full~fashioned rayon hosiery will then have to be marked by the manufacturer with the ceiling price, grade and gauge. In the case Summer Recreation StaB Sldlled and EXperienced; Riding w be Graded to Pnpll Ability The . enthusiastic response to ·tbe summer recreation· program necessi­tates an additional day for registration. On Tuesday June IS, therefore, in Room Number 1 at the College avenue school and in the assembly room at Rutgers, registrations will be received from 9 until 12. Mrs. J. J. Crookston, director of the summer recreation program annouo«s the following staff members: "' .. Robert Cadigan of Friends Central School faculty will be .in charge of all boys' sports and Gertrud Rath suter o( Virginia Rath of ihe college will be the leader for all girb' .ports. Graduate of 'Hollins College, Mis. Rath was phy­sical education instructor in the Roa­noke, Va. High School for two years and is 'now assistant to the principal of Abbot Academy at Andover, Mass. Mrs. E. N. Hay who pioneered in pre-school education work, Mrs. Pem­berton Dickson, and Mrs. Daniel Kenny the school nurse will be in eharge of the pre-school group at .the College avenue school with Barbara Brown and Ann Bradford as assistants. Mrs. J. Francis Taylor who directed the nurs­ery school at Mary Lyon until its re­moval to New'york City and is now head of the nursery at Media Friend. School will have charge of the same age group at Rutgers with the­ance of Patsy McCahan and Jean Dickson. The course in metal crafts which proved so popular last year uQder the direction of Mr •. Wayland H. Ebbr .. of Wallingford will be under her care again this year. Mae Schwartz 'of the Friends Central School faculty will in- . struct the course in modeling and paint ... mg. IAformation in regard to. the swim- .. ming certificate which is a prerequiiite ' to canoeing instruction may be ob­tained by calling Registrar Mrs. George M. Allen, Swarthmore 2S82. Riding instruction will be given by Mrs. J. Alfred Calhoun experienced in­structor of riding in summer camps and assistant to Miss Rath at the col­lege. Instruction will be graded .accord­ing to the needs, desires, and riding ability of those who register. Groups will be classified according to demon­strated ability in order that beginners may have ample time for careful ini­tial instruction and those more ad­vanced will not be held back by begin-ners. Can Use Old Reoords The American Legion Auxiliary will meet Tuesday I une 15 from.1O a. m. to 4 p. m. at Mrs. O. J. Gilcreest'.· home on Harvard avenue to make use­ful articles from salvage. Members are asked to bring box lunches; a beverage will be provided. Dates for future· meetings for this purpose will app~r in The Swarthmorean. The Red Cross and U. S. O. a;" calling for more· books for the new groups of boys to be sent overseas. Swarthmoreans are asked to raid their libraries and contribute many more good books. Most desirable are paper covered,. pocket editions of good litera­ture. Another old recDrd campaign is about to begin in Swarthmore~ Used records no matter how battered are being con­. verted ·into new records ~or shiptJlent tQ. overseas ·forces. A shortage of ma­terial for .. "e~ records necessitates Jhe ufe of second hand records in this Way. An organized project is being planbea fDr collecting salvage of this type •. • . Alma Mater Honors Shirfto .. " : ( . of seamless hosiery, needle count, instead of gauge will be marked. Among: the 10 surviving members of . Gauge means the number of stit~hes per 1}S inch of fabric. The higher the t1!e C1 ... ·-of 1893 present at a speCial gauge, the finer the weave. Irregnlars, seconds and thirds have lower top .prices. luncheon t~dered on Tuesday by ,the First quality, full fashioned-42 gauge, $75 10 $.84; 45 gauge, $.81 to $.92; Pfesident of Ihe Phl!adelpbia Coll~e". ;<;._,. 51 gauge, $.93 to $1.05; 54 and 57 gauge, $1.04 fo $1.18; First quality, seamle.s- of·- Ph.armacy and Saence was Vi~ .. 280 needle count, $.33 to $.37; 300 needle count, $.37 to $43; 320 needle count, D, Sh.rer of South q.ester toad. $.39 to $.44; 340 needle count, $.47 to $.S3; 36() needle count, $.57 to $64. .1n recpgaition of hU SO Years Most snlaU stores are allowed a higher ceiling price- than larger stores, in line service sinee his graduation from with traditional business practices. cellege, Dr. Shirer was presented with· c;. :, .• Ad; CJeriaJ Vohm_ a Semi-Cen~ennialist Certificate at annual meeting. of the Alumni The Ration Board at Clifton Heights !,ppeab for el.rical and stenorraphlca1 tion, whi~h. followed the '. help by·voInnteers. Even an hour's work will be of great .. sillance. Thirty~five other certilieates .~:~~~ The office which is on the bus line is open from 9 to 5 weelrdaya acept to the r1I~"'g tne!llhers of ' Saturday When the hours are 9 to 1 p. m. Assis~ee can also be given three of 1893 Who were nnab1e to nights a week-llonday, Tuesday and Wednesday from 8 until 10. at the _yo . .. ~.

---------- Page 12 ----------

INTENTIONAL SECOND EXPOSURE 10 TJlItlOB FRJJ)AY. JVNE 4, 1943 LEHMAN URGES WORLD ECONOMY the Axis which we are seeking to ex­terminate. "OIJVER TWIST" HERE JUNE 12 CHARLES DmCK Commencement Speaker College Graduate8 Heal' Director of Foreign Relief and Rehabilitation "Lollg-ranHc reconstruction measures should he conducted on a sound com­mercial hasis which will permit re­cst, ilulishmcnt of international trade and can be 50 conducted if the relief and rehabilitation measures arc prop­erly dcvc1opcd. Funeral services were held Tuesday afternoon at West Laurel Hills for Price to Play Fagin in Charles Dieck whose dealh occurred Club Production suddenly Thursday night in his New for JWtiOl'8 I V.n_I. City apartment. Thirty-one years On the afternoon and evening of he was the son of Charles Israel Dr. W. F. G. Swann prominent resi_ dent of Swarthmore will speak on "'The Role of Music in Our Civilization" in Ihe Philadelphia Musical Academy', commencement exercises to be held in the Academy of Music Foyer Saturday evening June 12. Dr. Swann is director of the Bartol Research Foundation or the Franklin Institute and Swarthmore College. Herbert H. Lehman, Director of the Omee of Foreign Relief and Rehabili­tation delivered the commencement ad· dress to 52 graduates of Swarthmore College Monday morning in Clothier Memorial. Introduced by President John W. Nason as one who not only will inHuence the lives and happjness of millions during and after the COIl­flict but holds a key Jlosition for the hope of the development of a durable peace, Lehman discussed post-war re­lief. Slating Ihat a complele physical dc­[ cat of our enemies toust be achieved, Lehman warned that this victory would be insufficient; that Americans seek to make certain "a peace that will endure and a stable \"'orJd economy where men may live in freedom and security for themselves, their families and for the generations who will succeed them. "Before we can talk of peace and a permanent mechanism to secure it, we must first make certain that the na­tions, and the men, ''''omen and chil­dren who make up the nations arc not drivcn by starvation and dcsperation to embrace ideas as horrible as those of STEAKS-CHOPS SEAFOOD Ow Specia~ Completely Ah--Conditioned Open All Night HThc force of aroused and determined free men is now funning at the flood toward \'ictory. We must see to it that it leads on to morc than that - that it leads to a ncw and better world in which men once morc call live in frcc­dom, in security, and in dignity." A shift from last fall's largest en­rolhllcnt in the history of the college to the smallest enToliment ill tell years following the February commencement back to an anticipated maximum num­ber of students for thc scmester to begin carly in July was recorded by President Nason in his review of the academic year. According to his state­ment 300 men eutcrhtg the Navy pro­gram ""HI he housed in \Vharton. In a $75,000 enlarging and modernizing l)ro­gram Bl'ardsley Hall will be prepared for usc by N'a\'y and ch'i1iall engineers in such a mal1l1er that at the end of thc emergency it will he suited for a program already outlined for engineer­ing research at the colleg-e. Rcversing a familiar maxim to read "In lime of war prepare for peace" Dr. Nason ft.·ported that a faculty committee to explore the proper con­tent of liheral education alrea!1y in existcHce for 2 years will continue its work in order that the college may "meet the needs and problems of edu­cation in the years after the war". Twcllh·-tin· older men from the civilian imblic service camps will enter the college ill July to take a program in preparation for civilian foreign serv­ice in the post-war period, "a work peculiady appropriate to a college with Quaker traditions". Dr. Nason prefaced his review with a statement that , ... hen a future his ton' of education in Amer­ica is writtcn: 1943 will probably go down as the year of great uncertainty. IMPORTANT NOTICE • STORE CLOSED EVERY MONDAY STARTING MONDAY, JUNE 14th • Owing to the eonlinlled scarcity of meat and other food items -- especially on lUondays­we wish to uvoid .:1issnpl)oinlnlcnt 10 our cus" tomer8 8S well 8S to save their precious gaso­line - by opening the week on Tuesday­thereby assuring you at least some of the foods you need when you come in. We hOlle to serve you in a much belter fashion under this new arrangement - to the sati8faction of all. • STORE HOURS Every Day - - Saturday - - 9 A. M. to 6 P. M. 9 A. M. to 6 P. M. Store Closed Every Day 1 10 2 P. III, For Luueh • Saturday June 12 Ihe Players Club will Jsl~orls edilor of the Evening Bulletin. present "Oliver Twist" the 36th pro- Mr. Dieck graduated from Swarth-duction for Junior members. more High School where he was edi. In the first of the four acts Fagin is tor-in·chicf of the year book. took a seen in his den in London greedily prominent part in dramatic produc. devouring his ill-gotten riches while tions, a~d was manager of the football poor Oliver wonders into what kind of team in his Senior year. At the Whar­company he has fallen. ton School of the University of Penn- Act II is set in Mr. Brownlow's house where Oliver has his first taste of clean I s~"vania from which he graduated in and respectable living. The conniving 1933 he was business manager of liThe that occurs in Act III and the action Pennsylvanian". Be for e associating which develops in Act IV makes excit- with the advertising firm McKee and ing theater. Albright, Inc. in 1936 he had been em­Strange characters are presented as ployed by the Philadelphia Electric the plot unfolds; Fagin, The Dodger, Company and the Bell Telephone Com- Bill Sykes, the burglar, Nancy, Mr. pany. , Bumble, the Beadle of the workhouse On May 10 he joined the New York and his wife the Matron, as well as City oflice of Arthur Kudner Inc. but Monks the sinister gentleman. In con- had not yet moved his famHy from his trast to Fagin's friends are such kindly home on Matlock Road, Ithan to New people as l\h. Brownlow and Mr. Grim- York City. , wig, and the wealthy Airs. lfaylie with Survivors indmle his wife the former her son and daughter Harry and Rosc. Cynthia Ivy of Lansdowne, a two-year- I Art Collins of Norlh Chester road will he inducted into the Army on JUlie 14 and will be stationed at Fort Meade. FELICITATIONS TO THE GRADUATES alice barber, Gifts OLD BANK BUILDING The Club has been extremely fortu- old- daughter Susan, a sister Mrs. Al­Telephone Sw. 1381 nate in the acceptance by William Price bert T. Erickson who came on from of the part of Fagin. Children well her home in Chicago for the sen'ices, Closed Wednesday rl'member 1\[r. Price's faculty for story and his father whose home is at Prince- afternoons beglnntng steolmlien ge affnedc tiavued icehnacreasc ctearn aecxtipnegc.t to sec t;o:n~a~n~d~c~o:I~le:g~e~a~v;e~n~u:e~sl~,e~r~e~. ;:;;::;;::;=;::~~:;,;;J~un~e~9th~~un~t~Il;Se~p~te~m;be;;r;;~ Oliver Twist is brought to life by r-------~..-..-...-....-..-----------..-· -------....----...-~..-..---fl RO\'al Whittaker and his "doubtful" cOJ~panion the Dodger is played by Larry Franck. Royal has played in many Junior parts; nOlabJy Zar in the "Reluclant Dragon" and l\fichael in ~l I "Peter Pan", but "Oliver" gives him his greatest opportunity. Larry Franck has aJso been seen previously. As Nancy, Sally McFadden will again 1 1 prove her versatility by changing from the lovesick tl1aiden of "Patience" in l i the last Senior play to a consort of the l l villainous Bill Sykes, who will be char- 1 Just as the memory of graduation day 1 acterizcd by Washington West. if f Two members of Ihe cast are playing l is treasured for years, so is a g. t 0 1 for the first time; Dick Wallace as 1 J-ewelry. As well as being beautiful, 1 Harry Maylie and David Young as Mr. I l Grimwig. Mrs. Maylie is played by gifts bought at W IL T~HIRE BROS. are Aileen Warrington and her daughler Il useful and enduring. They are sure to II I{osc by her real daughter Rosemary, both of whom were in the chorus of 1 be appreciated. I "A Waltz Dream" and "Patience". The Beadle, Mr. Bumble is played by 1 • I L. C. Hastings. Other players are ex- l WILTSHIRE BROS I perienced members of the club: Martha 1" • I Keighton, Susan Wollers, Stephen J 100 EASTMESTDA~TE STREET !I Mucha and E. O. Lange. CharJes T. Deacon is making his debut as director in the production of tllis pJay. ~ -... _______ • _-... __ .......... __ Adults and older children may attend the e"ening performance at 8 :20. The matinee at 2 :30 is for the younger members and their guests as well as any other children below high school age who want to enjoy this exciting play. I MRS. KOVALENKO DEAD 11 rs. Jessie Ko\;alellko wife of Dr. ~lichael Kovalcnko of Old Lyne, Conn., a former resident of \VaUingford Hills, died Monday in St. Luke's Hospital, New York City after an illness of three months following a stroke. Born in Sharon, Pa., the daughter of the late John and jessie Stevenson, she graduated from Briar Cliff Manor, Y. and from Smith College in 1912. In 1927 she married Dr. Kovalenko, a research professor in the Department of Mathematics and Astronomy at Swarthmore ColJege from 1926 until his resignation in 1939. Mrs. Kovalenko made many warm friends in this section before leaving her home in Wallingford Hills in 1940 to become a r~sident of COIIII. Here she pursued her painting and studies with DuMond of Neiv York City, whose summer home in Connecticut adjoined the Kova­lenko's. Services and burial took place in Pittshurgh, Thursday. Surviving beside. her hushand arc a sister, Mrs. Mary \\~iHll('k of Pasadena, Cal. and two hroLh<:rs, John Stevenson of Sharon, Pa. and Daniel Stevenson of Pasadena, Cal. Awarded Degree STORE} HOURS Monday Thrn Thursday .... I' .... 9 A. M. to 5.30 P. M. FRIDAY ........................ 9 A. M. to 6 P. M. Salurday ................ ~ ..... 9 A. M. to 9.30 P. M. (0'''''' WHERE CHESTER SHOPS WIm CONFIDENCE YOUI' Summer UNIFORM for the Duration 349 398 498 to 998 FRESH FISH ONLY ON THURSDAY~ FRIDAY AND SATURDAY ~lrs. Otis Walter, Elementary Art ins tructor in the Public Schools of Swarthmore, was awarded the Mastel; of Science degree in Fine Arts and Edu('ation at the University of Penn­syh'ania \Vednesday. The slack ensemble suit has reached the proporlions of a national cosillme for the Amer­ican man. We have the great­est selection now that we've ever had. Choose from such fabrics as poplins, spun rayon, gabardines, "Rivercools" and many olhers. Choose from the following styles; short sleeve shirts and long sleeve shirts; malching shirts and .lacks or conlrasting shirts and slacks. Plaid shirts and plain slacks_ Waist sizes 29 10 42. L'S COMPUTE FOOOMAIlU'l' Cheater Road at Rntrers .Avenue - Route 320 - Swarthmore, Pa. Phone - Swlll'thmore 2103 t;tuby to 5~OW 1lmS1'lf approu1'b unto ~nb. a workman tt,at l1l'1'b1'tt, not to h1' ast,antl'b ri!l~t­Iy binibing flr1' worb of lrutt,. 1 t TIMOTHY 2:15 /' A.ULSON & CO. P ,\. '- y THE SWARTHMOREA VOL NEW DATES FOR BLOOD DONORS MI'8. Soule Li8ts September Date8 and 34 Donol'8 Who Served Three Times or More Blood Donor Days for this borough are already set for September 22, 23, 24, and 25 according to announccme.nt by Mrs. Phelps Soule Red Cross chatr­man for blood donors in this commun­ily. Ridley Township's High School just on the, edge of Swarthmore has been selected as the site for the dona­tions as the most central to the par­ticipating communities Ridley Park, Ridley Township, Morton, Rutledge, and our own village. The first four-day event in which this borough has participated will prob­ably list the largest quota for it to meet to date. The success of Swarth­more's Memorial Blood Donor Days which resulted in a total of 281 pints of blood could not have been achieved without the excellent cooperation of these boroughs. and Mrs. Soule urges all Swarthmoreans to make a notation of these fall- dates in order that this borough may register its share of donors. By careful experimentation Mrs. Soule has ascertained that the new site will add only 10 minutes to the time requjred for donations at the Woman's Club. The Red Cross Molor Corps will provjde transportation for all donors from this borough to and from the Ridley Township school. Sludenls of Ihe college will hold their own Blood. Donor Day on September 30. Twenty-six persons received silver buttons marking them as third time blood donors at the Memorial Day event: Mrs. A. F. Jackson, Mr. and Mrs. Fred R. Wilson, Mrs. Norman Borden, Mrs. Paul M. Paulson, Guy A. Mc­Corkle, Mrs. Harold G. Griffin, Avery Blake, A. H. Van Alen Anlhony Venl­ncr, Oliver Pearson, Nancy Hoot, Wal· ter C. Giles, Frank G. Keenen, Maurice Mandelbaum, Mrs. John Stokes, Mrs. L. J. Koch, Mrs. Philip C. Snow, Frank Masselli, Dr. Helen Cramp, Mrs. Mar­garet Freedley, Harry Wood, Mrs. Harry R. Johnson, Mrs. Elizabeth Groff, Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Faulkner. Fourth time donors were Mrs. Wal­ter Scott, Mrs. Charles M. Fairbanks, and Mrs. Glenn R. Morrow. Fifth time donors were David Young. J. H. Swim­mer and Robert E. Bair. Sixth time donors were Mrs. Walter A. Schmidt and Mrs. Edwin W. Crosby. ISLAND NAMESAKE Dr. Samuel C. Palmer emeritus pro­fessor of Botany at the college has just received a chart of Frobisher Bay, Baffin's Land, Canada from Cmdr. Donald B. MacMillan, U.S.N.R., which shows Palmer Island near the entrance. A letter from Cmdr. MacMillan states that the island is named for Dr. Palmer. The map may be seen in the Swarth­morean office by anyone interested. In 1929 Dr. Palmer went as explorer MacMillan's guest aboard the "Bow­doin" on the Baffin Land exploration trip to Cumberland Gulf. Owing to bad ice conditions the party was unable to make the entrance to the Gulf and en­tered Frobisher Bay to the south. One of Dr. Palmer's pictures now On ex­hibit in The Swarthmorean window ~hows the "Bowdoin" in the narrow in­let where it was caught in rocks and ice off I,ok Land and held for three days o~'i that expedition. . Way back in 1900 MacMillan suc­ceeded Palmer as coach in the athletic department of the Swarthmore Prep School and continued to work for three . .; ~ years under Athletic Director Palmer ... until he left to attend Worcester Acad­emy. From there he joined t~e Perry expedition on which Perry discovered the North Pole. For the past two years he has been on active duty with the Navy. Imprisoned in Italy Second Lieutenant Curtis S. Jones son of Mr. and Mrs. Fred P. Jones of Yale avenue is a prisoner of war in Italy according to information released by War Department Monday. Lt. Jones was in a group of 57 In­fantrymen who were taken prisoners at the beginning of the Tunisian in­vasion. He has been with the armed forces since February 1942. He is a graduate of Duke University, class of '39. Members of the Swarthmore Military Training Corps (Company H) will shortly canvass the borough for contri· butions toward establishing and main­taining a rifle range which is a very necessary part of t.he training program available to those eligible for induction into the Armed Forces. - The Training Corps has been meeting each Thursday, in Ihe High School Gymnasium since July 1940. In that time 250 men have received Military Training, of whom more than 50 are in the various branches of the service and all give credit for their present success to the preliminary training re­ceived. Twenty-eight members of the Corps are Auxiliary Policemen and are sworn in as Special Officers of the Borough. They have assisted the regular force in Traffic Control. On the basis of its record, the Corps feels justified in asking for the support of the citizens. The amount asked will be very small and will not be a burden to any onc. GffiLS:::-C ::::-:O:::";:'U='I='S AID CANNING GROUP Collection of Jars for Fruits and Jellies Set for Monday, Tuesday Empty containers for fruits, vege­tables, jellies and juices will be col­lected by Girl Scouts of Swarthmore on Monday and Tuesday June 14 and I S. Every householder is urged to place on the curb empty jelly glasses, Mason jars, and other suitable canning re~ep­tades of standard pint and quart Sizes.. It is essential that they have cap., Ucb, or coven that fit. No use can be made of odd sized containers without fitted caps. They simply present a problem of extra handling and a br.~akage hazard. Girl Scouts are cooperating with the Canning Committee of the Swarthmore Defense Council in this project. With the canning season just around the corner the Scouts aim to have the col­lection organized in an orderly fashion, in advance of the committee's needs. Containers will be collected Monday south of the railroad and Tuesday north of the railroad. The borough will be covered by groups of Girl Scouts, assigned in pairs to each street block. The extent of the undertaking and the steps involved will not make it possible for Scouts to ring doorbells or come to front steps. Armed with express wag­ons, clothes baskets and large shopping bags, they will carry the jars to central collection points, where Burgess Pit­man has arranged to have them col­lected. Thus Girl Scouts will assist the Can­ning Committee in its worthy enter­prise of canning excess produce for the free lunch program for undernourished children of the Philadelphia Public Schools. The Philadelphia Board of Education provides sugar for the proj­ect. Canned goods sold last year repaid the Woman's Club for use of its equip­ment and other income was used for community philanthropy. Mrs. Charles Israel is chairman of the collection and will be assisted by Mrs. James Evans in organizing Troop 16 Girl Scouts for the work. !frs. Met­vin F. \Vood and Mrs. Philip Alden are in charge of Troop 83, and Mrs. Theo­dore W. Crossen will direct routcs for the crew of Senior Girl Scouts Mari­ners of Troop 78. Get8 Ar:-'-eh"7:i:-te.•.c .- tUl'-e-Medal At the Commencement exercises of the University of Pennsylvania on June 2 Pvt. Louis de Moll was awarded a medal in "Elements of Architecture" in the School of Fine Arts. He had completed his freshman year in architecture ·when he volunteered to serve in the armed forces and since Februarv 3 has been stationed at Camp Swift, Texas, with ,t he Engineers. Conlinues Scbol8l'8hip Record Jeanne Theis has just been notified that she has been awarded the State Competitive Scholarship for Delaware Counly at the value of $100 per year for four years. Examinations for ,the Senatorial competitive scholarship are held in all county seats each year. She had previously been awarded an open scholarship to Swarthmore Col­lege and also the Claude and Mary Roberts Smith Scholarship at Swarth­more High School with the value of $200. PA., JUNE 1943 Production for Junior Member. 18 Drawing Adult8 to Evening Perfonnanee Saturday The Players Club season for its J un­ior membership comes to a closc to­morrow with the production of "Oliver Twist". Two performances arc to be given. The matinee at 2 :30 is for children below Junior high school age. The eve­ning performance at 8:20 is for older children and adults. This dramatization is one entirely suitable for adults as \\Tell as for children, and it is belie'/ed a great many grown-ups will avail themselves of the opportunity to fam­iliarize themseh'es again with this Dickens classic. The cast is almost entirely adult, in­cluding such experienced players as William Price, Sally McFadden, Wash­ington West, Martha Keighton and others. The director is Charles T. Deacon. A sedous effort has been made in the selection of this cast and in the staging of the five scenes to offer a production which would provide suit­able entertainment for all ages during the extended spring or "summer" sea­son of the Players Club. Bereaved Mr. and Mrs. Frank R. Morey with their sons Frederick and David left Sunday for York, Pa. where they at­tended funeral services Monday morn­ing june 7 for Mr. ?t.forey's father Frederick A. Morey whose death had occurred at 8 :30 p. m. on June 3. MI=". Morey had been notified two weeks earlier of his father's serious illness and had spent several days with him before his death. Surviving besides the superintendent of the local schooTs are two other sons H. A. Morey, Frederick Morey, and a daughter Mrs. WalIace W. Bercht.old, all of York. Interment was in the fam­ily plot in Greenmount Cemetery, York. • Given Key Poels Miss Marion Kirk daughter of Mrs. Howard Kirk of South Chester rOad, a junior at Bryn Mawr College, was re­cently elected captain of the varsity basketball team for next year. Marion was also elected art edjtor of the year book. BUSINESS ASS'N HEAD Robert D. Honeytord Swarthmore Busine!s Association president who enters the Anny on June 17 .. Mr. Honeytord's blUine88 The Bouquet Beauty Solon on South Chester road will be managed during bis absence by Mrs. Honerford who ha. been active in its management in the four and one-half years it bas existed here .. REUNE IN NORm AFRICA Second Lt. Charles F. Seymour had satisfying proof a sl10rt time ago that the world's smallness is more than hearsay. When, soon after landing in North Africa, he went into the nearest town he recognized the shoulder insignia of his cousin's outfit. When approached the wearer said "sure" he knew Lt. Geoffrey Dolman and would take a messag!! to him. Quickly Lt. Seymour sent his card with a note asking his cousin to meet him as soon as pos­sible. In haste which betokened his own delight LI. Dolman sped down and ~'bumped" into Lt. Seymour outside the Red Cross headquarters. The cousin Lieutenants spent the afternoon and evening together. Seymour is the son of Mrs. Melaine Dolman Seymour and Dolman of John Dolman, Jr •• oi Vassar avenue. Corporal James L. Jackson has been transferred from Houlton, Me., and left June 5 for Denver, Colorado, after spending a six day leave at the home of his parents, Dr. and :Mrs. A. F. Jackson, on Park avenue. * Defense Council Bulletins * Office. Borough Hall- Telephone 0351 Open Weekdays Daily • No Local Audible "AII,C'ear" Ruling Yet The Delaware County Council of Defense has no official knowledge at this time of a proposed "all clear" audible signal. As soon as the information is re­ceived by the local council it will be published in this column. There have been requests by individual members of the Defense Units for interpretation of new rules. Any questions should be submitted in writing to the Defense Council and a ruling will be pUblished. Victory Gardens Many Victory gardeners have been eating radishes and lettuce from their gardens and other produce is coming along in good shape. Frank Masf!l1i. the genial barber takes the honors for the first ripe tomato on Memorial Day. Last Friday Postmaster A. P. Smalley had a number of fine large ripe strawberries on display in the bank lobby. )fost of the gardens show the results of patient and hard work. To Collect Canning Jars The Girl Scouts are to collect glass jars and jelly glasses in preparation for the summer canning program. The south side of the railroad will be canvassed on Monday June 14 and the north side on Tuesday June 15. The jars and glasses are to be deposited at designated corners and the borough truck will pick up the material the same night. In case of rain on either day the schedule will be postponed 24 hours. Consumer InConnation The new ceiling prices in dollars and cents are in effect on rayon hose. Reduc­tions range from 5 to 40 cents a pair, so stockings that formerly sold for $1.15 to $1.35 can now be bought for from 93c to $1.05. These new prices apply to all Grade A and B hosiery now in retailers' stocks. After July 15 all hosiery must be marked by Grade A or B in accordance with standards set by OPA. All futl-fashioned rayon hosiery will then have to be marked by the manufacturer with the ceiling price, grade and gauge. In the case of seamless hosiery, needle count, instead of gauge will be marked. Gauge means the number of stitches per I~ inch of fabric. The higher the gauge, the finer the weave. Irregulars, seconds and thirds have lower top prices. First quality full fashioned-42 gauge, $.75 to $.84; 45 gallge, $.81 to $.92; 51 gauge, $.93 to $1.05; 54 and 57 gauge, $1.04 to $1.\8; First quality, seamless- 280 needle count, $.33 to $.37; JOO needle count, $.37 10 $.43; 320 needle count, $.39 to $.44; 340 needle count, $.47 to $.53; 360 needle count, $.57 to $.64. Most small stores are allowed a higher ceiling price than larger stores. in line with traditional business practices. A.k Clerieal Volunteers The Ration Board at Clifton Heights appeals for clerical and stenographical help by volunteers. Even an hour's work will be of great assistance. The office which is on the bus line is open from 9 to 5 weekdays except Saturday when the hours are 9 to 1 p. rn. Assist;lDce can also be given three nigbts a week - Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday from 8 untillO. PER CAN REGISTER TUESDAY A. M. Summer Recreation Staff Skilled and Experienced; Riding to be Graded to Pupil Ability The enthusiastic response to the summer recreation program necessi­tates an additional day for registration. On Tuesday June IS, therefore, in Room Number I at the College avenue school and in the assembly room at Rutgers, registrations will be received from 9 until 12. Mrs. j. J. Crookston, director Clf the summer recreation program announces the following staff members: Robert Cadigan of Friends Central School faculty wiJI be in charge of all boys' sports and Gertrud Rath sister of Virginia Rath of the college will be the leader for all girls' sports. Graduate of Hollins College, Miss Rath was phy. sical education instructor in the Roa­noke, Va. High School for two years and is now assistant to the principal of Abbot Academy at Andover, Mass. Mrs. E. N. Hay who pioneered in pre-school education work, Mrs. Pem­berton Dickson, and Mrs. Daniel Kenny the school nurse will be in charge of the pre-school group at .the College avenue school with Barbara Brown and Ann Bradford as assistants. Mrs. J. Francis Taylor who directed the nurs­ery school at Mary Lyon until its 'fe­moval to New York City and is now head of the nlJrsery at Media Friends School will have charge of the same age group at Rutgers with the assist­ance of Patsy McCahan and Jean Dickson. The course in metal crafts which proved so popular last year under the direction of Mrs. Wayland H. Elsbree of Wallingford will be under her care again this year. Mae Schwartz of the Friends Central School faculty will in­struct the course in modeling and paint­ing. Information in regard to the swim­ming certificate which is a prerequisite to canoeing instruction may be ob­tained by calling Registrar Mrs. George M. Allen, Swarthmore 2582. Riding instruction will be given by Mrs. J. Alfred Calhoun experienced in­structor of riding in summer camps and assistant to Miss Rath at the col­lege. Instruction will be graded accord­ing to the needs, desires, and riding ability of those who register. Groups will be classified according to demon­strated ability in order that beginners may have ample time for careful ini. tial instruction and those more ad­vanced will not be held back by begin~ ners. Can Use Old Recol'd8 The American Legion Auxiliary will meet Tuesday June 15 from 10 a. m. to 4 p. m. at !f rs. O. J. Gilcreest's homc on Harvard avenue to make use­ful articles from salvage. Members are asked to bring box lunches; a beverage will be provided. Dates for future meetings for this purpose will appear in The Swarthmorean. The Red Cross and U. S. O. are calling for more books for the new groups of boys to be sent overseas. Swarthmoreans are asked to raid their libraries and contribute many more good books. Most desirable are paper covered, pocket editions of good litera­ture. Another old record campaign is about to begin in Swarthmore. Used records no matter how battered are being con­verted into new records for shipment to overseas forces. A shortage of ma­terial for new records necessitates the use of second hand records in this way. An organized project is being planned for collecting salvage of this type. Alma Mater Honors Shirer Among the 10 surviving members of the Class of 1893 present at a special luncheon tendered on Tuesday by the President of the Philadelphia College of Pharmacy and Science was Victor D. Shirer of South Chester road. In rccognition of his SO years of service since his graduation from the College, Dr. Shirer was presented with a Semi-Centennialist Certificate at the annual meeting of the Alumni Associa­tion, which followed the luncheon. Thirty-five. other certificates were sent to the remaining members of the Class of 1893 who were unable to be present at the ceremony.

---------- Page 13 ----------

1 and will tak, possession of their band_Lt. Cecil " • newly purchased home 2S Amherst d .lJl.eree 18 on active sea • uiy.! PERSONALS av~n.ue, now occupied by Dr. Frank E. ~ Lt. Robcirt Griffin returned Wednes- been added to that institution's enroll- Wilhams. ' . . Maud Elliott Hall arrived home Oil .' day to Fort Jackson, S. C., after a brief ment since Spring. Mrs. Brownell and Mr. and Mrs. William H. O'Ka~e and June 1 from the Peabody Conserva­, l~ve at his home on Rutgers' avenue. daughter Betsy will remain here three children Richard, Sally and Mich- tory·of Music in Baltimore, Md.,· to 'Lt. Griffin received his promotion from !hrough June or longer. After a stay ael of Dickinson avenue .are'l~aving stay with her parents, Mr. and Mr •• B~ood Ih honor of .-their cousin Miss LoulSe Paulson. Many of her friends were invited. and the evening proved to be a great delight to all,' as well as a complete "surprise" for the bride-to-be on June 19. . 2nd Lieutenant a short time ago. In New England they will join Profes- June 11 for Tacoma, Wash., where they J. IL HaU for the summer. Her sister . 'Ensign Robert Thorpe returned to sor Brownell late in August. will reside. Mr. O'Kane is. with the Grise11a C. Hall returned Tuesday the service on Wednesday after spend- Mrs. William Bittinger of Plymouth, ~ennsylvania Salt Company at that from Hannah More Academ~ Reis- · ing an eight day leave with his parents Ohio, left Monday after spending 10 City. terstown, Md. · Mr. and Mrs., Walter ·L. Thorpe of days as the guest of her son-in-law Mrs. Carl de Moll of Park avenue Midge Brown arrived home on Tues-l) iekinson avenue. He has just com- a~d daughter Dr. and Mrs. George B. entertained the members of th~ Art day from Mary Baldwin college at pleted his courses at the Curtiss-Wright Sickel of Strath Haven avenue. While Club at dessert at her home Friday. S~unton, Va. to spend the summer Propellor School of Caldwell, N. J. here she attended the) graduation exer- Mrs. Roy P. I,ingle of Cornell avenue 'WIth her parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. F. . Toppy Nason, Jack Corse and John dses of her grandson Bill. has recently been named treasurer of Brown of North Chester road. • Birth Mr. and Mrs. Robert Scott Walters of Park avenue are being congratulated upon the birth of a son, Robert Ed­m~ md, June 1 at the Taylor Hospital, Ridley Park. _ . Tht; baby is the grandson of Mr. and Mrs, Robert M. Walters of 104 Cornell avenue and Mrs. Ethel Clrcoran of Piper left Thursday to enter the Naval The family of Mr. George C. Abbe the Drexel Women's Club which is com- Mrs. Brown's mother, Mrs. W. C. ParR' avenue. . Pre-Flight School at the University of entertained a~ a dinner on June 6 to prised of women faculty. members and Greer has .gone back to her home in Pennsylvania. . celebrate his birthday. Guests were his wives of fac~lty members of Drexel Woodbury, N. J.' after spending two Tom McG<Jrmack, Jr. of Thayer road son Robert and family of Wallingford Institute of Technology. weeks with her daughter. Irr======~=====================- who received his war diploma from the and his daughter Corporal Worth Abbe Mrs. George W. Sweet of Garrett Mrs. E. D. Brauns of Vassar aven~e DO YOU KNOW Pennsylvania Military College last of the Women's Auxiliary Army Corps avenue entertained at a luncheon at will be hostess at a: luncheon and : week leaves today for Officers' Train- at Fort- Belvoir, Va. here home Fri~ay. bridge on June 11. The 8me ~ t. AD7 Au" S'rotdlli, ing School, ('.amp Meade, Md., with Mrs. Robert L. Coates . and Mrs. Mrs. A. C:. Bosshardt O£. Park. ave- Miss Lucy E. Anthon 'of Mo Ian JUST CAU.. (N4O the Infantry Division of the U. S. John C. Moore, members of the Poetry nue en!ertamed Mrs. Jules Beble of spent last week with Mr!. 'Arthu/ W Army.' Group of the Delaware County Writers St. ~OUIS, Mo., and her daughter Peggy Kent of Park avenue. . RUSSEl J 'S SERVICE Aviation Cadet William G. Cleaves ~lub, attended a luncheon-study meet- Beble at luncheon June 1. Mrs. Bebie ' .4' has. finished .his primary training at 109 at the home of Mr§'. Robertson was here to attend the college com- ~n Saturday even 109 June 5 a mis- Blab Yovr car I.ut u.. 1huaUoa- Sequoia Field, CaL and is now at Min- Short of Drexel Hill Tuesday. The mencement at which Peggy received ce. aneQUS sh?wer was given by the 1Ieplar ...... WID Do Do ter Field, Cal. Jor basic training. group is studying the Poetry Course of high honors with the degree of Bach- Misses Madebne and Pauline Sober of .... ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;----;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;1 . Lt. and Mrs. George W. McRory, Jr. Dr. Clement Wood. elor of Arts in the Division of the Hu- - . .j arrived last Sunday from Fort Knox, Dan Kirk was host to Dave Thayer manities. Her father is vice-chairman • MARY DUNHILL • PRINCE MATCHABELLI • CHANEL • ~;', Ky., to spend a 10 day leave with Mrs. Ned Rutherford, Bill Sickel Dav~ of the National Committee of the Swiss- ~'h ';; MeRory's parents, ·Mr. and MW;. John Hutchison and Duncan Chiqu~ine at American Refugee Relief Project. =~. e . Bouquet - ;~ Hall of Strath Haven avenue. the Kirk farm 12 miles beyond Norris- . ~enny Corya who has completed her - - i".. Jay Daugherty, son of Mr. and Mrs. town. The boys left on June 4 and Jumor year at Colorado College Colo- r J. P. Daugherty of Dickinson avenue, returned the following Monday. rado Springs, Colo., returned' june 1 t . :~. Bill Mitchell, son of, Mrs. Lydia G. . Marion Kirk of South Chester road to spend the summer months with her ~ B Mitchell of North Chester road, and 15 home for the summer from Bryn mother Mrs. Lael D. Corya and sister EAUTY SALON ;_. Jerry Corse, son of Mr. and Mrs. Mawr after completing her junior year. Mrs. Douglas'Langston of Ogden ave· • ~\ ' George F. Corse of Yale avenue have Mr. and Mrs. Harry L. Miller and nue. Penny is a member of the Kappa '. . enlisted in the Marine Reserves and son . Peter of Thayer road returned Alpha Thetas. ~.~. expect to be called some time in July. Wednesday from a stay of a week at Mrs. W. W. Speakman who has been <. John H. Longwell received his com~ their farm in Wallingford, Vt. . the guest. of Mrs. William I .. Hull of . IS South Geller Road .' • Beauty lend. her .oldier 10 VneIe' Sam -~ en o S • en I t.,. mission as 2nd Lieutenant upon grad- Mrs. Miller was hostess to her bridge Walnut lane left late in May for her ~ Swuthmore 476 '~;:1 utatiion~ M~ay 1K!) fnrom~ t~he Armored Force c~lub at luncheon at ber home Wednes- s~ummeTr homhe "The~ Heml'ocks" Buck i• ==C= =A=R=B=~E~R~T~ ~•~ ~S~KCY~LIA~REK~ N•~ LL~UE ~L~O~N~G~.~C~H~E~N~Y~U~~. ~. . Mrs. William Clay Brown of 2Z1 Benjamin S. Collins of North Chester . The Swarthmore College Kappa ~.:; P&rk. avenue has gone to spend the road arrived home last week for the Alpha Thetas who sew garments for > sUmmer t th h f Ca taO month of J f W the American Friends Service met at , :;,:.: B' , a h e. Wo~e hO P 10 te h . I t~ne TWom orcester Poly- the home of Mrs. William· I. Hull of ., rown s mot er 10 Inc ester, Mass. c mc ns ltute, orcester Mass He ~;'" Captain Brown is at present in Tunisia. will leave June 11 for a sev~n day 'boat Walnut lane June 3. ~, . Mrs. Roy W. Delaplaine of Cornell trip with his father and a few friends Mr. and Mrs. E., C. Lappe of Yale fr. avenue visited her son AIC Richard p;. t Mrs. Rosalie Roberts of West Ches~ ~;:.. uE. e1~esrtam:thnedan'Mdrhs'erLcaoPusPein's :~18onst ~>: ' Delaplaine at the University of Buffalo, er spent the week-end as the guest of .!XL ~.",;.' Buffalo, N. Y., over the past week-end. her mother Mrs. Amanda Geyer .of Grace McCune·of Pittsburgh as their " . Mrs. Roy W. Delaplaine has returned Park avenue. bouse guests recently. ~;: from a visit with her cousin Miss Helen Elizabeth Lueders of Princeton ave- Mr. and Mrs. Percy G. Gilbert of :{ Falconer of Buffalo, N. Y., where Rich- nue is entertaining as ilcr house guest P~rk avenue entertaiped informally at 'l ard Delaplaine is stationed as an avia- Priscilla Smith of Buffalo, N. Y. Class- br1~ge for Mr. and Mrs. Lappe' and r tion cadeL at Skidmore College, Saratoga their guests the evening of June 1 .. ~, John RichardG was graduated from SI?r1ngs, N. Y., the girls spent a week Mrs. Harold R. Goodwin of Rose rf- ' Cornell University's School of Meehan- WIth Priscilla's family at the conclusion Valley will entertain the Art Section ft.ical Engineering on May 24. He ex- of the sp~ing term before returning to of the Woman's Club at a luncheon at ~;.(.. pects to be called into the Navy V-1 Swa~thmore together June 2. her home Thursday, June' 17. F, program sometime this summer. ~15S Lola Green, sister of Mrs. H. Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Boyle and . AT STRATH HAYEN INN On THURSDAY, JUNE 17th At8:IS P. M. The Phlladelphia Young Friends' AssoeJatiOD Choral Group Under the Leadership of J. Ralph. Satterthwaite - Will Present the Operetta "THE pIRATES OF PENZANCE" • AU Friends Interested .Are Cordially Invited as the guests of the ~ EID ... 1UV" "M. . ;'c\ Ned Rutherford and Bill Sickel, both ]. Lumsden of Kenyon avenue left so~s Robert, Jr., and John of Phil3,de1- .&" ..u u".a, SI:HEIBLEY . " of Strath Haven avenue, will enter the Tuesday, Ju~e 1 for Cape Cod, N. J. phi:! are occupyint' their new home, 18 ~~t freshman class at Dartmouth College where she ~ll spend the summer. Amherst avenue. ~ oo~~~~ca~b~~ ~~~~~~~~~hr ~~~b~~~3~;~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~:' date under the Naval V-12 program.. N. Y. has been the guest of Mr and Hood College, Frederick,. Md., to spend j~~; :.. , Bill Piper is spending the time be- Mrs. Melvin F. Wood of Elm a~enue the summer with her parents Mr. and R r: tween semesters at" Penn State with for the past week. Mrs. Earl H. Weltz of Elm avenue. • W., CURRAN CO. his family on Yale avenue. He will Lin Freegard has completed her Peter B. Myers of Dickinson avenue "ABOVE f,i graduate in September and expects to freshman year at Bucknell University left Monday ·tb resume his studies at AIL A GOOD R~OF". ~~ be callc:d by the Marines shortly after. and is vacationing at her home on Georg~ Washington University in ROOFING-SIDING ~,: • Mr. and Mrs. Russell Heath and their North Swarthmore avenue. . 'Ya_ngton, D. C., after a short vaca- , son Douglas of Cedar Lane held Open Mr. and Mrs. Ralph V. Little of Park hon between semesters. tL House. for members of the,senior class avenue entertained Mrs. Robert Little Yarnall Cleaver of North Chester i,. . foUowmg the graduation ceremonies on of Cumberland, Md., as their guest ~oad left Tuesday for the Civilian Pub­i:' June 3. May 24 to 28. Their daughter Miss hc Service Camp in Powellsville, Md. r~. Mr. and Mrs. Edwin J. Faulkner and Margaret Little bas returned to her Mrs. Roy Weininger, a niece of'Mrs. Approved Application of Johns-Manville Roofing and Siding Shingles Phone or Wrile for Free E.tirnate. McCLATCHY BLDG. e1ae.'er Brand -1016MABKET UPPER DARBY MARCUS HOOK ST. :.:,:. daughters Joan and Jeryl of Dickinson home on Park avenue after a winter of A. F. Jackson, spent last week-end at ~.' avenUe are leaving June 21 for Buck teaching in Cleveland, Tenn.' the Jackson's home. Mrs. Weininger ~, Hill FaUs where they will spend the Margy MacMillan has been home whose husband is in England, will grad~ BOULEVARD 5397 r~~,. ~nm~g ~hiS~ fo~urMth ~ye~ar ~as~ diirecsto~r o~f tShe~ EMlm~iraU, N~. ~Y.,~ an~d ~lea~ve~s tlhils wiee~k ~to~ h~ve ~":l~th rthe' Ja~ck~so~ns~ fo~llo~wi~ng ~a s~ho~rt ~~~~;~~;CIH~E~S~~~~~~I~Oil~2~~~1 tennis club at Buck Hill Inn. . work in Ocean City for the summer. vacation between terms. It.~ D~. and Mrs. M. W. Garrett and Nancy Fitts daughter of Mr. and Dr. and Mrs. Jackson entertained t, family of North Princeton avenue have Mrs. Frank Fitts of Locust Knoll several guests from Soutti A~erica for f' !eft fO.r their summer cottage at Ran- Fa~ms, Media is a member of the grad- performances of "Arsenic and Old {~ ler,Mmn., where they will remain until uatmg class of Friends Central which Lace". . . ~\ . the ope~ing of the summer term at the wi~l hear a~ its Commencement speaker Mrs. Beth Mildon Meree daughter , colle~e 10 July. thiS mormng June 11 Dr: Walter of Mr. and Mrs. R.. V. Mildon of MISS M:ry Pusey and Miss Alice ~. Kotschn!g, Pro~es50r of Compara- Guernsey road was a member of the ~yres of North Chester road are spend. bve Education, SmIth College. graduating class of Connecticut College 109 a week as the guests of Mrs. pro and- Mrs. Luther M. Dimmitt for ~omen, New London, Conn., which C~a~les Paxson at her cottage at Buck will move June 16 from their home on receIVed its diplomas Sunday. Mrs. Hill Falls. Swarthmore place, which has been sold Meree was a senior Phi Beta Kappa M~s. C. C. West of Walnut Lane en- to Mr. William L. Cleaves. They will and holder of the Savard Prize for · .tertalned at a.luncheon bridge on Wed- occupy the home of Mrs. Martha R excellence in spoken French. Her hus-nesday. Blessing on Elm avenue for the sum~ i-iiiiiliiiiiliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii . Prof. H. C. Brownell of 227 Park mer months. av~nue leaves' this week for SL .Paul, Margaret Anne Dimmitt retu'rned MIDn., where. he will be visiting pro. h~me June 3 from Hood College, Fred­fessor of history for the coming erick, Md., for the summer. year at Macale~ter College. Three hun- Mr. and Mrs. John C. :Moore and dred Army AIr Corps students have son~ Charles and Billy ar'e' vacating ..... :** * * * * * *. * * * * '** ,_. * ,J.AlIMJ III 1Jilll * "'* * * * IN AIR-CONDITIONED COMFORT ATTH! * * * * : S". UBURBAN CHI ** . ;'[: -' C~ ~,¥I : ,,:;* ;', * * * LUNCH from 60c DINNER from IS- . '* • ** _111111 •• P.LL _ I11III * .• * COCICTAI. MOWS S TO 6 P.M. ":,, * * * • * * * * ... * ** theIr home 30 Amherst avenu~ August . The Players Club OF SWARTHMORE • • Junior Produetion. "OUVER '(WIST" Direelor: Charles T. Deaoon • Sa~y June 2 • ChDdrea'. Matinee 2:30 li:.enIq. for AD AaM 8:20 MEDIA Last 2 Da,.. . nuDAY AND SATURDAY DEANNA DUBBIN in "THE AMAZING MRS. HOLIDAY" SDJlda,.. Only Two Bis Features "CITY WITHOUT MEN" With Linda Darnell and "JUNIOR ARMY" With Fredclle. Bartholomew MONDAY (EVENING ONLy) AND '11JESDAY PAt1LE'ITE GODDARD ~ ADd BAYI nM ILLAND. "THE CRYSTAL BALL". No Matinee Monda,.. .. Food .... Freedo. , YOU'LLhear more and more about the . government's "Food .for freedom" pr0- gram as the war progresses. It b a plan for assuring ampl~ supplies of food to meet the aeeds of ~erica and its allies in the war, and a large part of the world after the war. ". is an undertaking of tre~ propor­tions, a challenge to Americ~ agriculture, and an opportunity of service for America's banks. La,er in this series we will discuss this program CIftd deal s~ally with the. ways that banks are ~Iping make It a success. SI NATIONAL BANK AND TRUST COMPANY

---------- Page 14 ----------

:~ , . ,... . , \ ____________ ~--~----------------~~--------------~----------------~-l~D~.:~8W~=AB==l=H::.OB&&N~._FB_~~_~___~_ _~ _~ ~ ____________ ~:f:oI::'~::"~oa. IDIda'.L ...... "Iit: ... WI aDd WII01iMI8 ___ « iCi.ittICi' 1J* '" prSs. I.. ~£ 1Ia'flall1lnlot ='"~_ ~.J:':':: ='~1CIUoDe17 .. 8DIob=..ffIp -. =:.:-LuDCIa at 1I'1Iat.oeYer k1D4 « Dature. 1IaItiD·.0af. ~=o.!.~. __ Ftr.D!IiDa. 00. == of e.,_Yo Pool cw Mal 8toIW. IDO. u_1 __ _ l'IIl Btlla5;;:= =-B.~ -- =~ "'~ 011. ratone ="-- at ParD. ~ •• Bn*- KoOcWena. J~ -. 8&at.e L1IIIC71 1D.lnman SeaJiiiiln ... AuotPonMn ... J'ac- Kelv111e 8boe 0IIiIp. _ ~ BJmen 1M. KDaIf'. Orlll .... eto~ d~ III UIe IleDter ancm ~ GD. Iftuber• . '''OIph . fllll'J'iro1 'III!IP ., KouIJ. I.Ilred ~~ .u~ -=lJ,...~ =. r-uu 8bop , ~~ B:* CO. r.a=t1o ·w~ c&DtIl. Tax: IIoOllidow IIot.el Sweet a: QePr Lew'. Pr1endly IIrPI&. IUtTAIL .......... 1Io1'glJl1._1IarIaD. TermJDal ~_, Leylne. Loula CJleatal-Wani 1 IIorrls aqUBre ne.l .T1ftlen '1'IIomta Plower SbDp. IIareon1 ImDOrUlllr CO. ~ *rket IIortimer. Michael '1'11om~·. ~au. - "-lc&D Stont Co .. Ko. .. "'VIa'. OI~ CO. ToWn. • 0amI1J0 ~ St.orea 00., Jlo. lOG IIucII. P. , UltD. Sam ..... 41 8MIJA AmerIcan Stores Co~ No. 1171 Ifan·. Beaut7 ![Ibop 'O'nIoD Ifen 00. ....Ict. LIoN ArmIItroua. lite B. Ifathan, Jack L. Vane. OWen II.' JlWer~PIounaer DIPr)'. ·lDc. M!telGtjr,,.:. W. NlecI8IeJto. Walter VIe'S ~ • Beltaunnt IIGore. AlbllR 8Uer. beth A. Kupnt. Oeorn ~ OtIlter ~ '~L.beUl 1In'oe, Charlllll / ()ppenIielm. tA>ula &nrii Ir. WIlUaII:l u.,~.-::- 8tl4wtn, Oharle8 B. QrPneck. Walter Wax. 1I0rrls .... MIl. 8tInUI ~ .... IIn. Betg OUzol4Dltn. John W~n Walter • ~r. L. BlooIi1 ... eDr'! Palme" Ploreet Shoo Wherry Dr W .. ,.1]1&110. P • .!I Bro. CampbeU. RObert D. ParacIIae lte8tturan" Wlney.·L.·· . ~:;R:~~ OIanceYi«!,.alter J. Parr1e. Jeeepb B. J..L'__ . wWoh,1-8-U!,.r . SChool of IIUaIo .... -~. W• . ,.-- Oltrt·s ket ~e·. Onid1t 01"""'-......... ~"'.. -- Cook. Boward Petroeld. Oewald WhIte·. PuDeraI Home Petrllic. MIl. I.DDIe Orowle,. I. P. Phlladelpbla BlecUle 00. WhIte Rouse LUIICll PriCl!. W11Uanl T. DIamond loe & PUll Powell; P. MIlbourne Wlnnemore. 'l'b.omu Presuplnl!.. A. Donovan. Harlan PreDdell!B8t. Thomu .T. WOhlmuth 00. PomPiia .•• proom ZUeD·. Beauty ~ Presto Restaurant Wright. BllzsbeUl B. Stnbe. Aitoll8O JIlvlra Beauty ShoJi QulntoD. Ralph Yoder. O. M. Scott a: Loeb IlDeteln. CatherIDII RInds· Zuckerman. Istac . Slevin. B. J. i'elDgold. BenJ. Reddington JIlectrlo 00. Cbester-Ward-. StaJ.lonl. Ju1lt Plder. Catherine Reiman. A. B. A. & W. Rootbeer stand g=~ ~ ~~; Adam ~:'-":. £~DYO.Oot1 Yard =~=Ph Taylor. W. B. Oulf 011 Co~"...-..' " I~IOeleD~'s _ I Ball• J em ''!l''rIobauIrnzol.. JAonogeeplbo Bo~o Precl. Rosen' •• AI. Studio Bob 8b.oe Store V """"'~_ ImeChweUer. Ray P. Rosen Albert Boucl&rt. Albert a. 1COBrO. _ ... Kn()pt!.l~!l_ Rosenblum Leo Bud Nell's Gart&e ~~ awelUltlll !toIl'S'rDa<lDaU7 Boos. Howard / Oarne,. ThoIlUll Wele8maD. Albert ~ftnAocpkll.a kJYoa e; B. Royal Shoe Market Ohllllter A~ Whl-'-C J" 6__ " I Id Ohll1lpo-··. An ft_ , ..... n. • , ~'l. Alboi;r-- ... upn ce s'''~ft- Ohrlat~IWI ....~. _.. Wolfe. wood O. L..e.e ; H.a.r. rY A. . ,SanSdtemlPlll . 8o1Nme Stu.v COl!!In..s.. ....J... -....'.:. .- ZIP.paJa.C AII.ueasele1rIl-IeW .. _..". • Muon. Bllzabeth =VI~. Aaron Co DJ..Ollle A4&iD0nll. Mre. BIlL . McCrone. John . sa vita IJIaac Oou ""rner "_·rI -- 00 B 1- M1l1er. James B. eck. ·James. P. Daxilcklb~ ....... ctn ow,_ • O. VI~ Pioneer Cleaners. Schwartz. BenJIUilIJiDavld. ......,. =;.~ W. Bboad. S. CharI.,. I!Iehwartz, Max Dougberty. John .... ft SaleDI. Ercole Seers. Roebu·ck .... Co. D1 Grego. 8IIni _oeoo ..... Simpers. Merle W. Sfaklan';' St-eve.... .. tweU :ee.teurant Barnett. C. O. stein A -. .. ·lIIote11e Beautj Shop ~ylln. Loula S I I • . "~.'., Sheppard .!I !lyers. Inc. Pelnbler. D_.-': Belleau Wood Ott. p e man, _u.... SUverst.eln. laDt~ -- BeDj--'- B,. H. S,racclone",,-loc)\l!& • Slpge~ ste~ Machine Co. Prlel. AnDa K. BIum-.;w;wel!t. D&ntel Sute1lffe • .I5nleBli B.· _ob ShOp. c' . PoWJke8 • .[obD B. Bradle,! 0 T ~1~cr~~21!!..'O'Pland ~.IJUt[ ;r. ~Ionei'y Co. ~CIr.~rrIs BOrJd8ec•!• JQhn Sh oaa.. . . Chn .... -W ..... IS~dard ~PPIF Co. ~ffI4Water. Joseph o=.m:.~ A!larOn •. A. T. . -£itIIDcJard Wall Paper 00. .... entan. Michael Daq' .. mao . ClarmIne· . 4mericaD StoN!!, Co. stanley G&I'IIgIi , Boughton. John Di lIaIo Wm. ~rBQJI. 0e0riIiI T. StaDle, Spa .Jqpra Service Statloll Di :r.reiiilo.'1'fBDk ~de.rson. IGla 8t&IiJey WatobcraR KalIuI; BII.. ..' Deldeo OIWirla =r ¥~IIi. :gu. v. . :Story ~ Compton,PUel 00.K8uJfmaa. Budware 15 Paint . ~·DI OlovlUlDl, Plenno .. . .. ~. ,_ ..... B . • .I!t¢ters 0ePt. Store ~~~, J~ lJ· . MAio, Joe . • er _.. .....le SkI! .... e .......... c""r DI· '''·'0 VI'-, =a'S itt eil • ~ Ra;' ~ Co !C9Ii1BC1Ul)'. John i D1~DBO. ""AUKUat ~,nor. NlohoJas :SWerman. II. . ... ~~!t:u?lB~-~Br D1eoetaDBO. JOII;; sr. . . • I. J. Brlvanla· J:lC1t8l & ReetaUrtnt LQdIee ... :.:-..: -- 'DI Nicola, A.' . . oom. B. B.' TUrek. JoSeph LotJa,D. ~DIamond lee & Puel !f~J. . N.or,.on, Allen; G .• Co. Lo,ng,V\' --Do DI Clacomo. J. i.. oJ.~.8~ ~.• :.~. .. ,TrIplex Shoe Co. .war'-" •. m- Salvatore. Bera40, Ulan. Henry .5:16'. "EHn:~! DI Stlvatore. GuU& . ~~ ~:~ . ·Unlon. Store Inc. of Chllllter i T~ vo"'·KclIpee Ice .. • "'J~ .... 11 United MeD·. Shop tr~all:1-1gvet 1~:!~eU.8erv1ce St.. If~ 0.· . Vic torr LunCh .• BDl1 ~ ..... _gold. ~orrls. CanaVf\ll. J. AlaI;I." Walsh. PranlI:. SeWIng Center ••• PlmIlA .. JenDle ~l'8tDut at. C!at'IIP Washington Ho.Use ReeQuraDt. -at,s. John· ~s CJarIiIle. oo.:..n..-..un · .E..l Ia"a". B Wlll'--.- ~ •. _ MCCue. Peter J. Ford L Palmer .-~ ... ; v..arles McGonlBal Rlobard ~ .......... ,!! ....... 1 Whelim DrWr co:. M1l1et-. NIck , ./ Goodyear 8e"lce v ......... ~. Antonlo ...r"-". Whit ... Charf,.. B. IIoDl<Blt ... " Paul J. Green. Edward ~o.).~e:t:'r:' B. & tlODII WolsoJi I'umltUiii Co. Koran. JGhn ",Jilaraaret Groosman.· H. Y'~' R .. :..... J Woohro1'\h. P. W, 00, Molton tl;. ~ Bart.zag; Wm. .. . "'. er_. • Z_~l'il1an. JUhhji - -iIortoD· t Marlte4;· Lacono. IIIChaeI Day. Jolin c. . Cheiltet'-Ward 41 Novak, Wm Iacono. NICOlas U!lm;peter 011 Batt Acme Market NI ~.. '......... Iacono Ro8e D!>lan. HOward ·Adana ClOth8/: c .. eraon • .,.....;'D8 Iacono: Ton, DOugan. ~. S. , Allen Tire "". OstrowBkl. Mary' Jardine. LoI1lllB DOugherty, Allee , ·Am~rI .. n s~ree Co.. 394 P/itro. John JBliDkes. samuel mHot a: Mlt.cheUAdierlcan Stores ,Co. 1067 =~: ~~ J. Jones Coal. !'enton's Coal Yard ·AnUtos. Helen" Pollock. lack lDekotka. Sttnley Perguaon. ~.. 'Anthony'" Lunch Pwe-' Do-'-'·" Kendra Clara GBlJlbles Market AUto Parts 111; Radiator Co. .................. . Kelly's 'Cafe Glan~ Tlser Corp. Bartow. Joe ~ ~Se~~W~P Lamokln . Pharmacj Gdhl. JullWl ~cker. Millinery Corp. Quallt, Market Lavella Brothers Gl'OII8. A. . Bentley. J. C. . QulnD. Berilt>rt Msrloo. ADtonlo Howley. Andrew A, Berman. Frank Ina. Hafa. Michael Maraecano. VeglUo ButchlsoD. P. O. Blrney's Rialto Lunch MolIa. JuUa . Jacobi!. Reuilt>n 1Il00mtleld. Dr. II. Riper" Grille Moo.ney. Elizabeth L. KarvellllS, ~rge Bohrer. L. Roblnaon. Robert Nacrelli. Joseph &lotz. W1111am. Boyd Drugs Inc. Shamrock care Palmer. Pete· . . Lappin Motor CQ'!lpany Bdggs. Thomas L. 111; Sons Sol'. C1ge.r Store Ralrdon. Thoma.a B. Lappin Motor Company Bra,ck'well. P. T .• Jr. Spencer a"rvloe SOAO'ft Panara S Logan. James O. Broughton. Thomas B. Stahl. Jack _ ..... n PattensO~Thomae Jl84Ison Grille Burley. Thdmas Sua Cafe Perdak. william. . Mallas Brothers Buten. M. 111; Sons Sun Restaurant Peruglno. Oiuseppe *oCLargaunghlwln. lsJ abella 'Oal'lllla. Jas. 111; Mltta. Rlchard Sunaet Cate PfelCer. iiayer . - • m. • caruso Anthony Temple. carl RIlla. Idi. Gluseppl ~~nel1. Elmer Chlncote"R\le Oyster House Trusb. PranlI: SaDl~ Prult Martet PI a, Dairy Products Co •• Inc. Oentral Light LunCh W"lkowsld. J. • Schachiler. LoUIs Gneer Cleanelll Chester !'ao Service StatioD Wsaklewlcz. stanley Seven seas cafe Pubs. PaUl Chester Grill W11l1am Penn Restaurant Smtth. samuel ~Ity Meat Market Chester Light Supply Co WlUlama. H. Testonl. Luigi ...,rsln. Michael Cheater Neigh. City Ser.· Sta. WorrllGw. WUllam TrOrCo .... Nlck Reme.r. Sam Chester.Penn 5c 111; lOe Yokas. Sadie Ulan ..... rrr Ryan. Market Chester Recreation Center Inc Ziellnsld. John WUllamson. Wm. J. Sacks. M. Chester Ssles Co • Zoalow. Jacob Williamson; Wm. 01. Sagel. Nat. r- Chester SalvlISe cO ZUbon. Mrs. Joseph wu.on. Alice O. Stlvadore. Angelina Cheater' Typewriter Co. Chester-Wani 6 ZarnOllkI. Emma 8calloD. J. P. Clancy John L Adams. Prank Zeltzeft·8. R .• Sons Schmidt. Walter Cohen's HollywoOcl Shop All' Reduction Sales Co. Chester-Wani 9 seeds. Almer Collins Clothes Albanese. Jo.eph American Stores Co .• No. 287 Sharago. Stille Collins John Amato. Edna American Stores Co.. No. 1'1'/2 Shaw & Fields Danos.' Peter American Stores Co. No. 11 American Stores 00 .. No. 2112 8kaggs. G. W. Dehner Mary L American Stores 00 .• No. 964 Anderson. Garland P. 8lmmons Al bert B. Del' C TJPeWrite C Autocar S. 111; S. 00. Andrew's Care Stewart· .. 5c·$1.00 Store De':;~: ~: Motor J>t! Ce:;. Baylln Hardware Co.. Ino. Barnett. C O. 8l1n V11lage Cate. 1IIc. Donohue's· House of Glfta Baylln. Jaoob BarneU. O. B. Supplee·WIIIs,Jones Doubet ., Carl A Berkowitz. Rose Bell. Barty • ~~gn~~~h DUgan.' Jack M: Bloom. Goldy Black 111; White Beauty Shop V • ••• • Duncan Stationery Co Brady. Jierman Borker. D. O. lte. Joseph· J. Ea I rill • Brandow. Michael Bradby. James T. Walnut Garase Ea g e GEd Bruni. Victoria Byer. Abe Wilson. W. R. ~r' GeOrge Carroll. I; P. Campbell. B. M. WGrat. C. 'fl. Economy Shoe Store Charles .!I Buddy Cawley. Eva· Zelgerman s Phannacy Edward's Beauty Shoppe Cheater Bradley·s. Ino. Central Drug Co. Chester Fish Market Ell Sh In Chester Motor Co. Cohen. OlU. Ace Walfph:pe.t~r a: wPaarln4t 3 ~ Pa~f'ory g~tletc·H"t Store Chlarovallotl. Joe. Cohen. Ruilin AIkin Morrla "'" Perry. Alexander Chuze. Mary Cutler. Y8hn Albert-s Coal CG Flsher's Coal Yard . DnIton. Jack D1costall2a. Joe .• Sr. Alllva. Mrs Alice' Furman. Wm. Davldowltz. ElIZabeth OlscolltaDza. Joe .• Jr. AmerlMn ·S· .-r .... Co No 1060 Galey Hardware Co. De Banctla •. Tony. Digennaro; John - ... "" .•. Gash Stull Co Dektor Auto Supply Du .Bola, Mrs. Pearl American StGres Co.,_ No. 1244 Geeri James W Detln8. James Evans. Plora Andrlel. A. a: Konnll" G' I Oh 1 t Co· DI Lqcldo. Benjamin Bl'ans. Leon Armory BowllDg Academy enera evro e. Diamond Ice & Fuel Pellnton. Goldie BalawaJder. V. GGe~ro~r'if~~ea me Drucker Brothers. Plake. Theo. Barbacane Joseph e e . Dubllald .. Edith Prank. JaCOb Beck. A. S .. Shoe Corp. g~'!,~~..g J=~el Dubow. G. I Powler. R. K. Berger G hb Rei EmlUe Sweet Shop Prledman. 0, _ ,__ I BOltGn ~ ru ,. y . Flelde. Mrs. RGsella Green 111; Gold Beauty Shop Boles William Gyles. Grace BeautJ 8al8~ te Food Pair. Inc.. of l'a. Greenberg. Morris Bomberger. Harry J. Bdware. 111; 8up. 00 .• at es r Porchettl. A. Gregory Men'. 8hop Book Mark Haas. Loula Fowden. Wm. P. Hamilton. Chas. . Bowne Th09 B Jr Hackett. L. A. l'razIo. NiCOla • Harris. Joe Brout Jeweler.. Inc. • ~thto~~\d. Jr. Pryer. James &: Son Benrr. Morgan N. Bridge 8teak Sandwich Shop e ore PUsec. V.· HlODla. KortentlDos Busy Bea Reataurant Herbert's Glud. Stanley \ Hurst. S. J. BUBgan Morris Hernlck's OrthopediC Lab. Goldberg. Simon Jones. DanIel CaDter's Army & Navy Store Hetherln,l!ton. Mrs. J. Greenberg. I. Kelly's Pharmacy Central Olty Garage Hollman. Pharmacy Haas. Sebastian Kerstone Hotel Shemolf. Nathan Howarth. Robert. SOUP. Inc:. Handy Cut Rate V'_'nht Jam· Chemoff Rose Hopkins. Joseph A. Harvey's Auto E1ec. Service LBn:. George es Oheater Army 111; Navy Store Horwitz Food Store· Hummer 111; GreeD Lalken. Eva Chester Candy Kitchen Imperial Hotel Joe's Coal Yard Lelmselder. Rose Chester Bardware Co. JIreac~e :hNNrShOP Kane. John a: Soil Lerman. Morris Cheater Restaurant Jackson ~A Kelly. Marie Mattera. Marcellino Cheater Salv. & Elec. Repair Jaoobl! ''ii'i:. Kerth's Pharmac, MaDman. Morris Cheater Wall Psper Co. JOYce ~'en·'s Shop Kerstone Iron 111; Metal Margolls. Benny Chett R B - Knitting Nook . Ma B ... Sh COCCh~' mire' K81'U: Elias . Kosmln. David Ma3'ack':"li."vid op Cohn Marthi T Kahn s Inc.· Kyles Pure Food Market Miller. Nick Colonial Gl1t Shop Kalamazoo stove 111; Fur. Ct. Levin. Abraham MlUer Pharmacy Colonnade Cate Kamganes. Mathew Lido Cafe Miller. Sam Come Back Restaurant KB888h. Adele Lucci. Emldlo Morton's Service Sta. ConnGlly. J. Thomas 111; Son Ka,'s Shoe store L:rtUe. F. Gilbert NaereUi. Joseph Comwall Motor Co. lelfanJef' B .11' =n~~k.iward Nemlroll. 111"" Cummings a: Glenney Keellm ey• WW n ;,. • ".uullen. Clarence NiCOlaides. Alex Cutler. Samuel an. m. -. -~ Pletter Jaoob Datlett Joseph KeYBtoneGDW' g;'In M'i&~~' PrInce,'T. DavidGWltz. Nathan & SOn Kinney.... o. ~'-.-che·ra Charles & Bon Platt, PaUl DaVis. Louis &lrchnek. Charles ~~A._ 'Ro Podsras. Peter DaVIa Wm P KulP. O. C. ~~I:ura -lard RehUl, Bernard P. De LIi Ru Beauty Salon Lee Lee RestaUrBllt Rosenblatt MOl.r1a B . Rennett. Sidney Delaware Products Co. Lelnlng~r. James F. Sslers DatrY Stores. Great Leop- RIjl8, R.. 111; Brown, Nathan Delaware Wholesale Produce Lerman s Market . ard Market ROSs, Charles Demlrla Reataurant Lewl!!. John W. Bani Boos Mis BaIlie DI Meo PaUl Lilley. Coole, tarJ Meat Market RUb8sh. Nicholas Dun"- • ".~- 0 LIncOln Stores InC. Selden. Abe R-n's ··-rtet BdJD~ark, erla n. Lloyd's Men Sh• OP 8halavla. Joseph a~V"I"""~ Charles In Somers Rat .,.. - •• EmIly Beauty Shoppe Loughead. C. It. C; Standai-d Suppl~ Co 8cattollnl. Olacomo PamIse of Oheater Lupton. Ed. Plowers C d1 8teI Mo Ia" Prank Pamous Reaaurant Martha Wasblngtcm au as n. rr Shooster Prank.!l Sons PPaaurI': Y. W & Co In Mc:Call·s. Prank. Sons STaltrabottet' JGoeeo .rge Smith. C. . Inc. & m. .• c. Mccrory Stores Corp Ta d • Joh B In Stein Broe. er SOn Shoe Store McLaughlin Charles • u er. n.. c. Thomas Samuel Pelnberg. H .• Inc. MCC Thoinas Temple Plower Shop Toanon'; Jack FPureIned1., MNi.c Jk. •_•e ssamye, r PI0 rIat VVaalcecnatrion, eC. aLrmouellao . Vlc~'. rla 'Brown Beau.'," Sho.". Purness Olive M Miller. lohn S. Vanore Dominick Wachs. Benjamin G 111; G 'outlet siore Miller. Joseph Wltlln • Samuel Walden'. Soda Pountaln Lunch Garrett 111; Shn Mlnglone. Ida Wrlghi E J Weatherly. Walter Gllem Harry C Montgomer, Ward Wozerlewskl •. Mathew West End Lumber Yard Goll. H. Stanley. Motorcar Service Co. Chester-Wani 7 West End Garage Goldman Stores Corp. Moyer Ijhoe Store Abbott. C. West End Recreation Goodman RadIo MurphY, a Amertcan Stores Co •• NG. 225 W1111s. WID. Goodman. Wm. D. & Co. Murray. American Stores Co .. No. 258 WlUIs, H. O. Gordon'a LoaD omee Mrera. S.. American Stores 00" No. 1886 W11eon. J. 520 GrUi National Cash 00. Balestrieri, Mar)' WoloehanskJ. IIIChael Orttz. Louise Nelbert·s Beck, Joseph Zussman, B. 01'1)' Bert G NeVln's Drug Co. . Benson. H. B: Chester-wanl U Oreat A. & P. Co. New QualltJ Shoe Co. Blome Ifdmoncl Amerlctn Stores Co.:.o No. 308 oreen's Oroc. & DeUca~ NI~ CIlIe Boles;'WIllI8m. Anderson. G. P. '" IS, 0. . Ore8D'.BMLukeCto InA = oreen. ..• " - Pa ke ~e...~. r tP~ Urtnt BBoonnllattco. .q.. 1~' Ernest' BAaUb1l'cgksnl.s . TM. orris Owanlls. John . r r. -. . Bonier. ... • Bagllon.e. l'uquale Bamb;&M. Dr. B. 11.. Opt. 00. PPeecnkn' Y.:..!!'y Auto 8toteI Bottino. Maria BonIer. Mabel Belen's ~uty Shop -.. Bo;;'- :.~~ Aaron Bunce. I. It. BIll'. GrtU ;'::~e"'s'- P~!lV. Agnes. V. ~~Nora'B enIIIZl ~!..IB· . ... -1 Burr. Mrs. Allee ~~':'I' PhIl .......- c~ """ BJmes. James • Charlae B. Bubeiman. IIartIn PIerson, Thomas B. CUey. Wllliam P. Goodman, Joseph. ~Lester 3. PIoneer OIeNUol11. Chester OUr!> ~ Boven. George MOrton PlpInOa:eva Chester Hat OIeeDIDI Iacona. Marr .. IDDlB. O. PrIce.~ _~ __ .. Obeeter IIaterl&Ja Q). rwach1w. Thea. lDt.ernatlOD8l Auto 0tlIIp ~,=.~"""'- Chester ~ JIUUl CurIo ShOp Jacobson & DalJ .,.-01 ...... . Obeeter TIre 00. lakes llartet .Tactson, Gertrude BIddie. Abe O~ Antonio 'Ktculbtn, PhWP JImIIlJ" Lunch Rea Drug Store Co~Bd BeautJ ~ KanIackI. Klcllael JGIl8II b. Mattie B_elIAzter 00. ColliDs. O. BaJmoiIil • UBpada, AnWDlo Karpo1rtck ~ Bepetta. Ph111p . Comlsh, G\aclja Lc! lfeMaa '8 c.te BOiIgen. Inc. 000P8!:. Alloe LtbbJ's ~ 11I1I8lrJ' 00. Bomo. 0IuIdeI Columbia Shoe ~ VMI""ln JIarrJ Kerr, lin. B. A. RoubeR. H. A. De BertrdIDIa. AdeUD.e lIIauger. lolln B. .. - S s.. 00. Bor'8 . De JIeS\IO. Oeora ~ W. S. 00. ~'OrtUe ~ BIllIanIt • De Bantee. GtbrIe?e II ...... tat. ~ L.. an.e...,B..".:.'!.? 'OIIIee ~_I__ ~V. ._.._ ._.. ....... De VitO. L. IIInalIaU Bros. Dehner. J. O. 1Il&Chell. Ads i:e 'KlJUn8r'J 00, IDo. RJBer. '1'11eodore a.. DI' Ilea. BIaIt ~ JIazoId ~. DrIll' 00" :ta.o. SapovHII. lIorrts II. DrtDdeId.... .. IIOclerDette BalU" Bbop ¥.~n·s BaJQvtta~ II. Duke. B. If. Vomat. MIte· UQJd s =. Sbop BaWle U Sbop PeDnell. Th_ lfemtrorf. II. Uoyd's ~ .... lImlck. .. .. ~ 'I'rtDII:. LouIs 1f1eclzlalciwK1 a-lIt Loft Candj COrp. =aker. ~ Pre8CO. Domlalck Oeser. lIIabel' Log cabin Inn da. R. OhM. Pusoo. Rt.~ Pancoast; s. A. I:~o~cr:~'l~ 00. =~ ~ IIII. s= Boet ~~or= .. • ,/ • =...= GI c=qe - I =~av. 2Mje'" .. ar.rMI. ...., .. ~ VkItOr7 I'rulla V ... 1Irkt. p=~n~ J~. I::eU~""Oo. ~=Ii:ji!:,i"~ 1_ llanos. Wm. It. .... B. D. Ta rorf1oa1 ., 00U 00. Menalnl I. Po1cr'ltt 8erv1oe ~ 'O'='~ =~~~ C~e =r.?. .~ c:.n. .. 1-.1': ::= =:.Tib.. lima v. =. ~-= J. wu.oD. Lucr O'StiM·. WI8DD Wbeel llUrra7's orm CIIeI&u Wartl U Jlalml8lao. J_ Botbe'o~ _~ .. Amer1ctu. St.oi'eI Oo~ No. ·10'12 PalmlMno. JeDDIe IJeDoWea ..,... _ Amertcan StonI 00., Bo. 1188 Parter lte8taurant Amer1ctu. storeS 00. Alnerlc&D Storee Co.. No. line PatcDen. AI AmlaDd Puod IIubt; lBjt!k.mal'~:r . .., =PerI,llo . Prtnk , AuatIn. II. .. wng.OhaB r.ll lWll .W ; 1BItetc1k1.e tGt. uPa t1D1.! Hr ·Blum'l. _ .... 1I1Iam. ..... O'_. ...~ . .R.u.dtmoa,n A. .D tft 1BIat4rI7l.D J. GBh. n . Blumentrantli, O. Bu.ell. JlMhua Uta .Jim BdbIak. Paullne o.Ulerine Rutman. 1Itke· BoDlall 41 PorbII J'JIo. ~ Walter SCheal. LoUIs .. BoDaall 41 Pw_ 071 Lumber Bomberger. parr, J. Schmltt. Prank & In8Ulatlon DlviaIoIl J!cmt9'tl. ~ Sbrlver. Jce. B. OtYUlIIb. P\UIert1 a- BorckJ. lin. B. Shenn,.. Welclers Supplies Connor. John T. Burns. Mrs. AD.!;la IIm1t11, Jlugene .. DeYeDJl)'. A. L. ~~ee:i. ~=- =: tneSpeera ~~: y~ OoDnell. Irene lIocODy-V.cuum au 00. Olenn dwlch &bop Comets. Bthel , Prleberg. IIarrJ GleD orott orm Oonte. TholD8ll sterlln8 ~1t1mt Olenolden BIeo Sta.. Corbett. Patrick StambOulIaD. John OlenoldeD PoodI IIuI. CoeInUlteJ MIke sterling. Henry Oreen. Boward Dulak. JOISeDl1 Stillman. 1Irs.1IarT ~, Joeepb. Dtrr. ~ i. aIDe. Anna M. LeveDthal, ~ Day. John Stratton. Jamet IIarr Lou's Beauty Balon DIouch. Martha SUD OU Co. lIIatt'eo. Iflck Blsenberg leeellb. SJ'ke8, Jabal McC&WIland's Pun, Pulor Faucett. ;t •• D •• BoDt Tobia. Alfonao IIcGlIgan. 'Dtn1e1 I'erguaon· •• lila, IIoJt Lun=!1 'O'rsone, PranlI: lIIcell Tony Neher. IIlke Walt·s Steal!: 8aI1dwlOb. &b .• IIuI. M11ler: Charles PrItach. BImer Watara. WID. J. IIInk Benjamin r.. OIUSllet. Karol Young's Druga • Grace's Marte!; , Col~ Boi'oaIIl ~ ~~~ Golom-.. An~ Anderaon. Joe • .oJ. MueUer II S G_D. Charlet Bsm!1ton a: II8rab.&U Keat 1Ikt. Partwa7 am;' Sta. Haday. AnthoDJ Hawk, B1mer Patte_n, P. BarrIaoD. WIlllaIIl Leech. EdWIn J, PenIn. Ida !i!frc::: -: =-~ . Raison. G. W. Bo • B. S& lIIaroella =k'r.A.J( I!ublckey. ADaatazIa A"-"--~'2.~ Stn!ofd. LeOn j::::e~rrlsPeteio A~Jiard-w:re 8b.oe. =. ~II arguef; JDDes. Madt Acme Market Suburban ~ WhIe ·Joeeph·s Sandwich Shop Amerlctn 011 Co. Tuohey. WU1Iiii!. • Joseph's Sandw1ch' ShOP Acme Market. No. an VIe's Temoo 8erY eta JohJison's PhI\rmaCJ Acme Martet. No. 4IH1 Weber JIlectrlc • • JurtoWBltl. An1els American Store. 00., Bo. 180 Werner's Drub Kacluban. Bartbol0lD81 Bachow. SIdD81 WhItehead . .JGlm L. KahIl. lCaUrloe • TIllie W1111ama WWl,an1 Kanletald. V. M. BaIley. H. . Wlnnemore Josepb KalIaIew1cz, KlObael BankS. Robert Ze11nskle Alb~ Kamtn"ld. John Barone. OrI'DdG & Joeeph LaNdow:be Boro~ KaaDer. Mary rger. H. Acme ltarket KeeleJ's Servtee sta. Blatt. M. American a~rea Co No S83 KIlpatrick. James ~~e~i.: American Store Co .. "No. i782 KoItosUa. ThoIlUll lilItha" A,t1antlc ReIlD1wr Co. KraeoWBltl. Peter. Boden,' Per- . Auto Gear &; Parts 00. .Kronbauer. Peter Bobman',. -. Barrow lI0t0rs .B:rewcru1ta. IfIChoJas BoD Ton Store B""tty Brae. . •~ _~,.l ·~.:;ppe BBrreahdm . J-o.s.e..~. B. 'lBIl8'OeWrsD. .A p' •S .;.;.....! I Sons'a ·8t.ore en. ~<...... Brwi1bauoih.' B ... LevY. Chaa. 111;. Brumbaugh, .. B. Browne Ii Diller LuChk. Mary .B~elr. Mtrgaret Butler· 011 corp. Lulu!seVic. MIke .OBID,e 8 Store ChrIata1d1. PraIilI: Mack. PranlI: Oarr s . ClppoJolie. VlDCelit Madzelan. Joseph OIn1WtC:~Comm~l~ B1i~rprlles. Inc . ~~ ~' OIover Marb~CommUnIt1 Chev. Co. MarchUIt:. COnstan Ine 00dF. Thomas 01, 8;::/1. a:Ro~~rty MarIan". Beauty Shoppe Cohen. S. .. . De luca TholllU KcM&ater. Joeeph ~'!"We·ldlt·IDaesllV1d Delaware' 00. Motor Sales IOklasz. . Josephine ""'..... • Dams Michael M111·Vlew lte8taurant Coatelll. PaUl ... . • . UM'r_o.z.o..W sld. MIchael orumbaclr. lI&de11ne Dependable Se"". eta. "---Curl. Barry. A, :,.. DI Goetono. LOqla ii;a'i&ii:. ~w Cut Price Shoe ShOP Drexel HIll L. & Bldn. Sup • . Co . ote George Darb)' Shoe RepNr \' Dulkerlan. A. C. . PatiersoD. WIllIaJn Darby. Ploor Covering Dunlap Paint & Olase Penn •• ""'-D Bertha Gambol. Emily Pet.ers~te:a'" Co. ~rt!. Harry '" Blanche Gega..n ' . Service Sta. Plonet'l'.OIeaners. Diebler. EdWard ,. Goslin. ~estlne Renda's PUneral Bome Drewes. ChBearies B. g=~ t t ~: Renda. AnthODY Dro8Bner. n. . Oreen'a P1restone Store =~~. ::ie:-~::''!1's~,;e J. Gulf· 011 Corporation Strnoc1nsld. W. .~~~ Owe o1"&" g~p?~~ <if~thelll BamoclDskl. John _..... • R' HarrIaon Bros. Seidman. Charlilli Balerl W. R. FOUTIso H 01 th Co 81c1de1'8ltl. Antonl ·Pash on Shop n ". o. • Sl wik J h Feinberg Abe Bartels Shop Soo...a.:.:.. . Feldman Vlotor Haslett AutG Rep. Steelw. Ha- Plash Auto Storea Hayatlan Bl'08. ~. .., Fuller 111; Adama Hibbs. Kathrrn .,w=e. T. T. Garvin Moses Hollenback. BlnU" Stockman. Ada B. GIadD1ct N L RGm & Hardart Baking Co. ~kl,~nk oolden Market' Hurd's Prl!!cUIa. 8hop Golden star Cafe Jackson. E111l11beth TImlnskl. AnthoDt Gotehall .!I Morgan Co. Jane. Olft Shop Todd. Edward Oreat A. 111; P. Tea Co. Keer. Plorlat Urban. Kasper Green H Malin Kimble. Grace A. Veach. S. B. Gr!me8. Coble E. LansdGwne Bowling CeDter WakellDg. G. W. GrImstone. G. A. Lansdowne PrInting Co. Walter. George Henri Bros Levinson. B. B. ;:f~ g~ BIll William P . Llnton's Lunch Wenpyn. Frank Hopp Inn' Little Hat Shap WeaoIGWBItI. Joseph Hom 111; Bardart Baldng 00. Lockwood. B. S. Weat End Hotel Horwitz. A. H. . Mackey. J. ech Id Hunter. John . Ualove. l"rauk WI ec. Prank Hutchins; Emma Rowles Maple Diner WronkGWBkI. Joseph Imprlsno John Marvlln CGllee Shop, Yandzlak. Peter Julien'. Care Media Drug Stores Inc. Cline. A~ldan BOrilulh Juliano. Carlo S. New York Cut Rate Dtug Husted. Robert O. Kcellman Con!. Co. Palmerle. S. Jones. J. Walter Est. Kolocotrcnls. T. J. Peters. William H. Kellr,'8 Store La Charme. Paul S. Perthes. William Leopolde Frank . Peskln·s. Hwd. Store Lorr nger, Chas. Lipton Tire 111; Battery Servlee PhUa. E1ec. Co. ~C~~lm~. ~:. M. Lett Candy Corp. Plum.~tead Pharmacy I . Lou BeUe FrockS Powell. Walter O. Re ce. I. S. Lou-Mar Spt!clalty Shop Rentz Market Robinson. J. Market St. Food Co. Reynolds ~=g-grmd Martet Martln's Robinson. G. G. SWeeney. Joseph McGee. Michael Rosenblum. S. CIICton Hel"hb Boroulh Modem Ice a: Coal Co. Rothbaum. J. ~ Morrison. P. 8. Scubba. C. Amadio. Alexander MIller. Leola Sharp. Keith D. American Stores Co .• No. 220 Murray. P. J. Sheppard. D. M. American Stores Co .. No. 535 National Restaurant Tumer Tobaoco Stores BIlr,ckl. Mike Nevln's Drugs Union News Co. Bivens Store O'Nelll. KllthrJD V. White. tr~rry 1'. Bum. Con!ectlonery Parsons. William S. WUcox. R. . CadWl\llader. Eugene Polites. Franlr, Sons Woolworth. F. W. 00 .. Canamuola. C. Penn Fruit Co. Marcus Hook Boroulh Ceglarskl. Joseph People's Service News Co. Adama. Mrs. Bill . ClatteG. Raloh A. Philadelphia Dairy l'rud. co. All Amerlc .. n Restaurant Cipolla. Nick Phlla. Electric eo. American Stores 00. glrl~n J Tavern Philips' Antonetti. Samuel Cll1ton Drug Co. Rosen1leld. Celie _ Bames·a: Thornton OI11'-n· Food"" k t Roet. Herbert A. Barnes. L. P. Clif.t.o. n Grill .....r e Sample F'oll'lliture Showroom Au&~~'." P. Cll1to Hel h•• u._, Shlack. M . .!I Bon BeRman .. A. n g ........ uware SCott. Gordon Bellanco. Prank OI11tor. Helghb News serue U. Drug Store Bellanco. Josephine CDeolhloeSno. . BVloveannnl JaminSbe'a han's Greenhouse BII tz. Ra"chel -. Delan&y. Anne Siegel. Samuel Camm8l)loo. L. 01 Carlo. Nicholas. Est. Sialley. William Community Cut Rate Drug Dukes. Grill SlIVJDBS. Dominick 111; Appolonls CostaUas. T. Duvolaln Drug Co. SmUllen. Elwood W. Crosgrove. George B. -UI Sh Slandard Motora DezzI. MII1'lI . """ e's cp Standard Motore Dumel. J. J. Parenl. Pete ·Steln. Samuel Durso. Nick F'licclolo. Anna 111; John Sukonlck. Loul!! Economv Medicine Store :!.tu:.'i~~~& s~ns Supplee-WIIIs-Jones Perro. O. G. PI d J hn J ·SWope. J. Harry Frank's Men's Purnlshlng 00. 0 . SWope. J. Harry . Gallo. Mannie . =1'!"'~lCo. Terminal· Market Giles. C. M. H A I Tess Beauty ShOp Gordon. T. H~~'g :n~ns United service sta. Herestota. James Jean's Beauty Shop 'O'nlon News Co. Imburgia. J. J d • L Ch Vlzzacherc. A. Jeocono. Joser.~ or an s un· Ward's Food Store Jacono. NeU e Kallnowsky. BeD. Washington. George Julea Shoe Store ~~k~~'J~~ Weber. J. R. Junto. Luolan Konclr a: Gallagher Weiner. M. .!I Co. Kataaws. Gustave Long. William Wellworth Dept. Store Keiser. B. L. - Mabelle Beauty Shop Wm. Penn Shoe Rep. Kinnamon. D. W. Mac 111; Sam'Super servo Wlnand. F. Lavello. PhWlp •• Sh S.- Wolf. Max Leboultz. Isadore _arcus oe ~re Wolff. George M. Losach. Mary MMaotGlarcakth. 'Ws M. La.r ket WOOlworth. P. W ..Co. •_•a rcus H 00k Au ....-. Ser vi ce •• ~ Ire WID R Yarborougb. Jessie ; Hook Taproom _~~U. .• Zimmerman. William Marks Dept. Store . ~~~~: Store East Lansdowne Borolllh Marlow's O·Donnell. James Acme Market Mary Jan's Beauty Shop Paulla. Bruno AdalDS. J. W. Maxwell. Geo~ W. Pioneer Cleaners American ·011 Co. McLsullhlln. Thoo. PhUilp Jose h Bard. Michael Mill's Restaurant s. p Beverly Beauty Shop Moore. Ruth B. RlDaldl. G. 111; A. Bob's Market Mooney. Joseph B"!.s Wko. RWy1n1sl1haamw Bradle~. J. C. U_ o.- . -~. 0 , L • ... • Devl!!. ·u __ M. Jr. Olea. Pedro Jr. RockWell. E. BeIIJ. ~.. n 'I Y 10 Rudolph. 8y1vester Dresnlck. P. ...,. O. ·.enn Saeramo. Raymond Escott·s Market Owens. P. SchW~--.z Dept Sto FIesta Patrone. DomlDlck • re· Hetherington. George Quaker Store Spangenberg, James Hochman. Sam. Puritan Reetaurant Steele. George B. Lamplugh. Katherine Renzi. Prank Turner. Edward. Leonhardt. H. W. Rosenblatt. M. ~~f::('k~Wo~MoUie Llppold's Bakery Sttterlleld, R. B. Walt·s Steak SandWIch Shop Lever. A. W. Silva. Manuel White HOWle Inn Mahloublan. N. SUvestrl. T. WIlliams. N. F. MacDowell. A. J. Snyder. Jeanette WOlf's Dept. Store O. K. Shoe Repair ~tate Lunch Young. Samuel F. Reith. W. H. Steinberg. BenJ. Zaterls, Steve Schaeffer Jolin Steels. L. Colllnl4ale Boroulh' Snively. James ~ OU Co.. Sarv. Station Aldan WeldlDg Supplies TIre Hospital k. J. Agent Bros. Wellnsk,. I. :}:h..~.MG American Stores Co.. No. 1138 wWuID.ogI'!:. J;""e Thornian,s wara.Jt1.,e . American Stores Co~ No. 1498 ~ V~ Th American Stores Co" No. 1'181 B44ntone BoroUCh omgate. Mary Emma Amerl S·- ~ 1'1' 1- Allen P W TrI State Auto SuPPI¥ Ande=. Wfu~vv" 0. .PI American Stores 00. '0'. S. A. Poolrooin AlJaDtic White Tower 81L Inc Bonner IoIa!7 H '0'. S. A. Restaurant Beckett. Palmer ,. Bowe Barry' Verna. OBtherlne Bea's Variety Sllop Butler Mrs R WIlliamson. Chadee m ke I B carneS PaUt . Wood Brae. Co. ~'srB1D.cI8rr Servlee station ChrIat&te. George 1'. Worthlmrton. John J. Campanaro. SalVitore CheSter 0118 & BurDel' Serv. Acme M~r!ta BoroUlh 0hrI8tIe. Joeepb. ConDe11:1ir~' Alyanaldn, MiChael ~J.;.ttr:::r6£' ~ A '/: American OhInese Laundr7 Co'Iu",~e Preu Deane. Jotui ~!!!e&DLlSt.ores .00. v"v- .....~' V~.6_. .0 BDne!cIOk'ns. U0 DIted Serv. Sta. . BeeoJtad,u mnt f::,':,~,,=-.. ~: ~ "l:!=:~ =: ~ A. B:f~~~~ 00. Pr&nkIIn WodDt I: NotD1$D . . &i~~' ~ PrIel. ~~ Be1'1ll~'~~' I!Itolw DDrf. Adele E~h ~~&eld ... .!:.._ ~ew.~op ilia Gold. P. ~ B1iD;;eib "'elmaD. SalIck Bancos, Chad. B8DI)' Bu4get Sboe BlIap Edmonds, StdIe V. ~~~ aeua; Shop. Inc. =..~.;r:8t .Joe .. JIarket ~~r~'~ Panlr.o. Jullua Karnauch. H. O. OItrbon. DQuslu Ptziey Broe. r. Stv1Ue Grille Qoben. Jacob =.1ieba· ==~~ =~-. =rW~~ It:.~?"f. ~~ 01lD 'ncer Corp. Parkw&y 011 00. D&Idn PlOWer !!boP Gulf 011 CorporattnD Pholerlc. D. Davie. C. Borve'S'. Paul Bldhorechl. J. DaWl!On. Raymond J. Ia8acson. I. II. Pudvan. I,eror I. Devln~. ~"rtru8llle Joel', 118M 1Iar_ 1IIDpr. Joha' IIoWDlDf. a. 1'. =I:'~ CO. IDI!!ecIlan. JdIar ao-. Ln1a ¥.. h. ~~ !!bOp\. J:'::" A.~amla =;.,~rtB. . -if-*-o.A . LlpeChut.: Streb. ...y ed. ... ~ A. Otaca ~. II. O. 00. A-. llarkst. No. 41'13 Pn4 , ~ IIdward Acme Market. No. 42N t ~In~bn •• Parrte :a IIdward I. Albeck, II. O •• &won, ~ ao.J. CO. PettoY. ~ II. 00. JIG. ;r, Or&7 Brothert ~.:.~. ~ AIDerIcan ston. 00.. Ko or. A. & P. ---.... Ruth == g=: g:..1t , g=~8Dv:.:::'turo Shop t~I'~17 Ardmore Pt. SelT. _ GrbIldltch. II .1cheak, MelVIn ArmancII Bros. B&IneI 8boe ewr. Sharon HIU QuIp Atltntlc .... na~Oo. Bl'Ddllnl!:,~' IIeI'DIiIIl ~~_roD HIU PhanDtc,. AtltnUc Re1ID 00. 01-. l'OJ' B. & ...... M. A. Btllus Pood liar ~;taB~" !=~. ~~M.O. ~·:'futo Rep. Kraft. M. _--. Alvin Bltckburn. S. G. KiUIDt. ~ .. _ft!'. ......,ii. ~ Booth. EdIth II. WetV8r. ~II. l-stla r.wrence. 1Io~ W_ver. Victor ~ ... Thomu x-. NathaD1el Weber. Wm. JGhn Brandl. P. ~. B181110r WIlIon, B. Braude's Drup LevlD; Abe Wright Bakery Broome. Am'! P. LeW1e L&d1e!!' Apparel Zug. MIl. Abram Broot11De Coun~ Ok&b LImlIurII. 0!WIiti . gwtrthmore IIoIoIlIh Brootllne Sh". Bep. LIDet IIotor Co. Amertc:an Stores Co. Bryn lIIawr IIlectrICIl GD. Lunch Bar BaChman's QUallty xamt Ctll10rnla Prult Co.u , 1Iarahall. c. B.. IIuI. Barber. Allee CBDIne Vita POOclI llOO8IfeRY'j Obtl. Borden. B. W. 111; Bone Carlltz, S. M. KoCartY. eeePla Bouques Beauty SalOIl Caton. J. V. IIcCue llrotheia Bretz. G. A. ChIcIIow. Alfred IIcCue Brotben Buchner's Totnterr Shop Ctko. Steven 1IcPall, Ira P. BUDtlDll. 188t.eI Cit' LIne Mlso Station IIedIa Auto ParIlI &tore 08118, Joseph M Claire RIta Shop MedIa ~y. ~. Dew Drop Inn • Cochrane. Chtrres MedIa COal .!I Ice 00 .. IDc. DonneUy. Marie CommUDIty BDterpr\le IIedIa Drug stores. Inoa Gown Shop CoUlson's l>llarinsCJ IIedIa PurD1~ J!hOI! Green. H. B. Craver's Dru&_Store IIedIa Hdw. and Bee. Purn. Co. Hannum '" Waite CroUtham~l. ~ 41 Bo1rUC MedIa Ife .. Agienay HoU,hock Ollt Shop Croesettl. Joseph Media StatIone". 00. HOJ. B. J. Curley. 1. Media Theatre BeaUU Balon Lilly Ann Shop De PIizIo Meat MId;. MIles. B. W. Madl8cn Bros. Del-Mont Motors. IDo. Moody .!I warrtU Magllton Marguerite Delmoat Toggerr Sh()p ~~""~!!'l!.ftre Marsh, C. II. Du LUUo. A: II. .!I O. De ... P-e~o"'2 .T..I n..i·. . ~~ Marte. Brae. Diggs. M. F. l'!IOP'""'BleotrtO'a; Mason Bldr.'. Sup. 00. Donofrio. PrsuIt ~ Gertrud • Matthews. O. M. Douglas. H. C. PIenon's oarer:: Media Drug Stores IDc. ~'Iin~~sunoco StrriaII P11te Perry 0 ' Metro. GeOrge 111; Son Plreslde Gift Shop ~1l;'eIlaaa.. .. ~ut'I Saloll :'::1':"9o..;p~rlea ~erald. Emmet "'lew • ,.,....,. ShIrer Victor Fair Inc. ot PI. QuInby. ¥ri' A. J. 41 Son Swartsimore Co-op .\a'n Garrett. B. J. BBBJ:m'o nd. Beauty SalOD S ..r thmore Serv Sta Gallagher. M. J. J. Neleon Sweet Shop " Galb. H. 111; J. BCMcJi. 'W: " Tot-ta Bab, 111; Gift Shop ~~:'s.PBenJamtn BtiIIe Store' • VanIty Box Golf Manor Inn Bot!eberiJ Chari. Vogue Beauty Shoppe Great A. .!I P. Salvo Sk1raDO WJDn. Ethel Walley Green's Delleateuell seboOl Phar!DIiC7 TraIner Borouch Greenlleld. Olga 8c8chh!..~ ~ tet~:-. Howard Gulf 011 CorporatloD S-.ttiJ .1 • Burgh. Barney Hater. C. L. ~lIoth' A .... ·Caf. Del. Co. S 111; Weld. W1u. B:~!\f,h~h=~ SDowden'.~ KzJtoW1lkl. P. Hansell N E .. B .. . State. Cut . Store. Inc. G. 15'. Restaurant Hargest: tiow:;, .- Stillwell. ealey Giant "nger Corp. Harbaugb. Jobil B. Stiteler, ~w., B. Gm,. Robert C. Hayden. Hermlnnle O. swtea, Mae . Harris Lunch HIlltop Se"ersge Co. siigam:uui,'s MArket lean's Bar B .!I Q HoiDles. GodCre, J . TalItt~rto. John B. Kacluban. P. Hykel. John Term1Jial I18rket KeUer. Thoma.a . I8elblnger. Alva . 'O'nIon Newa CO. II:ar1Doff. D. Joaes. Mower &: BaulplDlDt. Vernon. Pa.ul·· Mary·s Spaghetti House Julianne Beauty Shop Wai11eld, S. P. McGi8lUes. Andrew Ktulfman. Charles White. 4. OIara Meeklna. Alfred ltearns. Johil J • WliIte .!I DtwaoD. Inc. Nlcetown Repl. Auto E'tII CG. Kllberg. A. J. WliIte Bsrdw~ Company RoblD&on. D. Klndt·s PharIaaC,! W1l8on. Sfdnay M. Rosen. Albert Knight. James Wlltehire Bnle. Shriver. I .... ph It. Kramer. P. C . Woolworth.· 11'. W. 00. Spitz. Joseph M. LeBoutUller 111; Dolo \lforton·Rutledle Upland Boroulh Lengel, It. H. ADlerlcan St<1r84 00. Brran. Mary Llanerch Beauty Shop Alem lte8taUrailt Gallen. O. J. L181lerch Ntmlerles Beanies Servloe Hayes. H. B.. Phay. Llanerch G1\rag8 BIIl's Food MaUet Lackler. David Llanerch Reereatloll eentlf Caprlotty. Dommlck McOllntock. Margaret Lobb. Norman & Sone Powler. W. E. McGinley. B. J. Logue. J. J. Gr_no. C. MIller a: TolbIlD&on Lorraine Meat Mkt. Graveli. T. Logan Upland Food Market Mackey's Watch Shop Green. Ida Ma, & Loula Variety Market M. 1. ltal.·Amer. CivIc AII'a Greim. M. O. Co. Yeadon Borough Mann. Anna HaIgh. I.. Acme Market Manoa Auto Works Bartn9r. Margaret Anderson. Etta MaJ Manos Bakery Klrllldes. Michael Baring Glass Shop Manoa Novelty Shop Leveland Parm AntIques Bill &Ii Frank'a Market Manoa Pharmac, LvtIe. WUllam Bradle,. Charles P. Manoa Tailoring Co. ~rt,mo:rih~'Walter Brotman. Semuel Marcel Beauty Shop Mellace A Crego. E1sye Marcel Beauty Shop Palmer'S' s'o-re Day, Mrs. J. P. Marcb. Mr. aDd Mrs. PraDlE ~ Do Crlo Rocco Marie Beaut, SslOD PParotc'h esltll. JRa mes Erwnino. G.e orge W. Marinelli. Alexander ne • . Gallagber's ElIsa Servlcenter Merritt. J. V. Roth. S. ft Great A. 111; P. McCandless. A. ::med~ Market Hess. George B. ~~'1J;;;,°30hn Saks. R. L. Holmes. H. W. "cGl H Schausell. Mrs. Howard JGrdsn Brcs. McKa~~'Da;:I'W Schmidt. Paul Kallners. B .• Phc,. MoKeon. Th08. a: E11l1. Smith. Paul A. . Karanla Llgbt Luach McPhllll~. Mrs. Mar'/ stem. Ethel & Irving Karanls. Constance "I W Stillwell. J. C. Kessler. D. Mlife~e Cool Co. Sumner·& Son Kllberg. Loula Miller. Doroth, Teitelbaum. H. Langway. A. Senlil & Zenone Thompson. Philip Leech 111; Son Morrissey J J Thomson. W. R. Loeper. R!ch8rd Moore RObirt' Tucker. Alice Logan. W. H. & Son Murray Ouy a Weidner •. Elmer Malloy. Dor. & Manning. Ruth Mullin' James . ·Hhlte. E. A Mickey'. Beauty Selon Murphy. PranclB B. Wilson. Mra. Mar'! Mollneux. T. A. Newbauer 111; Henry Wise. Doria Hower. Frank Normandy GrUi Norwood BoroUlh O·Oonnell. Joseph O'Conoor A J Acme Market Perlateln. M. S. Oakmont'FOOc:r' Market Andenon·. Norwood Diner Pruitt. D. R. Oakmont Pharmacy Belllen. Pierre RodeDSkY. R. Oakmont Shoo Repair Carlson. Otto Ros.'. C C. Oakmont Sweet ShOp Olasen. Howard Rudolph Ph8rmac, Oaks. Hairr II. Davia. H. T. Rundale Market Panzone. John Deger. Pred W. Stlngle. C. Patriarca. Carmine FamOWl. Edna Taney. W. B. Penn House Pllnchbaugh. Charles Thums German Kitchen Perry'. Drug Store GI>8.... .1 s Market . Way. John H. Ploch Decorating Co. Grll!lth. Herbert H. Willi G. M. Protlgal Bernard Hamann Bakery Yeadon Pood Center Poole. Mildred Hiller. George . Yeadon Sinclair Purltt. D. R. KrO • H. F. Zeitz. BenJ. Read. Ralph Mac ette. L. . . Aston Towashlp Beese. William McGraw. Mr •. B, BaUey. Clara Rhoade. Wilbert McManus. John J. Berry Tavern Rlcbards. Maude S. Myhres. F. A. Sh Chester Heights Food Store Richmond do HamIltoD Norwood Beauty op Curran. J. Robert·. Pharmacy Norwood Plorlste Flsher's Store Roberts. Wm. J. NOrwood ~rdware Co. Furey. O. C. Robinson. Ella C. Parkinson. Market Green Ridge Grocer Rocktashel Grant steven'. Sunoco station Grochowski. Frank Rosen. David Tow'flrl. tir J Groll. James O. Rosenberger. D. Elvin a n. S.. h Harper James Sanders. Lcul!! .. Parkslde Boroul Hayes •• John T. Selb. EmU, M. pralm. Howard W. Holetelder Bros. Sheldon •. Erna McEwen. Bart Laughead. Thomas Shlhadel. George a: sou MIles. M. J. LIster Laura Simpson Brothera Parkslde Meat Market Llttle1s 8e"lee Station Smithwick. Plorence Parkslde PharmlloCY M h Joseph Snyder. Leon J. HaJDe. W. B. 111; Carrie RI~ras & I;chrader Sorber. It. R. ~:ngse(ll~e' J. Schneider. Frank South ArdmGre Beauty Sholl Piospect gpark Borough Scuttl. Dominick SoutI!more Pure Food Stoia American Sto!e8 Co. Slnglmaleton.~. ~~~.:'e~'3:.rsm Clark. Charles stee n. . StranaghaD W 0 Comet 011 Co. Station Sweigart. H. K. t Stretch John j • De~. Albert G. Taranto·samVlnccnl Dalrli.s D' .Ito. M. Tryens. ue S 011 DOd Dr B W Van Lear Grover un Co. Girard Miller cOat 00. WhItlock: Addle L. ~I~v~m Gould. M. D .• Inc. Worth. HOWBlrdT _ .... p Thompson VI-In ... Gra! Motors. Inc. Bethe 0........ Th "0 Great A. 111; P. OaY. Charles Tro~~l<'~-;,'i:'::ler Co. Harper. J. H. McKinley. John Vanity 'BOX Boffert. PaUl W. Osowskl. Joseph Walker Richard Wm. Hughes. PaUl Phillips. George W'k Th Interboro Chevrolet 00. Philson. Herbert amoc, omaa Jarvis MarlGn' PIerce George West. Mrs. C. It. Joa:,.'s Beauty Sbop Powe!i. Archie mlt:. ~bert R. Kelley. Lawrence II. Ramualdl. Ciullo WUds' wti). Jr KeUy. Thomas Renecker. Mrs. John WUlIalDS l'ilchaid &Itt '1 Conner Beauty Shop Way C. L .. Sr. WUson Ii: G Leonard. Ralph Wright. Elmer Wilson' Haroid Llnco!n Food Market Zebley. Susanna hi WOOd·s Canine B .... - Llnooln Pharmac, Birmingham TownS P Woolvln Rlchard-' Longfellow. Margaret. Brlttlngbam. L. H. & 00. WJilIl, jacob Lunceford. W. B. Brittingham. L. R .• 111; CO. WrnnewOOd Gr111 Mankin", Robert B. ChrIsty Restaurant WrnnewOOd Marlto$ Manor "weet Shop Crew Walter L. Zengel Len Marshall, C. H. Falrlamb. R. C. & Sons zenon';. Axma MacArthur 111; Patton Flynn. Katberlne Lower Chichester ~_ McClellan. Samuel Gallagher. H. K. Acme Market Megill. Edward Garrett. Albert Baldwin. Edward Michaels Meat Market ouest, R. W. Beclr. Joseph Mlchalk Lunch Hoffman. Wm. A, Becker, Edward Penrose. Joseph Miller. Edwin Black Duck Pro&pect Hotel owreY. C. H. Faucher. Leon Prospect ~~: =e'lt<li streeper. C. W. Perguson. Henr'/ ~ Park Market • Vlttengl. BerthTo a wnshlp Glusberg. Nathan """" Chester Graybeal's Restaurant Slmpldns. J. W. Adelman. Mn;. James Heggerty George Snow. Tholll88 111; Catherine American Stores Co. Hesketh. 'Thom"" Souder. John Bonner Tavern Jones Pharmacy ~~, ~orence Crcwtbers Bros. KBk. N. Vollct' Frank J eocper. Lee Laughead. Milton L. .W . ~.... . S erv. SO_:.' lon Dta rSloCkla. SCClhoe. sStepre rldlone LLeesasreyr.. MD.a vEi.d ~~t:n~' :arg;· ~IIS. DanIel Webster Lilley. Reynolde Wllcutts Moton; Inc FeYas. peter Lindsay. W, L. Zimmerman. &.nuel • aranger. WIlliam LInwood Luncheonette Ridley Park BoroUlh Rstlan. John LInwood Market American Stores 00. Jarinkes. Jean LInwood S.ndwlch Shop Breen. J. P. Martin. Frank Mahoney. David Buchanan. W. 1'. Smith. Norman MIll Tap Room PrIedman. P'Mneee Yank's Poultr, Parm hi Morelli. Loula Oreat A • .!I P. coocord Towns P Orpello. M81'J Harper. Charles Broderick. H. M. Posey & Myen Interboro Electric Downing. Samuel P. Pratt. Milton . KetcheU, Leo DJ8r. wm .. 111; Van Dowelr. D. Reavey. R .. Bandwlch ~ &lots, Albert E1am Feed 111; Older M111 Baker. Elwood lAchman A. Fulmer. Alice N. Shlban. Joseph Marron's 'Tavern Glackin. F. J. SIreSUSO. M81'J Martel Bros. Oolden Gate Service st .• Loea- Star Market M11lard Thos tlon No. 1 Vila. A. L. PlerlUllit. PION Golden oate service eta. VIZZarrI, Dominick Rldley...ark G&rage Golden Gate servo Sta~ Loot- Walters. Grocer C. Rldley Park Mamt lion NO. 2 Ward. Mrs, ~t Stewart, C. A. Harper. James Ward, Prances B; Turner. Thomta Hippie. Wm. M.. Wilson, MIltoll Van AIm Bros. McDonald. George WoI1'", Chtrlllll Vletor's Pood lIIarbt Rlcbarlls .!I SChrader WOOdall, J; Beeae, Jr. SharvD. am Boro1IIII Robinson. PaUl L. Zabl11dolr, L. ADeD. DaVid Styer. J. J. 111; Son ~ _ ,,~ ~ Amencan 8toree OG. WstIdD. Wm. J. -Bruoooamual-l ...... And~~ Ward. ~amea. InC. ~ aa.. LouIs WbIte. AlbeR 'rowDs1dp =ey. Barry =~.N:~ Averl~lIJ. PreilM'~d~YoIm BmetPDan. lohn O. BcUder. D. A. Gerst. lin. HattIa Budd. BaITy counCIl. LoDDle 00n>IaUs. lira. G_ Burton IIarkQ DlJion, John 1Itrvey, .foeeph oann. AndreW Emmett. Samuel 1leil1T • ~:'wIn B. OaiPrln. Anna KIrk, Nelaon L. 01 • BI1aD OalPrlD. Anna KcKeand, ChrIstIe ~....... HoIlowaJ. Will. 1Io»teUer. WID. Deckert. Lee, Boward Pax. Bol. 00If eour. DonoJlue. P. • LedbetteI', LaVerne Sterner. B. B. Gehman. NOIIa PtaChs1 Auto Pane SpWer. L. Oordllll OUbert, Oeorn I'DIk. Prank Wallace Pood. Shop Gilbert. W. 'l': ImiiDJD. W. J. Wrl8ht. 0\at1t W.· Oulf 011 Oorpon,trOD Yam~. R. . Ml4t1letown T~ IIome. HAneY EotPaoDt To~ Abel. Carlton Roy. Neleon Jldgmont Oash Gu i Abel. (horgf' J_l'Iner ~ "p""" IDa BraatI. lILt • HeM ... it .. ..

