1. Takahiro SUMI - Anime News Network
Takahiro SUMI ; Date of birth: XXXX-02-15 ; Hometown: Gifu, Japan ; Website: Takahiro Sumi @ Ken Production (Japanese) ; Non-anime roles: Luke Wright in "Life is ...
2. SUMI Takahiro (30432214) - KAKEN — Researchers
Affiliation (Current):大阪大学,大学院理学研究科,教授, Research Field:Astronomy,Particle/Nuclear/Cosmic ray/Astro physics,Medium-sized Section 16:Astronomy ...
Affiliation (Current):大阪大学,大学院理学研究科,教授, Research Field:Astronomy,Particle/Nuclear/Cosmic ray/Astro physics,Medium-sized Section 16:Astronomy and related fields,Science and Engineering,Science and Engineering, Keywords:系外惑星,光学赤外線天文学,太陽系外惑星,重力レンズ,重力マイクロレンズ,惑星起源・進化,ダークマター,宇宙物理,惑星探査,暗黒物質, # of Research Projects:20, # of Research Products:333, Ongoing Project:重力マイクロレンズを用いた地球質量の系外惑星、浮遊惑星及びブラックホールの探査
3. Sumi, Takahiro - MyAnimeList
Looking for information on Takahiro Sumi? On MyAnimeList you can learn more about their role in the anime and manga industry. MyAnimeList is the largest ...
Looking for information on Takahiro Sumi? On MyAnimeList you can learn more about their role in the anime and manga industry.
4. Free-floating Planet Mass Function from MOA-II 9 yr Survey toward the ...
We present the first measurement of the mass function of free-floating planets (FFPs), or very wide orbit planets down to an Earth mass, from the MOA-II ...
Free-floating Planet Mass Function from MOA-II 9 yr Survey toward the Galactic Bulge, Takahiro Sumi, Naoki Koshimoto, David P. Bennett, Nicholas J. Rattenbury, Fumio Abe, Richard Barry, Aparna Bhattacharya, Ian A. Bond, Hirosane Fujii, Akihiko Fukui, Ryusei Hamada, Yuki Hirao, Stela Ishitani Silva, Yoshitaka Itow, Rintaro Kirikawa, Iona Kondo, Yutaka Matsubara, Shota Miyazaki, Yasushi Muraki, Greg Olmschenk, Clément Ranc, Yuki Satoh, Daisuke Suzuki, Mio Tomoyoshi, Paul . J. Tristram, Aikaterini Vandorou, Hibiki Yama, Kansuke Yamashita, (MOA Collaboration)
5. Researcher Directory - Osaka University - 大阪大学 研究者総覧
Sumi Takahiro. 住 貴宏. Graduate School of Science Department of Earth and Space Science, Professor. Education. - 2002, Nagoya University; - 2002, Nagoya ...
6. [2306.12514] Roman CCS White Paper: Characterizing the Galactic ...
21 jun 2023 · Title:Roman CCS White Paper: Characterizing the Galactic population of isolated black holes. Authors:Casey Y. ... Takahiro Sumi (Osaka University) ...
Although there are estimated to be 100 million isolated black holes (BHs) in the Milky Way, only one has been found so far, resulting in significant uncertainty about their properties. The Galactic Bulge Time Domain Survey provides the only opportunity in the coming decades to grow this catalog by order(s) of magnitude. This can be achieved if 1) Roman's astrometric potential is fully realized in the observation strategy and software pipelines, 2) Roman's observational gaps of the Bulge are minimized, and 3) observations with ground-based facilities are taken of the Bulge to fill in gaps during non-Bulge seasons. A large sample of isolated BHs will enable a broad range of astrophysical questions to be answered, such as massive stellar evolution, origin of gravitational wave sources, supernova physics, and the growth of supermassive BHs, maximizing Roman's scientific return.
7. Systematic KMTNet Planetary Anomaly Search. XI. Complete ...
1 jun 2024 · ... Takahiro Sumi, Michael D. Albrow, Sun Ju Chung, Kyu Ha Hwang, Youn ... Y., Cha, S. M., Kim, D. J., Kim, H. W., Kim, S. L. ...