---------- Page 15 ----------

/ ,'-; • '11m .-.,-"-1,,, """&'1', ~ U. _ • < .. a = f=HMD_ 00.. JIG. 110 ........." 11 ....... CIoIl 00. ... .... -.. = fC·' n _..... 110... -..m .. Dru 00. iGiiiii: o. ,,,,~=.""" IIIddIe. .... M" .,. Jolla w. . =Dvi.n at ==: .... 1......... ~~ •. 00iI. Co. 1IatIAoII:.~~. ..~ . w.=: t=., .... BImIrd =r:.."tr:.'r*8bop .....,..~ ~~!...'t::. I:l%:bCl.L. =~.n !,!.~ e:=: . .::.Jut m.., oJ • ...!!"II.. =.~ ="~ ... -- . =C. J~ ~~1kID. 00. ~1OIdo lied ere. ~ , ~ JoIUl 0t0wcIet. ft&DIt T. • Baler'. DI!oJr7 Morr. IIlc. III-'a &bOp Ltwmerii:- =: MaW: 00. . 8Iab1• • JIIck ~ ••~ 0eD\n w_ =:rr. ~-~ .. -~.. = BUn . III_I ... Wm. oJ. . ~ 00. arau.. Qeoge IIUI IK ... th .... n.l' .. -.. aD J." ...----. 0., • Phllll.' IIaore Bd IUu 'tl7 0IMtter wan Paller 00. Itnccdo LOuIa IIUI at ~ COrp IIaCue I'uhIoDfttte BeaUCJ' IIaIoA ,a:a,.. . liner, Prank ~ 'fto~ Orooerr cb. fIwl Oaf:" ...", A. P. • g .. f,i.!;a =:r ~ / r:::t'wm. O. . := ~tb&n~ o..QM~ ~~ Oaf. IDII. ~ .. :- s. -- L •. GrIM L· .. P. 'Ik1aDc!t Beaut, SIIop -'-e L. B Dekm Auto "'DDlY _,..... ._ ~'.. • 8IDIcUu DaIrW ~ IDIl ~ Club c.te .. ~.- r.. Del&. ""iii! W .. - ........ - "'-" ....... :1.I-aeD. JaI7n'" .0l-'0IaIM d ~~I'h&raiaq ~ Hardware 00. ::~I ~ DeIa. 8::=~~ ~.:.W a.~ueJ =~'~b"~ln~ wl* , WariDl U~de",ood 00; - A. • \ Dela-- -"u- 00 U --ll ""rm. W---" Orm. . :.~ Albert, IfAnIaa . f:&. ~e 11m Welnbi7taWIaldore iiiieiG: xei' DeIa"'Whoi. Procsuce vi':;" J'nu •• - '~L~ IlaNH. .. =~ p. P J -=... ..." i.... . =,;;,=- =:!: jo.~ !':.i;:S :em;. I'UeI ~Au~ ~ :.!~~ A'!C:'.,.o:c! TQ.-W"d 11th St. JIooIt·SIiOP ~ '.;sfl,.f=1l IIetolCnnllJ, oJDMIIb 8&0_ Wood. ~_ J. IIoCIandleu. Robert AmerlC&ll on 00. ~ P. Coehr&n', Prank .. Lean, W.t ~ 1Ieo.. _ .. thert,. VI.' ~ .. CIIeIter ..... ~ hnuIdp ~ P. T. AmerlC&ll OU 00.. =~~uQ' 8IMIp O&le, Hardware 00. ;~~~D:=_t =-Iier; t !~. ~ 8aJa . =:'orL~ ~. 8UD on Cam=- == 8:: Wl18on. w. B. lIeU. 81!1Duel a. Jr. DurIIain, Walter H., Jr. Munlock. Katherine ~'. Swre ~ Obi 00. , Ootr B S~ Wrlcht. IIlIIIIlbetll Berawl. Albert ~!~=.,- ~~'I' Broi. &:~j~ =. ~e~ ~ Lounie. :=: == ~= 00. Of Oheeter =~~BIDm& It:~:~r. AleDDdU PbIla. TraIler 00. BoDDIe Bat ShOp ;:;':i Cl~_. ... n_ ..._ I:=:, ~J;i Sav1D8 lien. 0i8P8itOOo1IUd(!DnS-:"~· =.;JOMP,.J ~. .. I'UIw'd lee 00. a..DIeI Albert II. Bo7d. PeUl. ' worm:. CA:- .. _.. Hummer .t; G_ U\ • Ca - Parkwa, PooCI. Kartd PoWIIIl'II'l'eDCO Serv. BrIstor'1 MUllner, Shop z,,~ Ab-- Jacobtl. IIorrIs • Ph P eo--- ~!"rt' J~~ SeuI. Bobert II. RIa. L. A Buten, M. <'I; Bona _. .- • .... Re be Delaware _... ........ ,. ~'_' S\mIDODdII ... L BlfChle . OlendenlDgs. Pe,er BUdOlph WurUtuI CO. of Pa. j::... .b oaJ.II n Ball". John Detton.. .. BllDer ~ Coal Yard BUUIrI'o.II~vID &~ O~re Upper DuM TowuIdp-W ... lMman's 1IIrket; '- Bartram oottap ai::'~ Ofttce iie= ftWlllblp ~{j~0IJPIl ' oox. Peerl I(, =BJa= S:= g::: =~: = ~=.~t:*~=. ~ 8u~ D. Ora, .t; 00. Aome Market ~==. oeO • T Cl&wford CIOtblnI . .n_ A8DIII IIW PI Blechr.· I. B. BellroD, Georp ~u.. Tbe S '14 A~ aentce . ~:t;. ...~ ne:? Britt. T. A. ~. J=~ DIUrr, In~. Bonner 'l'avem He_. Earle . Po e, Henrr • ~ld Pool 00. ... B. CIlll&lIn. 'l'On, MotorCar Ben1Ce 00 Bouderk~;' L HeWes. Wm. Leror =!':"O~J~' , :=~~l&t~ ~Pllance DIam~laS::O~:: it! CO. I ~1~.1Ju~:~ = ~ Pro41~ 00 ~~. wm.B.J • f'tM:e'!-. ,\L "elab.n S&II8 .t; Serv. Loc. Ro.l WlIIDer. NrrtIe • ond s ..... Repair "'un ..... Inn . . Powell. P. Mllboume' Broderiell:. !fuel V. IYeIi. 1IlII. 11., B. "e'eban Salee <'I; servo Loo. Ro. I WWla. Joim Don', Mllllnerr . Da\n' Kald COnfectloDllrr 00. Bawlei3hi W T 00 Brooli:llne OOuntry Club Jonee.Henry W. !l~·. OOrner Woodland Inn . BeIDa'. Beaut, Sbop Dublln. Morris .• BeddlDlrton Bieci'rlc Co Broomall PhPrJDAOF Kershaw, JOhn ...... Chevrolet Worl1ow. Cherles BBhDer. A. J. Earl'. Battery .t; Isnltlon Serv. Roaenblatt Morris r o. Bf7na. Marr LeCWlh. JOhn ~ PI'ed ZImmerman, Precl O. Plnn, Parmer Oand, Shops. Inc. Bsbner, MOrris 'BubenetelD Max cadwaUacler. Busene Lear <'I; WorrUow am,:r=1UJ' ToWDJhip 5\ ~~r:hers ~~tA~k:~PPI' II Serv. ="~·J=:-PII. =:.7.: ~= J. I:~Jio~J:. <'I;'WnU.mlKln Newtown Square Serv. ste. Brown. J. B. POroa D <'I;DSa eder George'. Market Shapero M' Christopher. LoUIs Lou'. X-n Ollice Powell'. Tuaoo Serv. BroUey.' P. ' lden WD Boaterr Shop Ice Store Stanclard wan Paper Co OInl. Charles Lippincott. W&ll&ce Pow-I! B. W II 00 Cleme"· Jim' Oreat A. II P. Oerlach·. - So •• Paller 00· . Clark. J. II&CIt Bealty 00. BeeIe"';'EdWID" CBllahI.D. ~triCk ~rr. Berths ,. Gertrude • GIrarcI. EqUipment Co. st:'1n. Jlrmen • Inc . Olltton Orill North Chester Bealty 00. 8ehneek. Wm. 0., Da More. Pranlt . Bartl' ~. BIale Ool"en's Pharmac, IKon' COal <'I; 'Oob Coates. Angellne Pace. Vincent J. Velde. Wm. Hunter. George e, 8 . Banaeom·. Stuber Aclolph OOnvery. Oharles Palmer. Newlin P. Radnor ToWDJhip Karl_. James • Ba~en. Kell,. Thompeon ,. He,es. Samuel Supplee.Wllla...Jonea Cravers Drug Store Palmer, ·Charlet Acme Market MaIi:ln<.l;ComogBelnerJetOpoulua.NlcholasSwtft<.l;coCrothers.H.Gu. , Powers. O. J. . Albrecht'. Plower ShOp McNevlch. Boler nn~,. 'l'Om. Inc. Relters' Pet Sbop 'l'Omllnaon Co .• lIlc. Crouthamel. Barry <'I; Howard Price. W. A1rIch American stores 00. Nelsaner. OeorKe Benrl s. Ke1Btone Upho18tertns 'I.'yaon. Allen G .. 00. Crouthamel. Barry '" Howard Rankin. Bobert L. Anthony Wayne LouDae =het, Precl 11 .. 00 • f&~n'H B ~tter. SWIIUl Delaware CO. Tob. Co. DaLonzo. John J. Raad. ReVIlla Anthony WaJDe Serv. Sta. ers. JUdge '" New. KInney G R Co ....... ~ DtIJir. Inc. Co. WOOCIman. Wm. D .. <'I; Co. Daller. PaUl Rhoads. James P. AtlantiC ReJIDID& 00. StaIIS~ NatbaD Knox Be..ut.l' 'ShoWI Llmeburner. J. B. Co. Wolf Paper 00. . . De Luca. Thoa. 8cbwaIm. !'red M. AUantle BeftDJDj 00. . Wara, Jun. P .. lslo. . Kresge. 8. 8. 00. .. ~~~~8b9P . "!_~.Iron.'" .Metel Del Veeeh1o. Mleh&e1 Sla1eelt\, James P. Bonneta <'I; Baga Yach~ Repair II StoraKe CO. Kurland. David ...... ..... W. ... ~. Morria De Pllnaki,·BuB_ Sweene, <'I; Cl,de· . Bo,le. D. TiDlcum TowDlhlp Lane'8 Apparel Shop Inc Moller. H.· Delaware COUllty Delloeo. Olovannl Sweeney <'I; Lukene Braell:blll. Barry C. Agent Meat Market . Leonardo A •• Morgan. WWIam P. Auto Gear <'I; Parte 00. DDet z.z.i! tteoMiZlarrJamea ,. "-6_ SwImmer. Mauriee· BroWn. Peter Amllrican Stores 00. . Lester PIAno's tnc Grange Car Barone. Orlando. Joaeph Dt ..P..r.\ D o. _.~ -.. 'l'ereha. Joaeph Bryn ilawr Lunch Apex Watereratt LInton Lunch' . OrIginal Yard.. Shop Ba,lln. B. __ ene Wltall, J. B. Burlr:et. L. K. <'I; Bro. Bartram CoItaI!e Locli:lln Dr Warne 0 Pace. Ben Bergdoll. J. C. DIxon. John WlU'Wlell:, Samuel~. Casper. B. P. <'I; 00. BeanI. mIen Loft cia d' Co' Petem Brothers Brehm, J~h DIzon, John WWera. Jacob Claypoole. Mary AIrD8II capitan!. Charles' Louihrann b rp. Phlladel~Oolt Studio Brono Brottien Donovan. J., <'I; C::l;:l:;aV, g. Wolf~ Wm. J. Ooccagna. Ed ,. AI Carroll. Buby. llacCreerj- Ii PolItes. L .. Sona C&palIDo. B. DonOVtriaD. ~_~C er. • Wooa. J. A. , Conner. I. Walter <'I; 00. C&taa.n0ll. Pentelet llachies, B&D1Uel Bed Crou PbanlJacy Comet on 00 .• lIlc. Dono 0."""""" Zappalo. Stephen Conwa, <'I; Sullivan '\ Call8lO. A. J. <'I; Bona IIary Ellen Shop Rettig. EmWe Communlt, En~rlaes . DonOfrio. Prank Delaware Co_tr Conestoga MIll Chem,cz. Stefan Mary Jan" Shoe Store Blaeer·.·Pood Market Chester on <'I; Burner Serv. Doughert,. Barry <'I; Blancl1e AllDew. C. N. Oomer Shop Dalton'. Pharmacy Ma,·. Beauty Shop Bubln. Anna BaJnowHI. Walter Duke'. Oi111 Allen. Barmond Cowan. O. A. De Marco. Sal", McMonigle James J Simon. Henry II. ~bclerolaMfIl Hdq. DuDumvo~il·J.:..~ 00 BaIr. Bobert - Dal,. Albert 01 Marcantonlo; Augellna McNall,. Bawarel J. • 69th St. Depot Corp. -- , Sea FoOd Co. ..._ Balni. Alice M. Damlcantonlo. ADgeIo DrzaJ. Joe MCShone. Charlea . 89th S~. Gara" ~!lez. PrecI W. 1II1er. W. B. ~_ Barnea. George De PamphUIa. Ou1aeppe· BmJU)'Bn. Armand Media Drug Stores IIlc 8n,del's ...... tr1ch, B. W.. BlUs. Daniel WeUD.... Bergman, B. C. Delaware Market lCngle; lira. IIarY MelvUle Shoe Corp' . . State Bel. Bakerr • DIetz ~ Supply l'rJIe. Wm. Blllham. O. V. Dlament <'I; 00. IreaIn&ton School Of AYiatlon MUier Bros.' Suplot. A. J. . ~ BW LWn. & B. Sup. Co. Palla. Wm. Blbby. Joeeph Dt Joaeph. Prank Porte. Daniel MI(!r8h1 IiaJTy TaBre. Jolm - ........ Dlstrlbutcms 00. Parenl,- Pete Bittle. Wm. S. II Son m:= cr.hs.~ fi!:'£e. ~on, ~~Ia Co~ele of Beauty :f::~;-ef'\;~Shop • =~~Bro°73nhollM ~Poun~~~~Geo- m-c!~. ~ Dona1lue •. Thomas Lax. &COb National Beauty/Sbop Tlmmln.. .. then ......,. • .. - BoIea. Ohr.rlell S. Donato. John Lax. Morrie . National C&eh Reg CO UnIon Newa 00. Placco, 'l'On, Pole,. James Boyd. Chari .. B. rr ~nahade. JOII81Ih Leath~. Charlea H. Necowlta. Henrr.·· Vanlt, PaahIo. n Shop • ~D B.Bo~· POoU1bllOe mrt. ~lJ! Bl'lIh~t Edward ,,"ulawn Pood Ilrkt. IMman. Herman NeVln's Dru& Co. Waite .Brothen Worb • Oampoeu. Jamea !r. oone. p. Mnebsam. Walter Part, Snack Mart tlPper·Dub~WJUhlp-W"7 Ora, Vending 00. OWen. KathnrlDe CarlUe, M. L. _erald, J. Peronla. Joe . Penn· Prult CO.. lila. American S 00. Babbenett Irrothera Glenn. Joeeph carson. W. Holmee French W J PollaebUll: lira Aluandra Phlla Blectrlc 00 Bean. Le Bo, Beesenbruch.lL. 00. i-2!enn 8andWlch ~ Clayton, PranIt Olft Shop ~ • P:intz Heitel " Polites. Prank L. Sana Condell. Wm. B.' , Hollenbaell:. Smile Olenn Sandwich Shop Colllna. George OUlen. Katherine Boas Boat S£Orage YanI Pone. Albert· Donohue. John P. c!I SoUl ~~&ozr.: <'I; Mat. 00., Inc. =~r Inn Coventry,.Arret Oreat A. <'I; P. Buaanowlck. ·Mrs. J. Post 01Ar 00.,. Inc. Ol'Qlll!Tl!an, Sarah Kell __ " rs Howard. crawford. Walter OUlUlD. Kleber ' 8m&lJ. Albert Pravln iUllIDerr, lila. 0re1Ull. Albert ~.ll,""'"A B.. g:i.e-'8 Pha Dal,. Carl . ~~r e:F.:!L=rt=e iE~~~ ~ ~.: ~luJld;;~UPPlY 00. gzr.~~~. nnacr =~~ suton Barli:lna.·Danlel Tlnlcum Lunch Spot Taylor. O. JI.- . em. ce ... COal 00. Ha,es. H.. , Dieter. O. W. Berr1llOn'8 Dept. TlD\cUDl Beataurant ed·s. Welch's Market MODSOn •• W. J. . Berrigan. John Dowd,. J. Clarence Henderson. D. 'H. Volgarla. O. Ben! Shoe Co. Upper Dully TownsbJp-W ... M~r;e· Bc' B. ~nganer. '~t Bvana. W. Baymond Hobson,' Marguerite IInrJ' Walber. Charles Befser <'I; He\aer Albertlnl Mom Co _J&.L!&ey. Onracl. lIlc. ' ........ rea Bool Petter. E. C. . Iannotta. Clra Whlble,. Edward Bobln HOOd Nut &h!)p American Stores cO. PhIIa • .patrr Producte 00. Harvarcl Tea m Pr1eclmanjg~uJlI1DID, 1D0. IthaD Store. Ino. Wooten. I4arth& ~bln Red.aeobreast Boelerr 00 .. Inc BopJIan •. George ~~n sB.G waJ'8I8c • " Hanla Lunch PrItz. O. er J&eII: ,. Jill Shop Yarnall. Albert 1SOge1'll. rge A. Boyd Auw Service • /II. <'I; o. Henry's Pronefle~d. J. II. Jackson ,. Boblnaon Younl. Jack Rothstein. Joseph COIItello Auto Service Pratt MUton P..etherington. Oeorge Oamber. B. P. Jelalne Pootwear ' Upper CbJchester Twp, Borner's Dalleaanclro PasQuale . ~ <'I; Schrader Berestofa. James Gephard <'I; George i~=~nfte H. 00. =~~~a~~ Co. fr'~la:d~rhOP Del~:.are coUnty Electric Sup. s~nn~~ders Supplle8 I;~~I. ~bn g:,~~~'w~~: ~. Jr. Klein. WWlam Bruni. Prank , SaSh~~e. Raymond DII!Ambro Joeepb SsDO't'!:enWS,-Inc. Im JIm· b.urg\a·dJ·lch Sho~ Ora,. W. A. Ino. LalI'erty. Mrs'. oJ. H. Bruni. Marian ~ ... Dr. Bonald Earle'8 '. r:r..... m .. Jr.., 's San w .. OraclY. M. J. Latimore. O'Neal D'AmIco. DomlUick Singer SeWln~ Machine Co. P1annery Be1'1U\rd . S=r.ry <'I; OOmpton Puel Co. John's OrOle . Grubber, Charlet. Jr. Le W"-on Jr DillaW&l't\ Counte Supple Co Sheppard & Myers. Inc. PraU- W· u Brae Orchard. K8llner·s. H.. Phcy. OuP. Abe LIDeoIn Llc~Jnreld. Mis. iI. Dobson. Prank • •. 68th 8t. Rathskeller Prye "Aleuruier Supp ee·WIIIs·Jonea Karleeses. James BaII8a. Joseph. Jr. lIlo. Llenhardt. H. B. Palla. Wm. starl~lf. Earl Heeren. Wm.· ~~'!.mOueB rands Ka!."~A_L~ runch Hammett. OlIVIa S. Liggett Drug So .•. Inc. Olambol. William Stoute 69th 8t. Serv. Idle Hour '!'ennIS Olub iii""', be Bteal!: 00. Ka .... ~. ar es Harper. Charles B. Loanea Market Gravatt. B. V. Sklolf. Morris Klrli:lrn BaIcery "tn.on·Puller Co. Kearns. John J. -- Hert. W. Leroy Lo11l. Michael Gronwell. EIllII'arcl Sub. Blsle. K1rklrn Market WeJ>oll. P. B .• Coal Co. fo~:O~~~ T. J Hatch, B. M. ~am. C. D. Boward.Prallrnak· Josephine Supplee Envelope Co. K1rklrn one Stop Service ww~n. B. D. Konclr ~ Galla~h'er Hayes. M. A. k J G ~ Supreme PoOd Ilrkt. • ~'.1i:lYD ph _ .~ ....... n. John S. ~.... Beekaher Rudolph lL ~n,eio. 'Edward Tacomo'. Anthon, ~Ighatt. Aaron . KDea&,: AHred'WI .. = ,rowtrr Farm King. R. D. HIbbard Brne. Main Line Golf course Kerr. James wnahlp p~ Llanerch Orlll • oeel.h KlDI Kola lIln ng Center B1pple. Henrr . Main Line Grill Ll\rkIDga Serv. Sta. ~P'I '[.Dwne Children'. Shop Petrol Corporation ~Ch' I t In ~g~eo ~':~\ Hawthorne. John L., Jr. Media Drug Stores. lIlc. Leonard. J. U e s Richmond Jack lilt Sera evro e. C. • I • Holf. W. A. .. Mercuri. Peter' . Llndsa,. W. L. =r ga~'Jpo~ Oenter Bowe JohD J Mason Bull'd~nS" If· 'If .. lIlc. ~:frr~elore Holden. Barry E. MUler. W. A. Marantlno. John Weber's or&' c. Slebc1lath. H:E. . Hosen. Albert . upp, O. LlnwooJ"Sandwlch Shop Hoopes.' J. WllIatd Molfa. Nlchoias Oler1eh. WUJIam Well.... Inc. Venetia Beauty Balon WhIte <'I; Dawson. Inc. Llttle's service Statton Hoopes. Margaret O. Park; O. 41: Son PhippS. Thomas Weir. Harry· Wanner, Mae Upper Dub- ~erch Recreation Centre Hopson. Alfreel W. Paltllon Prederlell: Robertson, B. A. Wbelan DrUg Co. Upper. Darb'-Ward...... AmerIcan lee Mfg. 06. Ms Janney. Pranlt pechin: Nathall Robertson. LUIIan WUl1ams Beataurant Dre'XeJ BUl. P. O. American News Co. LUDc":'Bar ry John's Realty Agency PhllBdelphla B1ectrlc 00. Tracler. WIllIam H. Woolworth. P. W. Co. American Stores 00. AI1!O Supply Co. Manning. J. Johnaon. W. Percl~ . Pompa. Romolo TwIll oaks Cull Grocer Y:. Davlcl B.' , Auerbach's Pharmacy Beatty Lumber .. MU'-or" "A'" Line Golf Course Johnaon. Albert PPrruitdcehnatred, '·JBoehllna I WWbo.oIbteleny.. IB4ealrwtha&rc l D b Ault Bdlth C B'-- d -..... ~ Johnson. W. Perclval &: Fred pper ar y Twp.-W&r4 t Rea;' ..... vl • Joim V. Marron'8 Tavern Jordon. J. LaDler Behm-er ... w"·-n Upper Providence btl. AclelPhla ·Market _I tt, Lumber <'I; MIllwork 00. Buten. M. ,. Bone MsttheWII. James Kent. JUliet O. WI ~ ......, -etta B 0 Auto Serv. ... cItel. Ted. . Cl1'lDer Dlatrlbutora . McKa,. Danlel Blegner. P. B. • ,"' r. . • American Ice Mfg. Co.. Brucker. Max Dte.J:el BIU Lum. '" B. Sup. 'co. McKeon. Thos. <'I; B11Z. KIDder. Howard 0 .. Boa.e •. ~k <'I; AnIlle t:.~n~· .J:8.i American Stores Co., No. 205'1 Bud's Drezel Park Garap Pirestone Aut Sup. <'I; Serv. St. Manor Sweet Shop ~X' =~ J =a 'fi'ilce VUlage Inn AAmr erican Stores 00. . NO. 1992 !!~~Ing. Oeorge. Jr. Olrarcl EqUlpment 00. Marcus Hook Taproom Loga oX'Barolel S • Ie'.. Spencer Upper Darby TwD.-Ward 1 kl_. W. L. ...... .. eclge. Wm. J. 'GOOdyear Service Matslnller. Charles L n. • •• S8harp -. A. <'I; W ShO A ..... II "- Art·s Temco Service Colwyn Market Martin, Ezra W .. 00. Max. Ilargaret Agnes UC88. Adah -. tewart. Oeorge Acme Uark~ ............ a ...... c. Balr. Pranlt <'I; Lyon. Bob Drerel Pann Market Neoeol 00 .• Inc. McCue Brothers MacBride. Robert J. <'I; Bon Strocle. Pharma.Cy Ameriean stores Co. Barrel. 'The Drexel' Poo<t Shop'" Lunch- Newtown. George B •• Coal Co. McDonald. Geor" Manle,. Stephen B. Sullivan. J. J. Argo Suppl, 00 Beacon Book 8tore eoDette Inc. I Nlemeyr. PranIt Karnret McGoldrick'. cate Marcus Hook Bealty Co. Tbomburr. B. T. AaI&. Ohlnese nestaurant Bee Brotben Drexel Park· Pharmacy Petrol Corporation McMahon. Wm. J. <'I; Davis. MascIo. Pranlt Thornbury. Sarah L. Blackstone Sweater Shop Bertolett. E. A.. Dublns Variety Store PhWlps, ThOllUJS MegUl. Edward MeOwe. Wm. B. Unlon News Co. Bortner, Morris Beverl, HIlla Golf Club Edward's Beauty Shop Poet Clll1l1' Co .• Inc. MUler. Elmer " McVlcltar. Albert M. UnlDn News Co. Ch&IlIn & Bricker BW's Grocery <'I; Dellcatessen GaUll:el, Lewla Schoenfeld. M .. Co. Moone~ Joseph Malborn. George UnI'oonn NNewewss 0000'. cClum0V!. . George' Bol\Dett Bole Mason-Heflin Coal Co. 8chracll; <'I; 00. Mortimer. MUclrecl Muller. A. H. UDI oren _ Bouluard Sunoco Serv1ce Patch. J. B. Shell,. James Mum,.s OrOl Modeste. John • VUlanova Pharmacy Burk.i.eya. Buabong Pontiac Co. Russell •. Gordon <'I; OlbBon Tenn. Chevrolet 00. Nevln's Drug 00. Mone,. J. Bobert Wack. li'. A. Crawford. Maurloe BywOOd Market Sharp. Keith D. Mason BellIID Coal CO. IfewtoWD Square IJote! Morris. T. B. Walker. P. L.. Connelly's BywOOd Pharmac, ShWlda,. Wm. . Rlsser's FOOd Market . Normand, Orill MoUBle, BeaI I!I9tate Warne PrUlt 00. Dannenberg A BywOOd seafoocl Mrkt. . Spargo Orlinlte 00. KEBPBil OF "V"UBDS. B'fC. O'Dennell. Joseph Murra,. R. K. Wayne Hardware 00. . Darmlento 'Nunee BywOOd Shoe Repair St!>wart. WUlIam City of Chester O'Shea's Wagon Wheel Noll. Inc. Warne Men'. Wear ' Devitt PaUl J. O. 41: C. Pood Store Warahaw Market 5 Anaetos. Helen Old MI11 No,es. Edward L. Warne Motors Co. .. EmrICk Harry P Clymer Dlstrlbuton Wblte. Boward Anderson. Oarland Pan2<one. John Osborne. Chester <'I; Son Illc. Warne Plumbing <'I; aea\!ng co. Extra· Dry CUe' Cohen, BenJ. . Wlger. MartIn . Anclre\VB, Joseph Parker Restaurant Palmer. Mabel K. Weadley. A. L .. Jr. Pather <'I; Son Shoe store OOmmunlty Enterprteee lIlc WIIl\S. Hennan Anthony's Pasquale. SprIgll& PeDlllDgton. Barv1. O. WWUlUl llams• JLouatluniae Prltach. A. A. Deleo Bowling Acad. .' WOOd. H. C. • Armory BowllDK Academy Paxon Hollow Golf OOurse PenPreetorGse. :!~hn .!.. r. W ams. Purnan. Pran1I: B. Dully. J. J., ' UIJPer Darb,-War!! 10 ~r'TaWUlarcI!r. PIerCe. George n, .,..wa ... oolworth. P. W. 00. Gattone. D. H. Poeter. Morton W. Acme Market ~ vern . Polites, Prank L .• Sona Pierce. George 21mble, S. S. OlenCQe DeUc&teeaan Fowler. wm. G. American Stores 00. BBeI'r n15 !Otchen . Polldore. Nicholllll Prichard. E. C. ZImmerman's store Glenclale OU 00. Pox. ThOll. Aronlmlnlt Pharmacy el S , Persln. Ida Pyle <'I; Young Ziegler. Ruth .0. Ooocl,ear Service Prlea. John J. Dave.BeI Qualit, Mkt. Boles. WUlIam Pete Pollu's Beat, Rhodes. Samuel Bldlell ToWD5lllp Grant. W. T. Co. Prltach. Oallagher, Mun1tford ::n::rger. JIarry J. Prudente. John Boeke" Wm. M. g:~= gto~Oo .• No. 1090 g=~t!;.. <'1;. ~In GeoOoII:.e', P. L·Leo 3t~ze9.UPhCorporatlon Bri~~e 1~~~d~h Shop PfProInPtzhetJl' !!!lel B., Co. =~f~h'a!:::g, American Stores 00 .• No .. ISIY Oulf OU"Corporatlon Oomb!;;;:;er, n ¥oyer-: Ph:!, BU~', Thomas.. Read. Ralph Ritchie. Davlel P. ' ~ll~sestolres~ .. ROo 11142 Ouarantes Motors ~~ J. W. ' Upper Duby-Wud U Burr. lira. Allee' Beave,. H. Sandwlcla 8hop ~~ll. Charles W. ., .. rv ee ~... Banacom·. Barve,'s Market Acme Market ,CharlIe <'I; BUdety Revela. Oscar .,....Ultz. George BUl'8 Oraceriee ·dannl~. Chas. BavUanll· Roy Alberti. Bose Chester BBso servo Sta. Rentz·s Market Shaw. Albert S. Blsalnger. A. Heller. EIlw. HennessY '" Bogers American.ou CO. Chester Recreation CeDt. BIgg. L. A. SSIUml, mRo·"~.t!'£~te'r B. Bowe. B. L. He\.te. W. Kendall HIghland Park lee Co American Stores CO. Chester Beateurant Bor;enblatt. M. _ ...... Cabin Lunch Boom Herman'8~ ~ HOOd LewIs B • Bal:tholomew. Catherine Chrlstopolua. Thoe. =1111 Pharmacy SI08J1 <'I; Lmch ccaa~:kl:~A_ Ho~~.. art BaIDng Co. Kelly. Charles' 1". ' Booker. SIne!aIr Serv. . Cohn. Martin T. n. Joshua Smith. Hattlll B. ...... ..-0. Bow ...... vpper DllZ'by, "Inc. Lebano'8 Cafe - DamIaDI'8 Shoe'Bepair . ~UIns. O. Raymond Saeramo. Raymond Spaclmlan. John OereDZla. Helen • HubtlbeL .J&eII:. LeVInson Joeeph S Dietz. Albert - lJOmetz. Ethel Sam's servo Sta. Springfield Bealty II lDI. lIlo. ChrIatlne. W. B. Jean'8 J>eautJ' ShOp Long LaDe Court mo_ Drexel Olft Shop Come Back RestaUI'IIDt Schmidt. PaUl Sterner. BaJlnond Chandler, George Jonea.. .. oJOhn 11. . McClellan. Joaephio. ..• Drexel lee Co. Conte. Thomas Bchaetler. JollD. Stetler. Jesse L. Daller. Paul Joy ..... lery 8bop Menaker Besale· Dyer. B. B. . Oozy Comer 8nYde~. Jesnette Stevena. Stanle, 8r1~~~Oj~:a:Marr =~OJ8ter~OUH ' Petitt, Kortlmer Oreat A.,. P. ~tI. AnthOIlS' Bpfnozzl. Oulaeppe :=::~.~waicl DOnato. JceephID Ken.i Pood Market; =1:' B-r:o., ~~:'k~arket· 'Da~o~. ~:-~. O. 8w1ngle. Jos. P. ~erty. -::e~ Kohleri SofIIl!e ' . Reader 'WWta'm a McCollum Pharmacy De BanctIs._Ton.7 SUvesto. Tossell Swope <'I; Bon Pa!ritew 0 use Kunke. J. B. Sam shoe ..BeD&1r 'abo Pennington. George B. De lfeKlIo. PranII: 8Uvrnas. DomInIcll: c!I Appolonla 'l'atum. John II. Pelnberll. Blmer , Lerner ~ of PeJUIZ., 1Dc. SearfOllfl rJanlel P PhU1lps. Marlen B. DemIrIS Beateurant Stallord. l!Iclward Treat, Fred B. ,~ BoccD ,. Plomena LU,·Wblte PaInt; CIea.nIr Shlrle, Court'D lito QuIrk; Belen P. Dl Meo, BIBle 8tate Lunch Trout. B. E. ' Bros. ... Lobel KiddY' ShOp Shlrle, Court ~ re Smith. James <'I; Mahoney J Dt Olovanne. PleDDo Stes1maD B. WlIKDer. Joseph Adam. PIzzano. Joseph Lerd'beS _ ~... II: ......... -.". Slmon's Paln'- ge 'l'Oll, George B • . Dt Lucido. Benjamin Sterner. Ji H. Watts. J. Elnier Plaeeloj 'l'ODY . ,Lum r.,. ....... wor "" .............. Sloan B S ... ToWD8hlp LIne Market Dt Balvatore, Berado Stesls. L. . Weems. Vera L. 1"o1e,. ames h LYon SUDJo oIom5eWrv lce sPI!el<inaD Wm Wadsworth. Bobert Dolan, Howarcl. Stlngle. C. Wlee. Warren H. PoIao:I~~ ~~ .:!........ a_.__ . Stonehunt IIUI8 Besu'" Sbop Waverl, Beauty Shop Dougan. B. S. Taranto. Vincent Walker. Lero, Poun e ... ~... -·1 --- Stonehurat 1Ies':;'1 Waverly Orill . Downe,. Phll Tavern. The Warci. Arthur O. Promal. Leo . Mary Jane 8boe Store S b ban _._.t lilt.... 'WaVerly Men's· Shop . Pamous Restaurant O. 8. A. Pool Boom WBrd. EllIs Smedley . Gero. Michael MI11 End Sbops. u ur " ...... ture CO. - Waverly Putry Shop 520 onu USA Restaurant Weadle, Albert Sr Golden. Jell =rw PeIt~ ~~t ~J:i::::elog~ Upper Darbr-w~ U Flake. Theo. uisone: PranIt Weber •. Verna' .. Oreen's Garage lin, Be' ow W d 0a1'00 . BaldWin Boas PUlnl. NleII: - Vernon. PaUl Welclman. <'I; Stran.Shan Inc. Green~na ~n Dp W W:r: ~bert" Be Mar 'BeaU~ 8hop Gelb. Morris VllB. A. L. Weischedel. LoUIs _ 8:ie. Nlcll: Penn Pnilt 'Co: Upper Darby TownshiP-Ward'S ~~s ~~ 1.00 Store - - g~~~hn ;I~~g\~ertha ~:r~r'~B~' Inc. Henry's Flowers Pennflj J. C. . Alelerfer. Lewla Clearbrook I!harmacy JDg:blan4 cate Ward. Prances Wilson John.p Hohman. John B. Pep ~ Sho t:"rlcan Oriental Rug. Del Guerelo Nicholas Bill's Gnu Ward.. James. InC. Woo_itt. Albeit Holmes Hardware Sto. PiazaRaCltl Alf~ P AilCdeesricaa.l!teresln Co. Drexel BIU Rest. Holl\DgBWorth. Fred Ward. James. Inc. Worrell. Inc. Holmes BclWard • • n....... Fusco Martha Hull. John Williams Justin Worthlngton.Msraclen Holmes: L. A. BoSchbnlnsoeldenr.sDacValndd"T'sto~e AtIlannctlc White Tower SJ1ltem Grlell: Adalbert Iacono. Michael WUson. E. G. Yacht RepaIr 41: Storage Co. Iredale. Wm. H. •. Hopklns,- Anna Mall' • Iacono. Tony Walber. Charles Upper Darll, Johnson J Ward SChrack <'I; Co. Barge. Melvin Kahn Food Shop Imperial Hotel Waters. Stanley Artman. Enos KaUl'fman. 'R. H. BeaSherspp'ardRo~SbFamUCko <'l;usCBoran' ds BBeea& nlcl.=r Cia ee Kelly. Walter B. Johnson's Pharmacy Werllnsky. Irvin Beecla. P. ' Lambros. James 69th IH; Bowling Center Brts'tor ~UI ren Mattia, VlrR\nlo Joseph's sandwich Shop Wllbank. Hanir Benhal!!,. Wm. O. =Lod\s.e. Anna SmIth. 'Joseph O. Brossmim, John O. MUdred BaTch Beauty Salcn KarIIII. Bllaa WUson. J. Blslel\ ... Herman ~o,r:s Sn,der's Jewelry 8ra&, ChIDeae Lantern Best. :~~~Ph armacy . ID'~~tw1fI= f~~~k Grill :=~g:f:: ~ =Mars-!Iiw .. n. ~:.v~~ Oll. ~re Job 'J Nagel.·J. H • Koblanslcy. 'Anthony Werts. Steve Burt. JOhn E. "XfPh Supplee Bnvel* 00., Crothe':' C ~win ~dentl. Phuomena Konlec:m" A&nas Upper Dub, Carr. Walter M~. A~ena =~a Nat . Ct)'ate,l Ban' Boom ~et.~ ~o~r ~~:,bai:;~ Pharmacy ~,::e~;.~m~Dagement lIolIllerat. John J. Tower Bat 8hOp Da9\cI.SOn. S. S" Sharke,. John . La Spada. Antonio' Balter, Thomas S. Clarke. W. A. Co. Moltz, W. H. Towe<' Out Bate StOre ~rel~dDrug 00. Boeonr-Vacuum On 00. . Lee·Lee Restaurant Barrel. The Cole. Horace Nagurp,e. Mike Wallerstein. A. J. • Pal/.. The . Tume,. Jbhn S .• In~ LIdo Cafe- Beverl, B111s Golf Course, Dalton. Pranlt J. ~=~=t!~ 00. =1:trRruJ.~: 00. Gallagher. C~Ie. • ~.~~ J. =~Zex =~t ~.T ==:~~~ery Mort. ~uAl~~rlglla ~=::::lt Townsbtp-.Ward2 g:n~i,~oe Repair . Youn~" U ~~~~~~ette Brown. Ames acy =:=:r~: Pr1es Barry 1". " American OU 00 OUleaple. P10rd American Stora 00 Marks, Teddy I ~s ~nn Garber. Dallls P. 'PJonhet. Fred B. 00. Andy's Servlee sta.tloll Olobe Meat Market Burmont Drug' MaWS. JOhn OIendenlcgs Gash. Tbos. A. PuIokos cate Beck's Bakerr oraJaIs,~ <'I; Bo • Dcnobue, John • Mazza. Ton, DavidsOn. Samuel S. GUmore <'I; MeCul1tlD. Ballbertr. JHO~ Brown. Mrs. Ida ItWI<.·Morria. na !!warcls Be, urn, .... Oarana, Geo1!]le • Beleluser John ...,l n__"e.. BBoobaeer t M_ cGocCuenl·geJP•e tReri.:..'..:..-..~.. • DDel'lAcom bBrooW. lJinogs eApcha d. OoreaIbetz. ,rtL. eMstlCer haDel. BIce. Jo::._ carroll, B. U. Hell!n's Beauty Shop ~. George. S'1s MIDt!I()ne. lela· Donohue. John .. _ =~ ~~el Roma. -I Coll. Leo J. a_urn, H B. SoM ne,. Pranc _ Momat, MUte Drexel Pann Mar...,~ .leto _ Scott. Ira Devore Shop· _IU J O· , lIalanlk, Joaeph Koran. John II ~ Drexel PeL Shop .. Lch., Inc. Banford. CharIea Scott. Lawrence Donaghy <'I; Bone mas. . . lllsebler. wm. J. • 1Iorrall. Batold • Barle's Harden. John Shanlt. Earl Bbleofeldt on 00 Bo1fnielster. Bdwanl <'I; AD1l& O8kvIew CI"",n·. Club lIurph,..· =~Barrr . ~II. ::ue1' Slmpli:lna. H. B. Pernwood Auto Pai-a ~~~Ulen Pecko, Prank \, MYalak; Wladyala" • Jamet ~-::Uer. Belen ~~~D. I'IIel 00. ~~ Motor 00. Hopkins. sara'nl ::rtf:s1::r~ =Ii.~ A. =~~ ~ Hurle,. Barry Troyan. Prank . Olant TIger Corp. Hnf. Joeeph P. - StIe1nI<e. H. B. . HIeII:eraOn. Eugene. OJellOl1'. Bertha. & PIQw, O."OD. Bo1>ert Jno. UrIaD. WIUlam Olrard. MI11er co.l 00. J&eII: .. Sbop Yabs, A. . Orpneekire WitealWi' Hannl\I&D. Knowl"", Pent 8~ Jr. . ValentIDe":'lIoma Golcl, Morris Jona~a .. St&tloDerr 8bop .......u apz _ Palmer BavflaD4, Ro, Kerah&w <'I; Bane:r - Ward.. B. .. r Gonmateln. llerer !!.~_ Ja_~' . ~0UIl, C. H. Palm C:iaiiim Beirtauru.t I!!!'.~"'" Joe <'I; aoara B:II&w, WIlIJ&ID. Jno. We14ener George Oulf on ~ --.... - COren; I. PenD Beere&tIoI1 0eD.ter JllmmelatelD. IIIkbed Lawter. PraDcIII Weleebudt:. Gl'iIItIrI HaIgh', Olft Shop ~-~~.~opN Kramer. CharIea PenD-. DemetrIo Bomnelster. Ed '" AmIa ~eb, l!Icl. & 'W1IlIamI. Herbert .. BarrIs. Bmanuel ........... -- . auII. Pred PerwrIDo Ol~ JIGIItess Or1Ua LOomBll, WOton A. ~ B. D. BImme~ )IIldred Lamn. 'l'Oblllll D. . WHOLBS.u.B DBUDS ~a:.~~. Jack'. Tavern lI&hone:r. Leo ..O J4YlaII.:. . ,\~ ~. BIt. Of BufuI O. l:~ngwellWRalPh CitY ., ~ "........ Kell:9'll 0!BteJ.~. lIIIlIen. Wm. II. W61POD. uona J&eIi: .. JID ShOp ton, m. . Armour <'I; Co. Prtoe. wm. L. Kent I'0oI1 lIaIone, Jamea J. Yarcehuk. MIlCe .Josephine Shop..- =4. <'I; .. ~ Atlantic ~ 00. Quinton, Ralph Lebano's cate VcCIatehy. John .. &patz, M. J. . Leary. Prank n ........ . Auto Parte <'I; R4d1.m 00. Bedclen. Jim Le91naon. Joaeph s. VcCIatehJ.'. ...J. .Ohn .. SJldll18e1d 'roWDIIIIp _ner, J6b11. Litwin. Abraham Automatic Ven!lln& OG. ~,:~ UAnereb' Orill IIcClIlDS- "D!I8. AlwlDe; ClereJlee lIelsteln, .AIeK LaM .tel' on 00. BII'Un. BIcbMII _ '-- 1.uM 0cIQR 1'IIq. VoOae. ~ , \, • • ~. ..... IIIddIe. Abe ;:;;;0: ~ .. 00. =:-,!!~CDl' =-~ .. ' =_=10. 0rt0De. Lewee .. Irt'D" Stu. ftnoDa Arthur 8Iwnroet C&te 1Wce. WiiiIiiD ... Ina. SlowIk. J~ 1'ftrtrM. ArIn&Dd --.. Prank .. Bone. IDII. :::w' .oeIhoa .D... W. ~..... .~ Wnl ~u:n IMbIe. Jack I~ ibm .. =::e~ 811tU11\J1t. BaJDlOD4l stwart·. 50 .t; lOa leon 81Men. Walter a. &tockman AcIa B l1I&J'beeker. BoIaDd 8t.ratte. ~.• - .. ~- --. B Co h"'a1n RUl ~Thoauia . IIwl cate atewar't, JOhn IIwl Beltaurant atabell. oeo. ~o. 8UD VII!&Ie ear •• IIlo. . Btougbton. Jtumell Bun8et Cafe IIStroud, Pred 11YanIa Hotel <'I; Belt&1lHD& TaJ1or. J. O. -....=!"&1 Thompson, H. BI'UOII ..........0 • a="IOurant 'l:'yIon ConaWot\on 00. Talbot. Joe . V-- W • Tarler. W. H. W",U"&'.h . B•e lv. . 'Ul'Uopaton one. Jack IIerry Wells. Theodore ur~ TeoI11 B. Wilson. John U.'l'ell Onue Wood. I. V. V&ccro. Carmelo WorreU. Edw. VIc'. Bakery <'I; Reot&uran' f="~~i~raclen Vlc:tory Lunch Young. Townsend Co. WlIld.e.o·s SOds Pountaln Lunch Yerkes. Dawaon MartIn WlI8OD. Alice O. Zahm. Boward Warci Grill Orawler. Rober\; R. WaaIltngton Bouse Reataurant AMUSE.UNTS Wengzyn. Prank ConnellY. 14. J. Wesolowakl. Joaepb DIXon. John West Bud Botel Key.tone Hotel' Whalen Drug Co. Lafayette Gnue WhIte Bouse Lunch KcPaclden. JollD. • White. Charles MoI.auRblln. Iaabel Wm. Penn Restaurant ParI< Theatre Woolworth. P. W .• Co. Presto Restaurant Wrllht. BIlzabeth AUCTIONEERS Yellow Bowl 'l'ea Room Delaware Count, ZamOllli:l. Enuaa Blddle. Robert S. Zel!j,e=·. p!lannacy C&raJ ·W Bar e. Joeeph • ..' COlonnade Cafe ~~ ~O~IL Bepetto. PhUlp StWwell. John T. Yokas. SadIe Trainman. Loula. AuctIon Co. Delaware COWl&, OWNER OB LESSEE OF ~~ra=c1:~urant THEATRE, CIRCUS. ETC. Anderson's NoR'OOd. Diner City of Chester Anthony Warne Lounge Apollo Theater Antonetti. Samuel Bo,d Theater Arcadia Be!!taurant Lyric Theatre Arem Beataurant Mac Moving P1eture Houae Atlantic WhIte Tower SJBtem Roxy Theatre .. . BaCkm'¥h: ...... "ft . State Thei6ter' Barrel. '-'- . SWtraasnheiln TgtIoIena Ttehre ster Balle ,. CJ ara Delaware Conn&7 Ban,... Jolm Anthon, Warne Theater Bartram· CottaJe BoUlevard. Theater BIIIIII. Gus B. O1Ifton Theater BecIi:. Joseph ro _ Theao- Beeksr. BchVllrd ......... -.... Berry Tavern Darb, Thester BeUanco. Prank Ec1d, Theater Black Duck Globe Theater Bonner 'l'evem H..e~ d.g.e roTwh eTahteera ter Bonne r. .•..•.•. r r H . -- Boaaard <'I; Bowers 1&.';;"tro~1e~eater Branel. M .• <'I; MeAIeer, oJ. Par BroUey. P. ker Theater Broude's Drt18II Yeadon Theater Brown. Jacob UpperlDarby Boueler. D. A. 89ih St. Theater Breuhl Wm J . Tvwer Theater Broclellcli:, Hazel II. Waverl, Thelater Bruni. Prank Stonehunrt Theater Bryn Mawr Lunch TennInIIl Theater C&bln Lunch Room KBBPBB OF RBST.l.UB&!ttS, C&clWal\acler, Eugene , C._ .- .'OB.f.T C.C.:.".-.-.- CC8amnnPol\nIU. lIfOaa. bSeal lvatore Mama. Pranlt C&taanOl. Pantelea Amato. Bdn.a • Ceglmli:l, JOII. . Anaatoa. Belen CblIaty Reata.urant Andenon. O. P. " X. O. CbrIatle. Joaeph. <'I; IIP&rIO. J. Andenan. OarlaDd P. Clarkson. DoliIIau ' Aneleraon. lola ClaJpoOle. IIIarY A&nas Andrew'. oate C1Uton Drug CO. 4Dthon,.. Lunch Ollfton GrUf Armory Bcnrllng AAladIllQ' C1Uton Tavern Attlanl. Alfred Coates. Angelln. BBesna•I t KlTa!_t~ Coec:ama. Bel <'I; Al 15 ......... ConestogaMUI BeUeau Wood Oaf. ConneUy. M. J., Bose Convery. Charles Berman. lira •. Betty COItlgan, James <'I; Mary Bolton. Harry Craver'. Drug Store Bomterger. Barry J. Crossettl. Joseph BoDltasIi:l. ~ Crouthamel. Barry <'I; HOward BorcI<y. Mrs. 0 • D·!l!posIto. M. Bord Drusa. Inc. Da Lenzo. John J • Boyd •. George Da1Jer PaUl Briclge Stealt Sandwich Shop De Lii'ca. Thomas Burley. Thomas D·Gnazlo. SUvla BurnS. lira •. Anna Deckert. lira. R. Busr Bee Restaurant Del Veeehlo. Michael Oawle,. Eva Dew Drop Inn CllII&rla. JDhn 01 Mstteo. James <'I; Mary Cltta. RIebarc1 <'I; Carella. Jill!. 01 Prlnzlo. Eugene earn"y. Thomas DlcI<eraon. George Central Light Lunch Dlgg:,. M. 1". Ohester Candy Kltohen Donahue. Thomas Chester Grill Donato. Josephine Oheatel' ·Recreatlon Center. Inc. Donofrio. BoeeO Cbeater Restaurant Drossner. Ben. Chtarovallotl. Joeeph DrzaI. Joe ChlncotealUe OJBter Bouse Duke's GrUi ChInese American Be8t&urant Dumel. J. J. Chlponla. AnthollS' Dunleavy. Joseph Ohuze. Mary Echo Glen Tea BOOm Crowle,. I. P. Economy Medicine Store Oocchi Cafe Edgmont Inn Cohn. Martin T. Espensbacles Dining B,oom Come Bacl< RestallHDt Pacclola. Anna and J~ COnte. Thomas Fernwood Dtner Cozy Comer Fiesta. The Danos Feter Plzzan!. Rocco ,. FIIomena Demtrls Restauant Palgle. ThOll. J. De Megllo. George Folsom Light Lunch Dl Glovannl. Plenno G. E. Restaurant Doughert" Bugh Garrett. B. J. D1 Gennaro. John Glambol. Wm. DI Lucido. BenJamln Gilbert. W. T. DI Salvatore. Berardo Glenn Croft GrlU Dunbar Restaurant Glenn. Joseph / Balle Grill Glenolden Foods. Inc. Batwell Restaurant Golelen Star Cafe l'amous Restaurant Gomberg. Benjamin Felcher. MIke Gonzalez, Mrs. Grace FIedler. Catherine Gravatt. E. V. Polnl. Nick Graybeal's Restaurant 520 OrID Gre.n. Howard George's Lunch Green. lela Ma, <'I; Louie Green. H. L.. Co.. lIlc. Greyatone Inn Green. H. L.. CO. Grlefzer. Wm. C. Po5t VPW Grossman. H. Balllwell. Joseph Gwardls, John . Harris Lunch Harr1&on. WUlIam Hartner. Margaret Hlelden Cbr.nn Lunch Hatlan. Joh'l Hartzag. Wm. .' Helen's Heileman, MIchael Henrr's B1Khland Cafe . Heresotfa. James HIll's OrOl Bo\lllOn. MsrlUerlte Klones. Koi!tentlnOS Holfelder Bros. Iacono. Tonr Hoim Inn Imperial Hotel Industrlsl Diner lwachlw. Theo. Ingleneuk Tea Boom Jackson. Gertrude Iwaszllewlcz, Peter Jlmmr's Lunch Jacano. Anthony John's Lunch Jacano. Joseph Jones MaeII: Jean's Bar.lT-Q Jones: Mrs. Msttle Jim's Rests\Jrant Joseph's SandWich Shop John's Grllle Karas ElIas Jones Pharmacy Karpc)wlcI<. !Oeter Jordo~'s Lunch KellYs Cate JUlIan s Cafe Kell, Marie Junto. Lucian Karvel\as Gearp Karanls Light Luneh Keenan's' Cafe Karanls. Constance ~rt'!e:~ y ~:. ~=e KU;'trtCli:. Ja~ Kauffman. Charles Knalf's GrUl Keame. JollD. J. Konleczn,. John Kelley. Lorman RreWOruD NlchoIea KIng Role Inn KrasoWBkl. 'Peter ~tfic!~~~hael Kresge. S. S .. Co. K\skon.... Anthony LaSpacle. Antonlo Klotz, Albert I:!~l!te~~t Koenman COnfectionery Le Boy'. Cl)'Bter BoUH Koloeatronla. T. J, LIclo Cafe La 8avllle Gnue LIggett Drug CO Lackler. Da9\d Log Cabin IDn • Lackler. David Lueel. Bmldo Lambros. James Madlaon GrOl Lawrence. Paul Madl!elan Joseph Lax. Morrie "..A..~..e. '8 Luncheonette LLeeab.o uNltazt,h aISnIiIecllo rLe. NarlDo. Antonio Lebman. Herman Marl<,. ~_ t LIggett Drug CO.. lIlc. Marin s ...... uran . Llnton's Lunch Mar~ 8cluare ConfGCtlonery LInwood Luncheonette MartIn s Cafe Linwood sandwich Shop MaWS. John Llttleton's Lunch, lIlc. Mazzo. Ton, Losach, Mary Miller. Joseph Lunch Bar MIller. Nick MaIn Llpe Golf COurae Morrall. Harold Msln LIne Grill McCrory Stores Corp. MaIn LIne Italian-American. McCue. Peter J. CIvIc Association McGonigal. Richard Msnor Sweet Shop McLaughlin. Isabella Maple Diner Mea, Eugene 41: Stella llareb. MI'. and lira. PranIt MUl·Vlew Restanrant MannIS Hook Taproom NlngJone. lela lIIarY's Spaghetti Bouse MonksIUs. Paul M:rr..~ Colfee Shop MoongJow Hotel M k. W. L. Moran, John <'I; Margaret . lletslnger. Charles Morriron. Sue Msttbews. James Mortimer. Michael _roo Almena Murphy's Mattbews. David W. NaerelJlI, Joseph Max. Margaret Agnes MysaIt. ~ . McDonald. George Nathan; JacIt L. McDonald. GeoI'8ll NIck's Cate MeFacf4en. John Nicolaides. Alex .. ... lIeFacfden.L John NleclZlalkowsld. ......... e McPall8, ua· NleclZlejJco. Walter KcOee. Michael Orpneek. Wolter McGoldrlck·s. Msrpret, Oafe Ouzouman. John McKa,. Daniel Palm Oarden Reata.urant McKeon. Thoa. <'I; BlIz. ~~urant =~~I~:nw~~:;. Pertr:tru Beataurant IIedIa Drug Stores, IDO.. Lana- Petro. .101m cIowne PIektIlo, lira. JenDIe Media prug stores. Inc., IIedJ& ~ Peter JledIa Drug stores, lIlc .. Wayne ~ DemetrIo Media Drug stores. Inc.. ; I're8to Restaurant; SWarthmore PrIce. wm. T. Mellll. Belward PI.- Hotel Mercuri, Peter ~Tap0r; oA.o m llIlIeerheIuIlr):l:, LPuentecrh Pure Be8t&uraDt MUBII, B. W. PPuorteu F. oPoadu sl andwich Shop M~I11 ~:Bonom QuInton. Ralp}l 1IW'a t llemer, Sun 1IortImer. IIIldred BLi1to Lunch Murray prug Store RIper's Grm. 1Irets. TheIiiJa J. BciiIer'8 Restaurant ~hrea, P. A. Razey RIlllUrDe. MUte Rend&, AnthOll.J' RaUonal BelltaIUUlo& .1Ikle. ~ .. ilion" .. Heeld" ~ , . . mr··~1"" '. Wqcna .... ,~ 0lM. ~. Jr. hrUr lleltaurutot t:f~~"Ja ~n~a:" CIOU ...... PtDii Boutit lwrr'. DNa SWre Eli!;I IO bSaerlerlv Wic. e", Plercr.·~i:.. Polldore"" NI Pr!nw _tel ~=.~ao. PulPulUOIo. Cat. .... j>Ii:Ot Cafe c" ... tan 8ettauran' ;;~:t.r~·K:~~ .... -eeL. D. IC., BIte.,.,. M. H. ~. JUdge W. __ • Prank <'I; ADDIe 8e(:Schae'raJllo. Blrmond Ifer. Jobn 8eb1na. Pellce Serv· U. DI:uI Store Shank, Barl Sbeldon, Erna. Shriver. J!!MPla SUveatri. T. 8S1 Ivrnu. Dollllnlek .. 4lII)0I. ... maU. Albert Small. Albert Smith. J. J. Snow. Thomaa II 0atIl __ South Ave. Cafe Splc <'I; Span Olub &Pliler. L. Gordon SprlngIJeld Pool 00., In.o. Stroele Pharmac, Taylor. B. Tavern. The Thornton. W. J. ThTi um. Gennan Kltehell nlcum Inn Tlnlcum Lunch Tlnlcum Restaurant U. S. A. Restaurant Valentine. Morris Van Albert. Msrtba Verna. Oatberlne Villa. A. L. Village Inn Villanova Ph~ Vlttengl. Bertha VIZ2ariI. Dominick VoIBUla. C. Walber. Oharlea Walt·. Steak Sand1rlela .... Ward. James P .• Ino. Warnock, TholDM Waters. Stanle, O. Weadle~A. L .• Jr. Wblte use ID.n Wblte. bert B • Whitlock. Addle L. Wllbabk, Bard, WUd Gooae Wllllama. Loul&& WUl\am.son. Chari .. WUllamson. Chari .. WIllIa. Jolm Wlloon. J. WlnBl ... Cafe Wlasow·. Garden InD WoocUand Inn Woolworth. F. W. 00 .. DiIIIIW Woolworth. F. W. 00 .. KedII Worrllow. Oharlea WOrtblogton. JDIm J Worthington. John I. Wynnewood GrID Yeadon Pood Center Young. Jack Pltzn~d. Joeeph Golcfen G.te serv. Ita. Zaterla. Steve zeUIUkI, Albin A <'I; W Suhoppsp Oef rD"a Asia Chinese Beata , Atlantlo WhIte Tower .... AUlt. Edlth C. Brown. Ketbryn The Barrell Bett,'s Inc. Blackburn'. Restaurant Britt. T. A. Carana. George ChInese Lantem iIeIt. ClendenIDgs Clock Orill Connell,'s Inn CUrran's Inn DavidsOn, Sam DI·Ambro. Joseph Donabue. John Druel PBnn Market Drexel Pd. Shop 41: Lch.. lie. Drexel HIU Beatauran' Earle's EmrIck. Ham Extra Dry Cafe Pine. Ham Flannery. Bernard Gomberg's Bennlgen, Charles HavUand. Boy Heinecke. BoSe Heness, <'I; Rogers Henri's HolfmeIster. Ell. <'I; AIID& Hopltlns. Bayard Hom <'I; Hardart Bali:lna CID. Huston. Msry T. Jones. John KeUy's Oyster HOllie Koch. Chsrles Kresge. S. S. Co. Llanerch Grille Lebano's Cafe Levinson. Joseph Liggett Drug Co. Ino. Llnton's Lunch Mahone,. John Malone,. John W. MsrIgolel Tea Room McCollum Pluumacy McNally. Eclward Media Drug Stores Ino. MUler. Joseph Mischler. Wm. J. MIschler. Wm. J. Morgan. William P. Nelson's Restaurant New Pekin Restaurant Pappas. MIchael People's Service New. Go. Poolos. Constantloe Prudent!. Pbllomena Reel Spot Bogers. George Rowland Drugs Russell. Gordon <'I; OlbtoD" & Sbarl<ey. John V. Bblrle, C"rat Drug St. 69th st. Rathskeller Sloan. R. S. Iva M. Standish. L. Stewart. Wm. Swan. IrWIn <'I; Geraldine Swltken. Nat Suplot. A. J. Tony's 8tanel Toub. Samuel TownablJl Pharmacy Trans-Atlan. CocIttiIU ~ TrIangle Oiub Cate Wanner. Mae Waverl, Orill ' Webtlr's OrlIi Weloberg. Ialdorll Weir. Barry Whelan Drug Co. Ina. WbelaD. Ill'ui Co. IDe, WIlllam Restaurant Woolworth. F. W. 00. Notice Is hereby given to persons concernec1 fllat nIL peal trom the toregolnS pralsement will be he..l. . die!II~'~r. Omce Of the OOunty.~ In Media, Pa .• Tuesclay, J 1943. when and whera they attend If the, see ~. J. WALTER . Merc.ntUe Ap· • Buy War Bonds and Stamps, Today :I.." ......

---------- Page 16 ----------

Tal; SWART·BMORBAN .V.L •••• D .v ..... I'RIDAY AT SWARTHMORE, PA. 'I'8a ~W AIlTBKOaUN, INc., PUBLlSBD PRONB 8WAIlTBilOaB 900 , PSTD E. TOLD, Editor MABJORIB ToLD, ~~ EtliWr Loult. MCCARTBR. '. ' ....... Sclcaed a.. Muter, J~ 24, 1929, .. the Poet c-.. as SwutbIMn, Pa., u. the Act of March a. '1819. . . TBB 8WARTBHORBAN ~ ONE 7JJUCH· .,. . SiiJIIJi.tliriipre· Farmerelte . OF NATURE I Edwin M~rkM"', yeiJl's ago, Such rivalry directed my search for Wrote abOut "the1H6n wit" a ho,". isolated nests into. more and more re- If ht 'WWe here in SwarthMore 'oday, mote parts of the County. Once I found H! flJOUId .. jiHd a b,IIer ,Iume for his lay; a woods _ behind a farm near Cape Hu poer~ heart would skiP a beal, May Court House _ where catbriar If he had Ihe very good forlu~ to med grew so thickly that ~o lruman, less A farmer~tte girl 1m lhe go The back fMy ache, iJlId. the .nus. be IIot, Bu' thi"k 01 the good ,hiHIII. mrOMle 10 the pot, . AHd aIWdY.r 'comes d nwanl for toil,. ; I" j,he wholesome odor 0/ fU'fiI. TlJork~d .roil. ." . : ----4•. ..--- E. . ~ W.: bedeviled by an. ubiquitous Gillespie, To he; 'lJICtory garden .with her ho.e, would have tric;sl to enter. Enduring GI'!""H{J cheeks aHd wtndbltntm 00,1', DU.DLIlU-1nDDSDAY 110011 the expected number of lacerations, I Mus Maude Muller Wd.J MI so fair; FRIDAY, JUNE 11, .1943 pushed through its defensive thorny As .. sht works at Mr .UHOCcwton.sed lcuk, Mrs. Jam'es P. Hornaday ·of Wash. ington, D. C. arrived June 3 to spend the week-end as the guest of her son and daughter-in~law Mr. and Mrs. James H. Hornaday of Dickinson ave­nue and to attend· the graduation exerciSes of the Swarthmore High School. Her granddaughter, Betsy Hornaday was a member of the grad­uating class. 1~_.,~·~,~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~.~~~~as~.H~~whU~~.~~.~~: a fine stand of Yellow Pines and Do whde potatoes grow tIS a clumP! floundering onward through the ~uck . How high G fmc, calS a rabbit jump! . ~yterian. . ChurclJ Notes I soon found the most stately Ceda; Is il time 10 Ilan' the limas yelf . Sunday, at It o'clock the Children's Day Worship will be held in the Church. All members and friends of the Churcl1· School and Church are cordially invited. The Girls' Choir un­der the direction of Mrs. James H. Hornaday will present special music for . the service. Members of the various departments of the. Church School wiu conduct the worship. The Church Project School for­di- en age 3~9 years will be held each Sunday morning, June' 20 through July 25, from 11-12 o'clock. There will be projects of all kinds; handwork, art­work, music, and story hours. The summer school will include the Begin­ ·ners' 'Department, the Primary Depart­ment, and the first year of the Junior Department. The Fellowship of Silence will be held Tuesday morning from 9 to 9:20 o'clock at the· home of Mrs. Harold Griffin, 214 Rutgers avenue. The Surgical'· Dressings group. will meet Tuesday moriiing. at 10 o'clock in the Parish House; • . Methodist Chureh ~Noies Children's Day will be;bb~erved in both the Church and the Church School on Sunday.· The Church School will meet at 9 :45 and the morning worship will be held at 10 :30. At ··this service there will be. baptis~ for children and reception. of members. The monthly meetJog of the· Board of Education will be held on Monday eveniDg at 8 at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ray A. Shubert, 24 Kedron ave­n'ne, Morton. Due to the inclement" weather the Woman's Society of Christian Service held the annual p~cnic in the Church Wednesday instead of at the home of Mrs. Alfred H. Williams of Walling­ford as scheduled. ----4.~-:::...-- . Cliristhui ·-SCience· Church "God the Preserver of Man" is the subject of the Lesson-Sermon in all Churches of Christ, Scientis.t, o~ Sun­day, June 13. The Golden Text is: "The name of the Lord is a strong tower: the rigliteous runneth' into it, and is safe." 'Proverbs 18 :10. • Fourth Grade to Pienic MRS. HERBERT P. ONYX Mrs. Herbert P. Onyx a former resi­dent of Swarthmore for many years died on the morning of June 1 in the Chester County Hospital following a heart attack. ·She. had been ill poor health for the last four years. Born in Ohio the daughter of the late Frank Humphreys, she left Swarthmore with her husband in 1931". For the last 10 years of their residence here they had occupied the house Mr. Onyx had planned and built on Elm avenue which is now occupied by the A. P. Whit­akers. Earlier they had resided at Ken­yon and Yale avenues. With her hus­band she was always active in borough affairs. Mr. Onyx was a vestryman of Trinity C~urch. Mrs. 'Onyx was organist there for at least 20 years and taught in the infant· department of its Sunday School.· .. She had many warm friends in Swarthmore who ·kept ill close touch with· her during the 12 years when she and her husband had occupied their home Meadow Lake on the 5 Points road near West Chester. They had opened their home to many West Chee­ter groups and organizations and had taken steady interest in tJIe young people about them, On May 28 Mrs. Onyx had presided in Philadelphia at the last meeting of the season of the Church Periodical Club of which she had·been president for the last 10 years. She had also been vice-president of the Central and East­ern District of the Episco!,al Church and was affiliated with many other church organizations. She was a mem­ber of the Dilworthtown W. C. T. U., the Chester··CountyHospital Auxiliary, and the Church of the Holy Trinity, West Chester where services were beld on Friday, June 4. Her husband survives her. • J~S H. MINER , .... ,.-...---...,.. James H. Miner a form~r resident of Swarthmore died on Monday May 31 at Coulee, Wash. A daughter Mrs. Thomas W. Hopper who lives· on Hill­born road left at once for the· services. Mr. Miner was a graduate of Cornell University, class of 1902. After some years in railroad engineering, he entered the United States Reclamation Service, and at the time he left the service in 1917" was project engineer of the Grand Mothe~s. and pupils of the f~)Urth. Valley Project at Grand Junction, grade 'of the Rutgers avenue school Colorado. He was employed at the Hog will all day picnic on Thurs- Island Ship Yard from 1917 to 1919, day June 17, if the weather permits. and then entered the employ of the They plan to. meet at the railroad sta~ Qwight P. Robinson Company of New tion at,8:3O a. m. and take the train to York, as hydraulic engineer. From 1927 L ennl.. ... to 1931 Mr. Miner was engineer in From. there, they will walk to the cot- charge of home office activities in con-tage o(!olr. and Mrs. George W .. Casey, nection with work in foreign countries, Jr. near the west branch of the Chester executed by the Dwight P. Robinson Creek. Lunch.will be barbecued and the Company and its successor, United En­children may swim or play games as gineers and Constructors. they cboose 'until ·~he group returns From 1931 to 1932 Mr. Miner was home by bus or' train. . eniineer in· charge of construction· of • the centrai . heating plant for public Mr. and Mrs. '1'. E. Hessenbruch of buildings in Washington, D. C., one of Yale avenue have returned from a visit the largest central heating plants ever with their son-in-law and daughter Lt. built. In 1933 hI! re-entered the Bureau and Mrs. '"t~obtrt G. Erskine, Jr., of of Rec1am~tion as construction engi­Falmouth · Heights, Cape Cod, Mass. neer of the Grand Coulee Dam at Lt. Erskine is stationed at a camp Coulee, Washington. nearby. Mr. Miner leaves a widow, Mrs. Olga ==~~[~~::::;:~:::;:~;:;::;:;:::;::;::::;::;:=== Miner; three daughte~s; Mrs. Hopper, I"tDTTD'CH SERVICES Mrs~ A. J. O'Connell, Springfield, and ~u.'-': Lt; Florence Miner, United States 8P.~'AB~rx:::::'B:::::M'~O::::::BB~::::::PB:::::::::::P:S::::B::===l/I::::::l':::::R::::fdA:::::::N=·=.·OBtJBCH:::::::;:::::=:::::::===== Army Nurse; who ·has recently returned Rev. DaVid Braun. Mlntster from Caledonia; and one son, Naval B1JNDAY 11:00 A.M.-!4cJrD!Dg Worship. Chlldren's Cadet James H. Miner, Jr .• now sta- Da, Bl:erc1ses. Sermon Top1c: tioned at St. Mary's Pre-Flight Train­. "You and Your Shadow". ing School in California. Ro,~~~t.~ After going to Mr. Miner's home in SUNDAY Warrenville, Ohio for the memorial 190::4350 ~A.M I.I. -_ CMhournrcinhg S cWhooro8lh. 1p. Chlldren's servi•c e,· M rs. Mm' er WI'1 1 'retur.n E ast to Day BltercJses. visit with her children in Swarthmore -----TlUNITY.....:.;;....,~-ClIUBCH~.:.;...----- and Washington. Rev. George CbrtstIan Anc1eraon. Rector . SUNDAY 8:00 A. M.-Holy Communion. 9:45 A. II. - Church School. 11:00 A. M.-Boly Communion and Ser~ mono 'l'HE RELIGIOUS SOCIETY OF· FRiENDS SUNDAY 9:45 A.M.-The Adult Porum Is discon­tinued unW autumn. 11:00 A.II.-Ileettns for WOI8b1p In the IIeeUnir House. , WBDRBBDAY 9:30 A. II. to 3:30 p.M.-Sewing and =~lun chIne onW. blAttllt era reB ocuoser-. cIJalbo invited. • Recovering Nicely David Dibbell is resting quietly at the home of his parents on M t. Holy­oke place after spending two days in Taylor Hospital. He suffered cuts on the head when his bik~ collided with a parked car near the Rutgers avenue school10 days ago. . • Oscar and George Pollak of New York City are visiting Richard and Bobby Terry of Swarthmore avenUe for two week$ before going on to a summer camp together .. , ~n Gorman· of the Swarthmore apartments is home for the summer months having completed her freshman year at Beaver College. I have seen anywhere. How close should I01H(Jto Ilants be self I doubt that the owner of the farm What is the reason that I ca,,', Gertrude Schobinger was a member of the graduating class at the Univer­sity of Pennsylvania on WednesrulY, June 2. She plans to start work to­ward her M.S.A. this summer at Penn. had any idea of the wonderful trees Tell a weed from a IarSJIip plan" in his possession. To him this must How fMny ears does a com stalk grow' have been a part of his' property which Should i, be planted in hills or a row! ahned c othnesridefeorered wpeorerntnhiallelys su.n·p roduc.ti.v e -1~iijF~~~~~~~~=~~i~~~~~~~~~~i~l- I climbed the magnificent Cedar - just to have a look around---and found myself aware of two new Ospreys' nests. One was near the top of a tall, thin, branchless Pine. My experience with climbing~irons had been suffici­ently short and unsuccessful to cause me to wonder whether it might not be a cordial gesture to inform the Gilles­pie team. of this find. The other nest was in a stunted tree, weU~provided with branches, and· I lost no time in returning to the swamp and making fl!-rther way through the ca.tbriar thick­ets to its slender trunk. Climbing the tree without difficulty,· I peere<J, over the edge of the nest, to find it occupied by the usual . three youngsters. These were about one-half grown, and I felt that the world was dealing well with me this day. . - N. B. - TbJs Is the ninth installment of Chapter m "Ozz1e" In Captain O. Brooke Worth's unpubUshed boOk "A Co&Btal Migrant." • NEWS NQTES Mrs. S. C. Harris and son Edwin of Wellesley road are leaving Saturday for a two weeks' visit with Mrs. Harris' y,ALUE There Is no compromise ·with highest qualify-the best always costs less by comparison. Due to our large volume we are able to effect econo­mie. that· result in the lowest prices. OLIVER H. lAIR CO • D ••• eIO., o •• UN •• ALI 1820 CHESTNUT STREET .~ .... 11'1 M. A. Balr, ............ ~~~aRm~~~~li~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ lotte, N. C. II Lt. and Mrs. Alfred J ~ Carter of Elmhurst, N. Y., were week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs. James F. Bogardus of Cornell avelllle. Mr. and Mrs. Bogardus will attend the graduation of their son Jim -from George School on Monday, Jim is planning to start college at the Uni­versity of Pennsylvania in July. Mr. Charles ·B. Johnson of Los Angeles, Calif., Will,leave ·earlynext week after spending two weeks at the home of his.daughter, Mrs. Thomas A. Bradshaw of StoneJIouse, Yale avenue. Mrs. William A. Heusner of Oberlin, Ohio is the guest of her son-in-law and daughter,. Mr. and Mrs. Theodore W. Crossen, of Cedar lane. Mrs. W. W. Turner will acc.ompany Miss Marian Baker of Lansdowne to Buck Hill Falls for· this week-end. Mrs. William· R: Argyle ·0£ N~rth Chester road recently spent a week vis­iting her daughter Jane at Wellesley College. . Mrs. Harry M. Forwood and her daughter Suzanne who have'been stop­ping at Strath Haven Inn, are now occupying an apartment at ,the home of Dr. L. J. Sheridan of Park avenue, Suzanne begins her third year term at the college July 1. . SUMMER SCHEDULE AT THE INGLENEUK Eftective June 15th Through ~eptember 15th • LUNmEON Every D,ay, Exeept. Monday . 12 until 1 :30· • DINNER Tuesday Through Friday .... , . , .5:30 P. M. to 7:30 P. M. Saturday ... ,." .. ,", .... : .. 5:30 P. M. to 8:00 P. M. Sunday , ....... , ..... , ...... 1:00 P. M. to 4:00 P. M. • CLOSED 'As Usual July 4th /" ADADsl 17th -Until September lst Because of the very serious labor shortage, it is necessary for the Tea House to close over this period as it isimpossihle to solve the vacation problem for our force in any other way. • Closed Every Monday for the Duration· • . Reservations Desirable Phone Swarthmore 4569 - 9:30 A. M. to 8 P. M. Jody Dickson arrived. home May 27 from Wheaton College, Norton, Mass., for the summer. She was joined on May 30 by a classmate, Mary Adie of wSheeefkfi.e ld, Mass., who visited her for a ~ _______________________________________________ ~ ..... Nothing slows down your senice SO much as p"S"Dg8D orowding In the froDl 01 a car 01' hUB when there Is apao8 In the. mar. This also makes it DeOeSSaI7 at tim- to paaa by wa~ paisengeIB. When you boud a car or bus, plene move back 80 that other paSBBDqe18 can qu1cJdy board the vehicle. Give the other fellow a Mance to rlde. Philadelphia Tlaa.porlalioD,. , I ,:, .. ., . I ~ t. t 1 ! , . ,I,

---------- Page 17 ----------

, ." .-~"'--' ~" .. , ~.- ... " MuiDen In 1IaIbor, , . '. THE SWABTHMOBEAN @ Betty Crowthers. and Nancy Heiuy of , Wallingford.' Bo'" Scouts Mary Patricia 'McCormack daughter ' J Mr. and Mrs. Thomas H. McCor- --------~ _ I mack of Thayer road graduated from the Baldwin School. Bryn Mawr and Cabo DbpIaT PLoD. . plans to enter Smith College in the fall. The Swarthmore Cub Pack had Its "Pat" rece~t1y entertained 12 of her Aircraft display at the monthly Pack classmates at the Baldwin School at meeting held at the Presbyterian Il'ln,:he'on' a}1d bridge at her home. Church on May '0. The displays in- Dana is home on a two months cluded a wide range of planes. kites. from Smith college. She left parachutes and even balloons which 2 'for the home of a class. were punctured' to the amusement of mate in New Haven, Conn., to attend" a the Pack. The program included ap- houseparty. Jobn Howkins of Columbia propriate opening artd-c1osing exercises led by the' Scouts who act as Den Medical school recently spent a week Chiefs for the various Dens. Games as guest of the Danas. Phyl will work as a counselor at the were also played. Luther Gulich Camp in South Kasco. Of special interest was an announce~ during July and August. ment that John C. Moore who has been Cubmaster of the Swarthmore Pack Mr. and Mrs. Albert Hilles. Jr .• and has been requested to organize an ex.. daughter Jane have vacated the Swarth­panded cubbing program for -the entire more Apartments Jor the summer and Valley Forge.Council. are occupying the Goddard house. No. The next Pack meeting will be a 3 Whittier place. , " ... ~.;. . 11,1M3 aptitude 'testing 2OOS.0II_ Bd , . FRIENDS' CENTRAL SCHOOL S .. mmer Da,. Camp lor Boy •. ...., GI ..... Ail ... 3 to 14 MONDAY, JUNE 2 TO FRIDAY, SEPTEMBP 3 Skilled Co1uueIo .. , Ideal Recreational Fadl1tieo, Charaeter Baildl:q Experiea_ ' Address Inqalrl .. to Eqar D. F"';'" ,D/r;fld4Jr THE NINETY-NINlH ~~YBAB wm commence WAc!netda. " Sep~ . 22. Nursery 8cboo~ XlDd ... Elementary. CoI1e88 ~Mry. CluiiDt:r)' ])a.,. PlAn on a. beautuul campus of trees. It.WD8. and pJaJiDJ 1lelda. OOllveDleat transportation to aU suburban and. .. c1tJ' areas. AppUcatloD ahould 'be made Tonii!ht. the presentation of Mid-' shipDlite pin's, to the crew of the Mar­lner: Ship "Trade Winds" will take place at the Girl Scout House. where the Ship will be' harbored for the night. Cre;w committees in charge are as fol­lows: Me"s" Claire Rincliffe and Fran­ces Jellkins; Caper schedule for duties, Gretel Reinhold, Marian Karns, and Jane ,Matthews ; Sea Chanties. Margery Black 'and Dinny Bonnet; Ship's TJ;ickst . Peggy Keenen and Bar.,ara Aiiitc,;CroSsen; Duffie lists. Molly Har· pd-'and Patsy McCahan; Shore Police. Mary Cordray and Minerva Zensen. June'Spackman has been chairman of the abov~ committees for the overnight hatb,;r~ Pins wiD be presented to' first year~ )l,ariliccs.,by, Laura Lee Hopkins. in rcBognitiori of their rating achieve-picnic for cubs and their parents. The Mr. and Mrs. Hilles will entertain details will be announced later. • at dinner and bridge in honor of Dr. promptly. The Swarthmore C'Ib Pack wishes and Mrs. C. Camby Balderston of BARCLAY L JONES.' H.!adr ........ '!' to extenn its sincere appreciation for 11·~·p~e~n~n~c:re~s~t~".~M~e;d~ia~t~o~m~o;r;ro;w~~e~v~e;-~~~~O~V~E~RB~~R~OO~~K~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ • ments.:' " the splendid support which the R,otary mng. The- Midshipmite rating has included learni!>i" the history of the ship bell time, 'cOmpilss charts, sailor's knots and be1ts,(~C1ouds' and ·wi~ds, also, m~mor~­ing .h chanties enjoyed by the sh.p. Plaits are under way for a week-end of sailing instruction at Camp Dune-by­the- Sea, a priyate sailing camp for girls, which makes its sailing staff available for Swarthmore Mariners, June 18 to Club has given to it,s activities. The Rotary Club is the ~PQnsoring .institu .. tion ·and has assisted the program. _ Troop 2 Boy Scout Troop 2 at its meeting May 28 discussed, the Troop's participa­tion in the Camporee the week before and ideas were exchanged for the pur­pose of making the next year a better one.for scouting. 20. : As· a: part of its program it plans to Brownie Climax have a trek cart for use in camping finish.'1i activities and for demonstration pur- Brownies of Packs 19 and 95 poses. One of the patrols has done their,year of work and fun with a pic- considerable work- in constructing a nic a\ the Girl Scout House on Satur- cart. Wheels are needed to complete day Jbne 5. Some Brownies barbecued tne task. The Troop is anxious to locate weinen and others enjoyed the sand- a pair of wheels and requests any wich'C,s -they had brought. . Swarthmorean who has a pair of PUQ-ch and doughnuts were provided wheels to call the Scoutmaster Walter by Brown Owls Mrs. Frank Holman L. Thorpe at Swarthmore 1907. ' and Mrs. Samuel Trepp to top o~ the The Troop participated in the Me­summer day's' feast. Three mothers morial Day Exercises. Several of the M'I's-~--Wiliiam .. M.- Gehring, Mrs. Ray- members will also attend the District mond K. Denworth and Mrs. Alvin E. Court of Honor to be held at Our Rogers" assisted with the afternoon's of Peace Church in Milmont June program. The Brown Owls and Tawny Owl Mrs. Robert Hilkert led an exciting at 7:30 p. m. ---.0---- On Citizens Committee game period after ~ whic~ Brownies of Mrs. Alexander Ewing of Dar,tmouth Pack ,Q5 ,pesented the 'flag c~:~~~~~~i.1 avenue was advised Wednesday of her to ~ the picnic. All I appointment to the Advisory Citizens presen~~at-,the picnic enjoyed the use Committee of Delaware of the'c,Scont House and look forWard The committee will become in-to it~ ~se ~gciio~' terested in the Juvenile Court and ·its .. ," Brownies Hike work and in the House of Detention Brownie 'Pack 19- weilt on a hike'in and its management. ." the College "\voods with Dr. Samuel • Palmef~ 'professor emeritus of Botany Gets Music Degree at Swarthmore College. '. Miss Helen Louise Paulson, daughter On Friday May 28 Brownie Pack 9S of Mr. and Mrs. Paul M. Paulson of went on i hike and had 'a unosebag'j Park· avenue, received her uTeacher's in the woods; At the end of th~ meet- Diploma" from the Philadelphia Con­ing the "'Brownies were· treated to ice servatory of Music, which she has been cream cbJies by' assistant leader Alice attending as a scholarship student of Marriott~' . Madame Olga Samaroff Stokowski for There .,will be no more regular the past three years. This diploma was Brownie meetings untit fall. presented to her at the annual Com- I men cement exercises which were held Kindergarten at Zoo in Philadelphia on ,M ay 26. Early Tuesday morning 2S children 7th Grade Picnic from the College avenue kindergarten The 7th grade Mothers Group en-entrained for the annual trip to the zoo. joyed a picnic on Jun~ 9 at. the home Teacher Mrs. Robert K. Enders di- of Mrs. Robert McCurdy in Moylan. rected the trip. Mothers who accom- The hostess served tea and salad which panied the lively tribe were Mrs. John was supplemented bY.sandwicht.:s Carroll, Mrs. Andrew S. Gamble, Mrs. brought by the mothers. Mrs. Vernon Smith W. Brookhart, Mrs. Ray L. Har· M. Parry entertained with readings. low, Mrs. John C. MacAlpine, Mrs. Mrs. Melvin F. Wood was elected Charles T. Deacon, and Mrs. Walter B. chairman for the coming year to sUc- Keighton. cee d M rs. W . W . T u r ner, From train to Zoo in four taxis was I a lark preluding the 'enthusiastic 0>:- NEWS NOTES ploration of animal cages until lunch Mary Yates Gilcreest finished her time. Each child took his own sand- freshman year at Stephens College, Co­wiches and money for ice cream for a lumbia, Mo., June 3. En route to her picnic lunch. home on Harvard avenue she has been After .Iunch they. visited the baby pet visiting friends in St. Louis, Mo., and zoo where a sea lion balanced balls on is now the guest of her uncle and aunt its nose' and four year old chimpanzees Mr. and Mrs. Garner Dunkerley of skated, ;rodc tricycles and walked on near Dallas, Texas. tight ropes. One '. chimpanzee had a Miss Elizabeth Bowditch of Cedar great appeal for kindergartencrs when lane left Friday for Annapolis, Md., he was'spanked because he hung from where she has been attending the com­the ban, sat in a corner, and wouldn't menccment festivities. The Admiral's go doWn his slide as he was supposed garden party for the senior class was to. . held Tuesday evening, and the gradua- John Lilly missed the trip in with the tion exercises Wednesday morning. other children, but his mother took him Joan Th'atcher of College avenue who in and he joined them later. Barbara is home from Dickinson College for the German was not so fortunate, and summer entertained at bridge at her missed the 'excursion altogether. Two home Friday. Her guests included others who were unable to be with the Libby Garrett, Kitty Weltz, Lin Free~ class were Billy Brown, who had a bad gard, Ann Gorman, Margie &heppard, cold, and Gordon Smith, ,,,,ho has a Grace Brewster, Barbara Nason, Thea broken leg. Hulme, Betty McGee of Bowling Green, AVOID HOT-DUSTY RIDE TO CITY Have Your 'Wh,I,ET COOL WAVE . -~ ,"', i .' ~ -- ~ ',' Il'(TOE VILLAGE Air",~U;didon~ by <A!rrler ___ Cool Bat Not Cold " ",. ,-' - 0 _ - • C()';ED BEAUTY SAWN SWARTHMORE 9761 NO- secondichance .•. no Other ... choice noR. THOSE who fall and freae 00 the lime­. r co"".d ll00rs of the cattle can tbac carry them In Gennm 1abor campo-there 10 no other choice. Par the little chIlcheo of Tepe1Inl and Salonika IIIId Ada.". who waie with swoUen _mlcb. for the SoocIlhip thu liner U1'hu, th_ 10 lIoddng else to clo llllwai .. I'M ,the llusslaa p .... nt with 110 choice but to barD hls home before the Nazi. _Mod it; for the 0iD_ of Nanklns who I1llfered the tenorism oE die JaPi for 111 oE those in namet... anves ODd "'""betl... 001 lor IIll of them-th_ ..... 110 _d c:ban.,." DO other choice. BIll lor ~ choice sd11 remolo" Por,.,,­em<' 118111 the peoplu_of the wodd. the ~ \0 61110m U IdIlcleaa/··-- Nen!J: hefo:e hue we been able to .......... the price of &eedom for oane1_ and 0111: 'chIldnJa'ln sucb tangible........ Will y .... help to keep the ...... to &eedom opeul Will you Iniac l1li,,.. ___ War Bonds? It's IIOIlO,mach to uk.: Many of us'~ meldn. _ money than we hay. for y....... The thlDp we'd Ilke to buy with tbac ........." Me........ _ ...... aiIable. So, we're aske!I to fur. money III: sood Interest-$4 for eyery .~ when the Bonda -. Money to help pay for the war keepprlcea ~ provide peacetime jobs and pHcedme Sooda' mel • seneratIy decent world.for oil' of us wh ... the ... 10 won. Olances Me you're a1ready in the P&}'io11 SadDp PI.. buyins War Bonds}-doJngyolll: bit: Bui doD', stop then. llaiae yo_ oish'" Do·~ MIl '!~, ---NOW '., . YOUR BESTI THIlIlUIH THE MI/lIlllIAWIII ~,II!I_ -- 'I'hb .pace Is • contribution to America's all-out war don b:r A. P. SMALLEY SWARTHMORE STUDEBAKER SALES & SERVICES WM. M. HARVEY, BUILDER THE, MUSIC BOX CELIA SHOE SHOP JOSEPH'S BARBER SHOP BUCHNER'S .MARIE DONNEI.I.Y DEW DROP INN B. J. HOY 5 AND 10 THE INGLENEUK CO-ED BEAUTY SALON RUSSELL'S 'SERVICE MARTEL BROS. THE BOUQUET ALICE BARBER, GIFTS HANNUM' & WAITE 'MiCHAEL'S COLLEGE' PHARMACY N. W. SUPLEE E. L. NOYES VICTOR D. SHIRER PETER E. TOLD SWARTHMORE NATIONAL BANK AND TRUST COMPANY HARRIS & CO. H. B. GREEN STRATH HAVEN INN HOLL YHOCli- GIFT AND FLOWER, SHOP SW ARTHMOU' CO-OP THE SWA ~_ 'Ambition. Beverly Doe reached home May'28 ofllW_lUa_''' __ ''_;~r:: from Bucknell. where she has com- teet .1t •• 87 feet. : --;'" I;' DeAafr Edittho r: th f h · pleted her freshman year. She will ~_- =emOll'- _ .. - of ...... rTL' ~ ',',',' .u. ____ • ..u ......... -:=:- ter ree mon s 0 marc IDg. and e 00 ..... -=- _t. 16 " ~;' ,.. Istud:ies. and guard duty. I have finally resume her studies with the term be- .'. _, " flown an airplane., Just a' cub. and ginning in November. Sold .. the _ of 11&""",,1(' ~tIi' Ii' and Bthel. 01.aia 8el.tb, hie de.', "I "t_, I" strictly preliminary dual instructiQn but I18TATE OJ!' JAmt:r p. ~ De- US -"AN 'K~':'} :' it ha. been' so long that I had been -. late of the _ of Ihrarth· , Sold .. the pro)JOl'tJ' of _. L. Yerser. MABC .. ~--. ---,. ~;. ,. wonderin.g'whether or not I would even m~~~~=o:a-the above Jretate mortcaaor and ,real owner. PJer1 PacJaa Jfo. _ :j see one. ~'Ing -.. =~ ~ ~ un,:::!"~ed. B. P. JW:.DBBSTON. Jr .. AUC>nIeJ'. __ 1HJ ,.~ The purpose of this letter is to thank -U~1o make pa-""t. aDd ~ '11- The Sw arth morean and the Busm• ess ba'-v~ I ng ~• ••_ - to present '-=s ame wt.'uk Dut 5_- __._ ____B_. S_. M_U_N8O_K_. Bh_orU_r. buAUlld ltnhpa t thceerretaoinn eloret cotefd I f0O11\U' tlidle w With .\,b'"e ;~~~~F~~~~ 1~:::,~0~A~f;8ociation for sending me the delaJ'~ L. LINDENMtrra. of Bmmont Rcl.. In ~ Darb)'; Del. 00." . news. To add my sentiments . . County'\.BnlJdlng, SBBRIPP SALES or BBAL ESTATB f:"d.:;a';:11 ~~ :.,~roa: : those of other Swarthmoreans in the ~~~ atto~ ~uIre SBBlUPP'S OPFICB comer of land. now or late oJ' Jamea B.. ;;i:rt: I !:;~!cl~ - 'a Swarthmorean in the "ma,'1 Co H. "ed!a' • Doudlertv; thence by said laud S. M· G' . unty Bldg .. - • • COIlBT HOUSE, MBDIA. PENNA. W. 170.21'; thence by land now or late of That 'gaS-bOy. ~. PRIDAY. JU1IB 25. 1943 l7. W'~~"'f~.~."t1.dJ!"'=~::,T.L ' is equal to a six page letter from 9:30 A.M'. Eastern War Time road and thence r~ same S. 21- 37' B. i6l-4-!6!t~~~~~~~~;~~~~~II=~i~~~~~~~~~i~~~I.Mart1n Nu,-ent, N. 25· 18' W. 80': tbeDce A/S Walt Hannum. 47.4' to aD augIe In 1IIld ott11 by same S. 46' 30' E. ;n .74' to 1IeCbmIDtr. Gue.. it ill a Small World Pa~- 138 Burmont Road, Druel B11I. Dear Editor: Facias No. 1251 Improvemenfa CXJu1lt of two Mel one I surely want 'to thank yoil and the half otory brick and flame ho ..... 1_ =, Business Men's Association for sending )h~~~5~'\a September Term. 1932 f:t. story brick a.cld1t1on Itone trout" ._ The Swarthmorean dOWh to me. Here Delaware 923 Lawrence Al'e •• Darb,. Pa. in Navigation School, we are held to a rwg~~.~~~~~ House and lOt 8itUate In Borough of Sold as the P~ of Ban7 .S. Co~ pretty full scbedule; but when we are Jr.. Darb,., on Northeasterly slde of Lawreuce RALPH L~ LlNDBNMU"l'II. Attome)'; _, . given a few free moments, being able Avenue, 203.44 feet from No~hwesterl,. .Ide R. S. MUNSON.- 8llerUr .. to read all about the folks back home 1--------------­is certainly swell. Not only that - we can also keep , track of our friends who are with us in t~e service. Today. though. I had the swell surprise of actually seeing one of them'l Joe Gary just arrived from N ash­ville. Tenn. for Navigation Pre-Flight School here. I guess tbe world really is small I ' Anyhow. it was mighty :~!!~~~~~~~ talk with him. , I _ If most -of ihia note sounds like more less a stereotype of "thank you" iri:~J>i;n;;~;n. Ile'tter. you've already received. I think because we all realty feel _ the same O~! ~~~~~2!21"~A naybhoouwt -it. thanks a million I Sincerely yours, , William L. Thorpe. Nothing ,Like Htime lVew. ORDlNANCl!LKO.471 BOROUGH OP SWARTHMORE An OrdlDance to prohibit beep •• lng UPOD Vlctol'J Gardens In the Borough of swai'tbmore. and pre­scrlb1Jig penalties for W1lfU) ~ toQr destruction of SUCh gardens or the. prod.uce thereof. THE COUNOIL OF THE BOROUGH OF SWARTHMORE D01!8 ORDAIN: WBERB a.8 it is" the po11ey of our National and State Governments to encourage the grow1Dg of food. by the cultivatton of In­d. lvldual garden plota wherever poulb1e. and such plots frequently are CUltl~ted on land not owned or leased. by the penon or persons werking the same. but the ccmsent of the owner or possessor of such land; and WHER.EA8. Councu and the _ BurRell thf.s Borough d.esire further to encourage the malntenance of INCh gardeDB. by mak­Ing it uulAwfuI for anyone to lIiterfere therewith or trespass thereon: Dear Editor: I ~~i~~~~~~;:;~~~~ I wisb to thank you for the many I! I ~~~i::e~otf the Swarthmorean that I have :: ... ... There is nothing I can say ~;9iiir.i'f~r.;~:e'iOiciliiU!~~~ I that has not' already been said by the other fellows in the- service who are also receiving their' "home town news" every week I ..appreciate your generous service and believe me, I . look forward to reading The Swarihmorean every ;:~"""'- week. There is nothing a soldier en- i~~~:nJf';'f:!'~~~~ FOR BENT, 7h1rd door apartment, 44 South Morton Avenue. IrIOrton. Pour rooms, .back-porch, garage. en. ventUatlon. Detached. Con­. en1ent to a1 and bus. f30 per month. P ennlon' JUIle 15. ~, --. or looks' forward to more -than the 11~~~r.::~ news from home that your paper gives Both y.our paper and the Business Men's .Association are doing a fine job. Sincerely. I p.'!S<!n '} Pvt. Kent D. Robb.· , WM. S. B1'ITLE, OWNER .W_W4 Notary PultUe-IDnnDoo-8eal __ Dear :Edito,rL : ikes South / IIJm ;;~t~;tj , ..- .",,~ ,~ ~aJ~~~~ A. J. QUINBY & SON Please accept my very tardy but sin-cere thanks for The Swarthmorean, I ~~JSJ~~ A. MWIICBIl Q1JJNBY, If. II'wh,ich I have been receiving for severall~ :~~= FUNERAL DIRECTORS It is very nice to hear news '" 206 S. Oraqe St. Medla froWme haorme er. eaUy having weather equallI~ ~~~C:;~~~r~z.~~~~~t!,~_~:.'!.D'~!':<:d ~;;;;;;;;;;;;~'Ph~O~"~·~-~~~·~;;;;;;;;;~~lto summer, while everybody in the ~;!~~~!:!~~~~~ North is talking about Spring. :!~:~'~~':''1.e~i-·~~= Have quite a tan,. , Hope to see some I! '~~~~~ EDWINY ouBr. lKeuE>I.eIl.eErY . Jr. thist hpe aSsot uTthh uwrshdicahy isw vase ryin p rCeottlyu.m Jbuus.s tll~~?~~~~~~;~!~~~~~~ Ga. and Friday in Macon', Ga. .-, 25 Eut 7th St. Cheeter· Sincerely. (Op_te No .. S_ Theatre) ~,..... __ 'Patsy Griffin. 'Phone Ch_er .37M _ I: ~:~~~1~~:~~~~'ft:~ Station...,. SuppU .. Grt..,tiJ,. Cant. - Hohhy Craft SIMMONDS 714 Weloh Street Cheater ~ODeCh~r~~~~ln~~~~ WJKDOW CLBAKlKG co. SWARTHMORE BRANCH ALL BlUNCHBS 01' HOUSB ClLBAlf· lNG. JDlOWN IN THE TBBBI­TOBY FOB ZO YBABS Free Phone CAUl - JI'or CUdOmen (Formerq Sw. 18) Ardmore 1120 Like. Army Schooling Dear Editor:-' I want to thank you for entering the news about ,my being sent to school at Idaho. ' I am an aroent reader of The Swarth­I am grateful to you for send­it to me free of charge. It is a wel­come sheet of news. I don't think people in general understand just how 'welcome is news about the home town. I am now permanently situated here until I am graduated. There is a won­derful spirit here. Everyone is in to do his best; and the townspeople, faculty, ~nd Army are trying to give us the best ==11 break" we can expect. California is RADIO SERVICE beautiful and an ideal spot for mili­tary training. It's heen my dream to GDal'aDteed Serrice 08 aD make come to California and here I am. I Badloo IIIld Phon ...... plu am assigned here in Electrical Engi- THE MUSIC BOX • neering for one year now. Telephone SwutIuD.. ... 1460 Eagerly awaiting my futore copies of HARRYW.LANG Rugs and Carpets with COAL 4JVD COKE FUEL OIL • VAN AlEN BROS.-- ,Ph_e Swa.. IM12 ft CAN SHOW YOU BOW " , The Swarthmorean., Sincerely, Pfc. S. A. Shenkle" Santa Clara Univ .• Calif. Frederick R. Morey of Yale avenue was graduated from Swarthmore School Thursday is working at ~:;~:" Farm, Newtown Square before s his studies at the college July Passed this 19th day of May, A. D.I943. (SEAL) BOROUGH OF SWARTHMORE By: . D.W.B.MORGAN -.. Pr~Id.eDt. At-test: ELtJ:arr RICHARDSON. Secretary. Approved 1943. this 27th day of May, A. D. JOHN H. PlTMAN. Burgess. SHERIFF SALES OF REAL ESTATE SHERIFF'S OFFICE COURT HOUSE. MEDIA. PENNA. FRIDAY, JULy :l. 1943 9:30 A.M. Eastern ·War Time CondItions: $250.00 cash or certUled check: at time of sale (unless otherwise stated In advertisement) b&lance In ten days. Other conditions OD day of sale. Leva.rlFaClas No. 468 March Term. 1943 especially on party lines THE BELL TELEP1IOIIE COIIPAIIY OF PSI1ISYLVAIIA Be Your Own Producer and Canner Rationing may have put your food shelves in a rather empty-looking ~ dition. But cheer up! With a liHle plan­ning and elbow grease, those same shelves can be filled with gleaming lars of tempting fruits and vegetables. First of all, hold on to that Victory Garden enthusiasm • : • keep your plot weeded, watered, and pest-free. Eat all the home-grown foods you can and process the surplus for winter use. Your automatic range is just itching to get started on the Victory Canning. Philadelphia Electric CompalY 'NVUT IN VICrORY­BUY WAR BONDS '. , , , . . , "

---------- Page 18 ----------

REVIEW FIFty SCHOOL YEARS world we live in is not 80 very ditfer~ ent from the world in which our par· ents lived. The College avenue build· ing has been enlarged to provide an auditorium, a library, a music room. Jeanne Theis Aehieves Bi~tor:r I and five dassrooms. The Rutgers ave· U S nue grade school and the adjoining Alive With Humor at •• atbletic field, the shop, .the gym, the Commeneemeot cafeteria were completed. Commencement exercises of Swarth­more High School Thursday night . aroused not only the customary pride with which parents and frien~ an­nually view graduates but the pnde of a community in the SO year achievement of its schools. A history written by J eanne ~heis and read with distinction by EdwlD K. Rutherford covered the SO·year period since the Swarthmore public school district was automatically created by the founding of this borough. Delight· fully the history referred to the year 1891 when a public school opened on the ground floor of the Union Church building here, to 1900 when Mary Amelia Gutelias was the lone graduate, although in 1903 six people were grad· uated. Here the narration was broken by Daniel Kirk who sang t·On the Banks of the Wabash" for Janice Wherry as Clementine. Richard Adrian and Jeanne Theis who had joined the class in its Senior year gave reminiscences of schools in England and France respectively. AI· though everyone in the audience shared with Richard his disappointment that measles prevented his attendance, it enjoyed the unexpected pleasure of hearing Richard's sister J e.nnet read his paper. The Commencement address by Dr. Arnold Look of Ellis College gave prac· tical advice to graduates of these times. The brief diploma presentation state· ment of Roy W. Delaplaine as presi­dent of the school board was note­worthy enough to be reprodUced here: "The tax payers of Swarthmore feel that they have,given you a better than average Public School education. In return, they expect you to fulfill your obligations, not only to Swarthmore, but to any community where you may live. tlMost of you have learned how to live with your c1as.3mates. We hope you will learn how to live with the rest of the world. "This war is something that should never have taken place. The days to may be worse. If you can learn yourselves to the changing and help to over­come their troubles, then Swarthmore's investment in you will not have been made in vain." Supervising Principal Morey paid tribute to the class saying that it had seemed peculiarly his own since he came to Swarthmore in the year that it entered kindergarten. Among the in­teresting figures which Mr. Morey pre­sented with brevity was the fact that with the class of '43 the total number of, graduates in 50 years reached 1588. The story resumed at the half·way mark when 25 pupils graduated in 1918. Co-incidentally several parents of the class of '43 were among these 25. Jeanne had chosen Mrs. F. Nortol' Landon as the character through whose memories the growth of the school from her second grade attendance in the old to Yale avenue building to her commence­ment was reviewed. Five middy-bloused girls and four stiff collared youths doffed their commencement attire to break the story by singing the popular '-It's a Long, Long Way to Tipperary." The narration was picked up again with the class of '43 on the graduating platform: USwarthmore schools have changed considerably in one generation. Some of those changes we have wit­nessed, all of them we have profited by, but despite all these improvements the "IMPORTANT NOTICE • 'STORE CLOSED EVERY MONDAY STARTING MONDAY, JUNE 14th • Owing to the continued searmty of meat and other food items - especiaIly on Mondays­we wish to avoid dissappointment to our cus­tomers as well as to save their precious gaso­line - by opening the weak on Tuesday­thereby 88suring you at least some of the foods you need when you come in. We hope to serve you in a much better fashion nnder this new arrangement - to the IBtiafaction of all. THE SWABTHMOBBAN 1BB WBBIL'S C"BNDAB • IlAT1IIIDAY. _ U :a:30 p. Ill. - J'UDlor Production ··Oliyer 'I'Wtat"" ••• ~ •••••••••••••••• .,., .. Club ' 8:20 p. m. - "OllY« "1"W1It ......................................... P1ajtJI!a Olub IUMD.&Y. ron 13 • U ~ .. m. -1iornJDI: WorshIp ................... ; .............. LoeaI Churd>eo WBD!IB8DAY, nJJIB 11 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.-Bed. oro. ~ Dr .np ........... JIorouP.IIall ':4$ p.m. to 10~ p.m.-Bed on. B~ DI '"p .......... 1IorOuP Ball mvRIIDAY,nJJIB1T 10~ .. m to 4:00 11, m. - Bed on. BUJ1I1ca1 _np ... ;... ... BorouIIh Ball '12:' p.m:-PrienCllJ OlrcJ.e plcD1c ••••••• IIr8. J. B. J..up, Haverford Avenue Entertain Graduates Sailor Tribute in Rlayme Mothers of the Senior C1a.s under Enclosed in a note of appreciation the direction of Mr •. Wayne H. Rand· for hospitality extended by Mrs. Sar· all and her committee were hostesses at gent Walter was a poem nSwarthmore the annual breakfast served to the High in Spring" written by Pharmacist 3/c School graduating clas. of '43 after its Leonard Rule who is 'on duty at the commencement ceremoqies on June 3. Convalescent Annex of the United They had secured a juke box for danc· States Naval Hospital here. Mrs. Wal· ing. Ping pong tables and badminton asked his permission to share it games were set up so that graduates with the community. could amuse themselves as they wish.:d.! uAs one walks down its streets in the Breakfast was served as desired and morning since 30 pounds of hamburger were COD- While the rest of the world is at war, sumed in addition to countless quarts And the light of a new day is dawning of milk and punch and innumerable On a town filled with beauties galore, doughnuts it must have been served One sees trees which with blossoms are fairly constantly. covered Chaperons for the evening were Mr. That consist of each color and hue and Mrs. Frank R Morey, G. Baker Here they blend with all flowers yet Thompson, and class sponsors Wilma discovered Stern, - Hannah Kirk, and Dr. James Made more fragrant by diamonds of Irwin. dew. b' ds f d' Serving on Mrs. Randall's committee There are song Ir 0 every tscnp-were Mrs. Landon, Mrs. Fred N. Bell, tion Mrs. Charles ,B. Shaw, Mrs. George F. That give rapture with each note they Corse, Mrs. Charles L. Ma .. , Mrs. sing. George L. Armitage, Mrs. Robert A. Here peace reigns, and I've formed this Sheppard, Mrs. Stanley L. MacMillan, conclusion and Mrs. Graham Chew. Heaven must be like Swarthmore in nlIDAY. JUNE No FaD Flower Show The Garden Section of the Woman', Club met Tuesday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Claude C. Smith of Bal. timore Pike, president of the club. Mrs. Elliott Richardson is the section'. ne'wly appointed chairman. Her .. sist· ants will be Mrs. ArthU1' R. O. Red· and Mr.. Ross W. Marriott. Plans for next year were discussed, and decision was reached that owing to restricted gasoline the annual fall flower show will not be held in Sep· tember. Award wm Keep Henry Linton of Beniamin West ave­nue received one of the four Charles Etting Scholarships awarded by Drexel Institute of Technology on June 1. Since he i, expecting to go into the service in July, the scholarship will he held for him until he can return to his studies when it will be used as part of his tuition. SUMMER HOURS 12 A few fathers visited the occasion spring." a while but feeling that business in the morning· would suffer from lack of sleep were content to leave all in mothers' hands. Leonard Lawrence Rule Pharmacist Third \.olilSS. I • lo-S WEDNESDAYS TILL 1:00 alice barber, Gifts ----<.>-.....,- George School Graduates The following local young people are members of the graduating class of George School which will receive its diplomas Monday: Eleanor Ward, daughter, of Mrs. Henry L. Ward of 315 Cedar lane; Nancy Smith, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Claude C. Sltlith of Baltimore Pike; James Paxson, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. Warren Paxson of 219 Va.",sar ave­nue · Edward A. Jenkins, 2nd, son of Mr.' and Mrs. Howard M. Jenkins of N. Chester road; Lucy Hayes, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William P. Hayes of 323 Swarthmore avenue; Dorothy Dana, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur R. Dana of 303 Elm ave· nue; James F. Bogardus, Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. James F. Bogardus of 114 Cornell avenue. William A. Clarke, Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. William A. Clarke of Wal· lingford, and his cousin Patrick For­rest of Nottingham, England, who makes his home with the Clarkes while in this country, will also be graduated. Clarence E. Pickett executive secre­tary American Friends Service Com­mittee witt be guest speaker at the commencement exercises to be held at 11 a. m. Fetes Puplls Mrs. Anthony Ventner entertained her piano pupils at a musical party Saturday afternoon at her CorneD ave .. nue home. • On Alumni Connell Howard S. Turner of Cornell avenue was recently elected to the Swarthmore College Alumni Council. Mr. Turner is a graduate of the class of '33. OLD BANK JIUILDJKO TeIepIume SIr. UI1 M~n., Tues., Wed.,1bura., 9 A.M. to 5130P.M. STORE HOURS FRIDAY, 9 A.M. to 6 P.M. SATURDAY, 9 A.M. to 9:30 P.M. Remember Him on Father's Day SUNDAY, JUNE 20th • . Students played informally for each other their favorite studies of the year which included compositions by Bach. Beethoven, Haydn, Schumann, Smellus, Brahms Tschailkowsgy, and McDowell Lively iolk tunes in both solo and duet Ilan:angelm.'~ts were enjoyed. Among those present were Alice De­Send Him a Shirt Regulation Anny shirt of light weight cool gabardine or broad· cloth. STORE HOURS EveryDay • • Saturday - • 9A.M. to 6P.M. 9 A. M. to 6 P. M. Store Closed Ever:r Day 1 to 2 P. M. For Lunch • FRESH FISH ONLY ON TllURSDAY, FRIDAY AND SATURDAY IEIiIRFOOD 1aR1NITAIli 's· n _aa ....... A _ -_te_----. ... l'Iaone-Swuthm_ 2103 Caindry, Judy Roess, Nancy Roess, II ~:~:~~~;:n Pearson, Suzanne Hopson, Bauer, Bets), Earnshaw, Polly Virginia Morse, Virginia Bevan, M,,,j< .. ie Zensen, Dolores Zensen, D~­Williams, David Williams, DaVid McKee, and Vincenza COlafemin"ak'I~~~tll Phillips, SaUy Aldan and E Gardner were kept away at the last minute by illness. ---"'---=:--: Presents P:opils Miss Louise Paulson of Park ave· nue, presented her pupils in their final piano recital at the home of Dr. and Mrs. Herman Gold, of Swarthmore ave· nue. Saturday afternoon June 5. There were 30 pupils and parents present, and each child did his share towards con .. tributing to the enjoyment of the after­noon. Pupils who participated were: David Tucker, Neil Bell, Jane Hickson, Ronnie Gold, Beverly ARne Harlow, Margaret Healey, Warren Gold, Roh· ert Tucker, John Healey, and Sue Johnson. . Miss Paulson has been holding a .teontest" during the season. with a record of each pupil's achievements kept on a large chart. On this occasion, the final prizes were awarded, with John Healey and Margaret Healey tied ~or first prize, and David Tucker .. precrialP-oslll of the second prize. Third Iwore WOD by RODnie add Warren Robert Tucker. -'. Writing Case, in tan or blue leatherette with tablet, envel· opes, pencil and notebook for Dad, 1.29 Compact Sewing Kit, roll· ed.up, with buttons, needles, thread, pins, scissors and name card. Khaki-navy. 94c-9ge-l.29 Latherette Lined Pocket Case, holds toilet articles neatly in a small space! In Navy or khaki. 2.29 • 2.79-3.49-4.98 Jeep Kit ties around waist - keeps things handy and hands free! Toilet and sewing kit. 2.98 Money Belt of kahki or navy water.proof light.weight mao terial- secure and comfort· able. 88e Oflieial Ties for summer wear - Dad's Day won't be com· plete without ties I Khaki or black. 47c-88e ENTIRE STORE AIB.(l()OLEI) • f. ~ • ' " 818_ THE SWARTHMOREAN VOL AMAZONS FRoue AT PLAYERS CLUB Narbeth Directed Production of "Warrior's Husband" Will Ring Down Season's Curtain The Players Club brings its season to a close next week with John David Narbeth's production of uThe War­rior's Husbandu , a comedy in' three acts by Julian Thompson. The author makes merry with the legendary Amazons, the labors of Her­cules, and the Trojan War, with side glances at the natures of mall and woman and their reputed tendencies to fall into each other's arms despite their dignified pretenses. Mr. Narbeth not only directs but also plays the pa~t of Sapiens, the war­rior's husband. Anne Voigt, who dre~ such applause in "Patience", remains in character as Pomposia. Virginia ·Hale and William Mercer play the romantic roles as Antiope, the Amazon princess, and Theseus, the handsome Greek war­rior. Others in ,the cast are Martha Ray­mond, Marguerite Gettz, Sally McFad­den, Jean Prosch, Jack M. Howells, Lewis E. Goodenough, Paul F. Gem· mill, H. Stevenson Fry and Bickley Parker. These are all experienced play­ers, with the exception of Mr. Parker, whose father Stafford comes close to holding the Club's record for number of parts played. . , 18, 1943 HERE IS SWARTHMORE'S PURSUIT PLANE It had begun to seem like a dream this long~talked-of, hud-worked .. for plane which was tbe .oal of last year'. Bomber. dri"c. Now - at long last - the actual photograph has come through from the War Department to Mrs. William H. Thatcher who headed the communit,. drive. Swarthmore'. tbtal of $U7,500 was obort of the tISO,OOO pnrchaee pri ... of a Bomber, short too of buyin&, two Pursuit planes at '75,000 each instead of the '50,000 figure which was quoted in error Ilut thI. ODe and a pMKI balance i. earrying this community's effQEt to eombaL Mrs.. Thatcher hopes that the of it wiD ronvey to all resident. ",ho participated in its achievement the satisfaction in a «ood job whieh she feel. the,. deserve. A bevy of damsels appears alternately --------------",....,----------------,-----.--------_.,-_ as Amazon sentries, goards, hunlresses JUNIORS ENJOY and 'Grecian maidens. Summer Recreari6n Pro­gram Lists Op~ni~ Ses- CHARLES G. EMERY The scenes offer opportunity for "OUYER' l'WIST" some very effective staging. The first is in Hippolyta's palace in the land of the Amazons; the others are before and within the warriors' gaily decorated tents. The settings have been made under the direction of Carol Goodwin. Two youths are serving in resp,Onsible positions back stage, Jonathan Prichard III as electrician" and Fred Morey as operator of music and sound effects. . sions, More Teachers Charles Godfrey ElI)ery a resident of Swarthmore since 1891 died Thursday June 10 after an illness of five months. The popularity of Friday and Satur· day nights has given the officers of the club some concero, and they hope mem­bers and patrous will take advantage of the available seats on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. Perform­ances start at 8:20 p. m., June 22 to 26. School Awards Announced at Annual "Moving Up" Ceremonies The Junior Class Scholarship Cup annually awarded to the Junior who has achieved the highest schoiarihip rating was given io Kay Thurm~n at the high school UMoving Up" exercises Wednes­day morning. Ann Myers who was valedictorian of the graduating class on June 3 was the former holder of the cup which Was presented for the 13th year on Wednesday. \ '·Moving Up" Day exercises are hela in the high school auditorium annually to close the school year and are eagerly anticipated by the students. Graduates return for the occasion at which the graduating class gives up its place in the auditorium to the present Juniors and each of the other classes advance in turn. • Other awards announced Wednesday included the annual American Leg;on Award Medal and Certificate to 9th grader Andy Kirk for service and char­acter with honorable mention to Rich­ard Taylor. Mary Elizabeth (Taddy) Evans received the American Legion Auxiliary Award for girls with Heather Champion given honorable mention. The annual Danforth Foundation Award of the book "I Dare You" to a Senior boy and girl for outstanding leadership was presented to Marion Bernard and Ned Rutherford. The Hom~ Economics Cup to the best Sen· ior pupil of the year in Home Eco­nomics was presented to Isabelle Mayo. The Time Magazine award in current events was made to David Webb with the highest score in the 11th and 12th gra.des and to Herman Holmes in' the 9th'" and 10th. Kay Thurman received the D. A. R award for excellence in American History and Nida Poteat the Elmira College key for the a11-round sirl. The ~ational high school contest award and check for one of the best written examinations on' post-war re­lations was made to Sidner Smith. Royal Whitaker Stars in Role Supported by Capable Cast Title The Summer Recreation Association Fune'ral services were conducted by the 11 tt t' t th f \I' Rev. David Braun at a Philadelphia ca s a ~n Ion 0 ~ 0 OWI?g an- funeral parlor. Interment was at Ar-. n ounr.ements of. coIn SIdd erable Import-· Im' gt on Ce m et ery, L ans do wne. Th PI CI b f •• ance to groups IOVO ve : M E II kn • th e ayers U season or lts JUU- Summer group members, intermedi- bu 'nr. n"eryrldwabs we fownh. 1n e jor members concluded Saturday with ad·· 'n bJ' ' h Sl ess WO ecause 0 IS many dramatization of nOliver Twist" by ates, an lUUl~rs WI assem e 10 t e years of association with the William Muriel Browne. Under the direction of ~chool gymnasIum at 9 a. ffi. Tuesday H. Horstmann Co. manufacturers of Cn 'arTlfs . Deacon a taI ent' ed cast t. n- Ibnsteadi ofd Mond aTyh afte' rnoon as had mt'1 I' tary UDt' fo rms a'nCd ol umb l' a yarns, vigorated the familiar Dickens novel. ~en announce. e summer program where he was purchasing agent and William Price as the old thief Fagin ~!rec:or M~·~·J·dCr~o~~ton ~nd~p~rt~ general manager. He had been retired did a topnotch performance in the evil dr~~ ors 'Ifr ru a ~n h ~ ~r for the past six years. role whic::h might well have been start- : t~g~~. WI .~~;an:e spo~ ~h~c e u. es Surviving ate two daughters, Mrs. ling to the young audience. In Mr. ~ a Imr. en ance a IS sess~on Benjamin L. Kneedler of Swarthm.ore Price's skilled interpretation Fagin's ill' -IS Ext~em~~dl11!'Por~nt. . f 2J.l j and Mrs. Malcolm S. Strjeby of Wal­deeds were not glossed over but given • ac 1 c I In t C group ro~ n Jingford, and four grandsons, Benjamin subtle treatment. The dramatic adapta- ~ea;s th~ou~h tI~o~e wh~ .have ~~lSte~ L. Kneedler, Jr., Charles Emery Kneed­tion is also to be complimented on its .~s tt gra e IS as e I to rlOg a t an e ler, Russell C. Kneedler, and Charles choice of scenes. a Ie army or s e~me~ rug ype !O' Emery Keller. Two juveniles Royal Whitaker as school ~n Monday mornmg for I u~e 10 , Oliver Twist and Larry Franck as the rest periods, ~owevcr no .. to. MRS. C~, F. UOP~S Dodger turned in excellent perform- be broulfbt Without the owner a name r . . '. ances. It was Larry's first appearance at!ached, Also no sweater, rubbers, Mrs. Sarah 'Ehzabe~h Hopkins wtdow with the club' and a promising one. The ramcoat, or um~rella should come to of <;'harJes F. HopkinS dIed Tuesday gentleman-crook Monks in the hands of school unless; plal~ly marked. to evenp1g, June 15, at the home of her Stephen Mucha ,was completely cred- The follOWing Instructors been son-m-law and daughter Mr. and Mrs. ible and particularly well done. Mr. added to the summer recreation fac- w. T. <;lay of Walnu~ lane where she Mucha has good stage presence and his ulty; . . had reSIded for the last. two and one-tall, caped figure lent exciting variety M~'s. Wilham Ash.t~n a graduate of half years. . . to the eerie shadows cast on Fagin's the Putney Sc~ool 10 V ermont wh~re Mrs. Hopkms was born In Con~ordJ wall. Stephen Fry was a convineing she. took work In pre-sch?ol edt;catl(~n Mass., 80 years ago and. was a sister Bill Sykes pinch-hitting for Washing- which she has used effectively smce In of the late Thomas Whitney Surette ton West. day nur~ery and in Sunday School who was well-kn~wn in the musical , Sally McFadden's Nancy was her top groups will conduct the pre-first grade ,,:"o.r1d. Mr.s. HopklO~ was also a mu­role to date with the club, natural and group at Rutgers j SIClan, havmg pla~ed In Boston concerts sincere in her gentle relationship with Charlotte Werner of Glenolden a whe,n ~ young ~rl.. She was ~lso or­Oliver yet completely at home among ~aduate of th~ De,?artnfent of Educ~- gamst In the Umtarlan Church lD Con­her fenow thieves. Martha Keighton as t10n at the Umverstty of Pennsylvama cord, Mass. Mr. Brownlow's housekeeper Mrs. Bed- and an outstanding t~ach~r in the New- Services and burial took place. in win was mOst e(fective. Mjss Keighton a~k, Del., schools w~ll direct the pre- Lansdowne, Thursday. Mrs. Hop~s does that kind ,of role so welt that the kmdergarten group at Rutgers/; was a member of the Swedenborgtan club's typing her is easily understood, Faye Fluck o~ the Primary Depart- Churc~.. . but she has other. potentia.lities. Rose- ment at L~nsdowne Friends School will Survlvmg beSIdes M~s. Clay are a mary Warrington made an appealing be in charge of the primary group at son Donald F. Hopkins of Upper picture as Miss Rose and Aileen War- the College avenue school. Da~by, a brother Charles D. Surette of rington as her foster mother Mrs. Arlmgton, Mass., and. grandsons Maylie added a sprightly touch of hu- Alc Harry R. Brown has been trans- Thomas, Robert and Dantel Clay of mar to the final act. Susan Wolters ferred from the Pre-Right School at Walnut lane., workhouse matron Mrs. Bumble was a the University of Virginia in Char- ---.>--- bit part b~t done with the proper hy- lottesville to Wesleyan University at pocrisy. ... Middletown, Conn. He spent last Sun- E. O. Lange as kindly Mr. Brownlow day with his family of North Chester and David Young as his suspicious d Lt. Col. Harry Andrews, Jr." who is stationed in Australia recently had the distinct pleasure of conducting Gen­. raa . eral MacArthur through his area. friend Mr. Grimwig enjoyed their char­acter roles and conveyed a true Dick­ens upper-class atmosphere. L. C. Hast­ings as Mr. Bu~ble was a proper foil for Mrs. Bumble 'and Dick Wallace as Har.r1fMaylie 'completed the cast. F~lin's house was nicely staged and the candle·lit scenes had the virtue 6f shadows and creepy atmosphere, but facial expres~ions which were complete­ly lost also have their part in creating atmosphere. ---::':! ....... -= Studies 88 Navy Chaplain The Rev. Henry E.' Austin of Park avenue will spend lhe next three months at the Chaplain School of the U. S. Navy at William and' Mary CoII~ Williamsburg, Va. * Defense Council Bulletins * I All CI"!U' Sipal The all clear signal will be a 15 second steady blast on the siren. This is a tern· porary rule. the decision as to its continuance will depend on its success. Each senior post warden will observe the effect of this audible aU clear during the next practice and report in ;writing to the local defense chairman. These reports will be sent to the county defense chairman and by him to the Philadelphia Me\ro­politan Council VOLUNTEER ASKS GIFT CIGARE1TES, Cite8 Appreciation of Service­Men in Transit Throush City For Gift Package Swarthmoreans are offered oppor­tunity for direct service through one of their own neighbors to liervice men in transit through Philadelphia. For a year and a half Mrs. Thomas M. Jack. son of Park avenue has been a V01UD­~ eer night worker in the U.S.O. Troops In Transit lounge at 30th street station. ~he has ,:,Iked with thousands of boys In the Umted States services coming in and out of the station from all ,parts ' of the world. With other volunteers she has given them help and information. After traveling hours on the' train men may rest if they ~ish on one' of the beds in the dormitory. If they are short of cash for railway tickets it is provided. If they are hungry good food ~s available in the canteen. Buttons are sewed on, First Aid service is pro­vided, wr~ting materials are furnished'! Mrs. Jackson says the work is all most interesting - a little grim at times _ but there are many lighter incidents. The boys come through o~ Friday on the start 'of a 48-hour furlough; they go back Sunday with their little pack. ages from home. Volunteers have found as they serve the men who go through the station on their way out ~ not bowing where they are going or when they will be back - and as thEy talk with otherS who come back from overseas on fur­lough after grim experiences that nothing so cheers or comforts them as much as a whole pack of cigarettes to take along on their journey. Cigarettes are always on hand for smoking in the USO Lounge but the USO can not provide enough to make \ possible these gift packages. UThey'arc so pleased when they receive a whole pack," says Mrs. Jackson, uone might think it very valuable indeed. If SO people in Swarthmore would be re­sponsible for a carton of cigarettes a month it would help a whole lot in our work at the Canteen." Already a few people have contrib­uted cartons to Mrs. Jackson for her personal distribution and in the belief that many others would like to do so this appeal is printed. Gift cartons can be left at Th~ Swarthmorean office or with Mrs. Jackson. Among the experiences which Mrs. Jackson related was this incident which was crucially. important to the 2 serv­ice men involved. A boy who had re­turned from one year overseas duty had only a weekend before leaving agait'\. His only relative was a younger brother to whom he had been father and mother in the years of his growth. During his absence overseas the younger brother had entered the service and was, stationed in Atlantic City where the older brother was unable to reach him by phone. Mrs. Jackson called the U.S.O. headquarters in Atlantic City. which arranged with the younger brother's commanding officer for sev­eral hours leave on Sunday so th:jt the two servicemen could visit before the older one returned to foreign duty. MOSQUITO MENACE MEETING Notice has been received by Borough Council of a mass meeting on the Mosquito Menace at the Fire House, Norwood, Pa., Monday night June 21st' at 8 p. m. The Honorable Arthur Bretherick sponsor of Senate Acts 214 and 215 for Mosquito Elimination will explain their purpose. County commissioners and mosquito commission have been asked to attend and report. Borough Council urges all citizens to attend. Fourth Graders Picnic The College avenue 4th grade moth. ers group ended the year with a pienic' f~r the chlldren lind parents Rricla¥ eve. Ding at the college picnic ~ound near the Field House. Fathers and ehj)drCII enjoyed baseball, and dixie·cups were served to everyone. .. Mrs. Frank H. HoI"'a" thanked her­committee memh.... Mrs. Donald G.. Follett, Mrs. Raymond K. Denworth, Mrs. Carroll P. Streeter, Mrs. Ray I.. Harlow, aud Mrs. Charles H. Grier fw a happy, construed"e year together. She announced that Mrs. Robert HiI •. kert would be dIIIirman Dext ;,ear. " ,