Following Shin et al. (2023b), which is a part of the “Systematic KMTNet Planetary Anomaly Search” series (i.e., a search for planets in the 2016 KMTNet prime fields), we conduct a systematic search of the 2016 KMTNet subprime fields using a semi-machine-based algorithm to identify hidden anomalous events missed by the conventional by-eye search. We find four new planets and seven planet candidates that were buried in the KMTNet archive. The new planets are OGLE-2016-BLG-1598Lb, OGLE-2016-BLG-1800Lb, MOA-2016-BLG-526Lb, and KMT-2016-BLG-2321Lb, which show typical properties of microlensing planets, i.e., giant planets orbit M-dwarf host stars beyond their snow lines. For the planet candidates, we find planet/binary or 2L1S/1L2S degeneracies, which are an obstacle to firmly claiming planet detections. By combining the results of Shin et al. (2023b) and this work, we find a total of nine hidden planets, which is about half the number of planets discovered by eye in 2016. With this work, we have met the goal of the systematic search series for 2016, which is to build a complete microlensing planet sample. We also show that our systematic searches significantly contribute to completing the planet sample, especially for planet/host mass ratios smaller than 10−3, which were incomplete in previous by-eye searches of the KMTNet archive.
8. A Microlensing Gas-giant Planet Orbiting a Low-mass Host Star
Takahiro Sumi (Osaka University Osaka, Japan). David P Bennett (University of ... Y. Itow (Nagoya University Nagoya, Japan). Y. Kamei (Nagoya University ...
We report the discovery of a gas-giant planet orbiting a low-mass host star in the microlensing event MOA-bin-29 that occurred in 2006. We find five degenerate solutions with the planet/host-star mass ratio of q ∼ 10(exp−2). The Einstein radius crossing time of all models are relatively short (∼4–7 days), which indicates that the mass of host star is likely low. The measured lens-source proper motion is 5–9 mas/yr depending on the models. Since only finite source effects are detected, we conduct a Bayesian analysis in order to obtain the posterior probability distribution of the lens physical properties. As a result, we find the lens system is likely to be a gas-giant orbiting a brown dwarf or a very late M-dwarf in the Galactic bulge. The probability distributions of the physical parameters for the five degenerate models are consistent within the range of error. By combining these probability distributions, we conclude that the lens system is a gas giant with a mass of M(p)= 0.63(sub +1.13, sub 0.39) M(Jup) orbiting a brown dwarf with a mass of M(h)= 0.06 (sup +0.11, sub -0.04) M(ʘ) at a projected star–planet separation of r⊥ = 0.53(sup +0.89, sub -0.18)au . The lens distance is D(L)= 6.89(sup +1.19, sub -1.19) kpc, i.e., likely within the Galactic bulge.
9. Numerical analysis of effects of arms with different cross-sections on ...
Yutaka Hara, Naoki Horita, Shigeo Yoshida, Hiromichi Akimoto, Takahiro Sumi ... Cite this. APA; Standard; Harvard; 0More. Vancouver; Author; BIBTEX; RIS. Hara, Y.
Most vertical axis wind turbines (VAWTs) need arms connecting the blades with the rotational axis. The arms increase the power loss of VAWTs; however, the distribution between the pressure and friction influences and their degrees of influence have not yet been investigated in detail in past research. We applied computational fluid dynamics (CFD) targeting a small-sized straight-bladed VAWT to elucidate the effects of arms on turbine performance. In the analysis, three kinds of arms with different cross-sections (NACA 0018 airfoil, 18% rectangular, circular) with the same height were added to an armless rotor. The tangential forces and resistance torques caused by the added arms were recalculated by dividing the pressure and friction influences based on the surface pressure and friction distributions obtained by the CFD on an arm or a blade. The pressure-based tangential force of an arm, regardless of the cross-section, had a tendency to increase near the connection part between the arm and a blade. Though the value was small, the friction on the rectangular arm generated a driving force, whereas the friction on the other arms generated resistance forces. The pressure-based tangential force of a blade increased for a wide region around the connection part. The friction-based tangential force of a blade dropped around the connection part of every arm-equipped rotor. The arm resistance torque added to a VAWT by the existence of arms was larger than the added blade resistance to...