---------- Page 19 ----------

INTENTIONAL SECOND EXPOSURE "~ ." . ..- .. -. "., ..... '" ... ~.- .-.6 REVIEW F'IF"l'Y SCHOOL YEARS Jeanne Theis Achieve8 History Alive With Humor at H. S. Commencement Commencement exercises of Swarth­more High School Thursday night aroused not only the customary pride with which parcnts and friends an­nually view graduates but the pride of a community in the 50 year achievement of its schools. A history written by Jeanne Theis and read with distinction by Edwin K. Rutherford covered the 50-year period since the Swarthmore public school district was automatically created by the founding of this borough. Delight­fully the history referred to the year 1891 whcn a pul.tlic school opened on the ground floor of the Union Church building here, to 1900 when Mary Amelia Gute1ias was the lone graduatc, although in 1903 six people were grad­uated. Here the narration was broken by Daniel Kirk who sang "On the Banks of the Wabash" for Janice Wherry as Clcmcntine. The story resumed at the half-way mark when 25 pupils graduated in 1918. Co-incidentally several parents of the class of '43 were among these 25. jeanne had chosen Mrs. F. Norton Landon as the character through whose memories the growth of the school from her second grade attendance in the old Yale avenue building to her commence­ment was reviewed. Five middy-bloused girls and four stiff collared youths doffed their commencement attire to break the story by singing the popular .. It's a Long, Way to Tipperary." world we live in is not so very differ­ent from the world in which our par­ents lived. The College avenue build­ing has been enlarged to provide an auditorium, a library, a music room, and five classrooms. The Rutgers ave­nue grade school and the adjoining athletic field, the shop, the gym, the cafeteria were completed. THE SWARTHMOREAN 1BE WERIC'S CAUCNDAIl • SATURDAY, dUNE 12 2:30 p.m.-Junior Production "OUver TwlBt ...................... PIayers Club 8;20 p. m. - "Ollver Twist" •••.•.•••••.•••••••.•.•.••••..••....••. Players Olub 8UND4Y,~13 e 11:00 a. m. - Morning Woralllp ••.•••••.••••••.••••••••••.•...••. Local ChurChes WEDNESDAY. nINE 16 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.-Bed cross Bu.rgleal Dresslnga ........... Borough Hall 7:45 p. m. to 10:00 p. m. - Red Cross SWBical Dr<881Dg8 •••••• ••• Borough Hal1 THUBSDAY, JVN1I 17· 10:00 a. m. to 4:00 p. m, - Red. CI'CI68 Surgical Dressings .......... Borough Hall 12:30 p. m. -Frlendly CIrcle picnic ....... Mrs. J. H. Jeaaup, Haverford Avenue Richard Adrian and Jeanne Theis who had joined the class in its Senior year gave reminiscences of schools in England and France respectively. Al-though everyone in the audience shared IL-_______________ -;-_______________ -.l with Richard his disappointment that measles prevented his attendance, it Entertain Graduates enjoyed the unexpected pleasure of Mothers of the Senior Class under hearing Richard's sister je,nnet read his the direction of Mrs. Wayne H. Rand­paper. all and her committee were hostesses at The Commencement address by Dr. the annual breakfast served to the High Arnold Look of Ellis College gave prac- School graduating class of '43 after its tical advicc to graduates of these times. commencemcnt ceremonies on June 3. The brief diploma presentation statc- They had secured a juke box for danc­ment of Roy W. Delaplaine as presi- iug. Ping pong tables and badminton dent of the school board was note-I g"mc:s were set up so that graduates worthy enough to be reproduced here: could amuse themselves as they wished. "The tax payers of Swarthmore feel Breakfast was served as desired and that they have gi\'cn you a bcttcr than since 30 pounds of hamburger were con­average Public School education. In in addition to countless quarts return, they expect you to fulfill your of milk and punch and innumerable obligations, not only to Swarthmore, doughnuts it must have been served but to any community where you may fairly constantly. live. Chaperons for the evening were Mr. "Most of you have learned how to Mrs. Frank R. Morey, G. Baker live with your classmates. We hope you and class sponsors Wilma will learn how to live with the rest of Stcrn, Hannah Kirk, and Dr. James the world. Irwin. "This war is something that should Serving on Mrs. Randall's committee never hav{' taken place. The days to Mrs. Landon, Mrs. Fred N. Bell, follow may hc worse. If you can learn Mrs. Charles B. Shaw, Mrs. George F. to adjust yourselves to the changing Corse, Mrs. Charles L. Maas, Mrs. conditions, and help others to over- George L. Armitage. Mrs. Robert A. come their troubles, then Swarthmore's Sheppard, Mrs. Stanley L. MacMillan. investment in you will not have been 'Mrs. Graham Chew. made in vain." A few fathers visited the occasion Supervising Principal Morey paid for a while but feeling that business in tribute to the class saying that it had the morning would suffer from lack of seemed peculiarly his own since he were contcnt to leave all in the came to Swarthmore in the y~ar that mothers' hands. it entered kindergarten. Among the in- ___ -<.>-__ tcresting figures ~\,ich :Mr. Morey pre- George School Graduates sen ted with brevh.y was the fact that Sailor Tribute in Rhyme Enclosed in a note of appreciation for hospitc:.lity extended by Mrs. Sar­gent Walter was a poem "Swarthmore in Spring" written by Pharmacist 3/c Leonard Rule who is on duty at the Convalescent Annex of the United States Naval Hospital here. Mrs. Wal­ter asked his permission to share it with the community. "As one walks down its streets in the morning While the rest of the world is at war, And the light of a new day is dawning On a town filled with beauties galore, One sees trees which with blossoms are covered That consist of each color and hue Here they blend with all flowers yet discovered Made more fragrant by diamonds of dew. 'fhere are song birds of every descrip­tion That give rapture with each note they sing. Here peace reigns, and I've formed this concIusion . Heaven must be like Swarthmore in spring." Leonard Lawrence Rule Pharmacis t Third Class. On Alumni Council Howard S. Turner of Cornell avenue was recently elected to the Swarthmore College Alumni Council. Mr. Turner is a graduate of the class of '33. FRIDAY, JUNE 11, IMS No Fall ftower Show The Garden Section of the Woman's Club met Tuesday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Claude C. Smith of Bal­timore Pike, president of the club. Mrs. Elliott Richardson is the section's newly appointed chairman. Her assist­ants will be Mrs. Arthur R. O. Red­grave and Mrs. Ross W. Marriott. Plans for next year were discussed, and decision was reached that owing to restricted gasoline the annual fall flower show will not be held in s..p­tember. Award Will Keep Henry Linton of Benjamin West ave­nue received one of the four Charles Etling Scholarships awarded by Drexel Institute of Technology on June 1. Since he i,s expecting to go into the service in July. the scholarship will be held for him until he can return to his studies when it will be used as part of his tuition. SUMMER HOURS 12 10--5 WEDNESDAYS TILL 1:00 alice barber, Gifts The narration was picked up again with the cIass of '43 on the graduating platform: "Swarthmore schools have changed considerably in one generation. Some o[ those changes we have wit­nessed, all of them we have profited by, but despite all these improvements the with thc class of '43 the total number The following local young people are of graduates in 50 years reached 1588. members of the graduating class of George School which will receive its I .. iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii_iiiiiiiiiiii_iiii ___ iiiiiiiiiioiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii_iiiiiiii ___ iiiii ... diplomas Monday: OLD BANK BlIlLDIlI'O Telephonl!l Sw. UI1 IMPORTANT NOTICE • STORE CLOSED EVERY MONDAY STARTING MONDAY, JUNE 14th • Owing to the continued scarcity of meat and other food items - especially on MondaY8- we wish to avoid dissappointment to our CU8- tomer8 a8 well a8 to save their precious gaso. line - by opening the week en Tuesday­thereby assuring you ntleast 80me of the foods you need when you come in. We hope to serve you in a much better fashion under this new arrangement - to the satisfaction of all. • STORE HOURS Every Day • • Saturday • • 9 A. M. to 6 P. M. 9 A. M. to 6 P. M. Store Closed Every Day 1 to 2 P. M. For Lunch • FRESH FISH ONLY ON THURSDAY, FRIDAY AND SATURDAY L'S COMPUTE fOOD MAUll' a..der 8.oa4 at Rlltpn Avenue - Boute Ja- Swarthmore, Pa. Phone - Swllrtbmore 2103 Eleanor Ward, daughter of Mrs. Henry L. Ward of 315 Cedar lane; Nancy Smith, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Claude C. Smith of Baltimore Pike j James Paxson, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. Warren Paxson of 219 Vassar ave­nue; Edward A. Jenkins, 2nd, son of Mr. and Mrs. Howard M. jenkins of 506 N. Chester road; Lucy Hayes, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William P. Hayes of 323 Swarthmore avenue; Dorothy Dana, dallghtcr of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur R. Dana of 303 Elm ave­nue; James F. Bogardus, Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. James F. Bogardus of 114 Cornell avenue. William A. Clarke, Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs, William A. Clarke of Wal­lingford, and his cousin Patrick For­of Nottingham. England, who makes his home with the Clarkes while in this country, will also be graduated. Clarence E. Pickett executive secre­tary American Friends Service Com­mittce will be guest speaker at the commencement exercises to be held at 11 a. m. Fetes Pupils Mrs. Anthony Ventner entertained her piano pupils at a musical party Saturday afternoon at her Cornell ave-nue home. . Students played informally for each other their favorite studies of the year which included compositions by Bach, Beethoven, Haydn, Schumann, Sibelius, Brahms, "schailkowsgy, and McDowell. Lively folk tunes in both solo and duet arrangements were enjoyed. Among those present were Alice De­Caindry, Judy Roess, Nancy Roess, Frances Pearson, Suzanne Hopson, Gretchen Bauer, Betsy Earnshaw. Polly 1'01d, Virginia :Morse, Virginia Bevan, Marjorie Zen sen, Dolores Zensen, De· borah Williams, David Williams, David McKee, and Vincenza Colafemina. John Phillips, Sally Aldan and Edward Gardner were kept away at the last minute by illness. ---+-.-=-......., Presents P.upils Miss Louise Paulson of Park ave­nue, presented her pupils in their final piano recital at the home of Dr. and Mrs. Herman Gold, of Swarthmore ave­nue, Saturday afternoon June 5. There were 30 pupils and parents present, and each child did his share towards con­tributing to the enjoyment of the after­noon. Pupils who participated were: David Tucker, Neil Bell, Jane Hickson. Ronnie Gold, Beverly Anne Harlow, Margaret Healey, Warren Gold, Rob­ert Tucker, John Healey, and Sue Johnson. Miss Paulson has been holding a "contest" during the season, with a record of each pupil's achievements kept on a large chart. On this occasion, the final prizes were awarded, with John Healey and Margaret Healey tied for first prize, and David Tucker as recip­ient of the second prize. Third prizes were won by Ronnie and Warren Gold. and Robert Tucker. STORE HOURS Mon., Tues., Wed., Thnrs., 9 A.M. to 5 :30 P.M. FRIDAY, 9 A.M. to 6 P.M. SATURDAY, 9 A.M. to 9:30 P.M. W riling Case, in tan or hlue leatherette with tablet, envel­opes, pencil and notebook for Dad. 1.29 Compact Sewiug Kit, roll· ed.up, with buttons, needles, thread, pins, scissors and name card. Khaki-navy. 94c-99c-l.29 Latherette Lined Pocket Case. holds toilet articl ... neatly in a smaIl space! In Navy or khaki. 2.29 Cor • ., Remember Dim on Father's Day SUNDAY, JUNE 20th Send Him a Shirt Regulation Army shirt of light weight cool gabardine or hroad· cloth. 2.79-3.49-4.98 Jeep Kit ties around waist - keeps things handy and hands free! Toilet and sewing kit. 2.98 Money Belt of kahki or navy water.proof light-weight rna· terial- secure and comfort­able. 88c Official Ties for summer wear - Dad'. Day won't be com­plete without lies! Khaki or black. 47c-88c ENTIRE STORE AIR-COOLED • ! • _JAB 1_ THE SWARTHMOREAN AMAZONS FROLIC AT PLAYERS CLUB Narbeth Directed Prodnction of "Warrior'8 HU8band" Will Ring Down Sea8on'8 Curtain The Players Club bdngs its season to a close next week with John David Narbeth's production of "The War­rior's Husband", a comedy in three acts by julian Thompson. The author makes merry with the legendary Amazons, the labors of Her­cules, and the 'rrojan War, with side glances at the natures of man and woman and their reputed tendencies to fall into each other's arms despite their dignified pretenses. Mr. Narbeth not only directs but also plays the part o[ Sapiens, the war­rior's husband. Anne Voigt, who drew: such applause in "Patience", remains in character as Pomposia. Virginia Hale and William Mercer play the romantic roles as Antiope, the Amazon princess, and Theseus, the handsome Greek war­rior. Others in the cast are Martha Ray­mond, Marguerite Gettz, Sally McFad­den, Jean Prosch, Jack M. Howells. Lewis E. Goodenough, Paul F. Gem­mill, H. Stevenson Fry and Bickley Parker. These are all experienced play­ers, with the exception of Mr. Parker, whose father Stafford comes close to holding the Club's record for number of parts played. A bevy of damsels appears alternately as Amazon sentries, guards, huntresses and Grecian maidens. The scenes offer opportunity for some very effective staging. The first is in Hippolyta's palace in the land of the Amazons; the others are before and within the warriors' gaily decorated tents. The settings have been made under the direction of Carol Goodwin. Two youths are serving in responsible positions back stage, jonathan Prichard III as electrician, and Fred Morey as operator of music and sound effects. The popularity of Friday and Satur­day nights has given the officers of the club some concern, and they hope mem­bers and patrons will take advantagc of the available seats on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. Perform­ances start at 8 :20 p. m., June 22 to 26. School Awards Announced at Annual "Moving Up" Ceremonies The Junior Class Scholarship Cup annually awarded to the Junior who has achieved the highest scholar.l1tip rating was given to Kay Thurman at the high school "Moving Up" exercises Wednes­day morning. Ann Myers who was valedictorian of the graduating class on June 3 was the former holder of the cup which was presented for the 13th year on Wednesday. "Moving Up" Day .!xercises are held in the high school auditorium annually to close the school year and are eagerly anticipated by the students. Graduates return for the occasion at which the graduating class gives up its place in the auditorium to the present Juniors and each of the other classes advance in turn. Other awards announced Wednesday included the annual American Legion Award Medal and Certificate to 9th grader Andy Kirk for service and char­acter with honorable mention to Rich­ard Taylor. Mary Eli7.abeth (Taddy) Evans received the American Legion Auxiliary Award for girls with Heather Champion given honorable mention. The annual Danforth Foundation Award of the book "1 Dare You" to a Senior boy and girl for outstanding leadership was presented to Marion Bernard and Ned Rutherford. The Home Economics Cup to the best Sen­ior pupil of the year in Home Eco­nomics was presented to Isabelle Mayo. The Time Magazine award in current events was made to David Webb with the highest score in the 11th and 12th grades and to Herman Holmes in the 9th" and 10th. Kay Thurman received the D. A. R. award for excellence in American History and Nida Poteat the Elmira College key for the all-round girl. The National high school contest award and check for one of the best written examinations on post-war re­lations was made to Sidney Smith. PA., JUNE 1943 • HERE IS SWARTHMORE'S PURSUIT PLANE It had begun to scem like a dream Ihis long.talked-of, hard·"orked·for plane which was the goal 01 last year's Bomber. drivee Now - at long lasl- the actual photograph has come through from the War Department to Mrs. William H. Thatcher who headed the community drive. Swarthmore's total of $117,500 was shorl of the 1150,000 pufthue priee of a Bomber, short too 01 buying two Pursuit planes at 875,000 each instead of the 850,000 figure which was quoted in error ~ul Ihis one and a good balance is carrying this community's ellQl"l to £ombat. Mrs. Thatcher hopes that the !light of it will convey to aU residents who participated in its achievement the sotisfaclion in a good job which she feels they deserve. JUNIORS ENJOY "OUVER TWIST" Royal Whitaker Stars in Tille Role Supported by Capable Caht Summer Recreat~"n Pro· I gram Lists Opf'ning Ses. sions, More Teacllers CHARLES G. EMERY Charles Godfrey Ell)ery a resident of Swarthmore 5:ince 1897 died Thursday June 10 after an illness of five months. The Summer Recreation Association Funeral services were conducted by the calls attention to the following an- Rev. David Braun at a Philadelphia 1I0UlH'em,e nts of considerable import- funeral parlor. Interment was at Ar-lingtoll Cemetery, Lansdowne. The Players Club season for its jun- ance to groups inv01vcd: Mr. Emery was well known in the ior members concluded Saturday with a Summer group memhers, interm.edi- business world because of his many dramatization of "Oliver Twist" by ates, and juniors wi1J assemhle in the years of association with the William Muriel Browne. Under the direction of· school gymnasium at 9 a. m. Tuesday H. Horstmann Co., manufacturers of Ch 1.t> T D tIt d t' instead of Monday afternoon as had military uniforms and Columbia yarns, vigaorrTatse d .t he efaacmoinl iaar Da iecnk een s cnaosv elt.n - heen announced. The summer program ,vhere lIe ,vas purchasl·ng agent and \V·II· P . th Id h' f F . director ~Irs. J. J. Crookston and sports general manager. He had been retl·red did aI ttoampn otfc1hc ep earsf orme a0n ce t inte the aegvIOil directors Gertrud Rath and Robert for tIle past s.·x years. role which might welt have been start- Cadigan wi11 arrange sports schedules Surviving are two daughters, Mrs. ling to the young audience. In Mr, ~t that time. j\ttentiallce at this sessi,on Benjamin L. Kneedler of Swarthmore Price's skilled interpretation Fagin's ill IS extrcme1?, lIl~portant.. 'and Mrs. Malcolm S. Strieby of Wal­deeds were not glossed over hut given Each clnld III the group fron~ 2~ lingford, and four grandsons, Benjamin subtle treatment. The dramatic adapta- ):ears throu~h those who .have fi1l1shcd 1... Kneedler, Jr., Charles Emery Kneed­tion is also to be complimented on its f!rst grade IS asked to hrlng a blanket ler, Russell C. Kneedler, and Charles choice of scenes. of the army or steame~ I·Ug type !o Emery Keller. Two juveniles Royal Whitaker as school on :Monday mornmg for use In ___- <.>-__ Oliver Twist and Larry Franck as the rest periods. however no blanket i. to l\IRS • C • F • HOPKINS Dodger turned in excclIent perform- be brought without the owner's name" ances. It was Larry's first appearance attached. Also no sweater, rubbers, Mrs. Sarah Elizabeth Hopkins widow with the dub and a promising one. T he raincoat, or umhrella should come to of Charles F. Hopkins died Tuesday gentleman-crook Monks in the hands of school unless plainly marked. evening, June 15, at the home of her Stephen Mucha was completely cred- The following instructors have bcen son-in-law and daughter Mr. and Mrs. ible and oarticularly well done. Mr. added to the summer recreation fac- \V. T. Clay of Walnut lane where she Mucha ha; good stage presence and his uity: had resided for the last. two and one- tall, called figure lent eXC. Iting vart. ety ~trs. \Villiam Ashto.n a graduate of half years. to the eerie shadows cast on F agI·O 's the Putney School in Vermont where Mrs. Ho()kins was born in Concord, \vall. Stephen Fry was a convinc.m g she took work in pre-school education Mass., 80 years ago and was a sister Bill Sykes pinch-hitting for Washing- which she has used effectively since in of the late Thomas Whitney Surette ton \Vcst. day nursery and in Sunday School who was welt-known in the musical Salty McFadden's Nancy was her top groups will conduct the pre-first grade world, 1[rs. Hopkins was also a mu­role to date with the club, natural and group at Rutgers; sidan, having played in Boston concerts sincere in her gent1e relationship with Charlotte \Verner of Glenolden a when a young girt. She was also or­Oliver yct completely at home among graduate of the Department of Educa- gallist in the Unitarian Church in Con-her fellow thieves. Martha Keighton as tion at the Clli\"crsity of Pcnnsylvania I cord, :Mass. . Mr. Brownlow's housekeeper Mrs. Bed- and an outstanding tcat::her in the New- Services and burial took place in win was most effective. Miss Keighton ark, Del., schools will direct the pre- Lansdowne, Thursday. Mrs. Hopkins does that kind of role so well that the kindergarten group at Rutger~,: was a member of the Swedenborgian club's typing her is easily understood, Faye Fluck of the Primary Depart- Churc1~.. . but she has other potentiaJities. Rose- ment at Lansdowne Friends School will Survivmg beSides Mrs. Clay are a mary \Varrington made an appealing be ln charge of the primary group at son Donald F. Hopkins of Upper picture as Miss Rose and Aileen War- the College avcnue school. Darby, a brother Charles D. Surette of rington as her foster mother Mrs. Arlington, Mass., and grandsons 'Iayl,'e a<lded a sprl·ghtly touch of hu· 1 I Thomas, Robert and Daniel Clay of .1.\ Ale Harry F. Brown las leen trans-mar to the final act. Susan Wolters ferred from the Pre-Hight School at ,"Valnut lane. workhouse matron Mrs. Bumble was a thc Uni"crsity of Virginia in Char- ---.... ...:..-- bit part but done with the proper hy- iottesyillc to \Vesleyan University at pocrisy. :\fiddlctoWII, COI1I1. He spent last Sun- E. o. Lange as kindly Mr. Brownlow day with his family of Korth Chester and David Young as his suspiciou>' road. friend· Mr. Grimwig enjoyed their char­Lt. Col. Harry Andrews, Jr., who is stationed in Australia recently had the di~tinct pleasure of conducting Gen. eral ~tacArthur through his area. acter. roles and conveyed a true Dick­ens upper-class atmosphere. L. C. Hast­ings as Mr. Bumble was a proper foil for Mrs. Bumble and Dick Wallace as Harrf MayJie completed the cast. Fagin's house was nicely staged and the candle-tit scenes had the virtue of shadows and creepy atmosphere, but facial express:ions which were (omplete­Iy lost also have their part in creating atmosphere. --~.~.-­Studies as Navy CI.aplain The Rev. Henry E. Austin of Park avenue will spend the next three months at the Chaplain School of the U. S. Navy at William and Mary CoUege, Williamsburg, Va. * Defense Council Bulletins * Omce. Borough HaD - Telephone 0351 Open Weekdays 1:30 - 3.30 Daily • Siren 10 Signa] Fires The fire siren will blow 3 short blasts for any fire while the college power plant is closed. The taps on the firc be1l will be used to give the location of the fire as has been the custom. I All Clear Signal The all clear signal will be a 15 second steady blast on the siren. This is a tem­porary rule, the decision as to its continuance will depend on its success. Each senior post warden wilt observe the effect of this audible all clear during the next practice and report in writing to the local defense chairman. These reports will be sent to the county defense chairman and by him to the Philadelphia Metro. politan Council . VOLUNTEER ASKS GIFr CIGARE'I"l'ES Cites Appreciation of Service­Men in Tran8it Through City For Gift Package Swarthmoreans are offered oppor­tunity for direct service through one of their own neighbors to service men in transit through Philadelphia. For a year and a half Mrs. Thomas M. Jack­son of Park avenue has been a voJun­~ eer nigl~t worker in the U.S.O. Troops m TranSIt lounge at 30th street station. ~he has t~lked with thousands of boys m the UDlted States services coming in and out of the station from all parts of the world. With other volunteers she has given them help and information. After traveling hours on the train men may rest if they wish on one of the beds in the dormitory. If they are short of cash for railway tickets it is provid~d. If t,hey are hungry good food IS avallab1e III the canteen. Buttons a:c se\Ve(~ ~m, First Aid service is pro­VIded, wrIting materials are furnished. Mrs. Jackson says the work is all most interesting - a little grim at times _ but there are many lighter incidents. The boys come through 0li Friday on the start of a 48-hour furlough; they go back Sunday with their little pack­ages from home. Volunteers have fo'.md as they serve the men who go through the station on their way out - not knowing where they are going or when they wilt be back - and as they talk with others who come back from overseas on fur­lough after grim experiences that nothing so cheers or comforts them as much as a whole pack of cigarettes to take along on their journey. Cigarettes are always on hand for smoking in the usa Lounge but the usa can not provide enough to make possible these gift packages. "They are \ so p1eased when they receive a whole pack," says Mrs. Jackson, "one might think it very vaJuable indeed. If 50 people in Swarthmore would be re­sponsible [or a carton of cigarettes a month it would help a whole lot in our work ~t the Canteen." Already a few people have contrib­uted cartons to Mrs. Jackson for her personal distribution and in the belief that many others would like to do so this appeal is printed. Gift cartons can be left at The. Swarthmorean office or with Mrs. Jackson. Among the experiences which Mrs. Jackson related was this incident which was crucially important to the 2 serv­ice men involved. A boy who had re­turned from one year overseas duty had only a weekend before leaving again. His only relative was a younger brother to whom he had been father and mother in the ycars of his growth. During his absence overseas the younger brother had entered the service and was stationed ill Atlantic City where the older brother was unable to reach him by phone. Mrs. Jackson called the U.S.O. headquarters in Atlantic City which arranged with the younger brother's commanding officer for sev­eral hours leave on Sunday so that the two servicemen could visit before the older one returned to foreign duty. MOSQUITO MENACE MEETING Notice has been received by Borough Council of a mass meeting on the Mosquito Menace at the Fire House, Norwood, Pa., Monday night june 21st at 8 p. m. The Honorable Arthur Bretherick sponsor of Senate Acts 214 and 215 for Mosquito Elimination will explain their purpose. County commissioners and mosquito commission have been asked to attend and report. Borough Council urges all citizens to attend. Fourth Graders Picnic The College avenue 4th grade moth­ers group ended the year with a picnic f~r the children and parents Friday eve­mng at the college picnic ground near the Field House. Fathers and children enjoyed baseball, and dixie-cups were served to everyone. Mrs. Frank H. Hohnan thanked her committee members Mrs. Donald G. Follett, Mrs. Raymond K. Denworth. Mrs. Carroll P. Streeter, Mrs. Ray L. Harlow, and Mrs. Charles H. Grier for a happy, constructive year together. She announced that Mrs. Robert Hil- . kert would be chairman next year. ,, '.'

---------- Page 20 ----------

PERSONALS '''''.J'''& I. John Haviland has returned more High School Facttlty at his home ... T_ ....... Afric:l, where he was com- on Dickinson avenue last Tuesday eve­officer of an anti-submarine ning. Keen competition in badminton. ~lqlll.d:l'olll. A. A. F. While awaiting fur- and a spaghetti dinner were part of the t.\1il:her.' orders he is spending 15 days evening's fun. The guests present in­with his family and Mr. and Mrs. cluded G. Baker Thompson, Dr. James R. Morgan of Strath Haven F. Irwin. Joseph E4enhardt. James SfSlVeDUe. Mrs. Haviland and daughter Miller, Harry Oppenlander, Eugene have been living with Mrs. Havi- Duncan, Robert Gerner., Russell Sny­parents- while Major Uaviland der, Henry F. Hoffman. Nathan Bell, overseas. Robert Souder, George Reimer and ~I.·~·!"""" Franklin E. Robinson son of Trusten M. Baldwin. ~~".JiD". and Mrs. A. F. Robinson of Rut- Mrs. Claude C. Smith of Baltimore avenue who has been in training Pike had the misfortune to sustain a the Army Air Corps at Miami fracture of the right wrist last Thurs­t:., J;Jealeh, Fla., since April 19. has finished day while on Gray ~dy duty at the basic technical training and is now Philadelphia General Hospital. She re­special work at the same station. turned to her home Monday after ','~,, ~·,.'''CUJp'LlS Edwin F. Windell who lef~ J.une spending a- few days in the hospital. C I d Mr. and Mrs. Smith and their daugh- : 2 by plane for Burbank. a., arrive ter Nancy leave today for their cottage :, there June 3. after bei!1g delay~d ~y ·11 F 11 ". an electrical storm, whIch was qUite "Rocklyn Lodge", Buck HI a s ~;- a thrill" he writes. Cpt. Windell who where they will spend, the week-end. . ~.ihad been home on a 30-day convales- Mrs. George W. McKeag and four­t cent furlough after a severe illness, month old daughter Betsy who have ;:' 'returned to the Lock-heed Vega Serv- been stopping at Strath Haven Inn ,-:.' ice School to take up ground crew will spend the summer months in the . ,work with the Army Air Corps at Bur- W. R. McHenry home on Parrish road while the McHenry's are vacationing ' .. , bank. in Ocean City, N. J. ::;: Cadet George H. Troxell, Jr., arrived Dr. and Mrs. Clair Wilcox of Ogden [:' June 13 from the U. S. Military Acad- aven~e are spending the summer in .:,', emy at West Point to spend a two 'Vashington, D. C. Andrea and Caro­i; week furlough with his parents, Mr. lyo Wilcox leave July 1 for Camp Rigs :;. and Mrs. George H. Troxell of Dart- O'Marlow. near Chestertown. Md .• :;' mouth avenue; where they will vacation for two i: ·Lt. Louis Jos~h Koch, Jr .• returlJed months. ,:.~ ,last week to Camp Gruber, Okla .• after Mrs. Gilbert Youmans ·of Elm avenue I;, spending fi,·e days with his mother and attended the wedding of Miss Nancy , sister on Elm avenue. . Gardner Buswell of South Orange, N. l Mrs. Koch and her daughter Judy J. to Ensign John Jenking Reoch. U. S. •. leave the end of the week for Avalon, N. R., in South Orange. Saturday, ;r N. J. where they will ,spend the sum- June 12. :r'mer months. Mrs. Youmans' daughter-in-law Mrs. ~;~. Major Harry H. McWilliams who is Joseph MacArthur Youmans, sister of l'.' stationed at Fort Knox, Ky., and Mrs. the bridegroom attended as matron of r;,· M·cWilliams have been spending a honor. Her husband, Lt. Youmans is a 11: short leave with Mrs. John H. MC-prisoner of war in the Philippines. t,', Williams of Benjamin West avenue. John R. Horsey of Swarthmore ave­~:~, Capt. and Mrs. Smith W. Brookhart nue graduated June 14 from Wheaton ( aJid childt-en Belly. Ned and Ted of College. Wheaton, Ill., with a B.S. in ;:; ,Rutgers avenue are leaving July 1 for chemistry. He was president of the (. Washington. D~ C. where Capt. Brook- camera club. a member of the base­l} hart .isstationed with the office of 1n- ball team, photographer for the year­~;:;.' speCtor General book and weekly paper. and member or ~; ~ . ,f,./~ Lawrence M. Andre~ son of Mr~. ~he chemistry club. " Y Melvin· F. Wood is spendmg a week s . Mr. and Mrs. Horsey spent a week in ~~: ,·furtough at the Wood home on Elm Illinois attending the commencement If avenue. Cadet Andres is studying me- festivities. , ~\~e~rology at the. Ar~y Air Force John has gone directly to Ohio State i'~: 'Schoo\ Grand RapIds. Mleh. University, Columbus, Ohio. where he t ... Ais~visiti~g Mr. and ~rs. Wood this has been awarded the teaching fellow­~" week are MISS Ruth Elame,Hammond ship in chemistry. L of :Niagara Falls. N. Y., Mr. Raymond ' Steve Hay of Ogden avenue ·has re­i'! i· J. McCrory. Jr. of Baltimore, Md .• and eently been elected president of the stu­k ~~sign J; W. Hanley, U. S. N. R.. of dent body and chairman of the admis~ v.: ' Wilmington. Del sions committee at Deep Springs. Calif. f:.' H. .Paul Cleaver. Jr .• was graduated Gell. and Mrs. W. H. Hay of New t from the Bok Vocational School on York City left Wednesday after spend­~,: June 16 at one o'clock. Paul will join ing a wee~ as guests of their son and ~: the armed forces in July. daughter-in-law. Mr. and Mrs. Edward ;~. Guy Co Bates is taking advanced N. Hay~ ;' . training in chemical engineering at the Mr. and Mrs. Melvin C. Molstad of r University of Oklahoma having trans- Dickinson avenue have returned from a ~: ferred from the University of Louisiana lO-day vacation in the Pocono Mount­". several weeks ago. aiDS. Their laughter Katharine Mol­~,. Bill Bates who has been at his home stad returne Friday from Oak Grove ~.; on Haverford avenue since June 9 from School, Vassalboro. Me., where s'he t··' the 'Valley Forge Military Academy. completed her freshman year. ~~' returns to the Academy June 28 for Polly Hoot returned to her home on l~ the ·accelerated course. Lafayette avenue Monday after com-t,.. Henry Hoadley of Manchester, Conn.. pleting her junior year at Oberlin l· had a short visit with his mother. Mrs. College. K George A. Hoadley of Walnut ilne "Dicky" Danforth nine year old son r~: while on a recent business trip. His of Mr. and Mrs. William Danforth of ~ .. ' brother. Lt. Alfred Hoadley was h~me Cornell avenUe left Monday night by ~: on a four day furlough from Quantico. Pullman for Buffalo, N. Y., where he ~~, . Va.. at the same time. Lt. Hoadley's 'was met by his aunt Mrs. R. G. Sev­"$." wife and two children have spent the erance who will accompany him to Bay \;. past week with her mother. Mrs. Ar- Beach, OntaTio, the summer home of ~~ .. thur Warner of Media. his grandmother Mrs. William Dan­~; ·Miss· Carrie B. Kilgore of Sea Cliff. forth, Sr .• where he will; visit until ~; L. I .• left on Thursday after spending July 26.· ~::", two weeks at Mrs. Hoadley's home on "Dicky's" family will" join him later ~;.\ Walnut lane. for a brief period. t·~: . Mrs. Richard L. Burke of Westdale Virginia Francis left yesterday is avenue returned recently from spend- morning with her grandfather Samuel ~, iIig three weeks at Spartansburg, S. C., I D. Clyde, Sr., 'for Wellsboro. Pa., to 1'· visiting her son Wilson who is sta- .• . tic tioned at nearby Camp Croft. ~', ,Elisabeth Schobinger of Swarthmore ~,:.,avenue has just left for Washington, f:· D. C., to begin her training as Staff .' Assistant to the Red Cross. i~ ,Coach William C. F. Ziegenfus en- ;tertained fellow-members of the Swarth-i.,,=' ~~~~~~I i~-~: 'Jrr! p' The Players Club I' OF SWARTHMORE • Final Production The Warrior's Husband B,. Julian ThompsoD • lH7eeIor: JOHN DAVID NABBETB • JUNE " 22, 23, 24, 25, 26 8:20 .,. II. MEDIA LAST 2 DAYS FRIDAY AND SATUIQ)AY ROBERT YOUNG LANA TURNER 'in "SUGBTLY , DANGEROUS" SUNDAY AND MONDAY ANNE SHIRLEY GEORGE MURPHY in "TIlE POWERS GIRL" THE SWARTHMOREAN FRIDAY, .JUNE 18, 1MB join Mrs. Clyde who has been vacation­ing there at her old home with her brother Mr. Edward Mitchell. The Clydes will retum,on July 4. To Wed Tomorrow Farm connected with the Iowa State Agricultural College in Ames, Iowa. The marriage of Mus Diana Black- F~;;;;========--=. well ~odman, daughter of Mr. &nd Dr. T. K. Brown. Sr. of Dickinson avenue left this week for "Back Log Camp" in the Adirondacks 'to remain until July 1 when he will resume teach­ing at {he University of Pennsylvania. Mrs. Bayard Blackwell RodtQan of Whitestone" N. Y., and Lt. G.g.) Victor D. S. Troxell, son of Mr. and· Mrs. George H. Troxell of Dartmouth ave­nue will be performed on Saturday afternoon, J uile 19, at 2:30 in a garden ceremony at Syosset, Long Island. 00 YOU DOW 'l'bellare C1Jni foI'AIQ' &.to'rro1lUlt JUST CAJL o.t4O RUSSEI.",'S SERVICE IIab Yoar car ... tile ~- .. Beplu 8enIee WID Do It. Mrs. Irvin R. MacElwee of Mt. Holy­oke place entered the Women's Golf Association of the Philadelphia tour­nament held at the Cedarbrook Coun­try Club. Philadelphia. Friday. June 11. Mrs. A. P. Shenkle of Vassar avenue entertained at a small luncheon at the Ingleneuk Tuesday. Miss Merrill McClure of Syosset will be maid of hOfor. and Cadet George H. Troxell. Jr., Will serve as best man for ==:::::::::::===::===:;: his brother. There will be no other at- - Ross Korsgaard of Yankton, S. Dale. will spend the summer months with his uncle and aunt Denn and Mrs. Everett ~. Hunt of Elm avenue. . Dr. and Mrs. Henry W. Brinkman and daughter Betsy Jane of Walnut lane are vacationing in Cape May. N. J. for tWo weeks. Ivan P. Hall of Caldwell. Idaho. has been visiting his cousin, Alan Hall of Park avenue for two weeks before go­ing on to camp at W'estport, N. Y. Alan will leave July 1 for the Putney Work Camp at Putney. Vt .. Dr. and Mrs. Arthur J. Jones of Dickinson avenue returned Monday from Ithaca, N. Y. after spending a week visiting their son Dr. Burton W. Jones prdfessor of triathematics at Cor­neli University and his family. Mr. Duncan Foster of Crest lane and sonll John and Graham left Tuesday for a two week vacation at Oxford, Md. Mr. and Mrs. William C. F. Ziegl!Dfus of Dickinson avenue entertained at dessert-bridge Saturday evening. Their guests were Mr. and Mrs. Harry W. Lang. Mr. and Mrs. Donald P. Jones • and Mr. and MrS. John-'A. Schumacher. Mrs. A. U. Fairbanks of Park avenue left yesterday for Buffalo, N. Y., where she will visit her son Mr~ Anthony Fair­banks and family for the next month. ' • Engagements Dr. and Mrs. John A. D~tlefsen of Lafayette avenue announce the engage­ment of their daughter, Ruth Henri­ette, to Mr. Leslie Eugene Rasmussen of Ilion, N. Y., son of Mr. and Mrs. Sweyn J. Rasmussen of Redgranite, Wisconsin. " Miss Detlefsen is a graduate of the Swartmore High School and Wheaton College. Mr. Rasmussen graduate::l from the University of· Wisconsin and is an engineer in the In~ustrial Engi­neering Division of E. I. du Pont de Nemours Corporation in Ilion. N. Y. No date has been set for the wedding. - tendants. Mr. and Mrs. Troxell and their daughter Marian will leave Saturday to attend the wedding. which will be fol­lowed by a small reteptiod. Miss Rodman is a member of the sen­ior class at the college. Lt. Troxell gradUated from Ursinus College in 1941 and immediately entered the U. S. Naval Reserve in the air force. Since receiving his wings he has been an in­structor at the Naval Air Station at St. Louis. Mo. , Tomorrow's Bride The marriage of Miss Louise Paul­son daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Paul M. Paulson of Park avenue and Mr. Vahey S. Kupell, son of Mrs. Mary Kupelian of Akron. Ohio is to take place in the Swarthmore Methodist Church on Sat­urday June 19 at 8:30 in the evening. The Rev. Roy N. Keiser, D.D. will officiate at the ceremony. All interested friends are cordially invited to attend the weddiug. ·The bride-elect has been consider­ably feted by friends. On June 9 Miss Alice Snyder entertained for her with a miscellaneous shower at her home on Yale avenue. On. June 12 three of Miss Paulson's Conservatory classmates Were hostesses at a linen shower in her honor at the home of her aunt, Mrs. T. Leon!ies in Philadelphia. • Thatcher - Hunkins The marriage of Miss Monette Hunk­ins of Lead. S. Dak.. and Mr; Edward P. Thatcher son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles G. Thatcher of Ogden avenue was performed Saturday evening, JUQe 12, in the Presbyterian Church. Ames. Iowa, at 8:30 o'clock. The bride graduated in February from the University of Minnesota. The bridegroom is a graduate of George School and Swarthmore Col­lege. He did graduate work at the Uni­versity of Minnesota in '41 and '42. Mr. Thatcher is now doing experimental government work on the Agronomy WOMEN Are Needed To Operate MACHINE TOOLS in a new and modern plant tha~ is forging steel fol' implement. of war. WE.CAN teach any eonscieDtious and will­ins pel'8On to do thia work, and we will pay you well while leana- 0. ... THIS IS a' splendid oppol'tUDity fol' women to .ct into a war iDdusby where llaey are DOW 1lqJeDtI,. Deeded. , CONVENIENCES Modern eerrice bid •• willa show­en, individual locken, and IoUDCe; abo c:omplete cliapensar:r willa resistered nurse on dDt,.. conIinDoaal,.. . NO SUNDAY WORK I Abo euily reached by bus &om Swarthmore and No. 37 1I'Olle:r from Chester. IF INTEBESTED call at OUl' emplo:rment office 101' an interview an,. ,.,eek day 01' mail a card and ODI' repreaeDta- ' live will call 10 explaiathe d. taib. '!bOBe who are now emplo,.ed in essential activity or who could ndt work on rota~ ehifta be­cause of interruptions 10 ho1Ule­hold aeti'ritiee should not appb". HEPPENSTALL­EDDYSTONE CORPORATION , Euinston Ave. EDDYSTONE, p~ Mr. and Mrs. H. I. Hoot of Lafay- _ ette avenue announce the engagement MARY DUNHILL - PRINCE MATCHABELLI - CHANEL - s:: >- of their daughter Mary Ellen (Polly) g to Ensign Lewis D. Lawrence, U. S. N. p;; R .• son of Dc. and Mrs. W. W. Law- ~ renee of Norwalk, Ohio. f-4 :'Polly" is a gradu~te of Swart!tm,ore i5 High School and ·Wlll be a seDlor at ...:I Oberlin College in the fall. _ The Bouquet BEAUTY SAWN Who walks ·with Beauty in the moonlight? 13 South Cheater 'Road Call SW8l'tbmON 476 -en ~ - Ensign Lawrence graduated from Deep Springs College, Ca1., and Ober- ~ lin College, class of '42. He also ~t- ~ tended the Harvard "Graduate School o~ . Business Ad.ministration. He is now stationed at Indianapolis. Ind., with Supply Corps of the U. S. Navy. • LUCIEN LE LONG • CHEN' YU - No date has been set for the wedding. Father's Day' • SALUTE DAD THE AMERICAN WAY - .Iltne 20 SUGGESTIONS - Ties, Bel~ Shirts Hankies Jewelry Wallets, Key C8IJeII InterwoveD BaBe I Palm Beach Sul .. Jantzen BathiDs Saits Slaeb and Slaek Sets Opera ENJJirap , BUCHNER'S , ESPECIALLY ON PARTY ONES I \ PRINTERS PHOTO-LITHOGRAPHERS BOOKBIRDERS

---------- Page 21 ----------

- .' ;;Mu~iiJi~~"~~~~;L~:-----,.;;~~~ ________ r.;:;:;~:: _____ ~TT.H:E~SW~AR~T:.I:H::OREAN, FRIDAY, JUNE 18. I~ ----~~=;,;;:;:;~~e;&~j;;';---~~~;;~J5e;~:.£F;;'--------j;==~~;;n.~";_~~~00~.------1~::!~::,~~:.:,.~_--------r--------------- I'~~~~~" F~i,lOlL :=1,r/;s=:t:tl EEi!rs' ~.=a'D a~J;t· I! ..-.. WIlls It. .... B, D. ~~ --- ....,. .. O. 00. AcaIe -:.,":t.-'1....~ii. ... Men"'". 3. PoIaraft Berftoe ~ 1'IaIi. I'rM -.. ~ Bdward Acme Market oHV .... IICPalI.I; iI. A. - .... -- .--- 11': 0IIIJU:ber '0= Wi 0'BaDJ0D EdWNIS J & ...... ~- .. O· Ho. I lloOoldrScb. JIUant, C~.!,· i&Uer~K.' 01rW Ufn; o.a'Go. =.i..~..' ~w':itei IICdImerJ ,lflldnMf v. !:\~, Jllea_ Gordo!!. II1nID BhUe ~'I Amertcan Stu. 00 1Io.:;r ¥,oqaD, ...... aIDa '1'b_ I. 0Ia., Bro&hen DA....:.~ JIU7 Amertcan 1Ho_ 00 , JIo 0'8!iea'. WIIIIDD W1IIe1. 1IUrra,.. Grill OniIt A. .. p. --Ruth i::can Star. .... ~JIQ. paJm'.e"O. J_ BoUle. Bany =~:n~tu" '1'np Rowe. BI1I8 can Star. oq:: .. palm'.no. J8DDIe A=-:'!!~;;,r"" 1IdIaal .. ~ ~re Pk. Ben .... ~Aln:-' =~~~ ortmdltch, .. =- ........... ~___ II&IDe. 8boe ___ .... _ BIlllIBelll l ~_ -A.. ..'..-....-...t .id cl RBernnen . 'n, Qo. l'erWo. AwtID, II. .. ~ndfln.,r. IIermU ~ A.. ............. ,. AUAIltic BeIInIDi ~ "R1t'1a'¢)'/n gC.h Ba.r lW_ .W . BBauCllk.r .Gt. u~a D. ~..!.1.n.e '! .:'.!. ~_.~_ ~~_.. W... ... - BaUBe WI POOd, Marua :=r. La~" ~ Wm. Boeato. A. JJa:rJIn. B. illm·. Balte.11NDS WWa I'll, S~ O. Blactburil's Auto -- RudmlU1 Da". Bad,.. John Kraft. 101. ..vsr, Alvtn =bum. S. G. - ... =u J;&': !~~I a.. _ '8t bopt, ~ ;:::~: = ,,_ .. _:.~th a ... ,. ~-.-.. """ - .....- ~ ... V'~ .8.&... . ......e . .. IDIlU! ~_'!l. ~ Lumber --. ~ .. eaYSl'. .... ..r B yd. ITrh.o mJu~ b IScImlltt. PraDk _ ......... tIOJl Dltllloll Lea. HatllUllel Weber. Wm. John randl. P. 8br1ver. Joe. K. Qa\'&!18lh PUD8I'IIl &lmI LoI&ID7, Bl8&IIDr Wu.on. B. BraUde's Drua SheDDJ'. Welden! SUpplies ConDor. John T. LevlJl; Abe Wright BakerJ' ~r;, .amy"'P. SmIth, ZUpne .. DevemlJ, A. L. Lewla IAdlee' 4PPUtI Zva, :m. == Abnm ~tlm: ShCOlmoe' !!pCIIM ......... ~v: e:.son~ Demes. II, D. Ijg'.:uwOtoo:a&~ Ameri::=~ ~ .., _ ... ....:!':::;.:. ......... n.,. acuUlll 00• OBtlcehzbme lS'Rier.m JdO~N P1bD IAIp' IiW lCh .~...... .D.._..,. " man•l l "~. ..,.............. :IIIt.rbt o_rn_l aW IP -r-u-l-t •0• -0-. .0.- PrletJerg. ~ Olen Croft Gr11l 1IarahaIl, O. JL. rae. Barber, Al1c8 0aIlIne Vita POOdI 1Her11.D8 Puml Olenolden aMI eta. KoOa1f~ OhM. Borden. B. W ... 8oJI8 Oaruta, S. II • . BtambcfuUaD,' J Olenolden ~ m.. ~e ~ Bouques Beauty 8aJo6 Caton, J. V. IHerlln& HeDr7 OreeD, HowW Breta, G. A. Ohldlow, Alfred :!::''i':.=''ir.1luJ =-J~ ~= ~ 1:a=:·~1'J Shop mt·I'~:.o StatloD atraif.On, .1_ Ifary t,,:!ls BeaUtJ 8Ibl MedIa Auto Pan. ~ Cella. Joesph .. Olalre Blta ShoD SUn OI!_~ Matteo. HlaIr: MedIa ~yo Dew Drop Inn Oochrane Obarfea =tr:_: .A PiiOraDD.ok . J~oI:1c;el1g, Tao=n,~. ~...... =MedIa =PnrDl~t me "ib 'OIifot. . . G~~reeelnM, iBo. :Bu. '· =Cr~av~ert's eDlruPg lSle = Walt'll Steak SUIdWIcIIa"'1Do. MIller. Ohsrl. Kec1la Rd.,. and &i:-1'IJm, 00. Balmum &I WalLs, Crouthamel u._ ar Do .. Water.. WIll.. ~ "'ft~ ...... _ ..... IIeclIa N~,", HollJhock am Orouettl. JOeeh'''' l'oUI18'" Dr\IIII'. iiiiiie.i'iii~_ MedIa BOY B J CUrle." 1. p • __ ....;.~I.!.,'IJtIIoafA. MJrmaD. NatbaD lIeclIa'l'2w&tre.... L1lIi Aim'!!hoP De Pazlo Meat ~ ............. _ .. .. Mueller H S. 1II1es. B. W JfadI80n 151'01. DeI·Mont Moton !!!:Vt;-ma:. 1fanbaII .... 1Ikt. Par~ eerr. ilia. ~,. ~ Magllton. ~1IltI Delmont To!!Im7' ~ Edwin J. Patte_n, •• lIuna; ~~ = O. K. ~uno. A:'lI,... • ~ - 8m1th, .. . . =. :t!t Iod a_ PeoD _~ ~ Mason I~:·. ...... - DOiioirt~ ~ Brnen .. -..... ~ .... PhIIa, ......... .0 0;. u ..... "..... ..... n....~ ••• H 0 ~ .... A. PIcken, ~ ..... ~w'" D. K. "...- • • ~arbJ =~nt.. I~" 1'1e_n·. CJani8 ~ =g~to.!" DIo. ~1In~B AImIbamII LcIuIa PIke PenT 0 -",vh" SoIl P1resIdQ GlftT ...... AbnIlil'1I italiiwarolSbllll =. ..... _Maqant PollilUlDa Be~'" ~JOee~· . Pltzlrerald, EmmeOP Acme :Mark~ ~-'iI DIr • PJeWell, ~ Shlrer Victor PoocI Pa1r mo. ot"1>a. Amerlclm OIl 00. wrote;; 'WIllI. ~n~.l: • 111m !!...~!!!~ ~PISII/IhJ. Garrett. B. J. Acme Market, No. ~ VIo'.· Bet:'" Bl ..... N .~." IIallll1 ., ...... ~,g ..... y ti. Gallagher. 101. J. Acme Market, No. Weber Blectrtc • Bl~"'" el80D sweet Shop' Gelb. a &; J. Amertcan Storel 00.. J80 Wemer'. Draa ~ W. Ii Tot-te Baby &I GIR Shop Getta, S. P. Bachow. Sidney WhItehead. Joe L. Bose store· VanltJ Boz Gomberg. BenJIIIDlzl =a~ 'l'UI18 . WOllam .. W1l1IaJD Bose~ C'!!!edtI Vogue Beau~ Shoppe go~rr% ~ .... .... D • ."",. BUO' .....I aD4 ar I'aIIIIIl WlDnemore J- ..· ."0 ---- 'WJDD, Ethel wane., G' Dell ZelIna1r1., I.J.bID'- 8d.oOI ~ TralDel' BoI01lIb reen 8 cateuQ ~~ 0 Aclme ~- BeaU.... SChwart.1l, 0I&ra Betza, K. g~u8ft1to~ralJoA Blatt. .... Amer1cIm BtoreI 00 II ~ SChwart.1l, WIn. BoJtw1Ck~~~ Hafer. O. 1. Bleacher Ju Am~ ~~o. Smith, J. J. 1 Y#w A Ball's Pharmacy BII~ iiai h" .... ,oan EHcne 00 .... 17 South Aft. 0Ite De • • S &I el ... WlII. BanaeU, BlIthe, ~ 1=~~ a.L !P.?~'''~ _ __ ~J;u, Bsnsen. N. E. & H. a. =n~ JJarmw IIotor8 00. 8WIweU, W_--. · Giant TIger corp. =~8h~00~E. Bon Tons stare =' BI'OI. SUteler, JDdw. II. Oray. Robert O. HaYden. Helll11l1Dle 0 ....... ._" B. • A. s .... ar IoaI stokee, Ibe Barris Lunch Hilltop Bev Co • ~. .~ :.::a'iia&~L.p. .. . Sugarman'. 14&rkD. Jean'lJ Bar B ar Q Holmes. ~J; J • __ baugb, ...... . 'l'&1Iaferro. Jo~." Kacluban. P. Hykel. 'ohn • ... "'" IDleii'. IIIII'88I'It Bro1me Terminal llarkea Kaller. Thomaa Iseminger. Alva ~stOre Butler OIl 9DIP. Un10n NIIWlJ 00. Marlnolf. D. Jones. Mower & EQulpma, O&rr'lJ ~ Pl'aDJI V~P&ul Kal'J'lJ Spaghetti HoWMI JuJlanDe Beauty Shop 0IIll, Charlel ' O1ppol~ vtnoent W S. P. McOratnee. Andre., Kautrman. Charles Clowl &I EIhIIIA OODunUDJtJ BntmSlffllel, IDa. WhIte, C1Ma. Meeklns. Alfred Kearns. John J. mover Market ~!"~~n:OhlJV. Q), . WhIte .. DaftOn, JIIo, Nlcetown Repl. Auto 1'tIa 00. Kllberg. A. J. . Ood7, or:- J. Cfti:. -Hobertart)' WhIte Hardware Compan., RoblU!On. D. Klndt·s Pharmac., 8:'..:zWIL David De L_ ThomaJ ~lre81r-r=. K. =:er ~~ph a.' ~t. James 00rIlbId. • J_ B:.,ware 00. 1Iiotor aaz. Woolworth, P. W. ~ Spitz • .toseph H. LeBori':fufer ~ DolaD 00ett1I1. Paul n--A'!1b1Chael ' M~,,"*JII. UplaD4 BofOUlb LeDgel. H. H. onnnlwaL ........... ...,. .. e Berr. ... Amer1call ...... - 00. Boan. 1Ii8l'J Utmerch Beauty Shop curl, Bari7 A. ~~. LouIa Arem R~ Gallen. D. J. Llaaerch Nllnierles =0In= Pr =lCe Shoe $lOP ~ k ".BI&II. hP. 00. =~Puod liar" Bayes. H. B .• PheJ. Llanerch Garage ~ Dunl~ PalDt ar me. oaprl~ J)com'n!o. =:~VI~, ~'\,":.r¥for!":i"~I~I1IOm" ~ Benha g::.,bO..l. "",tty lG"O Wler. 'OB. McOlDle)'. B. J. Logue. J. J. ~ ar BllDcha BerftoII' .... raaaan~ • MIller &; TomUnM1l Lorraine Meat Mltt. ..... Ooilln. BrneetSIII Graves. '~'. LDBaa Upland ........ ··--~et U'ckey's Wa"~ S110 ~, ..... __ .... B. Great A. &I p, Green, Ida ilia., ar I.aaI!t Vllrle'" MMk.;t'A """ I ~ P ==--:...~:- Great A. &I p, Greim, II. O. 00. "Yeaclon Borou." ~. tal.Anna,Amer. CIVIO"'" ~ ~ I. 0-.. PIreetcme IHON HaIgh. Tho~ Acme Market .- Manoa Auto Works -.swant'j 'lSboppt • Gulf 011 Oorpota1loa =.r' MI Ander80nl!:te lfay Manoa Bakel'J ::r.ft ~ ~_ Lev~~ ~ ~ ~'~~rket =: ~=~hOP =Io!' B. Harrtaon ~..6" . ~ B. A. Bra41eJ. Ohsrl. P. Manoa Tallorlng Co. ISbOD Bartals _--- 011. IlcOuIlOudl. 'iIr.ttu Brofm&ll. Samuel Marcel Beauty Sbop =r..::: tl:. Bulett Auto -. ~=-~ g:f.'iln~~ P. ~~. ~'!~l=. I'nIIII I'Iuh AUto stoIW ~~BJ'OB, . PMobeil JUIlM Donotrlo. Booc:cio MarIe Beauty Sslon I'uDIr &I AI!IIIM BolleD."u~ Pron_ B. Bnrtn. George W. Marinelli. Alexander CJanIn. x-- Both, S B' Oallagher'lJ BI!8o IerYllCtIr Menltt. J. V. otadn1iI1r. N. L. Born &I lIa.rcIan .,. Bu9t O· it. Great A.. &I P. McClU1dless. A. 001de1l ~ BanI', PrIacI1JJa ~ ......... .._.... ----- B McCarty. Jos. . ~ stu' 0I!te Jackl!oD. KIllJabRb BIb. B. --. -. ~ ... u • McPaclden. Jolm =tan !f -v;& '" ~ =. G~~ =:'-h. L.vr.. BOWIIIII =:".J!o,,"!" =~II1D.~gh Green, 'k- ,... 1Dmble.·~_ =~'i. C=··I'iih?~ McKeKh. Tho~. &I BJiI, (IrImeI, oo'f:i ~ iiiDiiiI Br*' Stem. 1fthe1 &l1r'flDa KaraD18, COnstan" McPhIIIIl' Mrs. Matt =~a::: O. LmDaon, B B 8tII1weU, J. O. Kealer, D. ::ft.nzel6.ii.i ~ • JIi LlJlton .. LuDell . 8UmIler &I 8o!l Ell,berIr. Lou1I MIll:. Doroth;' I'Jks, ~ • LtttIe Hat ISboD Teltelba1im. II. ~l's:n Berrtll &I Zenon. =elton' ..... .,; 1f:'4~.""; ~;!Y =r,~~ IIoD =~loteJ' BBuuDtathetri,I IJ, Eommua JI'O III-. MIlaa~lo yebt~ WeldnV.. mm.r .-.a n~"': nOr • &I "_''_;-n '''n" llll'' 8uth MMUurllrIaDy . JGamuyes O . lmPllaDo Jobn :uanun OOIf" ~ Wh1te .... A. MIcke, II BeautJ ....... IL Murphio Francie U. Jullcl'. oaie IIedIa ~ IIt.oNII ~. ~ Uo1IIleux. T. A.. Newbauer &; HeDrt' JuJlano. 0&rI0 IS. ~ out BIde ~, Norwood Boroqb =:ne~ph ~\l6~::~ ~rIJl "oellman 00IIf.00. .... _ wJ/' .. Amne Market PerletelD. M. IS. oakmont·Foixt· •• --~ ... KoIocotron1a~J.. PWih" lam &14ereon'lI Nonroocl JIIDIr Pruitt. D, R. oakmont Pharm~'" ~~ PeoIdn". ~1tOft ~ Pt.trre Bodlll1llkyb B. oakmont Shoe Bepalr LI TIre &I Batatfllln1.. PhUa. Blec. 00. 8r:..en n,~ ='~h PharmaGJ oakmont Sweet Shol\ ~:~~g. ~~eU~~ Davta.'H. T. Rundale Market ~a:sm~%~ Lou-Mar SpecIalb DOlI Bentz ':uBi_ Deger, ~. Stlngle. O. Patriarca. Carmine Market st. l"oocIl:Jo. Bemolda =~~ 0IJa.rI8I Talley. W. B. Penn Bouse 1IartIn'B Boblmon. 0, G. Gusels MArket Thw ~ Qj>rman Eltchlll PerrY's Drull Store HCOee. Wch..,. Rosenblum. IS. Grtmth, Herbert Ii. ay ... ohn B. Ploch Decorating 00. Modem Ice &I 001II Go. Bothbaum. J. Hemenn Balte.... WIlli. G. 101. Protlgal l\ernard .. ___ P IS. Boubba. 0 ,,_ '. Yeadon Pood center Poole iitidred ~'- • • . ~,"""rge Yeadon Sinclair Purlt~ D. H. ~~ ~~~ B.~ ~B~n. Read.~Ralrnh Murray. P. iI. Sheppard. D. II: • L.' --.~'p Nat10lial Beeta_' Tomer Tobacco IItoNI MIlOraw. MrI, D. n £uWBaIU Reese. W llam lfevtn .. Druge UDlon Newa 00. MoManus. John J. BaUey. Clara Bhoad.e Wilbert O'Neill, Ka~ V. Wbfte, HIIlTJ P. JlYhre&, p, A.. Ch~.. L TaBevernl_~'_ ~ ....~ • Richards. Maude S. I'ar8oDII, WIllIam •• WIleoz. B. Norwood Beauty Shop ...... r ........ .-vv>I ....... BIChmond & BamUton POlites. PraI1It, ISoDa Woolworth. P. W. Qp. _ Norwood PlorllJta 0UrraD. J. Robert's'Pharmacy PeI1l1 Prult 00. MueUI Hook BcmnIIll Norwood Bardwar. 00. FlSher's Store Roberts. Wm. J. PPehoIIpaldee" llBlhelrav 1ce Nau Qt. Adams. Mrs. Bm Parklnson's Karltet JI'ureJ. D. O. Robinson. Ella O. Da11'J' I'l'IiL 00. AD American BeatalUUt Steven's sunoco station Green H1dge Orocer Bocktashel. Grant PhUa. l!ifectJto 00. Ammcan Storee 00. Tomei, A.. Grochowstl. Frank Rosen. DavId Phillpl!' Antonetti. Samuel Wallin. :ura. J. Grolr. James G. Rosenberger. D. Elvin lto8enfteld. Cella I!arn!II a: Thomtcm Parllsl4e Boro1Qll Harper. James Sanders. Louis Roet. Herbert; A. Bam_. L. p, Fraim. Boward' W. Bayes. John T. Belb, Emily M. Sample Pmnltur. IhOw.oom Beck, A118UlJt P. McEWen. ~ Bolefe1der B_. Sheldon. Eroa IIbfailk. II. &I Bcm IIeimIaD. A. MIles. H. J. Laughead. Thomas Shlhadel. George &; Son Scott. 001'40n JIeIlanocj. PraI1Jl Parkslde l4e&t llarkM LIster. Laura Simpson Brothers Serve 17. D@Ir 8tQn lIellanoo J~ Parkslde PharDlaOJ _ Llttle's .BerVIce Station Smithwick. Florence SlIMban" GrioenJIdIIIe' BlItz. aicbel It. :(IaJne, w. a &I ~ MurphY. Joseph Snyder. Leon J. 81~ SUnutl OaramamIoo.L. B1mmOnda, W, J. Blchardll &; Bcbrader Sorber. H. R. BlaJre)' WUl1IIm Comm1Ullty· out ar.ta - 8m1th, George Sohnelder. ftaDk South Ardmore Beaut:r IllICIt e ' DomlDloII. allP"O"" 00etallaI. '1'.. -- l'roQeI;t Park Bcao1IIh Scuttl. Dominick Southmore Pure Food ..- 8m -1rOIId ... OIw!iaOtlJ. Oeorp .. AmerIaaD. stores 00. Singleton, L. Splnozzl. GuJseppe ~ DamiI. Vary Clark. Chari.. steelmlln, B. Stickell. 14 ..... Edith standIIld JI.oCod Dumtl,~,l. oom'" on 00._8tatlOll SWeigart. B. It. Stranaghan. W. O. IItelD. 8unut1 DIlDo. ....... ~Albe11; G. Taranto. vtncen' Streteh. John J. I!IUoDIck. Loale ( ~ KId' •• _ It. 'l'rJIlIlS, SamUel Suburban Dalrlea 1i!1nJpI ... ~ JieftQQ ii Dr • B. W Van Lear, Gro"er Sun OU Co. ~. ~ PraDi'a Keii ..... Mt. Girard IitJi8i. 00.1 00. WbfUock. Add!. L. Ta,.lor. H. '1lI'wenOiPItei,I Jal .15. o0anl.J 0.. 0V.; e:un. n. O00urlar;:t:~DrK~n. I noa.. Worth, BBeoUwlealr dT oWJlllllp TThheo mTpasvoenrn. Virginia or- ~ ~ T. Great A.. &I • Ga.,. Oharles' Thornton·Fuller Cb. 1JDtted 8eriI.oe ~ ....... ==, .iI. :t JloKIDl8l'.Jobn Troiani. John =b~,=-oo. ~o:.. ~~ ~ul W. ~=-J=: ~'!:tlc~.B~t,hard WIll. WU'd'. Food JaeoDo. HeDle- IDterboro OhenOlft ~ PhlIaon. Berhlln Warnock. Thomaa W'asllbIIrton. JuJI8 Shoe 8Iiaft .J6n1II. :Marton P1eroo.l 0e0tKe West. Mrs. C. K. W.ber. -il. a. .Junto. LlIalan =.. ¥:~Sh OO PoWe.u. Archl.. White. Albert H. WI!1Der. It. ,. 01. Kataa.... O1IaIaWl eJ, .'. Ie II. Hamua141, 0111110 WhIte. w. weUworth DeDt. ... =. B. I.!.. It!!!! ~ ....... ..- Ibap ReDecltertUnl. 30= Wilds. w'?il~r. wm. PeIm BIi'oe JIll' ..•• -=,!!I"AMipW, .-=.O;' ... Bal h- "'=' W1DIU14. J\ ........... ........... .. .!f&lP Ot. • B•lm, Serr . < WWiillsloianm. sB, . G. ard Wolf. 1Iax·· Leboull~M'd oa "ncoln Food Mara. ZGb 8Y. 8naann!l. Wilson. Harold WOIII' 0e0rIIe K. . h>each. Lincoln Pl1aI'IDaOJ IJInnIIlghaDl Torr Wood's Canine BalterJ' WoolWorth.7 .. '91l'_ OIL !oIarcwi' AlltO....... ~~~~.~ Brltttngbam L. IL ar WooIVIn. Richard TarboroUSh. .. »arcus Boo. Ttqn/dn~_ ~.~ Brltt1D8ham' L. IL. .. Wynn. Jacob Z\mInarIIIAn, WIlUaIIl. , Marks ~ I!ltoN •• 0hl'IlJtJ Bestauranw Wynnewood Grlll Bast LaIlI4cnnle _ MarlOW'll IIanor Orew Walter L Wynnewood Market Aomb Market Kal'J Jan's Beauty _ ~, 0& Ja=- PairtBmb. R. 0.',. SoUl t~.; ~a Adame. J. W. Maxwell. GecIrRe W. .. ....... ~ur samu Plynn, Kather1Iw • bf - z • American 011 00. McL!I.UIIhI1D. 'l'boI, ~~' ward Oallagher H. It. Lower C chester nw • - Bard, MIchael MIll'lJ Restaman' - • Garrett. Albert Acme Martet Beverl., Beauty eop Moore. Rulb B. llicbalk l""~ Mara. Guest, B W Baldwin. Edward Bob's Mark~ Mooney. Joeeph Penrose JOIIeRh Hollmall: wm. A.. ~Jef.~:ard Bradley. J. O. Morris. O. L. ~ Hotel MIller. Edwin Black Duck Davis. Barry Il. Jr. ~. Pedro Jr. Pros]>eot Park ~ 0Wrey. O. H. Faucher. Leon DrosnIck~]'. ,....::!~n .• TeUDi. Proepeet Park m.o .... Streeper. O. W. Ferguson Henry Bscott'. JIIl&rket _w-, P. ~ Park Markft Vlttengl. Bertha Ginsberg: Nathan Pleats Pa~ne. Dom1J1lct;. SlmpldDa J W Chester ToWDlhlp Graybeal's Hestaur&l1' :~~m George =~ r:::.11NDS sSonow. -nio~. if 0I.1IIII'In.e AdelmaD, :ura. JalUeJ Haggerty George I j~j~~:i~~:: LLaemonphluargdht., HK.a Wth.e rln. RReonsledn blFartta,n Mk . Touredlelll.. M..0. .... BAomnenreicra Tn aSvteomre s 00. JHoensekse tPbh. 'aTrmhoamcya s Llppold's BakBrJ' Batterlleld, R. B. Trotta, P10rence Crowthers B1'IlII. Kak. N. lIhop Lever. A. W. Sliva, Manuel Vollck. Prank J. ~. ~ Leugbead. MIlton L. Mah1oublan. N. Silvestri, T. Wash.Berv. statIOn • r Lean'. M. E. MacDowell. A. J. Snyder. Je!\Jlette White. H. S .• Jr. • DI Bcla8clo. Sperldlol1l Lesser. David o It. Shoe RepaIr Rtl\t!" T,,,,,," WlIbank, Hardy Ellis. Da.nlel Webster LIlley. Heynolda &Ith W H Stlelnberg 'Benj Wllcutte Motors. II1O, Feyss. Peter Lludsay. w, L. Schae'!fer' JObn Bte8Is. L.·· Zimmerman. Samuel Granger. William LInWood Luncheonette SnivelY. James Sun on Co.. Servo BtaUon Ridley Park BolO1llh Ratlan, John IJnWOOd Market TIro Hospital Tabak. J. American Stores 00. Jarlnkes, Jean IJnwcod Sandwich Shap WellnskY I ~- ... .....,'. v Breen. J. P. Martin. Frank Mahoney. David Wllson j . Tlt,\wle!l's 0_ Buchanan, W. P. Smith. Nonnan Mill Tap Boom WJDg1eS Care Thornton;' W .. J, PrIedmaD. PraDCeJ. Yank's POultrJ Farm MorellI, Louis Eclbstone BorcnIgh ........ ~~te .... -; Emma g!:".!!.rA. ~ies Concon{ To1fllShJp Orpe1lo. Kal'J co. No. 1'l1l"i ADen. P. W. u'l'I1sStateA.. ..!:.~ BulIN iilte';'boiro Blectrlo Broderick, B. H. Posey & :u,.e .. . . American Stores Go. " Ketehe1l Leo Do1m1Dg. Samuel P. . Pratt, Milton 8JL. IDa. Bonner. IIar7 B. UV;..!.a,A... ...l.t.e stath._. ~ , Blota, iJ.ben =-WDIs. &I Van DoWeIl', D. HeaveyklB- 8and1floll ... JIo1fe. IIIIn7 wm~~--~ %.."!'!.... Lachman A.. Peed &I Older JIIl1 Sater. wood ! -.__ Bcautmler-. K-nIl-lu. lB . _...... ..",~. Oo.v. ..· - J,farron's 'Tannl PuJmer. ADoe N. Sbfblm. Joseph uuu. ~ .... ___ 11 OlacJdD, P. J. S~ JIaZ7 I~~~~~=:- ....0 11 0hr1a-taItce.. . Oeorn P. . . Worthlnl1ftIcit ~o J~' hn 3 I.I.1..I.1.a..r.d ,B r'!o'BhO. I. Gotllodnen NGoa. te1 Berv1a. .... r,o.. sVtialar, MA..a Lrk. H-Cheater 0IIlJ &I BunMir ..... Alme Jfart:et Plerlulg1 P!ore Golden oate 1!Ien:t.. IHL VIZIIaIT1, JJomlu'GII =.~. ~. ~l1n VJchae! Bldle)' PBrk o.ran " Golden Gate Berr. .... roo.- Walters. orooer 0: COrcoran. A. .. ' Arilerlcan 'Ch1DeM ~ H1418l' Park IIIIdfft tIon No.2. W~. =. ::r- .~....... .J. 2~ b't: ... ::;:,:w.,,~~ 00. ~~~ ~. Jam. . W_... MIl:' ~_ .=- ..... 1'" _ .. _ MPiJIII..WDIs.... WII8OI1, • ..._ BeeIa1JIult "an --- ......... V01)otia1d 0e0IP Wolf!)' Char. ~ IIID a.m. ==. ~ A. VlAItor'I~~ Rlcbarda -. SCIIftder Wood8l1, iI. a-. ... , I'lnID. ~_ ____ ~ NCIrIIW1 Allen. DaVId ~bJ.-r'laul Ai;.. BablU~ ~ 7111 ~a;,iiiiiI.- =.~ ~:=- OIL w.~·1ftn.&lJ. =::!u~ 0UIIdGIf. PraI1Jl Berr7. BT -- ~ LoUlI Genfen;- J. !lPVi'2Df-ald' B. BeaD'!!'. NCJnI1ID =. . ~DarbJ I~Da. T" B1Iml8J, ~ 3'oU". -- ~ ~ BrandJe. Howald AYerlch, A.. 5i: J'J\at,D. ~ ""--.,' Obad. ~ =~8boe 8bap ==:n~oIm Go :=u":rt ~ ~~.. .... ~~ Oella ~ JDo. 1tIIrtOn :atarbt DbOD3, 0bn BarYeJ, Joeeph iloe'a YarJre& ~ QUm, .AndreW ==-:::-a ="A.m La ' Kama~ II. 0. =~~ ~~ GaliJl1D. AlIDa McB'-Dd. ~ LA s.vme 0dlJe ~ ~- . ga 2 "f;' _ 1IOllDWQ. WDI. Mod-1Jer, 1ftD. J:..~ 8:iJ,,"I .. ==-.... ==:..~ ~__ ~B.or 0IIIIz. ~ :~. ~.~ ~no:= PltmhaJ Auto... =. L. 00I'daIl I'arkwa7 011 00. n.l1D ~ ===' W, or; l'OlIt. Prank ~. Poocl ~ P!lolerlC. D. DaN. ,. 0iiifO'u. Ooi .... w ~: l . .. . .,.11~!.~ JUdborecht. I. »a_z •• ',,,,,,,,114 I. Home. Barni) lId_t 'II iT h Abel. canton ~__n .~ I. ='_'~nrue_r III.. ~1107.. N-e-~ -_. . U.!i! i.i!imii.iiol inlit' -CUll '!h::. g .. " V'IH!I' 6. 00., 1D0. Shop • \