10. Takahiro Sumi | Doblaje Wiki | Fandom
Takahiro Sumi (鷲見 昂大 Sumi Takahiro) es un seiyū japones nacido un ... Lleva tu comunidad favorita contigo y no te pierdas de nada. Fandom App logo.
Takahiro Sumi (鷲見 昂大 Sumi Takahiro) es un seiyū japones nacido un 15 de febrero en Gifu, Japón.
11. Sumi Takahiro (30358668) - KAKEN — Researchers
Affiliation (Current):佐賀大学,理工学部,准教授, Research Field:Fluid engineering,Basic Section 90110:Biomedical engineering-related,Basic Section ...
Affiliation (Current):佐賀大学,理工学部,准教授, Research Field:Fluid engineering,Basic Section 90110:Biomedical engineering-related,Basic Section 25020:Safety engineering-related, Keywords:粘弾性,数値流体力学,圧縮性,物性推定,逆問題解析,混相流,微粒化,ディーゼル噴霧,気液二相流,拡散界面モデル, # of Research Projects:5, # of Research Products:36, Ongoing Project:粘弾性体を含む流体と固体の圧縮性統一解法による爆風損傷機序の数値的解明
12. The South Africa Near-Infrared Doppler (SAND) instrument
28 dec 2020 · Takahiro Sumi, Tomoyasu Yamamuro, Bun'ei Sato, Teruyuki Hirano ... It covers the z- and Y -bands (0.83–1.10 µm) simultaneously with a ...
We are developing a high-resolution near-infrared spectrograph for exoplanet searches with telescopes in Suther- land, South Africa; the South Africa Near-infrared Doppler (SAND) instrument. It covers the z- and Y -bands (0.83–1.10 µm) simultaneously with a maximum spectral resolution of 55, 000. This specification enables the precise radial velocity (RV) measurements to search for both giant planets around young stars and habitable planets around nearby M-dwarfs. The SAND is a fiber-fed instrument and, therefore, can be installed into several telescopes at the same site by changing the fiber connection. It will be operated mainly on the PRIME telescope, which is newly developed by Osaka University in Japan. The InfraRed Survey Facility (IRSF) and the Southern African Large Telescope (SALT) are also candidate telescopes for the installation. Inside the SAND spectrograph, a star image ejected from the fiber is sliced half and each sliced image is spectrally dispersed by an echelle grating. As a reference source for the wavelength calibration, light transmitted from a Fabry-Perot Etalon is simultaneously injected into the spectrograph and share the almost identical optical pass. The SAND is expected to realize RV-measurements for targets in large stellar associations at the southern sky, with exclusive and flexible use of the telescope time.
13. 住 貴宏 (Takahiro Sumi) - Precision measurement of a brown dwarf ...
住 貴宏. スミ タカヒロ (Takahiro Sumi). 更新日: 10 ... Y. Hirao; Y. Itow; R. Kirikawa; I. Kondo; N ... Sumi; D. Suzuki; S. Ishitani Silva; T. Toda; P. J. ...
14. [PDF] PRime-focus Infrared Microlensing Experiment
1 jul 2019 · Takahiro Sumi (PI, Osaka U), D. Bennett, A. Kutyrev, R.K. Barry (NASA/GSFC), I. Bond. (Massey U), N. Rattenbury (U Auckland), F. Abe, Y.
15. MOA-II Microlensing Survey Takahiro Sumi (Nagoya University) the MOA ...
... Y;"— Presentation transcript: 1 MOA-II Microlensing Survey Takahiro Sumi (Nagoya University) the MOA collaboration Abe,F; Bennett,P.D;Bond, I. A.;Fukui,A ...
MOA (until ~1500) ( The world largest bird which was in NZ ) height:3.5 m weight:240kg can not fly extinct 5 00 years ago ( Maori ate them) witnesses until ~1850. Remind me … height:3.5 m weight:240kg can not fly extinct 5 00 years ago ( Maori ate them) witnesses until ~1850. Remind me … Nessie