---------- Page 22 ----------

iBlIhIa ,ndsn - Q!I.. ... IIG 1"'Mbell h.mber .. OM!. Co. JiIUUD, II. O. ..... AD»I'r" __ Qt ...... K .. IA .. DnIa Qt. 1IarUJI; .... W~ co. __ AUUMD Re!!nlA, K.-town. ~ 8. OM!. Co. Matlack. IIObeft •• • A. BeIlofM. ..... "DD8J BeaIltJ ....'. B. Do ~. Mutrn 1'00101. CoD5t&Dttn.e MeWIer. O. I.. JoMpIa outer, B. A. PrUitt. D. 8., Ir._ ,,"er, D. a. JOn&. ~=- 0Il100 ~ Jae Parm Ul1ler. JOMpia ~ .. 0I0Wdw. JOrUk '1'. lIa1er'. DIIIrf IStonI, IIlc. M1Der9a 8!IoOP taWmer, Jee- Con,.,., 0IIar1. SChrOth Barry M18cb1er, Wm. J. ~ vra. ... DoDonID J., .. cad1l'allade,. ! Shapiro, PbIl1.J1 Moore Haberduber7 IlIoOue ~ I'ubJoDette Beau" IIkm Supplee, W. B. Kower. Prank lIeIleu 11' S ""cb-n, 0haI'1.- Tone,'. Stud I17cn, Kathan ReeiIt'~ . Forrester, Leater Toar. WID. O. KUcm ~ Shop Soc*. .... a. ana, .... III P. ~:::::: =g"CBf~ Pett1cotrer, I.. B. ~orcbiIzd Ql'e1skme IIlD . 'n1aDjle Bardware Co. 1Ioo1Q. PaUl ;:1:IDWI- & ~beI£.:;:-r WarUll UlldIIrwoo4 Co. 5~ IVta-n: ..:b:eWrt. rM-a-n-I-la IIDnJ Kal. IIlD W.lnbe7hwIaldore _.. ¥.~~'- .., .-. LMeYarIie1t,t .S OIIl. WW.hIlM, P ...-...... "'_ u te, p;........ _ .... swu. .loa. w.therI Karke\ 1lattbe1n. J_ pper -., .... ..-n". ath St. Book Shop W1$teD. M. •• Keeter, a-u ~rle ~OII .... Stroup, CocbraD Wood. Lawrence J. ~~.~ Amirt: ou i5O" 8laJD;i"aker, o. XeUIer ~.. blp • ... Andre', Beaut, !boP SCate Bd. BeaU" 8IIoJ. B6um.. '1'bcJIMe •• IiJc(JomWI. O. L. BUer. 'l'!Iomai 8. BuD OIl 00IDPaIi7 B\cUIDur""'_'1 'eW4 "W ... _ IIaOormaD. DIIftIl Bur'. store Tvmlnal 0JIimiJn ClIO. _.. .... 1IurdoalI:, EathertU Beck, .... 8. 8boe QoIp. ~. John J. .. =:~ =.::- =;~~lw. 1IroI. =' ~nel'J IIIXIP ~A':::'= ~ Lo1IUlB., ~E:!!" ~_ II"DeIW. ~ .... Bonm:- Ba$ &bop' weavl!!l ClJ'd. . -......... l'I1l1a. 'l\'aUer 00. BoJd. PaUl Wolf .. oor C01er1DI .... ~~~ =,= . .tk~ L. Brr.tor'II MlIJ!nel'J' SIl." l~' 1.. .... SaUl, Robert M. RIa. I.. A. ~~deDn, ~&lPa~ , ~ph ryurl1_ Qp. CII_fa. 8Immcmds, .. A. BlfChSe. Kel* 0i0d: GrlU ..~r Upper DarIlJ W11aoD Coal Yud B~, P. 001UJla Store ADier1clm Bto'nII 'Qot1.r lIfoU. II8I'll J>-W"'IIE~~~~~~~" WOI'I'aI1 Ilabel 'JI ~ 8cebCIaJty, J«*Db Coz, Pearl It. Amer1aaJl Storea at.. Ro ... .. ewtowa --.. Bbder. WIn. To Ol'&WfOl'd (IJc!U!'n,. BnnnI, ·AIPl .. ACIIIe Market IfPocbtt. oeorn '1'. QuslaY'a Pet !PlOP Brltt. T. A.. ~I... The ~Ds(I.ld Auto ....... DaD!ele III B&l1eJ . ~ Ton, PoN7=e. BenI'J sprtnjfte1d Pool Qt. Dllvill Oeo B. III Co .,~ver BoaJerr Great .... " P. BDrlJ'sIle1d BleO. AllDllaDce D1al Sboe ~ inc.' 0U1'1eJ BlCIWd Banley. O. J. 1 stdord. Ildwant 0;- DIamond 8bo8 BepIIr 0UrnUi·. IIlD K·J·ban 8aIeI Illlen'. LOt. 110. E' Myrtle ~;t~ VIl1'DII'J' ~V"ld Conf~ CJD. .... - Kalaban Sales .. SerY. r.ot.lfo.1 ~bll 's BeautJ 8bGp Dub KOITIa K1nB', Oorner Wc.._--lI4 IIlD lIIIlmer A. J. Ilarl', lterJ III IIDItIoD Kirk Chevrol~ , WorIlow. 0haI'1.-'.. I'aDnJ PUDW 0aDdJ' 1IIopI, Inc. Bahner. IIorrIII Myers, Pred Zlmmemum. I'Nd ... I'arr. lion PaIr Pn11t JIarkd MyeN. ~lIII& ftllllllnll'J ~p P1aa Brothera Pire8tone Auto 8uppIr • NewtoWll Square Madi:It BenT, A1fred PraDk " Bed.r. Oeorp', JIarkd Newtown Square aerY. eta. Brown. J. .. Golden Dawn HoeIeI'J m.op Ice Store PoweU'. Temoo aerY. BJolley. P. OreM .&; " P. Gerlach'. . • Powell, B. W ... 00, Clemens, Jolul gregor"J Bertha III Oel1rade Girard "'~"'-ent Co Reese. Ildwin Oo.III",.D Patr1c1l Bart. M' _... ....- • Schneck. WD!. O. Da More. Prank iiiifiie~' ....... ~=,~OJ Velde. Wm. ~.... Bunter. 0e0rP Bayden, KellJ. Thompwnn & HaJes. samuel Radnor C&v .. ..-.P Karl-. Jam. Belner JetopoulU8, HIab.o18ll Acme Market Kakln &; 00m0I BenneeHJ. Tom, Inc. KelterB· Pet Shop Albrecht's PJower Shop McHevlch. Bole)l Renri's KeJlltoDe Upholllt8r1Dl American Btorea Co. NelBaner. 0e0f18 Jorden', K11's11ner. Buaan Anthon, WaJDe Lounae ~J1het, Pred B .•. Co., H. B. LIggett DruJ. Inc. 00. Anthon, WaJDe Sen. Bta. HO<Jte1'8. JOOse .. N. KInne,. G. B, Co. Llmeburner. J. B, 00. Atlantic ReIln1nB Co. Sh1ls. Nathan Knoz Beauty Bboppe Marcel Beauty Shop Atlantic BeIlnlnJ CO. Ward, James P .• lIle. Kreese. S, S. Co. Matlack, Robert W. Bonnet. & Bags Yacht ~ " storap Co. Kurland, DaVId MeIJer B. Boyle· D. . TbilC1Ull TowDaIdp Lane'. ~l Sbop. Ino. ~ William 1'. Brackbill, Barr7 O. Agent lICeat IWU'ket LeonardO, A. oraup car . Brown Peter Amerlcan Stores Co. ~torn PlanL"~o s.Ch Inc. OrlJ\Jlal Yard Shop Bryn Mawr Lunch Apex Watercraft .......,~ Pace Ben Burket. I.. It, .. Bro. Bartram CottaBe Locklin, Dr. Wayne 0, Peter. Brothers Casper, R. p. " Co. Beard. Bllen Lofty Cand, Corp. Ph1ladelphla.Oolt studio ClaJPOOle. MaI"J Agnes CapItan!, Charles Loughran, D. Polites Prank L Bcme ~cagna. Ed " Al carron. Buby MacCreery, M. Bed en-~ e;.:."~r I Walter .. 00. C8t1anoa. Panteles Macbles, Samuel Bettlg BmiU COIi._ .; "" Sul11vaD CaU8S0. A. J ... Bcme' M~. BllJanen., BBhhooe p Bto- BlMels Foode Market . Conesl".o!t.~ MDI ChemJcz, Btefan --.. .~ R bin Anna COmer Bb;; Dalton's PbarmaOJ MSll Beaut, Bhop s~on' Hel117 M COwan, D. A. De Marco, Salvy Mc onlgle, James J. 69th 61: . Depot Corp DalY! Alhert DI Mal'C8lltonlo. AIlJelIAa McNall" EdWard J. 69th St Oarage . Dam cantonlo. AnJelC) Drzel. Joe McShone, Charles SnJder's De PamphU18. Oulaeppe Emuryao. Armand Media Drug Btores, IIlc. State Bel Bakery . .• ..Ie ... Abu -<010 ... )'. Jolla ·w. SOU, aowBr\o lISlnen ... .>IIl1dwlch , Bol,.al BUIIaTda Wseblet. Wm. JJ 7th I't '::n-,ke Bl., lIIacble" WID. • 6e\"n .. - •• cat.. H·!"on'. B.:ataU1'BJlt Btek' . .,.-, .... ntonlo Be:! Groos PllanDBO' Smok,,' IiiiOP a"·./lall4'l DruP Stable. Jack SIItll Bt. 8oW11nI C!" Btratta. Georp 89th St. Bathakillel atracc1one, LOula ellth Bt. Depot Corp. Sun Care Beery. A. P. Sun VllJS. Oaf. lIle. Sloan. B. II. SUDaet Oa!. BnJder'. ~bot. Joe BUPlot. A. J. Ta,Ior, W. B. SWan. 1rwID II Oefth!l.· ~ ........ samuel If1ana1e Club eat. U ·Tell 0r1l1e .anib 0dJJe W~ OrID •• lAbell!, x.4ore T. . WenpJD,.PraDa WUUam Stewart W1lIon. Alloe Kevin'. Drua\8." ... W':~~.tbfr· ctW CII o.ter WeIdner. Rat.J:wl Adelm'b. &. B. Wm. PenD BedaUnD' ~ ~ & WI\aoll, w. B. lid. SaIDtllll a. ~. WJl&ht, BI.......... ~ Alben Or. ~8adleBllmla Black, ~tJlI. Jr. .ter 01.., IIGtel ~, JOllA O. ao. Oolon" .... cw. r;:oe. J~ &au. ~~ ~-- Deti_ tic'" ~tt':::.= =U:~ 1IwIg, t'lt\1l J. __ ...... ""- 0 Gordon'. LoaD __ m=k DUell • gn~ III 00. Blecker. 1. B. . ~ _~ BBooJumdeerr Tav_ ---. -- D. A. ~. Wm. r..aar BoJd. var. -.. .. r.= "f...~_ =~~ II. I .. 11r.:'X:-, Broo1tl1J1a Oountl'J' Clu '; J-. IIenI7 , • Broomall PbarID&IIJ Kerahaw. Joi1m ~= .... _ ..,.,...... Lxa-cru aIhII, WJoJoIrDrt lO. 'Ir OIImpanaro. BalfttIaIIB T LeweoI!:1, ·Peter 1n111a1111O ChrlIt ... J .. " 8p!U'&O. •• Lew1a, ~ III Wi "u ChrIstODher LIri"l'- Lou'. Loan omae 0In1.0ha~ LtPPlAe W~ ~~nJGnu = Ch:fer ~ tia. Coatea. ADKe11n. Pace. Vlnoen\ J. ConVery. Charles Palmer. NewllA P. OraVerJI Druc Store Palmer. Charlet Crothere. B. GuY Powe1'8 ...o . J. Orouthamel, JIaD7 III·BoWard PrIce. w. A1r1cb Crouthamel, Barr1 III BoWard Bankln. Rubert I.. DaLomIO. John 3. Bead, BeV1lla Dal1er. PaUl Bboada, James •• De LuCB, Tbos. SChwalm, Pred II. Del Veeoh1o, loI1ab'" Sieleckl, James P. De Pr1Dz10, BuaeD.8 SWfeney .. Clyde Delloso. Glov8DJl1 SweeneJ .. LulI:ena Deal, Mary Bwtmmer~ .118_ DI Ma~!ames III MII17 Tercha. ..oseph . DI Pr\n=w. BUpDt WlteIl. J. H. DIxon. Jolul • Warwick. Samuel O. DIxon. John W111en. Jacob Donovan. J~ .. cadwaUada'. g. Wolf, Wii. J. Donovan, J.," OadwaUldtll'. • Wood, J. A. DonofriO. Boooo zappalo, StephID. Donofrlo. Prank De1aware Co1mtJ DoUJhertJ. HarrJ' III Blanche Agnew, C. N. Duke's 0r11l AIleD, BaJmond Dumel. J. J. BaIr. Robert DUvoleln DruJ Co. Baird. Allee II. Baler. W. B. ~_ Barnes, George Bllls, Da1lIe1 We ... _ Betgman,R. O. Pella, Wm. BlJdlam. O. V. Delaware Market Bogle. Mrs. lIarJ MelvUle Bhoe Corp. Suplot A J Dlament" 00. BaalnJton Bchool of Avtation M¥.!!!hIBl"OHIIa·_ Ta8Ye.· John' 01 Joseph. Prank Porte. DanIel _"m. ..• Te I/[ DI Joseph. Prank Klazonaa, Anthony M~'ll~~a College of Beaut' Te¥£fn'al ~~~ ~op Dl Malo. sam. Lawrence, PaUl National Beauty Sbou Timmins, B. =t,~JO~OIIIU t:;: t::'d:e Natlonsl Caab Reg, 00. Union New. CO; CO. Pal1JI. Wm. BlbbJ. Joseph ~5~~~~:~~(1O:'''' PPaarr1enD1I.. PPeettee BB1iat1tlI:ee.. DWemIl1.a B A. .I II lion. P1eata. ~ Bloom, Berman Fountaine. GeOrP Boles, Charles S. Poley. Jamell \ L oh lIOJd, Obarlea B. IllDeruJhade. JOIII)II. Leathem. Charlet H. Necowlta. Henry. Vanity Puhlon Shop Pa1r1awn Pood IIrJIt. Tehman. Herman Nevln's Drug 00 Waite B1'Othel'8 N=-o-oene~-. ·P.. J. KPeumclhl188a,m J,o eW alter PPaerntny SPnruacltk 0M0a..r t Ino. UApmpeerrl cDana rsbtJo rTeosw CmOh. lp-Ward 71!~~~~~~~~.~ Po"-'~"~ ~- " __ 01- PhUa. Electric Co. Bean. Le Ro, l'lencIl. .... ........ .... _.. ............... Polltes. Prank I.. SODa Condell. Wm. II. gln~t.berIDe ~tz~torqe ylnt Pona. Albert Donohue. Jolul P. III Ilona Oreat .... &I p, BUOBDOw1ck, lID. J. Poet Olar CO.. Inc. Groaama". Sarah 0 ...... - Kleber Small. Albert Prevln MuUnery. lIlo. GfeJUll. Albert ~ _ ... - ....... 8 J .. Quaker Shoe Repair Jlagennan, L. S. Oul! on 00lPC!- ""'"'"V. oaep.. QuInn's Plmeral lIom. Blgbland Pa:'k Pnre J'GOd Bale. A11en c .. Ine. StellAr. Walter Be: M Mrs ~ Bale. Z. B. '1'InlcuIn IIlD ... ~t°rrta O. ......~lreor, G • BarkIDa. Dan1e1 • T1n1cum Lunch ~'. • Welch'. KarkR Barr\IoI1'a ~ TIn1Cum Be8laurant ...-....- . d~.H. . ......- VW0a11nbrelra. .' C0h.·a r_ BBeeISpelr S&h oeR eCIBoe. r • UAplbpeerrt iDnia rKbya tToor W0D0.l hlp-War4 8Ii~~!~~~~ Boblon, - -. . , Robin Hood Nut ~ A'!Derican stores 00. Or. Iamlotta. Cira ~.~ BoblnBedbreutBoellirJCo .. In( BoJBJIan. 0e0rJe IthIm Store Inc. Y&mall Albert Bosers. Georse A. BOJd Auto SerVice JacIt & JID =.em ~~:,n~r!r youwPr'PJ Ha cCk b'cb.w ftp. RRootyhnseter'IaA , Joseph DCoelslteeellsoa nAdruoto l'S8IeIcnI1.ucae1 e Ij~~~r~~;~: JobnsCIn, B. B. Co. American Stores 00. Rowland'" mum Delaware ooimty "Electrla Sup- John'" Orllle BroWn. Jacob B. L~e~. =on:op Dl'llt:bro. Joseph . Klein, W~J B. := ~ s~. Dr. Bonald Barle', ~~. O'He6J. D'Amico. !)(>mlnlcl!: SlnB.r Sewlng_Macblne Co. l'IImnery. Bernard Leamv WUaon. Jr. Delaware COWl" ~ 00. Sheppard .. M,.ere, Inc. PraIley, W. M. L1cbttmteld, lira. II. Dobson, Prank. 69th St. RatlWteUer Prye. Alexander LlenhaTdt, H B. Pa11B, Wm. Btarlolf. Barl Heeren WIlL T .• _ett Drug SO .. IIlc. Olambol, wuuam &tout·s 69th st. 1Se%T. Idle HOur Tennis 0lUlI .L..o.a..M. a- MarIl:~ oravatt• .B . V, Sklolf. I/[orr\a Kirklyn Ba.ll:el'J' ~ Onmweu Edward Sub. Bl8Ie KlrklJD 'Mark~ Lolli, MICcbaDe l Boward, iIre. JOMPh!De IiJupplee Envelope 00. Klrklyn ODe Btop Senlce LJDBm, . • l'Dman PJ:ank . Supreme l'Ood Krlr:t. K1r1t1yn ~ MackeJ. J. G. J A~."__ BWi!1gbatt, Aaron ... ~-.... U-"d .... ecIan8fllo Ildward acomo ..... -- ~ PbarmaoJ Lim'erob. Grill MaIn LtD.. GOlf am- Ken. Jam.. ... TIny Towne ChUdten ..... - ~ ...... -ra~o- MaIn LIne Orlll Larklnga 8e1'V ... - ~p1 • -.. ......""" ~....... .. lladla DruJ Storea, lno. Leonard, 01: TJ_~ ~J Spon 0mIIr RIchmond, Jack Mercuri, Peter ~~'J~' Want &I w~ Inc. Rowe. John J. U111er. w. A. Ol ..... ~ ... Wuuam W.ber·a Orlll SlebdratIj..:B. •• Molro. HlcbDlaa Phl-p.p ..s..,. _~.. WeU's, Inc. Venetia. ntf Ia10n Par .. 0 "SOn .... - -air "aa_ Wanner. IIae . =• , :• PreCler1ol!: RoJjfj11;eOll, B. .... Wheian~ oifJg 00, Upper Dar¥~ant t- Nathlm Robertson. LIillaIl WllllAmfJ BetstaUJ"aDt Drexel P. 0- Pb1ladetpbla B1eotrlo OD. =:r~ t- !,OOIWO.~.z.Bw.w • Or. ~e~~'.~~':' ~~~Ro=' Whlbley. Ildward "'~ n;;bj ~WUilI Al!r Edlth ~o:"- PrUdeDte: Jobn Wcouten. ~.,.~ Ad plaia ~ • Des Lumber III IIDI_" 00. ......,..... ..w.-_ " Bw u.oa Pet1tepr ~B. 0 • AA1m11e&rillccea nA uto Serv. DI. Te4. n:e'Kf~ .... Bruol!:er, :MaJ: :"T~ a. ADDII J-.' lira. ~ Amer1can Btoree "OG":'a JOlT Bud'. Dreal Par) (JaJIIIIt 8JaIi. T. B. V-J::'Jn ~ AmerlCB1l 8torea.Qt..- _ IDOl ~tlnJ. ~ n. "chIna. l'ellee Vpper Darb7' ~WUill Arkl_. W. '1... BariledJe. Wm. J, ' !..r..!.,._ !!.1. ,:a,o:-. .~...~...... 1fI;rk.r~i of -~"L-JDo. ABartI·r". PTJe:aDnoko . .8 eLrVJol.oue. Bob DCorelwxeYln P Marmar kI'I"a rket Strode. PharmaOJ' .Amer1can storea Or. Bvrel. ~. Drezal Pood Shop III LuIIoh· lIn1l1van. J, J. AtIIIO SUppIJ ...... Beacon Booli: tltore eonetta Inc. . ~ombmJ B. T. .AeIlt. OhlDe ....... IlIUot Bee Brothera DreDI Park ~ '1':bornburJ: Saraheo• . It; BJacbtone- SW= IbIP Bertolett. E. A. Dublna Variety Store UnIon Hen Bortner Morrta Beverl, B111e Oolt Club Edward's Beauty Bhop Union NIIWB Co. 0luJp1n' &I Br1cbr BUl's Grocel'J' &I Dellcatliaen Gaukel, Lewla trnton Newa ~ ClueJow, oeorae Bonnett Boz Mason·Hefiln Coal Co. Vnlon Nen ..... eoran. M.. Boulevard Sunoco IIenSoe Patch. J. B. Vll\anOva Ph&ftIIaOJ Burk.LeJII BuaboDl Pontiac Co. Bussell. Gordon .. Olbaon Wack. H. A. Crawford. Jlaur1ce BywOOd Market Sharp. KeIth D. . Wa1ke1'. P. 1..' OonnsU". BJWOOd PbumaOJ ShUllda,. Wm. WBJD. Prult 00. DllDnenberi. .... BJWOOd Seafood Krltt. Spargo Oranlte 00. WBJDe B'':'~-~ De.m!.1ento. N!11I.M B;wciod Shoe Repair Stewart, Wfi11Bm WIoJD8 • "00''''' . DavJ~ ~Ul J. O. &I C. l'Ood Store Warshaw Market I ;:~ =f,81n1r a. a ...... ' 00, =~~:. =:~ ::rbutore , ~~: ~~~ Weadley, .... L.._"h. Father " SOn Sbae _ OommW11ty Ente~ lIlD. WUUs, Herman W1lllama. ~~ Prltaoh, A. A.' Delco BowllnJ A.ca4. Wood. H. C. W1lllam8. J....... Poman. PJ:ank B. Dulfy. J. J. Upper Darby-Ward 10 Woolworth. P. W. CJD. Gattona. D. B. Poster, Morton W. Acme Market 21mble. B. B,' Glencoe Del'cet_m Powler. Wm. O. American Stores Co, :tImmemum·. IStore Glendale OU Co. Pox, ~os. Aron1mlnk PbarDl.8CJ mesler. Ruth Oood7ear Servlee Prles John J Dave·Ed Quality MItt. Rkney 'l'oWJUJ1alp Grant. W. T. 00. PrltuCh, Joseph Gallagher. Munltrord =Ame=rican =on= 00 . Great A. &I P. Geolrrey P. L. Gulf OU COrporation ~: ,Tt., ~~bo~ gg~::.,:er, 'r- == w.~ BAIaIlll8.,r.l.c.a n BUmlII ~ k - Guarantee Motom ;EIanT. :r. w. . Upper Darby-Want 11 Berv1ce eta. KAn8ClOOJl'. HarVeJ's Market Acme Market BUl'" Grocerl.. iJaDnlJ81l, Ch8II. HavUand BoJ Alberti, Roee Bt.uInJer, A. Heller, Ildw, Rennesai '" BoReN . American OU Co. ~~. ~~~~. =~,~. OUlen, Ka....-_. OvUle. II. L. Olenn., Joseph canon. W. Holm. Olenn. 8&ndWtcb 8hOP Clayton, Prank Glenn Sandwich ShOJI CoIUJla. Georse Gordon, I. COventrJ. ~ Golf Manor IIlD Crawford.' Walter Greenb!~Pha___ DalJ. OWl Green s .-. Davlll WUlIam ...... Grerstone IIlD n;;;iilA.' Chaa. Ball. ~ P. DWiiiill • .1. D. HaJes. B. J'hn Dieter. O. W. Barril"". oJ ~hn DoWdJ, J. Clarena8 Harr!"",,==o Bvane. w. lIBJDIOD4 ~'Tea Petter. B. C. Harv ... u Prledm&D. BenJa.mIll, JIlo. Banis Lunch PrItZ; O. Blmer Henry's Proll81le1d, J. M. Hetherington. 0e0rIe ~~ B. P. Hereatofa, James Ge" aeora C~~ ~ohn GIven, Wm. B. Jr. ~e. J Goff. W. N, 1m, 'd' tch "'op GraJ. 'Ill, A. Ino. Jlms w.... GradY. JI. J. John's GrlUe . Grubber. Obarl .. Ir. Katlner'". B.. Phcy. . ~Yu Abe Llnco1D Karlesaes, James • Joaeph. Jr. lno. Karania Light Lunch Hammett.· 011v1a 8. Kauffman, CharI.. Harper. Cbarlell B. Keama. John J. Hart 'Ill LeIOJ Klotz. Albert HeiCh :B I/[ Kolocotronia. T. J. HaJes' Ii. A' Koneir " Oelll!Jher H~. Rudolph B. KIIlg. B. D. Blbbard' BraJ r.:~= ~wllnlr Oenter Wl~O::~1ul .... h. Latimore. O. Neal Boll 'Ill A ~~ . . . !~! ~~~ ~~Fs~~;i; <ik lila. ~LIun1wtozod. SIasnaddworiec h ShoP RBoooldpeen-.. B~arrY B. . Llttle'lI Serv1ce S~:"b.nm N:: Alfred W •• Llanerch Becrea. •• on JatlIley. Prank Loeacb, Mary John'" Realty AgIlJlOJ Lunch Bar Johnson. W. Perc1t11.· Manning. J. Johll8on Albert ~~~~ cour. Johnaon: W. Perc1ftl Matthews James Jordon, J. LanIer . - McKay, Dantel _._ ~~;~~ 0. 00. I/[cKeoDawTbos. '" - LenllOS. Harold A ~ H':: ~:-a I_noz, Bobert J. MatelnJer. CharI. . L-<JS!Ul< Harold 8. lUi.n...,:. .a~ BiOthe rsA s- LIouIaecaBer• 1 .dAe.d .a. h Ill.. .. 10 Hobert J. _ n -.,.,- Manley ·auphen B. McDoD&ld.*,~ .= Karcue' Rook RealtJ OD. Margaret. Wm. • 1Iaac10. Prank =McM.ah on. ... 'McGuire. Wm. a. ~ MeVlcltar. Albert M. MooneJ. Josenh Melhoru, Oeorp Mortimer, Klldre4 !!ul}er, _A. lL 1/[urraJ''' Grill· - .. John Nevin'. DruR eo.. Money, ... Roben Newtown BQuan S'*I Karrta. T. lL 6. NormandJ Grill MousleJ Beat 1DIta_ ~=~"III'C. O'Donnell. J~ Murray, R. It. "<!. .... _ C O'Shea'" Wason Wb..a Noll. Inc. --I.. Old MUl HOJes, Bdwa ...... PanzOne John OBoome, Chester III lion Joe, Parker BeStiurant Palmer ...... be1 Ill.. . l'8IIcI.ua1e 8RarIII11a Pe!lll1llgton, ~ O. Pazon B=OuoW O'olf C1IIaM ~: ~~'!J~ . Pierce. eL ___ Pierce. George PPoolliltdeosr.e , Hlcbot.a •a . ..- PrIchard. E . a • Pe!S1n Ida PYle " Young Pete Pollte'S a.n. lihodes. Samuel Prudente John Roc1<ey. Wm. Y. 'PreII B oe. RodenbOh Isaac ~~et:Botel ~ Rudolph, 'Geo'1!8 Bead Ralph Rltcble, »a,·,d ~. ReaveJ H San~ Bbop BUII88ll. Charlet! W. Bevels' OsCar SChUltz. oeol'8l!8. ~'M ke\ Shaw. Albert W':g. L :,r S111, R. StaUley II. BoseDblatt JI. Slmmops. Foster Oaliln Lunch IIOaID Berman'. Repair Hood Lewla B ....... holomew. Catherine ....... a J-"ua Smith. Battle B. • ~r: V.ed . ~<ld1e, Abt o:,omno, ,. !.l., .. Co. aos)' G:l!e Noztnc. <'<teo Salen'. ircole 1IO!Tls, Joseph S~lvadore, Angt'!lna N o IP ILoIu!., B. BBfeavkellnm S()!t;u, S Ctearye. ()rItone. Lew,. Sham-k C.-. Pal'8ODII, Arthur ,- .. Peace WUlIam S I.' Slowik.. Joseph ..... rt • Ad' Sboo>ter. PraIlk &. S., ,. I. ..".. rec. rman Slcldera1l:1, Antoni Ph1IJ1pe. Evan SOwiak. Beea1. Ralacb. Oeoqe W. SCable, JacIt 1laIl~.!LAuburn Stanle~ BemUlllWI!,.Ro"en SCate. =r.,.e:WCJDI~ Stewart', 5c III 100 Itore Blddall. Walter B. 8t<OC1nn&n. Ada 8. 81aJ~r. Roland ~~:n~ 8D)'der. Preu B. 00, BuD cate cIall, ~ • art. John IIun Bestauran • atatzell, Oeo. DIO. BuD VUlap Oafe. 111& au..u Sumet car. 8SttroouUJbd,,t oPnr.e d . !X!r=H~&auran\ 'l'aJlor. J. 0, '1'ro8lno AnIeIO T'.1OIIlP8ODo H. -- Talbot, ·.Jee ~W~ Co. '.l"a)"lor. W. B. V"1)IJt. .... ToUl0D8= WWeB1lalab, , 'lB'hde.o dGre 3J'J::" Wl1IIon, Jolul V.Tell Orilla WOOd, I, V. Vaocro <l8nIMIo ;~e~VandeD Vlc'. Baterr III 2 ....... • Yama11,. V1CtoI'J Lut1cIl I TOWlJ, Townaend 00. Walden'. 80CIa .-0 lUI In t.Dah Yerltoe. Dawson MartIn WUeo~Al108 O. Howard ;~.~ ..._ s-...._ Dt , 0l'cnr11!7. Rob~" R. '-"--PnZIk AMVSE.'IENTS ;::r~ J~ ~of1JOhr.; J. Weet BIId aotel Kentone Hotel:n~~ati ~en.0~~ Whlte. Oharlle McIAullhllJl, Iaabel WIn. Penn BeeW.unIat l'wk Theatre Wool~. . ot. Preeto ~~~ ,=,~Yr1 Tea __ Dela_~ Et~~ B1ddle. Rober& II. Joseph ~ W. ColOlUladli Oare ~s-: ~B. RePetto, Ph1Up Stillwell. John T. YOkas, Sadle Trainman. Louta. AUIIUoD Qo. Delaware ConDtJ OWNER OR LERRD_ 01' AAbllr aAhnaimerslC, BLlol uBiesl ltBurant THEATRE, CIBCIJ'" ...... Andenon'" Norwood DIner City of C!Ie~r Anthony Wayne Lounse ApoUo ~ter AntonettI, Samuel Boyd Theater . Arcadia Restaurant L7r1e Theatre Arem Restaurant Mac Moving Plcmu. SOllee Atlantic Wblte ToWer IS)Iatem Boxy ~eatre Backman. Irv1ng State Theater Barrel. Th~ Wub1ngton TheaW Balle,. Clara Strand Theater '-'. BaIl1Bo John Delaware CoIIIItJ Bartram CottllJe Anthony WaJD8 TIleaUr Bull, Gus B • Boulevard Theaw Beck. Joseph O1lfton ~eater Becker, EdWard • Congress TheatIW BerrJ Ta,.em DarbJ ~eater Bellanco. PranJt Eddy ~eater BlaCk Duck Globe ~eater Bmmernvern Hedgerow Theater lIoJmer, ~ II. ~eater Bossard & BOwen' LanedOWlle ~eaw Brand, M~ '" McAl_. J. =: == =~~I.PDrusa YeadOn ~ter Brown, Jacoh ._.......~ St. .......!...'.. ~DarlIJ :Bo=nder. D ..... 'Wln. J. ToWer :lbeater ok, BaIIel II. WaverlJ' Theater Bruni, Pre.nk Stonehum: Theater Brm Mawr Lunch Term1nal Theater cabin Lunch Boom KBIU'BB OP'BBI'l'AUP&NT8, cadwallader. Busene ...... !"'- OIImpanaro. Salvatore "-I 01 ~ cannell, l8abe1 AdamI. Prai11t C&teance, l'antel. Amato, l!ldna Cegl8rllk1. Joe. AI1a8toI. Helen Chr1etJ Restauran' ADdenKIn, G. P. III & O. 0hrIstIe. Joeeph, III IIIIUIO. J. And8l'801l, Gar1aII4:P. . Clar1l:ao1l, IJouaIBa g3=-~'= ~. :-&.AIDIB Anthon,.., Lunob ClUton = ArmorJ ~ AtM4!em, C1IttoD nvem ~fe::4 ~rnlaAl Sea'. KItchen CO IIUl · Belleau WOOCl CIIfe CoIlJIellJ. II. J. Berkowitz, Boae Conv8fJ. CharI ... Bermen, lira. IIettJ OoatlgaD. James III JIIq ... WWI1l, B. & W ..... O'Dollllell. JOItPh' O'Shea's W-cun WhMl Oakmont Pbannac, Olea. Pedzo. Jr. Parker Rel!.&urant Puquale. SsarlsUa Paulllr. Bruno. ...... on Hollow GoIl a. ... IDg Room . Penn HoUle Perr)". Drug Store Perr,. Charles W, =Pl8e\r"c Sre.m-ce~ -­Polldore.. .. _N ~lM PrIntz aotel ~ Pred .. oa. Pu10 O~ Pu101tol! cate PurItan KeatauraDt ==~.K:e r~~- II. H. Boa.~dp•~.w 1Iacramo. Ra SChaelfer, Jo 8cb!"b. PeUce Serv. • --.m -­Abank air!u.e ~ 8he1doll, Brna 8hr1ver, J!l8IPh SU'feetr1. T. =~t:~III'" • Sman. Albert SmWl, J. J. ./ SI101I'. 'l'bomaa .. an $ South Ave. Cafe Splo &I Span Club 8P111er, L. Gordon :=JIleld Pool CD. -. e Pharmac, Taylor. B. Tavern, The Tbornton. W. J, Thuma German Kltc1la Tlnlcum Inn Ttnlcum Lunch Tlnlcum Reatauran' U. S. A. Restaurant Velentlne, Morris Van Albert, Martha Verna. Catherine V111a, A. L. V111age Inn VUlanova Pbal1llaCJ Vlttengl. Bertha VIz7.arrl, Dominick Vol garis, C. Walber, Charles Walt'. Steak Bandwich _ Ward. J8U\e& p". lnc. WamocJr, Tbomas Waters, Stanle, O. Weadley. A. L., Jr. White Hguse Inn WhIte, Albert R. WhItlock. Addle L. Wl1hank. Hardy Wl1d Oooae Wl1llams, Louise W111lamson, Charles WlJllamsou, CharI .. Wl111.s, John WUson. J. Wlnglea Cllfe WIasoW'1 GerdeD Inn Woodland Inn Woolworth, P. W. 00. Dr-. Woolworth, P. W. 00 ...... WOrr!low. Oberl .. Wortblngton, John J Worthlngtoll, Jolul 1. WJDDewood GrlU Yeadon Pood OIDtir Young, Jack P1tzRen,1d, JoatDh Golden Oate SH'f. ~ zaterta. !Steve ZeIlDllld, Albin A"Wr:=~~ Asia 0b1n_ Beetla At1antlo WhIte Tonr _ Ault. Bdlth O. Brown, Katlu7n ~e Barrell Betty'e 1Ilc. Blacltburn', Beetaurtlllt BrItt, T. A, C8rBDll. Oeorn Bolton. H8rrJ' Craver's Drug Store Bomberger. J[arr)' I. orossetu. Jose"ph • BonJru\1, MarJ Orout.bamel. Han'J .. BoWard Chinese Lantern 11M. Clendenlngs . Clock Grill BorcItJ. Mrs. .. D'BslMl81to. M. BoJ4 DruJs. lIlo. DB lAmIo. John J. =. o:'~ SandWle1lllbop ~l~C::-¥hom.. DurleJ. ~ D'Onazlo •• SUV1& Burna~. Anna Deckert, MD. B. - DulY BelltBurant Del Veccb1o. 1011cbaa1 Qawlq. Bva Dew Drop Inn C1U1III1a, John Dl MatteO. J_ III MIIQ Cltta. Wcbard III 0anDlI, Ju. DI PrInzIo, B\.!JeDa =.rt =--Lunc!l g=Tp~ Clle8W1' O&ndJ KltohC Dollllhue, 'l'bomU . Cheater Gr11l Donato. JIlIJ8Pb1IIt Obester Becrea.t1on o.dIr. Inc. Donofrio. ROCco Cheater Betstaurant Droamer. Ben • Clllarovallotl, Joseph Drzal Joe ChIncoteague Oystc ~ Duke', Grill Chlnese Amer10an 21 ..... nt Dumel, J. J. Chl~thonJ Dunleavy. JCII!8J!!l Chuze. Bcbo Glen Tea BoOIIl CrowleJ ... L • BeonoDlY JIedl.clna stan Cocch1 ullf. 1I:CIgmon' Inn COhn. MartIn T. Bspton.,Jlu ..... DlnInJ IIOGIIl Come Back Bed&tIRIIt PacC1oIa. Amla and JlId; Conte. 'l'bomu Pernwoocl DIner COZy COrner Pl_, ~e ~~ Peter· P1ZZII111. Bocco &I JI'IlOlUD& UBmU1II Beetaurant Polg1a, ~oa. J. De MeSllo, Oeorp Polsom Llgbt Luno1l m G1OV8DJl1. PleDDO O.B. Restauran' lloughertJ. Hugb. Gattett. E. J. Dl Qem1arc), JOhn Glambol, Wm. Dl Lucido. Ben!amIJl GUbert, W. T. Dl Salvatore, Jferardit Olenn C1'Oft Orlll · Dunbar Restaurant Glenn, JOlIeph . EagJe Orlll Glenolden Foods, !no. Batwen Betstaurantl Golden Star oar. l'amowI Restaurant Gomberg, Benjamin Pelcher. KIka Gonzalez. Mrs. Orace Pledler, Oatherlne Gravatt. E. V. PUInl. N1ck Grsybeal's Restaurant Ii20 Orlll Green, Howsrd . C'eorp's Lunch Green. Ida. IIlaJ &I Loula Green. B. L., 00., Joo. GreJStone Inn Green. :B. 1.., 00, Grlefzerij Wm. C. !'oR VPW Orossman, B. BalJlwe , Joeeph· Gwardla. Jolul BarrIs Lunch Ha.n1son...t....'!~ Hartner. l!ofarBB1'.t BIdden uwum Lunch Bat1an, John Bartzag, Wm. Helen's HelrerDBll, 1oI1chae1. HeruTB HIghland Cafe Here8otfa. James H1ll's GrUl Hobson, MarJuerlte Klones, Koetantlnoe Holfelder Bros. Iacono TOny _ Bopp IIlD Impert8t Hotel lodUstrlal Diner Iw8ch1w, ~eG. Tea Room Jacl<sOll. Gertrud. Iwaszltlewicz. Peter JlmmJ's Lunch Jacano, Anthony John'a Lunch . Jacano, Joseph Jones, Mack' Jean's Bar·B-Q Jone., Mrs. Mattie Jlm's ReBta\Uant .\ · Joseph'B Sandwich I!DIOD John's Orllle Karas ElIaII Jon .. Pbal'lllBDJ K.arpo'wick, Peter Jordon's Lunch Kelly's Care JUlian's 'Cafe Kelly MarIe Junto, Luc1an ... KarveUae, George Earanls Idght LUll .... Keenan's Care Earanls. Oonatenoa COnnell,'s Inn CUrran'. IIlD DaVl<lsoll, Sam DI'Ambro. Joseph Donahue, John DDrreexxeell PPda.n Snh oMp aIII r~ _ DreJ:el B11l Reita Barle·. Bmrlc1t. Harry Extra Dry cat • PIne. Harry ==.ilemanl Hannigan. Ob.arlel BavUand, BOJ Helnec:-:e, Balia Hen.....,. & Rogem Henri's . Holrmelater. Bd. III ~ Hopkins, Baprd Hom .. Bardart DaltaI _ Hustall, lIaI'J' T • Jones, John Kelly'. 0)'8ter Houae Koch. Charl .. Kresge. S. S. co. Llanerch GrUla Lebano·. care LeV~~~ Into. =n" Lunch MahoneJ. John Malone,. John W. Marigold Tea BooIIa McCoUum PhalmBOJ' McNally. Bdward Media Drug Btorea IDe. M111er. Joseph Mlsehler. Wm. J. Mlscbler. Wm. J. Morgan. WIDlam P. Nelson's ReetaUllU1t New Pekin Restauran' Pappas, MIchael People's 8enlce Heft oa. POolos. Constanttne Prudentl. Fhllomena Bed Spot Rogers, George Bowland DrIlJ8 BusseU, Gordon .. 01I--. .. Sharkey, John V. Bhlrley COrat Drug S\. 69th Bt. Batbskeller Sloan. B. S. Bpatz, Iva III. Standish, L. Stewart. Wm. Swan. lrw1n III CJera.ldlM Swltken, Nat Suplot. A. J. TOny's Btand Toub. Bamuel ToWDShlp PbarmallJ Trans·AtlBn. Cocltt&Il z..,.... TrIangle Club Oaf. Wanner. Mae Waverly OrUl Bo .... II. L. Bette. W. Kendall~" m,bland Park loe oe. ~~r1can Btort'S Co. Oa!m John Hom .. B.ardart • Kelly. Charlell·:P. Booker, !'llnClalr ""!!L 0ataDta. ChU. HDward-U'1.::r IlIarb7. Lehano'lI care Damiani B Shoe Bepour =::e. W'l "~Be&U~ Shop ." LeVInson, Jcseph 111<' =11!m'k KeJlltone Hotel Itarlesses. James Klllot1ta. Bta:Z:L Kstssws. Oustave Kllpatr!clc, J Ksull'man, Cbarlea RUdOlNh Pharm8C!t Sloanp_ Lynch .. -. ........ Spaclanan JobD' r=&n~~ Bprlngftel4 Realty III DlI. ZIlo. 8chm1dt PaUl Sterner. RaJlllooa Weber's Gr11l Welnbell!, IsIdore Weir. Barry Chandler. 0ealP JoneeH~f:'; "Y. ~~a COurt J'llCIr. Drexel Ice Co op Deller. PaUl Joy Shop • J~ Dyer. B. B. • Del Veccb10 1011cbM1 'KeBIIe1maD • Ban7 . ~"Jft.~~ Oreat A '" P ~tteo. Jam. It..., =--~~ Powell. B. J. er ~~~:~ket Dol1lher~~~t;';_ Kobler, SOpl!!e L~·Jltw.,.m 0. McCollUm PhIU1DlU!J JI'!l1rv1eW Ore Kun1t"" J. B. __ tJam ShOO BePal:r II!IIop Pennington, 0e0rII8 .. Peln~ B1me1' Lerner Sho~ ~ --- Searfoa Denlel Ph1illps. Marlen Jl ~ PIzzanl, 'aDiiCO &ll'kImma ~~~~dJ Slwp Bhlrl.J Court DruR stan ~r:;, lj~~& Mahoney. J. ~ BJ::eft" Lord's SS hirle" COUrt,OIJran Ton. qeorge B. ... 0,.... Lumber III M111worlt oe.acaua. lmons Palnti! ToWDSh1p LIne Market PPolalecycl. odL aTmoeIsI J . IZ!ln Sunoco 8eWn lOl SSJloIeaCnI.t mBa.n BW. m. '. Wadsworth, Ro~...-,.-.~ Folsom LlIht L"!IllII1l " • .2~~l,,' ~~..... :. •• _ BtonehUiRI: lillie Beau'" lIhop Wavet'l, Beauty Shop Po taln ~ ........ ~ .~.. ---- ., Waverly Gr111 ~ leo ~ Jane Shoe etor. StonehtlnJt Meat Krttt;. Waverly Men's Shop Pro •. 101111 End Shops Suhurban Purntture Qt. Waverl, pastry Bhop ~~enlol1=el New PekIn Besta.~ ToW:"~I=ll,ue1. ~ . Ur,per Darb,-Ward U O reen. ..• 0_-_--w ONrolrotlofl.l , BDenr. How_" Wade Coal CJ o.' BBael dMwa rn .B Reoasust y Shop &o:,.:eNa ~=~Irc:: -::=f ~~~ TownshlP-Wud 5 ~~ ~.: ,1.00 Store uaran • PenneJ. J. O. Alderfer. lo8w1a Clearbrook PbarmacJ :g~:s."PJ~teE. Pep BQrs utJ .... ~:~= grttoental.. ...B. U88 Del Ouerelo. Hlcholu Holmes Hardware 8to ptazaBea red .....,p And PranJtf/: """ Dres:el HIll Best. !!Ollmes. L.EdAw ard • ~~~~ David T. Or. Atta:'itc WhIte ToWer 8yatem. =. ="rt .. 0 mes,. Bcbnelder·. Candy Store Inc H ... ~_ Ann v._ Ir"floJe. Wm. H. Sclttaek "00. . Barg,;, Melvin ~~ B:oP"l Johnson. J. Ward Sears Roebuck '" CO. Beam. RaJ' Kelly Walter B. Kaulfman. R. H. Sheppard's Pamous Branda Beauchamp Clarence Mattia V1rgIn1o Ll!ll'b""'A, J.mes 69th st. Bowllng center Brlstor, Patit I/[lldred Balch Beaut, Salon LDCIlse. nna Smith, Joseph C. Brossman, John G. Montbard Pharmacy T.<l'Wn. 't'h.0mas Snyder's Jewelry. ShOP Chinese Lantern Best. Monla Rose Mager. M~1'tln SoconJ-Vacuum OU 00. Club Jive NIIJel 'J H ~:::::!.n1IJ epb Stout. James W. ..... Oranstoll, John J. Prude'nu. Phtlomeua .......... os Bupplee Envelope ....,. g;~. Bdwtn Pyle &; IIlD1II Mattero. lUmens swlt1<en."li"t Booul SChlein Oertrwf. IIIUlman, A. 'hppln·. DllVldaon, S 8· Bharui John Mollllerat, John J. Tower Hat Shop ~ BUl DrUa Co, ~.vacnmm OIl eo. Molt'll. 11' H. TOwer Cut Bata Store EbJ, Harold Turne John S Ina. NR'tHrne, Mikel" Wallerstein, A. J. .,.,sr '1'11'.1 w--er Y, ............ . Neubeit. Ram.. Wh I Drug Co 'Obarl -- • --_ ... . Pncka"'·Obester 00. WO:;I~rth. P. 'Ill: Of. ~~er:Prank • I'~ . ...!~~ __ ~!rla. Bdward Uppe~ Darby TOWlUhip--W"an11 Gerber', Shoe RepaIr OWW'pp;r'"'DU~WUiI u Pagnualr. sz~rlglla Acme Market GUlesple; PloJd AmerIcan Storea 00. PrIes. Harry P. American OU Co. "lobe Keat JIarbt Burmont DruJ Prophet. PrecI B. Co. Andy's Service MatloD Ora,. S. I.. Donohue .John Pulokos cafe Beck's BakerY Barr8I. Wm. III Bolla Bdwude' Robert l<'!!'f!rtv .• Tolln Brown. Mrs. Ida Bawk JIOn'le ReIJleet8. Bose ·Reyburn. B. H. CIIf9lJ.8, OeoJp, John taIrCI Oeorp 8. Rlcp. John Carroll, B. C. Belen'" Beauty ShOD Kahone)' Pranc18 R,ma. P.,t1!7 COli, Leo J. lIeyburn H. a. IkIIiiJ JIa1~ 'Jose~ =~~' t:'wrence ~~':.'e s~pSone mm. J: O. Wm. 3. sh~»k. r,.... Bble~fdt Oil Co. HOftaietsterIiroB cIward .. .&ImB Ot!kv1ew Clt1zen'a CllIl1l SImpkIns. H. B. Fernwood Auto Pezta I~ BtMre PeckC). =- Stoff .. Oomp">D .... 00. Fe"!'nwood Motor eo. Hopkins Buaid =:s Mad,,,, ~yach,:rt~ tt~t ~ ~ Bul'. JoSeph"P. BRJnke, H. "l!I. • Urian. • WillI am' GIra.'..". ....... ...I er COIil Or. JJOaDcBkI'I, 'S1'hooJ p. . Yakas A 8ta~ Ibop ' ......... -e_ V.lentlne. Mon1I Gold, 1/lorrI8!(e Kl1nedlna\. B. Oalhoun. 0 B. . ;:~';n'!r p Georp ~~1g;,~0II. Knox, Jam.. Coren. I • WelecbUCk Gl'elltlrl Halgh's Glft Bhop t. Pettte Sh" Krame1'Pied Ohazt• WUlIamI, iierbert H. BarrI8. Bman~dNcl I='::- =taa D. Bule.WIIOUlSAUI: MU.' =~:. ~"am I:.~' of Baf1lI o. LetnnJWeu, Ba1pb. ~- CIaeder WollOn. ilcrtP Jack" Jill ShOP =ra,,& ~ =Wc IkIInInI OIl, Yaroshuk, MIll:. Josephine s:oppe Lewdon's DlC Auto Parts .. Badia. OD. Zapa~!:ffi,tl 'I'e1nIIIQ ~h~ohll Lttw1n. .~ .!>ratWn Automatic Vendb18 00. AlwlDe, C1areJICe MeJ~"D, .Ala IooDe ___ on oe. BQUD. BlchuII SCba.efler John Stetler, Jesse L, . Slll'der jeanette Stevena. SUmle, Spin_ OUleeDDe Steward. Howans BcbneCJr: wm. '0. Stewart, Loula SeN-U. DruJ Swingle. Joe. 1". SUvesto To8aeU SW01)8 (II: Son suVJll&li. Dominici!: • ~ ntum. John M. Staf!'ord. Edwanl Treat. Pred JL State Lunch Trout. 1!l. E. Steelman B. wagnerL Joseph Adam Sterner II. B. Watts .... Jrlmer steals, i. Weems. Vera L . atingle, O. Wise. Warren H. nranto. Vlnoeut WalJrer. Lero, nverll, Th. Ward. .Arthur 0, G. S. A. Pool Boom Ward, E1l1s smed1,.!,J U. S. A. BestauralI.t Weadley ... Alb!n ..... Urson.. PJ:ank Weber. veme Vernon, Paul Weidman k Btram.ghM Joe. VIla A L We1achedel, Lonts VJ11lige'rnD. Werner. Pled A. Ino. VItteDg\, Bertha Wheeler. O. B. Ward, Prances WUSOn, .Jobn P. Ward, .James. 1'I1a. Wooward,,-Alben . Ward, James. Ina. Worrell. wc. W1111ams, Ju8tln Worthington -1/larsCI&n WUson. B. O. Yacht Bepalr .. Btoran Co. Welber. CharI.. Upper Dar~ Waten. StauleJ Artman .. En"" Wer11nslty, Irvtn BeccIa, ~. WUbaIll< BaTdJ Benham. Wm. O. WUson, J. Blaler. B. Herman Wynnewood Grill Brookover, oeorge Young. Jack Broadbelt, Howard Zaterts. steve , Burt. John B. Upper Darb, carr. Walter Auerbach's PIlamlBOf ConnenJ. Wm. M. , Ault, Bdlth 0el1a Be81ty Manapmm BaJteI' ~omu 8. ClarIte. W. A. Co. • uarrei. '1'11. Cole. Horace BeVerlJ BlDa 00U QnIDt Daltoll, Prank J. Bormer. Korr1a '1'. . Delaware MontgomtI'J 1rIIIt. IhIrmG!lt DrIJI Demetrads, ChU. Brown. Agnes =: ::llls SL B,wood~ . CIlmUl'tJ IIlD Oarber.. ...O. "vIa P. Clenden1nl!S Gaeh, '~"DO!!. A. DIIvldIIOn, l!emue1 II. Ollmore '" McCD1ltD Delco BoWl\DJ .Aaa4. 0e1bert, ¥1cbBe1 01' Ambro, JOSeph Orata. Leoiter D. . Donohue. John orUn\b, Horace-.!~ .. Drezel Parm IoIarbt Hambleton ............ DreXel. PIt. Shop III r..ta.!no. Hanford. CJIal'lee l!larle's Bardell, Jobn E;~J~_ HBaarrdriastoatnf:. sWalmn. ue) Fowler G. HolDnueller, Helm Golden~ PIlamIBOf Hurley. Barry OresorY. Bertha, III ..,.. O. JadaJOD. Bollen IDe. RanD'PD, ma. . EDowlea. Perd S .. n. HavtlaDd. BOJ Kershaw & B8D8J I~DessJ, Joe '" ..... Knatz, WU1Iam me. lII1mnektBl1l, KlldNcl t.w1er. Pranc18 BolJlllelster. Bd III .a- Ll'Dch. Bd. B. - JIOStese 0rI11e Locmee. WUtan .... JaeJt's nvern . IIalloJlQ.LeGM. Ee11Y's ~ a- Mallen, 'Wm. . Kent l'bOd IIarItet Malone. J.mes .7. Leballo', cate 1IOC1a~, John ... Lev\DIOll, JOI!'Ph II. lIc01atchJ'ol,:n .. Uaneroh Grill KcChma. Laq 0mIrt ...... IIeOee. hmI8 A. • Knall's GrID Keame, John J. KonIecznJ. Jolul Kelley.. .. Lorman Kreworul<a Nlcholaa KIng ... ole IIlD ~----... 'Peter KlDg, James ............ "...... . Klr11ldes. Klchael Kresge, a. S., 00. K1skonas, Anthony LaSpade. AntoniO Klotz, Albert ~l.:ette=urai1' Koellman co~~ I.e BoJ's 0Jster 11m. f..Cl~i&'~ruia • LIdo Care Lackler David ~neg& h~0 0. Lack1er: DaVId Lambros. Jamea Lucci. Bmldo Lawrence Paul Madl8(lll Grill Lax Yorrle ~~!~i~~ette Lea: Nathanlel I.. MarIno, Antonio ~~,.:. lI'::': Mark,. TedJ LIggett 'orUi CO.. lIlo. Marin s Besteuran\ . LInton's LunCh Market Square Oontect1ODe1'J LInwood LunclJeon.tte Martin's Cafe LInwood SandW1cb. Shop uatys, John Llttleton's Lunch, Inc. Mazzo, TonJ Lo$BCh Mary MUler, Joseph Lunch ' Bar MUler, Nick Main LIne Golf oouree Morrall. Harold MaIn LIne Grill McCrory Stores Corp. Main LIne Itallan-Amer1can MCCUe. Peter J. CIvic A.ssoelatlon McOonlRe1, Richard. Manor Bweet Shop McLaugfillD. Isabella I/[aple DIner Mea, Eugene '" Bte1la Marcb. Mr. and Kre. PrImlI: MIll-View Restaurant Marcus Hook Taproom Nlnglonc, Ida Mary's Spaghetti House Monkaltls, PaUl I/[arylln COll'ee Shop Moonglow Hotel I/[atlack W I.. Mol'B1l, John .. Marpm Matslnger. Charles Morrwon. SUe I/[attbews, Jam"" Mortimer. IoI1chael Ma.tterO, Almena Murphy's Matthewa, DavId W. Naere11l~Jo1s1e ph lIaX, Marpret Agnell IIysa1I:. McDonald, Georn Nathan. J I.. McDonald. GeOrge Nlck's Cafe McPaClden. John =:~~r~.!f Boaalla :fcPaCldenr'raJOIul NledZleJ1tO~Wa\ter M~ Michael Orpneck, Walter McGoldric1<'s, Karpret, cate Ouzouman, JO!:!I....._. McKay. DanIel Palm 0ardeD __ McKeon ~OB." Bl1JI. ~1~Bestamant KKccIL/laab\Oini. hllA• ~J.m UD avVll.l . ParkWaY Be8launm' Media Drug res, Ina., Lena- Petro. John dolwne P8tiii\.o, IIl1I. Jmnte Kedls Drug Store&, Ina., Kedla PodarU. Peter Kedla Drug storee, IDc., w..,..e l'leIme8tr1, ~ Kedla Drug stores. Ina., ; Presto BestII....... BwarUmlore PrIce. Wm. T, Megill. l!ldward P\aIIa Hotel Mei'curl. Peter PPormeDBsU1aC T' a~ KercurI, ..t er A.. JIIcJla1l!' Luneh Pure ~ JIIlea. B. W. Pure POOd Band1dI!Ia .. lIUlerT!!m~ ~pIa =m'e-~ Remer, Kort1m~dred BtalIO Luncb Murray &>rUK Store Blper'. OiI11e MJerI. T.b.em. J. Poeer'e Restaurant Ib'bree, P. .... Boltey NalrUme. - =~.:l lfBUonal B8_-" ...... • ....... .. 1fMlcI, a· ...... Whelan DruB 00. IIlo. Whelen Drug 00. InC. WUlIam Restaurant Woolworth, P. W. CO. Notice Is herebY Slven ttl persons concerned that an peal from the foregolnJ pralsement wUl be held a' Olllce of the county ~ ID Media, Pa .• TUesCIa~1 JUlJ 1943. when anti where mey attend If the, see p~r. J. WALTER Mercantile API' • --------- Buy War Bonds and Stamps Today

---------- Page 23 ----------

THE SWARTHMOREAN I PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY AT SWARTHMORE, p~ THE SW ARTHMOREAN, INC., PUBLISHER PHONE SWARTBI(ORE 900 PET~R E. TOLD, Editor , MARJORIE TOLD, Auociote Editor LORENE MCCARTER . Entered II Second Clue Matter, January 24, 1929, at the Poet OSee at S~or. e, Pa., under the Act of March 3, 1879. ' .. FRIDAY, JU.N E 18, 1943 Preebyterian Charm Notes ' ; Th'e ,Hm;.~': Co~munion 'will be ob­served Stin4ay mprning, June 20, at 11 .Q'clock. ,A brief. memorial service to Dr. WiIliam-M.,Woo'c1fin will be held at the Commtinion: ' O'Rourke Book Out Vernon A. O'Rourke,· political science professor at Swarthmore College and recent candidate for Congress in Dela­ware County, is co-author of the book "Constitution-Making in a Democracy" recently published. The text was written in collaboration with Douglas W. Camp;. bell, assista,nt professor of Government at Union College, Schenectady. THE SWARTBMOREAN '~. ONE TOUCH ' OF ,NATURE 2 , I had gotten out of bed at four o'clock that morning and eaten break­fast at an Open-all-night "Diner" in Ocean City. Driving twenty miles over deserted ("oads, I had been able to ex­tinguish my headlights. just as I re~ched the farm where I was now unquestion­ably trespassing. A fog had lain over the still air of the fields, stratified in layer about six inches thick at the level of my chest, so that I could ~ither look over it as I walked along or else stoop to see what my feet were doing beneath it. ' . . As I reached the nest it must have been half-past six, and the rising sun was rapidly destroying the perfect ef­fect of the fog. Wisps of mist arose with me in my ascent of the tree. Other gusts of· visibl~ vapor whirled in ap­parently causeless eddies and 'dissi­pated themselves amid stalks of bracken. So enveloped was I by a sympa­thetic fog of the brain, induced by the charm of this early hour, that I failed to notice' the unusual behavior of the three baby Ospreys. The habitual per­formance of these young hawks is to cower in their nests when a man's face appears over the brim. Even this de- Marlaen ,0« to Shore Eighteen members of the Mariner house-party have secured reservations fo~ the annual sailing camp week-end at Camp Castaway, Shipbottom, N. J. The party left this morning and will return Sunday evening. The sailing camp as­sumesresponsibility for their prograpJ. Mr. and Mrs. George M. Karns . and Mrs. Theodore W. Crossen accom­panied the girls. Laura Lee Hopkins has been appointed' a counsellor at Camp Dune-by-the-Sea this summer. -Eled Ship's Oftieen Next year;s ship's officers include: Port Bos'n, Minerva Zensen; Starboard Bos'n, Mary Cordray; Starboar-d Cox'n, Barbara Ann C[9ssen; Port Cox'n, Molly Harper; Community Service Chairman, Patsy McCahan; "Sails" for handcrafts, Marian Karns; Quarter­mistress in charge of parties, Frances .' Jenkins; Land Cruises,Alargery Black; Port Yeoman, Babsy Sickel; StarbOard Yeoman, Jane Matthews; Chanteyman, Dinny Bonnet; Girl Scout ~ookie Chairman, Gretel Reinhold: . Super­cargo, June Spackman. Annual Awud Throughout the year. Marin'ers have observed the qualities of leadership growth among their crew members, so that they might choose a crew member for an annual award. Characteristics considered are organization ability: liv­ing up to . Girl Scout Laws, Promise, and the Pledge of the Ship: sl,ciU at con­ducting meetings, community service, and progress in nautical skills.'­cipient of the crew's award for this year was Bar~ara Ann Crossen. "Shipwreek" Campo.. Next Friday Mariners will embark for Camp' Indian Orchard wMre they will make camp in' primitive fashion. • Jiminy Paxson of Vassar avenue who graduated Monday from George' School, left Thursday for South Strafford, Vt., where he will work on a farm until called 1nto the service. His roommate at George School, David Wilson of Riverton N. 1., has joined him on the farm. The Church Project School for chil­dren age 3-9 years will be held each Sunday m,oming, June 20 through July 25, from 11-12 o'clock. There will be projects of aU kinds; handwork, art­work, music and story hours. The sum­mer school wUl include the Beginners' Department, the Primary Department and'the lirst year of the' Junior De­partment. Leaders for the summer ses­sion ,will be Rosatin Irene Bromley, Mrs. James R. Gay, Mrs. S. H. Hemen­way, , Gertr\1de Emily Schobinger, Katherine Simpers, Phyllis Dean Simp- Using the New York Constitutional Conve'ntion of 1938 as its laboratory, the book undertakes to show that the political by-play'of democracy and the making' of constitutions are insepar­able. Partits and pressure groups, with their own interests and motives, play leading roles on the stage of ·consti-tutional conventions. I scription is faulty in its attemJ?t to BUY WAR. BONDS TO PROTECT YOUR HOME portray the abject abandon to anni­hilation exhibited by the fledgelings, for "cowering" implies. a certain active sign of resignation. Young Ospreys usually do something which is the next degree in self-effacement to cowering. They lie in the nest as if dead. Their wings are limply extended; their eyes are closed; and the stench of 'Uncon­sumed fish, added to the posture of the fledgeling occupants, perfects the il­lusion that the parent birds have met with some catastrophe and that one has found a nestful of extipct and de­caying juvenal carcasses. son, and: Anile ComJy Wray. ' The Fellowship of' silence will meet Tuesday morning from 9 to 9:20 o'clock at the' home of Mrs. Harold G. Griffin, 214 Rutgers' avenue. ' The Surgical Dressings group wUl meet Tuesday morning at 10 o'clock in the Parish House. Circle chairmen Mrs. ,George M. Karns,: Mrs. Harold G: Griffin, Mrs. H. Lindley Peel, Mrs. Harry F. Brown, 1frs. Frank L., Reynolds, Mrs Charles 'E. Fischer, Mrs. James H. Hornaday, lfrs. Arthur Whitney and Mrs. Hobart O. Davidson president of the Women's Association,' were entertained at a luncheon given by Mrs. Cameron P. Hall of Park avenue on June 16. They discussed circle plans f9r the coming year. • Trinity Notes At the final session of the Trinity Church Sunday School last Sunday Jane Penfieid and Mary Knab" were awardeq perfect ,attendance emblems for the Sunday School year. The following were also awarded emblems for having three or less absences throughout the year: Walter· Alan Jones, Mary Worst, Mary A,nn TJtompson, Robert Worst, Esther ;Worst, Emily Terry, Richard Terry, Billy FroebeU, Carey Richmond, Jeanne Richmond, Jack Thompson, Betly Brookhar:t, Jean Dickson,' and Dixie Hetzel. It is the ~hesis of this book-not that these political factions and pressure groups should be eliminated-but l'ather, that their behind-the-scenes activities should be "brought sharply to the fore ~nd the participants made re­sponsible for the way in which they ex­ercise their great powers." It is the pur­pose of this book to show thepolitica:l realities 'of constitution-making in a democracy, and to suggest means by which an intelligent public opinion can be brought to bear on them. Professor O'Rourke, now on a. leave of absence from the college, is working for the National War Labor Board as head of the Dispates Divillion i[l the Philadelphia area. • NEWS NOTES These three birds, barely half-grown, reared up on pinfeather tails, cried broken falsetto shrieks, and lunged at my hand with delightfully soft beaks. Their· thrusting heads were warm, and the sight of angry s~liva on my wrist Mr:;. Roy ii.. Gezelius df North Ches- made me chortle in a sort of ecstasy ter road is entertaining 12 guests at a of bird-experience •. I cannot tell any­luncJ1eon and bridge at her home today. one why contact with birds under such Mr. and Mrs. Gezelius returned Mon- conditions arouses a feeling of Intimacy day after a visit of several days with with nature in my whole being. This Mr. and Mrs. Henry D. Phillips of was nothing akin to welcoming or cori­Lebanon, Pa. They leave Monday for fidence - yet it was something ,differ- New York City to ,remain' until Wed- ent from the familiar reaction of fligbt, nesday. and perhaps that qualitative contrast Charles B. Keenen of Harvard ave- in behavior was at the root of my nue is visiting near Newark, Phio, pleasure. where he will spend the summer months Whatever the secret of the human on the farm' of his paternal grandpar- response, I prolonged the moment int<> en ts M r. and M rsJ. .C. K ee. nen. a five-minute interval of exulting. Mrs. Arthur Whitaker accompanied Again and again the babies attempted by her daughter Nena leff Saturda)" to intimidate me with their furiously for Knoxville, Tenn., where they were gentle mouthing. At last I ,collected • called by the death of Mrs. Whitaker's myself from reverie and began to apply Clnistian Science ChUrch uncle Col. S. E. Cieage. Royal Whit- a band to the first one ... r .aker joined them Sunday. The Whit- My head reeled in the tree-top. The "Is the Universe, Including Man, aken. plan to return to Swarthmore tree danced a jig between an earth and Evolved by Atomic Force?" is the sub-' June 25. a sky intent on changing places. A ject of the Lesson-Sermon in all '\ Dl'.,and Mrs. J. H. Bruun of Summit, dull hu~ming noise fille~ my aching Churche$ of Christ, Scientist, Qn Sun- N. J. former residents of Riverview, ears, whde a warm wet nvulet 'of red day, June 20. The Golden Text is: "To r~ad 'spent the week-end as the guests dripped from my eyebrows, blinding us there is but one God, the Father, of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph S. Bates ot me and soaking, still warm, into my of whom are all things, and we in Him" Haverford avenue. . . shirt. (I Corinthians 8 :6). . Mr. and Mrs. Ralph E. Rhoads who I had no idea what had come over .' Me'';L~.JI~_t. Ch' arch Not..... ! have spent the last five winters in ~e. Had the coffee. at the Open-al!- • OLD COTSWOLD Ha If hid·den the road • • this rugged stone home, with extra.heavy slate roof, was built so well that it qualified for perpetual fire insuf'4nce. Among its many features are the extra-large living ~oom, opening on, a' stone terrace with pleasing view; four bedrooms and two tiled baths; a heamed .. j ceiling studio; isolated maid's apartment; double garage. It has perfect heat and is air"conditioned by GeneJ"B1 Electric. There are three open fireplaces. The beautiful lot is 150' x 150'. The low price (comfortably financed)' \ is a~ 1933 cost - and includes paid"up fire insurance, which returns an annual ditridend to the owner. This hOlDe is 80 diHeTent and liv~ble thar its plans were pur~~ed by a Dupont official for his new home in Westover Hills, ~ar Wilmington. The CQurch School will be' open dur­ing the ~~mmer as usual. ,Beginning with Sunday the sessions will start at U1uue ..,.. Florida, have sold thek home at 300 mght place been pOlso~ed? yvas thts Park avenue and will reside perma- madness or mere maudhn ornlthology? W nen"t'I y . F T N. B. - This Is the ninth Installment or an ort Lauderdale. hey left C)laPter m "Ozzle" in Lt. C. Brooke for their new home Wednesday accom- Worth's unpublished book "A Coastal illiam "SWARTHMORE E . Witham 10 o'clock. . panied by their daughter-in-law Mrs. Migrant". • THOUSAND" Ralph E. Rhoads, Jr., who will join her Mrs. Wilfiam Webb of Dickinson ave- ONE The minister will preach on the suh­ject "The,: Enduring Church" at the hm~nd Eru~n Rh~ds s~&~d ~ n~ kh M~dQ fur ilie &~n~==~~===~~~~~~~~~~~_~ __________ _ morning 'wOrship at. 11 . ) Key West, after visiting her parents Mountains where she will spend the WISBLY CHOSBN RBAL BSTATB IS TO DAY'S SOUNDBST INVBSTMENT , Mrs. 'George W. Warren of the Swarthmore Apartments return-:d Tuesday' from a month's visit with her son Dr. Harold Warren and family of Warren, Pa. DJ;. Warren is pastor of t~e First Presbyterian, Church of that Clty. . C~CH SERVICES SWARTHMORE PBJ!2BY:l'l!lRIAN 0Hl1BCB Rev. ~~~~ Mlnlster . 11:00 A. M~ ...:....Boly· COmmunion. 11:00 A. II. - Church Project .SchOOl tor Cblldren 3-9 Years.' MB'l'HODIST CHtJRCH Boy N. Kelser, D. D., Minister SUNDAY . 10:00 A.M.-Church 8chool. 11:00 A. II. - Morning Worship. "The En- I . dW1D8 Church". TaINITY CHURCH Rev. George ChrIst1an Anderson, Rector SUNDAY 8:00 A. M. - Holy Communion. ' 11:00 A. M. - Morning Prayer and Sermon. THE RELIGIOUS SOCIETY OF FRIENDS SUNDAY 9:45 A. M. - The AdUlt Forum Is discon­tinued until autumn. 11:00 A. II. -Meeting tor Worship In the IIeet.tni Bouse. WBDNBBDAY 9:30 .A .M. tog 3t:3lD0 PB. IL-Sewlng and In Whittter House. luncbeOu.~ tYl are cor­_ dlalIJ ~V1teicL . .. .. , PIBST ClIUBCJI OP OJiIBlST.··-SO_'I'lS'l' OP 8W~0B'I!I . .. . Park Aven~~. Ha:rv~ . 11:00 A.IL - Sund&7 SchooL . . Mr. and Mrs. A. S.Robinson 'of Ogden next few months as hostess at the avenue for several weeks. Webb summer resort at Cresco, Pa. . \~r. and Mrs .. Wolfgang Koehler of Her. son David joined her. Wednesday. Elm avenue and daughter Karin are Lt. Webb an instructor at Pennsylvania spending the summer in Mount Desert, Military College will spend the week- Me. ends with his family. " OUR KEYNOTE IS DIGNITY Dignity and ethical standards have always prevailed (luring our '65 years of con­scientious service' in Philadelphia and we have .~ range of prices . with adult funerals as low as $150 plus an addi­tional cemetery charge. OLIVERH. BAIR CO. D ••• CIO.. 0" .UN •• AU 1820' CHESTNUT STREET : ........... '111 Me A.", .... .w .... 11:00 A.1I.-~~-4erinOIl:' . WeclD~ evanIJiIr .JD~:'eiICh-"eeIt. ,;", & p. m •. BeadlPal'QiJm. ($8D cIaUy-exce~ ',:' , , ed~ aDd ~U~~~ ~ " I). ~. '~~. 'p",.' ~ 8rea D4c0r4I~Tlfiied~".f' i~·" ;-'.:::', . ces , QIe, . 'Nfl) ~ ~~," ~~ :r~.~:~~!rt.:~ ,I : .... : . "c.. ,', : . ••• Yields dividends in hea'ltb besides providing a re~llr satisfying drink. A generous and \ healthful supply of minerals, '1UIsJ.IDb;. Suhur/,sn . ,~~ " ~:

---------- Page 24 ----------

, ;~ ~~S~C~~H~o.~o~t'~: ~N~E=W==S== ===============T=B=E==S=W==A:R=T=B:M~O=R=E=A:N=a~~~:-~~~~~~~~'~R~IDA~ nmE 1~ 1~ Mr. and Mro. ·Ear&' P. Yerkes weie T. R.: Stuart. During his visit his Lui}aniDr: 8'g. ~ . . SCHOOL CALENDAR FOR 194344 the week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs. mothet •. birtbday will be .elebrated, as • . J. Donald Gibson at their cottage in weD 'I" the 43rd wedding anniverIBy The calendar given below is tentative, subje.t to change if conditions Brant Beach, N. J. of bjs I'arents. . . -. su.h as unforeseen fuel shortages warrant.· . Mrs. Yerkes spent June 10 and 11 in Mrs. Charles L. Maas' and daughter Annapolis, Md., attending the wedding Charlotte of Yale avenue arrived home The following Junior High awards , were presented' at a recent :assembly: Athletic Stars to Frances BreW,Ster, J:leather Champion, Taddy Evans, Ann Harvey, Peggy Keene'n; Barbara Krasc, Carol VanA1en aDd Minerva ZenseD, Sept~mber 7 ........ Tea.h~ro report; .onferences,re-examinations of a .ousin, H. Gates Skkels, Jr., of yesterday after spending a few day. at September 8 •••..... Classes beIPn, all grades Germantown, who graduated last w"d"IOcean City, N. J. . . • O.tober 5, .... ..... Night School Classe. begin from the Naval Academy. Margaret Ran.burg of Huntington ,for basketball. ,." O.tober 25, 26 •.•••• Connly Institute (schoob! closed) Mrs. Alvah Wood Stuart of Vassar Pa., iis spending the month of Jun~ '. Athletic sta.r. t'i' joan . November 25/26 •••• Thanksgiving Vacation (s.hools close noon) avenue was hostess to a neighborhood with. her uncle and aunt, Dr, and Mrs. ees Brew~ter~ Heath~r...,C.hampion. De~ember 17 ••..... Last day of school before Christmas (s.bools close noon) bridge party Tuesday evening of last DaVId McCahan of Strath Haven ave- . ~' . Evans, Arin Harvey,' AHce Hay, Madon :. ('Karns, Virginia Mcirsc,.N9rine Taylor, , Carol Van~ AleD and· Minerva' Zensen 1anuary 10 .......... Schools re-open . week. There were eigbt guests. nue. . Mar.h 22-25 ..•••••• Scbootmen's Week, U. of Pennsylvania Mrs. Stuart entertained 12 guests at a 11"--------------..... April 6, 7, 10 ........ Easter Vacation. lun.heon at the Ingleneuk Friday. RADIO SERVICE for lacro5se~ _ ,_ ' . . Athletic .Ietters to Caroline Balder­ston, Elizabeth'Bryant, Karin K(lehler,1 Mary Marshall, Jean McGlathery, Peggy Thayer for an accumulation of 12 credits in several' ~pqrts and stars to Peggy Keenen, Marilyn MacElwee, May 28 ............. Baccalaureaut. Servi.e Bridge followed at the Stuart home on .Gaanmteed SenIee _ all ....... May 30 ............. Memorial Day (s.hools closed) Vassar avenue. June 1. ............ Commen.ement . .D-dloo IUId PIao_p_ June 14 a. m.. .. .... L as. t d ay f or pup,","- Mr. Stuart left yesterday for Ithaca, !!! MUSIC BOX J une 16 ••.•. . . . . . . . L as t d ay, a II t ea.h er.' reports must be filed N. Y., where he will spend the week-end Telep 0_ .Swartlamore 1460 June 19-July 28 •.. : .Summer Higb Scbool' as the guest of his parents Dr. and Mrs. . '. Babsy Sickel, Pats), McCahan and IL---------------"7""--------------.....J June Spackman. AT PUBLIC BEARING Non-athletic_ awards to ninth grade girls included letters to Marjorie Black, Twenty-five citizens attended the Heather Champion, Anne Elkins, Taddy public· meeting called by Borougb Evans, Alice Hay. Peggy Kc;enen, Bar- Council Wednesday night to consider bara Krase, Marilyn MacElwee, June the request of the· college to put its Spackman, Ruth Wagner and a star to vacant building on South Chester road Mary Marshall. • in the apartment house zone. ' Non-athletic awards to seventh and Claude C. Smith explained for the .:u. Beeker Wonnded Mrs. William H. Becker of Park ave­nue received word Sunday from the War Department that ber husband Lt. ilecker was wounded in action in Alaska. The report further states that he is making normal improvement. Lt. Be.ker has been with the in­fantry for the past 18 months. Mr •. Becker is living witb ber mother Mr •. George Shaw at the Park avenue ad­dress .. eighth wade girlS -'inCiuded letters to College tliat the building is now by Louise : Archbold, Rosemary Argyle, non·conforming use an apartment Doris . ~Jllack, t-ora. Blackman, Je;.n house. He stated that the college Blakistrin, Jean-"BI'"oWfi, Mary Dickin- wishers to ·tear down an eye sore but son, Hlllen Disque, Joan Faulkner, does not wish to lose its present rights NEWS 'NOTES Helen lioot, Alice Hornaday, Carolyn while making _such a decided improve­Morse, Jean Richmond, Nancy Rincliffe ment. Mrs. Harlan R. Jessup and children and Be~ty Spencer:· Anna Whitson re- A. Sidney Johnson, Jr., represented of Beaumont, Texas. are expected· to ceived a: letter and a star. Cornell avenue residents petiti~ning al'rive June 22 to spend the summer Athletic awards ~to boys for trac~ that the zoning specifications in regard with Mr. and Mrs. J. Harlan Jessup included. ··letters to Dick· Helmuth and to an apartment set back be maintained, of Haverford avenue. STRAm HAVEN INN SCHEDULE FOR,' suMMER • Week Days BREAKFAST .......................................... 7:30 TO 9:00. LUNCH ... , .................... , .................... :12:30 TO 1;30' , DINNER ............ , .............................. ; .... 6:00 TO 7:30 • Sunday and Holidays BREAKFAST ................................................ 8 TO 9:30 DINNER ............................................... 1 p, M. TO 7:30 • FRANK M. SCHEmLEY Emers~. King and stars to Larry Drew, an enlarged sewer be provided, and the Steen Meryweather and .Ted Moore Clinton:'~ Goslin, Andy ~irk, Ruddy intervening alley be paved. Roy W. arrived home June 10 after spending Hayes, ~John Pol~ and Jack· Harant. Delaplaine and Dr. James F. Bogardus ten days at UEsta", the Meryweather's AthletiC.letters to boy; for an.aecumu- spoke in support of the p~ition. cottage in Ocean' City, N. J. Newell lation Qf 12 credits'. in several sports Following the vublic bearirig Council W. est joined them the first week-~nd. were a?arded to Rodney Bray, David President D. W. R. Morgan appointed Nancy' VanAlen of Park avenue ~as Collins,;~Allen Enders, George Hay, Gep-rge M. Ewing chairman,. s... ,.g~ hostess to a small group of friends at Harry ]~cGillberry, Ross Pfalzgraff, Rutberford, and Frank M. Markley to dinner on June 15 in celebration of her Steve ~i>encer, Graeme Taylor, Philip meet with college authorities. l~six~te~e~n~t~h~b~i~rt~h~da~y~._.L. ____ ~~~~~::::::::::::::::::::::~::~~::::::~::::=::::::::~::::~ Reeves,:!George Thorbahn and George T. E. Hessenbruch was appoint .. j • Warren:· Dick Raymond and Dick to the zoning board to replace L. C. Shelly feceived stars. Ashton resigned. Mr. Hesse·nbruch is Non-Iothletic awards to. ninth grade a former president of Council with long boys in~tuded Carriell" Archbold, a letter acquaintance with borough matters. and 1 jiar Fred' Behenna letter, Roy Mr. Markley was reappointed to the Bosshat!!t 1 stal';:Allen Enders 1 star, Civil Service Board. G. E. Houtman Andy Kirk a letter and ·2 stars, Don was named Borough Engineer. Swan a:~star, Taylor a letter,.Erie • . Viele a~letter ai\iI'2 stars, Wayne war- Memorial 10 /"..ieKi .. ,tikliko ner a slar and 'Bob Hulme 2 stars. Through the pa. ising of J:"sie Kova- eigNhothn -Sar.t' ahdleet ibco ylest Rteorbs inw Heraer peearr,·n Reud ddbyy I.~~~~~:a~ Memorial Fund has been es-by her. many friends' in and Hayes, !Bob McGowan, Jack Pittenger, John ~Qlk, Stev.e Spencer,' Bob Thor" Swarthmore. This fund, which bahn aifd Georg~·Warren. Jim Ho.rn-. had its origin in the department of aday a~d David ·,Morey received both mathematics and astronomy at Swarth­letter and star. more College, in which Dr. Kovalenko Atht~lic awardS to the winning in- was a member, is for the relief of Rus· > sian children. :!~s~~~~:~k~::!t t:::~ 'i~hi:sJ:~= .Her fine spirit can never die, for her pel tet(e.· r, Bob McCowan star, Steve life was full and rich. in doing kind - deeds for others. No child of her ac· Spence~~ letter, Graeme. Taylor star, and Bini Tucker letter. Quaintance was ever forgotten at Christ .. i'lo.. • , ,. mas time, on his or her birthday. grad- Emb~·ms were awarded to members of the~~winning softbaU team: Bill uation or wedding. Slie was· a perfect Blakeier, Ramsey Brpuk, Stui:'.rt Brown, hostess and opened her doors on so Dave C.ampbell, Ruddy Hayes, Dick many different lovely occasions. Jones, ~har1es Keighton, Eben Lang, One cannot forget her love and devo· BrintOlf; Medford,' John Polk, Bill tion to her husband's mother, at whose Soden,l1ob Talley aP,d. G_raeme Taylor. funeral these same· loving qualities Athl~'- c letters . were' 'presented to were so beautifully expressed in the I service. ~oys w: ,0 have accumUlated 12 credits She was' a person who went about H10 sev; ll sGp orts: Bob Thorbahn, Jim doipg good in her own quiet way, was ornaJnY' e~rge, Ch.arles a devoted wife, and one whb' put serv. Keene~;Quenttn Vase and 'Ray WIlson. ice before self. ~~ Eye Grad I" Semce "None knew her but to love her Naval; Aviation. Cadet Clarence W. None named her but to praise". Hartmai;l Jr., son of Mr. ,and ·Mrs. Clar- Elsie Anders Pitman. ence W: Hartman of Dartmouth ave-. nue ha,;: succc¥fully completed the in­tensive~, ll-weeks course at the U. S. Navy Iliie-Flight School at Chapel Hill, N. C. It..; has been primary flight training school at the NaVal Air Station,at Squantum, 'Mass .. ·WhiJ~: at Swarthmore high school, Cadet '~larence W. Hartman was In the c1a~s of '38.. ·His····extra-curricula activit~\vas football. j, , ; ~~ Arl. Pupil. Honored Claudjp. Hancock, Swarthmore High School.J~rt instructor. has just been notified!t>y the "Young America Paints" . ~ Naticj~al Institution that the dra'W­lOgs ofii Charlotte Hobbs and Helen Pratt h,ve been accepted for the eighth annual ;youl;1'g ~ America ilaitlts Circu­lating .Exhibition now being shown throug~ut the United States. . -.: . . Mr. iIond Mrs. J. P. Daugherty of . Dickinsbn avenue .will entertain 12 guests .~t supper and bridge at their home tomorrow evening. , NEWS NOTES Mr. G. A. Gay of Buffalo, N. Y., arrived Tuesday to spend a few weeks with his son and daughter-iti-Iaw, Mr. and Mrs. Owen W. Gay of~rest Jane. Dorothy Shaw, Sally Wright, and Janice Wherry left Monday for Ocean City, N. J., to spend two weeks before starting summer jobs. Philip Price, who has just graduated from St. Peter's School in PeekskilJ, N.· Y., is spending ~o weeks with Dan Kj,:-k of ~outh Chester road. He has / enlisted in the Naval V·12 program and expects to be called in July or November. Nancy Price was a member of the graduating class at Mills College, Oak­land, Calif., recently. Mrs. Harold G. Griffin of Rutgers avenue was hostess to her Sunday School class Tuesday for lunch after which they went to the afternoo'n per. formance of "My Friend Flicka". R. .' CURRAN' CO. ,i ,. , . ! . ~i "ABOV£ ALL A GOOD ROOF" J, ROOFING-SIDING 3: Approved AppJieadon of Jobna-Manville 'Ii Roofing and Sidiq Shingle!! < 1; Phone or Frite /0;' Free E.timates M" 4TCIIY BLDG. . ~PER DARBY. ell 'v· '" ali - 1016 MABKEl' ST, MARCUS BOOK ·P .... ; . ; . .,.'. " .'.: I F.lsh -Oranga araam Sherbl_t 4-t\ ' . . ~ In your 'first spoonful, you tll8te the smoothness, the delightful fresh,frnit favor of this new Sealtest ere-ation-- Orange Cream Sherbet. It is made with the jnice of fresh oranges, and has the superior quality you've come to IlXpeCt in all Supplee Sealtest dairy PIQ.mcts. .Al!k your Snpplee dealer for Orange Cream Sherbet.. And for another flavor -t. try Sealtest Fresh Raspberry Cream i • SOWLEE JmDg. you .... ·d·~ BROW . '. ". , .... DW. n J ._ cd... TIllIE IH1 Sherbet. You'll find' 'them both in. the store which displays' the familiar· red Sealtest sign. * BUY WAR BONDS AND STAM.S * SUPPLEE A DI,' til .. ",He." hIrr ... J II. c.p ..... ... .;. , - .' ~ , . , jmm~ '1iALm ~ MAL IB'l'ATB . SID!RTPP'S OPPICB .. . ol Dear Editor: COURl' Bot7BB, IIIIDIA, _A. • I have been re.eiving The Swarth- PBIDAY, JULy 2, 1M3 niorean for some tim"e now, and I want 8:30 A.IL Kutem W. TIme. Vear Editor: ,,'.. . ctola teixopnr .e toss ymouy. tWhahnekns wane dS mwayr tahipnoprer e-I~~~~~~~~~ri~::~~~~~~ homes, it is very gratifying·lto receive ""-'!'""~., . . f". . This io jullt a note to . let you kDow hoW much I have. appreciated. The swarthmbJ'ell~ which has been reache iog me allover the' r.ountry during the past six·'months.· I follow the doings of my friends and schoolmates of sev­eral years ·a~o· with ·a new interest. J{aving"spent 11 years of my youth in swarthmore, I still consider it my home town. Thanks again. boys go into the service and leave our I~C!~~~~~i and read Tbe Swarthmorean from be­ginning to end. I m::tiI~ tbed~~ al - L. Yqer, lfo. _ Lt. James P. Lipman, Last w_eek I read the announce­ment about my baby who was born in Quincy, Illinois, and I suddenly realized how ungrateful I 1Dustappear to you in neit ·acknowledging this very nice service. However, I do appreciate it arid .want you to know it. Also, rna!.l take. this chance to thank you for that very nice announcement. I want aU Diy friends in Swarthmore to know about it and that was an excellent way to h~ye it done. I I have met two Swarthmore ·boys since I have been in the Army Cadets. Bill Thorpe was with me in Nashville, but as he was c:lassified as a Navigator and I as a Pilot - just as we botb had hoped - we were sent to· differ· ent places ~ for training. Wlfen I was '===,"",=:-: ... .1. in Montgomery,. Alabama, at Maxwell Field I met Bob Hanuik, for a very I',h,nr' chance to talk about home. ~!:;!,,,,,.,....,=,--= Thank you again' for sending us The Swarthmorean, if I may speak for all those who are receiving ~ in the service. Here's to a quick ending ======='"===1 to this unwanted war, so that we may aU return to~ our homeR that we love FObUoN"D. - Near Ba1II08d Station Tlleodal ring. with InItiala P.8. lnItiala in­side M.KoB. Call at The 8w~ oJIIce. FOR RENT ThlnI IIoor apartment, 44 Sov.tb. Morton pArvaegnoue. , CMrocruto vne. ctPUoattulo D~. .=~PQ"C"o"n-venient to B.a. and bus. t30 per month. Pos8es8lon June.~; , WM, S. MRS. A. . &: so much. Yours very truly, Laurence S. Kent. Like. School New. Dear Editor: I am writing to thank you and" the Swarthmore. Business Association·-.for sending me a copy of the paper. It makes me very happy to read it. I am very interested in it. The s~hool news is what I enjoy most. All I hav.e to say is the war will be over. soon because we have a willing fighting ~ Army and Navy.' . Thanks again from the bottom of my heart. Sincerely, . Harrison Robinson. NE·=W=S"":'N:7:.:0 =TE=-S Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Thorn, Jr., of Ridley Park and Chariestown, Md .• re spending the summer in the Clair Wil­cox home on . Ogden 'avenue. Sue Davison of.· Vassar avenue left Monday for Buffalo where she will A. QUlNit.t)h.": ,sp,ood the summt;r, returning in October FUNE~ DIRECTORS to begin her senior year at t!J. coUege. . Mrs. Frede~ick. R. Lang of Maple 206 S. ~ !It.. Media avenue entertained her bridge club 'Piu>aei~ • Monday afternoon. ~I ;;;;;;;;~~~~~~;;;;;;;;~I MAacnEnl wHeaer,v eyP,e Vggiryg inKiae eMnoanrs,e . BMaarrbilayrna EDWIN B. KErr Ey.· Jr. Krase, Carol Van Alen, Heather . Your /81'.' sJer . . Champion, and· Mary MarshaD left Thursday to spend ten days' at the 25 Eat 7t1t !It. Claeater MarshaU's cottage in Cape May, N. 'J. (Oppool~ New Stat., Thea"") Mrs. Rex I. Gary of Yale avenue will 1~~~'~p1h)O!IU"~.~CheoIer~~~.~3l7~M~~~II:~~~~ them I"s .haperon. G. Whytlaw Jr., son of Mr. Mrs. Graeme, Whytlaw left this Pletare StadODftT I",eek to.t,ake an ·accelerated course ·at Boob. Supplies ~eddie School in Hightstown, N. J. G"""Dg c.,m. - Bobb,. Craf, Patsy Told has joined her parents Mr. and Mrs. Peter E. Told of Park ~~~~ii~~~~~JI tm~on:t~hs waiftthe rh esr peunndclien ga ndth ea unwt inMterr. and Mrs. C. A. Chase in Houston, ~atsy was, met in Chicago by father and they reached home Mon­noon. WINDOW . co. , SWARTHMORE ·BRANCH ALL BJUNCBBS OJ' BOUSB CLBAN­INO. KNOWN IN ~ T\IBBl­TOBY I'OB ZO YBABB I'ree Pholie cans -I'or C1utoIaers (Fo_ S •• It) Ardmore _ Room RUSSELL Maker oj Fins Plaorograplu 416 BAVIIBI'OBD PU.CE CALL SWAllTlDlOBE 1190 PIANO TUNING AND RBB1JRD1NG SI Y._ PI, de"~" __ A. L PA. R."'.~ .I!OIE!t1l 'Pho_ 1Ied!- 459-. KEEP WARMED willa . COAL AND COKE' FUEL oi';:" . .. i • VAN AI.EN~.BRos. PIaeue S_'10112 WE CAN SBOWYOV Row Pitman of Vassar avenue and Walton of Amherst avenue"' left I ~~stJ~~rl~,e;";via bike'~ for Ocean City, 11 J., they will vacation for a week. Last June, students from Swarth­more and Haverford' Colleges, from Swarthmore, Media; Upper ·Darby, Nor­ristOWn, Friends Central Schools as­sembled at tbe Willard P. Tomlinson home on Chester road· for vocational counseling -and aptitUde testing. "Have I a chante for' V 12?· How about Meteorology? or the WAVES? Have I enough ·niec~hiCaI aptitude to obtain a specialist's rating? .Th~se and many similar questions are faced and. given a suitable answer in ,the Tomlinson":' Strathmore occupational clinique. ~~~~:~~~~~ ~~:~r~~;' ': 11 P. BALDaInm. SJTIO_N o, wJnre. rA. UOmoJ'• . 8-11-3t B. S. _ON. _. sBERTPP SALE OP RBAL BBTATB eHlIB,. TPP.' 8 OPPIOB COUB'l' BOUBll,·1ImIA. PENNA. PRIDAY • .JUlIZ 25. 1M3 9:30 AM. Butem War TIme "All. that certain lot or pIece' al land. with the buIlCl..iD.a and Improvements thereon erectecl. aftuate on the Westerly aide of Leztngton Avenue at the dSatance of three hundred. and Ilt9 teet· South­wardly from. the SOuthwesterly corner or the aiel Lextnaton Avenue and Pembroke Avenue. In the ea1d. Borouab of BaIt LImB­downe. oonta1D1Dg.ID front meaaurecl t1leDoe eoUtb=aJoDII the Westerly sldo or the saId D Avenue twenty-:Ilve feet. and. _ding 1 1"",_ or depth or that width one hundred anel twenty feet. bounded on the North and. SOUth bY lands of George L. Barnett and on the Wtst br lands o(IrvIn J. Zorn and Martha 0_, hIs WIfe. ConditIons: t250.00 ..... or cert1Ded cheek at time ot .... (WIleoa otherwise stated In I_In ....... 138 Burmont _, ~-, BIJl,' advertisement) balance 1n ten day.. other ....... -,.;0 condltlons on <la1 ot we. Pier! Pac188 September Term, 1932 "Together with the right and use at the Northerly two feet of tbe premIeee nut aClJolntng lD the South. au. cl subJect to the riRbt of the ownera. tenanta and occupIers of J)leIJ1l8es next adJo1n1Dg on the South 923 lAwrence Ave., Darb7. Fa. Sold .. the property or Barr)' S. CoWno. Howe and lot altuate In Borough of Darby. on NortheuterlJ s1de of Lawrence· L. LDIDBIIKtJTB. Attomoy. B. S. MUNSON. 8herUr. (lAin't It a Grand and Glorious Feeling?" , W HEN YOU'VE BEEN BUY­ING War Bonds on the Pay­Roll SavingsPlanfor,say,6p1onths .' •• I . / .-/ -- ~imoleons for every THREE you," putting in todar.. • • Golly, you'll have a cottage DB • lilke-take a trip around the world ••• send the kids tQ college. • • And suddenly you realize that-fQr the first time in your life-you're saving money regularly. • Saving more than you thought you ever could save. • • Ai-!l't it a ~rand and ,iorio .. l feeling? SO KEEP IT UP, SISTER. Keep on buying Bonda, ; ; tack- There it is, . tucked away, mounting • , . mg em .away. • _ tucking 'em awq up, month in, month out. .' • • • tucking 'em away And you think how, later on, it'll be AND DON'T LET ANYTHING coming back to you in cash, FOUR STOP YOU I . * * * Can't you boost your ante, maybe? Don't stop with 10 percent if you c:tIJl do more. Do a11 you can I SAYE WITH U.S.WAR BONDS EVERYBODY ••• EVERY PAYDAY ••• AT LEAST lOX This space is a oonttibution to A.nerics.'. A. P. SMALLEY SWARTHMORE STUDEBAKER SALES & SERVICES THE BOUQUET AIJCE BARBER, GIFfS HANNUM & WAITE I WM. M. HARVEY, BUILDER THE MUSIC BOX MICHAEL'S COU,EGE PHARMACY N. W. SUPlEE CELIA SHOE SHOP JOSEPH'S BARBER SHOP BUCHNER'S MARIE DONNEU.,Y DEW DROP INN B. J. HOY 5 AND 10 THE INGLENEUK CO.ED BEAUTY SALON RV8SEI,J.'S SERVICE MARTEL BROS. E. L. NOYES VIcTOR D. SHIRER PETER' E. TOLD SWARTHMORE NATIONAL BAM{ AND TRUST COMPANY HARRIS & CO. H. B~ GREEN STRAm' HAVEN INN HOLLYHOCK GIFT AND FLOWER SHOP SWARTHMORE co-op ;, I. - ,! . ') J .' , . ~ , ,I .• ' • >. " • :j .j ~ .' .'t • . :,~ .' ~ .. ,.. f,.. . • -.of. ...... ,~ 1;f:.

---------- Page 25 ----------

) at)- OPA Head, Loeal SpeclaUalll DiseW18 CoDBumer Problems matics professor of the Unive .. ity of Pennsylvania described the course of inflation in Germany aftir the last war and spoke briefly on the desperate c:on­ditions that developed there. SW ABTRJIIOREAN . FORMER PASTOR DEAD The Rev. William M. Woodfin, D.D. pastor of the Pre8byterian Church here from 1908-1915 died on June 10 at Mer­freesboro, TeliD., where he was buried on June 13. 1UE lVEEK'S CALENDAR • . \ IDJIIDA'I', lUlU • -" 11:00 •• m.-lIomI!>B Wonbip ................................. 1.OCOl 01>_ . TUB8D&Y,~a 8:20 p. m. -"TIle Wurlor'tI B ... ....,4" ............................. ~ ClUb \ WBD!fBIIDAY, n7JIJI II • 10:00 •• m.1o f:OO p.m.-Bed or...l!1JqIcaI ~ ......... Ball 7'., p.m. 10 10:OOp.JD.-Bed an. 8ul1tcal n-e._ ........ ~ Ball 8~ p.m..-'''1''be Wan1Or'a BuabaDd," ••••••••.•••••••• 4 ••••••••• Pla7CW OlUb TIIURIID&Y, nnlB If 10:00 •• m.1o f:OO p.m.-Bed an. aulltcal n-e.blp .......... ~ Ball, 8:20 p.m.-''The Warrior'. a .. baD4" ........................... Pla7 ... ClUb "Consumers caR have as much price control as they want and can control black markels by refusing to buy above ceiling price." Tbis conclusibn on the market set-up was drawn by Dr. James F. Bogardus of the Philadelphia Office of Price Administration at a con­sumers' education meeting on "Black Marke)s" held "t the Swartbmore Co­operative June 10. H. Haines Turner of th~ $tafl of Pendle HiU led. a discussion of short­ages and black market practices which yielded a number of practical sugges­tions for dealing with the situation. Roy J. McCorkel summed up the meeting and emphasized the fact that present and pending conditions will test the loyalty of everyone to the democratic way of life. Dr. Woodfin was a graduate of Princeton University and received the degree of Doctor of Divinity from Cumberland University. A great-grand­son of Nicholas Woodfin, a soldier with General Walhington;. a gran<tson of Samuel Woodfin, a soldier under An-IL--..:..---------___ , _________ '-____ -J drew Jackson; and a son of Hugh L. W. Woodfin, a soldier in the Confed­erate" Army, he served as a chaplain He· explained that the OPA d".pe~ds on the public to help enforce rahoDlDg regulations as over 60,000 retail est~b­lishments are covered by only 60 In­spectors. This throws on the consumer. the burden of abiding by price ceilings and the" responsibility of curtailing in­flation to some extent_ by that means. Dr. Bog,.rdus stressed the need ~or price ceilings that originate at the pamt of production if price control is to be genuinely effective. Black markets were defined by Mrs. Cameron P. Hall who told unusual stories of how retailers avoided paying above-ceiling prices by instituting a system of side-bets with the who~esaler, practices which at first seem ummpor­tant but if unohecked inevitably lead to full-fledged inflation. James L. Malone discussed the rea­sons · for local food shortages and mar­ket conditions out of which bIa~k mar­ket practices have grown and become prevalent in the distribution of some foods and particularly of meat. Greater !ohortages of many foods were pre­dicted for the coming year, and the necessity for improved techniques of wholesaler distribution stressed. Dr. Hans P. Rademacher, mathe .. • ------ It's Major Lewis Now • The promotion of Captain W. Sproul Lewis to the rank of . Major is an­nou\ Jced. Major Lewis has been with the War Department Office of I)epend­ency Benefits at Newark, N. J. since October 1942 in the Control Branch of the Service Division. Before entering the Army, Major Lewis managed his own business at Wilmington, Del. He is a former mem­ber of Borough Council. His mother, Mrs. Elizabeth Jones Lewis, is a resi­dent of Swarthmore. Mrs. Marjorie Lapham Lewis, his wile, and two daugh­ters Nancy Jane, and Marjorie Eliza­beth, live on Swarthmore avenue. Major Lewis was graduated from the college, dass of 1921. While at Swarthmore he won his letter in both football and bas­ketball and was captain of the lacrosse team. At his present post, Major Lewis is assisting in administering the major benefits to soldiers' dependents - pri­marily the family allowance and allot­ment- of-pay. , ---.. --- Jim Johnstone returned to Wilming­ton, Del., last Sunday night after a week-end visit with Ned Rutherford. Mr. and Mrs. Wallace M. McCurdy a,re vacationing at BuCk Hill Falls. '. • YOU I EARN how at the free Canning L Clal_ses being held eVery other week at the •••. CHESTER OFFICE PHILADELPHIA ELECTRIC COMPANY 12.18 E. Fifth Street FRIDAY. JUNE 25 ..•••••••••••••.. 2100 p.m. * * * O'HER CANNING CLASSES NIX' WUK rulSDAY, JUNE 22 .c635 Frankford Avenue, Philad.lphla , •..•.• 4 • " " • " ••••• 2:00 p.m. 41 W. eh.rnn Avtnue, Philadelphia ................ " •... 7:30 p.m. 123 N. Wayne Av.n" •• Wayn •. , , , .•.•••••••••• " ••••.. 2:00 p.m, WlDNESDAY, JUNI 23 :l12 Il0l[. ... _. _0_ ........... "... ......... 2:00 , .. . INUUDAY, JUNE 24 - N ..... _, ......... phIe ..................... 2:00 , ... Yoot ........ Su_ A _ , ......................... 2":00 ...... niDAY, JUNI 21 Ma .. * ....... CIS'.wllle .••• "" ........ " .. " ...... j .. ~ .2.-00 ,.-. \ PHILADILPHIA' ILlCfRIC COMPANY Do Not W .... s.cllidy JviI BeecM. tit Notllalle.1I1 • .! in the first World War.' , In 1912 and 1913 he led the "No Lic­ense" campaign in Delaware County. During his pastorate ·of the church bere the Parish Builc:iing still in use was erected. Dr. Woodfin resigned in 1915 and had been retired for sometime be­fore hi. death. He is .urvived by his wife. • AUXILIARY REPORTS . Twenty-eight friends and members of the American Legion Auxiliary were entcr~ined last Friday with a dessert .. bridge at the home of Mrs. O. J. Gil­creest. A thirty-minute meeting pre­ceded the game. Mrs, E. Taylor - received the door prize, and bridge winners were Mrs. E. 1r McGuiness, Mrs. Arthur R. O. Red­grave, Mrs. E. M4 Bassett, Mrs. N. O. Taylor, Mrs. WaiteI' L. Thorpe, Mrs. Margaret Marsh, and Mrs. Alexander Ewing. Refreshments 'and prizes were donated and members of the serving committee were Mrs. McGuiness, Mrs. Thorpe, Mrs. Norman Hulme, Mrs. N. O. Taylor and Mrs. James E. Davis. Thirty .. two covers, quilts, afghans. etc., have been made from salvage material by· the Auxiliary in the· past year. After this week members will meet on Wednesdays to continue this work. • Donations of jewelry are much in demand by the Salvage Committee and cotton for stuffing toy animals is needed. The Auxiliary urges all mem­bers to cooperate with Mrs. Bishop in her canning enterprise by working or donating glass jars. Mrs. Re.x Gary of the Auxiliary is one of the leaders in~ terested in this work. ID. Musical Tea Eleanor Schofield Fawcett gave an informal recital tea at her home on South Chester road Sunday afternoon. Compositions by Haydn, Beethoven, Chopin. Grieg. MacDowell, Rachman­inoff, and others were played by Bar­bara Lukens. Elizabeth Bryant, Nancy Gray, Caroline Balderston, Robert D. Fawcett, Marjorie Black. Nancy Rin­cUffe, and Barbara Sickel Mrs. Fawcett recently presented Nancy Rincliffe in a piano recital at which she played the following program with excellent tone and phrasing ac­companied by sympathetic inter.preta­tion: "Pastorale," Scarlatti .. Tausig. "Bour­re," Bach, "Theme and Six Variations," Beethoven, UErotik" and uPapillon," Grieg, "Prelude in C sharp mjnor," Rachmaninoff,' "Prelude in C minor," 4'Mazurka in A minor" and "Valse in E minor," by Chopin. ---..--- At Slrath Raved Inu An evening of music will be pre­sented at the Inn Saturday evening, June 26 at 8 p. m. A chorus of 40 vokes will be heard under the direction of George D. C. Thomas, director of the Arch Street Methodist Episcopal church choir, Philadelphia .. The church quartet, Edna Haddock, soprano; Lily Fraser, con­tralto: Frank Oglesby, tenor; and How­ard Vanderburg, baritone, will sing a humorous arrangement of excerpts from opera. A cordial invitation is extended to all Swarthmore friends to attend. Sipna Xi Officers Dr. Peter van de Kamp of the astron­omy department of the college, Dr. Lu­zern G. Livingston of the botany de­partment and Dr. H. W. Brinkmann of the mathematics department have been elected president, vice-president, and secretary-treasurer of the Swarthmore Chapter of Sigma Xi. Asks For Flowers Mrs. Henry L. Ward of 315 Cedar lane who is in charge of the Friends Meeting collection of Flowers for the Flowerless for .the month of June, will be glad to receive bonquets on Wed­nesday, June 23 between 5 and 7 p. m., and also during the sam. hours ]un.30. • John Dyer spent a few dars last Graduate at Friends Central M.s. Walter C. Crouch was an­nounced ,as recipient of the Alice V. ,White Memorial· "in recognition and appreciation of the long years of faith­ful service on the faculty by her hus­band Walter C. Crouch" 'at the com­mencemen_ exercises of Friends Cen­tral School, Friday. ] oyce Hilda Orem and Marion Louise Hanna Schatte were the local girls among the 53 graduates. A niece of Mr. and Mrs. William H. Peuthouee Watched George Armitage president of the Penthouse has received an Inquiry fr"", Ivan Reynolds boys' work secretary of the Y. M.,.c. A. in the Oranges, N. J. Mr. Reynolds is consulting with a group of young people in Orange, N. J. which is about to' undertake a similar project with a fund of $1500 made avail. able for its use. He,has asked Genrge to send him a complete history of the Penthouse. Thatcher and Mr. and Mrs. Charles * * * * * * * * * * * * G. Thatcher, Nancy Fitts, received the Annie Shoemaker Scholarsbip of ap- * ,_. __I Ol * proximately $500 for her first year at * J.AlMII II pilll '* Swarthmore College. Nancy's sister I. * Ellen was awarded the Class of 1905 Scholarship fund toward tuition for 1943-44. Both are daughters of Mr. * * IN AIR·CONDITIOHID COMFORT ATTN! * * * * and Mrs. Frank Fitts of Locust Knoll . Farm, Middletown road, Media. * * SUBURBAN em: Entertains Pnplls * - CuJI,,;/ LM"" LUNCH from 600 DINNER from ... * ** * Mrs. Franklin Gillespie of Harvard avenue and Chester road held her fourth and last music pupil party of the year on 'the afternoon of June 14. Stu­dents who play~ were Marilyn Green. Ann Vlachos, Jack Bird, Lucy Harper, Freda Billstein, Bobby Lang, Jeryl Faulkner, Bicky Thompson, Rosemary A.rgyle, and Eleanor Wolf. * * *. .• * * ... all_ •• '.LL __ * * coacr. ... HOW 3 10 ..... * * * Ice cream and cookies were served. * *********** STORE HOURS Mon., Toes., Wed., Thars., 9 A.M. to 5130 P.M. . FRlDAY,9A.M.to6P.M. SATURDAY, 9 A.M. to 9:30 P.M. ENTIRE STORE AI R-CO OLED SHOP IN COMFORT ~EN! REGULAR. $5.95 Slack' Suits • SanJorised Shrunk "~~~"=R" 3 9 8 "NEW PARK" "UNIvERsAL" , "SPORT TOWNE!' Cool sommer fabri~. Short sleeve sport shirt and slacks to match. Many with zipper flies. Sizes 28 to 42. Other Fine Slack Suits $3.49 to $9.98 • Give "Dad" NECKWEAR 47c-88e to $1.88 Our quality fabrics and handsome patterns oller a selection from which to please the fussiest Dad ~ with an eye for excellence! Cotton Broadcloth PAJAMAS $1.59-$1.95 to 14.98 The better tailoring in these pajamas will keep them from wrapping them' selves around your neck - or twist· ing around your legs. week on his way home from Pnnceton I University at the hOIDe of his aunt, Mrs. Joseph B. Pope of Obedin ave-I nue, His brother, George Dyer, ar­rived this week from his home in Lew-' isburg, Pa" for a visit with the Popes: L ________________ ""' ___________ .. • - • . ' THE SWARTHMOR 8W ABTBlfOJtIt COLLlmE LIBRARY 25, 1943 OF'F'ER CANNERS CANNING ToOLS Community'. Fourth Cele. bration Irreludes Boro' •. 5Qth Birthday ~. AMAZONS STRUT PLAYERS STAGE Mrs. Rex Gary Will .Arranse for Use of Canning Center ' by Individuals Narbeth Directed "Warriors' The next issue of. The Swarthmorean Husband" Employs Large Cast will carry the details of the Fourth of of Elleetive Pnlchritude to Beans and .. cherries are now ready for canning and the community canning. center is ·prepared to go into action. Anyone wishing to can these two items or any other produce which is now ready vrith the pressure cooker at the center should notify ·Mrs. Re,x Gary, Swarthmore 1608, if possible two days July celebration which will be held on Close S~u - Monday, ]uly 5. The morning program before the day of canning. ' In return for the use· of the pres~ure cooker persons canning their own pro­duce at the center will· leave 'three out of 12 jars of the canned pr~duct at the center to be used for public institutions and organizations which wil.1 need such food next winter, and a nominal charge of lOc an hour will be made to each canner in order to pa'y for the gas used. The canning committee will attempt to use local volunteers - young people will carry the main features for the ohildren. In the afternoon the canoe races and· tUting contests will occur. A softbaU contest is, scheduled if suffi­cient players can be lined up. A picnic supper wiU be held on the High School grounds and will furnish a fine opportunity for aU to reneW' ac­quaintences. This will be followed by an outdoor program by Civilian Defense groups and finally in the High School Auditorium there will be a short pro­gram celebrating the Fiftieth Anniver­sary of ·the incorporation of Swarth­more as a borough. All of the old ·time residents and bor­ough officials· ~re especially invited. Plan Fall Blood Donations or Boy or Girl Scouts - to gather fruit Mrs. Phelps Soule presided over a which owners can riot harv.est. Ho!,- meeting of Red Cross Blood Donor ever, Mrs. Ruth K. Strawb.r1dge cha~- chairmen of this district Wednesday man of the ,food conservation commit- fDA h tee of Pennsylvania has notified it that June 16 at the home. 0 r. rt ur the Philadelphia schools are prepared Baker in Ridley Township. Detailed to send students under supervision to plans were· mapped out for the Sep-pick cherries in Swarthmore f or peopI e tmemeebt era t2 2,t h2e3 . R24id, laeny d TZo5w bnlsohoidp dHonigohr who need help in gathering them. The School. The.scbool's cen.trallocation to cherries picked under this arrangement all ·the participating boroughs makes it will be given directly to the canning an ideal spot .for the blood collections. tenter and a fair proportion of the Other Swarthmoreans who rep're­fruit will, be returned to the owner. sente::! this community. were Mrs. Ever­Two days notice is also required for this service arrangements for which ett" L. Hunt· and Mrs. M. C. Neal. Mrs. can be made through Mrs. Gary. Harold Morgart who has assumed the -=':" _ ....:==::::::::===-_-:-_,1 responsibility of Booking Chairman for r Ridley Township wa~ present as were "Good Deed" Gets Resnlts representatives from the Overlook • Girl Scouts who trudged bor­ough streets June 14 and 15 in search of householders' contribu­tions of· glass conl!li~ers for the summer canning project 'collected over 500 jars and jelly glasses. . Heights housing project and the Dela-ware County trailer camps. . SWarthmoreans are asked to keep in mind the September blood donor date~ in the realization that this community has a heavy respo9sibility fO,r the suc-cess of the'··event. . ~... " Leave Extended for Duration Julian Thompson's "The Warrior~s Husband" brings to a close the Players Club season. Beset by shortage. of actors, heat and transportation the club has surmounted its difficulties to pre­sent a full program at no small cost of effort,· worTY. and last minute sub­stitutions. One such substitute in "The Warrior's Husband" cast, brings back popular prayers ClUb favorite Lincoln Atkiss as Homer an early war corre­spondent. Mr. Atki .. rep,lach Jack M. Howells who left shortly before the opening to join the Buck Hill Falls players. "The Warrior's Husband" is particu­larly well staged, happily so since the comedy's plot is so slight as to be de­pendent upon adequate staging. Set­tings for the production were made under the direction of Carol Goodwin who is to be commended for her work. Costuming~ is also well handled, the warrior ladies being properly equipped with armor to swashbuckle alluringly. The Greek heros are impressive in their 'warrior robes except for Hercutes, Lewis E. Goodenough, who suffered bC}th from his costume and dramatic license. Only a student of costumes could tell whether Sapiens' dress was authentic but one suspects that it was a trifle burlesqued. Jean Prosch as Hippolyta, Queen of the Amazons, is regal and attractive in appearance and presents with her sister Antiope a classic picture of Ama­zonian allure. Mary P. Plowman as Caustica, Helen C. MacElwee as Hero­ica, and Anne ·Voigt as Pomposia pre-­sent interesting contrasts as· Hippo­Iyta's councilors who play traditil1nal political football with arms, public buildingsJ and the atniy's m~at. ' Officer· Amazons SaJ1y McFadden, MarRUerite Gettz, and' Martha Ray­mond' are pretty enough for today's WAACS to admit them as early fore- WITH Ist AMERICAN UMT IN MALTA ( Brttlsh omclal Photo Lt. Robert Chester Spencer, Jr., aD airman of the United SIB.... Upl­Ding Pholograph Squadron which is 811ached to the British RecoDDBD- 8ance Unit stationed on Malta. Lr. Spencer has been in the Arm7 for a year and a balf. The mlUlame shown is a new acquisition aDd hitherto UD­"". n by his family_ The Britbh n .... reI.a.. earefuJ1y otal.. ahat It- has been removed otn .. the phot_ph was laken and ahat Lt. Speneer had asked the phot ..... apher to make a Dote of it in the eaptioD " to make sare his family reeopdzed hIm." L.W,V. Asks All to Register N ewCOnlers to Swarthmore' are re­minded by the Swarthmore League of Women Voters to register in time for the coming primary. Registration in Swarthmore will be. held at Borough Hall on August 4 from I to 5 and 6 to 9 p. m .. Registration can also be made any time JUUil August 14 at the Court House in Media. Mrs. DanicJ R4 Goodwin. president of the Swar~hmore League entertained the Executive Board at luncheon at her home on Walnut lane Friday, June 18. Plans for the coming year were dis­cussed with special dmphasis to be put on the election in th6.. fall. , NO REST AHEAD FOR TEACHERS , Faculty of S~arthmore School. Busy in War ludustry, Summer Co~ and Social Wo~ Five teachers of the Swatlhmore schools are making direct contributions to the war effort during the schools' summer recess. Nathan Bell and. Henry F. Hofmann will ~eeQlployed in ship­yards, Mr. Bell in New Jersey a~d Mr. Hofmann ,.lin Chester. Mr. Hofmann plans to take sonie college courses if they can be worked in with his job . Jtmeo; H. Miller has a war indnstry j b and Adeline Strouse will be etT p oyed by Westinghouse. Abbie . Enders plans to worle" a large gar ~, and can at least SOO quarts of foo,' '" family use and help with comli' i;ty canning. Three of the staff will do sommer camp work i Wilma Stern in CamP Harmony, Johnstown, Pa., for part of the summer and as counselor at Lake Geneva, Wis.; George Reimer ail di­rector of Camp Daddy Allen for crip­pled children in the Poconos, and Trustem M4 Baldwin will be a counselor • t the same camp. Alice Blodgett is to be recreation director at Sleigbton Farm Sohool for girls and Myrtle Mc­Callin will work with the American Friends Service Committee in Philadel­phia. Six teachers will pursue a~demic work; Jean McCreight and Varginia Allen at Temple University, Margaretta S. Plewes at Drexel Institute, Claudia Hancock at the University of Chicago, Helen L. Orr at Penn State, and Mabel Ewing at Columbia University.·· . G. Baker Thompson heads the Swarthmore High School .ummer school with five members ·of the reg­ular faculty on his staff; Eugene .. J . Duncan, Robert M. Sauter, Nell WISe­man, Jean Prosch, arid, EditJt Kenney. ' Frank R. Morey and Sadie A. Chad" wick ,,';11 be on duty at the .. scb",,1 throughout the summer. Three of the staff will vacation in scattered spots; Margaret L. Price at Siasconset, Mass:, Cynthia Wickham at Phoenix, Ariz., and Lillian Hewes . at Buck Hill Falls. • Bereaved Weary though they were from covering their allotted "beats" the total baul which tops last year's encouraged them. Scout leaders who oversaw the· project in, civic service praise their scouts highly for an efficient job. sl560 FOR SWISS REr,mF Mrs. Francis G. Healey of Ogden runners. Greek warriors Achilles (H. avenue and her four children John, Stevenson Fry), Ajax (Bickley Parker), Margaret, Elizabeth, and Norman will and the versatile Gag.nius (Paul F. leave on Monday to join Mr. Healey; Genunill) appear, contrary to the au-and make th.eir home in Chevy Chase, thor's theme, to take their warfare as War Prisoner Writes Home Mrs. Alice R. Brown mother'of ]. Md. casually as the Amazons. Paul Brown of Walnut Lane -died sud-- The final report of the first season of the Swarthmore· branoh of the American Committee for Swiss Relief, Mrs. A. M. Bos$hardt chairman and Mrs. S. H. Harris treasurer, lists a total collection of $1560, the res.ult of several benefit programs, pledges from Swarthmore patronesses and various gifts from nearby donors, Two Byw'ood and one Swarthmore benefit performances were given en­tirely by children for the refugee chil-dren of Europe. . The sum of $14~ has ~een transfer­red to the national committee in St. Louis, Mo.,.leaving a balance of $110, with which the local committee hopes· to resUme its work in the fall for this ever increasing need. • Snmmer School in Session G. Baker Thompson principal of the summer session of the Swarthmore schools states that it got under. way successfully Monday morning. The school will continue dally except Sat­urdays until] uly 30. Pupils and teachers decided to. meet on Monday July 5 in preference to a Saturda)'" session w~ich would interfere with the Saturday Jobs which occupy the majority regi~tered. The school's enrollment is 1o-?"o below that of last summer, a drop of 50 to 60 pupils. The loss is mainly with older boys and girls where summer jobs ~avd cut into their schedule. There is a slaght drop in the enrollment of the element­ary school but the most noticeable drop is in the shop work. Since October, Mr, Healey has been John David Narbeth is seen in the Mr. and Mrs, Fred P. Jone. of Yale dently Saturday morning June I~ at her head of the Far Eastern branch of the title role and carries the additional avenue have received a letter from home in Wyoming, Del. The widow of Political Warfare Mission in the Brit- burden C)£ director. To a. long time their SOil Lt. Curtis S. Jones who is a Abram ~. Brown she was in her 89th ish Embassy at Washington. His leave admirer of Mr. Narbeth, Sapiens is not prisoner of war in Italy. year. • from the college where he is assistant his best role aIthoqgh it drew many Dated March 31 the letter reached She is survived by seven other .chU-professor of Philosophy has been ex"!"~ laughs on the opening night. The subtle here Tuesday, June 22 to inform his dren and 12 grandchildren, three, of tended and Mr. Healey will remain in touch which has made 1ft. Narbeth one parents that he was "safe in the prison whom Barbara Brown, Cpl. James· P. Washington for the duration. of the club's leading comedians has camp, feeling welt, and being wel~ Brown, Jr., and Ale Richard a ·Brown, . Ten years' experience in Formosa, little opportunity in the Julian T~omp- treated". are of Swarthmore. China, and Japan as an English Pres- son role. " ---4.>-__ byterian missionary gave Mr. Healey William Mercer appears to good ad- Hyde Alden of North Chester road Dick McCray of Cornell aven~e will invaluable background for his present vantage as Theseus, and both he and leaves June 30 for a month at Camp spend the month of }'uly at', Camp work Before his return from the Orient Antiope as played by Virginia Hale Carson ncar Reading, Pa. \ Wenonah in the ,Poconos. in 1941 he was a temporary member of step up the pace and play their roles 1----------------_______________ ...l.J ~ the British Embassy in Tokyo for nine with sincerity. Antiope is the only one '* Deif.ense· Council Bull-JL!ns. * months. of the Amazons who speaks their l~ve 1rIre&' Mrs: Healey and the children had pre- of battle with conviction. ceded him by two years to Canada, their Kay Thurman, Janet Hetzel, Janet home prior to coming here. Harris, Co~stance Schoff, Elizabeth • Bryant, Katrina Bogardus, Frances Wing Seouts Advanced Brewster, Taddy Evans, and Jane and , Sally Prichard make brief and effect- Wing Scouts Jane Davis and Franny ive appearances. Evans received Senior Service Scout PJayers Club President Malcolm D. awards Tuesday ·night'in Morton. They Hodge prefaced the Tuesday night per­have been members, of the "Wing" formance with a strong plea for the Troop all year, the only one in the Phil- support of all who can and will help. adelphia area. . next year as actors. directors.· and in Members study model planes, hoping the badly· needed group of back stage to be of use to the aeronautical services. 'workers. Mrs. Edward McCrae of Morton, leader of the troop, plans to continue its meet­ings during the summer months. • Name Mrs. Stuart Mothers .of the fifth grade at the Rutgers avenu·e school held a short meeting at the home of this year's chairman, Mrs. Lloyd Harrison on June 15. Mrs. Alvah Wood Stuart was elected ,c hairman for the coming year. Salvation Army Total High Offi .. : Borongh' Ball- Telephone 0351 Open W.iekdsY8 1.30 - 3:30 Daily • 214 Out for Dawn Drill The Air Raid Drill of June 16 brought to focus a problem which had .geen discussed many times in the past. What is the procedure when the control Cen­ter is put out of commission? In this particular case, Post 1 developed the problem unknown to any member in the control center. In the midst of a telephone report of an incident, the senior warden appeared, broke·, the telephone circuit, ruled the commander dead and all others out of action. Post 1 then called in Medical and other services. When any post finds that the control center is not in ·operation the post functions as an independ~nt unit, until it is advi~ed that a new control" center: is functioning. , Post 5 recently had its headquarters put out of action an~ immediately set up another post headquarters and notified the control center of its phone number.,~ . Early Tuesday D:1orning (4 :37 a.m.) the Defense Units were called int~ a~tion. 214 repor~ed at their posts. These numbers are below the average mainly be-. of the\fairly large group of college faculty and students who are,~bsent during the brief coI1ege rec~ss.. '. . .. Wednesday night's surprise Drdl called out 239 Civilian Defense workers. AnentioD,Honsekeepers 1UE WEEK'S CALENDAR • Would you he interested in a booklet on modern methods of proce •• inR food. - canning, dehydrating, preserving, jell,. meki"lr, ete? Your prompt NapoDM to ILis question win inBuence the decision. Reply - DefellllO Council _ Bor- 0'1.& HaIL . , Rationing Calendar . PRID.&Y, IUNB 2S 8:20 p. m..- ''The Warrior's Husband'· •.•• u ...................... Players Club 8'&TlRlD&Y,~. 8:20·p.m.-""l'he Warrlor"a BuBbaIlCl" ............................ Playel'8 Olub ,8tJJO)AY, IUNB 21 , Churdlea U:oo ... m. -1IorJ:1IDa WOJ;Bh1P .................... ·.··.·········Local WBDNBSD&Y, ltl!IB :It 10:00 •• m. to 4:00 p. m. - Bed em. S'arBlcal Dl Inp .......... Borougb. Hall 7:~ p. Ill. to 10:00 p. m. - Bed en. SUl81cal DI 'nIP' .......... Borough Hall "1'BIJB8DAY, mLY I 10:Oll •• m. to.:OO p.m.-Bed a.. 81atIoOl D. ! ............ Ball , ' .. . " Coffee - Stamp 24' is good for one pound through June .30. Tireo-June 30th is the deadline for "B" book holders to have their tires inspected. , Meaall!!8 Can't tet Go , • . Mea" - J K, L M, and N series of red stamps are valad through June. Procesoed'foocb-K, L, and M series of blue stamps ar .. kood through. July 7. Four contagious diseases have been BellII'D Oil Ap~CllitioD PromptJ,- . . '; . recorded in the borough in the past 14 Householders who used oil to heat tlieir homes last year are now receiving days. applications for nex~ year's fuel ?~ rations throu~h ~e ~ Prompt re~ of June Hobbs an!1 Fred Morey were these applications WIll. greatly facilatate ea~ly supplaes In fuel tanlfs before :wanter. belated victims of German measles. C. seta in.' About one~thard of. the coupons tn each con~er:s notion wjII .1Ie<:.<>me Brinton Medford has the whooping 'valid on July 1 but remember that any oil purc!aased thiSsmnmer w:ib n_ cough.·. . coupons is part ~f next year's ra~ which wt11 have to last throqgh'the winter •. , .. J • -. '.

---------- Page 26 ----------

INTENTIONAL SECOND EXPOSURE ~ -: '-.'---:." ,- .... -.-.... '. ,~, '"',.. .. ...-. 6 BOGARDUS TALKS AT CO·OP MEET City OPA Head, Local Specialists Discuss Consumer Problems "Consumers can have as much price control as they want and can control black markets by refusing to buy above ceiling price." This conc1usicm on the market set-up was drawn by Dr. James F. Bogardus of the Philadelphia Office of Price Administration at a con­sumers' education meeting on "Black Markels" held at the Swarthmore Co­operative June 10. He explained that the OPA depends on the public to help enforce rationing regulations as over 60,000 retail est~b­Hshments are covered by only 60 10- spectors. This throws on the consumer the burden of abiding b}· price ceilings and the responsibility of curtailing in­flation to some extent by that means. Dr. Bogardus stressed the need for price ceilings that originate at the point of production if price control is to be genuinely effective. Black markets were defined by Mrs. Cameron P. Hall who told unusual stories of how retailers avoided paying above-ceiling prices by instituting a system of side.bets with the wholesaler, p·racticcs which at first seem unimpor­tant but if unchecked inevitably lead to full-Hedged inHation. James L. Malone discussed the rea­sons for local food shortages and mar­ket conditions out of which black mar­ket practices have grown and become prevalent in the distribution of some foods and particularly of meat. Greater ~hortages of many foods were pre­dicted for the coming year, and the necessity for improved techniques of ''r'holesaler distribution stressed. Dr. Hans P. Rademacher, mathe- • malics professor of the Univel'Sity of Pennsylvania described the course of inflation in Germany afte"r the last war and spoke briefly on the desperate con· ditions that developed there. H. H.ines Turner of th~ ~tafl of Pendle Hill led. a discussion of short­ages and black market practices which yielded a number of practical sugges­tions for deating with the situation. Roy J. McCorkel summed up the meeting and emphasized the fact that present and pending conditions will test the loyalty of everyone to the democratic way of life. It's Major Lewis Now The promotion of Captain W. Sproul Lewis to the rank of Major is an­noultced. Major Lewis has been with the War DelJartment Office of Depend­ency Benefits at Newark, N. J. since October 1942 in the Control Branch of the Service Division. Before entering the Army, Major Lewis managed his own business at \Vilmington. Del. He is a former mem­ber of Borough Council. His mother, Mrs. Elizabeth Jones Lewis, is a resi­dent of Swarthmore. Mrs. Marjorie Lapham Lewis. his wife, and two daugh­ters, Nancy Jane and Marjorie Eliza­beth, live on Swarthmore avenue. Major Lewis was graduated from the coll~ge, class of 1921. While at Swarthmore he won his letter in both football and bas­ketball and was captain of the lacrosse team. At his present post, Major Lewis is assisting in administering the major benefits to soldiers' dependents - pri­marily the famity allowance and allot­ment- of-pay. ---+0-- Jim Johnstotle returned to Wilming­ton, Del., last Sunday night after a week-end "isit with Ned Rutherford. Mr. and Mrs. Wallace M. McCurdy arc vacationing at BUCK Hill Falls. • C IYOI I EARN how at the free Canning L Classes being held every other week at the .•• CHESTER OFFICE PHILADELPHIA ELECTRIC COMPANY 12-18 E. Fifth Street FRIDAY, JUNE 25 ..••••••••••••.•. 2100 p.m •. * * * OTHER CANNING CLASSES NEXT WEEK TUESDAY. JUNE 22 4635 Frankford Avenue, Philadelphia ....•.••••••••.... 2:00 p.m. 41 W. Chellen Avenue, Philadelphia .....•••••...•••.... 7:30 p.m. 123 N. Wayne Avenue. Wayne ........................ 2:00 p.m. WEDNESDAY. JUNE 23 212 DeKaib Str .... Norristown ...••.........•••••••••. ,2:00 p.m. THURSDAY, JUNE 24 2309 N .• road Street, Philadelphia ...........• '" ••••.. ~:oo p.m. Yarlr Road anel Summit Avenue, Jenklntawn, ..•••••••••. 2:00 p .... .RIDAY, JUNE 2S Menonif Han, Ceotn"m •...............••••••••••... 2:00 p,m. PHILADELPHIA ELECTRIC COMPANY Do Not W ..... Electricity Juit Seca';" It ;, Not RaliofteJ .' THE SWARTHMOREAN FORMER PASTOR DEAD The Rev. William M. Woodfin, D.D. pastor of the Presbyterian Church here from 1908-1915 died on June to at Mer­freesboro, Tenn., where he was buried on June 13. FRIDAY, JUNE 18, 1943 THE WEEK'S CALENDAR • SUNDA.Y • .JVNB 20 11:00 a. m. - Momtng Worship .•••••.•.•..•.••••••••••••••••••• Local Churches Tl1B8DAY. H1NB 22 8:20 p. m. - "The Warrior's Husband" ••.••••••.•••••••••••••.••.• Play_ Club , WEDNESDAY, SUNB 23 , 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.-Reel Crou Surgical Dreeelngs ••••••••• BoroUSh Ball 7:45 p.m. to 10:00 p.m.-Bed Cr088 SUl'Blcal Dreeel.ngs •••••••• Borouah Hall 8:20 p. m. - nThe Warrior's Husband" .••...•.........•••.••••••• Plarera Club TIltJlUJDAY, oI'UNE 24 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.-Red Croaa Surglcal Dres8lnp •••••••••. Jk)rough Hall 8:20 p. m. - "The Wan'ior's Husband" .•.••..••••••••••••••.••••. Plarers Club Dr. Woodfin was a graduate of Princeton University and received the degree of Doctor of Divinity from Cumberland University. A great-grand .. Son of NichoJas Woodfin, a soldier with General Wa~hjl1gton;. a grandson of Samuel Woodfin, a soldier under An-IL-----------_____ -; ________________ J drew Jackson; and a son of Hugh L. W. Woodfin. a soldier in the Confed­erate Army, he served as a chaplain in the first World War. In 1912 and 1913 he led the "No Lic­ense" campaign in Delaware County. During his pastorate of the church here the Parish Building stilt in use was erected. Dr. Woodfin resigned in 1915 and had been retired for sometime be­fore his death. He is survived by his \,.'ife. AUXILIARY REPORTS Twenty-eight friends and members of the American Legion Auxiliary were entcrtnined last Friday with a dessert­Ilridgc at the home of Mrs. O. J. GiI­creest. A thirty-minute meeting pre­ceded the game. .M rs. E. Taylor - receh'ed the door prize, and bridge winners were Mrs. E. J. :McGuiness, :Mrs. Arthur R. O. Red­grave, Mrs. E. M. Bassett, Mrs. N. O. Taylor, Mrs. Walter L. 'rhorpe, Mrs. ;\rargaret Marsh. and Mrs. Alexander Ewing. Refreshments ·and prizes were donated and members of the serving "ommittee were Mrs. McGuiness, Mrs. Thorpe, Mrs. Norman Hulme, Mrs. N. O. Taylor and ~1rs. James E. Davis. Thirty-two covers, quilts, afghans, etc., have Leen made from salvage material by the Auxiliary in the past year. After this week members will meet on Wednesdays to continue this work. • Donations of jewelry are much in demand by the Salvage Committee and cottOll for stuffing toy animals is needed. The Auxiliary urges aU mem­bers to cooperate with Mrs. Bishop in her canning enterprise by working or donating glass jars. Mrs. Rex. Gary of the Auxiliary is one of the leaders in­terested in this work. In Musieal Tea Eleanor Schofield Fawcett gave an informal recital tea at her home on South Chester road Sunday afternoon. Compositions by Haydn, Beethoven, Chopin, Grieg, MacDowell, Rachman­inoff, and others were played by Bar­bara Lukens, Elizabeth Bryant, Nancy Gray, Caroline Balderston, Robert D. Fawcett, Marjorie Black, Nancy Rin­cliffe, and Barbara Sickel. Mrs. Fawcett recently presented Nancy Rincliffe in a piano recital at which she played the following program with excellent tone and phrasing ac­companied by sympathetic interpreta­tion: "Pastorale," Scarlatti-Tausig. "Bour­re," Bach, "Theme and Six Variations," Beethoven, "Erotik" and upapillon," Grieg, "Prelude in C sharp minor:' Rachmaninoff, "Prelude in C minor," "Mazurka in A minor" and "Valse in E minor," by Chopin. • At Strath Haven Inn An evening of music wilt be pre­sented at the Inn Saturday evening, June 26 at 8 p. m. A chorus of 40 voices will be heard under the direction of George D. C. Thomas, director of the Arch Street Methodist Episcopal church choir, Philadelphia. The church quartet, Edna Haddock. soprano; Lily Fraser, con­tralto; Frank Oglesby, tenor; and How­ard Vanderburg, baritone, will sing a humorous arrangement of excerpts from opera. A cordial invitation is extended to all Swarthmore friends to attend. Sigma Xi Officers Dr. Peter van de Kamp of the astron­omy department of the college, Dr. Lu­zern G. Livingston of the botany de­partment and Dr. H. W. Brinkmann of the mathematics department have been elected president, vice-president, and secretary-treasurer of the Swarthmore Chapter of Sigma Xi. Asks For Flowers Mrs. Henry L. Ward of 315 Cedar lane who is in charge of the Friends Meeting collection of Flowers for the Flowerless for the month of June. will be glad to receive bouquets on Wed­nesday. June 23 between 5 and 7 p. m., and also during the same hours June 30. • John Dyer spent a few days last i week on his way home from P~inceton I University at the home of hiS aunt, Mrs. Joseph B. Pope of Oberlin ave-I nue. His brother, George Dyer, <\r­rived this week from his hbme in Lew-' isburg, Pa., for a visit with the Popes: Graduate at Friends Central Mrs. Walter C. Crouch was an­nounced as recipient of the. Alice V. White Memorial "in recognition and 'appreciation of the long years of faith­ful service on the faculty by her hus­band Walter C. Crouch" at the com­mencement exercises of Friends Cen­tral School. Friday. Joyce Hilda Drem and Marion Louise Hanna Schatte were the local girls among the S3 graduates. A niece of Mr. and Mrs. William H. Thatcher and Mr. and Mrs. Charles G. Thatcher, Nancy Fit'ts, received the Annie Shoemaker Scholarship of ap­proximately $500 for her first year at Swarthmore College. Nancy's sister Ellen was awarded the Class of 1905 Scholarship fund toward tuition for 1943-44. Both arc daughters of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Fitts of Locust Knoll Farm, Middletown road, Media. Entertains Pupils Mrs. Franklin Gillespie of Harvard avenue and Chester road held her fourth and last music pupil party of the year on the afternoon of June 14. Stu­dents who played were Marilyn Green. Ann Vlachos, Jack Bird, Lucy Harper, Freda Billstein, Bobby Lang. Jeryl Faulkner, Bicky Thompson, Rosemary Argyle. and Eleanor Wolf. Icc cream and cookies were served. Penthouse Watched George Armitage president of the Penthouse has received an inquiry frorn Ivan Reynolds boys' work secretary of the Y. M. C. A. in the Oranges. N. J. Mr. Reynolds is consulting with a group of young people in Orange, N. J. which is about to undertake a similar project with a fund of $1500 made avail. able for its use. He has asked George to send him a complete history of the Penthouse. * * * * *** ***** * LIIIMJ IJ 1J- * * * * IN AIR-CONDITIONeD * * * * COMfORT * * ATTHI * SUBURBAN CAFI * * * * 4111 ~cJltlil L6IIIIf' * * * * LUNCH from 600 ** * DINNER from .50 * * • * * ....... _ ·P.LL __ * * COCKTAIL HOUIS 3 TO 6 r.M. * * * * * ******** ** STORE HOURS Mon., Tues., Wed., Thlll"ll., 9 A.M. to 5 :30 P.M. FRIDAY, 9 A.M. to 6 P.M. SATURDAY, 9 A.M. to 9:30 P.M. (or ... ENTIRE STORE AIR-COOLED SHOP IN COMFORT M:EN! REGULAR $5.95 Slack Suits San/orillSed Shrunk Includiug 3 9 8 "McGREGOR" "NEW PARK" "UNIVERSAL" "SPORT TOWNE!' Cool summer fabrics. Short sleeve sport shirt and slacks to match. Many with zipper flies. Sizes 28 to 42. Other Fine Slack Suits $3.49 to $9.98 • Give "Dad" NECKWEAR 47c-88c to $1.88 Our quality fabrics and handsome patterns oller a selection from which to please the fussiest Dad - with an eye for excellence! Cotton Broadcloth PAJAMAS $1.59-$1.95 to $4.98 The better tailoring in these pajamas will keep them from wrapl>ing them· selves around your neck - or twist· ing around your legs. PA. • .,, . ft 8W ARTBMOI!l! THE SWARTHMOR COLLKGlf LIBRARY VOL OFFER CANNERS CANNING TOOLS Mrs. Rex Gary Will Arrange for Use of Canning Center by Individuals Beans and cherries are now ready for canning and the community canning center is prepared to go into action. Anyone wishing to can these two items or any other produce which is now ready with the pressure cooker at the center should notify Mrs. Rex Gary, Swarthmore 1608, if possible two days before the day of canning. In return for the use of the pressure cooker persons canning their own pro­duce at the center will leave three out of 12 jars of the canned pr9duct at the center to be used for public institutions and organizations which will need such food next winter, and a nominal charge of 10c an hour will be made to each canner in order to pay for the gas used. Community's Fourth Cele. bration Includes Boro's 50th Birthday. The next issue of The Swarthmorean will carry the details of the Fourth of July celebration which will be held on Monday. July 5. The morning program will carry the main features for the children. In the afternoon the canoe races and tilting contests will occur. A softball contest is scheduled if suffi­cient players can be lined up. A picnic supper will be held on the High School grounds and will furnish a fine opportunity for all to renew ac­quaintences. This will be followed by an outdoor program by Civilian Ddense groups and finally in the High School Auditorium there will be a short pro­gram celebrating the Fiftieth Anniver­sary of the incorporation of Swarth­more as a borough. All of the old time residents and bor­ough officials are especially invited. Plan Fall Blood Donations The canning committee will attempt to use local volunteers - young people or Boy or Girl Scouts - to gather fruit which owners can not harvest. How- Mrs. Phelps Soule presided over a ever, Mrs. Ruth K. Strawbridge chair- meeting of Red Cross Blood Donor man of the food conservation commit- chairmen of this district Wednesday tee of Pennsylvania has notified it that June 16 at the home of Dr. Arthur the Philadelphia schools are prepared Baker in Ridley Township. Detailed to scnd students 'Under supervision to plans were· mapped out for the Sep­pick cherries in Swarthmore for people tember 22, 23, 24, and 25 blood donor who need help in gathering them. The meet at the Ridley Township High cherries picked under this arrangement School. The school's central location to will be given directly to the canning all the participating boroughs makes it center and a fair proportion of the an ideal spot for the blood collections. fruit will be returned to the owner. Other Swarthmoreans who repre­Two days notice is also required for sen ted this community were Mrs. Ever­this service arrangements for which ctt L. Hunt and Mrs. M. C. Neal. Mrs. can be made through Mrs. Gary. Harold Morgart who has assumed the r ____ .....:===':::==:.. ___ "llresponsibility of Booking Chairman for "Good Deed" Gets Results • Girl Scouts who trudged bor­ough streets June 14 and 15 in search of householders' contribu­tions of glass containers for the summer canning project collected over 500 jars and jelly glasses. Weary though they were from covering their allotted "beats" the total haul which tops last year's encouraged them. Scout leaders who oversaw the project in civic service praise their scouts highly for an efficient job. $1560 FOR SWISS REIJEF The final report of the first season of the Swarthmore branch of the American Committee for Swiss Relief, Mrs. A. M. Bosshardt chairman and Mrs, S. H. Harris treasurer, lists a total collection of $1560. the result of several benefit programs, pledges from Swarthmore patronesses and various gifts from nearby donors. Two Bywood and one Swarthmore benefit performances were given en­tirely by children for the refugee chil­dren of Europe. The sum of $1450 has been transfer­red to the national committee in St. Louis, Mo., leaving a balance of $110, with which the local committee hopes to resume its work in the fall for this ever increasing need. Summer Sehool in Session G. Bakcr Thompson principal of the summer session of the Swarthmore schools states that it got under way successfully Monday morning. The school witl continue daily except Sat­urdays until July 30. Pupils and teachers decided to meet on Monday July 5 in preference to a Saturday session which would interfere with the Saturday jobs which occupy the majority registered. The school's enrollment is 10% below that of last summer, a drop of SO to 60 pupils. The loss is mainly with older boys and girls where summer jobs have cut into their schedule. There is' a slight drop in the enrollment of the element­ary school but the most noticeable drop is in the shop work. Ridley Township was present as were representatives from the Overlook Heights housing project and the Dela-ware County trailer camps. Swarthmoreans are asked to keep in mind the September blood donor dates. in the realization that this community has a heavy responsibility for the suc­cess of the event. Leave Extended for Duration Mrs. Francis G. Healey of Ogden avenue and her four children John, Margaret, Elizabeth, and Norman will leave on :Monday to join Mr. Healey and make their home in Chevy Chase, Md. Since October, Mr. Healey has been head of the Far Eastern branch of the Political Warfare Mission in the Brit­ish Embassy at Washington. His leave from the college where he is assistant professor of Philosophy has been ex­tended and Mr. Healey will remain in Washington for the duration. Ten years' experience in Formosa, China, and Japan as an English Pres­byterian missionary gave Mr. Healey invaluable background for his present work. Before his return from the Orient in 1941 he was a temporary member of the British Embassy in Tokyo for nine months. Mrs. Healey and the children had pre­ceded him by two years to Canada, their home prior to coming here. Wing Scouts Advaneed \Villg SCOllts Jane Davis and Franny Evans received Senior Service Seollt awards Tuesday night in Morton. They have been members of the "Wing" Troop all year, the only one in the Phil­adelphia area. Members study model planes, hoping to be of usc to the aeronautical services. Mrs. Edward McCrae of Morton, leader of the troop, plans to continue its meet­ings during the summer months. Name M1'8. Stuart Mothers of the fifth grade at the Rutgers avenue school held a short meeting at the home of this year's chairman. Mrs. Lloyd Harrison on June 15. Mrs. Alvah Wood Stuart was elected chairman for the coming year. PA., JUNE 25, AMAZONS STRUT PLAYERS STAGE Narbeth Directed "Warriors' Husband" Employs Large Cast of Effective Pulebritude to Close Season Julian Thompson's "The Warrior~s Husband" brings to a dose the Players Club season. Beset by shortages of actors. heat and transportation the club has surmounted its difficulties to pre­sent a full program at no small cost of effort, worry, and last minute sub­stitutions. One such substitute in "The Warrior's Husband" cast brings back popular Players Club favorite Lincoln Atkiss as Homer an early war corre­spondent. Mr. Atkiss replaces Jack M. Howells who left shortly before the opening to join the Buck Hitl Falls players. "The Warrior's Husband" is particu­larly well staged, happily so since the comedy's plot is ~o slight as to be deM pendent upon adequate staging. Set­tings for the production were made under the direction of Carol Goodwin who is to be commended for her work. Costuming is also well handled, the warrior ladies being property equipped with armor to swashbuckle alluringly. The Greek heros are impressive in their warrior robes except for Hercules. Lewis E. Goodenough, who suffered both from his costume and dramatic license. Only a student of costumes could tell whether Sapiens' dres~ was authentic but one suspects that it was a trifle burlesqued. Jean Prosch as Hippolyta. Queen of the Amazons, is regal and attractive in appearance and presents with her sister Antiope a classic picture of Ama­zonian allure. Mary P. Plowman as Caustica, Helen C. MacElwee as Hero­ica, and Anne Voigt as Pomposia pre­sent interesting contrasts as Hippo­lyta's councilors who play traditional political football with arms, public buildings, and the army's meat. Officer Amazons Sally McFadden, Marguerite Gettz, and l\.fartha Ray­mon'd are pretty enough for today's WAACS to admit them as early fore­runners. Greek warriors Achilles (H. Stevenson Fry), Ajax (Bickley Parker), and the versatile Gaganius (Paul F. Gemmill) appear, contrary to the au­thor's theme, to take their warfare as casuall}' as the Amazons. John David Narbeth is seen in the title role and carries the additional burden of director. To a long time admirer of Mr. Narbeth t Sapiens is not his best role although it drew many laughs on the opening night. The subtle touch which has made Mr. Narbcth one of the club's leading comedians has little opportunity in the Julian Thomp­son role. William Mercer appears to good ad­vantage as Theseus, and hoth he and Antiope as played by Virginia Hale step up the pace and play their roles with sincerity. Antiope is the only one of the Amazons who speaks their Jove of battle with conviction. Kay Thurman, Janet Hetzel, Janet Harris, Constance Schoff. Elizabeth Bryant, Katrina Bogardus, Frances Brewster, Taddy Evans, and Jane and Sally Prichard make brief al1,1 effect­ive appearances. Piayers Club President Malcolm D. Hodge prefaced the Tuesday night per­formance with a strong plea for the support of all. who can mid wilt help. next year as actors, directors, and in the badly needed group of back stage workers. Salvation Army Total High • WITH 1st AMERICAN UNIT IN MALTA British Official Photo Lt. Robert Chester Spencer, Jr., an airman oC the United Stales Light­ning I-holograph Sqoadron which is aunehed to the British Reconnais­sance Unit stationed on Malta. LL Spencer has been in the Army for a year and a half. The mustache shown is a new acquisition and hitherto un­scen by his family. The British news release carefully states that it haa been removed since the photograph was token ond that Lt. Spencer h3d asked the photographer 10 Blake a note oC it in the caption " to make sure his family recognized him." L.W,V. ABko AIl to Register NO REST AHEAD FOR TEACHERS Faeulty of Swarthmore Schools Busy in War Indusiry, Summer Courses, and Social Work Five teachers of the Swarthmore schools are making direct contributions to the war effort during the schools' sUlllmer recess. Nathan Bell and Henry F. Hofmann will be employed in ship­yards, Mr. Bell in New Jersey and Mr. Hofmann in Chester. Mr. Hofmann plans to take some college courses if they can be worked in with his job. J amCl) H. Miller has a war industry iqb and Adeline Strouse will be err !Jloyed by Westinghouse. Abbie Enders plans to work a large gar and can at least 500 quarts of foo family use and help with comr • canning. Three of the staff wiII do summer camp work; Wilma Stern in Camp Harmony, Johnstown, Pa .• for part of the s'Ummer and as counselor at Lake Geneva, Wis.; George Reimer as di­rector of Camp Daddy Allen for crip­pled children in the Pocenos, and Trustem M. Baldwin will be a counselor at the same camp, Alice Blodgett is to be recreation director at Sleighton Farm School for girls and Myrtle Me­CaHin will work with the American Friends Service Committee in Philadel­phia. Six teachers will pursue acader.lic work; Jean McCreight and Virginia Allen at Temple University~ Margaretta S. Plewes at Drexel Institute, Claudia Hancock at the University of Chicago, Helen J.... Orr at Penn State. and Mabel Ewing at Columbia University. Newcomers to Swarthmore are re-. G. Baker Thompson heads the minded by the Swarthmore League of Swarthmore High School summer \i\'omen Voters to register in time for school with five members of the reg­the coming primary. Registration in ular faculty 011 his staff; Eugene ) . Swarthmore will be held at Borough Duncan, Robert M. Sauter, Nell Wise .. Hall 011 August 4 from 1 to 5 and 6 to man, Jean Prosch. and Edith Kenney. 9 p. m .. Registration can also be made Frank R. Morey and Sadie A. Chad­any time u!l.til August 14 at the Court wick will be on duty at the school House in :Media. throughout the summer, . Mrs. Daniel R. Goodwin, president of 'fhree of the staff will vacation in the Swarthmore League entertained the scattered spots; Margaret L. Price at Executive Board at luncheon at her Siasconset. Mass:. Cynthia \Vickham home on \Valnut lane Friday, June 18. at Phoenix, Ariz., and Lillian Hewes PJalls for the coming year were dis- at Buck Hill Falls. cussed with special ~mphasis to be put _-::-_-<,>-_,,-_ on the election in th, e fall. Bereaved War Prisoner Writes Home :Mr. anu Mrs. Fred P. Jones of Yale avenue have received a letter from their SOli Lt. Curtis S. JOlles who is a prisoller of war ill Italy. Dated :.\larch 31 the lctter reached here Tucsday, June 22 to inform his parents that he was Hsafe in the prison camp, fee1ing well, and being well treated". • Hyde Aldell of North Chester road leaves June 30 for a month at Camp Carson ncar Reading, Pa. Mrs. Alice R. Brown mother of J. Paul Brown of Walnut Lane 'died sud­dently Saturday morning June 19 at her home in \Vyoming, Del. The widow of Abram N. Brown she was in her 89th year. • She is survived by seven other chil­dren and 12 grandchildren, three of whom Barbara Brown, Cpl. James P. Brown, Jr., and AIC Richard E. Brown are of Swarthmore. ----<,~-- Dick McCray of Cornell avenue will spend the month of July ate Camp \Venollah in the Poconos. *---- ---------------------------------------------1 Defense Council Bulletins * Office: Borough Hall- Telephone 0351 Open Weekdays 1.30·3.30 Daily • 214 Out for Dawn Drill The Air Raid Drill of June 16 brought to focus a problem which had been discussed many times in the past. \Vhat is the procedure when the control cen­ter is put out of commission? In this p.uticlliar case, Post 1 devclol)ed the problem unknown to any member in the control center. In the midst of a telephonc report of an incident, the senior wardell appeared. broke the telcphone circuit, ruled the commander dead and all others out of action. Post 1 then caned in :Medical and other services. \Vh('11 any post finds that the control center is not in operation the post functions as an indcpeJulent unit until it is advised that a new control center is functioning. Post 5 recently had its headquarters put out of action and immediately set up another post headquarters and notified the control center of i~s phone number. . Early Tuesday morning (4:37 a.m.) the Defense Units were caJled into action. 214 reported at their I)OstS. These numbers arc below the average mainly be­cause of the fairly large gTOUl) of college faculty and students who are absent during the brief college recess. \Vedllcsday night's surprise Drill called out 239 Civilian Defense v.orkers. . AUenlion,.. Housekeepers Would you be inlereded in a booklet on modern methoda of fOOD - canning, dehydrating, preserving, jelly making, etc? Your prompt reaponse to this queltion will influence the deciaion. Reply - Defenae Council _ Bor­ough Hall.

---------- Page 27 ----------

PERSONALS Lieutenant Colonel Robert Hulburt I Ensign and Mrs. Boyd W •. S~auffer · . Douglas, United States Army, has com- o! Park avenue are entertammg at .. pleted the General Staff Course at Fort dlOn~r at Str~th Haven .In~ tomorrow · -Leavenworth Kansas, and has been re- evenmg. Their guests will mc1ude Mr. · '·assigne'd to 'an Infantry Division at and Mrs. Joseph Reynolds, Mr. and 'Camp Van Dorn, Miss. Mrs. Charles E. Black of ~ut1edge, . . . S and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Byrne of , _ Before entenng the U.01ted tates Haverford. Military Aca~emy, Colonel Douglas re- Ensign Stauffer has been ordered to THE SWARTHMOBEAN Schumann-Heink sang "Wbere'er You Walk" by Beethoven and Miss Ernest­ine Pirimian sang "StUi as the Night," by Bohn and "I Love Thee" by Grieg. • in the service of the Adjutant General in Washington where the couple wUI reside at 1423 Sheridan St., N.W. • The bride's mother wore a gown of Birtlu rO$e crepe, with beaded shoulders and belt and an orchid corsage. Mrs. Kupel- ~ptain and Mrs. John T. Handy, Jr., ian chose a gQwn of chartreuse 'lace a~e receiving congrl'-tulations on :the and marquisette with a corsage of or- birth of a daughter, 1'utsday mornmg, chids. June 22, in the Walter Reed Hospital, A reception for 130 guests was held Washington, D. C. ' at the home of the bride's parents fol- Mrs. Handy was the former Hannah lowing the wedding. As her going-away W. Smith ~ughter of. Mr. and Mrs. dress Mrs. Kuppell_ wore aqua crepe Henry L. Smith .of W~llingford. with white accessories. The young Capt. Handy 15 stationed at ·Vt. Bel-couple left for a lO-day cruise on the voir, Va. FRIDAY, JUNE 25, 1943 Mr. and Mrs. Porter Reid Pittsburgh, Pa., announce the a second son David Porter Wray on June 11. , • The baby is a grandchild of Mr. and Mrs. L. P. Wray of Walnut lane. DO YO., KNOW The Bure Cue for ~ Auto 'rrOlI1def JUSTCAIL 0440 I RUSSELl,S SERVICE . Make Your Car loUt the DuraUon­Beplar Ben1ce wm Do It. . sided in Swarthmore where he was a report to Fort Schuyler, New York, student at the college. Monday June 28 for a period of in­. Cpt. Stuart Jones ret~rned to the doctrina~ion. HIe and !:frs. Stauffer will Sioux Falls Air Base, SIOUX Falls, S. leave for New York City Sunday. Dak., June 17 after a furlough of eight Mr. and Mrs. John .E. Micha<:l C?f days which he spent with his parents Harvard avenue entertaaned at a plcnac Mr. and Mrs. Fred P. Jones of Yale supper in honor of their son-in-l~w En- St. Lawrence. They will be at home at Ensign Warren A. Tyson, Jr., and 493 'Pershing Court,. Akron. Mrs. Tyson of Pine Orchard, Conn., are I ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Out-of-town guests included Mr. and receiving congratulations on the birth Mrs. Paul Owen of Akron who made of a daughter in the New Haven Hos-avenue. sign Stauffer on Thursday evenmg. the trip to Swarthmore: by bicycles; pital, New Haven, Conn., June 16. Miss Mary Simmons and Mr. William The baby,is a granddaughter of Mrs. Davis of Akron; Mrs. Gus Eskertter of Warren A. Tyson, Sr., of, Harvard ave­Milwaukee; Miss Olympia Yeranian of nue, and a great granddaughter of Mrs. Boston an aunt of the groOQl, Mrs. Vic- Montgomery Smith of the same address. tor Barsigian and daughter Flora of Ensign, Tyson is on .active duty as Washington, 'D. C., and Mr. and Mrs. commander of a submarine chaser. Mr. W. L. Dethloff of Dartmouth Mrs. John H. McWilliams of Ben-ff 1 N y jamin West avenue is leaving tod~y avenue,stopped in Bu a 0, • ., on to visit her son Pic. Jack H. McWtI-business while enroute to Camp Camp- Iiams stationed at Fort Custer, Mich., bell, Ky., where he will visit his son for several days, and will also contact Lt. Louis Dethloff. friends in Battle Creek, Mich., before Pvt. Wilson S. Burke, son of Mrs. returning to her home. Theodore Pilalides of New York City. Mr. and Mrs. Millard McLain of Elva M. Burke of Westdale avenue, • has been named to attend a special To Wed in Columbus course at Clemson College, Clemson, S. C. under the Army Specialist ~rain­ing program re<:,ently. inau~urat~d. Private Burke received hiS baSIC tralD­ing at ea'mp Croft, S. C. Ralph C. Bauer of 224 Park avenue has just been commissioned Lieutenant in the United States Navy, Civil Engi­neering Corps. He is stationed in Camp Perry, Williamsburg, Va. Alc H. Y. Lauterbach son of Mr. and Mrs. John Lauterbach of Rutledge who is taking his Pre-flight {raining at San Antonio, Texas was recently pro­moted to Cadet Lieutenant. He is a graduate o~ Swarthmore High School, class of '40. • Pvt. W. Henry Linton, Jr., of Ben­jamin West avenue was called to active duty June 17 and is now stationed with the Army Specialist Training Unit at Drexel Institute, Philadelphia. His brother Private Jack Linton who has been in the Marine Corps Reserve, has been called and leaves July 1 for a period of training at Princeton Upi­versity. Dr. and Mrs. Earl Peinert of Colpm­bus, Ohio have issued invitations to the marriage of their daughter Patricia Ann and Lt. Robert Lloyd Wilson, U. S. Army Air Corps, son of Mr.' and Mrs. P. A. Wilson of Cedar Lane, to take place tomorrow in St. Paul's' Epis­copal Church in Columbus. Lt. Wilson is a graduate of Swarth­more 'High and now attached to Pat­terson Field, Ohio. Mr. and Mrs. Wilson have gone to Columbus to attend the ceremony. • Kuppell- Paulson The marriage of Miss Helen Louise Paulson daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Paul D. Paulson of Park avenue and Vahey S. Kuppell son of Mrs. V. Kupelian and the late Dr. Kupelian of Akron, Ohio, was solemnized Saturday evening at 8 :30 in the Methodist Church. The Rev. Roy N. Keiser, D.D., paster of the church officiated. . The grandfathers of both bride and groom had been schoolmates in distant Adana, SiJesia, the southern part' of Lt. Charles B. Howland, U.S.N.R. Asia Minor. There they made, accord-spent a short furlough Sunday with his ing to the custom of their people, an parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Howland intermarriage pact. In their joint es­of Guernsey road. cape from a conquering army the two friends became separated and remained Mrs. William G. Cleaves spent Sun- lost to each other until their gram~chil­< Jay at the home of her mother-in-law dren met in 1939 and the resultant ro­Mrs. Carl S. Cleaves of Cornell avenue mance reunited them. before leaving ,for Winchester, Mass., The bride who was given in marriage to spend a few days with her family. by her father was gowned in Chantilly On July 2 she will leave for Bakersfield, lace in tierred effect with a fuJI length Calif., where she will join her husband, train. Her tulle veil fell from a coronet Ale William Cleaves. of. orange blossoms. Her bouquet of • ') Chatham, N. J. are receiving congra,tu- "Brown - Johnson lations upon the birth of a daughter, The mardage of Miss Ada Wells Johnson daughter of Mrs. Harlan Johnson of Baltimore, Md., and Avia­tion Cadet Richard E. Brown, U. S. Army, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. Paul Brown of Walnut lane was performed Saturday, June 19 in the First Presby­terian Church of Canton, Ohio at 6:30 o'clock. The Rev. Mr. Parkinson pastor of the church officiated at the ceremony. The church organist gave a recital as a prelude to the ceremony including the well-known number "Oh Promise Me". The bride who was given in marriage by her uncle Mr. Fletcher P. Williams of Park avenue wore a bridal gown of white mousseline de soie with long train. Her face veil was held in place by a cap of lace. She carried white roses. Miss Virginia Stegman of Baltimore was the bride's only attendant. She wore pink organ die and carried pink roses. Mr. J. Paul Brown acted as best ~an for his son. A reception and dinner followed the ceremony at the Onesto Hotel in Can­ton. Relatives of the young couple who attended the ceremony were Mr. and Mrs. Brown and their daughter Bar­bara, Mr. and Mrs. Louis \V. Wheelock of Park avenue, Mr. Williams, and Mrs. H. L. Jenny and daughter Bev­erly of Westfield, N. J. " The bridegroom is stationed at Mt. Union College, Alliance, Ohio, where the young couple will reside for the present. • Susan, born Wednesday, June 16 in Chatham. Mr. McLain ,is a brother of Miss Helen McLain of Harvard avenue and Mrs. !,{ the former Betty Foster of Springfield. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Underwood, Jr., of Louisville, Ky.,'rly of Park avenue, announce the birth of a daugh­ter Carol Jane on Saturday, June 19. The baby is a grandchild of Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Underwood .of WallingJord. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Griest of Hagers­town, Md., are receiving congratula­tions on the birth of a' daughter Mary Suplee Griest, in the Hagerstown Hos-pital, Friday, June 18. . Mr. and Mrs. N. Walter Suplee of Yale avenue are the grandparents of the new baby. ******* ••••• * MMJ,,9)iM * * * * * * * * * * * * * IN AIR-CONDITIONID COMFORT AT THII SUBURBAN CAFI ,nI (IGb/,;1 L,1II11" LUNCH from 60c DINNER from ISc • * •* •• * ** * * ** * l1li CI_ • P. L L ___ IrI1ll * * COCKTAIL HOURS 3 TO 6 P. M. * * * ************ WOMEN Are Needed To Operate MACHINE TOOLS in a new 8Ild modern p1allt that . is foqiq eteel for implements ' of war. WE CAN teach all,- c:oJUCieJIdoas 8Ild 1riIl­inc penon to do this work, 8Ild we will pa,- ,.OU well while 1eanl­iDa. TBI~ IS _ a splendldopportUllil7flDwomen to .et inlo a war indaslr7 where the,. are DOW 1lqeJItly needed. CONVENIENCES Modern· service hlq. with ahow­en, individual loeken, and lo~e; abo eomplele diapeD1181'7 with rePatered Dune on dul7 continuously. NO SUNDAY WORK Atao eui1,. re.ched hy has from Swarthmore 8Ild No. 3'1 ti-olle,­from Qaester. IF~TEJ) ~ al oar emplo;r.ment o1Jce for an interview all,-. week cia,. or mail a' eanI aIld our l'eprelellta­tive will ea1l to expJaba the .... taiII. . Those who are now emplo,.ed in essential activity or who could .' not work on rotatiq ahlfb he­c: ause of mterrupdoJUI to house­hold ac:tivitiea. ahould not appl,-. HEPPENSTALL­EDDYSTONE CORPORATION Euinston Ave. EDDYSTONE, PA. Naval Ale Allan Wister Smith, son white rosebuds and gypsophila was cen­of Mr. and Mrs. Allan M. Smith of tered with two purple orchids. Harvard avenue has completed, the Miss Dorothy Paulson attended her eleven-week pre-flight course at Chapel sister as maid of honor gowned in pink Hill, N. C. and been promoted to pri- lace and net in long torso dfect with mary flight training at the Naval Air three quarter length sleeves and a full Station, Peru, Ind. skirt. Her bouquet of mixed flowers Snipes - Thorn • MARY DUNHILL • PRINCE MATCHABELLI .• CHANEL • was tied with pink ribbon. Lt. and Mrs. L. J. Behenna of Prince- The bridesmaids Miss Helen Pickell ton avenue arrived Monday 10 spend of Germantown, Pa., a former school­a 10 day furlough at the home of Lt. mate of the bride at Swarthmore High Behenna's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Albert School; Miss Zabelle Magarian of Bos­Behenna of Princeton avenue. Lt. Be- ton, a cousin of the bridegroom; and henna has been stationed at Washing- Miss Evelyn Christman of Akron and ton and Lee University where he is Miss Frances Barker of Kansas City, taking special courses. hoth friends of the bride ,at the PhiJa- , Mr. and Mrs. Carl Behenna and fam-' delphia ~on!e~vatory of Musi.c were ily of Aldan, 'Pa., and Mrs. John Trev- gowned ~n slmtlar styles, t~? 10 ~qua . ethickaild her daughter Alma of Dart- and two 10 pale ~~l1ow. TheIr aym ~u­'. mouth avenue were guests at a family quets w~re 6!f mIXed flowers tied, With dinner at the Behenna home Wednes- con.trastmg nbb~ns. . . d . Paul Constantme, sIX-year-old cousan ayevemng. of the bride and son of Mr. and Mrs. Cpl. John Wesley Myers who is sta- Abram Constantine of Germantown, tioned at Harrisburg, Pa.,' accompanied Pa., was ring bearer. Louis Iliad, an by Mrs. Myers spent the week-end at uncle of the bridegroom was best man his parents' home on Cornell avenue. and the ushers included Michael Paul­Mrs. Myers remained here to visit for son brother of the bride, Norair Hart-several weeks. unian of Washington, D. C., a cousin E · H 11 L . Sh J of the bridegroom, the· Rev. Robert nSlgn' owe eWls ay, r., Cressy minister of the Blue Church of U.S.N.R., left last week for Tucson, h' h th b'd f er pl'-nl'st A n.z ., whe re h e WI'I I ta k e h1' 5 I n d octn.- W dlC L f e tt fIA e fw as f oSr ma , nation Course at the University of any. a aY . mcent epeer sl. cuh s eI ttn·I °te aewh er 0 f com' - Anzon.a. , posI. tI. on at th eP-lh'l a d eI p h·l a C onserva- Enslg~ Shay IS a graduate ?f Swarth- tory gave a brilliant half hour organ're­. more H~h ~chool, class of 36,. and of cital prior to the ceremony. Miss Bette the Umverslty of Pennsylvanaa. He Dorsey great-grandniece of. Madame has been with the Department of Hos- . • pital Buildings, U. S. Navy in Wash­ington, D. C., for the past two years. Mrs. Shay will remain in Washington I .. for the present. , i His mother Mrs. Howell Lewis Shay ! entertained June 11 at a picnic supper I party at the Shay home on Michigan avenue before her son's depar~ure for . his new station. Lt. Richard Samuel Willits son of . Mr. Herbert P. Willits and the late Mrs. Virda Davis Willits of Ridley Park fo:'­,': merly of Swarthmore graduated Satut­,~ day from the Advanced Bombardier 'School, Kirkland Field, Albuquerque, ; N. Mex. Lt. Willits has been in train­on the West Coast for two years. is a graduate of Swarthmore High .... School· I , His brother Pvt. David Brewster .. _Willits who is stationed at Fort Bar­rancas, Fla., has been on war maneu­Vers. iri Shelby, Miss. ' ----------------_. .-----, The Players Club \ OF SW ARTBMORE I • Finol Produetion. The Warrior's Husband B,- Jaliall ThomplOD •• DireelDr I .. JOHN DAVID NARBETB • JUNE 25, 26 8.20 P. Me - Mr. and Mrs~ Allan Stewart Thorn of Washington, D. C., former Oberlin avenue residents have announced the marriage of their daughter ·Elizabeth to Lt. James Cook Snipes, Jr., U. S. Army, of Dallas, Txeas. ~ The Bouquet ~ ~ ~ ~ BEAUTY' SALON ' • . The marriage took place in the North­minster Presbyterian Church in Wash- • ington on Saturday, June 12. Miss Z Patricia Thorn sister of the bride was 0 maid of honor and Ensign James Davis :; of Dallas was best man. Mrs. Louise ~ Brock Snipes of Dallas, mother of the groom, was in Washington for the cere- • mOlly. Miss Thorn attended Swarthmore High until her senior' year when she was graduated from the Woodrow Wil­son High School in Washington. She attended Western Maryland College and the Washington School for Secre­taries and is now assistant editor of the magazine "Modern Industry". Lt. Snipes attended Southern Metho­dist University and is a member of Phi Delta Theta fraternity. He is ':low MEDIA .' LAST Z DAYS FRIDAY AND SATDBDAY ABBOIT &: COSTEUO In "It Ain't Bay" SUNDAY AND MONDAY· . JAMES CAGNEY In "Yankee Doodle , Dandy" Feature starts all:" 7:11 .. cJ t:lt TtJB8DAY AND WBDIIBBDAY PIERRE I AUMONT SUSAN PETERS Ia "Assignment in Brittany" Beauty is a soldier, too. '13 South Chester Road m ::x: c: ti o Call Swarthmol'8\ 4'16 :z: CHAR BERT • SKYLARK. LUCIEN LE LONG • C~EN YU • J. E. LIMEBURNER CO. Dbperuing Optic""" Experl8 in the Making and Fiitius .. of Speetaeles and Eye GIaUe8 .)923 . ~estnut Street • • • Philadelphia 6913 Market Street • • • Upper ~arby, .Pa. JOSBPB Be IUINBS. C ....... Co ABIJlY W.R,.. ,... ...... . .. • Pl~ let us know I NOW if you are planning to move or if you want any changes made in your present list­ing. Call, write or visit the Ben Tele­phone Business Office. I •• •• •• •• tl.EalmD1,. ~.-.-. "• * BUY u. So rAIl BOHDi * STAMPS •••

---------- Page 28 ----------

TilE SWARTHMOREAN, mlDAY, JUNE 25, 1943 ~""'fi.APJIII" WJ !'J''''\ Jt:J.L..... . IiL . eo 'men",.. .... a.or.. Irffi!::"m.2-Cllllj-- ................ , Y.. Jlrkt .... l"MC'l!!!. ~ Ii. E. 1lWer. BImer JL ,- = :....:..-=- · -, =.. -=... OP' 0 ...... &t:.~"U-.l"',-:'":;===-iij =:::r ~ 5i '-''''1::.,g .;:. :::...~ 1::'" ~" =" """'I\':"".-.!;,~ 7, ~ =---=.. =='_~.... ~"'Zo!.. 1::1::._ dl="'''''_ ~~ 1::::=:::11:::=1 l-rwi;::ti:ftv=q'l5:iIfPtn S'f 8l.8mDke 5'pI~r.~Go. a~"*OI. a:;?: ... 1r. S=:s.=-W?--' O~==agJ.Oo. =..~~~ J. ~~LOo. 01 ~ l'oeil OW l16y ... E!~-a 0.. ~.. = ..: :.rbt =~~ ~. Cr,~,· llaller. LilaIlII. =D, ~ =.v~ Amer1ean Htore8 Oo .. n '1»J1a- ~ ~ ="B. II. 1MMIdA18 J'Um1&11N CIIt. KflPtoDe kYo U-Tell 0I11Je ~ V. . =\~. ~ I. Oray Brot:bera Roberte, Ruth Amer1eaD S~ Qo.. lf9. CII ~CIPIIsn;; ~. Jo'Igs, DIll. CMate L1mch Kleinman WelII, l.oUIII =-.: .. W ~ Murrell'. 0r1U Oreat .&. '" p. Bon B11II Amertcan Storee Co..'l'_lf9. ... -- 01_ ...... ... _ - -- EDaIf'. 0r11l Wl1IoD'CLUOJ' __ .... U 6IOD _ .. =- ....-_ .... _...... ... ..... --- J[OUl'J't_¥bI11P '" Kour)' . 'Ct • ., Oreen Juven11e hmltUI( '1"'''P Scha8l', BaII:- Ardmore Pk. Sen. ..... ~ .. -- • .r_ _-..' 0 bl&tt, r...son Ytta Annanell BroOI t!ID. .w.. dolD8 . m UIe Ilenter Oredlt 01 Oia. ~~ Laurauv. AncINW AmeriClUl S~ Qo.. "0. UI'J2 PalmIIIDO. JeDDIe 'G1_ i,!:" G:lteb. B. ==. ::"1 oaraae Atlantic ReDning 00. oount" CIt De1a...... IHate 01 IlI1adr ~u" 8lIop :.':!::~~, ~ ~ 00. IAwtoD, Walter AmeriClUl Sto_ eo.. "0. 1888 Parker Restauraat Amerlcall S~ HaIDee Sboe SIono .... __ mu PlWmlcy AtlantiC Re1lnlng 01). 1'IIIIIIIj1nn11. wbJ_ to K1r- K08".I1. A. u .... - .,..- - Lew'. ~enelly JIl1lt, American Store. 00 .. "0. 11178 P8tenen ...... ~_~ As.h.I.A. ~d ..P.o Od.. Bandllnpr. HermI.D ="""u. • BaUII8 Food Marke. CllDt;Uj TN: Koonglow Rotel ~~D~ ~"! .. _n. imIDe LoW. Bakaley • .anna PerIllo ..-nw& -_ I ~ B. ....... ... ... Bemhard Wm. JUrrAIL I)."". IIorsan. Kar!an' - --.. - =:,~ImI>Ol't1Dst Qt. Ban1t Tit.vern 1'err7 '0Ilar1e8 Y. BuU. 0\18 D. l:rt:rs ~ &ton ~asnear r. ~~ )(.0. Blackbuni'. Auto Bep. Chelm-Ward 1 110m. Square =' Ii: .m =:-~wer &boP au. - Bawdl1J1\a.k, II!""MI Peedlng. B. W. 1:4':\ I"IlIDer 11m', Deet&uraDt ~~~ 00 -0. - 11Ilor t.1.. ·m_e·J. :•. .'.! !e_ .... ...... .. _'r._-- KariIIco. 0amlIJ0 B1ake, WJ.Wam A. Poeato. Ii. .._ ~ w:'~. A1"';bi1 Blackburn. S. O. . --u__ ..., . -. ........ "'.,,_............... J'_ .:_ Kraft. M. -ea-r _._ ~ EdIth Ilea. ltaI:ene '" .... BJumoerg. UII88Ie BuIl.maJl, Dave ....... y. ....... bonf; ~ weaver: ~ IIosdanoa. Joaeph AmmCIID Store. 00.. No. loa 1lUCb. P. l!beP W~ =. 00. 1Ie8l~= Blumenmntz, O. UIerIn a_u. JOIIhua ~~'" .=.",=~'.'" ~"'l::i:1I ._....... . Porbe8 IDa. r. ...m . II. . Weaver. Victor Be),d. Tbomas =--- .......... =.. ..~ .. · ~.... ~..L-, ~.:=._ =.~'''''' ~P_ m:'1TI.JU'!: • =~ ~ 'wlo'~~'w ~'fi=J..,=", MorrII. BUzabeUl Bomberger. ~ J. 8cbmItt. PrankB.' OaYtma8h Puneral ... __ ~. • ..... ... - - -- . ,....w_ BIeenor Wrlsht Bake1'7 Broome. Am,i'. :r~~_ Ii ~"alter Mort.\D, Ii. L. Bonkalltl. IIIu7 ShrIver. JOII. .... ~ LeY!D, Abe Z .._ Ab-- Brookline Oountory oa..- Wax. Mom. Re1klD, Klw. 8aIDII7I Boleky. lire. B; Shenny'. Welden IluppUes Connor • .John T. Len Led!eI' ~ 111. 8::rihDiiiie ~ Brookline Shoe Rep. aeruiAu"'7..lIr8. ~ 0Iiz0UD1an, IObn W~¥sr Walt. OeiIer. L. . '" B Burne. Mrs • .anna smma. ~:es:... B:mmY'itJ- ~ 0barJij American Stores Co. B~ Mawr E1ectr1ii11l _ B1oom, 11eJlJ1' Palmer P10reet 8bCID wViJl!!l7" w. J:rn";J;. SCtWc. ~. ~~ = EUgene O~;-C::'!.~Ch ~ ~ 00. BacBar!:?''''i'~ceQuaUtJ ~et &.nm~~ campbelL ~ Do Para4III ReltalU'lUlf .!!...II!O'. L. . Penn........ DemetrIO ..... --en. Irene 8ocOny-Vacuum OIl 00. ....... w'~ BbGp .. __ . OImeeey• • W aI_ I. . 1'arrIa. JOIePh B. WI11etler 8oboal CII ...... ....-.:::. .W uu.m,. . ..,.,.... ....... BarrJ Olen Cratt orm ........~._...... . 0 • ._. _____ Bor.d..e.r n.. ,B..... W. &0 I!IoDI CarU_'. 8 ....... O!ark •• MarkR leOPle'. CredIt ~ WOlaon·. Feii1ii~=. leallie ~~~ =iiDi'Purn1~ OleDolden. BIeo ste. ~z:'~= »:,~eso ~uty Salon ~~fo':'-Jim Cook. HoWard Pe~ 0naJ11 WhIte·. Punera1 JIoIIIe Prlcel T. Cor",,"- Patrldl StambouJlan. Juua Olenolden.·POoda r.. MCCUell%other. B. ... OUto. Steven DODlor,o:w"olevyO.~ L~ P~..... =Pbe.IrIasd&el.~btIa. IEJ1eIoItrt~o Go. ~te HOUle LUI:IIIIa Pree1; Pinl&I i. 00IdDub. KIkI $ter11Dr. Henry Oreen, HOWUI1. MCCue Brotbarl ~~. ~ Shop City LIne aso Stattc. I. . w!9S=~c:'om.e Pompi1a ~ Darlak. .toeellh· =rt!:'~K.Karr =tt~ =-A~ ~ __ Cella. JOsePh Ii. OIalre RIta Shop Jalen·.Beauty ~ Presto Be!rta1D'lll1t W~t, BUrabIth·.. :t~&~ =-'1or:! J. stra~ J_ ~ ~S ~ _ IledIa CoooperaUyt::.-L, Dew Drop Inn ~J~le~ ~E1vlra Beau:t,~ ~~ Ralph I~C:~ca,!l~~'o_ _ • f~~Dt.B.J~ £1'?"un~_~~ .' tnkee?'}J:.. Itca~= Pun. IIIIar == = ~.... =e~o:ar" ~~.s~p~s....... I" .1L_.. PeddIDston B1ectdo 00. ..... ..- .... . A .. _. lIIIIWD ... ........ ......... • Tob'. A1f~ KcQ"__ DaDJel IIedIa PurDlture OreeD, B. B. ~... er.c~ 11. .._ RelmaD, Ii. B. . .... '" W. Pootbu« 8CIUI4 u .... o_· I8rMI PaUOIItt. 01. D. s-" unOD'.. Prank Il1ceu:''TOn,. IIedIa HI1 ... and -. 00. Bannum '" Waitt CrouthaDle1. '" II:rs Gold. B. Rogers & Albany eo.a 'I'U'd AndreWB. Josepb ~ B. ~~Ma, Boa IGlc. Walt •• SteaIt SeII4WteIa .. Itle. lII11er. Chatlee .. Ilec1Ia New ~ BoUybOClc Olft 8ZIop =!tl;. Joseph'Jleld. Adam Roh1ftnr. lIarr7 o. ACIIl4I MarW T1U1U111o I~ ~=: B1mer ~~~ Wm. J. . M~ BeDJamIra IIedIa 8t&tIoneJ7 I 1101. B. J. De FazIo Meat W Gulf OU Corporation Rosen'. Sample S:b0l8 BoBabU, .:t8!!1 ... Troe1V~. A: Gluszek. Karol '1'_, ~ _.... MInkes Market IIedIa Theatre ~ ..... LUI'1 Ann Shop Del-Mont Motors. HoI11nIlBWOrth. PrecL ROIIen·s. AI. Studio ........ u~... Orace's Marke~ ... ,,- CoI'!Q'll ..-_ ~ .. atl1aD MIl.... B. W· Mad.laon Broe. Delmont ToRet'J ImschweUer. BaJ' P. Rosen. Albert Bou~ AI,*" a. VI!dIno. Rose Golombeakl. ~__ Anderson, Joe. 3. .......-.. Mueller. II. S. Moody '" WorND ~!!!! Marrutdte Du LUllo. Ii. M. '" U. _ EnoDf...:108<lPh ROIIenblum. Leo ~U!LNe •• GaraaI Warwick. WUlIam 0............ 0harll8 Bamllton '" KarIIIIII __ .. Parkway kYo ... Moon8y'. Store ~. • II. ~1 M. P. KOlf's .. oarma~ Boas. H0war4 ~r' I=r :ttt:.::.o:;,~.. uadii.ADtbo~ = = J. =~I~ P. S::~ ~:::: ~ ~~: .. ~":'T""':' =':l.'l:"=" -....... _ ...... !!up. _ DonoUlo. Prank 0. ~ _.. ............. _... _Do ... _ ll:.-~v:«=.o. LawtoD, Albert Safuple S:boe StonI ~PJ!~ ~ zappaJabh~ • HIghlAnd CIaf. . Strub!u~eat Rebeck. Ii. PlckelJ, Gertrude Me<11a Drug Sto~ Ear n Sunoao IC,'" Lee. Barry A. Sandere. Sam OobenLoJUe Mamonla, Mre. BU&. . BOffman, B. Sab! I)ar~.,. =~r.~ ~e:o~~ _ ::h.O:: =-:."'J:l:::" Plresl e GUt Shop == -~ ................. =-ro...- __ ...... __ __ ..... ,_... ~~ lIl1ler. James & 8cllIeeIt,.James P. • =~ Carl Aah. Marahall W. llI!lll8le~ Peter. Abram', Hardware m- Sloan. HarrJ __ l'1ew~ ~ .., laD Shl%er. Victor Garrett. B. J. Pioneer OIeanera Schwanz. BenJamin ~ IIarrJ' 1m Atttan1, A1fre4 Jones Acme Market Suburban ~ _. QuInbY. lin. :&. •• SIll swarthmore Co-op ...... G~er. M. I. Rboad'S. Cbarlel I!Jehwartz, MaZ m'a ert)'·sJo Balocoo. B. Joseph's Sandwich ISZIop American on OD. RaJDlOnd'. BeaUty 011. swarthmore Serv. eta. Gelb. H. Jo J. Salenl. Ercole Sears. Roebuclt II 00. rego. am Barnett, O. O. Joeeph's SandwiCh 8hoP Acme Market. No. &. VIo·. ~. .... RIgby. t;.g.eIItoa Sweet Shop Gettz, S. P. Simpers. Merle W. SfaklanOll. ateve BatweU ReetaIlraD$ - Bay11Il. LouIs JohIlllOJ1'" PhannaOJ" Acme Market, No. sao Weber BIeetrlo Rltch.....· Tot-ta Baby '" Gift Shop OOmbers. BenJlIDIIa Stein. A. Sheppard & M18re. InCl. Pe~~1e~~. ShOp Belleau Wood Oaf. lurkoWBkl. ADIela American Store. ao.. Werner's Draa Roacb, WIn.. r. Vanity Boz OOIt Manor Inn Spleln1llD, MorrI8 SUversteln. James BenJamin. B. & Eacluban. BartholOlDlJ' Bschow. SI!1!Itt1 WhlteIleadJ..!~" Roee Store Vogue Beauty 8b!1PP8 Great A. & P. Stracclone.!DuIe Singer SteWing Machin, 00.. ~~it~~a. BlumenzwelB. DiInSIl Ea1m. Maurice Backman. '1'UI1it 'WII.UanuI. WWIIUII Roseben7 •• Ohe... WJDD. Ethel WaUey Green's DellcatesMa STuhtocm1lpllseo. nE. rBn.e sOt. B. Ssmpeonkcee r SShtoapti onery Co. G ...~....... ...U....o.._ ~ BBrriaddgleey. . JoGh. nT 8. 0lil EEaalnllseletaWkilc. zV, .I l)1(c.b ael . BBaanUD.,;. BR.o bert WZe1ilnDnsekmleo, reA. lbJOinI ieIlIl SSaclhvooo. l ste.::~~ Tra.IDer Boroultl Oreelllleid. Olga _ p ......... Betza. II. Oult OU Corporat1oD Telbaek. Morris. 2118 Upland Spilker. Sam gget~~te~~ph Camncl, J~ KamInak1. John . Barone. Orlando '" ...... LaudOWll8 iIOI'OaaIl Schwartz, ~ BoetW1c1t. Howard Barer. O. L. Chester-WarG I Standard SUPfly Co. Heffernan. Il1c1iae1 - ~~~. O"=e e Mary • =,. B. Acme Market 1Fm\~ J Burgh. Barney BaIl's Pharmacy AAmhaerroinca. nIi .S Tto. res Co. SSttaannldeayr dG Waraagl e Paper 00. JHaOguggeh-toDS.e rJvolh··n S ta"' De Malo. Wm. Kee 's 8ervloe eta. ru~:-. Jea. AmeI.1.c..a.A _m~ ~_OO~~!'Dk S83 South AVe. '0Ift Del. Co. S & Weld. Wb. Hansell. Chester A - De gU -_... KUpa cit. J6IIlIII! . • ........ ., ...... "" _ Te2 a_A-".....A Ezyltowskl. P. HanseU. N. E. & B. .. Anderson. Georse T. Stanley Spa Ear";'"E11as - ..... - Me o. &....... ~~ ~ BlIthe. ~~ AtlaD.tlo Ret'lnINr ......... u8n .. oUMh -!Do. Restauran\ Banrest. Thomas Anderson. lola Stanley Watchcra1t Eaulfman Hardware • PaInt Deldeo. 0hIarIa _ .......... Blithe. Auto Gear • Part. BtaSWlteW.?,Ut_~ ___ Giant TIger Corp. Harbaugh. John B. Antis. MaX Story & Compton Puel 00. KetrlcJ<. John J. Dl Giovanni. P1enno Eronbauer. Peter Boden. Percy !!arrow HotoN ..... tele-r Jid.;;ftI. Gray. Robert O. Hayden. Hennlnnle O. August. V. Btotter's Dept. StOre Klepaclt1. Pearl Dl Malo. Joe Erewcruka. Nlcholu Bobman·. Beatty BreI. .,.. • • B. Barris LunCh . H1I1top Bevprage Co. Balter. Williard B. Style Shop Konlecany. John DI Mal. .. Vito EruczaJ. MIke Bon Ton StonI & Deere. A. sll..' " IIaa8 Stoltee. ~ MarkD Jean's Bar B '" Q Holmes. Godfrey J. =~o~m'J,':,laa . ~~~rm~. R~ . Co. I.e :"~)"s I)Y.~2!0uae ru=:: fo.,~·LeLa ~S ~~!lJ.rF ~ J= .. mg;;.t.~p· II. JL ~ .Jo1m B. . f':e,:-ba~~ ~~l;,~~h~va Iru I J Blac rn. . • . S ylvanI a H ote1 & ~~""' .A.. u rant !LDtnddlseer mAunthn. a. ......r B. DI Nicola. I A. & Pu ] Levy Cs h.a..a ~ • .-.......-... ~~ -<en Uwu_T.erm InNal Ma0rk0e t Mea rIno'f f D Jones. Mo'wer & ~ulP"--- Bloom. B. H. Turek. Joseph • Diamond ce e LUA ':... ~. Buscllmetr. Butler OIl ~. U ... on e'III! • ='8 .... J N ....... A All G Co Lo;;an. BpaBhettl HoU18 Julianne Beauty S op 'Mary DI Clscomo. J. L .. ::-.:=!.... oatne's Store ObrIatalA. I'nIDII: Vernon. Paul .. ralnes ._A_ Bors...... • • .~~n. en .• . L<>ng. Vincent Dl Balvatore Be-..- ....................... .... W~S P "'. ~ ...~ .. Kaulfman. Charles Buck. Enoch Triplex Shoe Co. JoIiacOarroll Pharmacy ......... Mack. PranIi: ..,... s . OIppolo~ VIl1cent . • Mi Jdna Alfred Kearns, John J. Bud'lI Bakery Ulan. HelllY Marle's LuncheondW DI Salvatore. GulId& Madman. loseph 0In1. ObarleB communi" Bntmi4f1w. Ino. WbIte. 01ara Nr to • Repl Auto Pel 00 KUberg A J BUfano. MaUrIce Union Store Inc. or Chl!lter " ••" . Teddy ~wlpsecettlceServlce S... MarIn'1I Reetauram C101icl '" SI1Iml • OommunItJ . ObeY. 00. - WbIte Bard'D" aWlOD, ~n" RoC:~ D . . Klndt.s.PIi.. ..i nacy Burk & HamIlton United Men'" Shop ~~1. Margaret &.. - Martba Lad, S:b~ OIover MarkO CraIg '" RalfetiJ' = SI~::J.amr-, Rosen. Aibert Knight. James ~=~~~? Iian ~~th':' ~~Sewlng Center . =s. ~~o ~~::I~e::l~ =:=~~s=. ~.":- 3. ~~~~ WIIi8iilre Brae. W • 00. ~~rj J;etf~ B. ~S:i~iIfer C& Dolan Chestnut st. Garap WaahlnBton. H01188 Resta1l1'aIlt McCue. Peter I. ~rd ~ ~ KcMaeter. ~81!e ~~t, ~~,!kt Be~ ~. Motor] ~ Woq,lwo~n_aiauec1re p g:land Boroalh Lengel. II.. H. Olayton. ElIas B. W1II18D1!On. Charles McGoIl1ga.l Rlobazel MIk1asz. I .. - MJoq_ rlcan Sto 00 B n Mary Utuierch Beauty Shop Connell. Mary Whelan ~ Co. . WIler. Nick· g::~~ MI11-Vlew urant ~_ ~IIM peplDdabie =-... ~ RestaU:t • ~en. D. J.' Liaaerch Nurseries =f:.I·W~~&t BollI ~~D ~~ 00. =~~ltjBo~~ ~t oroamanwB. ~M1c11ae1 QurI. Bam Ii. _ ~6C::\ml\. '" BIdm, hp. 00. :m!!'~aer:ket r:=erHn:Vir'CY' ti:~:~~ ~~t1on Cen .. Qurry. Ford Woolworth. P. W. Co. Morton Ave. ~ ~:l.'ll1~ 1fJB1ak. WlIidnlaw g:~&8b~~ ~ Ii. O. OaprlottY. Domlnlclll McC1lniock. HarB8re\ Lobb. Norman & Sona Davis. Herbert J. ZlmmermaD. Ma~ Morton Meat Market Iacono. NICOIu O!Ier. Georse - " ......... P100r 0ciY___ ~5' .. a"'.m.. l'Qwler. W. B. Mc01n1.,. B.'J. . LoLogurraeln'e J"~ea' nay. John C. ~WarG' t Novak. Wm . ~-- ~- Patte-. -wmtam .... u, .. _ ... _ ............. Gr'-_A 0 .....e r .. Tomltneon ... t ~.... t . ......... 0. - .-- nesen. .-...... CJeBan·.... -T . ...... .,. MackeY's Wateh Shop ~~.J O~I!~leat AA~.!.MCI·~e. ~.cke __ ~~. ~ Iacono. 'l'OIlJ ~ Ma.~ 00. ~. Hal'I7 '" JllaDche 00ilID, IlrneItIDe Graves, '~6o IoCIIIUIs Upland ~ 't"'ket M. L. Ital .• Amer. OIvlo ..... g::~=r:: ~Ice ~....~..... ~ sC(:ie. 00. . aM ..... .. u........ Jardine. LcnWta ...... -... D1eb1er. Ia.tward ONet .&. '" P. OreelJ, Ida _ Variety Mar e ... Mann. Anna ~~ J=ter J. JarInkee. Samual ~~ ~ _ . ~ 0Ilar1e8 & Onat Ii. '" P. GleIm:, )(. C. • J::.,on Boroa_ Manoa Auto Works BIIlot '" Il1tcbeU American 8toreI 00• • 10\1'1' Petfew; IIDrrI8 BJJone~.S . ... _'- ~ ~ ~~::~.. • Green. . 1'1re8~_ =er Th~ =:rson Wta Ma'1 ~oa NBakelrtY Sh Penton's Coal Yard Anastas. Helen PoI1OC1c. Jaek -.. ~1!erIr. ~... . ••• ".-.... •• 0uIt 011 00rlI0ra .. 0Il KIrItld" MIOliMi- BarIng Giasa Shop ......... 06 ove y op Pel'&\lIIOn. Mae Anthony'. Lunch pWegI, DominWr ~~ ~.... ='~ioppe OUlf on Ooip. Leyeland l"arm .ADII~ BW '" PranIt.s Marke' =: ~~~'l g:=~llfue"r"~~. :W~oe Co. & Badlator 00. =~~~p I::~~'. ~~ II:' Ww• B. ~~ ~ W1~lr ={n,~~elP' Marcel Beauty Shop GGor rn. Julius Becker. Klllinery Oo!p. QualIty Markel; 1Ie11!man' ='--" ._ JIarrIaon u.. 0I0th.. Go. ~ WAlW BIsy Marcel Beauty Shop -- A Bentl- J 0 ""'--' H8rbeft ~~~ --~= .o- ......... -- Bulettllartela A;l!boputo RiIp. ... ,.__ Orego~,_ ~. Je P March. Mr. and Mrs. PranII • WI> • • ... - =.'.. ......... IImU. ~ I'Idnberlr. Abit -.. _, _ Day. =... . . B~:gt;.,~~~.A,. ~PranIi: Marie Beauty Salon Ino. Itr!~ ~. =~~bItb .. ~ J= Ndman, Vlotar Ba18t1m BroIl. ~ jimi. =rI&eo~W. Marinelli. Alexander JBCObsii Reuben BJoom1leld. Dr. II. RI~. Grwe "1I!'r81lI. JDI8Ph Stec1~ ~ P1uh Auto 8toIW HIbbs. Ea~ Pron., R. OelIa8her" 1!'s8O eem__ Merritt. J. V. Kane as. George Bohrer. L. PO In8on, RoIIIIt Palmer. Pete ~ ·T. T. ~ "' .. ~ KoIIlIOmen!..'&~!L.~ _. _. Roth. s. Bit Great Ii. & P. *cCcCartBndle5S JOS Klotz William Bo ' A. =d :- Ino BbamroclI: CIte ........ Th" =haan.. ........ ..... ..... -..- • ~....... • "-I', "'-- ator. DO ............ __ .... S'- 0 B'" Y. . Lappin Motor Company B. Thomas L. '" eon. ...., --8er91ce.;;i;' ~- ..o n . S. omu . -~-. .-.; -;;g~.-. GCIo1laddeDnI dKt. a"r.b ~Ii HIUIcrbdc'.m PBrI8IIGIIIalbl&e t:h8 hop B1.Jti-1ed&e' . MarW B_oI.In o~e oBr.g eW . • MMecQFalndnd.e nH. uJgohh n L~ap.pIn Motor Compan'1 • P. T .. Jr. J:~ackl ,. PattereOn. 'DIOaIM IItscawoWlll1, l'ftI1tII Golden star ~ J. t1::..!I. L.1lr8. JIOWMIl J6r11an Broil. IIIcKay. Daniel James O. Brougllton. Thomae B. Sun cat. =W';~O"'- ~!n~::s..,. 00t4al1 '" Me III .. 0It. =-. G~OP ~.'-"'Pa1l1 KaUnere. B .. Ph~.!-... McKeon. Thos. & EllA. MlIdIson Grille Burley. Tbomas .-.. - .......... 0ftI8t Ii. '" P. Tea Gt. Once. -......o EaranIa LIght Ii........ McPhUUps. Mrs. Mary Mallas Brothers Buten. )(. & Sona ........... I~~ PferJ:e.!', ~ ~ ~ (1Jeen. B. JIaUn E:i!:;:: 0SIdIr. ste---m. Btbel GII"IIq EaranIa. Conatanos. Menzel &. W. McLauBIIJ1D, fBabel1a carella. Jae. & M1tta, _.. Temple =. 01m1t_~ ~~!I. B. .. ~=: ~ Ooble.. at.. 8U11..u. J. O. Keseler. D. Miller Cool Co. ::-e:' ~coteir~y a- TruBh. Praiii .. -.. -~-~... laltez: O. • ==-G • .A. Lmn8on. B. B. Sumner '" 80n KULa berga '" ~ ~rl' E"Ze "..... W.uww.kI. .J ........ -......... . ........ ;....... LInton's "Lunch Teitelbaum. B. ngw •• ... ._ rothY ~.....,. PhUa. DaIr'1 ProcI.uatll 00. . Inc. Central t iIIDCh Waaklewi ....- 8eYe.n &eM o.r. ~::!" ;::.. ..' !!. 11111. WUlIam P. Lttt1 , none rr _..... LeeCh & Son Morrissey. J. J. Pioneer Oleaners Chester BiIIO lIervlce Statton WI111am ~.j"P"'1,I ._nO BmIth, Samuel ........ "....... ... ...... DID e Ha ThompaoD. "-;;0- Loeper Richard Moo e Robert Pukas. PaUl Chester Gr11l _ ••._ -- -~-'. L~'''' W~. ..~ ;;::!:!' _ ......... __ -.. _ Loekwood.lL TboDlllOn. W. _ Logan.W B. _ Son r. G G Quality Mea't Marke' Chester LIght ~ply 00. ;u= ~ ~1f!:::'~~- :;rzi~OIIP1l iiOiWH8,A.''£._--' iJ!t~~.~ KIilloY. DOr. &WnDlnlo Ruth ~='JB~~ ~!sln. . =.el OhaIter Nelsh. W1o8oer· IHL y,?.. . ·d sAdIe "'. ..... .<>anT i .... .. _~ __ .. Bunter. Jo1m .._ "'."'e " .....t e B A ll1ekeys Beaut'Y SalOIl Murphy. Francis B . .RS.~.y.c,amknse.'rs . Market OChheesstteerr ·PReencnre a5t0i oInII center InD. =!-;-'-B.k I~~bD. WWli1lll1iaammw"m"", WWIIDD.. W....r.o..n.k..O...W...B. kl.. ..JO.I-IP1l BImultlerhlIanna~. _J~:mohmn a __....II.U.9U n Coffee "- w..n~.o n•. l•i re.. Il&l7 MMoowllneer.m P:.r aTn. kI i. NNoeWrmbaanudery &G rHilel lllY M. • Ohester Bales Co. w. ~ _ ~AUoe G. Yandzla1l:. Pete1'_-. JulIen'. U1118 !!~y~on~ WI88. ~004 BoIo\IIIl O'DonneU. Joeeph O'bonnor. A. J. Sagel. Nat. Chester Balvare Co. Zubon. ~~~ • • Emma Al4aJl _....... .JulIano. Carlo s........ g~:J~~~ ~geUna Aome Market Perlstein. M. S. Oakniont Food Market . Chester ~ter 00. • AI1ame Prank Zeltl!elf'~~ • a~!... A~berII " KoeIImU1 Cont. qo. li:l::~iain & AndmlOn'B Norw004 au. PruItt. D. R. oakmont Pharmacy S hmld't waiter OIanoy. 0 -..:... -- AIr Beduotlon ~ at. i-:tfr -J~-nesJ'.- W" alter .... EoI00cm0n!e, T. ".a, Perthea W1l1IeIa BeI11on. PIerre Rodenaky. R. Oakmont Shoe Repa~. c • Cohen'. HoU 3 " ...... - .. - Alban_ Joseph American Stores 00.. Sto- - La Oharm!!t.~.. PeeIdn'liHWd. .,.. OarlaoD,. otto.- BOIls. 0 C. oakmont Sweet Shop Seeds, Almer CoUIns mOthee Amato' Bctna AmerIcan Store8 00;.." I.eopolda, Fr1IoIUI: meo. 00' 0Iuen. II'o1rar« Rudolph PharmaoJ oaks. Harry M. Sho.rago; SaUle COUIns. John AmeriOan stors Qo. ... U American 8toreI Oo~ • Ohu. J4pton '1'h'e '" ~1iF 8sn1oe PhI1a.~. S Davia, B. T. Rundale Market Panzone. John Skhaagwll8&:GPlewldi Danos. P:,,~!:.. L AmerIoan Stors 00.""" ~~,·-CJ]daDe. II • =00." !'};!".l... LOU cand~. ~~:r. • , . '. Dehner Deser. Pred W. Stlngle. O. Patriarca. Carmine -z . .o. tocar S .eo S. .- VA& .... &DUO - Lou Belle ~_A --ey W B Penn House Simmons, Albert .. Delaware Co. TYPewriter 00. AU • - "'X:.. IiIII. Barnett, O. O. Belee. L S. Lou-Mar SPeelalU _ RentB PamoPi"-Ch~ 0Iw2I8 ThwnS ~mian :::n~ljj;a~5C-&~ Kitchell Pett)'.s DruS Store ¥ ~~~:'s~o~w:,I(tIftaQ)'B=er yy!;,.~ -- Barne~tt, O.lL =lJ;SOII~. J. B. Market st.-P004 00. ~~ O. 0.' O~ Market Way. John H. Ploch Decorating 00, S I 111s..J n I • ""W'_. - Bell. D ..... -.A -...~-,..... V. .... KartIn.. Rosenblum. S. Herbert B.. WIUI G. M. Protlgal. Bernard upp ee- 0 es Doubet. car ... BlOom, gotd;J Black • .. co ..... p .,. ........ ...,... h -' MoGee. )(Jchlel 0It. RotllbaUDl, 3. JkmanD Bakery Yeadon Food Oentef Poole. MIldred E''=-7 F.:m:~"" En=-- iil-:-...7 • ~.=- ~\"'" ~II: ~r !"i'':'~-i'it'''_ 5tw,;", ;re,':,ut {;.~p , Be. n. Ed. ~ L P • mp BV =can 1= &.: It II Murray. P. J. =~To~ W atone MoGraw. Mrs. B. BaUey. mara Rboads. Wllbert u·C W· . Eberl. George CharleS '" ~ Cawley. a - BO-~ ...... ~e· National Reltauran' Union N8WII 00. McManus. John 3. Berry Tavern Richards. Maude 8. om. . • Economy Shoe Store Ohuter Brad1er .. 1M. cenUal Drua_ -,~ Zelgerman's PI!annaCJ Edward's Beauti Shoppe Chester Motor 00 COhen. 01lIe . !!!Y!!I! ctl Nevin's PruI!II P Myhree, p. Ii. Chester Heights Food ficIN Rlclunond & HamUtoa ftft_ O'Neill, Ka~ V. WhIte. ~t'J • Norwood Beauty Shop curran. J. Robert's Pharmacy Chester Fish Market BIIen Shop Ino. Ohl&rovlllotl, J& Cohen; Rubin ~"'''''.::~ Pareona. WII1I8.m. 8. WII~ P W C/O.. Norwood P10rlate Flsher's Stote Roberta. Wm. J. <:hester-Warct S Factory Outlet Hat store Ohuze Maly OUtler. Yalm.,. Cadwal1l1der • ......,V_ Polites. Prank, I!IoII8 Woo Mare1Ui Hoek BoI'InII!l Norwood Hardwa-re 00. Furey. D. C. Robinson. Ella C. AAclkel W~paper '" Paint 00. Perry. Alexander Dalton Jack . DlcoataJla. J!!I., • ~~~l'..:.... _ Penn Prult Co. . Adams Mrs BDI Park1naon'a l4erkllt G~n RIdge Grocer Rocktashel. Grant n ..... orrls Phher'" Coal Yard DaYldoWttB. EUablUa DIacostanm. J.... • ~~RatDii'l: PeDDle's 8ervlce Ne~ ~~rt~oa1 yo. Go All ADierican RestaUrut Steven's SUnoco Station Grochowski. Frank Rosen. David PIllman. Wm. De Sa.notIe; Tony DIgennaro, Joil:ut OIpc!IIa .. NIci: PhllII4= ~ ~::tcan • American Stors OD. Tomei. A. Groff James G. Rosenberger. D. Elvin stoA' I,: Co No 10C10 Gale'1HtuUardWCoare 00. D9ktor Auto sup~ ~!'.?Is .... Mrs. Clar'" ~ PhI1a. ~o Antonetti. Samuel WaUln. Mrs. J. Bo h _ HlU'P'ir James Sanders. Lculs .•• Gash-8. PeIIna. Jamee . . :!..~. f1~ ... . PbI11ps. Barnes & 'I'bornton Parkalde roul Hayes 'John T. • 6elb. Emily M. 1:."'1:.:". ." t""~ ... ".. =n.t~ (00, ll!.!:l..~~ ;;;u;;'............ = ~ ="~.. --.. L. P. I'':;.". '= w. =-::.: =-.. :=,~ .,.. fDtl OryajBow d 11IIv g Aeademy Gel'rorer. Charlee Drucker ~ Plake. Theob' ......... A_ Grill Sample Punllta lIII0_._ ~ T P. lII1es. M. J. UA_....... LIster Laura Simpson Brotbers a aw er... General TIre Sales lne. Dub11ak1. BcUtb Prank. JBCO OiiftOii!iBarbacane. Joseph GouveUIs. James " Dubow. O. PowiM'. B. oJ[. te BIIr41nIi. IDIIaok, IL '" __ Beil&iIC(j I'rI.Dk Parkelde Meat __ Llttle:s Service Station Smithwick. Florence ~ __ He til ..... ~e' ~ _ ::u.nco: J~ Parkslde PharmacY Murphy Joseph Snyder. Leon J. Beck. A. S .. Shoe Corp. Greenbe!'K. SILIIlUei BmIlIe Su", ~ PrIedman,..- _ "......... 1JamIra " .. n u. ~'._ ;;tiM- BUtB. Bachel ... Hayne. W.·K. & Oarrte RlclJard8 & Schrader Sorber. R. R. ........ ...... ... . ............. . Oown""" --- ....... -.. .... m..... .A """""'" L. .... ... w. ,. ......-...... .".fu ~l:~w~ ~~~~~U~~ :f~1Iter ~. ~ « Pa. ~~. -.:.:1'Il10. O_~~ B:l'a,~ne = Samuel Oomm~ oat .. .... 8ml~-=FPark B4W01IIh SCUtt! Domlnlclt Southmore Pure Bomberger. Barry J. Haas. !Dula PoWdenl... WID. P. R.~WJ,n. Ohu. ~_ ~ab"'M, 1M. 8Il~~ '* ... HZ , .,.. OoeteJIaa,8!:fove; ft.-" American Stores 00. I~,*~'~' ~~=..~~.ts;1;rt'h Book Mark Backett. L A. PruIo.l'Ilcola JfarrI8, Joe ~'fO''''- -.-. _ SmUllell; !!-~ ... ~_... ~~ Bowne. Tnos. H .. Jr. BamUton. bavlcl. Jr. l"rJ'l>r. 1_ '" IIoa BanrJ; Mo!BaIl If. ~u ....... .;:-:,::0 --- IStan4Ir4 .......... • OObIla rGloe .s ....._ . ..._ STaWrae-t'o-""' V'Bl.n'Kce.n \ Ssttrreatncahg.b Jaonh. nW J.. C. Brout Jewelers Inc. Health Poo4 Store PUaco. V. HlonfI, ~ ZmIlIe', ~I' standard MotoN J)umeI... • m1A1bert O. Trye~ Bridge Steak Sandwich Shop Herbert·. Glud, 'Samuel Suburban Dairies Stanlq Hurn. 8. J. ~ l'WI!! __ ... ,.. ~ 811m1lll i:m., VeMolM _ to. II. Van Lear Grover Sun OU Co . . BII8'1 Bee Restaurant Hemlck's Orthopedlo Lab. Goldberg. SIiDon =.DanIe1~ Paco101o~ - ~ •• ( 0 0 Dr. B. W. _ WbIt1oc1r:' Adelle L. Taylor. H. Buzran. Morris Hetherington, lire. 3. OreenbelK. L ~J?!!._!~.", .. Perro. ir8ii k "U • Olrard MlUer 0Dal _ Ii rd The Tavern ~~ .. - =~- I:~~ ~-- ;;;,.............. SJ, ='..:::;1- ~'l:'A -...:::._ =;,'l,"t':':. Shernoff. Nathan . HopJdna. Joseph A. Baner. Auto BIIo. ....... Lane. CleClrp I'olrta. 'I'bDB. J. ODes, O. II. oru.t A. '" P. Geln Cbarles Troiani John Chernoff. Rose HorwttB Poo4 StoN Hwnm. '" G_ r.tken.. Bft ~l11eaple Coal 0.. 'lWI BeautJ' '1"__ HarDer. J. B. Mo nley. John Vanlty'BoX Cheater Arm'1 '" NaVy stare Imperial Hotel .Toe'. Coal Yard Le1meelaer-= BmnT. ADnJe 1JDlted I5eriIoI . _ JlDIfert, Paul W. OIIowskl, Joeeph Walker. RIchard Will. ~= g.~:~~!en =errS:bop =: ~ • BoD ~= Marce1ltDe ~~. ~~AOo. ~,~ m=::.oPa~ .. 0.. ~3=~=- ;:e~:~o~aa Chester Restaurant Ja.ckson. Pred Kerth .. P~. KallmaD. IoIorrI8 3Ordan .. Luri_ Ward'. I'Ood. I8CODO. Reme' Jarvia, Marlon. P1e~ ~rse White. Albert R. Chester Salv. & Bleo. Repair JlIQOblI Morris EeJiltone Izon ... JteesI MargolI8, ~ =~bo.BeD. ~~ .Julee ~.. Joan'll Beauq ~ Pow • AI'cbI:u WhIte W Chester WaU Paper Co. . Joyce Ken'. Shop EIiltttng Nook" M!tfac\eaDal!t!.~ " Jo1m Weber. J. rs:r ~~~01l8"" EeIIe'1. lAwrence Ramualell.~ ~oIIIl Chetty. R. B. Wllde: wlil., Jr. B:araII Bllae EosmIn. David .... -"'...... EIr!!lmer. _ Weiner. 11.___ &WO L ~. 'l'tIDmaII _ Reneclr:er. WUlIams. R chard Cocchi Cafe Kalm l , Inc. ~Iea Pure Pboc1 ". - Miller. 1'I1c1t EoDClr '" Gelll_ Wellwortb Cohn. Martin T. Kalamo>.zoo Stove '" ~ CIa. Livtn. AbrahMD lIl1ler ~ t.l1!lI' •• WlI11am :... WIn Penn ~......... EKleDIInear.m..~. ~W . LElettJo .0~000=00hr B IaatJ' _ WWarIyg• .h Ot.. ELl •m• Serr . WW1111eeoonn . EH.a rGo.l d Colonial Gift Shop E~ MatheW· LIdo Cafe MIller, Sam Maoeue Beauty WInAn4. p' IAvello. ~. LIncoln ~ Zebley. Susatma rrr Wood's Canine Balr817 ColOnnade Cafe Eaasab Adele Lucci, BmIdio Morton'B lIervlce... IIaa '" Sam SIiPer I Wolf. Xu" Leboult:zr Llncoln~..... ~Utam Woolvlll. Richard Come Baclt Restaurant Kay's Shoe Store LYUI8. P. OUblrtl NacreIIl. .. Joeep!l ~~woe.'L .. ... wOiit 0e0rBe II. T"'RCb. .IE fIE LongfelloW. ___ Bl1tt1DBba m • L. B. :I Wynn. Jacob Connolly. J. Thomas '" Son Kelman. Ben: IIaa1rIi. ToDS -- Nemiron. MIke...... f=~:~;,PLWJ-00. Marc!wi II AutIt; LunCeford.' W.~B Cornwall Motor CO. Kelley Edwtn B. Bl1tt1ngh.m. L. B.. Wynnewood Grill ;Jr. • IrDGIIlnIee, Bdw_.. Nicolaldee, AI.. MeQratlr." M:t 01_ lIalewI Ilooll: TIIII' MankIn. Bobert ~ Restauranw . WJDDewood Market .... -_._- '" Glenn- - K I" Wm.... KcMU11&ft 0IaNDGit ... • .... er. Jacob MoGu1re, 'WIn. ,,---_... ='-- Marks pept,. ~ Manor awe. crew. Walter L. zen-I. Len ,v................. w. e man. - - ~~. t!~:t~~:t11an '" ... . . MeIaeIa..Prug ............ Marlow'll IoI'AnIh8U, O. IL 'Pa\rlamb. R. O. '" 110M ZenOne. Axlna SOIl li;:;:G~. .~ . ... E~ .......... - l'::::n"." "..... ~_ ....:"oJ;;;" -. . ~~. - ==-::.:::11'" l1l'"'nooI4:'''il'"Ir A w"lI. ":':".~'" 7~ ........... -, "'........ RIchardaoD, BDwarcl RebI11. Bemar4 P. Paulla. Bruno =~. ~ 00. McLatlBhlln, ~ id~ ..... __ Garrett .. A1birt Be~~. 'Ec'iwarl1 1l:~~P -OA_ -....... ........._ ........ 00_ _........ ____ .......... __ _~W. _,_ De L8Ru Beaut)' Saloa t:rn~ Jam .. :P. Ro8enb1att, KIont8 ." y_. RIce. 1\.. '" Bl'OWJI" ........ PhlUlpa. Joseph Beverly Baauty 8bDp Moore. Ruth .J!, w ..... llI: Luna Holfman. Wm. A. Becker. Edward DeIBWBre PrOlluctli Co. Lennan .. 'Ilarket . Salen IJaI.r7 8Iorw,. 'are.. -- Rose. Charles . RInaldi. G. ai Ii. Bob's Market Moon.,. JOI!ePIl Penroee, J~h lIl1ler. EdWin Black Duck &;~~=; Produce. =. =.~. aaV~:~ V&rkW ~bUh~N~~\:. li';;w~~~ =~Yil~°ir. If. ~~~Pt%oL'Jr' == = ~ =fJer~·o~·W. ~~';fn.~~ry . DI Meo. PaUl • LIncoln Stores. Itle. t'!el:&-· J-" Ryan·s Market RRocudolpl· Svlvester Dresnlck. P. C'awe",,·'IO. pJenn e ~ Par'" 1larIt" Vlttengl. Bertba __ ..... Ginsberg. Nathan Dunbar Restaurant Lloyd's Men Shop ¥J1I, -- Savitsky. Obarle. ... • EBcott.s Market na. • ~.~.,.,.." • Chester To .. ~.. Graybeal's Restauran' Edynak. Michael LoUllhead O. I\. Ino. Somerastan~·~Rasl' -'·00 ScattollDt. Giacomo Sacramo. Raymond P1esta Patrone. DomIDI.cII Slmpklna. J. W ...... ~ Adelman. Mrs. Jame. Haggerty. George EmIly Beauty Shoppe Lulptoln. Bet; P1_ ....... uP...... Bhooeter Frank Schwartz Dept. Store Hethertngton. Georp Quaker Store . Snow, ThOmM '" ..... American Stores co. Hesketh. Thomas Famlse ot Chester Martha Waal1InrtoJl 0IIDd1. ~ Morrli Shooster: Prank • Icm8 Spangenberg. James Hochman. Sam PurItan Resta_, Souder. John Bonner Tavern Jones Pharmacy Famous Resaurant McCall' .. Pnmk. SoIl8 Talbot,' JOeorse . 8mIth, C •• Ine. steele. George B. Lamplugh, Katherln, Renzi. Prank TOrellI. 111. • Crowthers Bros. Kak. N. ~ti'~ :~o:~oe ~'re !!~Jii,I~~P. Tauder. ~ B8:b~' ~~n:amUei ~~~. ':!~ lIoIIIe ff8~~~~~'e;' =~1~:":" R. = =n"1. ~~:: ~ester ~~~~e~~'E~lIton L. Pelnberg. H .• Inc. ~~ftW Thomas 'l'emple Plower Toanone JacII: Valentine. Morris· Le A W Silva. Manuel Wash. Serv. station DI Sclasclo. SperiellOD8 Lesser. David Preed. M; J. ::""essm-Jer P10rlet Valentine. LoW. Victoria Brown Beauty S:bop Walt·s Steak SandWich Shop Ma'i:'raubinn: N. SUvestrl. T. White, H. B .. Jr. Ellis. Daniel Weboter Lilley. Reynolde Fulnl. Nick ~"'er John S Vaccaro. Carmelo Wachs. BenJamin White House Iml M Do II A J Snvd~". Jennette Wllbank, Hardy Feyas. Peter LlndeBy. W. L-Furness. OIlYe M. ~Ier' Toee!ph • Vanore. Dom1n1ck Walden's Sode Pountaln Lunch Williams. N. F. o."k ;g"" Rep6lr ~'It~tp r.,.",,, Wllcutts Motors. Ino, Granger, William LInwood Luncheonette G & G Outlet Store ~ ••. I, Wltllnl Samuel Weatherly. Walter Wolf's Dept. Store H Steinberg. BenJ. Zimmerman. SamUelrcnqlt. Ratian John LInwood Market Garrett & Son *olnsn~'!!'e-daWard Wr1gh~ E. J. West End Lumber Yard Young. Samuel F. ~~t; JObn Ste&ls. L. ~.. ..._ RIdley Park ~ Jarlnk';" Jean LInwood SandwiCh Sh~ GOOil~ m i LH arry 0 - "'~'J 00 . Wozerlewskl. Ma~!!!., West End Garqe Zaferls. Steve Snlve1v• JlLIIlee Sun OIl Co~ Serv. ~ American Stores __ Martin. Prank Mahoney. David • Motorcar 8ervIce • - CIIeSter-'....... West End RecreaUOIl CoDingdale BorGllCh TIre If Ita! Tabak. J. Breen. J. P. Smith. Norman MI11 Tap Room Goldman S~ COrp. =::08 ~ Abbott, o. 00.. No. _ WHns, Wm. Aldan WeldlnB SUpplies oap ;'B-;;ri'G~ Buchanan. W. P. Yank's Poultry Parm MorelU. Louie Goodman Redlo ~ == ~z;: Qo.. No. 2&8 Willis, H. G. Agent ~to Co No 1138 =~ I. Tbo ton W 3 Prl~ ~ncee ConeorCI ToWllrhlp OrpeIIo, Mary Goodman. Wm. D. '" 00. ..._- S .o-~-- ~- 00..... 188C1 WIlsoD. J. AmeAm rlcau Stores Co" No.' 1..... ...._ ... es Cate ...... o~-.• : •• ~~ -ma g~_ ',...,--'1- Broderick. B. )(.. Posey '" M:ye18 OOrd • Loan OIDoe --- • 00. _.- UWUO_ -- Wolosban.kI M1cha8l erlcau res. -- n ..... ·l!dd:Jsto BoroIIIrIa ·.0.,·. .... ~ ...... ,,~_ Downing. Samuel P. Pratt, MIlton 520 d'rY !!ael~" . 0Uh BIUIItIr Baleatrl81'l. IIlIZJ ZWIIIIn8.n. B.' ._~ U American Stores Co. 1°' UR Allen p:v;._e TrI State Auto ~ Interboro E1ectr1e D:ver. ~ • Van Dowelr. I). Reavey. ..R _ Sandwich .... OG~ra~tlz , Loulse Kevin', !)rug 00. Beck, J~ . Chestelo-W..... AmerIcan stores 00. 0. American StGrs 00. U. s. A. POOlroom Ketchell. Leo BI&IIi '" CIder MIll Saker. ...w ood. Bert G. New' Quallb' Sltoe 00. 1f:-,lfm0i»2 ~~ 80t orPe I 2"-- ~ ., ft\~J:'w':l:I~ ."... Ino. Bonner~vory B. ~e:a." oa~.::::nt ~~.~ Fulmer. Allee R. SbIban. J= 0_ .A. III P. co. N1A..... _., -..- -.. .. - An.,.~........ . ..... .......~ ""'-er!lowe. Wlillo--n ..... A~_ "'--n's Ta- Glaektn. P. J. SUraruso. Oreen's Oroc. '" Dell_II.. ....~ ..... ~A"4 L. . -Bo-·~=--1IrneI& Aufpll& KorrIIt ~ .... c..... ButI Kl'Ii R. -- • ~ ....... - .......... ..~~ Golden Gate 8en1os ~ r-. Star Market o • Market roouo_. -"""Re.ta Boiii*."P.' Babl~ T. ~~~ ShOp ". Carn~ PaUl. ;"~I=D~j,1m 3. Marte1 Bros. Uon No 1 Vila. Ii. L. 05:& L., oo..lDo. =..~ P -- Bon1er. R. ~';ne.: ira~ Barn', Stnc!&tr semc. ftI\ton. Oilrlstake. 080 ... P. _ Media BonaIIa ~Bu.~':. Golden oe.te s.m. IMII. Vtzzarrl. DomID~ G Jolm ~ b D • aownb.a:::- Bun R. ClamPl!nlTo. Salvatc!ra 0heAer 0I1a & ~ _Yo Acme lfarket Rlell., Park :. Golden Gete 8eri .... r-- Walters. G~ =-~. .". ol:o.-" ~..:i:"-- ~~ ~Aol" ~"'71"'_.. El-T.l· =-=-'_... ___ =.!"'or.'.. "='~l'"":" a.~u; 1'c3;::=. JImDaa PeiteJ'I !::!:.:..'"Jamea • 0bad88 .. ·1IllJ1iorIt 00. n.... _ .JoJm ~e&IlLl~ co. Turner. Th_ mpPle. WIn. v.. WOlf 0harIee BOllIa. Nora" PlaIa Botel'I'bcmll .. &ieJ--;"Wi..!!!!:",~_ ~.~:"b ~Trr=o. ~ trDlte4 ""'. .... AnlIdIa ~ Van AIen BreI. :='1. ~ wooS&u. J. R--. .. Hu~ = ~ R: a.Nft ot=~!i. t;;i iMDn'7. IIarJ .. v=.~0 harli!8,~ ~ l1li1 ..... ==. ~;, A. Vl~~.:.r=t..... Roblnaon. PaUl L. ~~ =--=- ---... z&MudoIr~ ~ PI] =sE'li:.. .- _ .... _SO' ....... =r -l::-:"."-.'. .". 'L .......... ."." ;~;;';.' . =_ ".,."..~' S.... ._ l-l::l$..'I\~iL _ =-"""11 -.. W~l;' .:. .: .... .! ,,~ =:..~ "Alamt!O, ...... JI\JI'Dl8J. BarrJ --- • _.. QaaUD ~ OIIADtiO~Dlo ! ~ PtdlID D1 PrInIIlo, ...... =0«. Ind ~ n... LoUI8 ~ __ Ubert ... 1Iu&~ ---.. ~. IIIddle. ..... . .6 _ ... · lI!oJIiII 1)an8J, .T. - J~.!!. . DeeD9r. Nonua Dar_ 'rea ••• I'NIBoII t, 30lua .1M'1'M1D, =~... Rea ~ 8tot'I ad ~. ~ AIItoDIo Imf. aaeUe CJJenD:Ji.ePh .. ;;.:;;.....~!!~ - =~ ..... ---~~ 1IrmIdJ. . HOWIml Aftrlch, A. . oem. JIlL 0'1ad1a ~ &Her' DorteII nn.!!hOP 7 Go1d. ~. "'-" "'~iAba III hi.n John Go ~ Do Ii. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~os lOa. , ~.J!~ ... Buu PamthJ'e =1. PID"M.· 0baItt8 a.w ~a:.. SJtap • B~~ u;W.." ='-,.:::D.. ~. . o.t. aoaaww. Cieeph Ino. ~~~.. .!!!. __ uo I>1m & =~ SItdIe Y. ='=(~,... ==in~~ _ .-.- ~ BIIm1III .: =~-~" la:t i:'. l'&.. . ~B'on" 'Il"1 R-!~! ~-~-t!;i;. oo,. = ..'.1 r.L.. -... ........- ~= .;;;;:....... at:: =--":(""~ 0aIlIWI IrcIIIldft ArtZrar BIm It&rtm EamaUdl, B. 0. ~-Dm 1.Afa~ UJOmIer. I3JeD 'WIn. lI08teIler. WIn.. . 0dIle ='JIIllIal$ ....... JDm:ban Bm.: Panlno~ La Savl11e Grille QoJIen. .Jscob ~~ T~~ =·I~·iE. PIz. HoI. 00Uf 00anIt _ft' ~:.t I'MiA g:,,'!':!, ~ . !!,~n.~ ~ Lebl8c!U. = ='~~toItt, r.. ~':e.P."i: r.d. IAV_ =r:'l'~ -~-. . 1~!:.'. ."~." 11."A:':¥l .m. -aN. . ~"emIrOtf-. - _ 'If"... ='fi:l.. ~f;."IIL =::q ~- ''''''It=~ v. _ =~o::- ~ ~.A.Oo. DUtD PIO.m- iiiOJ =&t~"""DII . W. 3. ~lIDddIetowa .'1'. ...n .t ... g:~t.".:ra:w.~-_b." i=::..i ~.R:~n -. ~ria m:t..~-- e:~!,,;:- 5m~" E;".;;jl&" £w£.. ==:Fl'"'l'''' ~~ ... ~. .. . = . t:=:aIl"O: ... Ioel ...... ·1IarIISt _ ---.1aIIa Dr ........ /

---------- Page 29 ----------

THE SWABTBIIOBEAN. AllDAY. JUNE 25. 1943 • ~, = == =~: ~.~ !~~~I~~." OOU (;g •• ...aru.u. Il u. -__ ". J'J>o, .. : ~ ... ~ ... ~. -.. I&lO"l~. John v.. • .,n Marll:es AtlulV-O RZ!IDlD& N to> ceo B 0cMIJ C .4aI1~ lkn. W., Co. ~.d·_<"O_ •• 1ndr... ?.cu:.. ~CV;"t~ ."une,,,, • .... a<l-,/Ieb . lr:'·rtD ="" ~:;ket ~:per~ea":t:-;'~rj.. o. ;t~tr'" Robert II. ~:;;::,~":; t~!:i:an f,1f~L .9'~~~~Si..,. l:i~::m· ~:.- J.i. BaIlI"ll. j~1I Carteje)'~ o.o!. U ~n.i'.lIl -- O. L. Bloo;> •. GOld,. Sev,,' ,_ ...• CAte h_lcon·.' B:atowunt =: J_ _"cor. Co·t/'.:- Pruitt. • -. ~~- .............v • Hrd:r• D. a.' Buk '. :.1. & Sun Sic;" . ' .•; tltonlo Re~ Cr_ Pharma~. JohD Crowcler PrUllt 'I' &Rsolcel,· ·.t .:..~.'.m.. - S'A- y-~. ..._-r. CChhe cstt{ .d.:-. · dwa. . Co. Sm3;", Sh~ lL. !I·,.nd•~ D~• .'...-.. 9_ ... :"_. Jam. Co" ...... 1 _._ ... , _rva Shon • c: ..... te:la:~ Cu_ Jac ~._" St -wll"~ C =:.':.':"'~_ _ ~Yer)'. OIu.r:. eehro.h H"_ • .-~ MI8chler. Wm. J. Che&t:" Packing Co. StrattO. Oeorp ~\h 5t: ;;t~llei' ----. ... ......O:VaD J. ';; CadY/aUacte' Shapiro. PhUlf.' lloon Haberda8llerr Chester WaH Plirer Co. St.rBoolone. Loul8 63tll 3t. Depot Corp. ~.! JSrotSb eqw Pu~~'!.nllet~~I_utJ &Jon STouPPne~~ae·s!:,~ • Mower. Prank 0chheate~ Whol_ e Or(' Run Cafe See.y, A. ·P. --- - • • "'"- ......... - , ....... . Myera. Nathan 0 en. Ollie Sun VWage cate Inc Sl =Neeld.. tIU chanl Porrester. Lester Tozar. Wm. O. Nuon Book Shop Deaksne Brothere Sunaet Oafe s:;3er'~ 8. &~ Oreat A. & P. TrlanBle BeaulJ ~ Pettlcolfer. L. B. Dektor Auto SUPPl\v Talbot. Joe SupiOI. A- J. SlUm, Brae 0rcharcI. °oreree'n·~eIn,::,._._ ~glee HaCl~bdW~~eOo Rowe. Paul DeDeIIa. Co. BottllDa OL'" Ta,lor. W. H. Swarr. IrWin 41J Oeral1-.- Tome. IiDIenoD .. • --" ..... -v. Scha&l Balterr ~. Co. Motor l'iarte C(,. TI1omu, Samuel ~Io Club cate Vu Albert. JIartha Hawkes wera Warmg Underwood. Co. Seery A. J Delaware Produce Co. U.Tell Or11le Waverl, Orille Wawa Dal2 f:~.~e 'Inn ~:~~7buWdore ~ MeIVtn Dela. Wholeaale Produce Ward Orlll welnbe:-\ Iu40re '1', Wweeeetthe~ u~ .... reU. H. White, P. =~:: jo.~1z gra=U':i ~a, PIlel ==. '!il~ :~~:n. ~t.ew~. .v -_..... ....tthe ... JIIID. Upper DarIlJ Twp..-W~ : _~... Biaenberg. JJoo .. WlttenL II. B. Mester. R_ll Acme llarltel: - ....... Book Shop POrd " Palmoo:tu. Besolcnnld, J~ 01lDl Wood. Lewroil1ce J. McCandleaa. Robert AlI1erlcan 011 Co, :If,;:fr;k Cochran Prank & Lenn, Weat bd aeo.. eethn' Ade1manCly' 01 Chater Nether Pro:vldeDce S'oWaaJaIp JIcCormlck, p. T. AlI1erlcan 011 00. State Ri.r~utJ Shop Oaley Hardware Co. Welclner. N= t AIken iiai'j- f BBIa'tIPJl8.TeTdhCllllU P, - !!~r:::::' ~ L. ~:e;,aTho~U:! sShop SlID on CoJDP&DJ ~~-!t'illtull CoCo' . :~~. a. Ul'U lIell. Samuill a. Jr. cIteI, ~ . - .... Y14 • ~. Tenn1Dal Ol1enold 00. ...-...... Wright. BllabeUa ~ Albert -~~O-I:...wW!..L..t..a.r rlk-lr. .~.e ~w::C.k8.a.mK.'a .tJ.b e rIDe BaBe•cr.r ' A.StoSr.e ....~ ._. .O.o.r.p. TItter, John J. 8:'cs B. S~8J TolW. SadIe Berahacl BealqCo. orn.n.;;Atlantlo COcIttaIl Lounge. 1U1' _ ... co ... ---Itl. BInIDa Blac" _I ... .Jr OrooemaD. Samuel Ne1L'8Om. r.. & W, Broa Bemr Mllilnery BIM>P 8tth TI1eetnt Arcade Hardware & Sup. Co. or Cb . ter O1t7Botel Do ........... 01 • 00 • ~1n·AlW111lamel !..~. ..B rneet.A.· BBeotJ'l8, ~~. Shop Weaver Clvde· HaJoca Oorp. . Col---~- ..... ~e - BJ::e J~.a. • Pa'Ctard Ice~. er _~T8lI~Coir.' Bo~ ep;'Uj" Wolt 71oor' Co:vetlDC ~ HODDar Lal)el 8a91Da lien. Oltid'8t:'nl:;" Orawt~rd. 0U1 IIoK. Parkway Poocl Mub& Powel', Texaco' Se". Brlator'a MWlnerr Sllo" Workman. L. A. JUJDJI1er & 0_ ~ PbUlp DalleU. J088ph Saul. Robert 11.' IUgg, L. A Buten. M. & Bona ., Zug. Abram J::::- ='~n beliwan cou.tJ Doherty. PraDlt 8l1nmonda. B.. A.' Rltcble. M~:vlD - Olendenlnll8. Payer RUdolJlh Wurlltzv Co. of PII. Jonee boaJ BaDn. John Dalton. BlJner WUaon Coal Yard Rugllrlo. P. Clock Orlll Opper Darby To1nlJ.lllpo-WUlI 8 Lerman's IlArket Bartram ~e big. 'ftw. J, W~..= _.v ................. ScepBlllllt7, J~ ~.Ine~rr:r. i:erlcan Stores 00. . No; U8'l Llbert7 Botti1Dll Worb BuU. Ous D. Gordon'. Lou ottlce ShaJ:rer. WID. J. Cra B erl~~to_ 00., No. 18l1li lIcOaIl'a T Pni.Dlt BollI BlIIck Duclt - g:lz & 00. Acme Market 810ckett George T wtord 0I0~ BriIOttWD,T. ..A..,.e s MWer-Pioui.der ....._ In' meclter. I. B. ron. Oeorat Barrel. The 8prtnsneld Auto eenso. .' Cuglet;e Pet ShoP • • Parrla J ph -". Bonner Tavera Hewes. aria Pors)'the. HI!!UT . Spr1.ngl1eld Pool 00. B:Wa: ~ Bailey 41J 00 &~B=~ KotorCaro a:e"lee 00. ~erM!?iy" it Bawea. Wm. L111'07 Oreat A. & P. SprlDiAeld Blac. AppllaDce ~. Shoe ~_ Bine.· Curlev. 1Uc1Wd Nigh OW~1a - B-ru'web, l• W-. 3. f'~:'~.41JwOon· Hanley. O. J. Ste1I'ord. EdWard O. . DIamond shoii Re-'. ~'s lnD P!iIla. Product Co. Broderl-". ~--1 II. gal-han Salee &I 1::' 1.00. No. 1 Wagner. Myrtle Don'a lIl111Derr ."- Dairy MaId CODf ...... -- 00. Powell. P. bouma BIOO~llD""e Oo'iiDt- ClI.O;' I:vea. Mnt. II. &~a~:ri: & n. Lot. "'0. 2 ~~J~lIfnn Bdna'lI Beauty Shop Dublin Morrla --" RawlQlght. W. T~ Co. B~all ~ ic:,'::a~~hn • KIrk Chev.rolet Worllow Char. . Balmer. A .. J.. Earl'a satterr & r.nJtIDD &n. ~:.,,= Blectrlo Co. Btyna. Mar)' Lac:uah. John Myers. Fred ZlInme..mlUi. Precl O. =ny Permer Oencs, 8boPS. Inc. Behner. lIorrie RUbenate~ ~ OBdwa11ader. B!I8- Lear &; Worrllo1r Myers The1lna Th-"n- -'''1'' . Mort Pelz Prul1; Market BaBaPOVlta ~J_--,_.. cam-naro. SalRtcne Lewecltl. Peter NewtOwn Square KarIII\ Berry. Aii::i-· ... v......... ~ ~rofl'.:sre l"lreetone Auto SuPPlJ 41J 15trv. 8chleclt .l':.:;;:,.. ..p -. Chr18iie. J •• & Sparao. J. LeW1a. HopltlDa & ","'lm'O\1 - Newtown Square Sen. eta. Brown. J. B. .... Iel ..... er George', Market - ShaperO M' Chrtatopher. IIOUIe Lou'a Loan 0IfI08 Powell's Texaco Sen.. Brolley. P. "'" en .... wn Hoe1err mtop Ice Store Standard Wall Pa C ClDl. Chariee ItfJlclncott. Wallace Powell. B. W, &I 00. Clemene. John Oreat A. & P. Gerlach's Sta Pa Co per -< Clllrk J Realty Co. Reese. Edwin CBllahaD, Patrick g.~o~ Be~ & GerIinlde Olranl Equipment Co. stefn we~D • Ina. . cllftOn arW North Cheater RealtJ Co. Schneck. Wm. O. D& More Prank Hartl... • .,.."e Oolden'a Phannacy story' Coal & 'Coke COatee. Angeline Pace. VlDcent J. Velde. Wm.' _ HlIDter •• George- e, s Hanscom', Stuber Adolph Convery. Oharles PB1Jner. Newlin P. Radnor Towm1llp Karl_. J8JI1ee Hayden. Kelly. ThOJllP8OD & Hares. Salnuel Supptee-W1ll8.JODe8 Cra:vera Drug Store PalJner. Obarlee Acme Market Makin & OornOJr Be Reiner Jetopoulua, Hlcbolaa' SWUt & Co crotllera. H. Ouy Powera. ...o . J. Albrecht's Plower Shop McNevlch Boley He~~' Tom. Inc. Kelten· Pet Shop 'l'omllneon Co .• Inc. CrcnUhamel. HIIrrr .!J y~ Price. w. Alrlch American Stores 00.' . Nel.esner. '(]eorp Jorden'. KK~~ SUpholaterlng 'l"18on, Allen 0 .• Co. ~~eJl'hnH"""J &; v .... w RBDltlD. Robert L. Anthony Wayne LoWlge ~phet. Precl B. 00 Kerno. H B u ..... er. usan Delaware Co. Tob. 00. u,.....,UZIJ. o. Read. Revwa Anthon, Wayne Serv, Sta. Rodge ... JUdge a. Net. KlDnel. 0 R 00 IdaeU DrUII. Ino. Co. Woodman, Wm. D .. & Co. Daller. Paul Rboada, James P. Atlantic Refining 00. Shlls. NathaD Knox BeaU.tY·ShOPpe Llmeburner. J. B. Co. Wolf Paper Co. De Luca. Thml. Schwalm. Prccl M. Atlantic Refining Co. Ward. J8JI1ee P .. Ino. Kresge S S_ Co Marcel Beauty Bbop KeJBtone Iron & Metal Del Vecchio. Mlcbael Sielecltl, Jamea P. " Bonnets & Bags Yacbt Repair & Storage Co Kurland. 'Davld . Matlack. Robert W. Mallman. Morrla De PrlnZlo. Bugen. SWeeney & Ol,do Boyle. D. TlDlcum TOWDaIllp Lane'lI Apparel Shop Inc Moller. H.' Delaware Connq DeIlO8O. Glo:vaIinl Bween8'1 & Lukene BrackbUl. Barr7 O. Agent Meat Market • Leonardo A ". Morgan, WWIaJn P. Auto ~ &I Parte Co Dezzl. Mary Swimmer. -MaUrlce Brown. Peter AlI1erlcan Stores Co. Lester Ps8noio Inc. Orange Car Barone. orlando c!I JoSePIl DI Ma~, Jamea " Iofar'1 Tercba. JOII8ph BrJn Maw~ LWlch Apex Watercraft LInton Lunch Orlglnal Yard Shop Baylln. B. DI PrIn,,",o, Bugena Wltall. J. H. Burket. L. K. & Bro, BartraJD Cottage Locklin Dr We 0 Pace. BeD BergdoU. J. C. Dixon. John Warwick. samuel Q. Casper, R. P. " Co. Beard. BIlen Lofty Candy col:e • Petera Brothera Brehm. JOII8pl1 Dixon. Jobn . WWe~ .. Jacob Claypoole. Mary Agnes Capltanl. Cbarles Loughran D' Phlladelpbla_OoIf Stud10 Bruno Brotliera Donovan. J .• & Cadwal1a4er •. O. Wolf, wm. J. Ooocagna. Ed & 1.1 carroll. Ruhy mccreeri H Polites. Prank L .. Bone' Capollno. R. Donovan. J .• & Cadwallader, I). Woocl. J. A. Oonner. I. Walter &I 00. CataanOll. PaDteles Macble.s SRUiuel Red Cress Pharmacy- Comet on Co .. Inc. Donofrio. Rocco Zappalo. Stephen Conway &; Su1l1van Ca1lSSO. A. J. & Bons Mary Elien Shop Rettig BmWe. Community Bnterprlaes Donofrlo. Prank Delaware COUDt'1 Coneatoga MW Chemycz. Stefan MIIrv Jan~ Shce Stor~ ~s Pood Market Obeeter au & Burner Sen. DollB!'ert'1. Harrr 41J BlaDche Agnew. C. H. Oomer Shop Dalton'lI Pharmacy May's Beauty Shop Rubin. Anna BaJnoWBltl. Walter Duke. 0i1ll Allen. RaJDlond Cowan, D. Ii. De Marco. SalV)' _ McMonigle JamS- j Simon. Benry M. Danderola lUg. Bdq. DUJDel. J. J. BBIz. Robert Daly. Albert Dl MarcantoniO. AngellDa' MCNally. Ectward J. • 69th st. Depot Corp. Darby Sea PoOc1 Co. DuvolslD Drug 00. l5a1rd. Allee II. Damlcantonlo. Angelo Drzal. Joe McShone- Charles 69th St. Garage Deger. Precl W. Baler. W. B. Bam., George De .Pamphllls. Oulseppe EmUl'fan. Armanel Meella Drug Storee Inc Snyder's Dletrlch. B. W.. . Ellis. DanIel Webster Bergman. R. 0, Delaware Market Engle, lin. Mary Melville Shoe Corp" State Rd Bakery DIetz Roofing SUp.ply Palle. Wm. BlIIbam. 0, V. Dlament & 00. EaalDgton Bchool of Aviation Miller Bros.' Suplot, A. J. Drexel Hl1l Lum. & B. Sup. Co. Palls. Wm. Bibby. Joeepb DI JOHph, PraDlt • Porte. DanIel Mllll'ahl. HalT}' TTeaB'1e. John PaBastemIrvI Dlstrlbutore Co. PaParerlnDll• PePettee BIttle. Wm. S. & IIoD Dl JosePb~ KlezoDBII. AnthODl' Mod~rnella College of Beauty pper. Meyer ew Oreenh01l6e , BlaIte. Denla A-D1 Malo. • Lawrence. Paul Culture Tenn1Da1 Nut Shop Pldler. Harold Pleete. The moom. HernIan Donahue. Thomas Lu, Jacob National Beauty Shop Timmins. H. PlzzaDo Brothere PouDtalDe. oeorp Bol., Charlee 8. Donato. John Lu, Korrle NatIonal Cssb Reg Co Onlon Newa Co. Placco. Ton~ POley, .Jamea Boyd. Charles H. IIBDenah:ade. JOIIIIDIl Leathem. Chari. B. Necowltz. HelUl'.·· Vantq Publon Shop Pranltel. B. - Co. PoIeolD Ltgbt LUI;lch Brighton. Edward. . P&lrlawn Food IIrltt. l.ehmaD, Herman Nevln's Drug 00 Waite Brothera PraDItlIn Do Worb OUbert. V/WIaJI1 T. Campbell. ,J_ T. Paloone, p. !lucbaam. Walter I Party Snack Mart Upper Darb, ToWDlhlp.-Wartt 7 Gray VencUDB 00. GIDan. Katbar1ne CarWe, K. L.. PltmerakL J. PeroDl8, Joe Penn Prult Co.. Ina. AlI1erlcan Storee Co. Habbel'BCtt Brothen Olenn, Joeepb ch CBnIOD, W. Holm. PreDch. W. J. Pollschult. lin. Aleunr.b'a PbUa. BJectrlo 00. Bean. La Roy - Hessenbru~!I-., Co. Olenn Sandwl .. ISbqp OIanon. l"rBIIlt Olft Shop PrIntz Hotel Polltee. Prank L. Sona Condell. Wm. H. Hollenback. OJIWe Olenn Sandwlw. 8bOP CoUIne. -Oeorp. OWen. Katherine Rosa Boat storaae Tard Pons. Albert . DonOhue. John P. &I .,. Int. aery, Iron & Met. 00., Inc. Gordon, I. Coventry. ~ Oreet A. & P. RUlkUlowlck. loire. J. Poet Cigar Co.. !nco - OfOMJDln Serah Jordan rotberIL Golt Manor Inn Crawford. Walter 0U1lllD. Kleber' Small. Albert Prevln MmlDery. Ina. OreguU, Albert Keller. Prank B. 0reeD, Howard DaI'1. oarl Oulf au OoIJlC!"tloD 8ouI7. Joseph Quaker Shoe Repair HagerniaD, L. B, MacDowell, A. J. - Oreenberg's PbarI:UIIJ =!b WWIaJIl JIUtml Bale. Allen 0 .. J:n.o. Btell&r, Walter r Quinn's Puneral Home HIghland Park PUre Poocl Martel Brothers Greystone Inn De Ohaa. Hale. Z. B. TlnlCWD·lnD Rath. Morrla O. Moore. lin, georp Kaaon Bulldere~plJ 00. Hall. Geo",e P. , J. D. BarltlDa. DanIel TlnlCt1Jl1 LWlch Reel Spot Taylor, O. H. Modern Ice & 00. Hayee. H. • Dieter. O. W. JIarrIeOn'a Dept. TlnlC1JDl Restaurant 'Bee4's Welch's llarket . MOllson·s. W. J. Hattlgan •. John DOwcs,. J, 0lareD0e Jlenl1erlMJ!l~_~~.:. - VoliIarIa. O. ReII1IlShoe Co. Opper Darby TowIIIIlIp--Ward I *oore. R. R. . HlIrrl8Bn.~.10hn B:vILD8. W. Ra'1ll10D4 Hobeon. _.....-... IIAIiIJ Walber. -Char. Rel8er & Re1aer AlbertlDl Motor 00 ,..ubley COnrad. Inc.- Hartner. Petter. B. C. IanDctta. Cm. Wblbl8'1. Edwwd Robin Hood Nut Bb!)p AlI1er1can Storee aD Pblla. b&Iri Products 00; Hanard Tea Prle<1manm~amJD, Ino. Ithan Store Ine. Wooten, Mart!wo RobID Reelbreut HOlilery Co •• Inr Do'fBJIan, George • Plerson's Oarage. Harris. Luncb PrItz. O. r Jack " JW Shop Yarnall. Albert Rogen,. George A. BOJd Auto Se"lce Powell. B. W. &: Co. Henry s Prone1leld. J. M. JacItson & RobblaCm Young. Jaock Rotbateln. Joaeph . Cootello Auto 8entce Pratt MIlton P.etherlngtQn. Oeorp 08Jl1ber. B. P. JelalDe PIlotweB!' Upper Chlch.tu ~ RoJJ1er's Dalll!lJ8Bllclro Paeo.uale Rlcharde & Schrader Herestofa. Jamee Gepbard & George ~~ll~'a..Me H. 00, =~~a:O~ 00. ~IBfd;t.~:hop ~~~::ue CoUnty "Blectrlo Sup- ~~U~*~~dera SuppUa :~e!'t. ~hn Olven, Wm. H. h. KlelD. WWIaJn Bruni. Pranlt Barkee. Xt.a'1ll101i4 DI Ambro Joeeph ~nowclen's. Inc. Imburf:,; J. h Sh ~~. ;-. ~: Inc. t::re.Mg.N~ u. ~= ~~~blne Co. ~' Bernard S~ksa, ~m;~ Puel Co. j::::;:·s Orlt,:IC op g~be~Jwl., n. Leamy. WlIeon • .1r. Delaware CoWlty supp~ Co. Shepperd" K1era. IDa. Pralle:y W :M. 8s uDD..y Brae Orcbard . Kallner'lI. B .• Phcy. ~iu.A be LIncoln - Llchtenfeld. lin. II. DoheOD, Prank 69t1:i St. Ratbakeller me Alexander - upplee.Wllls-Jonee . Karluses, James J h J In Llenbardt. B. B. Palls. Wm. Starlolr. Earl Heeren Wm SUpreme Branda Karanta Light Lunch Hanuriett-dtv'ta Ii O. LIggett Drug SBo Ino Glambol Wllll&m stout's 69th St. 1!Itr:v. Idle .. ':'.- ....: _ ._ m-" Tastee Cube Steak Co. KaUllman. CharI. 'D' __ ":"--1 B.' Loanee Marltet •. ora:vatthB. V. 811:lolf. Morrla KlrItlJn"'-s.d.~ ..... Thornton-Puller Co. Kearns. John J. ~-.. ".....- es Lolli. Michael HO~!: ~~ward.J ~ ... ~_ ~bpp"~~:Valope 00 . Klrltlyn llarket ;fl:.i ~ ~ Coal 00. ~o'l:o~rt T J ~~:WB.r.:.r:'y L'1DBlI1. O. D. ow_... ..... Dee__ SuP ... MI' Klrll:lyD One Stop I!Ierv1ce wUao··· • • • Hayee M A Mackey J. O. 1nJIlan. Pranlt swet~~F rltt. KlrItlJn ~ y~.~ S. Konclr & Oallagber HiiCiSiW: Rudolpll. u. Mucwigelo. Edward. JIICOIDO, Antb~ ........ Aaron Kneeby Altre<1 tIT Farm KIng. R. D. HIbbard Broe. . MaID· LlDD Golf ComM Kerr. James ='~t.n~n .. __ LlantiMh Orlll ~~b ~d!f~e ~""llng Center HIpple. Heurr MaID LlDe Orlll t:= ~. tHa. Trlpler's -.. Petrol COrporation CoWlty Ohenolet, Inc. Latimore. O. Ne~ N:trWthW. orD.A e,. Jco hD L.. Jr. ~:~~s:m-. lDo. LlDdaBY: W. L. lJpper Darby Sport CIDAr ~~~~J~ Int. ScraP Iron & M. Qo .. Inc. Lax. Morrie Holden. ~ B. ··Wer W A MaraDUno JOhn Ward & Ward. Ino. Sle~A:"'." H.' _ KaaoD Bulldent Suppl'1 CO; LeboUltz. Isadore Roo J ward. .... • • . • Weber's Orlll ....... - -. Rosen. Albert LlDwood sandwich Shop pee, . ~~O'ONI~b= ~ln~:·it= WeU'a. Ino. ~:a ~q Salon Wblte & DaWIICID, Inc. Llttle's Service Station Hoopes. Margaret O. • PaxsOn,' Prederlolt Robertson. B. A. ;r.lrianHa1T'1 o-:ier Darb War4 II- - Upper DarbJ Llanerch Recreation <Jmtre IJ~rnr::: =: W. PechlD. Nathan RoberteoD, LllllaD e Drug 00. Dre I .&n. AJnerlcan ICe JUg, CO. Loeacb. Iofar'1 JOhn's Realty :? PhtladelE;1a Ble ...... • -. Tracfer. W111lam :H. WWIaJne Belita11l'lUl6 &_ .... ns._ p, 0. AlI1erlcan Newe 00. Luncb Bar J ~--- W .... I - I " .. - - TwIn 0eIts Cssb 0_ Woolworth, P. W. 00. ............. n. ~.- CII. Argo Supply Co. Manning. J. Ouuouu, . ~~rc ~tJl:'A.rc!. ~~~ , Wblbley. Edward YI!BP8B. Da:vld B. Auerbach a ~ Bea", LUJDber & MWwork MaID LlDe Oolf C01lnIe Jobneon. Albert Prudente, John . Wcoten. MartbB & I'recl Upper DarbJ Twp.-WUlI t !~tlli:Ed1th O. Blnsold, John V, Marron's Tavern JoImaOn. W. Perolval RebJvI1._- & W1leo& --.._U p~_ ProYlIJeDee S'wp. AdelPhIa Marltet "- LUJDber & JIllhIork 00, Buten. M. & Bona Matthewll. Jamea .1ordon. J. LanIer 0 Alllahce Auto· Ser:v. Blcke , Tect. Cl'1ll1er Dlstrlbutora McRae. Danlel Kent ... ullet C. ~r. P. B. j=" :Mia. '11. Amerlcan lee JUg. 00. Brucker. Mall DreJ:el H1ll Lum. & B. 111m, 00. McKeOn. Thos. &I BUa. KIDder. Howard 0 .. • Prank &I AnaIe Lawton. J. Precl . AlI1erlcan Storee 00 .... -ug Bud'sDrexel Park ~ Plreatone Aut Su¥. 41J Befto. It. KaDor SWeet Shop 'Lennox. Harold =a:~S:IiOR vw::r ~b~ ~W'" ~ 1r"k'i;!.,~w~~ 00.. • . ==-,.~j.~' =--Bquls&:vDf:1 00. =rv:r~~ =~~~rts.3. :re~ ----- A. &; W. 8boIl8 of PbD&.o l!Iic. Art·s TeIllLCO Ser:v1oe CoIW:ynllarket 1Iarttn. Ezra W .. 00. Ilax' &ret ~ !'J!~rl' dAdab ~rt y .. __ • ... .... &lme llarltet BaIr. Pnmlt & LyOD, Bob Drexel Parm llarltet Neoeol Co •• Ine. lloeUe BrOthent .......... e. Ro"" ... ...,n !~4!'Jf. tJ.~ . tr:ADLeI'I=can~ M8Oo' 00.. ~ The Drexel Poocl Shop &I Imnah· Newtown, ~ :a.. C7cAl 00. IIcDonaIel. ... !l!'~ille ~~. HSoo~r'!~.~ _ ......... - 'I Book Store eonette Inc. Nlemeyr. PranlI: IIarI!aret AIUlUOldrlok'll OIIe _...... - ... - ThOrnburr, R. T. eee :aisuUlllU Bee Brothera Drexel Park Pha!1DBOJ Petrol OorporattoD . - IIcJlahon. Wm. 3, .. DaYle. lIaaclo. Prank Tborn~ ~ L., macbtone Sweat. 811® Bertolett, B. A. DublDa Variety Store Pb1Illl\T' Thomae Keg1)) EdWard ' MCOulre. Wm. a. U~ NeWB 00. ~~lDer. ..M. o~. ._ BeBW:verlY HUle Oolt CluJ) Edward's Beauq Shop Poet llIBr Co~ Ino. Miller: Elmer *~lbVloCrnlra.r'n~~ M. .......... ... ~....... 'a Orocery "DelIcatessen Gaukel. Lewla BcboeDfeld. M .. 00. IIoOn8'1. JOIIIlDh -..- ~ ... v UnIon == gg. Cluelow. O8orge Bonnett Box IIa8on-He:llln Coal 00. BcbraolI: & Co. MortlJller,lIlIdre4 Muller. A. H. UnIoD. Corea M Boulevard Sunoco 8en1ae Patch. J. R. Shelly. J8JI1ee Murray'a Orlll Jifodeete .. John vmanova PIIarmaCJ Burk-Len Bushong Pontiac Co. Rtl8Sell. Oordon " Gibson Term. Chevrolet 00,-_ Nem's DrIll! 00. Kone:y ••• Robert Wack. N. A. Crawford; Maurloe B:vwood Market ~!>arp. gelth D. Kaaon He1l1lD Coal YO. Newtown Squan HOUl Monts. T. H. Wa11I:er. P. L. Cmmelly's BJwood PharmBC'f BbUllclay. Wm. IUsaer's Pood Market HormandJ Grlll Moualey Real BIstate WaJDe ~t 00. Dannenberg. A. - !3:vwoocl Seafoocl Mrltt. Spargo Granite 00. KEEPER OP BU,IJARD •• ftC. O'Donnell, Joeeph llurray. R. K. W= ~~:nwe:" Darmlento. N1lDCIII Bywood Shoe Repalr Stewart. WUlIam Ansa City of Ch~ O'Shea's Wagon WIIMl Noll. Inc. ~aJJ1e Motora Co. ~~lt.t/- PaHul .1;. O. & O. Poocl StoQl Warahaw llarket II tOIl, Helen aIel MW Noyee. Edward L. -a~e P1UJDb~" --.... - 00. ~_""'~arrrC.~~e· ClJDler DIstrIbutore White. Howard Anderson. Oarlancl PaDZODe. JOhn - Osborne, Chester & lion IDc. w· .- - -- _ .... UI)I. ... Oohen, RenJ. Wlger. Martin AndreWs. JOII8ph Parker Reetaurant Paln1er. Mabel II. wWeamdle:y.. A. ~r. Pather & Bon Shoe More Oommunlw Bnterpn- Inc WWta. Herman Anthony'a Lunch Pasquale. 8garlg1Jf. Pennington. HBr:v8J G. J~ Pdtacb. A. A. Delco Bowling ACBcl. • WoocJ. H. C. Arm01'7 BowllnL Aead8Jl1:y Paxon Hollow CiiIlt 00_ Penrose. John P •• Jr. ;:lworih. P. W. eo. Purnan,oattone. PDr•a nHk. H. ~. J. J. .upper Darb,-Ward 10' :~~r·TaWWard. Plel'flO. Oeorge pPrleston. Edward bl S S P'o8te:r. Morton W. Acm9 Market ~ vern PoIltee. PraDIt L . .- SODII erce, George Zim e. . • Olencoe Dellcete• •D Powler. Wm. 0, Amerlcan Stores C~. BB ea 8 Kltehen Pollclore, Nlchol88 Prlcbard. E. O. Z1mlI1erman'. IIItore Olendale -on Co. Pox. Thoo. Aronlmlnlt P~ Irney's Persln. Ida ' PYle & Young Ziesier. Ruth WDehlp Ooodnar Se"IOil Prlee. John J. Dave-Ed Quality Mtt. Boles. WUllIIDI Pete Pollte·s ReB. . Rhodee. Samuel erI Rl"b1 :J.: Orant. W. T. Co. Prltecb. JosePh. Oallagher. M=!:ford Bomberger, Harry J. Prudente. John Rockey, Wm. M. ::erl: Stores '~. No. 1m . g~~~:"X:;in O8olrrey. P. L. Gulf 011 Corporation :.'t~be1:!a:~d~ __ Propbet. Pred B .• co. ' ~. ~~fllOh. 'G~r~~ .&...-. er-l-n sto.-- •• .-a.. .1" Oulf au Oorpo._O-'A- GGoomldbhearmg'ms er. Leon KVOlnJzeer''ss PPhhannrmnaaccyy Burle ey . Thomae ---p . RP .e...a Ddt.z R Halopthel RIte e, D~':~'I P. AlI1erlcan stores 00 .. "'0. 1M2 Guarantee Motors. :IIany. J. W. Upper Darby-War4 11 Burr. lin. Allce Reevey, H. SandwlCll II10p RuaseU. Charlee W. BaUe:y'a Ser:v1oe IftL HenlllC\D\'e Har:vey's Market Acme Msrlwt Charllo & Buddy Revels Oscar Schultz. George SW's Orocerl. ifannlgan. Cha8. HaVIland. Roy Alberti. Ro!e Chester ..... 0 Serv. IIta. Rentz';' Market Shaw. Albert. S. Bl8alnller. A. . Heller. Edw. Henneeay & Rogers Amerlcan OU Co. Chester Recreat!on OlD.. lUgg, L. A. Sill. R.Stanle, Bowelne, "lLL"!'!" ~~ !~ ... !ra~~ Highland Park Ice C/o. American Stores 00. Chester Restaurant Bosenblatt. M. Simmons. Foster .. Oal> ,_w. -...... ..... Hood Lewis B. Bartholomew. Catherlne Chrtstopolus. Th(MI. Rudolpb Pbatmaq Sloan " Lynch "5.l. ~It.~-- ~~-upper ...... _. • Kelly. Charles P. Booker, Sinclair I':Gr!'L Cohn. Kartln T. RlJssell. Joshua Smith. B"-ttle B. B~ ;;;,~ -Jack -~., LehlUlO'a oate Damlanl's Shoe Rep..... Collins, G. Ra'1ll1oD4 8acramo, RaJJ1lODel Spackman. John ~. W. B. J8BIL's Beauw Shop LevlDeon Joeeph. Dietz. Albert Cometz. Btbel sam's Serv. sta. S~eld Real~ '" lnL 1110. ChBDdler. OeorIre JonesB~fhn "II. Long LaDe COUrt PhOJ Drexel OUt Shop Oome Back RestauraDt Bchmlelt. Paul S er. RaJDIonil ..... ,, _ • Paul 'oe e- ""- IIc01ellaD. JDI!8Ph1De • DyeDrexal Icc 00. ~..!'.!e·OoThomas Scbaelrer, John SstEltler, Jes&enlL. ........,. .. ' .~ .~. --. Menaker Beesle r. :B. R. ~-, rner Snyder. Jeanette tevena. Sta 6J Del Veccb10 MlOhMl Keaeelman. Harry- PetItt Mortimer Oreat A. & P. Cresantl. Anthony Sp1DOII5Zl. O\1laemlll SteWard. Howard nDoI Matteo. Jam• • JIur Ke!!l'8 ~ :aou. Powell B J Hunter's Market David. HIIIT}' SCbnecIt. Wm. "0. Stewart, Loula nato. 3~=,;t h ~hle;ooo~rket PbUllpS Ttuis Lerner. Ben Day. John C. Ber:v-Ua Drug Swingle. Jos. P. ~ ei ...,........ Reader 'Wnua'm 0 KcOollum Ph!lrD1BC'f De !!aJ;Ictta. TonJ . SUvesto. Tosisell Swope & Son -Inbe~. BlOmer olllle ~~!r 'sio_BOf pe~1De. Bam ShOO Repalz'lbDp PepbUnnlDlI stan, George" DeDe Keg1I<lt_~ • SUV)'DBII. Domlnlck 41J AppOlonla TatUJD. John II. E~ ·0 .- SearfOlll Danlel pe. llarlen B. mlrlil _uran. Stalrord. Edward Treat. Pred H. PISanl. Rocco c!I JIlomUIII Lll),-Wl1lte PalDt 0' 8h1rley Court D etore QuIrk, Helen P. DI Meo. Blsle State Lunch Trout. E. B. PIzZan(l Bros. Lobel Kldcs, Shop 8h1rle:y Court ~ Smith. James. & Jdaboney, 3. DI Glovanne, Plenno steelmaD .. .l!:. Wagner. Josepb Adam PPll"a"'CClnOoJ'ToJ~ph LoLUJDrd'bell r -u"'wor~ Oo.or-n •. Smlm0nD·~Pa.slDte Toll. George B. DI LucidO. Ben,JamlD Sterneri:.. .. B. Watts. J. Elmer - "" ....... ...-......... Township LlDe Market DI Salvatore. Berado Stesle. . Weems. Vera L. POley. ames LYon Sunoco Semce ~ . Wadswortb. RoBert Dolan. HoWard Stlngle. O. Wise. Warren B, Polsom LlBbt LUDOh JIaIonel' John W. Stonebiii1il: ~ Bea"- "'op Waverly BeautJ Bbop pougan. E. S. Taranto. Vlncen1; Walker. Lel'O'1 POunta1De. George Marthaa Beauty 8eJoJ1 S ~ ... -' Waverly Orlll Downey. Phll Tavern. The Ward. Arthur O. l'romal, Leo Mary Jane Shoe store toneburet Meat Mrkt. WaverlY Men's Shop Pamous Restaurant O. S. A. Pool Roonl W~ BIlls Smedle:y ~~'e~3:';el ~~ ~:m S="\U'BD1; ~~~gr~m::lm~~ 00. Waverly Pastry Shop ~~ Grlll U. S. A. Restaurant W e:y. Albert Sr. Oreen'lI Oarage Norton, -Dr. Howard Waddington J01lli B ~per Darby-Ward U Pul e. Th~. Ursone. Prank Weber. Verne O-ft"-~AnD& Odolr. Ben Wade Coal 'Co aid n. Ross nl. HI Vernon, Paul WelclJnan & StranagbaD. IDe. --"" •. Patte P W Ward Albert . Be liar Beauty Shop Gelb. MOrrla Vila. A. L. Welacheelel. Louis Oruwell, nk rson. • Co' - Up-r Darbw To--llIp---ard II Berry's 50 to '1.00 store Oru})1! .. Roy Vlllage Inn Werner. Pred A, IDa. Ouarante. NIck Penn Prult • Alderfer x.eWla"~ .... Brown. Alan OWBnUII. John Vlttengl. Bertha Wl:Ieeler. G. B. Benry'lI Plowera ~:::n~r:' O. AlI1erlcan Orlente1 Ruaa . Clearbrook Pharmacy H1Irbland cate Ward. Prances Wllaon. Jobn P. Hohman, John B. PlaZa Bel uty 8bop AlI1erlcan Sto_ co. Del Guercio. Nlcholu HIll's Orlll Ward. J8JI1es. Inc. Wooward. Albert Holmes Hard\vare Mo, Recltl. Al;red Andes Pranltl1D Drexel HUI Rest. HolllnKBwortb. Precl Ward. James. Inc. WOrrell, Inc. Holmes. Edward RoblDaon. David T. 00. Atla ti' Wbl __ Pusco. 1Iarth.. Hull. JOhn \VI11IaIDB. JustlD WortbliIgton-JdarB4en Bolmes. L. A. Schnelder's Candy store In~' c te Tower _~v",m Grlelr. Adalbert Iacono. Mlcbael WIlsOn, E. O. Yacht Repair & Storap Co. I,.,.dale. Wm. H. Bchraclt & Co Barge Melv1D H~~n., Anna Mary Iacono. Ton, ... Walber. Charlee Upper DarbJ JobJlllOn. 3. Ward Sears, Roebuck & Co. B' Ra K Pood Bbop Imperial Hotel Waters. Stanley Artman Enos Kaulfman. R. H. Sh - _..... Fa BraDcle ~~ .. __ Yp CIa--ee Kell,. Walter H.' Johnson's Pbarmacy WerllDsll:y, Irvin Beccla. P. Lambroe James ep""," s mons ~~~.,- Mattia, VlrKlnlo Josepb's Sandwlch Shop Wllbanll:. HIIrd7 Benham, Wm. G. Lodlse Anna 69th st. BoWl~ Center Brlstor. Paul MUdred Barcb Beauty Balon Karas. Elias Wllson. J. Blaler. E. Herman Lo':'~: ira"r'n: ~~;~~r'sJ~s:g!\ry • Shop ~r:.s~~~~~ °Reat Montbard Pharmacy Knight. James Wynnewood Grlll Brookover. George ~~rs,,'all, ,.. Bocany-Vacuum all 00. Club Jive • Morris. Rose Klotz. WUUam Young, Jack Broadbelt. Howard •• _ ... Joseph Stout. James W. CranstoD, John J Nagel, J. H. Koblansll:y. Anthony Zaferls. Steve Burt. John E. ~Mt t.e.. .. AIm Supplee Bnvelope 00. Crotbe C Edwin Prudentl, Phllomena Konieczny. AllDea Upper DarbJ Carr. Walter a ro, ena SWltken. Nflt ___ ,raBati Roonl Pyle & lDDla KraaoWBltl. Peter Auerbach's PhanDaOJ Connelly. Wm. M. MWJnan, A. Tappln's Da"vi-' S S BcblelD, oertruda Lafal;:fa Orllle Ault. Bdlth , Cella Realty Managemtn' MolUlerat. JOhn J. Tower Hat Shop Dre-' H1ll """"8 00 SharIte7. John La, AntoDlo Balter. Thomae •• Olarke. W. A. Co. Moltz. W B. Towe? Cut Rate Store Eb ----.el~·-· J;Iocon'f-vacuum au Co. Lee-Lee Reat&uran1; Barrel. TI1e Cole. Horace Nagume. Jdll!:e W Ilprsteln A J lSOY. ~... Tumey. John S .• Ina. _ LIdo oate Beverly HUla Oolf 00mN Dal.~-. Prank J. Neubert. Berold a • •.. 1'Illr. TI1e Wagner. Robert J, ::r:h~ Bortner, lIorrie T. Dela~ Montgomerr Kort. Pac;'anl-Obester Co. =~J:.'1.. W: 00. 8:::.1Igber~1. WocldlD&, T. O. ex BmmoDt Drug Delnetrades. 0hU. Pa..-r1au'alJ!:d~"8"_ Upper Darb,: Townsbip--Wllrdl ~~. Bboe Re-'- YOUIlII'S PIumnIIoJ lIarle'a Wlcheonett. Brown. ARDes PasJ, Pranc1. t. Pasq e _a....... Acme Market .'n,....,.- .... ....- Upper Dar~warc U Marlhlanl. B'eDr7 Bliwood PluLrJDaoJ PIne, Russell S. Pr'.es. &:rr, P. . Amerlcan on Co. 2mlobeeep~1!- l!!~~....... AlI1erIcan storee 00. llarb, TecIclJ ourrsn's lnD Garber DaVIa p, Prophet. Pred B. 00. Andy's Bervlce Station - _ea. -... Burmont DruB Kat'18, John ClendeDlDgs Qaab. 'hios. A. Pulokos cate Beck'lI Baltery Oray, S. L. DonOhue, John Kazm. Tony DavicleOD, Salnuel .. Gllmore &: McCn1lt1D Ralrerty •• fohn Brown lin. Ida Hari-al. Wm. & SoDa Edwards. Rebert KcOue. Peter J. Delco Bo'Wllng Acad. Gelbert. Mlchael Reyburn. B. B. caranS. George Hawk, Morris Helnecll:e, Rose KcGonlI!le. RIchard DI·AlI1bro. Joeepb Gratz, Lester D. Rice' John carroll B O. Helduaer, JOhn r.Ird, oeorse s. JIlnglone. Ida Donohue. John GrtmUl Horace P, Roma Pt>.ts'1 Coll Leo -'J • Helen .. BeautJ !!.hop K-honey. Planclll IIomat, JIlIte Drexel Pann IIukft HambIeion &: De1del Scott: Ira Devore -Shop HeybUrn. H. R. 80l1li Kalanllt, Joseph . 1Io1\U!. John & IIAI1Ptm Drexel PI!. Bbop 41J Leh.,. InD. BanfOrd Charles Scott. Lawrence Donagby & SOna BlgSe. J. O. lIIscbler, Wm. J. Morrau. Harold Earle's· Harden, • .John Shan"'. F,·· Eblenfelelt 011 Co. Bomneleter. Edward 41J.ADIla OaItvIew CUlaon'lI Olub lIurpbys EmrIck, ~ llantatalf wm. SImpkins. B. B. Femwood Auto Parta Hol11nger Brothere Pecko. Prank MnIaIt, 'Wlad:'18Iaw Prangem. James ~ • 8aPluel Story & Oompton PUal 00. Fernwood Motor 00. Hood. "Lewle B. Rupp. AndreW JobsaIt. Harry Powler. Wm. G. B'OlIImueiIer. Helen Teuchart. FrILDli: Fine. Barr7 Hoplt1.ns,. Bayard. Scott·s Market Niicre1l1, J(o!iel)b A- Oolden" PIlal'InaaJ Hurl&y Darry Troyau n, Prnnk Olant TIger Corp. BU!, Jmepb P. a.to1n1<e, H. B. Hlckerson. ..B. Ii8eDe Oreso.ry; Bertha, & ~. O. 3ac1teOit Robert lnL mn. WWIam GIrard Wiler co.I 00. Jack'll Shop ... YaItBS, A. Orpneclt, w~ter HannlgaD, 0bM. KnOWleS Pen! ~ Jr. ~alentlne. 1I0~ Oold. lIorrla Jonaa 'l'o:y & Stat1oDel7 _op Mi ..... n_ ~ Pete HavilaDcl, Ro'1 Kershaw '" Rane, .. ard. R. F Ooren.steln. Meyer Kllne<11nat, B. 0B\l10Wl. O. H. Palm uarclen Reetaur&nS lIenDess'1 • .roe & aa.- Knatz, W1lIlam. me. Weldener; Geoqre o~lr 011 Corporation KnOx. JlIIDee coren. I Penn Re<.-reatlon ~ Hlmme1atelD. J014red laWler Pr8DCf8 . Welecbuck. Oregorl . Halgb's Olft Shop IA PetIte Bbop Kramer. Chari. l'eDneatrl. Demetrio HotrIne1eter, Ed & ADIIa ~ch 'FA B WlllIaIDS. Herbert H. Harrla, Emanuel lADdie. Bl1a.e R. aula, Jii'red l'erUIIlDo. Otuaeppe Hoetess Orllle' LiIoInei.. wuton A. Wllson. B. 1)_ HlmJnelateln, 1111dre4 _ Leamn. Toblaa D. WBOUlSAU!: DEII-S Penmo. Mra. JeJ:iDs. Jack's or.vern Mahoney._ Leo Wold,lalI:. AclaJI1 H~ Est. of RufW G. LetnngweU. Ralph CitY Of Chester Presto Reetauran1; KellyS Oyster U- 1Ia1leu, wm. II. Wolson. -Doris Jack & JllI Shop Leighton, Wm. Armour & Co. PrIce. Wm. L. Kent Poocl IIarb\ Malone, Jamea 3. Yaroshuk. M'ke Josephine Sbo..,. Leopold & E:vanII Atlantic Refining 00. Qubrton. Ralpb Lebano·. Cafe JIcOI&tdly JobD I Zapatz. M. J. Le31'7. Prank Lewdon'. Inc. Auto Parte & Rlidlator 00. Reclden . . Tlm LevlDeon, JORPh .. JIcOI&tdly' JobD .u~~=~ ToWJlllllp w=~· if: =~~ ~ru:~.\lna OQ. . r.:.:-.=a~ =~~urt 1'IIIr. ~~= _ .. ~~},l r PrHJ. , •• ddle. Abe> . ... lJl...Ilf.. • r..J .. ,& (,;U .W.;c.y C.:.:.a.e 'Juan' .... ~ ... ~... ::;a!t.ui. l.tco1e 1\4orr .•• J06: p;' !;oJvadot(:. AIIgolllla Nol.i:. Lou .• B. Se,-en ~Wl Cute OrtolJ~. v,,·,'$ U!nklano<. & Parson.. Artb'ott Shaunock Care Peece. William P. f Slowlll:. Joocpb FEartrc:. Armand Sho;,.l<r. F.-ank ,~ Fu PhlUlpe. Evan Sickierski. Antolli Raisch. George W. Sowlak. Be&sle Randall. Auburn Stable. Jack Remington. Robert Stanlezspa BcuIf~rt. All),n B. State uneb BbetzllDe. RaymoDd Stewart·. 50 & 100 8tore Siddall. Walter a. SS~ttc. • Ade B. 81a,beclI:er. Roland .. a george Snyder. Preu B. Co. S,IldZlDalU:ll Agnes BberidaD. Thomae Sun Cafe stewart. John Sun Reotaurant Stalzell. 080. Inc. SlID Village car •• In .. Stoughton. R_U Sunset Cafe Stroud, Pred Sylvania Hotel • BaetaUnlnt Taylor. J. O. TermInal BaetaIllllD' TIIOmJlllOn, B. Bruce TroeiDo. Angelo 'J."18on ConetruoUOD 00. Talbot. Joe Vost, W. J. Taylor. W. B. WalS.ll. Ed. ToiInone. JacIt Wells. Theodore J1Pton, Harry .. WlIeon. John Urban; 'l'eolll ... WOOd. t. V. U.Tell 0rl11e Worrell. Edw. Vaccro. Carmelo Worthlngton·Marsden Vlo's Bakery " BaetaIllllD' Yarnall. Leslie VIctory Lunch Young, TOwlllmd Co. Walden's Bocla PcnmtaID LuDch Yerlte8. Dav:: ... Martin wUaon, AlIce O • ZaIun. Howrrd Ward orm Crowley. -.C. WuhlDgton BOIIH a.taUl'llDt A!':::;~.. . ~', :: Wengzyn, Prank Co.nnel1~, _" ... _ WesoiOWBltl. J~II DIxon. JO!':1 West End Hotel Jte'1&tone Hot.1 Whalen DruB 00. lafayette Orllle Whlta Ho\lJl8 Lunch McFadden. John WhIte. Charlee lICLaughllll. Isabel WID. Penn ReetallrlU:lt Park Theatre Woolworth. P. W .. 00. PreItO ReeteuraDt Wrlgbt, Elizabeth .t.11CTlONaBII Yellow Bowl Tea Room Delaware CountJ ZamOllltl. ~ . Bldclle. Robert S. Zelt'i!:an'._~ ca" O. W. ~ ne. J009ph Holaton. Leonard OllDtlda Cafe Ph111J- ,.....~ H. Repetto. PhUlp StwWeU. Jo!Ui~T. Yokas. Sadie Trainman. Louis. AUct10Uf.' Ab Delaware Coun" OWNER OR LESSER rahams. Louis THEATRE, cmcuS. . ~dAme_ er\caNn Restaurant Cit, ot Chester • .oon s orwood Diner Apollo Theater Anthony Wayne Lounp B d Tbeate Antonetti, Samuel ~~Ic Thee~ Arcadia a •• taurant Mao MOVI1!g PIcture Bouae Arem Re&tauxan\ Rexy Theatre Atlantic White Tower B1Item St.ate Theater Backman, 1",lng Washington Theater Barrel. Th. Strand Theater Balle1. Clara Delaware CV1lDtJ BanyS. John Anthony Wayne Theater Bartram Cottage B...o..u. lovard Thea."..'-- BBaescikl.. JGoUse! pBh. ....... ton Theater Beeker. Edward Congress Theater Berry Ta¥em Darby Theater Bellanca. Frank Eddy Theater Black Duck Olobe Theater Bonner 'l'avem Heelgerow Theatar Bonner. Ma- H. Media Theater Bossard - Bo·· Lansdowne Theater ... were Manor Theater Brand. M .. & M~_. J, ~_L Th Bralley. P. ...-.. er- eater Broude's Drup Yeadon Theater Brown. Jacob 69th St. ~DarllJ Bouder. D. A. Tower Theater Breubl1 Wm. J. Waverly Theater g~~~ ~Hazelll. Stonehuret Theater Bryn Mawr Lunch TennIDal Tbeeter CabIn Lunch Room IU!BPBR. 01' IU!S~AtlBANTS. Cadwallader. Bugene C .... ~__ Campanaro. Salvatore -" on ... _ Camion, Isabel AdamI. =:: Cataanos. Pantel. Amato. Ceg1arsId, J(MI. =Anaat-oa.. H elen ChrIstY Baetauraut O. p, 41J .. O. Chrlstle. Joeeph, & 8J1U1O. J. ADd entOD, 0arIan4 P. OIarkson. IJouglua And1~:'J:i: ~poole. MaI'7 .&gn. Anthon'1'e Lunah 011f::~ ~ CO. :t= =-·.. . -1 CI1fton Tavern Bank or.vern Ooetes, AngeIlDe Baa's Kitchen ~ ~ Al BBeerlllteoawu l+W· o~od- .e are Oonnelly . -~.. J • - -- Convery, Charles Berman, lira. BettJ C08t1gaD. Jamee & JIarJ Bolton. Barrr Craver's ~ Store Bombergf>..r,.HBn7 I. eroaeettl, J~b Bon1l:aek1, ~ Crouthamel. HalTJ' .!J II01rarcI =~. Ina. D'Baposlto. M. ~~__ Da Lanzo. JobD 3. , ,"""s1Orp Dal1er. Paul teak BandWloJa Ibop De LUCB. Thomu Burley. Thomae D·Gnazlo. SUvla BurnS. Mrs. Anna De-Lert u_ ~ Bua:v Bee Restaurant "" ........ - ca.:!~ Eva g:~ V=I~chMl gltta, ru: &.0.-". Ju. D1 MatteO. Jamee &: IIarJ' Oarn~y. Th -- DI PrInZlo. Bugene Central uJ,reunch Bl=~'p~rge Cheater Candy Kltclwl Donahue. Thomu ~rGrlll DoutoJ~ Obeater Recreatlon OeDter. Inc. Donofrio. Rocco ~=.~ ~rOe Ben. =:'~~:rlOycaatne Bre BdIoIullraa nt DDuumkee'ls. GJ.r lJll. OblponlsMa~thou:r Dunlea"1, J08eJlb Oluize. Echo Olen Tea Boom Crowley. I. • BcoIlOlll7 Ked1clDe Itore ~ Oafe Edgmont Inn COm'; =~, :&Ipenabadee DlDlDg liIOom O:mte. Th Pacc1oIa, Anna and JaoI: omu Femwood DIner COZl' Oorner Plesta. The ='l"rIa Peter Plzzalli. Rocco & Pllomm& De Megll~t Polgta. Thos. J. Dl Olo:vannl, Plenno Folsom LlBbt Lunch Don....".".."..",. HJJ\OII!hbn GG.a Brr.e Rtte. eBte. uJr.a nt g ~BenJamlD Glambol, Wm. DI ".'vator .. _ .... Gilbert. W_ T. "'" e ........... 0 Glenn Croft Orlll Dunbar Restaurant Glenn. Josepb_ Baglo Orlll Glenolden _. II1c • Eatwell Restaurant Golden Ster Cafe l?amOUII Rebtaurant Gomberg. Benjamin Pelcher. II1ke Gonzalez. Mnt. Grace PIedler. Catherine Gravatt. B. V. FulDI, Nick Graybeal's Restauran1; 520 Grlll Oreen. Howard George's Lunch Green. Ida May & LoW. Green. H. L.. Co •• Inc. GreYBtone Inn Green, H. L.. Co. Orlefzer. Wm. O. PaR VPW Orossman. H. Helllwell. JOHpb GwlLrllls. John Harris Lunch . HarrIson Wnuam Hartner. Margaret HIdden 0hMiii Lunch Hatlan. John Hartzag. WID. Helen's Helrernan, IIlcbaal Henry's HIghland Cafe Heresotfa. Jame.s HIIl's OrlU Hobson. Marguerl .. Klones. KoetanUnOll DoUelder Bros. Iacono. ToDl' . Hopp Inn Imperial Botel II1dUstrlal Diner Iwach1w. Theo. II1gleneuk Tea Room Jackson, Gertruda Iwilsz1l:lewlcz. Peter J1mrn'1's Lunch Jacano, Anthony John's Lunch Jacano. Joseph Jones. Mack Jean's Bar-HoQ Jones. Mrs. MattIe JIm's Restaurant Joseph's Sandwich SIiop John's Grille Karas, ElIas Jonea Pharmacy Karpowlck Peter Jordon's Lunch KelI7's Ode Jullan's Cafe Kelly Marie Junto. Lucian Karvellas George Karanls Light Lunch. Keenan's' Cafe Karanls. ConstanOil Keystone Hotel Karlesses. James KlUotlta, BtanleJ KatsaW8, Gustave Kllpatrlck. Jamee Kaul[man. Charlu Knalf's Orlll Keame. Johr. J. - Konieczny. John Kelley .... Lorman KreWO'"-'''.' N1.-..... ~........ KKIInngg. ..J.o alme eIne n KrasoWllkl. Peter Klrl1ldes. MIChael Kresge. S. S .• Co. Klskonas. AnthonJ LaSpade. Antonlo Klotz. Albert ~"l!te~~, Koellman Confectlon." Le RoYS CI'18ter HollA Kolocatronls, T. J. Lido Cafe La BavUle Grille LIggett Drug 00. Lackler. Da:vld Log CablD Inn Lackler. Da:vld LuCCl. Bmldo Lambros, James Madison GrW Lawrence. Paul Madzelan. Joseph Lax. Morrie Marle's Luncheonette Lea. NathBnlel L. Leboultz. 1BBd0re Marino. Antonio Lehman. Herman Mark, Tedy LIggett Drug Co~ I1le. Marln's Restaurant Llnton's Lunch llarket Square Oonfect1onery LinWood Luncheonette Kartln's Cafe LinwOOd' Sandwich Shop Matys. John Llttleton's Lunch, Inc. MBI!I!O. Tony Losacb. MIU'7 M11Ier, Joseph Lunch Bar Miller. Hick Main LIne Golf 00UJ1le Murrall, Harold MaIn LIne Grlll McCrory Stores Corp. Main Line Ite1Ian-Amtrloan MCCUe. Peter J. Civic As.soclatlon McGonllnll, Richart! Manor Sweet Sbop McLaugblln, Isabella Maple Diner Mea. Eugene & Stella Marcb, Mr. and Mrs. PranlI: MUJ-Vlew Restaunmt Marcus Hook Taproom Nlnglone. Ida Mary's Spaghetti Boun Monkallis. Paul Marylin Cotree Shop Moonglow Hotel Matlack. W. L. Moran, John &: MariBI'R Matslnger. Charles MOl'l'kon. Sue Matthews. James Mortimer, IIlchael Mattero. Almena M~'S Matthews, David W. N Joseph Max. Margaret .&gn. Mysak. McDonald. George NatheD. J L. McDonald. George Nlc1t·. cate McPadden, John Nicolaides. Alex McPaddel!-__ JOhn NledzlalltoWllkl, Rosa1M McPaIle, ua Nleds1eJIw. Walter McGee, Michael Orpneclt. Walter McGoldrIck's. KB11!III'IIt, eate OUZOUman. JobD McKaY. Daniel Palm Garden Restauran' McKeon. Th""- & Ellz. Pang. WUlle MeLaughllnJ.., Tbomu V. Par8d1ee Be&taurant McJdahon. wm. J. DaYle ParltWu Restauran' Media Drug Stores. Ina., x.n.- Patro. JOhn downe Pe1;rl))o, Mnt. JenDle Media Drug Stores. Inc., IIedIa Podaraa. Peter Ileella Drug Stores. 1I1c., W.,ne 1:~LDeIDetrlO lleella Drug Stores. Inc., : ...,.._uran1; Swarthmore PrIce, wm. T MeSW. Edwa.."Cl =P1U=a Ho tel Mei'CurI. Peter Taproom IIercur1, Peter Pure =. lAte. stamUl' IIlchalk Lunch IDles. B. W. Pure Food Sand1rloh e.op 1IUl~~:: =~pb ~er. :~~ IUaItn Lunch IIurrI.'1 Drug Store RIper's Orllle IIJent. Tbe1m& J. BOIler'. Be&taurant 1I'1llree, P. A. Rolley Nagurne. Mllte =-.~ .. awn... =nalB1=1Il&IIt •• , OWIOm. B. & W 8 .... O·DoDn.lI. Jo~ph' O'Shea', Wasun Wheel O~kmont Ph'nllsc)' Olea. Pedro. J r , Parker Reatauraal . . l'uquuJe. Sgarlglla Pa ult.. Brunow Pexon Bollow Oolt a.. __ Ing Room Penn Bouse Perry', Drug Star. PErfY. Charles W peoplea ~"lce ir, .. PbUllpa. JoaePll Pierce. Oeorge Polldore. NiChol .. PdDtz Hotel PrO~Pbet Preel B. 00- ...... Botel ClUO Cafe Pulokos Cafe PurItan Rea!auran' . Rene,. B. Sandwleh ... Renecker, Mrs. JOhn lUee:JD. II. lUte e. II. H. Rod r. Judge W. ~ Roee. Prank & AnnIe Sacnuno, RBJIDODd Bchaelfer. John Scblna. Pellce Se"-U. Drug fiort Shank, Earl Sheldon. Bma Shrl:ver. JONpll SUveatrt, T. SllV)'Du. DomlnlA:k 41J APSI 0' It Small. Albert Small. Albert . Smltb. J. J. Snow, Thomas " ~ South Ave. Cafe Splc " Span Olub &pUler. L. Gordon Springfield Pool 00., IDe. Strode Pharmac, Taylor. R • Tavern. The Thornton. W. J. Thums German' KltcbQ Tlnlcum Inn Tlnlcum Lunch Tlnlcum Restaurant U. S. A. Restaurant Valentine. Morris VDn Albert. Martha Verna. Catherine Villa. A. L. Village Inu Villanova Phannac,. Vlttengl. Bertha VI2Zarrl, Dominick Volgnrls. C. . Walber. Charles Walt's Steak SandwIch aboe Ward. Jame. p .. Inc. Warnock. Thomas Waters. Stanley O. Weodley. A. L .. Jr. White KlIuse Inn White. Albert R. Whltlnck. Addle L. Wllbank. Hard, Wild Goose Williams, Louie. WlIIlamson. Charles WlIIlamson. Charlea Willis. John Wllaon. J. Wlnglea Cafe WlasQw·. Garden Inn Woodland Inn Woolworth. P. W. Oo~ DID WOOlworth. P. W. 00 .. M.­Worrllow, Chari. Worthington. John J "'w0rtblngton. John I, :ynnewood Orlll - Yeaclon Poocl Oenter Young. Jack Pltzgel'llld. Golden oata 1IIn'. .... :r.arerla. Steve . Zelln.\cl, Albin A&W~o~ Asia 0b1n_ ReIrtIlureQ\ Atlantlo Whlte Tower .... -. Ault. Bdlth O. Brown. Kathryn The Barrell Betty's Inc. Blackburn'. Restaurut Britt. T. A. C8rane. Oeorae Cblnese Lantern -..-. ClendeDlDgs Clock Orlll Connelly's Inn Curran's Inn DaVldsoD, 8aJn DI·AlI1bro. Jooeph Donahue. John Drexel Perm Mar~ Drexel Pd. Shop 41J .. Drexel HW Re8ta Earle's Bmrlclt, Ha1T'1 Extra Dry cate PIne, 1IarrJ Plannery. Bernanl Gomberg'S HannIgan. Charles HaVIland. ~ Heinecke. Ro8. Hen...., & l\ogera Henri'. Holrme1ster. Ed. 41J ~ Hopltlna, Ba'1ard Hom & Bardart IIBlItIIW .. BustoD, Mary T. Jonee. John Kelly's Onter B01lH Koch. Charlee Kresge. S. S. eo. Llanerch Grllle LebaDo'll cate LaviDson. JOIIeM Liggett ~ Co. Ina. Llnton'e Lunch M8lIoney. JOhn Maloney. John W • Merigold Tea BooJn MCCollUJD PbarrnaoJ McNally, Edward - Meella Drug Stor. IDe. Miller. Jooepb Mischler. Wm. J. M:1scbler. Wm. J. Morgan, WWIam P. Nelson's Bestaurant New Pckln Restauraut Pappas. Michael People's Service Neg CIII. Poolos. Constantine Prudentl. PhUomena Red Spot Rogera, George Rowland Drugs Russell. Gordon & OlhlloD, .. Sharkey. John V. Shlrle, Corat Drug at. 69th St. Rathskeller Sloan. R. S. Spatz. Iva II. Standish. L. Stewart. Wm. Swarr. IrwIn & Geraidlu Swltken, Hat Suplot.- A. J. Ton,'s Stand Toub. Samuel Township PharmlLCl' Trans-AUan. COCktiIll ~ Triangle Club eat. Wanner, Mae Waverl, Orlll Weber'1I OrlU WeInberg. Isidore Weir. 1IarrJ Whelan Drug Co. 1110 • Whelan Drug Co. Ino • WWIaJIl Re8taurant Woolworth. P. W. 00. Notice ta hereby IdvOIl toE persons concerned that an peal from the foresolDB pralaement w11l be held a' OMco of the County • In Media, Pa., TUesday. Jut\' 1943. wben and where t.he, attenel If they see p~r. J, WALTER MercantUl!. AlJP • Buy War Bonds and Stamps Today,

---------- Page 30 ----------

THE SWARTHMOREAN PUBLISHED EVERY, FRID&Y AT ·,8WARTBM.OBJE, PA. THE SWABTBIlOIlEAN, INC., PUBLl81JER PHONE SWARTHMORE 900 PETER E.' T9LD, Editor MAILJORIE TOLD, ~"ocWIe Editor LOBENS MCCABTBB ' , Entered as Second Clue Matter, Janaarj 24; 1.; "'oat 0fIice at Swarthmore, Pa., UDder the Act of ~ S; J879. FRIDAY, JUNE 25, 1943 . . - - . f " THE SWABTqMOBBAN . ~,. ONE TOUCH, .. OF NATURE I . Then in the distance I heard a sound wpich reminded me of the parent birds. A high angry screeching rent my con­sciousness; at last I realized that I had been struck by a protector of these fierce infants., Like father, like son : these tiny, Ospreys were the offspring of ,bold stock, and in my admiration of juvenal pluck I had forgotten that I might receive mote telling attention from the old birds than usyaL a.aln. Coolde Babn Mrs. Frank R. Morey of Yale ave­nue is community chairman of the CoqJcie Committee which will provide cookies next week for service men sta­tioned nearby. Her assistants include Mrs. Dwight COOley, Mrs. Rudolph Banks, !r{ts. David Hughes, Mrs. James Davis, Mrs.-'E. R. Laws, Mrs. Wit­J. Cresson, ·Mrs. Roy Lingle, ·Mrs. Earle Taylor, Mrs. F. M. McLarty and Mrs.John Ii. Pitma,n . Presents Organ Pupils Wallingford, Vt. Mrs.H. S. Toole of Swarthmore is acting as chaperon. Stephen has been accepted by. the Army Air Corps and is awaiting can. , Mrs. R. Chester Spencer and family of North Swarthmore avenue will leave next week for their summer. home in Wallingford, Vt. Hayes Penfield of Riverview road left June 21 for the Teton Valley Ranch at Jackson Hole; Wyoming. After two ' weeks of training he will join· a group of boys who, are helping to relieve the harvest hand shortage in the west. ' Presb~ Churt"h Notes I!;.i_iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiij~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii _ ~ Even as the situation gradually ie- __________-_ - solved into a realization in my mind, Benjamin L. Kneedler organist arid @',.IdetectedthesoundOfasecondap_ChOirmaSi:erOf the Swarthmore Pres­Jan#! and Bobby Davis of Rutgers and Harvard avenues will leave June ~ for Camp Te Ata in Central Valley, N. Y., where ,they will spend several weeks. They plan to do some farm work sponsored by the camp Victory Corps. The sermon Sunday morning at 11 o'clock will be the first in a series "What Is a Christian" on the topic, "The Leamer". proaching attack. The screaming be- bytcrian Chutch will present a group .B.o'Y Scouts came louder, ·and a rushipg of air of his organ pupils, in a recital at the through tensely spread feathers warned church Tuesday, June 29,' at 8 :15 p. m: I me to dodge just in time. Without fur- Those selected to perform are Irene r. ---------- ther inquir~ into I this family's doings Gaygan, Florence· Forsythe, William , , The Church Project School for chil­ICrmn Creek Club Pienice dren age 3-9 years wilt be held each Sunday morning through July 25, from 11-12 o'clock. There wilt be projects ~. bandwork, art work, music and. story· bours. The summer school will include the Beginner's Department, the Primary Department and the ~rllt year of the Junior Department. ,r.eaders for the summer session will be Roslyn Brom­ley, , Mrs. James R. Gay, Mrs. S. H. Hemenway, G e r t r u d e Schobinger, Katherine Simpers" Phyllis Simpson and AnneWray. Cube to Picnic I 'climbed back to the ground, still Press ill, F. Norman Darby, and Mrs. The Cub Scouts of Swarthmore plan dizzy from the blow I had received. Edna Hemingway twice winner in the The Cnim Creek Bridge ciub held its final meeting and picnic supper at the home of Mrs. Philip W. Kniskern on June 21. The winner of the silver cup for the year was Leslie G. Luckie. Second prize was won by Mrs. Rus-a picnic Saturday afternoon, June 26 lo a daze I tried. to find my way out Lccmtl~st held annually by the American to take the place of their monthly of the swamp, but I wandered in circles Guild of Organists. Pack meeting. R. D. Fetherolf, Den for an hour before it occurred to me to A cordial invitation is extended to all. Father of Den Two, has charge of ar..' listen for sounds of traffic on the main NEWS 'NOTES rangements. It wiU be held on the &1- highway. At ten o'clOCK I arrived, badly lege grounds beyond the' Field House. worn, in Ocean City and had the cuts The Fellowship of Silence will meet Tuesday morning -from 9-9:20 o'clock at the home of Mrs. Ijarold' Griffin, 214 Rutgers avenue. Cubs are expected to assemble about on my head carefully washed out by my 4 O'clock ,though many of their families excited wife. 'To record only details can not come until later. Dr. Frederick of scientific interest, I should state W. Luehring is' planning an iI!teresting that there were four scalp wounds, athletic program for the afternoon. proving that the bird raked me Each family will provide its own lunch. the two back claws of each foot. Os­, Advancement awards wilt be made at preys' outer toes can therefore be the picnic. turned into the reversed position, like The Surgical Dressings group will meet Tuesday morning at 10 o'clock. in the Parish House. . , All organ recital by pupils of Mr. Benajmin L. Kneedler, organist' and choirmaster, will' be held Tuesday eve­ning JUl\e 29, at 8:15 o'clock in the church. A cordial invitation is extended to everyone. • Methodist Church. Notes The Church School will meet on Sunday morning at 10. Classes for adults and children of aU ages. ' At the morning worship 'at 11, the minister will preach, on' the subject, "Overc~ming Our Fears". The Church Nursery will look after the younger children during the morn;' ing worship hour. . . • Christian Science Church "Christian Science" is the . subject of the Lesson-SermoJl in all Churches of Christ, Scientist, on Sunday, June 27. The Golden Text is : "Arise, shine; for tl\y light is come, and the glory of the .Lord is risen upon thee" (Isaiah 60:1). , , NEWS NOTES , . NEWS NOTES Fred Schoff of Riverview road suf­fered a broken ankle in a fall off a horse during the first week in June. Jane Schoff spent a few days last week as the guest of Terry ,Engel, a classmate and sorority sister at Drexel, in Stone Harbor, N. J. Mrs. John Campbell and children Virginia and John of Saugerties, N. Y., are spending a week, as guest of her sister, Mrs. Joseph Walton of Kenyon avenue. She will leave on June 26, while Virginia and John will remain here for the rest of the summer. . Eva Lawry of Melro~e, Mass., has been visiting Bonny Donnelly of Yale avenue for the past week. Bonny at­rived home June 15 from Gould Aca­demy, Bethel,' Me. Nan,cy VanAlen and Ginny Peel left Monday to spend a week at the Pres­byterian Summer Youth Conference in Blaintown, N. J. ' Betty'Van Nest of East Orange, N. J., was the week-end guest of her uncle and aunt,. Mr. and Mrs. H. Lindley Peel of Columbia avenu.e. The Book Club held a picnic meet- Julie' Lange of Ogden avenue is ing at the home of Miss Edith Bunt- visiting her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. ing, College and Maple avenues on Henry J. Lange, in White Plains, N. Y;, Monday evening. for two weeks., Mrs~ N. 'Walt~r Suplee of Yale ave- Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Turner and nue left Wednesday for Hagerstown, family of Guernsey road are leaving Md., where she will visit her son-in- on Tuesday to spend two weeks with law and daughter Mr. and Mrs. 'Fred Mr. Turner's parents in Browns Mills, Griest and family'. . N. J. ' Mrs. J. K. McLean of Orchard road, Mr, and Mrs. William H. Ward and Moylan, a former resident of Vassar Shirley Ward Qf Strath Haven avenue avenue, has returned to her home a#er spent last week in South Londonderry, a visit with relatives arid friends in Vt., as the guests of Mrs. Ward's Silver' Lake, Wis., and Evanston, Ill., brother Mr. Charles R. Hodges. for the past sevenwee.!cs. Mrs. Harold G: Griffin of Rugers Shirley' and Margy MacMillan left 'avenue entertained at a luncheon on last Thursday for Ocean City, N. J., We.dnesday in. honor of Mrs. F. G. where they; have taken jobs for the Healey of Ogden avenue and Mrs; summer. ·Henry C. Brownell of Park avenue who Mrs. H. Elliott Wells of Park ave- ,are moving away from Swarthmore in nue entertained Miss Ruth Grimm of the near future. ~ewfoundland, Pa., as her gues~~t Genevieve Reavis entertained 12 girls week. • from the high school class of '39 at Mr. and Mrs. William H. Hickson her home on University 'place Wednes­and children Jane an~ .BilIy of D~rt- day evening for the first meeting of mouth avenue are leaving the latter their bridge club. part of the week for Washington, D. Mrs. J. A. Calhoun of Fredricksburg; C., where they will reside. Mr. Hickson Va., left Tuesday after spending. two is Assistant Tally Clerk .of the House weeks with her son and daughter-in­of Representatives. ' law, Dr. and Mrs. J. Alfred Calhoun of Magill road. Mr. and Mrs. George Schuster and 8WARTBMOREPlUlSBY"rBRIAN 0HUBCIl daughter Constance of New York are Bev. Dav1:J:m~ MlnIater occupying the Youmans home at 213 CHURCH SERVICES 11:00 A.M.-Mo,..,ln" Worship. Sermon Elm avenue. Mr. Schuster is General . . Tojiiii':'i"The Learner". 11:00 A.M.-Church Project School for Superintendent of the Cayuga .con- Ch1ldren 3-9 Years, s truction Corp. MBrHODIST OHURCH' "Tookie" Kniskern of Riverview road Roy N. Keiser, D. D ... M1Dlster • SUNDAY was a lllember of the graduatmg class 10:00 A. M. - Church School. at Sweet· Briar College, Sweet Briar, 11:00 A. 14. --MornInK Worship. "OVercom- , 1ng Our Fears", , Va., on June 14. TR1N1TY CBUBCH Philip Kniskern is home from Hill Rev. Geol'Be .0hr1st1an Anderson, Rector School, Pottstown, Pa., (or the summe'r. SUNDAY 8:00 A.M.-Holy Communion, Mrs. Kenneth Reed of'North Chester 11:00 A. 14_ -MornIng Prayer and Sermon, road entertained the members of her THE BELIGIOUS SOClEI'Y OF FRIENDS book club on Thursday evening. SUNDAY 1:45 A. M. - The AduUi Porum Is cUsoon- Betsy Kite of Ogden avenue recently . tlnued until autumn. d f 11:00 A.M.-,JIeetIDg tor WOl'IShlP In the returne rom a two' week visit with ~. her roommate Suzanne Boissard ,of 1:30 A. II. to 3~.IL-lew1DB an'l! Madison;'Wis.· . g~~ec:in.~mer" :0:::; .S uzanne , Harrar of .Yale' ave~ue was ~ InVltecl. hostess to a few of her friends Satur- P.IRBr CIIUBOH OP OBBIST. SOlBNTIB'l' day to celebrate her eighth birthday. OP SWABl'lDlOBB ,,' Guests.w, ere Joan Harrar, Jane Sey- Park Avenue Below Barvanl . UtOD A.II.-~~ . mour,Marilyn Green, COOlelia Mc- U:OO A.1L-SUnday -sermoD. Kernan, Johnny Phillips, Nell Ben, Jack 8 :-::.~ ~ meeUDg ~~~i B.ird, ·and~onald .M~cElwie.;, . ,8uIl-. IUld 1f:iWdQ8 1 Cfrp.~ Ohm&. ' Mrs. H. C. R. Folmer of Balttmore '. ~ ~ID ted to 'atteDd \be, Pike al'ld Riverview roa4 entertained . __ ~ .... ~ ~ IJMl ~Pd'nl BQom... .. : fC?t ~ few -frienc!s Sunda~ afternoon .. .' .... ~,- .. ........ . ',' -;,.,. ';. ..... ,- Owls'; let no anatomist try to tell me otherwise . . Except in this one instance, I have always found Ospreys to be docile. The expected reception at nests is one of vocal remonstrance and feinting swoops. But the birds invariably skim ten feet or more past one's head; it is unusual to feel a draft as they check their speed and swing u~wards again. In' the most open situations, where the in-truding human offers a perfect target for attack, Ospreys still resort only to bluff, and one is really quite safe/ m ignoring the vOCiferous threats and hUrtling dives. N_ B. "- ThIs Is the tenth Installment of Chapter m "Qm1e" In captain O. Brooke Worth's unpublished boOk "A Ooutal Migrant". '. ' 0' . . One Way is Sure Some days the going is tOugher Some days the road hard to see. But, sounds a voice tlu-ouSh lhe age& "Have faith and./ollow Mi'. Some clays when temptation's slamoUT Beckons with bright allure, Oh then is the courage needed Stand fast - one fI1tZY is sure. Som*! days the crowd is gayer Someone ttlUlW you to join in: But will you foUow lhe Master Or join your path with sin? The way of the fJowd is easy The urge of the shoddy friend Can start you on . that highway And foUow round the~ben.d. It doesn't seem very daring To take one step-;oyou think But all too soon it leads you on Close to the ~ar~ome brink. Where tru.s' and hope lie s1w.ttered, In the valley jar below, , Because the strength was laCking To say one word "No". Some days when the lemptor beckons­The crowd seems oh so gay; Still comes a voice through the ages­" I gave you the wiU to say NaY'. Once-at a place called Calvary A crowd was seen to go. And there they nailed to a wooden Cross The One, wlw first said "No". For he was tempted forty clays, And promised all the earth. He had the courage to stand jast, And give mankind new birth. ' So when temptation seems so fair, The crowd wants you. to 10-:' Remember Him who first stood firm Remember-He said ':""No. The faith-the trust-Ihe cluuge to keep Bound last by Calflry's tree. He died-He suDered there tluzt day, And He said "No" fOT me. . , ' W. E. H., JR. , Miss Priscilla Clayden of Riverview road and Miss Anne Whiteman of the Swarthmore Apartments are entertain­ing this evening ~t the Whitern~n home in honor of Miss Cynthia Wjclcham of Nortl]. Chester roada::J. Miss Jane Cooke of Thayer road who are leaving in the near future for Arizona." The guests win be girls from Swarthll,1ore who entertained' service meri at the Emergency Aid Hospitality Center, Media, during, th.e past year. ' Dick Davis of Strath Haven, avenue left June 18 for Binghamptoti; N. Y., t?,spend a week visiting friends~ . Mrs. Robert Honeyford of The 'Bou­quet visited her husband at the Army Induction Center, New Cumberland, Pa., Sunday. sell H. Kent. _ North and south winners for the eve­ning were Karen Kniskern and K. C. Kennedy first, Mrs~ Wayne Randall and Mrs. Philip Kniskern second, Mrs., H. Major J. A. Hunter, Squadron Leader, Bardwell Lincoln and W. W. Moss R.A.F., Mrs. "'Hunter and their son Jobn of Elm avenue are spending sev­er~ l weeks as the guests of Mrs. Louis J. Koch and daughter Judy at their cottage in Avalon, N. J. third. . East and west winners were Mrs. Samuel Hanna and Mrs. Walter Shoe­maker first, Mrs. Franklin Gillespie and Mrs. Joseph Blakiston second, and Stephen Spencer, Kitty Weltz, Peter Mr. and Mrs. John Bowditch third. Miller and Doris Russell of Reading, Pa., comprise a house-party ·which is vacationing at the Spencer cottage in Mrs. Fred Wilson and Mrs. Philip Kniskern were announced as the win­ners of the May tournament. ' THE COST 'OF OUR SERVICE Some families may have mistakenly believed that they could not afford our service but it is a fact that you may select individually the various items riec~ary ,for a .complete funeral. We have a wide range of prices with funerals as low as $150 plus an additional cemetery charge. ·O.LIVER H.-lAIR CO. D ••• CTO.. O •• UN •• ALI 1820 CHESTNUT STREET .......... 1 .. i Me It.. BIdr, ....... .. ToheJl.' a aaler rille ••• •-- • • thanks to PT~ passengers and' employeS The alertness and cooperation of the riding public and PTe employes have made Philadelphia one of the nation's safest 'cities for car and bus riders. Here ar~ some figures that show it. For the first five months of this year, PTe's accident rate was 18% l~wer than for the same period last year. And last year's accident r,a te was 12% under that of 19411 For helping to make every week "Safety Week" in Philadelphia, our appreciati'?,n to both passengen and FTC employes. FOR YOUR GREATER SAFETY . 1. When you drive, be careful of intersections BDd turning street cars. Avoid cutting ill suddenly in front of street cars. 2. When you walk, wait for the proper lights to eroea streets and cross only at comers. 3. Be careful gettiDg o~ and off PTe vehicles. Don't eroaa ~ front or back of a car 01' bus. 4. Wa1k-don·t twa-on 811bwa., aud eI.Y.ted .taIn. ~--------~--------~ Philadelphia Transportation Company • , , , .' " " Ii .\'. , i· ! .. ' I,. ; ". I I ',i I \., .\ .; i I' : I,j .' \.- I ~ ;' :; " I ! f , .! \ "I I. "

---------- Page 31 ----------

* , , THE SW AllTHMOREAN * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ,• •- , ,. - .\ TO: Every American on a Payroll FROM: The Secretary of the Treasury • SUBJECT: The New Pay-As-You-Go Method of Collecting' Your Income Tax -- . Starting July lsI. bolli your Income and Victory Tax will be col­lected by an entirely new and more convenient method. Under the old system, Yoo were obliged every March 15th to pay either the lull tax for the previous year, or a quarter of that amount. ,under the new system, you will keep paid up Irom month to month. After July 1st, your employer is obliged by the new law to with­hold every month a part of your wages and turn the money into the United States Treasury as payment on "OfIr Income aod Victory fj'ax. Of course, the amount that your employer withholds will depend upon your pay and your exemptions. But this is "the important point: For most 01 us, the amount withheld ouer a "ear's period U1ill add, up to the same that we're paying now-plus or minus a few dollars. At the end of the year, we may owe the Government a few dollars or the Government may owe us. (See the tables below.) You may have heard 20% mentioned as the proportion of your wages that will be withheld. Actually, this is incorrect. To figure the amount that will he withheld, take your total wages and .subtract your allowance for exemptions and allowance for' dependents; • 20% of this lesser amount is the total that will be withheld, 'Now please remember this: You must claim those exemptions to take advantage pfthem. Before July 1st, you must file with your employer an Exemption Certificate. If you do not do this, your em. ployer will have no choice but to deduct 20% of your ,u11 pay check. Here is how the new tax collection method will work: Let's Sal" you are a workingman earning $3,000 a Year; that you are married, and have two children. \ ' First of all, as a married man you are allowed a personal with. holding exemption of $1,248~ plus an exemption of $312 for eaoh dependent (other than your wife). This makes a total exemption of $I,87Z ($1,248 for yourself aad' wife, plus $6Z4 for your, two dependents), which is deducted from the $3,000 you earn before your tax is computed. You are thus paying tax on $I,IZS, of which your employer \\1111 withhold 20%, or $225.60 for the year. There­fore, in your pay envelope, after July 1; you will 'receive about $4.40 less each week. , In March, 1944, when you ordinarily would be faced with paying taxes on your 1943 in~me, you will file a return showing how much, you have already paid, end how much your total tax actually amounted to. If, by that time, you have already paid more than your' aotual tax due, you will he given credit for the difference. If you owe more than you have paid, you will pay the difFerence. Since this plan starts July I, many wonder what happens to the tax payments they will already have made by that time-on March IS and June IS. For a great majority of people, here is what happens •••• Your 1942 income tax is "forgiven" (either all, or most of it). The March and June installments which you originally paid .on that 194Z income tax are credited, instead, as payments on your 1943 tax. With the result that on July 1st, with the year half gone, "ou har" already Paid t_ on that half-yClU"s income. In. short, you are "paying as you go." - , .' There is one thing more. Since this pay-as-you-go method, leaves' you Just as much of your net income as you had before, you will probably :find it possible to at least maintain your present rate of buying War Bonds. Do, this by all means I Taxes alone will not bring to the Treasury nearly enough money to finance the great invasion war that lie. ahead. The war needs every cent of your money that does not go for the necessitil!s of life. r17t~J.. AiloUNTS WITHHELD FROM WEEKLY WAGES FOR INCOME AND VICTORY' TAX UNDER PAY-AS-YOU.GO TABLE 1 SINGLI PIR,ON -NO DEPENDENTS I Amount to W"llhholdlq Amn. .' total W..e.k.l y be" woiothIdho. ld ... IMtoeIIt to be Amuwtotal • fwa,_ withheld to be paiel $17.50 $ 1.10 6.3S $ 57.20 $ 73.73 , 22.50 2.10 9.3 109.20 126.4S 27.50 3.10 11.3 161.20 184.23 35.00 . ..., 13.l 239.20 262.85 45.00 UO 14.7 343.20 373.35- 55.00 8.60 ' 15.6 447.20 489.85 65,00 10"" 16.3 551.20 613.27 75.00 12.60 16.8 655.20 737.37 85.00 H.60 17.2 759.20 861.48 95.00 16,60 17.5 863.20 991.32 TABLE 3 MARRlED PERSON - ONE DEPENDENT Amouatto Withholdia. I ADDal tobl , W"o .e..i.d y ,",withhilld .... pe,....t _ tobe Anaval total weeki., of .... withheld "- to b. ~id ~17.50 $ .20 US $ 1 ... 0 I 11.29 22.50 .30 1.3 15.60 15.83 27.50 .so 1,8 26.00 23.37 35.00 1.00 2.9 52.00 55.68 45.00 100 6.7 156.00 160.16 55.00 5.00 9.1 260.00 262.84 65.00 7.00 10.8 364.00 378.02 75.00 9 .... 12.0 468.00 418.52 85. ... 11.00 12.9 572.00 598.21 95.00 13.00 13.7 676.00 717.89 11 ,Ir" Q1ffo.Jd "",ll. .1 tI "m_1 II. 7"" I. 1801'11 ,Tun. '0. ... 'otllll.eo",. ... d Yk,." _ for 'i. "ar, lu Goo ....... , "';11 ,ef •• d lu dlffn ..... TABLE 2' MARRIED .IIS0N - NO DEPRNDINTS Amoutta WltbhoIdhl4 Aaaad_ W_ ..... "wlthlaol~ .. ap:r;:-t to .. Auul ,.,.111 weekly 0'" .. withheld to be Pl-id $17.50 $ .20 US $ 10.40 $ 8.58 22.50 .30 1.3 15.60 16.38 27.50 .70 2.5 36.40 45.18 35.00 2.20 6.3 114.40 12Q.88 45.00 4.20 9.3 218.40 227.48 55.00 6.20 11,3 322.40 334.08 65.00 8.20 12.6 426.40 439.29 75.00 10.2. 13.6 53 •• 40 558.80 85.00 12.20 14,4 634.40 679.00 95.00 14.2. 14.9 738.40 791>.21 • TABLE 4 MARIIED .ERSON-i"wo DEPEND.NTI Amoantto Witbboldill' Allin'" total W....e ae,k.I ,. be.w. ltbyhe td ... potCHt tab. AaDual total of" .... withheld to be Plid $17.50 $ .20 1.1~, $ 10.40 , I 8.01 22.50 .30 1.3 I 15.60 15.29 27.50 .50 1.8 26,00 22.57 35.00 .70 " 2.0 S6.40 33.49 45.00 1.80 4 •• 93.60 90.05 55.00 3.80 . 6.. 197.60 195.'61 65.00 5.80 8.' 301.60 300.77 , 75.00 7.80 10.4 "'05.60 .roS.27 85.00 9.80 11.5 509.60 517.42 95.00 11.80 12.4 613.60 636.5S -- If ,II. Q"'O"~' atii""el4 is '.11 ,1._ ,,,,a, felld I"eo .. , .4 Ylet.r, I"", for IA. ,_. ,.a II1iJI #GJ ,i. dlff"'''JlCfI I. Ii. G.o .... "' .... • Swarthmore National Bank and Trust Company, Mem..~er. 01 Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation. . THE BOUQUET SW ARTHMOItE STUDEBAKER' SALES & SERVICES WM. M. HARVEY, BUILDER THE MUSIC BOX A. P. SMALLEY JOSEPWS BAJIBER SHOP BUCHNER'S CELIA SHOE SHOP • MICHAEL'S COLLEGE PHARMACY AUCE BARBER, GIFTS HANNUM & WAITE :fl. J. HOY 5 AND 10 SUPLEE HARDWARE E. L. NOYES VicroR D. SHIRER PETER E. TOLD MARiE DONNELLY DEW DROP INN • THE INGLENEUK CO·ED BEAUTY SALON RUSSELL'S SERVICE MARTEL BROS. HARRIS & CO. H. B. GREEN STRATH HAVEN INN HOLLYHOCK GIFl' AND FLOWER SHOP SWARTHMORE CO-OP . -., \ "* • thank y~.u and the Busi~e5s AJJso~iation (or seriding me'The Swarthmorean. , . It nleans so much to a soldier to read fte ~l;on. 64Pfunl1 below are t.bOee the;'hometown news, and I am--always ~.~t~rart;b~=n W:=1ie~~~ first in linc to get my paper. It is also 40~ may be ueed If Ule en~ty of interesting to read the letters from the wrtter s-. kDO'Im to the Edltor. Let. . h S . wm wU1 be ~ecl 0DlJ' at the dJscre... other Swarthmoreans In t e erVlce. tloD of tbe • This is a very nice camp and I find L:....-------------..JI school very interesting. Thank you We'U Keep 'Em Coming" again. Keep up the gooci'wo,k. Dcar Editor: Sincerely. Robert Toole, • Each week since my transfer I have In Appreciation been intending to write, but "procras-tination is t~e thief of.. time", plus ~~r' ,Editor.,: :, ',: ", , ,chool and drill work whIch has kept ' 'This is ju.t a note to thank you :ytd Ole so busy. However, I do want to the Business Association for sending ===;;==:==========,!'!:= me and all the other service boys The CLASSIFIED FOR RENT FOR RENT - "TUmblebrook" In Walling­, lord BUIs. Tb1s picturesque colonial. with extra large living Bnd dIning rooms. 3 bed .. rOOms and 2 tUed baths. may be rented on annual lease. at .100 monthly, beginning t~ 1. w~ E.- Witham ~ swart~o~ ._ Comfortably furnIshed sec­room. Breakfast 1t deslred. avallable. Telephone Swarthmore S'Yarthrnorean. I, never realized before my induction into the Army Air forces, how much the home town J;1ewspaper means to one who is 'Unable to see many of his closest friends. Although I've completed my basic training and am now on shipment, I certainly hope you will continue mail­ing the paper to my new address, which I will send shortly. Thanks again. , Sincerely, Pvt. ·Page Bullock. • Renews Acquaintance Dear Editor:' This is a note long over due. When 'fhe Swarthmor'ean first came it was FOB SALE received somewhat as a matter of FoteRe t.S AlLDJcill u-dinAg n American flag, 5 by 8 b' f h'l th f pole. Perfect condition. course' ut a ter a w tee, n.ames 0 $10. Telephone Swarthmore 1988-R. old fri~nds' were spotted and it became FOB SALE _ Attractive home. pleasantly. a really expected bright spot in the con:veniently loeated. Near school and week when the paper would arrive. It college.' Suitable for famUy of 4 or 5. Open is always good to heat from the place fireplace. Porches. Roomy lawn. Swarthmore 2rt17[!!,4.'--___ =::-:==:-:-----1 and the people vfr:. have' called home WANTED,' and friends. WANTED - Homes tor two cute tJ.ger kit- Thank you ever so much for "the teu. Telephone Swarthmore 0618. ' many hours of pleasure your paper has WANTED - Young business woman, hus- provided. Sincerely, Ted F. Cook. THE SWAllTBMOREAN I.-ieuteoant t Their sister was a Yeo­manette in the Navy during the last war. The five boys have been continuously at the "!all of their'country since before the last war, when they began on reaching age serving with the National Guard. M;rs. W. Gordon S~ott. ~' " e' PtllJon Dehydrating Worked 7 Years in Illina Mrs. W. H. Webb, R.N .• who joined the staff of visiting nurses of the Com­munity Health Society in May returned jn 1941 from seven years in China where she was engaged in medical and evangelical mission work under the auspices of the China-England Mission. There she met and married her hus­band an English missionary who is now assistant pastor of the Tenth Presby· Dear Editor: terian Church in Philadelphia. They Canning, preserving or pickling are have a six-year-old son Trevor. Swarthm9re's answer to food conserva- She trained at Hahnemann Hospital tion. ~t' is a 81"'d answer but not the and was for six years a member of the best. With the' inconvenience of stor- staff of the Philadelphia Visiting Nurse ing and transporting glass jars, the Association working in South l"hiladel-scarcity of rubber for jar rings, and phia. :. the inadequate number of pressure canners the better answer to conserva- Mrs. Carl H. Chaffee of Swarthmore tion of food is dehydration. Sucb a I a',e"IUe will entertain her bridge club method would be practical in our com- a dinner Saturday night. munity. Dr. Frank G. Keenen of Harvard The school with its shop instructor has returned from a business and shop equipment would be an ideal trip to Charleston, W. Va. and Cleve­and logical centre. The older pupils land, Ohio, last week. He visited his could make the d~hydrators, many parents in Newark, Ohio, and his son, plans for "which are on the market. The Charles who, is· spending the summer fathers could help with this on their with his g;andparents, before returning free evenings. 'The girls and women to his home here. could then take over, putting these Mrs. Jay D. Cook~ of Westdale ave­models to worle during the summer nue left June 19 to spend two weeks in and fall. This plan is too late for this the Poconos. year. but what a1)out being equipped Ransom Dethloff of Dartmouth ave­and ready to dehydrate much of our nue returned Tuesday after spending surplus in 1944. I believe this is a prac- the week-end with his brother Lt. Louis tical suggestion and should be worked Dethloff at Camp Campbell. Ky. out. Maud L. Bishop Chairman Canning Group. P.S. There will be some experiment· ing along this line at the canning cen­ter this summer. ---<.>---- NEWS NOTES BOROUGH OF SWARTIDIORB ORDINANCE NO. 4'12 An ordinance to authorize appolntDtent of a Borough Engineer and prescribing the duties and compensation of said offteer. THB BOROUOH OF ORDAIN: band. 1D service, w1ll pay well for home (or seU and IS-mo, .BOn. :References ex­changed. Telephone Chester 696'1 Mon .• TUes. and Wed.. trom 6-9 p.m. wANTED - Girl for day or part-time cleaning and laundry work. Reterences. Rinkie and Nancy McCurdy and Jean Blakiston ",ilneave June 29 for Camp Whispering Willows .'at Dennisport, Cape Cod to spend two months. Rinkie • and Nancy are the daughters of Mr. In Appreciation and Mrs. Wallace McCurdy of Ogden avenue and Jean is the daughter of SECTION 1. The Counell ma,. appoint from time to time one or more dUl,. qual1- fled. peraollB. or an engineering flrm. here­inafter reterred to as-the Borough EngLneer. to render engineering service to the :&or­ough ot Swarthmore. The term of 8U~ appointments shall be for the calendar year in wb1ch such appointment Is made. subject. however. to earlier termination at Telephone Swartllmore· 2110. the pleasure of Borough Counell. WANTED - Child'. bicycle. metal garden funl1ture. Reply Box S, The Swarth~ morean. . PEBSONAL - Mothers bavlng children from_18 months to two and one-half years and lDterested in placing their chIldren with a; group of that age. mornings. 9 to 12, please call Swarthmore 1174. " FOUND FOUND '- A coat In Gteen's' 06Al" yard: Call at Mr. Green's omce for IdentUica­tlOD. FOR SALE Modern hriek coltal'e, rentrallocation; three bedroon:ut, large living room; hOI water hea~ oU burner. Garage. • WM. S. BITI'LE SWARTHMORE lll-J Notary PubUc-Inmnmce-Real Estate MJtS. A. J. QUINBY & SON A.. MERCER QUINBY, Jr. ' FUNERAL DIRECTORS 206 S. Orange St. 'Phone Media 4 'Media EDWIN B. KELLEY, Jr. Your Jeweler 25 EaSI 7th St. • Chester (Opposite New State 'l'heatre) 'Phone Chester 37M RADIO SERVICE Guaranteed Service on all make Radiol!!' and Phonographs I THE MUSIC BOX Telephone Swarthmore 1460 r--.-..-----..-..------.-....-..., 1 Picture FraminlJ - Stationery 1 Books - Kodak Supplies 1 Greeling Cards - Hobby, Crafl I 1 SIMMONDS ' I I 714 Wel.h Sboeel . Chester I l~~~~~.-..--..l • ARDMORE WINDOW CLEANING co. SWARTHMORE BRANCH ALL BRANCHES OF HOUSE CLEAN­ING. KNOWN IN THE TERRI­TORY FOR 20 YEARS Free Phone Calls - For customers (FormerlY Sw. 19) Ardmore 2320 KEEP WARMER ~ WNGER with Dear Editor: Mrs. Joseph Blakiston of Elm avenue. I am writing this small note to you to thank you ever so much for sending me Rinkie McCurdy arrived ho~~ June cTehivee iStw eavretrhym woreeeakn a nrde giut lraeralyll.y mI akrees- w5 hferorem sHheo llihnass Ccoolmlepglee,t ~Rd.o a~neork ej,u nViao"r ~~~~]~~~~~§~~~~~~ me feel good to, know that someone year" I ~~~~~ICS back home realizes how much I like to Lin Freegard has completed her I j'-;;m;;;.:y hear about the town and is nice enough freshman year at Bucknell University SECTION 3. For his services. the Borough to send news every week. Even~tbough and is vacationing at her Ilome on Engineer shall receive such Just and equl­I do get home quite often, I don't hear North Swarthmore avenue. table cOmpensation 88 Counell may trom time to time ~r!rrove. payable when and much 'about the town duriug the smalll~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;=;;;;;~ as such partie services are completed. amount 0 f ti•m e t h at I am t h ere. I want nWehcetlroen s wucithh .as eprvuibcelisc uimep rroevnedmereendt oInr octohne-r to thank you again for the wonder(ul STEAKS-CHOPS project. tbe oosto of whtch are ........ ble 'se-I'Vit:e,that~y' au are·glving. agalnat abutting properties, or otherwise SEAFOOD .n.._ S'~-,- chargeable to an individual or indiViduals, Sincerely yours, ~ ..... - .. 7 the cbargea Inourred for such engineering Mt· ds h·t pman D ave Mc nIt'tr e. U.S.N . R . Com pA.C~U.~:&. y z.. u.r- ~.l.l,_UI ...• . U.. U-n ed !saeervnitcse st osgheathlle rb we, itihn calnu,d.e pdr oldp.e rs audcvhe ratsissiensgs-. • pubUcatlon and legal expenses. Cite. Mil(tary Family' Passed tbts day of JUIle A.D. 1943, Dear Editor: The story in your edition of May 21 "Third Captain in Family" telling of a son in this war, a father in the last war, and .a cousin, also a captain, is very interesting. They are to be con­gratulated. Another local man, Capt. George E. Davisson~ has three brother., all Ma­jors, in the Army, and a younger brother, a First Lieutenant (all in combat unit!i). Their father, Dr. Alex H. Davisson, a Captain in the last war, and now in his midd1e seventies, is a contract surgeon with'the rank of First WHAT'S VALUA8LE NOW? Add to the burglar's list of loot, precious food­stuffs. Then see us about the new lEtna Residence and Outside Theft Pollcy. Insures these and all the contents of your home. Protects you both at home I!nd away' from ho~e. BOROUGH OF SWARTHMORE (8eal) By D. W. R. MORGAN President Attest: ELLlorr RICHARDSON Secretary ~ .. , a-. • OPen All NIght She's 5 feet 1 from her 4A slip­pers to her &pun-gold hair. But. ........ !', ho1O.M "" .. ha7ldle ,..,. I>ig pr6B8/ . this 18th da,. AD. 1943. tricitl/ does the heavl/ labor. America'8 war production is the greatest in the world largely 00. cause America has the world's greatest snpply of electric power. SB1IBIPJI' lIALE OP -.u. ETATII SKCD'PPS OPPIoa OOtJRT HOl1llJl, IIlIDIA, ,PSIIlfA. PRlDAY • .JtlLy:a. 1M3 9:30 lUI. -.tom w .. TIme 5 CondlUono: _.00 _ or ~ .. at time of sale (UllleM otl1erw1ee atate4 JD advert1aemmt) balance in \en da,.. other cond.1tlooa on da)' of sale. ' Levari Paotaa No. .. __ 11M3 Premlaes No. 46 Je"'nl[tOD Avenue, 801'­, ugh of Bast Lansdowne, Delaware COUD.tJ, Pe1l1l8l'lvanIa, but pro_ abOuId be 1deIi-, , tUled from description: : ' "All that certa1D lot or pteoe of l&ncl, with the bulld..tDa and Improvementa thereon erected, situate on tile Wester.., side of Le~ Avenue a.t the distance of three hundred. and tift, feet South­wardly from the Southwesterly comer of the said. Lextngton Avenue and Pembroke Avenue. In the said. Boroush of Jrast t.ana­downe. contalnJDs' in front meuured thence 8oUthW~~ along the Weoterly 1!1de of the said La n Avenue twenty-ave leetland extending 1 1_ or depth of that width ' Westwar<UY one Bundred. and twenty feet, bounded on the North and. SoUth bJ' IaDds of George L. Barnett and. on the West b! lands of Irvin J. Zorn and I4a<tha o_ bis wife. ''Together with the rlght and use of the Northerl, two feet of the p:remIaeI nest; adjoining In the Soutl1. and. subject to the rta:ht of the owners. tenants and. oceuplera o£ premJst:s next adjolnlDg on the SOuth over the SOutherly aI.z feet of "premIaee hereby mortgagecl, the wel two BtrIpe at land together formtng aD elght feet wiele driveway, which Is to be used B8 a driveway and passagewa,. b,. the owners. tena.u.tI and occupiers of aalel prem1aas:; the cost and •• .,.".. of keeptng oatd drlv....... In good order and. 18 to be bonie eqUallJ' by the owners Of said properttes." Improvements constat of two stol'7 Itucco and frame hOuse. open porch, 16 z 3Z feet; one story stucco addition «I z 8' feet; one story mucro garage, 16 z 20 feet. . Sold as the property of Beasle L. Yerae:r. mortgagor and real owner. , , E. P. BALDERSTON, Jr., Attorney. 6-11-3' R. S. MORSON, _. ESTATE OP JAHE'l' P. BAS'I.'LAHlr, De­ceased. late of the Borough of Swarth­more, Delaware COunty, Pa.. Letters Testamentary on the above lfatate bavins been fII"'Ilted to the W1dorslgDed, all pel'8OJl8 lDdebted to said BBtate are requested to make payment. and. tbOH having clalm8 to present the B8lne without delay to RALPH L. L1NDENMtJTR, Executor, , County BllUdIng, _ ~. Qr to his attoJf.:ts OEOBGB H. • Esquire. County BIdS'., MedIa. Fa. ..... t ESTA'l'B OP WIT·T,TAM PBANOI8 SS'BRO. late of the 'l'OWDSbIp of /3p1'InSI1sld, Do1&­ware Coun\y, h., deceasecL Letters Testamentary on the above 'estate have been granted to the underalgnel:S, wOO requESts aU persona having clalIila or do­mands againSt the 8fJtate of the dlce1mt to make known the same, and. all person.e Indebted to the dececlent to make p&Jmmt, Without delay to LtJClUB ROOD BBERO. Executor, 651 North Chester Boacl, - Swarthmore. Delaware County. Pa. or to his attomOJ'. ' WILLIAM: TAYLOR, Jr., County BUilding, Media. Pa. 6-11·6t RIDLEY PARK 3U8 SWARTHMORE 0764 HARRYW.LANG Rugs and Carpets • the experienced men and women of the electric comranies it's all in the day's work All part: of knowing the job. 'cOAL AND COKE FUEL OIL • VAN ALEN BROS: PETER E. TOLD Insurance 417 Dartmouth Ave. • SwuthmON 1833 • Waft a minutel How can 110 pounds of beauty boss so many tons of steel? ••• Is this magic! Yee. in. a way. The modern £mag ic of electrie p ....e r, The that makes it possible for a 'a slim fingers to lift moUD-AM Amerieo'. d.c!ri<! ..",.. pame.. .. nder buBi ..... "" .. mue­ment provide 01161' 80 p ....... t 0/ aU that 1'01061' at Iow".........r price.' Call that magic, too I But to They were ready when war • came. and now they're pradn'" ing :far more ~wer than all the Axis eonntries """"",,",,1. They're stepping up America'. manpotow-and toomafto1)OtOtt" - tremendotulli/ .. Phone Sw· a. 104.12 , , WE CAN SHOW YOU BOW ofmeta1 orsetgreat.heela in motion-;J: by pressing a button or p • a lever • Women aTe able to work be-, aide men on America's roaring ",P~~.~.~ ,_Ie<>- pm LADE LPBIA ,ELECTRIC COMPANY ..... Noer_" L' 1"."..8111 M ........ sF .... - • .'

---------- Page 32 ----------

For AD Your " GoodP~ints- , Our Sincerest '. Thanks For bndgeting your points 80 carelully hefore nlaking your purchase • • • For remembering to keep rationed loods in a sep­arate basket, thus helping us to give you laster service ••• For having your ration stamps ready as 1I00n as we total the Deeded points ••• Rationinghl1s intro­duced us to a lot more of your good points - and tbis time we do Dot mean just the blue and red kind. So again we thank you - for aD 70ur "ood 'points. KNOX GELATIN Pkg. 18c GOLD MEDAL FLOUR 10 lb. Bag S5e SCOT· TISSUE " 3 Rolls 19c GRAPEFRUIT JUICE Silver Nip - Natural 46 oz. Tin 4 Blue P18. 2ge Libby Deluxe PLUMS No.2~ Jar 19c 7 Pta. M·ARTEL'S SELF SERVICE, RESIDEN'rS AGENCY RATES FIVE'NA'nONAL AWARDS Five national awards were conferred Friday on the Roland G. E. Ullman Organization at the annual conventiop of the National Advertising Agency Network held in New York City. First place was won in four­/ ications :- The Best Advertising Cam­paign in General Magazines for that of J. E. Sirrine & Company, Engineers; the Best Advertising Campaign in Business Publications, for that of The Manhattan Rubber, Mfg. Division of Raybestos-Manhattan; the Best Direct Mail Campaign, developed for the Fi­delity Machine Company; the Best Use of Art, Illustration and Typography in lhe campaign for J. E. Sirrine & Com­pany. Second place was awarded in the classification of Employee Relations Programs for the .one originated for The Manhattan Rubber Mfg. Division. Presentation of the awards was made at a spccialluncheoll given to the .heads of the winning agencies on Friday at the Park Central Hotel.' The winning campaigns will be sent on a coast-to-coast tour of exhibitions in 28 other citief' including Seattle, San Francisco, Los Angeles, - Tulsa, Kansas City, St. I.ouis, Des Moines, Chicago, Detroit, Milwaukee, Cincin­nati, Cleveland, Syracuse, Boston, Hartford, Philadelphia, Baltimore and Washington. Mr. UUman, who was accompanied by Mrs. UIlnlan and their daughter June returned to his hom~ on Harvard avenue Sunday evening.' e NEWS NOTES Mrs. Lovett Frescoln of Harvard avenue will entertain at a "Grandmoth­ers" Party", Monday, June 28. J Bridge will be enjoyed by those who care to play, followed by a buffet luncheon. At the story-telling hour, a pri~e wilt be given for the best "Grandmother Story.". ' , Mrs. John K. Meneely, Jr. of Boul­, der, Col. is visiting at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Marshall of Lincoln avenue. Ruth Gay of Crcst lane will be 'host­ess to members of the class of '43 at an Open House on Saturday nig~t. Mrs. 'Sidney W. Zinn of Swarthmore avenue is spending a few weeks in Petersburg, Va.. ' Jane and George Allen of Riverview avenue will leave June 28 for the Luther Gulich Camps on Lake Sebago, Me., where they will stay for two months. Ann ,Argyle daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William R. Argyle of North Ches: ter road will leavc June 30 to begin her freshman year at the summer term at Middlebury College, Middlebury, Vt. Jane Argyle was home last week­end from Barnard College in New YOrk City. She is attcnding the summer term there because Wellesley has no accel­erated program, and wilt start the final tertll ,of her senior, year at' Wellesley at the end of August. Adelaide Cleaves of Cornell avenue ;lcft June 17 for a two week visit with iriends in llar Harbor, Me. Elizabeth Pope of Oberlin avenlle ~nd Jeanne Fischer of Dickinson ave­nue are leaving Monday to spend two months as counselors at Camp Wawen­ock- Owaissa, South Kasco, Me. Joqae WAVES Deborah Drew daughter of Mr. and Mrs. }.aurence Drew of Rutgers aven'Ue was inducted into the W A YES on June 12 and leaves June 29 for Hun­ter Col1ege, New York City for a period of training. "Debby" was Drum Major of the Swarthmore High School Band from its innovation in 1938 until her graduation, class of '42, and was given, several special awards at the dose of the school term· for her ou~tanding work with .the band. , She has been in the Personnel Office at the Philadelphia Navy Yard the past year. • To Study in Mexico Virginia Yerkes and three of her Wc;l1esley College classmates left Mon­day for Mexico City, Mexico where they will study Spanisk" at th~ Univer­sityof Mexico for several months. The girls who are majoring in Spanish wi11 have the privilege' of living with a Spanish refugee family. . Virginia is the daughter of Mr. and rs. Earle P. Yerkes of Princeton avenue. • NEWS, NOTES Laura Lee Hopkins of Crest laue leaves Monday for Camp Dune By-the­Sea,. Ship Bottom, N. ]., where she ,wil1 be a counselor during July and August. Lora Blackman of Vassar avenue will leave today to accompany her fatht'r on a week-end visit to the home of her grandfather, Dr. W. W. Blackinan in New York City. From there she will go to' Camp WabunaI<i, Hi11side, Me., on June 29. . Prof~ssor and Mrs. Chester P.Baker of Newton Center, Mass., arrived Wed­nesd: j.y to spend a week as the guests of Professor Baker's sister and brother­in- law, Mr. and Mrs. Henr-y D. Bevan of Crest lane. Mr. and Mrs. Irvin R. MacElwee of M t. Holyoke place are entertaining 18 guests at dinner at the Ingleneuk this evening. The hosts and their guests will later attend the performance of "The Warrior's Husband" at the Plav-ers Club. - Mrs~ Irvin R. MacElwee of Mt.lIoly-oke place won a $25 Wal: ,Bond in a Golf Tournament held. at the Over­brook Country CI~b last Friday. The week -before Mrs. MacElwee, playing at the Merion East Course, tied with Mrs. E, J. Thomas of the Sandy Run Country 'Club. ' These tournaments were held under the auspices of the Women's Golf As­sociation of Philadelphia: Dr. and Mrs. W. F. G. Swann of Ogden avenue atte~ded the Wellesley College commencement festivities the latter part of last week. Their daugh­ter Sylvia was a member of the grad­uating class. Mrs. Swann a!ld Sylvia are spending a few weeks at their cottage in Great ~hebeague Island, Me., before return­mg to their home here. Mrs. Ralph Ashton 'Nixdorf and daughters EliZabeth and Jane of Yale avenue left Saturday for a month's visit with Mrs. Nixdorf's parents Mr; and Mrs. Harold' Moltz of Williams­po. t, Pa. Three framed certificates . for out"; standing service were presented by the American Legion Auxiliary to students of Nether Providence, Rutledge, and Swarthmore schools. The Swarthmore recipient of the award was Mary EIiza­betb Evans, with Richard Taylor re­ceiving honorable mention. .Swarthmoreans are requested to drop their coins in the cigarette fund banks placed in stores by the 'Legion and Auxiliary. $100,000 must be raised in the nation to buy 14,000,000 cigarettes at 5 cents a pa~k for men in the services. • Members of the.Auxiliary were asked to bring box lunches and meet at the' home of Mrs. Gilcreest June 30 to wo.rk on a quilt which is being made from salvag~ for Valley Forge Hospital. Any! contributions of -cotton flannel, waqding, or cotton pieces for animal stuffing may be left with Mrs. Gil­creest for salvage material. High grade magazines, puzzles, and paper coveted books are in demand for the U. S. O. • Entertains CO-Worke1'8 Ruth Wilson of Ogden avenue enter­tained a group of 18 fellow-employees of the Catalytic-Development. Corpora­tion, Linwood, Pa., at a garden party at her home Sunday afternoon. Out., door games including badminton, horse:' shoes, croquet, riRe shooting, and a treasure hunt were keenly enjoyed by all. Group singing brought the happy afternoon'to an ending. • • NEWS NOTES ~r. and Mrs. Frank H. McCowan of Vassar avenue wilt spend the week­cnd in WitdwQod Crest, N. J. Lafayette Austin of Park avenue left Monday for Clayton, N. c., where he wi11 visit his uncle Mr. Jesse Austin for 10 days. ' Mr. and Mrs. Dwain Bowe~ former reside~ts of Cambridge, Mass., are oc­cupying the residence of Mr. and Mrs. Fletcher P. Williams of Park avenue for the summer months: Mr. Bowen is engaged in research work with the Bartol FoundatiQn. Mrs. John Lesselle~ of Boston, Mass;, formerly of Swarthmore spent sev eral days this week with Mrs. Agnes Haig Sheldon, of "Indian. Hill", Ogden avenue. Mary Yates Gilcreest of Harvard avenue arrived home Jun.e 17 'after a visit with relatives in Texas. Priscilla Giles, J Gilbert, Lee Sheridan and Anne Cochran left Wed .. nesday for Cape May, N. J., where they will vacation for a week. BUDGET CANNJN6 , Mabel .Ewing,· HOme Economics .teacher of the Swarthmore Scbools, suggests that Jiouiewivts adopt "Can Summer's Sunshme for Winter's Health" as their slogan. Tbe thrifty homemaker ca~ and stores vegeta~les and' fruits during, the growing 8~on so that her family is nourished during the wittter. " Many homemakers find that ~~ing by a system helps in meal planning and makes for a greater variety in th~ food ' served. The canning budget is a device for figuring how~uch food should be cal!ned to supplement fresh, frozen, salted, stored, and dried, fOQds to pro­vide an ~dequate year-ro'Und diet. Be­cause of the wide. variations in gardens and stored products, every budget will necessarily be different. ' I Two vegetables besides potatoes (if we can get them) and two fruits a day' are recommended in an adequate diet. Miss. Ewing urges' that all' start win­te. r's planning now by this, budget; Amount of Vegetables and Fruits to' can for seven months for one person: Product - Leafy "vegetables. Use-3 times a week. Size serving- ~ cup. Can -10 quarts. \ . -. Product - Other vegetables. Use - .( times a week. Size serving-~cup. Can -IS quarts. ' Product - Tomatoes. Use - 4-5 umes a week. Size serving - * cup. Can - ~quu~. . SUMMER HOl)RS 12 , , 10:00 to S:OO' WED~DAYS Ta,L 1:00 alice barber, Gifts OLD BANK IIlm.mRo Telephone Bw. JaIl Mon., Tues., Wed., ThUl'8., 9 A.M. to 5:30 P.M. - STORE HOURS FRIDAY, 9 A.M. to 6 P.M. SATURDAY, 9 ,A.M. to 9:30 P.M. MARKET Better Food lor the Table I Mr. and Mrs. Clarence G. Myers and ·Roy and Dick Bosshardt of Park avenue will leave for Camp Lenape' in the Poconos early next week for a stay Ann Myers of Dickinson avenue spent of two months. a few days in Ocean City, N. J., this ... ___________ .... __ -'. week. FOR SAlk: 45 SHERWOOD LANE WALLINGFORD BU.lS '. • • The natural beauty and rolling country of Wallingford Hi11s has been made even more attractive by homes planned in keeping with their sur­roundings. We offer the above home with 3.bed rOCjlms, 2 baths, dressing room, and maid's room and bath to someone who is looking for a superb location,near transportation. . ' . , ' Your impection b inl1i'ed, by appointment only, 11ao ... ,. '.. ' , ,·~DW ARD, L. NOYES, . 23 & ~~ ,I!-~~. _ " ,', ~~;~OBE, ~~l" 7. \, .; , ~<~~~~~'~,~~~",,;,,~,~<~~,; ~.'" - _ • '" • ...:Il.- ........ _~~- .... ":.~ +,,3,. ... .:ol ...... --"~ ~ ....... ~' Mrs. Bosshardt will jlssume the duties as ho~tess 'at a summer resort in Rhode Island. Mr. Bosshardt is still confined to the Taylor Hospital for treatment, The Bosshardt hQme on Park avenue wi11 be occupied for the summer months by Mr. and Mrs. Eric Smith of Glens Falls, N. Y. Mr.' Smith is con­nected with the Scott Paper Company. , Mr. and Mrs. H. Wickcliffe Rose have come from New Canaan, Conn.,: to 'occupy the former Schatte home on ' Parrish road., Mr. Rose is connected with the American Viscose Company' in Wilmington, Del. ' , Miss Grace Shelly of South Chester I road left last Thursday for Mexico l City, Mexico, where she wilt s~udy; Spanish at the University of Mexico during the summer months. ' Miss, Shelly has been an instructor,' in French, German and Spanish at P,elln Hall, Chambersburg, for the past. six years. , I Helen Daniels of Nanking, China and Carleton, College, Northfield, Minn., was the ~uest 0'£ Mrs. Joseph B. Pope of Oberlin avenue last week-end on her way to the International Institute of World Affairs in Salisbury, Conn. ' Mr. and Mrs. Edwin' C. Buxbaum and sons Bob and ; Dicky ~f Winding lane, Media left yesterday for Milwau­i.< ee, Wis., where they will, visit ... eta­tives for two weeks. Mrs. Wi11iam E. Witham and daugh­ter eMiss Dorothy Witham of Swarth­more avenue and Cedar lane have been vacationing in Qeean, City, N. J., for the past week. ---.. --- ,... .... _ ..... 11:11 • . ! " ) Furlough In Jersey \ " Sizes 9 to 15 - 12 to 20 . 38 to, 52 Vivid fI~wers on cool white rayo~ -jersey - Loveliest dress for when he, is in on lealVe. Suavely draped fo~ much figul-e-flattery. Illustrated one of a hig group. t f,' , "", : . " ,';j':' J~~~~~L" ".~<{;t~--. ;;:L>;,:..,;}~,_:,;L\~'~i~f~,~t,d~.~.~~,~.'" .~·,~SL:J:~':

---------- Page 33 ----------

6 For All Your Good P~ints­Our Sincerest Thanks For budgeting your points so carefully before making your purcha!>c • • • For renwmhering to keelt rationed foods in u selt­urate batikel, thus helping us to give you fll!otcr ;;er\'icc ••• For bU\'ing your r:ltion ~lamlls ready as soon as we totul thc needed point!!! ••• Ulltioning has intro­duced liS to It lot more oC your good Itoints - and this time wc do not mean just the blue and red kind. So again we thank you - for nil your good points. I(NOX GELATIN Pkg. 18c GOLD MEDAL FLOUR 10 lb. Bag 55e SCOT· TISSUE 3 Rolls 19c GRAPEFRUIT JUICE Silver Nil' - Natural 46 oz. Tin 4 Blue Pts. 29c Libby Delllxe PLUMS No. 2* Jar 1ge 7 Pts. MARTEL'S SELF SERVICE MARKET Belter f'oml Jor tlw TaMIl RESIDENT'S AGENCY RATES .'YE NATIONAL AWARDS Five national awards were conferred Frida v on the Roland G. Eo Ullman Orgal;ization at the anuual convention of the :\ationai Advcrtising Agency Network hl'ld in New York City. First place was WOll in four c1assi­fil" ation5;- Thc Best Ac.l\·crtising Cam­paiJ,! l1 in Gcncral Magazines for that of J. E. Sirrinc & Company. Engineers; thc nest Advertising Campaign in Busin .... ss Public~ltiollS, for that of The ~l :tnhattan Ruhbcr 1\1 {g. Division of l':ayhcstos-~Iallhatlall; the Best Direct ~Iail Campaign, devcloped for the F~­delit v ~1 achine Company; till' Best Use "f t\rt, Illustration and Typography in thc campaign for j. E. Sirrine & Com­pan)". ~ .... cond placc was awarded in thc dassification of Employce Relations Programs for thc onc originated for The ~r allhattan l{uhhcr }'1 fg. Division. I'resclltatioll of the awards was made at a special hl1l('hcon giv .... n to the hcads of the winning agellcie~ en Friday at the Park C .... ntral Hotcl. The winning campaigns will he sent on a ("oast-to-("llast tour of exhibitions ill 2X other cit icl', including Seattle, ~all Franl-isco. 1,0:, Angeles, Tulsa, I,ansas City. St. Louis, Des Moines, Chic; •. go. Detroit, Milwaukce, Cincin­nati, C\cn'land, Syracuse, Boston, Hartford, Philadelphia, Baltimorc and \Va5hingtoll. Mr. Ullman, who was accompanied I,,· }'I rs. Ullntan and their daughter .I ~1I1e returnc,l to his home' 011 Harvard a \"I~n\1e SUllday cyening. ._---+-- NE\YS NOTES ~l rs. I.o\"(·t t Frescoln of Harvard annUl' will entertain at a "Grandmoth­~ rs" Party". ~londay, June 28. ' Bridge will he cnjoycd hy thuse who care to play, followcd hy a buffet luncheon. At the story-tclling hour, a prize will be gi\'en ior the bcst "Grandmother Story". ~[rs. John K. Meneely, Jr. of Boul­der, Coi. is visiting at the home of her parents, ~Ir. and Mrs. John Marshall of Lincoln avenue. Ruth Ga\" uf Crcst lane will be host­I css to IIIcl;lhcrs of the class of '43 at an Opcn I louse on Saturday night. M rs. ~i!lncy \ V. Zinn of Swarthmore a \'enllc is spending a fcw wccks in Petersburg, Va. I Jane and George Allen of Riverview avenue will leilve JUlie 28 for the Luthcr Gulich Camllg 011 Lake Sebago, ;\Ic., wherc they will stay for two lIIonths. I Ann Argylc daughtcr of :Mr. and ~l rs. \Villiillll R. Argylc of North Ches: I ter road will leave june 30 to begin her freshman year at the summer term at ~I iddlchury CoIlegc, Middlebury, Vt. Janc Argyle was home last week­l'IHI from Barnard College in Ncw York I City. She is at It:nding the summer term there hccause \Vcllesley has no accel­crated program, and will start the final term of her senior ycar at \Vellesley at the cnd of Au"gllst. I ,\t1c1aidc Clcavcs of Cornell a\'cnue I h'it june 17 for a two week visit with , iricnds ill Bar Ilarbor, Me. Elizaheth Pope of Oberlin avcnue and Jeanne Fischcr of Dickinson avc­Illle arc lea\'ing ~Ionday to spend two months as counselors at Camp \Vawcn­ork- Owaissa, ~ollth Kasco, ~Ie. ~Ir. and ~Irs. Clarence G. Myers and :\1l1l ~I yers of Dickinson avenue spent 1.._ _______________. : aw efeckw. days in Ocean City, N. j., this .FOIl. SALE 45 SHER'VOOD LANE W ALl .. INGFORD HILLS • The natural bcauty alld rolling country of \Vallingford Hills has been madc even morc attractive by homes planned in keeping with their sur­roundings. \Ve offer the ahove home with 3 bed rooms, 2 baths, dressing room, and maid's room and hath to someone who is looking for a superb location ncar trallsport(/tioll. • Your insppction is ;IIv;.ed, by appo;,,'ment onl,-• • hrough EDW ARD L. NOYES 23 s. ~HESTER ROAD SWARTIIMORE 0114 , THE SWARTBMOREAN Joins WAVES Deborah Drew daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Laurence Drew of Rutgers avenue was inducted into the W A YES on June 12 and leaves June 29 for Hun­ter College. New York City for a period of training. "Debby" was Drum Major of the Swarthmore High School Band from its innovation in 1938 until her graduation, class of '42, and was given several special awards at the close of the school term for her outstanding work with the band. She has been in the Personnel Office at the Philadelphia Navy Yard the past year. • To Study in Mexico Virginia Yerkes and three of her \,yellcsley College classmates left Mon­day for Mexico City, Mexico where they will study Spanish' at the Univer­sitv of Mexico for several months. The gi;ls who arc majoring in Spanish will havc the privilege of living with a Spanish refugee family. Virginia is the daughter of Mr. and ~Irs. Earle P. Yerkes of Princeton a venue. • NEWS NOTES Laura Lee Hopkins of Crest lane leavcs ~[onday for Camp Dune By-the­Sca,. Ship Bottom. N. J., where she will he a counselor during July and August. Lora Blackman of Vassar avenue will lcave today to accompany her father 011 a week-enrl visit to the home of her grandfather, Dr. W. 'V. Blackman in ;0,: cw York City. From there she will go to Camp Wabunaki, Hillside, Me., 011 junc 29. Professor and Mrs. Chester P. Baker of Newton Center, Mass., arrived Wed­ncsday to spcnd a week as the guests of Professor Baker's sister and brother­ill- law, Mr. and Mrs. Henry D. Bevan of Crest lane. ].Ir. and Mrs. Irvin R. MacElwee of }'I t. Holyoke place arc cntertaining 18 gucsts at dinner at thc Inglcneuk this e\·ening. The hosts and their guests will later attend the performance of "Thc \.varrior's Husband" at the Play­crs Club. . ~ ~lrs. Irvl11 R. MacElwee of Mt. Holy-oke place won a $25 War Bond in a Golf Tournament held at the Over­hrook Country Club last Friday. The week - bcfore Mrs. MacElwee, playing at the Merion East Course, tied with Mrs. E. J. Thomas of the Sandy Run Country ·Club. Thesc tournaments werc held under the allspices of the \Vomen's Golf As­sociation of Philadelphia. • In Varied Philanthropies Three framed certificates for out­standing service were presented by the American Legion Auxiliary to students of Nether Providence, Rutledge, and Swarthmore schools. 'rhe Swarthmore recipient of the award was Mary Eliza­beth Evans. with Richard Taylor re­ceiving honorable mention. Swarthmoreans are requested to drop their coins in the cigarette fund banks placed in stores by the Legion and Auxiliary. $100,000 must be raised in thc nation to buy 14,000,000 cigarettes at 5 cents a pa~k for men in the services. Members of the.Auxiliary were asked to bring box lunches and meet at the' home of Mrs. Gilcrcest june 30 to work on a quilt which is being made from salvage for Valley Forge Hospital. Any contributions of -cotton flannel, wadding, or cotton pieces for animal stuffing may be left with Mrs. Gil­creest for salvage material. High grade magazines, puzzles, and paper covered hooks are in demand for the U. S. O. • Entertains Co-Workers Ruth Wilson of Ogden avenue enter­tained a group of IS fellow-employees of the Catalytic-Development Corpora­tion, Linwood, Pa., at a garden party at her home Sunday afternoon. Out­door games including badminton, horse­shoes, croquet, rifle shooting, and a treasure hunt were keenly enjoyed by all. Group singing brought the happy afternoon to an ending. NEWS •N OTES Mr. and Mrs. Frank H. McCowan of Vassar avenue will spend the week­end in Wildwood Crest, N. J. Lafayette Austin of Park avenue left Monday for Clayton, N. C., where he will visit his Ulldc Mr. Jesse Austin Cor 10 days. ' :Mr. and Mrs. Dwain Bowen, former residents of Cambridge, Mass:. are oc­cupying the residence of Mr. and Mrs. Fletcher P. Williams of Park avenue for the summer months. Mr. Bowen is cngaged in research work with the Bartol FoundatiQn. Mrs. John Lesselles of Boslon, Mass:, formerly of Swarthmore spent sev eral days this week with Mrs. Agncs Haig Sheldon of "Indian. Hill", Ogden avenue. Mary Yates Gi1creest of Harvard avcnue a{"rived home june 17 after a visit with relatives in Texas. Priscilla Giles, Jessie Gilbert, Lee Sheridan and Anne Cochran left Wed­nesday for Cape May, N. J., where they will vacation for a week. FRIDAY, JUNE 25, 1943 BUDGET CANNING Mabel Ewing, Home Economics .teacher of the Swarthmore Schools, suggests that housewives adopt "Can Summer's Sunshifle for Winter's Health" as their slogan. The thrifty homemaker ca~s and stores vegetables and fruits during the growing season so that her family is nourished during the winter. Many homemakers find that canning by a system helps in meal planning and makes for a greater variety in the food served. The canning budget is a device for figuring how much food should be canned to supplement fresh, frozen, salted, stored, and dried foods to pro­vide an adequate year-round diet. Be­cause of the wide variations in gardens and stored products, every budget will necessarily be different .. Two vegetables besides potatoes (if we can get them) and two fruits a day are recommended in an adequate diet. Miss Ewing urges that all start win­ter's planning now by this budget. Amount of Vegetables and Fruits to can for seven months for one persall: Product-LeaCy vegetables. Use-3 times a week. Size serving - 0 cup . Can -10 quarts. Product - Othcr vegetables. Use - 4 times a week. Size serving - ~ cup. Can -15 quarts. Product - Tomatoes. Use - 4-5 times a week. Size serving - ~ cup. Can- 20 quarts. SUMMER HOURS 12 10:00 to 5:00 WEDNESDAYS TILL 1:00 alice barber, Gifts OLD BANI': BUILDING Telephone 8w. 1381 Dr. and Mrs. \V. F. G. Swann of Ogden avenuc attended the Wellesley College commencement festivities the latter part of last week. Their daugh­ter Sylvia was a member of the grad­uating class. Mon., Tues., Wed., Thurs., 9 A.M. to 5:30 P.M. ~lrs. Swann a~d Sylvia are spending a few weeks at their cottage in Great Chebeague Island, Me., before return­j'ng to their home here. ~I rs. Ralph Ashton Nixdorf and daughters Elizabeth and Jane of Yale avenue left Saturday for a month's visit with l\lrs. Nixdorf's parents Mr. and Mrs. Harold Moltz of Williams­port, Pa. Roy and Dick Bosshardt of Park avenue will leave for Camp Lenape' in thc Poconos early next wcek for a stay of two months. ~lrs. Bosshardt will ilssume the duties as hostess at a summer resort in Rhode Island. Mr. Bosshardt is still confined to the Taylor Hospital for treatment. The Bosshardt homc on Park avenue will be occupied for the summer months hy Mr. and 1\1 rs. Eric Smith of Glens Falls, N. Y. Mr:Smith is con- 1 Ilceted with thc Scott Papcr Company. : ~I r. and Mrs. H. \Vickcliffe Rose h:l\'C l~ome from Ncw Canaan, Conn., to occupy the formcr SchaUl' home on i'arrish road. Mr. Rose is connected ,with thc American Viscose Company' i in \Vilmington, Del. I I Miss Grace Shelly of South Chester: . road left last Thursday for Mexico: : City, Mexico, where shc will study : Spanish at the University of Mexico : 11l1ring the Sllnimer months. ! ~l iss Shelly has bcen an instructor.' ; in French. German and Spanish at ! I'cnn Hall, Chambersburg, for the past iI - SIX years. , I Helen Daniels of Nanking, China and! i Carletoll College, Northfield, Minn., i I was the gucst of Mrs. joseph B. Pope of Obcrlin avenue last week-end 011 hcr way to thc In~ernational Institute of World Affairs in Salisbury, Conn. Mr. and Mrs. Edwin C. Buxbaum and sons Bob and Dicky of Winding lane, Media left yesterday for Milwau­kee, 'Vis., where they will visit o£ela­tives for two weeks. Mrs. William E. Witham and daugh­ter" Miss Dorothy Witham of Swarth­more avenue and Cedar lane have been vacationing in Ocean City, N. J., for the past week. • STORE HOURS FRIDAY, 9 A.M. to 6 P.M. SATURDAY, 9 A.M. to 9:30P.M. Cor ... Furlough In Jersey Sizes 9 to 15 - 12 to 20 38 to 52 Vivid H~wers on cool white rayon jersey - Loveliest dress for ,,,hen he is in on leave. Suavely draped for much figure-flattery. Illustrated one of a big group. . .

The Swarthmorean, 1943-06 | TriCollege Libraries Digital Collections (2024)
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Name: Clemencia Bogisich Ret

Birthday: 2001-07-17

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Hobby: Yoga, Electronics, Rafting, Lockpicking, Inline skating, Puzzles, scrapbook

Introduction: My name is Clemencia Bogisich Ret, I am a super, outstanding, graceful, friendly, vast, comfortable, agreeable person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.